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()fficial Journat of the National Brotberho~id Electrical "'wo:rkcrd of Amcdca•

. ~I~CJ.~ cO!,Jl~S~ J:.c~~.:s..
VOL. 7. NO.9. ,:.J.W 1"~1l ~ KAR •. ' •. J:..;t • • ".\NeE.

tIle water there glides an ohject soon to I;cnt!a and the t(, ...\·n-c·xchang.c
t he. Los ·.i\ ngf.' 10:: 1) er.:d d. .
H!'1c~, ::.ay:.;
be a. dn:ad to the naval man-the submar-
'f11elc is no betl.:'r bH~"lce of the facility . inc torI'1!do boat. Th," .power for propell- TheAme.-icall-fekgraph iUJI! Telp.phoilt'·
"it!; ":l,kh f!lccLl'j,;ity .:,;n i.e applied lhnn ing 51\(:h. a cr~ft "\\"he.11 com~lete~y~ sub- C.)1J1paI'lY hit!:be ..:.n i;lCorpl.~rak(l at Litt)1'!
the ltSe lQ which it·ir, put ill both the army R(,c\c Ark .. to C~nnt~Cl l.atle Rock and
1l1et"g~d .:nust ot uccl!ss:ty h~; CH:\~t'·lClty.

l linfl tIle nu."I:·." in n;u,it-rn times.

this m:i.::piificc!Ot sen' aut. the extellsiy<:
«:,p~t"l\ti.~n!' which luke place on a m<xh'rn
'Vithoni. TI'e t(,t-pedo, when C,)lItTnl' ..(l fnl:u tlle
s,lore, uuw:ilUls a long cahle as tt r~o,:eeris
011 its mission of destruction, <\ud, by
;\Tt:mi,tlis, ·!'enn., hy tckphone.
Th,~ !·~·~)uthr.m nr:1l"jlw ;!.II';! Teie-
l!rapll COll1pa.,y conh.:mpi;,It"'; n1.'l.kIIlR e',-
it-:-Gsive itnprO'd!!U(:nts to its Eystcrn at a
!lattleship during action would be prar.ti- means of ail electric current tra!1smitt",a cv:,t of ;1.hout ,s30,f):::>\i at C~I!l1ruLu~~ (j3.
caliy itr.!"ossible.

throllgh tllis .cable, ~lle torpedo may be
. h~ the cOllt!ii.g tr'W'~l, thc chief officer I\, cl:~trter has hf.e;1 gi·~:1t\.~,T b~: d!<, C~iy
guid{·d at the will of.he operator on.shore. COllne;1 of. I.i,·(' Chk. Flil, t~.D:. lk;;~-
r;f the ves."eJ ls-S\1!TOUlIded hy telephollcS l't'Iillt:s ill It channel 'are frequent Iy con-
~nd teleg-nq~h1n~ dgnal applial1ces, by ~~~~1~~!C~~td "i~;;~"~;~:'~~io~":,/::: ::;::~~~i~::';~~
r' me..'ll!S of which e\'ery operation (\n board
nee tell to the !'hore, \i·hence they tuay be
nisehal"gt'.d by electritity bell,,"ath t!Je hull system.
(be silip call lJe (iirected. The range The Fr:l:~\{lin Cmmtv Tr:!q:·1t0nr. and
J hlld.:r,that most ,'.. ol1t!.erful C!s!'isi.ant to the
gunner. wouid he \'sele"s v.. ithoui Ct.•m-
of a )lOstile ship.
In tile a"ny the telegraph line follows
the ad\""«;lc,== of the victoriolls troops, keep- ~~:~~'L:i~;~~~{,~;t;~:~,:~,~~}~i;~~;~·i·:r::f!::\":~l
r m~U1i.:htion bel.w\:n'1 the two statiol1s by
In~l\IIS of electrical dedces.
ing the gcneral i1J direct commullkati(>l1
In the gun with the seat of' gO\'erlllllent, lind from
wHi be bt.:ilt .

turrct the ponderfllll' pieces of ord!!aI1t"e th", war· balloc>li, floating a thom;fmd or
art: frequentl.'· tra;m:o by Ul<:ans of dectri.: mQre feet' :.bove the ground. descriptiuns
The .l:{0bv 'Tt~X'-'s) and S·oV;-(:t;;·a:.:r tF,le-
phnnt: svst~el:n h;'!s' h':=-cn p:url:!-:'(lS\::..:! h:1
I-lc.;hc\:~- r;r~'~[1 s: ~:JcCred, \':~H~ wi!i. ~l
motors. which ro~,~te the turret or elevnte of the enemy's position and movements once; (:'~:crltl it t~-J ci. ... vnnection with ..:\.biicHC.~
i! and oth<:r l''J:!.b.
i1..te gun. Then, ,dl'.~n all is rearly', tbe :ll'e teJe~raph~d or te!t!pliolled to officers
I ch:irge is fired bv f:1, ~lcc!.ric spark. ('nc:mlp~-t below.-HC'me stltdy for Eke- Clitlord H. Strong, Gmy CH',,,1l :1.n~~
On sever~lof:our own warship!';, notably' tnc;li iV"r"ers. "fhomar. S, Basbet> are ;lnlOng the l,,~';r­
I the .battles:lip 10wr; aJld the monitor l\ii;]!l-
. por;ltors of tht! American T<'li:'g'raph ,:n.:'
Tclcpi;oilp. C~)mp:'nv, iticorpnrakd at i.ltti~
tenomah, th" st(;erillg gear is 'controlJerl Rock, Ark .. ~eq:n::ly with a C,tp;t:d ~!'~("r:
\. to) e:lectrical de,,j':f!s. The man at the of ~ r O,'JOC.
",'lied ha~ no IillCh laborious task as de- The! MOllntah Home and· \Ve:;t Ph',ins
It is rep')~ted th'lt there arc 46 telephone
"elves llpOl1 those who guide ~;l!Iallel' t'"chanlTes in Guatt"I1lJI",C~Htr2i .~rneric.1, Telephone Compau)' til" been incorpnr-
cr:tft, which are st<:ered by hand. He and that the bllsi ... e~s I!' ;mprr.... i .... ~!. ated with a capita) stock ot ~<;.O)() to ((>n-
SIIlICt io! t<:lepiJfJ!l'~ system irom r\'f01Hl~ain
. simply tUrns a light wheel whir.h oper- l-i('n:t::. to \Vf~l:!t Plains, :\,10. .
\Vorkmen are t:ngilge(t in the C('Ilf'truc-
stcs a controller, and the dyURlll\) in the 1 ion of the new telenhon't;!· Hne im:n L:s,d, . The !\hn:JiIJut:1 (Maine) Telc:phont:
;liter part. of the vessel fUrHij;hes <:"t1C~':':~ !vlenrlocino Count\', it> F.nrek::J, H~mimj(ir CO!!!fl:l.n\r 1'105 bCl~:1 jncorr)or:",u:d to (Jpcr'.1t::
to open the ,'alyc5 of tJ,c skeri!Jg cll;;il;·~;;. ':':ounty, Cal. . td('l;h(::l" lim,;. Th.::· c.apir,tl st(:d;: ;:;
T.he electric !"!'lrd,iight tl1rns lligilt into Thr-, ('ircctors of the C',;1ad.iau Iki! Tek- :; ,c.(;:)-.:.. 1·t-~(; ~ ,ffi(':er£ f4re presiderli, J. I'I.
day, spying ollt .ht' lurking torpedo hoal, phl)r.e '~(!lnp?ny ·hrlve decid.~·d to" iJi('~t~~·c!~e Gnnl~r:. ~tr.c ~ :·I.;::~uro.:,:rt 1-1. IvL Blake.
m' th<: n:O\'Cl!1ents of oi.ltel· cmft of the the ((t';)1t:d (U thc". C()lOP:-:'UY !:"",nl :S3: H):S,OOO The C~~· C, .. uncil of St. Thomas, (hit.,
to ~\'..r:~I0,OOO. h:;.3 ~r~!~te(l a charter to the l'eopJe's 'fc!e-
eneUlY. Al!lo, hy mcal!', of electric lights
T. r. MOOTi~ &: ·Co. ha\'e secure~i a cnn- !)!w:le CO;!~Oiln\'. capital ~60.(l;.1O, to con·
of .\"<t,.jou~ t'OI0!"S. Sig-llUls' are sent to other si:ruct a t""lr.!rd;nn~ ~ £vsieom jn that city.
tra<:t to cOn,;tfUct ;l t.:iephonc lint: (rom
shiPs of the :1lOCt.l1 ;:ight-time. Inside tl;e Amarillo, T'~xc.<;, ~c; R);;"'cll, ~'e\·. Mexico, ;rhc pre~.idcnt j;:, Juseph l\th:klehoroug~.
""Slid th(' j n('a,i,~~s .... (' Ilt lam!) is llsed e\:ery- a distance of 205 miles.
\Vnrk Of t:(:n::t'lnclit.I~' h;1~ ht~cn crJU>
,~·her(:. lJh!l~.~itlCl!iHg the interior equal to '[hI:" ttJ~~,hone ,'('nir~,.. ·\\· IS !'t itk in~~ off
"mode,'" hotel. H"r:c:,th the: surfa"e nf th~ nf'\\" JII~t: .}t'\,<(,,·;: ';"dkn'm and -Pia- ~?=:~~;:: "i ~I:l" '~:(j'l~i;'i:;~ !el~\l"·~:~nJ~i!:~f~::.•I~ (;i:;~

towns in the Gila Valley,. the company ,viii know~. conservatism. .' "r~ ',since~ely hope
build from Solomonville, Arizona, to Clif- that o\u'new.'Press Secretary ~iH 'colltiinie
ton_ . . ' .
hiS. inter~ting le'tters,asv.'e f~a~ that
. J. D. Kelly, aJineman employed by the
Bell Telephone ·Company at Peterboro,. 'say;: .' ' , . " . .,. ..' ·t'
some of oU-r brothers who are -away'" irom
Ont., came into contact with a live electric . .. , - Baltimpre may forget that beautifri:te'volu-
power-tra,nsmission wire and, a grounded But all troubles'should' :hc<i6rgofieri,:' tion of Charlie's in referen~e to. a' higher
telephol)ewire, and was instantly killed.. . When it comeS toL'abOr pa~ .. <:'" moral tone. . "<' " .
The Union 'Suburban Telephone arid L~i;:Y'tl?-tparade kll&k~th~~';~th~~!lade;. Walter Davis is ,our~ only ,authority;j,n
tones and tunes. WhiJ~ ~e:doni~:qu~tion

E~it~:;~f~~:~~fg~i!. \~~.~~$~~~:':~;·;:'~:f~i
dusky to,Painesville; and branch lines '. 'AU"hail, to'~he3wfrkiilgm~the:kings
his m?ral persuasion",'·we.,~ould"'Jii'st . ~s
soonbe~ided by . i, Big' -Ed" Earle,
" Kid4er" Grimes, "Artistic" Archie, ;~r

;;;;;~7;~~;'::o,1'r~~~~~ ~~: ·~;~i!1i:ii~~~,·

" Mother" Taylor. '.-
We simply mention ,this because it olll):
proves that while this gimg is all rigl~t
morally, and in pretty fairshaPc,physic-
and~li~,s~~~et~~~e;~~ t~e:~~=~: Wlii!ii'ot}ler~ ~re_~q~~ng th~~r;tiin,? ally, we :al'e willing to ta~e som~-()f the
for the purpose of constructing a telephone i~ uanquet6:ev~ :aJld~miI:th: '. J, goodmOrallessons~nd helppaSs':ihem 011
system Crom CeI:itraJ to Liberty, in Pickens We,:woik::Jia~d~~liv~r;' .' to where they will be of solil'e mat~r1al ben~
County,~S.C. . - . '.·Q~rd~i)ts'tstpa~j;~f~\"·'"", Qur fellow-Ulen.· ..'
· , TheJ)ellTefephone Company of Lon-' Let them stand behin,d; Our" thinker" is all right. 'We have
don, Ont., has responded to the challenge Fo(bet~e" ~nen. Y;;U:~li llowher~f!.nd sufficient ink and stationery, but as yester-
of the P,eople's Telephone Company and ...J~~'.i.,:,t40.~;w'm.,:~.,.;
T .,,·ri.c
. h.,. »n Labor:r;>ay. day was Labor Day, post<\ge stamps are'a
lowered i-tsrates. Telephones in residences -.
~a;=~~~e~~li!it~~ ~~d SfJr ad~!t~~S~o!d ~ri~~f:i :~f;~:~~i11.~~~;f~~;~-i;lkiil;
luxury, and we wili i, d.ousede gUm· ...
· while we "touch "·somebodv for two
dentists' offie.:es from. $35 to $25. Exerting everymuf,Cle;braiu'1ind:skill; cents and a .cigk-~tt~.
~.; .
., '
. PA~KF:J....
. .
A correspondent for the. English ,publi" Wearin g' ~iv~~ away:':SQ:·the rich' cail '. cut a
cation, Echo, imparts the information to ' . ,gralld'er sway·...::·.,.>·.,,· ' . ' .. . LBTTBRcr,~. 'T~~:N~S...
the readers of that journalistic wonder that
the telephone will produce more insanity But stand br¢k! ,~Gei:·out'ohhe tr~ck!
than .anything else that was ever invented, We arekit;g~ on Labor Day.' . BQSton, rt'I~.~;;ePt. ~7,Is9~..
.. from the .small doses of electricity c o n - · '. Editor Electrical Worker:
. II h ' h b' f h Youbusii-ie5s mell, W!IO worrY and fret,
~~eUit/ s ot mto t e ram!! 0 t ose, who And rich mise'r,"whba:re ~~"~r content Through the columns of the joumal'T
It is,sug1{esteG ',thatifi!' small piece o f " i t b whl1f'YOti'get; , .' ,. wish to tha~k the. officers and D1ember~"rf
paper be rlaced :betwee'n th~ ha.mmer and Mill-owllel', <;apitiiUst:aril:. gamblers, who Local .3-7 for the many courtesies extended
the bell 0 a telephone call It·wIII he held' . for:moneypl~;,~; " : ":> . me while an officer and member of that
there if the bell is not rung, bilt will drop All year you th ... pool', cangiind;: . local, .and while I had the:pl~ure of ·being
out 'if it is, and'thltt a person who has been But ori Septetnb."~r S.,cYo,u. ·.•.r. e ·.l...~ ~.:f. be.' hind
t. .. , one of'its ,members from the; date of reo!"-
:lbsent from'his office .can in this way tell. . .
whetherthebellhas been rung during his 1'01' ,yorkingm~n.- urekiuii that clay,. gan;ization, and .acted as chaim;t:m', for the
term then endi!1g, and the ensuingterUl.
absence. . You wives' and . daut;hters who boast of
refusing .the nomination te!1dered ~. for
J. W. Hill, preside!lt, and H. E. Teach- Anglo-Saxon bloOd; re-election, butilccepti,n·g.the office or-Press
out, secretary.. of. the Mutua.! TelephQne Who wear· (l\amoll~:~ild silks .ill colors
CQmpany of Des Moines, placed an order Secretary, while the Grand Secretaryrec-
with· the. Sterling 'Electrlc Company of ' .';." .,' ognizcd in me the ability .to organize. 1
Chi~a.go recently for a 2,ooo-dror metallic Just.sit ~Ild se,e;us\yall> "Liltoughthe mnd. was forwarded by him' the necessary cre-
· cin:uitimard. " The managers 0 the Ply- But in spite of yonr',wealth y<>uare ;out-
dentialsas organizer Cor the State· of Con-
mouth Te)ephone Company have con- classed by.ollf wivet',
tractedwith the Sterling. Companv to re- Who are the queens ~.Labor;Day.. necticut. Whi,le I did ~otaccolllplish
place the old apparatus with.two sections anything in that Hue, 1 made all available
of standard metallic board of the Bell type. Politiciatis ,vno ITieefus,;;iththe glad hand effort to get .New.Haven ~nrl Bridgeport.
Private branch telephone exchanges are When'they wafit,thing~ togo' their way; I had the plcasure'before,sevcrillg ruycon-
now in use by 18 diff~rent railroads in the .And spend iots. of Htil'i: telih~g liS of nection .with Local '37- of 'seeing its'mem-
United States, and the officers of the wrongs bership exteuded from 15 charter.mem-
American Telephone and Telegraph COOl- They throllgb law WHl take away; bel'S to a memberslJip of 64; which, con-
p~ny state that negotiation~ are pendiJ?g .
With several other compames. The rall- ,Ve'kUQw,yol1't:o'us',are',1ch'ing arid kind, sidering the number emploYl-'ti in' an
road using. and managmg the exchange . But we are" on-to '! yOUI' EttIe siy; electrical capacity" and eligible to mem-
emplovs the of era tors, but· the care and And'bearju milld, as YCl\:step·behind, bership at, Hartford, is a good. showing.
mamtenance 0 the .wires and apparatus l'bc"\'oTldilgmen arekingf; "on' La.bor' When I left Local 37 I am sure the affail's
arein the hands of the teiephone company,
f roni which" the property and rights are . D:l~·. of the :~. B. E. \Y. were ill good and capa-
leased. In all of these exchanges every ----,---. ble hands, and 1 am sure as good a show-
instrument is .suitable for 10ng-distallce FROM, ON:S .OF TH~ BOYS. ing will be. iuade in the future as has been
commUilication and even' one is connected .
by a metallic circuit. . The num~er' of . Washington, ,n-. C:,Sept.6, '98. done in the past. I think the Grand Sec-
exchanges established on these 18 railroads Editor :Electlical Woi'ker:. r.etary will bear me 'out wheu I say, through
is 31, of which J.plre in Chicago, three on l'l;eboys ot BaHimore Local, ]1;.0. 2i, their 'Financial Secretary, Bro. John J.
the Chicago; Burlington and (,luincy; two who 1ire working in '.Vashingi(,n, wish to Tracy, 37 is seconlllo none b promptness
on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific,
and one each on other prominent roads. expre!'s mir nelight at the hrii1i~,Jlcy ofth~ and business, which Dlust necessarily ,be
The Pennsylvania railroad has leased wires new I'regs' Secretary's lo;tter iii your last done tllrough that executive.
for telephone connection betwel!ll ~ew edition. I wish to acqliaint the brothers of other'
York and Pittsburg. There are exchanges "De gun::!:" ilere ha,l 'limost the locals that I was the recipient oi a beauti-
at New York, Jersey City, Philadelphia,
'\Vashington, Harrisburg, Altoon;i arid c(i'\clusioi. that ., 0"1 'Ba)tinlOn~" had ful emblematic c11arm. suitably inscrihed,
Pittshurg.· . :JL1ri:l:~litst,H.jf' the l~~pth,; ;orlt~ ()~Yn well- and appropriately pr;,sented by St::crdary
September] 3
====:::::============:::;;;!!I1'.~""i:.:"====.=:;;.:;:::=.~.'F.~~;~"'.'~" .i!.>.:<>~~~·~~:·.::~~:--~.~i,,>;.-':~~;:zoi:.~.~-~.;;".;:_===============
w. B. Malloy,io.r the local, when my con- to gef'throllj;lL;\Jter wor; fo.1" uh;)!!t nearly all the raw material that our first
nection with them ceased. It will al\mys 1\1~ hour ·.ve fillHl1y:gOt to. th~.train:i !lcl (:l.Ir and immediate wants require, and other
be a gentle reminder to me of their appre- fneuil!",ca~1!e>t;<L-r.he WlJj~"",::,·· ~Q. :;lw!,e indl!stries aud trades depend clirecrtly or

~~:%~~ ~.:t~:)~te~~:~Y\~::~:~~:~~~:~:~i~J~~ ha;~d:;i::~~:idi;b:fo;:~tl.('1c~" ; !~:~!:~~~~y flo:u:~l:~~le!h;;ec:~~: !~l1:e:;

and recollections, which will be cheIished our way to the p'lace wl'\~l't·.the MIl'wt!n they did not produce thc material for them.
by me for some time. troops,wult to ;.~.iaouilizf:!:1: Jefferson l!ar- Far·.l.1i:rs, like miners, are dir",d users of
I will close, and look f'.H· Illy successor's racks, located near' .St. Louis, Mo. ", e the earliJ.· If there were C(. carpenters we
letter, Press S';crelllry ?lIaloy, with fond got to the barracks about Hl a. Ul. 011 the would miss l10i 01lly the conveniences of
anticipation. loth of May. Hel'e is where we pitched our present habitations, but thousands of
. Yours fratC'rnaily, our first camp of the Spanish-American others which their trade'makes possible,
. I:. j. ;:;HEEHAi'i" war. On the 14th i>f :'Iay.we were exam- So we would miss the hlncksmith, brick-
11 z. Stat'., street, Boston. illcd by the Ullit~d Stales Surgeons, ano layer, stone-mason, vrinler, snd the 'hun-
on the 16th we wer~ swurn into ;;he Volun- dreds of othe~ tradefl tha::.l an: Ii par;; of the
'0 ....... _ _ _ teer army for two yean;, if net sooner dis- prc:;:::nt social state. How of the profes-
Cau!p Alger. Falls Church, ) charged. 5ion;;) class? :Would we : miss the doctor?
Ya~, "~':i:i' 17, lSg8. \ .\': (;11,. X,'I! had a vcr)' i,lcasallt time while \'''-5, ilis s~r\'icc;s. are wanted all through.
The National Brotherhood Electric Work- 111 ]eiTcr:;on Barracks, with the excei>t-ion 1if.. , from beginning tn the end. So the
ers of Alllcl'ji:a: of (;ur mess, which was very short com- cl~!'gy" ill t<.:oc'ting us to live better u1.~ke
Dear Sir and Drothers: Plilred with what'we were accnstomed to at om' present civilization pos!'ible. The au-
Thinking the Iirotherhood might feel honle. On the 2jlh of May the order thor u.oes the same, as his books influence
interested in headng from some brother cmtle for the Fourthl\Io. Vol. lni. to move their rc,aders to higher and better ulOtives.
who is in Uncle Sam's army, I address yOIl. to I.'alls Church, Va., and here we pitched BU.t, Plere is a class we ·would not miss,
I am a member of No. 40; that is, I was our camp iiI Camp Alger,' named after the and it would 1Iot require a;grr,at amO<I!lt of
hefore the war, and will pay up as soon as Secretary of 'Var. Our long ride from menial exertion to ,;.1e .1Iut their eiirniua-
. lleave the army. No. 40 is in St. Joseph, ~lissouri to Virginia ;'vasa wearisome one lion would be a blessing to mankind. That
Mo. There were four companies made up --three dayH and two. nights. \\'e arrived is a eill:;s caJled landlords. if they were
in St; Jo!!eph. Co. K, Fourth l\1issouri, in CAmp on Friday, and on Saturday Pres- l:I,~t, the earth would be ht!rc to us~, just
heing the oldest company, and I beint{ a itlent McKinley reviewed ,~he . troops. the SU!JlI!, with the difference of ad.'antage
member of it before tlie war, so of course \Vhile our company wascollling down the thnt all the others. wllo cl)l1ti'ibt,te to the
that is the conipany I went with into the line for the purpose of passing in review "I1~cd!; and bettering of lIlallki.llG would nol
( Volunteer aimy. We. were held ill St. Jo- we had a great deal or'sport out of an old have to pay them for the ns(, of it.
seph for abbllt' two weeks, thinking every mall "'ho insisted oD.lelliug the people we

I day the orders ~'ould come for us to mm·c. were from the city ill 'which Jt:sse James AN "UNFoiiTNIT "BAl4ANCE;.
'fhe suspense~vas awful, especially when li\'ed,

our patriotic fe€:1illg was hoiling, waiting SiJlce we have been. in Camp Alger our "'Veil, Caleh," said Captnin \V., of l\:Ias-
to get Ii chance ar the Sp:miards. At last time has beeu one of labor. Our regiment sac1n,selts, y"ars !lgo, •• what· will you ask
our order came; it wa5 011 the Stlt day of has cleared about fifty acres of timber aud a day to saw wood for me? I've got sev-
May, about 6 o'dock in the O!vening. '.\'e brush for our camp and parade ground, eral COTc!S that I want sawed in two for the
r k';sembled in our armory at ~ o'clock; we and we do a great deal of drilling. The fireplace. "
were to leave St. Joseph on the 9th. following is our daily. ron tine: Reveille is .. I should dlarge you about half a dollar
r 'Ve were instructc·(l· at what time we sounded at 5:15 a. m.; roll call at 5:30; a day, if .i h'ld a saw," replied (\,leb; .. bnt
would go, and to get our war paint on, and mess, 5:45; sick aud fatigue, 6:15; squad I ain't got nOlle, Captain; ~o I dou'l see
how' I call a~~o:mllodate ,"ou."
told to meet in the arnlOry lIcxt morning drill, 6::;0; recall sounded atj::;o; compa- .. If that's all that's lacking, ! guess we
at 8 o'clock. 01) the morning of the 9th ny drill, 9:30; recall, Il; mess, 12 m.; mail, can manage it," said the capt.liu. .. l'ye
'about :200 men iitet ill the armory, and out 12 :39 p. til.; grand mount, I :30; battalion got 11 prime 1IE'.\\" one, keen as a brier, and
of that number Captain McDennott had to drill, 3; recall, 4::;0; mail, 4:45; mess,5:30;· aI'll-let it to YOU reasonabl;!. How would
tweh:epence a cord do for the use of it ?"
pick 84 men. We wen: alI lined up on the retreat or dress parade, 6:30; call to quar- .. F.eckon that's a fair pIice, Captain;
r street ill front of the arUlory and the cap-
taiu began calling our names; awl as our
ters, 9:15; lights out, 9:3°..
This comprises our daily duty as a .com-
I'U be over in t.he mornin'."
Bright and early that July moming Caleb
names were called we would step two pace" pany. Then there are company details; was at work, and he kept at it so faithfully
that he finished before sunset, when he
I to the front. As tlie front Ii nebegan to five men are detailed to '.\'fIsh dishes, some· went to the house to settle.
fill up then were the anxious moments for thing we nev~r did heiore; six men de- "Lct's !'ee," said the captain, If you
those in the rear rank, for the" knew that tailed to carry water; six men to g-et wood. were to have half a dollar a day; we'll call
A11 through, our work has been hal'll. \r e it a WlY, though it aill't sundown yel.
~ll of them could not go.- W~ll, ".-heu 84 That's fifty. cents for you. AllO you \;;'ere
men had been picked c.ut, there were left did not mind that so long as tht'Ie ,~'ns a to pa.y me twelvepence a cord fot' the use of
"it11 that disappointeci look ahout 110 men. chalice to fight. But now as the war is the s~w. There Wf:'re thr~e ("(lTds lmel a
The choseliolJes p<lcked their knapsacks over, we would Ilke to be discharged. half i11 the pile; that makes forty-three
Fraternally yours, and three-quarters cents due me. Some-
allli everything was then leady for the how, Caleb, you don't ha\'e very much
move. '" C wCl:e then dismissed to meet J:UJES C. CAIN, comln~ to you."
:It 6 o'clock that eyening; our train was to Co~ K, 4th 1\10. Vol. hlf. .; How unfortnit," said Caleb, after
kaye at 8 o'clock. 'Ve met at 6 o'clock; sCl'at{'iiing his helui cluhiously for half a
A SINGI.~-'l'AX~R'S Vll~WS. miuute, and then looldng uI' quickly, as
r:l'crything was excitement. Our friends if a 'n(:w light had .broken ill upon his
hegan to gather around. 'Vhen we 'Ve begin to r,.~.iiz.e Uie importance of mind; "ltow uufortilit that "ou didn't
marcht'o1 to 'the enion station we were fol- E';;ch occupation und profession whf:n WI! baye it;<jf a .corclllIorc, for then"we'd come
lowed by :lbont 5,000 people, 'Vhen we (lr~w a t1lental' picture of our social state out je.;t square."
(The application of the story is pat wlle!l
arriv'ed at the depot, there was where the "ith any of them eliminated. First, if the cost of use of mone\' is considered. 1t
~roublc began. The people were crowded there were no farmers, we would have is olllya question of tin'le when the princi-
in so thick that it was almost impossible nothing to eat or wear. They fnruish pal is consumed hy the charges for its lise.)
Fl'QD1."Qld Crip." to·i~'e i~dY"f6~~the ftji;~r'a!;'~;;i"did'not tbing that 'cotild;'be se~n 'f~oDFti':~5-story!
R.atoIi,·New Mex., Aug. 7, 1898· get-.t6,seeneati\il of ·th~m; ·b~t. th~j~;tOok structure:' ·Bro. Maloney:securedme'hali:'
Editor'Elc;ctrical Worker: ~~6i)I1e in :g~stynlllt~'d; ·t:·lihlinii~vei: . rates to Omaha 6ter:tbe'C":&~N:\V(J·,., ,! .f
As intimated in my last tetter, of June fdiige~, them. ,t ~ro:,-l\.l{litiil·I..;~~et;liih'~and I atteridedthe meeting" of Nb;9'Ori'Ju1y"
2d, I· made' a final effort to try and get reo. Bto:iiitrank Hhi~t·gdftbeir heads':tog~ther 9th and its' memb'ets' bought :$12 ',,"orin a!'
lieved: but it looked pretty "blue" for ancl~aeciderl'that·:FrankshI)1I1d· go 'witli' me books and donated' $5;' makih'g:another'
me when I left.Denton,.Tex., on the 3d of theo~~emair.'cler. of ·.thedily- ·and· pu"s!f my $17. I wish to thank 'Local Nti'. 9'ip gtm-
JDn~ with .75c• .in my .. jeans," and the chair; thereby'relic\'lngm}, wife-.··· And I eral and Bros: . Maloney, . Beach; 'jackson ,
weather so hot thatJit· kept my wife busy W~I)fl;~to.,s.a"I'..' lrI~:ht;>~here ·that :;le,stlQ' small ChriStenson, Dickinson and othei~'in p:it~.
'almost day and head aud ticular, for their deep manifestatidi{irt 'lily"
shoulders with cold water to keep me alive. behalf. I don't want to be "treatedany
But I had'·deie~ined to make a final better than I was treated hy the boys.of
struggle to;be'"treated,and as I had been Local NO.9.
in ,correspondence with a s\lrgi.calinstitute We l~ftChicago July 10th !lml.rlandedin"
in Indianapolis that bad ~ven consider- Omaha 14 hours later. Next day I found
able encouragement 1D my case, it occurred our big~hearted Joe Brlnkmari, foreman
tome tllat·tmust.try an"d raise th~ means for the T. II. ·Co. in Orilapa, who took H~
~nd go. On alnving'iD FortWorth I de- to his home, where we were iuost co~diany
cided. to cast 'htlDiiliation aside and ask received and courteously treated during
friends to don~te to help me get the mon- our four days' stay in Om'aha. .or' ne:Ver-
ey, foi'Iknew that I could not sell books made the acquaintance of a mote' hospit-
. enough in twelve' months to taisethe nec- able couple than lVlr. 'aud Mrs. Brinkman
CSS$IY' amount to·take thetreatment, which (Jim and Delia). Bro. Brinkman alsO had
WBS'$350 for thFee'IDonthS or $650 for six' a whirl at lnygo-cart; alid'~odid "Shorty"
months; In themeant!me I had the prOIIi~ . . the . hill ~tb m)'" go- Allman; for he pushed tlie cart out to the
i~ Jl'Om sODierelatives that I could de- cart.",,,,YPtank;old'bOy, I vom' not:.:iorget Exposition grounds and took me tbroug·h
pend on them for·haJf",:.f the money. So you.for'1:hif. noble{da~"fl 'worlt! "1'wlls no- all tIle sights, arid back to towri~ill all.
I.appFoached a good'inIinY"of my acquaint-· bly/received 'a1Id'tfeatoo' 'b~i'Drothef1iOod about u~i1e's, and" Shorty'; made me
ances:and asked·'thefu to help me, but bOV$"ir('Sb ··Louis; 'ani:! when l"r3nl(and I acquainted \\'iths good manyv£ the elec:"
ab9ut two out of three oftheDi would" se.e got:(~;l:h~'bot~l w~ 'counted'; up'alld' I'had- trieal boys out there, llearly ail of them
me later" and a ·-.good many .would agree~ receh'ed '$17 ,'whicbpaidour'lbludian- buying one of my books; .among them be-
a pOti~;x ': . ' . .'
to send me some money after Igbt to In- ing Bros. McKee, Swith, Welw(m~. and
dianaJlC?F~, or ~Uo~m~t~ dtewou~h,eIll :t~,examiiie:lnt :tflel i1sti6i~c irla:they others, all members of Local 2:i.· I lia<ia
for a small'suin. Ffmilly, after two weaks thought't1iey'cot!ld·.re1i~,;e me (~o: they ~Oodtime ~at' Shorty's and Drink's e;;-
hard rustling, J had about $500 promised said); but they rCIuscli to let me euter the pense} and I think it is, abont a "starid~
me; 'iricludi'ngwhat 'my relatives had Instit\ltetH~~L'put.i;l)'aMtit $400; 'iilid de- off" between l~rank Hurst, John Milloney;
prOmised.' AU·'the. ready· cash I had was spite",·th~!tflict'thatthey had pr¢\'iously JiIn .Brinkman alid Shorty Allman,. '\'h~u
$.,8,and·every cent'·'of' it .tame from poor agTe:ed"'.i:q';ill:lk~";'i'~(;nus to 'j;uit:;":they it comes to manipulating ago-cai-t; espe-
meir who'worked 'hardto get Dleat' and woUli:i"do lidthlng-tiil'tlien,6ne.,: was ··up." cially "long-distal1ce" work. .
bread; $17 of it came from JaCk Spoares SO'i;begah;foWTltd~fterS' and' drAW drafts. I attende~ a meeting of 22 and e.iery

.atio,':hlsgaiJlfof about· 15 men, nearly all of member present boilght a book, aud with
whom were ,strangers tome, but they came what was doilated by the. local I ieceived
tci'fhi front ju~~U~~sauie; and words are another $17, for which' lam thankfulto
inadequate when.[ try to explain my grat- returris'1tp~t n~V'et~ciUtie):'r1iadi9:55 on all in general, and espeCially to, Bros.
itude. Most·all the ~lectrical men in Fort lattdingiih';Indi3nap6li~; "ahd '¢iit 'board Brinkman, Paul Myers, L. M .. Stedman,
Worth helped out all they were able. 'I soOn,j'ldloCkedjt-'toipiect;s~'i'I'so611 be- AllIlllin, Foster and others; and as ·'Sted-· Dalias to,~t half-rate tickets gail to recehie lett-cis arid' drafts,: but no man was the heavy-weight of the c~O'~'d; it·
for St. Louis. I did not·see,but two of the money. ' The relaHves'wouIa 110t Pl1tup a fell to his lot to carry nIe u pallddoV:'n tW9'
boys of 69, Bros. Trotter'imdDowns; for it cent because, the Il1stitute'vol1ld 11tJt guar- flights of stairs. Arid tohe brief, Hie boys.
was too hot for me. to ,get aroinid, and I antee to put 'rueoii"nif'feeC '. All(l:' out of Of.22 just simply can't be beat iOT hospi-
sent ~y 'Wife o~er to Oak Cliff~nd found the •• alleged't"$500if~cei~;~d $'i6:,enough tality; The next day' I got baif-r~tes.,to
Bro. Trotter, who cameto,the hotel to see to give uS,a'" c1eara'ri'cc':'out 'ofJndiiinap- Denver, Colo., and Bros. Frank Ensming,'
me. I secUred 'half·rates to St.-Louis and olis Met the"'" 13ig! 4." t'd Chkago:' I got er, Foster, and BriiIkman and wife a<;-com-
I landed in that City on Saturday night a letter to"Bi'o; C-iilfiit· \V. Dzac!1;oil.... U. panied Us . to. the depot and saw us off 'for
with.$lO;SO I had to wait until Monday to No. 9, ~ridihe"" a~dlV[fs. B. 'c;aHed 1:1:, see us Denver. I shall always' remember in'y
find any. ,of the union boys. On Monday at our hOlel';!)!I. Michigan f<{:eliue. I soon pleasant stop ill Omaha, as well asCbicago
.morning T WliL<; loadetl itlto- my "wheel- reb·f'o .. ~~:'1'!'Cii1""t';!)C'~~ :,ti;;F~o: F'i-ach, fond St. Louis. I never hated to part ,,'itb
chair'" .and my wife .pushed me around the who set td·woikat or.~e' (jut. . a brother any more tban I did Dros. Jim
city till I. fonnd the Mo. Elec.-LightCo. 's . Next day Gr21_~d .PreSident Jolin H. 1\la- Brinkman and Frank Ensminger when we
plant, on Twentieth street. On inquiring lone)" was 'on ..the·;aml whe~! it comes left Omaha.
IfollDd that· the boys would be in at noon to . eri";illee~iri';:'!~n~ln"Rl;(!'fl
0 ...•.., '"
dmir, 1:.e. 'is a
... __...... ;:":. . . . . . _ We onl~' stopped one day ill Denver, as
and'W:ere going to lay. off that 'afternoon modern H~r;cnles;,,9L a: H.l!rst;·;)}\ is my wife was sick, and I managed to get
on account of the funeciJ.of ~ro. ~ta~lson,. practkuily 'the ~mn~;:Sro,])talonej: took very low rates froIll Denver to Trinidad.
who ·had.been killed by a live wire two chitrge of me'imd pnshed 'i;lc',nYd go·cart and so I had 11101l~)' enou'gh, by a scratch~ .
days before. about'19miles; took' nif~\'iie ~{fllil 1 'up to to get us here to Raton. I only met one
'When the boys came in I· drew my card the ; ••hdit'6rium" ()bi;'ii ..;dt6H·:c(ailrlhad of the brothers Of Local 68 in De~I\'er,.Bro.
. on. them, and I had my little "grip" full to carry me tit his iifm~patt',;~;hlleway) . Hamm, and he insisted that I wait till
of my books and they went like hot:cakes; We had a fine View.6f :the'Cii,i;cLakcMich- meeting night alld he would help me sell
but a gOod many' of them had to rush home igaTl and ttle"·h:1"ris\'"b::~1::"":ijCf(i'ct,~e\·ery- some books to 6~, but I "'as worn out, and'
. ..

.... ,: ...
,"./-, . i

my wife sick, arid w(' left nel!..1: day. Rut ,yield ~~. : ,~~i~ip~i~:i~;ain~t ti·i~ir~·e;~:.pj6~~~:;~·s~ must subsist from the earth-it is our only
I will mail some books to him to sell to in reto.1iatiori, , the' effects ;:f'vjiid~ '<,'i:'rc source of SUbsistence. \\'hatever our oc'-
t(·cal 68, ,for I tim very niuch in need. 1 consid.~n':1·da~lg~r·~us to the' r~ea~e of "t~e cupatiO!1 is, we occupy space on it and use
came to Raton because the climate is much c()mIll~il1it.;.' Di!:.tress, discolltent an'~ldis­ .material from it; employment is impossi-
easier on me here than in Texas. I 11m Older f;jlJ~wi:'{~, ';'I!,{ this ei\remiiyP~r;)ja­ ble without its use, and it must follow work
going to, write Jo the locals that haYt!t1't II1cnt \,;i:t~ petitioned to so nlOdify tlle ob- is scarce or plentiful according to .the ease
hought my books and try and get enough jectionable la\\' 3S .'to, i\l a"'measure, meet of access to land. '
:lloney ,together to open a little cigar and the approval of thl:! workmen. These as- j'here is a growing body of men all over
tobacco stand, and try to make my living sociations are now vcry numerous ;,n one this 'Wol'Id that declare that as the value to
without dragging rilyself and wife from form or other 'tbl'oughout the ciyilized land is made by the whole people, it should
plaee to place. " world. 1'hey exist u:1der'~lmost liS many , be taxed by them and used for public pur-
Just 'four years,ago to-day I organized L, names as there al"e occupations for man- pose, as our taxes are to-day. To do this
U. 81 of Fort ',,'orth, and ~hope to be a kind to engage in, Lut'~nuy nearly all be will make the holdi'ug of land for specula-
member of this grand Brotherhood for 40 inc.:Juded undcr the gen'eral name of trade tion unprofitable; all valuable land will
years to come, I am too badly crippled unions. come into use'; capital and'labor "'ould no
to ,"on- )~!l:n~9,i foot, 1mt I can still t."llk ii.s to the word TIrotherhood. Hood longer have to pay for the opportunity to
unionism to a finish, mealls condition of, alldHrotherhoou em ploy themselves. But the semi-social-
By asking panlol1 of the Editor of the means ill, the condition of a brother, As ist and otlJer surface observers of the social
'\'ORRER, I am, with gratitude and best applied to any organization of Olen, it question say: "How can peor people use
wishes to the Brotherhood, places each one in relation to thc others this land ,.... ithout capital? The); will lleed
FI:B.temally, (liS t .., all human rights) on the same equal- help. "
ROnT. G. WRIGHT. ity that should exist between members of TlIcn~ is idle ('.apital looking for invest-
the saDlC faU1ily. Their implied relation ment, >lS well as idle workers. and it can
I AN INT~RitS'rntG BIT OF HISTORY. is very close, and enjoins upon each mem- not be ~mplO.I'ed without employing labor.
ber a '\'illingness to succor, encourage and It is 0111y under the present order, where
I In looking for (he origin of trades unions
we find that as 'early as 1634 numerous so-
cieties were organized in Great Britain,
defend the rights of, each and all of the investment ill land pays without the aid cf
rest indh;dually and collectively, in case l(,bor. ,
under legal protection, for relief fr011l dis- of actual or threatened imposition. \:'0<1 say, .. This is the Single 1'ax."
1 tress from various sources. They were FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
'vVdl, if it will employ the idle, let us work
, for the Single Ta.",.
I sty},:,rl .. Friendly Societies," and cousisl-
ed at first of neighbors united for mutual My neighbor says, ,. I have worked in
SOM~ TRUis::us.

aid or relief in, casc Lif sickuess, death alld the factory all Illy life; a111 now 60 years
other misfortunes; hut in coursc of ti:J1c old; have been out of e1J1ployment over a
these societies, in process of crystallization, Enyy Lites its keeper.
year, and wherever igo, though I am au
became so modified as to include in their Opportunity may trip a giant.
early-riser, J find an army of Ulen there as
The abuse of h(;alth i:; V(.i!en suiciqe.
r membership persuns ouly haVing the san~e anxious for a job as I am; and if they were
occupation, aud this was the beginning of A good name is made, not bc:"towed,
]]ot turned away disappointed, like my-
the formatiollof trades union combina- The man \'i'!IQ thinl:s 1I:ads tIle crowd.
r self, I should think there llIay be personal
tions for regulating the relations betwt'en The grumbler blows out his own lamp,
reasons for not giVing me work; but there
emploj·er and employee, or for imp<js:ng E\'ery heart has a thorn and a throne.
is no wOl'k, al~d I can not understand why
f restrictions on th~ lI1allucr (;f conducting one wanting to make a li\;ng can Ilotget
If you can't be a SUIl, don't he a cloud.
:tny industry 01' hm;iucss. ·.rb~"e 11.:1ions Ignorance and mtchcraft are fast
the opportunity. ' ~
I were considerL"(i .inhilical to publkpolicy,
and those who were concerned in them
My neighbor is olle of 3,000,000 in this
-country simibrly sitllated-,no one want- to sleep.
Hung("r m!d ambition are hard, to rock
I were liable hy cOlillllon law 10 pl'I)Seclltioll
and punishment. Hut, oil account of the
ing to cmploy theU1, and they call not em-
It is har,} for bad motives to drive good
bargains. ' ,
rise of the nJ&nt!facturing system, and tn,; NOW, I hear all kinds of political doc- The fann an,d the garden are the best
reyo.h~tiol\ follO'.,'lllg it in the industrial t<;.r~. from the protection fakir to the pro- , gold diggings. '
arrangement of tht l'ountry, the JIlove- hibitlonist, wallting to prescribe their Discretion ii; lIOt cowardice, neither is
IIIcnt became ,so eXlcllsiyc that stringcnt remedies for this condition, but as they do' blatant \'olubility courage.
laws were deemed necetisary to ref;trict or not recl'gnize the natural rights of man, l';xubcrant patriotism is often used as a
cloak by knavish politicians.
suppress its opcrations. A series of stat- they fail entirely to see the cause of his
\Veeds thrive best in richest soil.
utc laws were thcn passed, which, beillg idleness. If men are denied the opportu-
This applies to churches oswell as to
enated by those WDO contTOn"rl, in a peat nity to 1J1ake a liying t:1C fault lies ill our field~ alJ(1 gardens. '
llI"I'_~llre, the cn pital of the country, borc social structure. There ere legal enact-
heavily 011 tbe 1;>1~1:i!;r.g classc3. By tl'e~~ :.nellt!; th:lt prcyent !.::~~1 fn,:,;:! :j~J:..!) hig
st"hltes it wasellactcr! that all persons their labor as they would if they hUll their
c(lmiJinillg to adval!c'! their wages, or in natural l"ight. \V1u·,t 1S man's ]18tural
allY way tv coutrol those who carried 011 rJght? In ollr dccbratj':m of pdllciples of
nIl:' l'lanuf'lclure or trade, in the manage- g-overnlllcnt we dcda"e a1.1 have all equal
mCllt thereof. might be scvcrely punished right to life anu liberty. To ha,'e eynal
tht"r,·i'OI. As a llU',ural COllsl'qllellce a yery rights to lifc lIIust mean tlwt wc have equal
bittel an,agonislII arose between employ- rights to that which snstnins life-the air,
ers and 1:;1I1ployees. The better to protect sllllshille, water, and the lall(\; for w1thout
th"m,;elyes ag:t!llst the, t.:I.!Cro::.cJlluel1ts of these wc cannot. live. A!ld if OUi' laws
t1!o;: fO:'mer, the latter resortt:<l to the for- give to thc possessor of laud power to ex-
mation of secret societies, which bt!l'amc act relit from a fellow-hunw\I" there is 1:0
llln~'f'l'(lUS and n'r), active in taking ad"a:t- equlity.
t<l);'c of tht" situatioll. They could no", It is manifest, we as mated,,) b";';':;5
6 ,tSeptember .

~i~~~~ir -~;,~7a~ 15:,l,'~::~"~'~~ii[:~:~i THE llICH,~, T~1j:'P.OoR.

I' Local 45: "Wlille we b"Ow',to the: ilievitable When the late Alp1i.o~~iDaud:et"was il
arid ~?~~1"" (~~, p{l~;;~~t~br~i~~rs, do very young man he 11ved lri a Pans garret
ioss upon two sous a' day·;' 'There 'were times
: •• or
forget those";;"h~rare:left:behind
,': -.. _ ."-._: , • •:.~~., • •J~-.-,,: -'::-j:~j',.""r' when all he had to eat'was,\a loaf .of bread
to n:ourri their loss, and:" (!i"e'~tlie1l1 our every twenty-four hours. , Thisexpenence,
finanCial aid as. well'asc~~dC;ie~~~~" ,,' the Dlost ~nful of ,his life, ~e never for-
'.' , .' ." . f. :: ' : :::c.>~:::.,
got. Wnting of these "earl}- days inaii)~
years later, he indulged<'in·a" few reflec-
NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD'' OF, El'ECT1UCAL BROTHER-lt."G. \V~igltt,' tions. He mamtainedthat,those,whohave
ly contribut¢two , . ~";"i"l'~'l"t~~;~g never been forced t~go h~gry frompoy-"
. WORKERS. for this ,", erty can form rio idea of the hop'eless
PUBLISHED MONTHLY. it entails, the misery, the pangsi' thef6r~,anll:~l~~~L~~~~~'~ lornness. "I have noticed;" :hestiiIJ's up,
H: W.·SHERMAN, Publl!ilier and Editor, port of all ~",~',"~~ "that those who are well,off, are, ingen-
731 Powers Bldg., Roc1iester, N. Y. ~~~~~!;i)i';": eral, totally unable to form ariynotio~' of
the natUre of the misery which~he des~­
~ntered at the Post.Office at Roc:hester, N, Y., tute .undergo." This is very true. It is:a.
, U 'aecond class matter.
truth that holds .good in many. ways." FOr
locltCUTlVE BOARD. instance, a man who has been' severely
GmndPresident"::'J; H. Maloney; burned will feel a prompt and ready sy~~"
.' 301 Lawrence Ave •• RaVenswood, Dl. pathy with other victims of "fire, while,
.GraDcU;ecre~-lLW. Sherman, ' tl~ose who have never felt such "a.gon~"
731 Power., Blde'., ;Roc:hester. N. Y. w1ll, .even though they "be not· lac:k111g' 1ll
. GrandTreasurer~P.H.·Wissinger, . humanity, fail to sympathize in an,
.' 7.'W. FayeUe st., Baltimore, Md. adequate d~gree. Nor is the case in any
Pint V.i,!:e·President_Eugene Rush, way altered when wedeahvi~h purely sub-
~. ItIUs St., 'San Frand_co, ·Cal.
. "Second Vice-President-Theodore Gould, jective states of suffering. The victims of
.397 N. Hampton St., Boston, Mass. unhappy love are generally tlreobjects of"
T1!ird Vace-President-C. H. 'Adams, ridicule of all those who have never loved
328 North ,7th St., Kansas City, Kan. or who have lo,-ed only unhappiiy .. · .'r~~
Fourth·Vice-President.,..Thomas Forbes, poignant ruin of mispiacedaffection ca.n
JI04 "thirteenth St.• Detroit, Mi·ch. gain sympathy only from those·that have
8u,~flcriptiqn $1.00 per ,ear, in advance. felt it. . .
As. The ··E1ectrical Worker reaches"the men. who do
the work and' recommend or order the material,
its value as an advertistng medium can be readily ONI,Y A DOI,I,AR.
appreciated. '
What Use it Should be Put to aud Where
'Use It.
W."N. Gates, Special.AdvertisingAgent,
29 Euclid. Avenue, Cleveland, O. Just a little dollar on its mission sent,
makes a lot of .people glad~'ery tilDe the
.r, .:, coin is ,spent. You' pay it' t~thebutcher
for meat to give you strength; het~kcs it
First,,-:-Ev~y· year" sees.a ·stronge...organ" to the grocer from whom it goes at"lellgth,
izatip~ o"fc~pita1. ,Tr~~.!,I;a,r~,f9l'lpe~, and some pretty piece of cloth or lace his
.Pl ......... P .....,.~ "OOH • •T •••
trust swall~ws ~rust, ~ijtir i u tl1.e e1l,!tevery bet~erchalf to buy, or, helps to her
single branch 'ofindili;~ty'/V:ilF lie' con- v,.'i~terhat to make her rival sigh. The
trolled bY'~wo:or' three;"IPen,' and: "the bal- dry g'oOds' m~n sends 'pn the coill to, pay
NllW.I.OCAj.S. ance of ~aIikind .. must·accept',,'wh!ltever hIS market bdl, and though the' COlli .IS
pittancemay''';be d9!efl~ftoth~P1Y:There­ often 'spent, it stays a doUar-still, and e\'ety with great pleasure we announce for ~t"bes?u'1~ }iC!C~~.ll~rr., f()riWBt~ilJgmen time 'Us spent at home some act of good
two new locals to out readers. President to organIze, and thatnCiW;-·Jhat they may is done in " booming" local industri~ ere
Maloney organized a lOcal of trimmers in mltke' a l>61d'"stll'ild :for t!i~ir . rigHts."; Sec- setting of the sun. ., ." •
otid-The introduction' of. "macl1inery is . But, if you take that shining -coin :arid
Chicago, which will be known as Local 49. g~~ti~~~y:" t~,ro\VJngthe l~boring ;D,len of break the local chain, the chances are. th;\t
No·doubt this local ",ill steadily increase th~,.,country o,:,~ o.f~eDlE.lqyment. ,. ~<?-day from afar 'twill not return· again. If once
in 'numbers, and in the near future attain 1,'000.000 'ADlencaIl' labo1'erli··iire~ uuem- it passes out of town the "butcher and the
to a goodly membership. p16Yed;.i':hi'o't¢";:than'2 (xxfcioo mote ate on baker, the grocer and the dry goods' ulan ,
thehrink. of ",starvation,"fr,om insufficient the cook, the undertaker, the 'carpenter,
'the master stroke of this year was ac- rec;ompen~Jol:tb,¢", ,tPl1,;:: Tb~\,all,may the carriage·wright, the blacksmith, every
co~plished' when we placed a charter on bji.,,~e.lhe e~pIQYDl~n:t t:1,lat is n('!:¢S~i'y to one, will lose the chance to touch that
Greater New York. Through the untiri'ng stistaiii'inl( Hfe;there'must b'if:,a' sborten- coin ere setting of the sun. . . ".
efforts·of Mr. Ed Lathan we have'succeed- iu{i- ofthe hoursoflabor; " 'IIi 110 ""'ay can Just keep the little coin at home, just
thiS be,done, .except'througl!;o'r-ganization. keep it moving well, and every' time ·it
ed in forming a 10caLin Brooklyn, and this l'hit:d.,:-ln. free.4mer:ica;t4r;r.e:·" is~ :nO man changes hands somebody'S goods' 'twill,
local is in the race' to stay . . 'l'here will"be whtidesirp.s;ti>Qe~ome an ohh!=t:QfcbRrity. sell. That singJe little dollar' has the
nobjppodroming allowed by men"wllore- T6-(i~y ."nearly e""¢ry lilbo.r· organization woudrous power to make s0!ll~body :better '
. fuse to·stay in tnellrotherhoOd. The' char- .carnes "an:' msui'mice··"oT 'beIfenT' branch a dozen times an hour. 'It' pays the bill
with a feature o(~ut-Of'wC)rk:·benefit not and wards off ill, and ne'er its power re-
ter . is issued,' and men who ",ish to te. be. fo!n;~· .iu.,.Qti:!er.in5ur,anCe.· 'And laxes to soothe the doctor, buy the coal
become Brotherhood members must ap- ev~r'f ::I'iarn I1dst.h~~~., uDionf! gj§pc;nsing and pay. for clothes and taxes.-Labor's
ply· to Local No. 12_ 1t goes without imhieitsc'sums ((lr the dlt:e (l( SiCK .ordead Voice. .
I saying" that it is only a matter of time when m~mbers::" Fourih..,..,.The had~'nIiionmakes
IIll "Illen<brothe",s,and 'makes",,' bond of . In England a machine for designing has
LOcal No. 12, Greater New York, ",ill have fr8t"erility ~w"ong :a!1,nOtm!lt.ter,wbat may been invented that will revolutionize the
a large membership. Here's success to b~t4eircl:tmng "or;C6!ldi~joA;, l;.'jl~h.­ weaving industry. By cOllibining" photog-
Nos. 49 and 12. NeRd" iill'o'( the great reform,,' iu-recent raphy with electricity, that which it has
years -are'l\irec'tly tradil)le'to .. the' trades- taken. months and in some castos years' to
I WE have had the misfortune to lose by
un,ions~ "',All'labori,ng m,t"n get the benefit
of tbese"tber~;(Qre"a;i1lIaQ~rill:g 'IDen should
accomplish, will now be done hi fifteen
minutes. It is thought immense "sadng
death "four of our broth'ers in the past eight onz1itiize,tbiit 'the}"may 'carry ~beil.shBre will result and U1any workers will be dis-
weeks, Brother Bloom'field of Local' No. '1, of the burti1!ti>-'"-Satutd!'), Critic~ .' piaced .
. ,. . ~:"".':;"'. . . :,". . .' -.- .:
September] 7
1l1an's'h<mse,:S n)~: I amttild mother"?lld hood know how we are getting on in the
Ci.ty of the Straits.
ba~~~~';~~~J;:~~~'g~~ot~~(~ih?;i~fho I:ahor Day has come and gone once more
years' i.tid· 'e:X:Pect':~')me daVto 'puhiish'the and it was celebrated right royally by or-
~oca1 Union No. x. compilation. ,I have about concluded to ganized labor. I wish the brothers all over
give iithe title Qf .. Trials a!ld Tribulations the country could ha,'e seen the parade; It
, St. Louis, Aug. IS. '98.
of a Tr~mp \Vire ":Fixer; ";r;ut the copy is waS a sight good fOT sore eyei;;a success
Editor Electrical Worker:
not ready 'as yet. Traveling brothers ill spite oUhe monopoly-owned daily press,
\Ve send you letter of condolence adopt-
should not forget that No. S has the latch- which tried to ignore us as much as possi-
ed by Local No. I, N.B. E. W.,OIl lhe
string always out. Electrical work in ble, but was beaten with its own weapon.
death of Harry K. Bloomfield:
Whereas, It llas pleased God in His infi- Fittsburgh is gradually getting to the We had the Detroit 'Simtinel; the ,great
nite wisdom to call from the scenes of his point where ,a 'n'lan' ml'ist,,,jluve a care or ' labor paper, with us.' You ought to see
earthly labors6ur beloved .and esteemed 'move 011. 0 how ::glorious it will he when it throw 110t shot into the sanctums of, the
brother Harry 'K. Bloomfield; therefore,
be' it , '
we have all or nearly all electrical workers dailies,
of every branch uuder OUT grand oM. ban- -I will not attempt to describe at length
Resolved, That we deeply deplore the
loss to us of fl'-tme andf"ithful brother- ner aud a local planted in, every city in the games at' Belle Isle Fark, under the
worker, and that we recognize ill his death Uncle Sam's possessions, including Cuba, auspiccs of No. 17. Suffice it to say that
the loss to this organization of a memher Porto Rico and the Phillipines. So let with ll':~arly half a hundred prizes that were
whose memorY'wewill ever cherish with each of us try to get'atleast one member. competed for in all kinds of athletics, until
affection allcl regard; and he it also
Resolved, 'fhitt ill respect to his memory Just think of the good it would do your- the shades 9f night had fallen, the day was
the charter of I,ocal No . .1 be draped ill self: 'Don't give the old time-worn ex- nobly spent; and our committee s are enti-
monrning'for thirty days; and be it further cuse that you cannot spare the time; you tled to congratulations on the way they
Resolved, That; we 'extend to his be- conrlucted affairs. It would take too lUuch
reaved family on:' heartfelt sympathy, and. can if you will only' think. Well. for fear
tbat a copy of these resolutions be sent to some of the brothers may think I am after space ~o tell the names of the game win-
them, and the saU1e be published in the offi- them for tardiness, I had better cease, nel'S, th~y are so numerous.
cial journal of the National Brotherhood of promising more next time. 1 saw a livery- SO!lle ,of the new suburban electric roads
Electrical Workers of America. '
man clipping a hotse anu I told him to bei:'g completed, I see some of the boys
F. P. KINSLEV; " Remember the Mane." '\'i11 again close. arc getting back to town. How it warms
C. H. PROVOST, \'"ours respectfully, one':; lleart to wring the hand ,of a good,
S. M. KEEBLE. w. A. PULLIAM,' true tlniCiil brother, when you haven't seen
Press Sec'y. him for a while,. As for me, I would a
,~ca1 Union NO.3. thousand times rather grasp the fist of
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 8, 1898. ~oca1 Union No.8. these sun-kissed sons of toil than the.gloved
Eilitor Electrical '\"orker:' Toledo, 0., Aug. 24, I8c}S. paw of a oondholdingaristoerat; these
As the time is drawing near for pubiica- Editor Electrical "'orker: 'people, you know, who have forgh·en the
tion, will write,a short l~tter to your, valu- As No. S has not had much to say in the Almight} for Clllowiug them to be born
able paper. The strike is still on, tIl is WORKER lately, I wiUdo my best towTite Americans, instead of the offspring of
being the sixth week. We have the city a few lines each month. Being now in the some )'otten European royalty. I hate'that
completely tied lip. Our Grand President line of P. S., I hope iOU will overlook err- class of people with Apache ferocity. I
and all the boys are working day and night ors, etc. I took notiCe of an editorial in am proud of the fact that my ancestors
to win, for win we are determined. Every the August 'VORKER from an old-timer, helped to write tlie charter of our liberties
one is holding out, so we hope by the time and think for myself it is a very good sug- with the bayonet on the backs of Lord
for our next letter we will have victory to gestion to write about isolated plants, DIll- Coruwailis' buccaneers ill the war of the
report. Respectfully, nicipal plants, giving diagratps, etc.; also Revolutiou, and the hatred for the aris-
Pre~s Secretary. about wiring and bells. It would make t,,"raey has becI: llu11ded down to me from
very interesting reading for the "'ORKER. t~em. The income tax was declared un-
~ocal 'Union No. 5. No.8 is going to start the ball rolling next constitutional for the benefit of these,mil-
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 10, 1898. meeting, by gi,,;ng discllssions on .. Fracti- lionaire snobs, two 01: three years ago, you
Editor Electrical Worker: ' cal ''''iring,'' etc., aud'if we find any hard remember. That ul:cision will bt: reversed.
Fearing I aU,1 late for this month's edi- nuts to crack, will wril~ to' the \VORKER Yes, sir.
,Hon, I had better hurry through with tlris and have them debated lipon. 'Ve 'are taking in new mellihers right
epistle. Business electrical has heen As to business in Toledo, it is very quiet along. There are some few, of conrse,
rushed forthe past two or three wee~s, as at the present writing. We anticipate bet- that we can't do anything witll; you havc
, Pittsburgh ,is g~ttitig to be quite a' conven- ter times in the nea.r future. They have all TUn across the sallie kind of men; they
tion city. A number of the boys have broken ground for the Dow-Snell Co. are Wh~lt we call .. persistent lIon-union;"
been working on the Knight Templar' buililing which, was recently destroyed by ,\,,-])0 swear they won't join, though enjoy-
decorations, and others 011 the Exposition, fire. The buildings w;U occupy about i .. g ':;,:JI(litiOl.s,that union U1eu have made.
which opened \Vednesday. As I alii 'Work- :;0,000 square feet. The Ford Glass Fac- They ·.\'ill grab any job that will keep them
ing nlghts it is rathe,r hard to get news all(l tory is going to locate near Toledo, Fond out of tilt: cOlr.pany of decent men. I
sleep at the sa;ne time. I had quite ~ several minor building!, \,;!i kf'ep \IS going ncyer k!lew oce of them that I would allow
search for a suit of Hamilton Carhartt over- for awhile when re;:dy to be wired. to eat at- 11Iy table. I kllow several who
alls; but filially sllcceeded ill locating the Yours fratemally, are l.ot good Clloligh to din.: with Illy dog.
store. Boys, you can get them at Solomon J. J. DUCK, P. S. 'Ve have shown se\'er,d of thewiTing
& Ruhens. ' . firms the benetits of having union work-
I have been informed that there is a new ~ocal Union No. x7. men whcn they run agaillst t.he union
wire fixer in town; he arrived a s!lOrt Detroit, lIlich., Sept. 5, 1898. danse in bililding specit'catiolJs, unu ue-
,while ago, hut, he has not served out his Euitor Electrical Worker: fore lIIany moons we wiil clIItail thebusi-
full apprctlticeship as yet~the olle in Once more I sit. ute down to my imita- ness qf the scab shops where they hire
qucstioll is a lie,'.' arrival at. Bro. Fried- tion mahogany desk to' let the Rrother- nothing but a lot of kids for two or three
8 ..

d<>,~: ~:~~~~"I~ll .you, brqt1?-.ex:s; ~f . ~~·e:ar.~,;lI~~.q~i!1g"cOj1~~e.rii:b~Np~

ever one of' these' scab contractors·~ ei!Ch meetin,g." .Of: la~,e 1>tlf l~ .~, ha'dt
ar911,~.~,OXU".h.oy,se,.~ .~Q1,lld.advise
you to cOnsidemble~si'&n&~~ni'ong-:;r~inefuberSi'~
n8ii au the.. uiO'vabies 'tq th~ftoor,and to b~t-,th~y.,~,~i,:qn;4l!e:-g~.~tb,~~(
'~p(:;,c~~:~i~d~~d;~4eofiwn in ~~:., once more, anQ lY.e H9,Ph)ril,I"c9n~inue 'So •
w~tber, ,for. he ,i$,generally.a .s~eet.sC~t;. . It has made a'big Ilohi.-1iioui--:i:tnt'itigent
edg~Um. . The scabCOllti/l.ct~r ~ndhis funa and \ve wereob1igM=to assess' all broth-
f~i;Pclrc~..c;J.j~J,ler, the ~~t~t, ~on:: ers in.·good standin'g-2~C:; :biA'if,§~i~gcSod';
~$?pAI~!lD, aie,o!-!I'p1cmalen~ies.. When . cause'anonobrother '~iil' e<,,~r. niisil'thilt .
Iu-ieet~oiie.~ith~·.oD the.street· I always sm~ll amount. ., >. ',' ;. ,.~ ,,:;;!'.'
~~·:to:~Y~J.iO~;;I ~ouldlik~ to. grab . We had the pleiisilre'of 'tiea:riilifa 'te~(,(
'. i~.*~~~~~~~~~~~:=:~.
1ish language by both endjl and break. it.
thedelegatesirom tl1.e·.Ttt~tx:icar~'iec~ai!~ .
ies' "fBOstQu.1<4e};,statE;d·iiie'ir ':firje~: ".
ancesand;ga~e us the.follo.\\ing1ist of.;lJoy"! '
.i~{~~~~,.bqtP~H~ ;t~~ Editqr :\\jlhlOt :biue~ cotted theatres: The Park, BostoriMu,Seum;
~~lW~fortih: l;,~1so.119pe tJte brot~ers, HoiIis SqBoston,' Columbi:;1" ai:J~'n.;f~
W~!M'~ tJlis: ~lii~~em1?ex:,~bat I am. _~9~. Keath;~~ .After the 4eleg~t~,a4j9~r11c':d•. it.
a~llege. gtadqa~e;. ,my chief . school has. was v.oted that any. brother of 35:' caught,
~n_il1~iugged;";QI'td:. ".', " patronizing any of the a{Jo,·e:befined$5.,·
" : .. -' DAN .E;ELLS~VQRTH, and. thesatile be ti.uned into, the. {unc:1s.Cj£-
":":"'-':"";' , '_." .Press·Sec'y. the 'rll~tt:ical 1\1 echani~.
{NO-blue~pencil on this, Dan;·it's all
The Boston .Electric Light .,Co.basa;
rig~ED"l" ~.:. " contract-inthe'bands'of the l\faVOr to'be
.' .. ,
signed,forald-years iesse th frir:nish tiiif"

. , ":"KauSas''City, Sept. 4;1898. . '"... '. ea~:~~:;.::~:~;~

. . wil.l "'H~n9;qrie, m~et~g.i\'molJth i{;v.'o1,lld
Editor ElecmcalWorker: ".~'
;I,will uiake';au effort to~t' our number m~~;;;a;!g!:efl( '~pl!,ng~jl'!illd -we ;C~ld .. aU
in this montWsjoUnial"but·have not'iililch' know what ls.b~g4~r.~~t1aY;hatis
news,' 'Kansas'~tyis on'the mend; 'our done .. ,~#f~~:;fQr O~~(;9~Jlersol,al interest,
to be

btothers:are:alhvGrking, and We could use' each,.a!i~l-ey,~ry:: one9f~:. 'The.n; brother,

~s~!:at~~:~~~tJ=~i~~o::' =
. a 'gqod:many J1lore~::goodtitii()n:men;' eV.ery l
meeting night we1lav-e places fodron'l tWo' t
to' ·foUr 'men.",· T>heri! 'ha!I" been a power ,goo(H~~1,l~, i.ii4\\~~~I1~l$Ii.~·the bestir we
plant pu(jn.·at, the McKeene Roller·mill," try, sO let'siry.,·,,l\1ond;a:y,',~ng;I,ab~r
and, several: companies are going to'putcin DIlY; we;.w~r-e p~t ',W~th·. &')~ig;\,tI~tin the
motors;'~"-'>'" ,,' ',:' . pa~;¥.le,r:~n4, t~nk5·,to th~";~~-Qth~rS:oi 65,
rrb~,·MetroPQlitaDStreet·Railway' has th~w w~t;e:wip;i~hl,tl!~~~~'-{i'W.ell, I
jUst put:jn lanotlie.: large ·generator: They" belig\-;,~lt;isil;Jt~e, tipJ,e~l~a~(l.~l!g.:off for
have"tw.n. of- the largeSt machi·nes in the goo4j,;a,,-, l,his gr~~h!>J~Olif~H~llon'some
WeSt., rrher-e :are . several: small' lighting '.' oth!!r,9r;>otl1Qr,. . Jt':m!1lt~1;~Jfellowdeel .
plantS gOing in, for: priv.ate lighting.' The', g<l9d!o,., th~Hk,that sonie .ot~erfel1o:w:wil1
pl'O! son,·Bro .. ,nrolinger, has retumed haV!!to 9.Q·thi~;leJt~r ;busines!lleach;month.
fr-QDl·~exas. ,"H-e is,'& -little sunburnt, but
I remain.· ... ' ,,' . " .~. ":.:' ...
. Yours respectfui:y, .
iSistill in Jinewith'I8.' ,
TheC~Iidated Electric ~ight Co. has
,";::w .J'.~E9~.-\~D:
... 1!J:,,# $e~~et&ry.
commenced reconstruct~g their lines~
Aslam short; of newsIwi:IH:ioSe. !,ocal :l1niott?ii1:i •. '3S'-: _ ;
,, ,.;Yours fraternaJly·, " BOStoli';Sepf. io;'1jS.
· H . T. WATROUS, Editor'ElectricalWork~':?;!/:., ".-' OTTO PETTERSON,'
Press Secretary. Here we are,;agaHl;,:iWno'?;'--1Ata13S. A prominent member of Losal 35: ,.
Will try and- .give' some:'reading 'foret-his
ItOcal Union ;N-O~ 30. month, . A.: few;tneetjug~go our'Tt~asur-­ lights for our City. Our.'committeehave'
er seti~ hhhis:,resigna:ti~noli a-ccourtt of . visited the Mayor -to have him iiJduceth'at :
'CinciDrlati, ·0:-, Sept. 8, 18c)8.
business callIng bim·cufOf'to"·'~'.-:\\'ell, I company to employ none but union meil.
EditO't'Ele~tncal Worker: .
Say·a·jew· ~i)l'dsior nave; aswe':cnlled We hope they-will. 'come ~o,ent; .,
A's;,tbe;G.A. R.are hoiding th~ir t;etmion may him; He·pas<be·en our /(:id.suter'tQi over and so swell our local, as 'they employ' a
he~e1his"week,aitd I have been so busy
five years, ilndphforIl'iedhis:duHes·ili 'the large 'force. . .' .' ..
. chasin'g:trouble'witb the rest of the boys: I
m()f;t satisfd:toTyinanner'{ he was~ fl>lth- We held a picnic Sept. 3d at Bass Point,
will 'be' uu~ble to write but a few liues.
~3Nh~;55~O§.es·oile of
Allttie'b6ys 'from LOCal No. 30 who are ful'and·hp.nlworker;
its best' o!1icers,·, w'e·,ho]Je'-lJave::Flynn
Nahant, Mass. It being our first' outing; a
'committee of eight brothers got together
seftfhg"' time for street railroad and coit-·
will return to Roston" S90n: ':'\Ve ;elected alId in abcut two weeks' time made It 'a
striictions have l1ad their hands full for .
Bro. -Morns She~hanin hi;;~tt:id;he being social· and financial SllcceSs.· . So'you can'
sev6il'weeks past.
one of the ~.lihti:tTfers;'aiiil··hlt "iIi'give: us inlagiue what a· hustling commiftee' we .
. R¢aders, t beg to be excused ~t this'
good senicei"as'w,; has a:l~ys'lle'ei1.a hlist- have. 'One I must mention is 'Otto -Petter·
tiine;hoping lWill be able to tell'a1l ~boiit
ler. OurYi~Jlr($itJertt alsoreSjgned; his ·son. He started around'· to the busineSS:'
it in my next letter. . excuse being (lI1 -acozount:of btt!'iness~they and electricabbouses of Hoston tdlllTange'
WM .. P. WHEl!;LER, ·dccte/:l your'ihon(:j:,',iu'~his: Plllce:',-,.,'Sqiwill 'for prizes, and received donatidnsCftoDlthe'
Press ·Secrebry. try aJl{l.per{orllilJOt1hiuti6.. . following houses:
., .
..f:":',:'. ,/"~.

September] 9
General, Electric Co., ISo Sumner street, 'rhenc<!.w.e~~hE;;spt)rt: . .. cuit pr.l.l.perly and rotate in the proper di-
magnet.. Rope-tlir6~dng, there 6eit;gabout35 i:il- rection.
Lord Electric, IS I. Tremont st., fan motor. tries pWl!l1;cy l~;;iG'ltti:P.~;i~S~j.5~:\,!~;)~-\. Fig. 2 shows two more meters under the'
e. S. Knowles, 7 Arch street, fan motor. Chishr'>!.ilil9K it:ist prize~Jan motor; ijd, same conditions, only m~ter marked -(b)
Mc~enney & .\Vaterbur, lSI Franklin st., pair Getting-plyers, '; .' . 1s cOllnccted up backwards. This is neces-
banq.uet.lamp. Pole~C!ill,1bing,.49-ft. pole;:;:-\Voil, by J.:]. sary in order that the meter inay rotate in
N. Y; Insulated Wire Co., 134 Congress Cameron, 'Ist, I6J( "sec.; A. McDonald, 2d, the proper direction. Now, whatI should
st., ·case of bits.· . 17 sec. like to know is, what condition of. affairs
Anchor Electric Co., 71 Federal st., hot It was 'a grand sight to see how they did exist and what is the' renson that, in· one
air torch. . the drop act; one being measured at 26 ft. installution the meters are connected. in
F. Swan Elect. Co., 37 Pearl st., case of 1st prize, pair climbers. pair plyers, stra.p circuit as ill Fig .. I, and ill another instal~
~L' . . . '.
and vise;. 2d. brace and· set bits complete. 1at.iou the meters must be cOOllected as in
Bibber White Co., 49 Federal st., rubber Gents' potato r~ce-: Wen by M. Ber- Fig. 2. I should like to hear froni all:Y
gloves. \. mingham and D. Fl};nn. Prizes, fan mo- brother who has a solution to offer; and I
Ft. Wayne Elect. Co., Equitable Bldg., tors. shall be extremely grateful to 'any and all
com~~along. Work seems to be picking up in Boston, brothers who inay selld a solution.
Frank Ridlon CO.,ISO Sumner st., strap as at each meeting our business agent still The Hartford Central Labor Uniol1 cele-
and wire. inquires for men to go to work. brated Labor Day with their usual parade
J. W. Poole & Co., 37 Pearl st., small We had the pleasure of having with us and picnic. Local No. 31' was represented
torch. once more Hro. Curley Sheehan. He just by about 20 members, the:rest being out
PettengiII & .Andrews, 5 Winthrop sq., returned from Hartford, Coun., and had uf town·or compelled to work. Our wor-
plyers. . . . hi!ii .traveling card. We were pleased with thy Bro. W. H. Craw1ey being President
H. A. Howard,6:t .Olh·er st., fan motor. the remarks he made regarding Local 35. of Central Labor Union, saw that we Were
The Electric .Gas Light Co., 195 Devon- Yours fraternally; se(:ond itl line. We were headed by Bro.
shire st.,plyers. T. R.'MEL VILLE; \Ve1clJ., who ~arried the banner 011 horse-
Gettens Electric Co., lSI Tremont st., Press Sec'y. back, Bro. Welchearnen for hiw~elf the
plyers. soubriquets 'of . ;. Teddy Roosevdt" and,
A. J. Wilkinson, 180 Washington st., s~t the. "Rongh Rider," two !lames of which
~ca1 Union NO.,37.
Chandler & Farquhar,34 Federal street, Hartford, Conn;, Sept. 3, 1898.
spurs. Editor Electrical \Vorker :
L. W. Ferdinand & Co., 176 Federal st., Enclosed find Local No. 37'S contribu-
hit and brace.· "- tion for September. Our press secretary
Chandler &. Barber. 15 Elliot st., screw- haying left us for new pastures, the duty g
'lr----------D 'i
driver set. of supplyiug a letter has devoh'ed upon
e. E. Logue, 's Deo st., connectors. me. The members here feel a little sore
Clark Mills, 1440 l\-tass. a\'., plyers. towards ex-Bro. Sheehan because he neg- ~ f1 .
Hunters, Sum·ncr·st., bit and brace. lected his duty last month, and, for .the '---~
-==-.--'- ~II! / . '-'
Eastern Electric.Cable Co., 6I-Q3 Hamp'
shire st., coil wire.
first ti111e, left this local without a monthly
. report in the \VORKER. Howeyer, we
They all contributed witl: the most
hearty approbation, wishing us success.
will excuse him, ns he pr-obably had a great ., .
deal to attend to iJlci(~el1tal to his leaving C
What was contributed amounted to all1lost for Boston. Here's good luck to you, it;;;-=-
a hundred dollars. We had a iarge crowd, Sheehan.
. ==- - .=.=l...; ,
and a great many brothers brought their
families, to enjoy the day's outing down
On the night of August 10 we held a
meeting. Bro. Sheehan was present and fF:~=~--:
the harbor. They much <:njoyed the games tendered his resignutioll as Past President
and sports, which were as'follows: and Press Secretary.· During the evenillg
100-yards dash-Won by Bro. P. Larkin; thc local, through Bro. 1\1aloy, presented'
2d, Bro. \V. Thoma~. 1st prize, fan motor; Bro. Sheehan with a handsome watch-
2d, pair·Getting's plyers. Time, "Yz sec. charm bearing the enlulelll of our National
. Three standirigjumps"":'Won by Bro. W. Brotherhood. Bro. Sheehan accept.ed the
I J. Joyce; 2d, Bro. P. Larkin. 1St. prize, set gift in a neat speech and invited the boys
bits; 2d, pair plyers. Distanc(~, 30 ft., 35 ft. to take refreshments with him. The FIG. :a.
Putting l6-ib.shot-Wonby Bro. \Y. J. boys embraced the opp~)rtUl~ity to bid the
Joyce; 2d, P. Larkin. 1st prize,sct chis- rv.--

"' ...

els; 2d, pair plycrs: Distance, 38 [1.,35 [t.

Throwing 50-lb. \\-eight-Won by' Bro.
broi.her good-bye and wl;;h h1m luck. There
was a decrdcd gloom C:lst oyer the brothers :rlif:t:]
I. I:
i'I I!• • I'
:.:! JI:: II
Oll account of his departure.
W. J .. Joyce; zd, W. Ryan. 1St prize, \\" ell , brothers, for ·some time 1 ha\'e
large' torch; zd, cO!,llbination set screw-
driver. Distance,:q ft., 23 ft.
been looking for the solution of a problem
oyer which I have worke<11ong and ea!'1l-
t':::1l .
'" i.... ~
Half-mile run-Won hy L. e. McD(lll- esth'. l'erllaps some of the brothers of ..~ ~,e"!:S.:1rICl
• .. • •
aid; 2d, P. Larkin. 1st prize, small blow tlllS great organl2.atlOn may be able to 1'~
torch; 2d, rachet brace. Time, 3 min. 5 sec.
Ladies' potato race-Won by Mrs. Fla-
supply me with <;3111C. The prohlem is ;; t f.1
this: You will see by the illustratiolls the 5~~~~~i ;:.t~1
0 ~ ':
herty; 2<1, Miss Ferrier. connections of four Thcmson Recording ~ I CI
Hase hall het~'een Local 35 and visitors \rallmcters. In Fig. I we ha\"e two metcr~ ~
. r:=
1~ ~
-)- 'l
-\Von by Local 3.5. Prize, large Lux 011. each phase 0 f a two-p Jlase ~r .. £ I ~
cigars. Score, 3 -to 2. cmt. These meters are connected 111 Clr-
- - - ·-:·~f-:-!- •..:-·-· ~. _~ •..__

:~> yi >~:;:?fl~', -',' ~~:'~~::11?;~~t:~; 1':,' t t~t;>.~J:t#.?!<_

THE~'E1$~TRfe~~t~1VO~K~Ro' c--r~c> ~<.'_':u'-'C=---.-·
'. ~ • ." • , •• ..: n .~ . . . . . .:.,' ~ •_ .~. • • _ ..,
-~:':i":~~9>~,rJ!~r :-'-"-
he ,is extremely proud. The boys made 'a
verygOOd:shoWirik; aut "iih white
. f1atmel capS; canes and badges.'" several
:~~~~irl~~~~~~~~tk~~~~~ "
blo!:ks'gOod'~d'''tigbt' untilth.e Ij~~:t'bow~'
twenty of his books !i,nd,'the mo~,Jy.;~as';,
f6rwardM ' to "him:" Hope'- tiie'feit~ (liP.:t}ie
loealswili'do the- same;
.~ stops 'were' Diade; .ofsllOrt 'duration, and,

• ~ "/
crippled up pretty'baa:' Ha\-e'had'tWo
.. ' . , ". , c'. . " " - ' - ' ....

tlie·:tiOjis were . eiuloledfo '~tisfy:theit' traveling brotherli stop' with"usnliey(i¢'l'

tlilist~" Right here\ve wishto:tlUmkBro. pOSited' thetr '~rd'S=:='Bro.!E;,·Ctfrtls/from
C!tWiey '-for stopping the parade so 'that me!1t Sjglled ~yt~e electrical cont~tors No. 10, and Bro. E. J. Smitli;'fr6bi"'T~i;.

otii"'diVision came directly under' a'large NO.3, also took a chance 'Witli 'tis again; , .

~ tn frant-of a 'house'oecupied by people Should Frank Hurst, .of St. Louis,lii!,p::'

who'evidently bore in' mind' the old 'rule; pen to read this nionth's WOR'KEIt', 'lI~t-hiin
,. D6:to- :cithers as you-woUld be done by," drop a few lines to the' writer, as it is:~'
fdHhey 'brOlightus out soqle ice-water, for' long time'since we worked tog~ther;'."':
·whlch: we are very'gratelul. WehSve To all Electrical Workers: You are Iii:..'"
~en' thoSe ladies a vote of thanks, 6ne iug Co., wiring up some boats; ;,ut that quested' to attend onrgranda-nmlal bii'll
tlley richly neserve.)ts sijOtUisOth~. res:' work "ill . llot, '1i>_~Ffo!'e~er;' "The-re:'art a and banquet; ,to be held on Thatiks-givitlg'
idifutS of 'the'street saw' whl!otthey bad la~ge' 'Dunib~r:;of~~ig~lluilrungs' gOing up Eve. Come along arid'see the-'litiys'of3S.
don';; their lead wiu; followed. It showed here, but they wiltnot'he'readvuntil next Br~. Chas.Coll, our good~natured ViCe"'

dlpeci!ll' thOUghtfulnesS on'the part of the President, stole a 'march'on "us. He ac-
ladies,' 'W'e once more extend OUr thanks. knowledged that the cigars were on him.
Well; this is Written on uiyreturil from Success to yo-uiCbarleYj.'maY your after-
tlle'Picnic, and brothers who have a:ttend- life be a pleasant one. -Lookout, boysj we
ed~the 'sam-efniictiont<Mla:y WiU"indulge conti'aciots; ,< "'111:ey: :.fui~e:tWo'(;r"th~: 'm~n: have another brother who '~l]'>foQI us be-
me 'With tb-eu-sympathie!ii f-or·any'and' all here -rro~' BostQn~,thci.fOretna:nCa~e frC)m fore 'long; if he 'attends' LOC'aL'N~.'80's
mistakes I may"have 'made; Alstl"bear::in there. :i'Ji,e' joJ) ,~i;iii:>W\l ~tpl~ .and 'the o~es meetings .much more. :~;-.
unna'tbat·thisis 'my first heat: . in ,the race emp'10yed'9nit;wor~.;ilineho~rsfor~beap Yours respectfully, '.. - _ ::_
for literary'Jioncirs. pay; Has tl1e-l~L-ill" had any .' GEO. H.GL~ASON;' -
Welt; "let's"-liea 'r from Local No. 80: dealings~tt',1.&~i~,_.~;j~p.:i:~i;if they - ';(. 'Press Sec!y:::-
Their Press secretary wrote a lettei some have.l!ad any inf6nnat~04,a,?ou~$he1ll Lo-
tiIlte,ago tbat,-,was .short and to t4e point,. cal 38'W6uld' Hke;·to,h.eiL't~fj611Vtbem by '~ocalUnio:ll·No; 40. ;
and weshomd 'jike to hear from them letter, which mnj:b~lp;,1is\iill'Diakiilg the St. Joseph, ?wlo:,Se~t.7,1)!98.; '"
a~nYWell;:"he~e'-s su~&ss to all locals, job- iuiion, if po~itile?,"'''/~ ';"':"ijb:'~,;< '. ,':'
Editor Electrical VI orker : .
and especi~l1y to our new local in Greater Tbis·locHl'Js· -g0illg, t~,ooopt,;,a '1Jew<plan
The scribe for Local N,o. 40 ~n ~4d;il .
to"get .mcinbt!rs'j,:~tlt.e)~·.tried,;to,gef tb~ at
New. York: Long m,ayshe live, and~may
prosperi!,y always attend them. reduced "ral€so '1!wo ,'years,':agv,: ·bu t.,those
few lines to your September editioh the, of
WORKER, just tohohlihi~.job. La~~"
Well,'g()9d-byeJor September. partiesslippeil'hy j :1W.e:;coUldpot.getthem,
Day has come and ge)l,le, Local N1),. 40 ,haV'~
. " H.B.M. nor:~wQ1ild~th~::com~'i~,tit:the'~egular;rate.
ingsecond place in li11e;"llhe, .difl'oherseif
, . Well,broth~s,.<We' will.;4ouble· the' initia-
proud, turning out with 40 men, ;~he exact
'~~:'Vnioll No. 38. tion' onthc;,I6t;:iOf~ 0~t.6bet'"1lnd'~ :them
n~mber,sherepresentsin the N::S. E:'\~~_
, ;;ClevelaJid;O., sept. 8, 1s9s. again,,;an.d:whcmthe.'lst;/of":May~ ,j8cJ9;'-
With, the, li~ile inteJ:;est that 1"~ sh!l~n .
Editor Electrical Worker: com~ aro.uuq,:,the imtil!.tion fec'wiU be,$IS •. ·
towards the la)Jor parade,. it surprised, the
-Qne,'JD.0re month has passed and the reg': ' It seems 8'-}Oi:,.o('DlOri¢ytppay; but we; will old standbys, thenu~bei- . that, sho,,<id up
uiiirtime,hasatnved to Wrlteto the WORK- get.them of.~eise.get ~heni Qut of.theibusi- with their jumpers and
CaPs for par~e.,
ER; 'Tb€rebas nothing of importance ness altog~ther. -
A .generallnvitatioll' wilsex,tendedto mem-
taken place in ~his viclDiiy in the past We-add.ed threerlew:·1ights to ourgratid bers of our proies;,joDto ~de with us,
month, Qnly that there are aliuger num- circuit ·this ,iliorithaftdreeei~ed two' paid which was liberally respon'd~d to. Altel'
ber of elec~cal workers~of this local walk- applications-for ne.~f :titeefing night. 'So the Parade No. 40 held o~nhouse,!ll
ingaround hoping that the ·sunny side of LocM-N 0.' 38l$'l1dt'siow: . ' , - - , Bro. lluis, j~stJrom §t. Louis, tepol'·~~d 0;1
prosperity will turn around and grasp their The,lady ele<:triciil;"!wOtkers;' No.'80 j re- the conditions in that city, and others made
hand and say,:"Come and work for me." ceivedavisitfrom· No.':;8 and had their remarks.' Our. standard-carrier and,,;alk~'
·~IlY,;that has .passed away. But some officers installed-by" 'i'OnrGra:ud .Old~Man ing d~legatc::~ ~l'o. )y~bb, who had charg~
, day~.that.will·PaSs away-when t.he cheap Unde Tom"·"Wheelf:!r.· ,Say, and he is no of our banner the last three labor parades,
people are all dead. . spring chicken., Hlf is''8 ','warm" member also the handso~estman in N~. 40;·could
Now, brothers, it is a common sight here with the members: of iocalNo.&i.'Two not attend, on account of a 'broken ,pole
in Cleveland to see a bunch of elect,rical of.' oltr members; g<Wlost ' ihat~eeting and wires being ,down; th~lot as banuer-
workers stand upon the street arid watch a night~ They:wou1if.liot, take: ·tlieir'Unc1e carrier' fell to the old·faitllful Bro.:Schult:z.
'loi~cheappeopi~ doing'electrical \vo'ik .' Toni:s adviceabout~· the iar", side. Bro. Waller being one oftliema~bal~ lUlv-
at .'.r.edliced ' pay_ There is an ex-member T110se two brotbers';bave·:sin,:e ..bought ing cbarge of one of the:l;ijvision~ of tile
of':Lot~f 16 (fonnerly of Cleveland)' who,a:pockettnrap of-itlte 'city. and labor parade, rOde hisbro~cbo ala Shafter
wQuld like ,to get the work done iora far also· a list :of the 'o,,+,cars... 'Tht!y are well style, and handled his divisi()n in a credit-
lovver ~tic~ than lie pays. -rids same indi- posted now in geography. . able manner. It's a
cold day, or some-
vidual w~ ea charter member some years
.. ').;'Y, . Bro~ P; }IcGongh was repOrted sick; the thing is dead wrong, when No. 40 doesn"t
ago:'.§Lold Local No. 16. Wheu he was cOIllDliUee'folpid hini suflering with Ii bad have a mllrshal in tlle parade,: whichsbows .
.hustl'iilg' ~tound doing hiS little piece of 11anrI.:'Hcgot'a li'llr..lfslivcr·of copper run' how the electrical workers stand in tbis
work iii' those' days lit1' was always crying in t'o it' while lil! wa~,\;oi-king.' "fh~doctor comillunity. A few of the' brothers who
,for higher wag~. He was a radical Ulan is afraid 'that'·bloOd.-poiioning'\\'iU' Oiet in; could not get off, or didu·t ,vant to parade,
o~ wiigesj but. that day has long passed but 'S(j:fai-b:e' 'llas- it ·checkeJ:.·· the . An stopped long enough to risk Ollee)ie Oll'~S
out· of his memory. He has -got to be ii brotllt'.Tshopc he'~w1li s60h'gctaround' as we strolled by'them; ,
big boy 110W. But'SOUle day he !Day have agai:l> ". : ; . , The electrical fluid, 'liotof tlie'iitaniif::cc
his OWil troubles over againj then, .per- Bro. R. G. Wrigbt sent Local .1\0. 38 tured kind, visitel1 ex-Bro. Snotlgra!<S i~
: .. "'
. .-
.. "... :~., '.' ">. ~: ~~$":.:; l~};~t!~~:;·~:f.;t-~~:·~i·

SeptemberI THEr~{Hjfd~~~~CAL.\?iGRKE;I{ II
the dynamo roomat Asylum No. 2, sbock- King GUinbrilms.w~ ~s free as the w<\t~xs kopf power canal, running wires. His
ing him severdy and setting fire, to the of Lakc Etie. . .',. ." body was recovered and brought to Buffalo,
handkerchief,arolmd his neck, and melt- Anoth~r ,p4~ade~~, which ",ecH~e~L;the where it,was buried in the family plot at

ing the tacks in the soles of his shoes, but, Limestone Hill. Brothers ·Casey, Daley,
not dOIng' mueli'damage to the electrical Dolan, Yeates, Maley and· J~()(}.ge acted as
apparatus, as hewas able to' start the lights pall bearers. At our last regjl1ar meeting ,
in half an hour .after the occurrence. In Alger.-l\'lotli·eis,'o'S~:sters ,a¢ sweethearts the following resolutions were unanimoUsly
consequence, the,ex-hrother is now having 'had everything to 'lhenlsel~;es on this oc- adopteJ:
his' prO'fusive whiskers treated to a fire- casionand those among the sick and well Whereas, It has pleasedPro:vidence. to'
proof solution, 'his floor covered with as- that had no one to greet them were taken renlo\"e from our midst our beloved and es~
teemed brothers, ''lilliam Stricker and
bestos,and. is also wearing, wooden shoes care of at the arse!;al, where a gcnerous LawreI'ce Lee,
of the low Dutch style. ' We would recom- breakfast was pro\'ided b)" Mr.W. J. Con- Resolved, That Local 45, N. B. E. W: of
mend as a lightning-arrester ,an up-to-date nors, of the Buffa19i Couder, and his corps A., hereby tenders its heartfelt sympatp.y
card in Local No. 40. ,~ of bdy assistants:" . to th~ ~orrowing relatives and friends, aJld
he it further
.The committee having charge of the . Work contiJiue;; :,;lack a(~d tbe outlook Resolved, -r:hat a copy' of these resolu-
scale of wages have , reported. It is to' the for tbe winter is poor; - tions be placed on the minutes, one sent,
interest of every m.ember to be present to l\iichael·>McVoy, a trimmer, for years in to the \\'ORKER for publication, and that
consider the committee's report, as they the employ of the Genl.· Electric, recently a copy he sent to each of the fanuliestlf
our ucceased brothers.
have worked hard 10 perfect it. assigned to the dynamorocim of that com-
A great many readers ofthe ELECTRIC A L
,,' '''76,'' Press Secretary. pany, died here 011 Saturday from injuries
\VORKER throughout tbecountry will be
receh'ed a week pre,'ious .. "'hile' tighten-
sorry to hear of the death of 1\1. B. Mar-
I,O'cal':Un,ion NO'. 4%. ing a belt he slipped and fell across the
vin; chief electrician of Bell -tel. Co. of
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. nth, 1&J<<;. brusbes, .the flesh being .burned through
B.l1falo, for many years. ':hIr. )Iarvin met
Editor Electric Worker:· his back to the spine .. Mr. McVoy was
, hisuiltimely death whilp fishing in ~iagara
Labor day, witha11 of its excitemt'nt, not a member of our 'brotherhood.
river; uear Lewiston. The boat capsized,
has passed and. will.· long be remembered The Postal Telegraph Ce. have dispensed
drowning himself and guide.
as aneventful:oile.· The morning opened with their gas engines and are now using
, '.' Fraternally yours,
with' heavy showers· and prospects for ::. the Genl. Electric power to l'Un their dyna-
mos. This change throw,; out three en-
J. LdDGl~,
continuance duri'ilg the entire day. This PreSs Secretary.
was discouraging to the several crafts, as gineers.
Fraternally yours,
LO'cal Union No. 56.
, much labor 9.!ld' money bad been spent in
preparing for their yearly outing, but the .'Y. H. KEJ~LY. Erie, Pa., Sept. 6, 18g8.
silver lining was·in the cloud and about 9 Eilltor Electrical Worker': .
o'clock began to"show itself. At 10' o'clock I,O'cal UniO'n NO'. 45. Once more I take pleasure in- trying to
the sun was out in all its glory and ",ith Duffalo, N."Y.; Sept. 9th, 18g8. selld Y011 a few lines for our,valuable paper.
clean streets and clear atmosphere the Editor Electrical Worker: The first thing I must mention i~ this fear-
grand parade forn;edand marched over the During the past month the "Grim ful wann weather. It has been so ,warm
route .named by the grand marshal. Reaper," death, bas ,'emoved from our here that the insulation has all melted and
About .lo,ooomell were in line, all in midst two of our me]l1.bers. BrO'. \'lm. F. rl\n off the electric ""ires,and Bro. St.
their best attire. The feature of the pa- Stricker, a private in 'Company E. 3d Pro- reports some glass illsulators melted;
rade was the Scooper's Union, 1500 strong, 'visional Regiment, New York Volunteers, but I did not see them. About the' only
in a ,neat uniform of white caps, wbite was stricken with typhoid fever and died thing I can get to coo1111e off is these sweet
flannel shirts and black trousers. 011 the Aug. 25th, while sen-iug his country. He pumpkins, O'r tryanthlopes; some call
I breast, a large 51 ill blue was conspicnons. enlisted at the time the order came to fill them niush melons. Anyway, they are all
The officers and men of this organizatiO'n up the ranks of the various companies to right on a hot day.
l. are to be congratulated on ,their zeal in
making their part of the parade so success-
tlieir fnll strength and went to Camp Al- Line work is a little quiet here just now.
The Mutual Tel. Co. is building a line from
ger. He was quick to becO'me an able sol-
I ful and.pleasing. '
Locai 41, Electrical Workers, turned out
dier, and seemed about the last as likely to
succumb' to disease. ·"'hen stricken with
Erie to Girard (J6' miles west), and that
work is ,going slow, as the)" have had some
in full force and presented their usual gen- fever, he was removed to Fort Meyer hos- trouhle about right of way. Bro. Harry'
, teel appearanc.e. ' BrO'. James Burgess, of pital, where he died. The body was :;hwimUlcr is rul1lling a gang at Girard
41, was assigned as an aide to' the grand hrought home to NingaraFalls for burial, lIud is doing some' good work.
marShal and from the figure he cut on his and the funeral was one 'Of the larges~ ever No. 56 gave a picnic on Sunday, Aug. 14,
fiery steed led the crowd of spectators to held at the Falls.' The deceased was at Glenwood Park, and such a picnic! I
take him flJr Gen. Miles or Col. Roosevelt. twenty-three years old QIl Aug. 2nd last. am sorry it was 110t possible for all L. U.'s
One of the most pleasing compliments He was president or" the Independent Hose to h(IVC sent delegates, so they could get a
that could have Leel1 paid to our labor or- Company of Niagara 1:.. 11s. He was given i)t:tier idea of the great aiT•• ir .. The weath-
ganizations was tl1e visit of fi~'e hundred a 1nilitary hurial, all escort following the er was too waml for many games, but we.
BriCklayers from Montreal. They not remains to the grave, and when thc body did have a hot ball game between the
only came as t()Urists to' our heautiful city, was lowered to its .last resting place, a btothcrs froni the Dell Tel. Co. and the
but came as craftsillen as well, and joined salute was fired over the mOU1ld while a :'lutual Tel. Co. The score was 28 t.o 28 in
in the long ma;l'ch as enthusiastically as Lugler sounded final taps. In this death the seventh inning, and the boys quit on
our hO'me llIem'hers. The Bricklayers: Niagara Falls was ('aBed to Illourn the first account of the heat. The next was t.he
Union of this city looked after tbem, and death muong her hrave soldiers, and it is pole-clil!1bing contest. The pole was 50
that is equivalent to saying their sojourn but truth to say the Cataract ,City mourned feet out of the ground. Bro.:l\Iil!er was
was a pleasant one. the death of brave Private Stricker. first, ill J7 seconds; Dro. Kistner second,
'J'he picnics at Teutonia and Forest Bro. Lawrence Lee met his sad,and U11- itl IS ;;econds; B):"o. l\1ulheim third, in 50
Parks were largeiy attended. Jollity timely death by dr(lwl1ing at ~iagara seconds. (John said he was too rat.)
rC'igliell supreme and the amber fluid of Falls Sept. 2nd, wbile working at Schoel1- Tho::n cnme the Ene-throwing. Bro. Jacobs

· ~ first;'With,66 f~t· of: line over a so-ft;· . ;:rhe<boys,aIlsay tbat:'~'ijoe,~,~veEP:

teiegrapli line;' '. Bro. Hain'was;'secoud 'and' fOlid,.of stuffedjsausage,,·~-";'. ':'H;;'~.•',1.l1;j, :;.vd:
lasthvitb i60'feet :of rope 'around· my neck;' c.Somerof the,boys~and-.f.citiiens;~.~~~.
Ttien'came "the .great bicycle race~ ·With- dering...-w'ben:i fhe~Mu~ ;~let~c,)Ei~i
aJres; . Hi&!;; Sf.'>' CllUr;' Jacobs, Hart: Co; •,wiU "cha.nge· t~t~,pole' ;,0« ,~e.•lcOl'-' .
SbWiDlIIu~tiana' Llirsori;'which was won'by ner. of, the: PJazaAbat 'haIFbeeD'~c~ned;
Bfo'·'Hicks;Bro. ShWiinmer was 'second so' 10ng,;·;l1he"S. W; Tel;~o.,;,fj~Dg,
and Bro.. St.·Clair third. Jacobs,'Hartand tentr.-i'll1,teI'eSt'-aricll ,thOT-oll1~11nesSUP.:·:' . .' ., on'putting,;jn abOilt"1'2ioqo;feet!pf,~d~.."
'carsonst~ for' refreshinents; and this · At the last-fueeting"ot tther;!1'r.~es.€oun­ ground workthis.spring:.-.;;,.. '''',ji~''';; .,."'!~
waS;t1i~ i~t<ifthe uCit~i:ne'Dt. ;;. " . cil:thepOsitions'iii"the:;:p;irad~~~.;i;lrawJi . . The track to'the"Bi'ewery:-,iS.;'u~arlyi
. Bros.' and Donahue Iiiwe beenw.ork- f6r:'-by- :the, delegateS,,;,Qf~c;thei:F.r~pective. completed.. and.Scbaeffer:'& .Braden·'~~i
ing With the City Electrician for the' .last unioB~'~\ith.the foll~gjT.esll~tS~·.;,; put.·two . linemen to. work"stringi~·;.a.'

few 'weeks, ri;pairirig the.: fire-alarin lines. double trolly. "; ;:;= 'C",;:
•. 'Bro. MiUet got the' 'jo~. 9f painting. the.. A lineman by. the .name of:fri~:W90" .
ftag~poleat.the, S91di~.s!_Home·:here; .the was w~rkitig for, Schaeffer. &. iBraden!fell , .
pole·.is'~I08ifeet oilt of the;gtound, and Bro. from .. a·. tower' wagon .last . . weeki ;'arid .frac,,;
~iiier. put'o~tw~'coats' Of~int;'.. '. tured,an; ankle;' he·. is ·.getting:a1onglV~;
There are a few brotJiers here, 11lc1uding ·'7 .qgar.~Ia~ers. . 'C. • ,. • well. ··Price· was~a stra~ger··in; S",t\" ..and,
the. writer, wh.o ,think th~e, .great spOrt' ol4el")abor ._<irgal1j~ii~,ha,ve does not .belong to the union!' "".'1 ',,,,', "".
i~. iB,king .a~ So.: or' go.~{i:le. ". bicyt:]e .ride nq~ijie.9~ V~~~ 1:radcS~9~Jl~h,t~~t~h.ey i ri7 Iguesl;this; enough this time, so IWllI
eyiry close
&iul(kY. ~A f~i< weeltsag() we went the circuit. . ;.... E.,.W.,. P.S. ,
to Cotin~t,. O':;a~d ~e~w"a man in ~ .:l. ~
. ".
••" " t ~,~_.'.

~~i'..~o/:'!l picture., ~,ma~ .. It's. some

Ri. ~oca1Union.:N~.,6.5,>;· ':'.
JWiii'9(.a~egr~~.y()uhav~tO- ~ke in Con-
n~~t;'ancfjti~ n~~essarY to smQther your-.
self·for~lX;Ut five~utes b'e{ore you ~n
get. the h9R$,iti4;~!i.1t d()wn 'l~w enough to
see·the:~'!l h..eildapPear; . .

··E:'.B:~,P'iaiick & Co,
foJlaye ~QI!.q; in,tiJ,e pa-

." .... .... , .

Butte;M:ont., cSept.i'·7, {98:;·'
Editor Electrical Worker:, ,.' ..• ; .. , .. _"
·Once again I wllHry,and,wrlte"ar.$ort·
letter to our most valuable' paper.;: • Laqpr.

"4e ..:tlp:~(~ip~f we took was to Corry, ,~~;t:~ft~~~~:~~g,n..· Day bas comeandgone;,and l"m11St~y
thaf:L<ic::al. 65 did verywellr,nnder the:cir-.,
Pa.; anji'we.:alLiook .dinner at Bro. St, Te~:as Slice·aud Leather Mfg. Co. cumstances. We had 26 or '28 011t of'S: rOs"
Clair's hom~.~.:A·hd,allow nle.toi. ~yri.ght L '~ichel..;"·:,,\ i<'-' ,.:'."
L~il:dbex:g&;Jew~tt; . sible 35 members,in'linej,notwithstandiilg'
hexePIat,w'~l~re,,·fed up in .good sbape, S: .{:-Steam'Lal1ndrv.. . that one of our "has'been u 'hosses mi(<re,
and in .fact we were,:us~ better. ,than liH~ s; A.Slieet~!ltl!talWt.tks. ~;" the remark. that he carri~~e uniGiJ~ votes:
w.el!i~gJit_:~o~. ·I.ate, ,.~ much chicken The Be~_:;Di;ive-;$-~~jidinre\ver.y.'f\Vorkers' and ,all, in. his vest pocket. ,"'<6,is pocket.
~.tI Waueally .asha~ed .to lay my ,head ullip~,'lffi~ iS4!cur¢dttheSegllin~ Band to aDd·pulImusLbe small indeed;' but.there'
· op:.o~-"pillo~tlJat~Qr,her made 9f hen pnicede;the'#iin thejlal'ade ••· . TheSe. unions is {still a ,~tisfaction in :awowing;;tilaklie'
f~~er:s.a:n4"se!lt.u~ . last .thr,eshing tim:e. de\len,ecr,.erut· jor"theiI'; enter~e~ ,: ,; .. does not,cut :much : figtire:·with·':11l\,~r; Heoat,
Bro. 'St·.,Clair'si-athex·,is.a railroad man, ·r,be;litreQL' foJ." ~he,.p"ll"ade cis. as one time was:;the'· mostenergetic:member'
~~d he.know~ a~ut,ho~a.<01an follo,y-:s:rFprmqp ,.\'\sCWuesD and .E, thence we hild; .but now he has-a positionwith"a
~~k' ~P. -,~~d.,jJj; :,~~her knows ,h9W',t,P dowy iE .. $ojt!;Wll :street' t~ San $aba.street, lat:ge corporation and considerS; his'job of: .
· JA~ke Jtt.e p~~k~ .', t.o .lYnj~~.;;l1ark;to:\-\':/Cominerce. to' .l\:Iili- more importance than .his ·manhood and:
,W~~l1; Labor'~~y.has comeand-gone; we tary pl~i,,~t of·· trevillOStreet~toMain honor . Time will tell.whetherjsbould'.he·
llad a 1:ineday. for, it., a' large crowd, a.lld, pJ!:Wi;.. th.~nce up.-~OIl}nlerCe .street t9 Ala- at anytime become disabled;:'the-
e.v~:ybod'y eIU<>.yed.the11lselves. Mr. Isaac mo ,pi~,.,·iOn the.grolinds .after the pa-' men in the rauks or the corporation would
Gowen,of Cleveland, 0.,. ~as \Vith us and raQ.e"Will·,.}x:·· speaking,;-:U,on... J. L. be·his friends .. Would the company pay
sP9~e,ou the.-labQ:t;. question, and a large S]ayqep./ and 3lithelis~ Q[!!ports. aU{1iprizes his doctor's ,bill, deathbetiefit, and keep;
cro.wd gathet:e.4 around the speaker's stand wOuldtak~. uphalf;ofB.O.,.~d.itor:1\paper, the wolf trom the door? No!·"13ut, ,no'
~nQ r~ained motiouless for about .twp I wi-ll:hay'e t~...QmJt- t~m, bqt'''illgivethe matter what came to him, so 10ng''SS' he'
110ur:s, exc~pt for their frequent ~pplause. nawes of tile. winn~rS in .wy.:next .. ' ;Tbere showed 'a' principle of manhood, he wo,¥ld
Qn lalit.Saturday llro.\Vm. Geives was will be a .grl;lud ba)1 'in .the .e\~el,iing·on the still be considered. a' man' and .be.entitled
cu~thlg a limb out ,oi.atree to clear .~ gro:undll. ~nd,;a; hot tiiue,is e.¥pected by to all rights and·b~nefits, andby,any,over.~
· ground on an .alternator, and in. some way ev~y one; . . .:' si-ght, loss of pOsition, or disability'; ·he.·
he lost his, hold and the brick. side- ~9" 6<i~nas'itsVC$tl;egarcl~.a'Qd hearty could still command our friendship'-and;
~al~:~ ~disblliceof '~bo~tls.fe~t, and broke thanks to Bro. W, F. Hendrick~tor:.S(!ud­ financial aid. " .,. ,
his ann ·aud, got ahad·.cut .over his eye, ing;\ls tw~ _~~ .lights 'for our' ~i~cuit,.as Can a member of ,any laborol'ganizatioi1,.
put. the. nurse .at t.~e hospita~ told nre this· onr:Qld· go~t is,getti~g· awful l:izyJat~ly. great orsmall,give up his obligation after;
· lDor~Ipg,:tha~,lle Was gelting al.',>Dgfille ,tue Cit.f·Ekclti;':iali #~" r!,c9J.nUlCllced viewing the grand labor procession-of Se.p-
attd:wouldbe , 011t jn about. Ii weelt. :8r9. c,!?lldem!ling /1-11.the old work in· SliD -;..o\nto- tember 5th? Are tbeynot· ,the,.~ail1 sup-
Geives: works f~r. t.he Edison Electric Light ni""consequE! a d~ci<tedchange port of the whole ullh'~rse,who-.'makejt
.Co~ and will be, misse<,i by ·the boys while for. the bet~er and hl,l~ill~s isstt;adily.pick- possible for the rich to' ,enjoy life, ·wear
heis laid.up." L. E. C., R.S. 11lgap;.tltel;e~n: "nly,two l;rothers 011t of their soft clothes and take their .amnial
workuQYo': aui] We hopeio i)Jacc them.sooll. ttips to foreign· countries ?\\,ho, indeed,
'~oc~t' Union No~ 60. 1:'To; 6~ ha<;a:lopter';'Il" J1~w.. !!(;:11e:~f ;'ages bllt the laborer and mechallic ?N~ver. so
SanAn~nio, Tex.,. Sept, 3, 1898, that ~~li !iOOUg<) i i{i;o ,efie.c~; ~I~il. f~iJl.bea long as the sun is in'the heavens, ",iUlabor'
Editor. Electri~1 Worker: great ',iU1pr~vemellL9y<:r the o1t:Lstyle of eyer be recognized until. they.all, great au!i
.•. '1'be trades .11nions of Sa~ Antonio have t:\'~r)' oue for uims",lf.". small, balld together as one body,.Jeave'alI
· detemuned to have a Labor Day 'celebra- )Ve woulu l~ke t~ hc<U" fro~ Bro. Rose, , petty,¢s ou.1;, ·snd stand
· tiop this ,year th3.t will totally'eclipse anY7 lis.ali, the hpys'!<l'c:, 31lxiol:!s to .know how. byea:ch other; protectdbcir brothers and
thing previously attenlpted in tills :liue hei,!getth~k along. ,'" their families in time of n·eed.Re!U~l-
:·····:·1. ·'..'.:...:1::·~·-;',.. .•~., •. . , .

Septem~erl: 13
ber that the morrow may bring you sorrow St. R. W; Co. ,and tM;QU:incYGilsLt. and 1\1r. Ben Jphnston, I mean; ,he i~thewhole
and grief, and then you inay be a fit sub- Coke Co: have all soniout .to;'Eastern 'par- thing with the Telephone Co.
jectforcharity. "'''\,ho kD<~ws? Who will ties. The boys ask each other in a jocular' I often see in thedifierent letters where
you. look tofot>relief, the corporation. way who we are working fo.r. But all the :Dlembers will Dot - come out to the
which employs YOII' for the work it can get right,sowe hold our respective' places; it meetings, and we are troubi~ in the same
out of:you,· or' the ,'brothers who know and don't matter who wework-Ior. As for any way. It is a wonder to me,tl:Jat some of
honor you for your moral worth as a man new work:'be-iiig,doii-P, it is~tQPtsooti toteH the boys ever get up to the lodge to be ini-
and a brother? Brothers, do your duty to anything about it.';; . . tiated, for that is the last you see of them;
your employer as.youdoto your God, but The workers made a creditable showing they "ill give some brother their dues to
you can .still be ';s.' good union man and in the turnout Labor Day.: ·Bro. John Ness- hand in, as they are too busy to:come; they
brother worker through it all; and as for ler as drum major handled. the .baton like . stay away and wait for a few of the others
our backsliding btothers I only hope that a veteran. to attend to cverything. There are sonie
they may see the error of their way before Bro. T. R. Sle~dingspent several days of our members who have forgotten wIlen
iUs.too late .. Get- in the like and drill; . in Chicago. \Vewonder ihhere is a mag- we meet-I do' Dot know wbatelse could
look out for the leaks and your treasure net attracting him to the windy city. How be the matter with them.
will'be ·on·the i:rtcr~se .. If there is a about it, Richard? '. The Dallas Trades Council·will give a
needy brother, h¢lp him, if possible, and The weather clerk must. ha ve made a big picnic Lalf~r Day, so if· Waco comes
you will certainly b.e ~~~'I'arded i.n the end. short circuit between this locality and the up to see'us we will give them ·some nice
At this time it' may ·be well to notify all northeast corner of some Esquimaux' barn- prizes to take· back with them, if they can·
members of Local 65 that from July until yard, as the last few days and nights have do the work fast enough to get off 'with,
further notice, any. member· absent two been decidedly frosty, but' it was thank- . them. \Ve will have pole-climbing, cross-
consecutive meetings Without a gOod and fully received after so much hot weather. arming and hand line-throwi:ng.-
sufficient excuse, .will be fined the sum of Jas. Nolan, an old crnployce of the T. There has been a man here who claimed
fifty cents, and after .three months in ar- H. Co. and a good Iineman;too, made him- to be a union man, "and he got· mad and' .
rears will stand sli"spended. self a part of a circuit lasr week and had quit becal\se, when they were making up'a
In the way of -wo~k, brothers, there is his hands painfully burned. Had' it not set of by-laws he wanted one article to read
very little to ,do at present. Bro. Kcef,.of been for the timelv work of Wm. Covle,' like this: .. No nnion man to take another
the Light Co., has only three brothers one of the workers, ·we dori~t know whether union mall'S place; no malter what he was
working, and things. in the construction we would still be acquainted ~dth Jim or discharged for." He could not get it
line are slack. 'The 'Phone people are not. Coyle is an old·timer, and grasping throllgh, so on the 5th day of '.:]aly he was
doing some little work, getting ready to . the situation and his pliers at the same strawiJlg for a foreman here who sent him·
string cable, I understand. There are sev- time, opened the circuit and let Jim go. It· to the pole-yard to splice a pole: ' illstead
eral new nlen here from all parts of tbe was a close call. of doillg the work; he took the men' who
country working for the 'Phone, but we Brothers everywhere; I think ,ve all know were sent ,vith him and all got dmnk; and
expect to have .them:with us soon. The that· ·the stuff is no respecter of persons, of course the manager had 1:0 go out just
local telephone boys'are kept very busy and a wire of any' kind is dangerous, for at tne wrong time,- and saw that there was·
at.present, but can stand it. you can never tell; there may be a 'cross nobody iltwork; so they let him out. aud
Our President, E. A. Cherry, has left just around the corner. So don't take gave nle the job that he had.· .'Conse-
the city for Zion, to. accept a good posi- chances; wear the glOves or the boots. quently h~ is going to take a fall out 'of
tion. Good luck to :)".ou, and let us hear The circuit is open. - me-nit. \Vhenever he gets ready to do
from. you soon. ·Our Vice-President, Bro. J. T. JOHNSTON. it, he knows where I live. He has tried to
Higgins, is also. out of. the city, but hope .keep three men from joining the union
he will still retain his membership with us. I40cal Union No. 69. that. I know of, Rnd also told a brother
We have lost a co~ple of good members to Dallas, Texas, Aug. 31, '98. froui Galveston to keep away from 69 or
Local 31, at Anaconda~but expect to he~r Editor Electrical Worker: he would get the worst of it; He never
gOod reports of them there, and hope some Will send in a few lines fo September paid his dues, but got the F. S. to pay them
day to welcome them home again. \,. e WORKER. Everything is going O. K. in for him, and has never r~imbnrsed him a
have one.of theirs. ill_ Bro. ·V/hite, who de-
Dallas. All ulembers are working but ccnt. "'hen 69 was' organized before, he
posited his card with usthis month. three, and tlley will go to work next week. got Bro. Trotter !'c pay his dues, and still
We are in good shape financiallYr and We llavejust.completed two miles of street owes him. lIe OWeS 'several of the boys
with thc aid of all brothers we cil11 con~ railroad work and I think there will be here, besides these, one of, 'WhOUl, an
tinue. Do your dut)' t. brothers, alld. re~ some more R. R. work in the· near future. amount of several years' standi11g; got the
membe.r the Financia~. Secretary is your \Ve have got union foremen ou illl of the brother. to sign a voucher so he could send
friend as long as you are up with your Light lines in Dallas, so if work starts up it in, whcll he had already spent the mono"
dues, and tllere is only one way for you to here this fall, and the prospects point that ey .. He got R job ou the CottouBelt road
fix things with him, and that is the price way now, the boys who come·this way had and seut for a 11on-union man. to help him
-great or snla11. . better have up-to-date cards; but would whell thc lllau he owed was not 'voiking.
Frat~rnally, E. 1\I. D.not advise anybody to come until further 'Veil, a warning to cigarettc smokers
notice, as there is not much ill sight at and I will close. If the \\·ORKi;:R has
I40cal Union No. 67. present. room for this I will try again.
Quincy, Ill., Sept. Qi 18Q8. The Telephone Co. will do a good deal Manager's Office, Aug. 3, ISgS.
Editor Electrical Worker: of work here this winter-all the cenfer of Mr. Bartoli: .
Everything is quiet along the banks of the town will be underground work. They Your work-is not progressillg fast enough
the Mississippi, that is, as much of it as will move the Exchange. tbis fall; have to suit this r.ompany. I attribute most of

Quincy covers.. The rumor ·1 spoke of in built a nice office building. Tom Le Vale
my last letter was well founded, as the last is in ere now for the 'Phone, but is going
few days have de\'clo.ped the fact that the out with a long.distance wire; he has two'
this-to use of cigarettes; YOll kill time by
lighting and smoking, though you may
lIot intend it. At any rate, the work does
Empire Light and Power Co., the T. H. of our hoys with him. I do not know who 110t show up. It takes you longer to put in
Elcctric Lt. and Power Co., the Electric . ,vill do the city work for the 'Phone, or or move a telephone than; allY mall I eyer
had.' At'thisrate I will bes~Owedunder to ,,,trieeti~g;!,andjioitig~,their"dUty,; i. rowed afew years ago, we'w~e,v;ery,.SQny.(;.
when the rush"comes, this fall. .you will WQllid ;feel b;lll'and, set:a~~r"cxainple if,I.· welcouJd ,not. use.:him. . '~;;' ':';<,h,·,,;·' '<i" '·,,-,n
have :toq1iit"smokirig 'cigarettes' on,··your diU: ~~~omeup' w.tlnny'ipart~(\(;t$ very:. . 'Look at your, cards; ;,bpYSjiJ ~or.e..~9.q,i
wm:k or give up your job; and,to improve' so¥Y,:oto:s,1:yth.1.t:some:.fihthetn: Mvcmade.. starnhis:way. ·Wewereglad ,to see·,B{~i;'
in'yourwotk, also." . a oortiolete ·faiiurejn;thej'T:dut!J'~ ~1mt;is;in Hoc;lges show:;.up ,.last .·week:;.rtlPnk,~hey,..!
Ver.y. respectfully', . att~~ilirig;meetin'g~~ , ahll~'ashamed" must have,:fed him"pr-etty:w;el~;".gained: J4·::
J.'D. McADOO. to·sa.y,.that,w.e'have tfailed;?ii;J-:~ut .It<sttwo· pounds. ,.; "'0 , " " " , , ' . :',:',:,,:

W. B;·C., P. S. rueetj·ngs 011 ~.cCOllnt ()f 110;•.';L......

·' ,a quv-.
A V.rell, I.willn'ngoff.thistime,,::' :-:": .,'lIi
----~~- rLm1~"lthink,,if I. were ,cue oLt;IJOst who E.:P.McBRQQ:M, 0'.".
I,ocal''UnionNo.7o: b~v.e:~ot.seentb:e inside ·of:th~["h~U.jn so :rress Secl'etary;,c-,~
,Springfield, Aug. 26, IS98. l~they.d~n~t:kRo'~how i t . I O Q k s " l i w o u l d ' "
Editor Electrical WOl'ker: Withdraw n1yinemhersnip aud j(I~I\',sQme I,ocal Unio~ N.o.7.7~., ';' ..
I hope the boys'have no.t concluded that lif.e..il1sl1:ratl!:~o.society" and,.pa:y"r,oll!C em- Seattle, Wash., Aug •. 21;18g8;,.,
Local UJriOll ,No.' 70 has ci:ased to exist be- pi~Y~e~t,agen~yto''in a;j1-ip, sol Editor Electrical Worker': " ."
cause·they havenoth~rd from us,; but we '
,vould not,have some :ofthe.,~d .b.f9thers Nearlya ..month has passed bfs1tlce' ~f;
:;'have~nlwoitk-ilig.'hard 'to."get'aU;of, .the
boys ,together' and, )1avesucc~eded to some
(',"l'';'''~J"c t!'ying to'> 1,~eptt~~j~s:'g()i1'lg) ]ast'lett'er ·to the w'ORK~R'was wrlt~fi;
pokll)g·me,inJhe . ribs .all tbe,tj!l1e;·,~ !l.ley and during that pericid littie'n~ws'~':
extent .. We have got the Superintendent
will ,c.Oll1e .,up with.. a g:re&t; ,10t~g;.':\Pltlful presented itself in the eiectncal iine,Sp I
of l.ineS:at the. Capital E}ectric'Co.'s, and
tale about, I could .not lea';e:,J,ily,darling will try my best to fill in little ii:ems'tb'at
alSo ~fthe Springfield :Light and Power
wif~,.or IWllSjllst.sotir~d,T ~,o,\{ld::llOt get haye taken place from time to ti'tnesince';
Co., and they wiJl ·give work to union men
only; if they.can't~getunion men they do
m;t~ or',tl;~cvwgot 'out,o,r'~l~y,;~ldthing my lastletter,'and niake this 'one"as lI~'tet~ '.
fvr .an e.lCGlIse: , t ' ; " . ' . . ., . esting as possible under the dtcnit'Istances>
l';ere isaq~~iling l.tio ~e.spise, it is
the work themselves. 'VeIl, we have got
all:the.electric,supply houses. here, and
Ii It has falien upon me, .the painfuhlut). , alw<>ys m~killgsO~p.l>6.<!r~~cuse. of again bringing to Dlifid th~ horiibi~ and' ~
I 11~d mu~l; rath;~:~ec a:",J1.~·oWil tip that
none but union'D1~ri~n,them, from the en-
fatal accident thathapPeiled to'Bro. R:W ..
gin~~up.Amsorry we had to throw one he don';t 'Want toce;ine:, We.a~.t: ii~ing in Robinson at the Conev:Mirie,nearSkyko-
m~u ou,t,of OI.U .local for ~otbeha:vinghim."
self; ,but the;D1en w~o are working Jor him. .
hop.;stJl~t~e wi1l,~~ ~bl~~i~·g~t.a quorum mish, in this State; oii~the
next;me~tillguigl:;i:6;We ha:\'etw(),appIJ- 27th. It seems that Bro. Robilison,arong';
waut.toget in"but, we have not s~enany
coiu. c9me;,up,;yet. There ,are 'five.or sixcati,~!l~,t;.go j~~ i!i~eca,n
e,er g~t ·enough with three other employees, fonning:tlie'
men hel'e who ,would not comeinwhen.we. i~!de." i'" night shift of the mine, set 'off a.
bll(st .
-Yow will see solJle ' of these ..job.illsurance therein; They then hastened to:the fac;e'
started ·buhlr.e ~nxious to get in now. We
member>s ge t :aff;,iu.lhc",C011t1er;',ith some of the tuitrielancf'wahed' for tiie:ga!i'i8"
are:g~i~g~~lit,t'hemsweat awhile,.. new member or all outsider. and. talk about clear 6nt. A stone'W~1l 'had' beetl oiHn ;-{p .
:We hav~:a. strPp':g: retaUcler~s'union
what ·we; ha,yedoiie.· J\ll;t look:afNo. I or near the face of the tunne],on top'of \vhich ."
here, anfl we ~t itbef6re tliesp of:th,e 110n-
lUlioDDlen in toW-nand ,~hey stopped their.
NO.·9;'~lUdseewhanhey.have Q:olle; make the miners llSed to fixup·the'chargei. of'
c1~ks'.quick, (or. they are dead in the p~h. a talk,abQuUhe w.e .of onc.'lf,Sam.pson's dynamite, etc. At th~ foot of·this' wall
1 think in a:' short tim~ we will have the 13-inch ~n~; blltthe tinle'mee!ing night was quite a quantity of'dynamite::which'
hottest u!1i~nill"tile SY1te ,lor, th,e size of . C<'l111es a:!'onnd the)-; llave.shrn]:ku:p to a had been thawed out, and as usuaHn 'Wahh:
it.. I ,wiUsay Ol1e thing to the boys: When I-pounder; or 'disappe-ared·¢r, and weather, some nitro-glycerinehadekuded"
they nsit Oll;J',t,own they wilJ al,,-ays find a that new member 'Wonders ,,·hat·has be- from the cartridges .. In
anidIe' inoOle'tit:'
(;ome ·of that great tn3.n h~ was t:llking to. one of the miners picked: up aedlin-and"
welcome hand·for all •. The Sity Electri-
ci~n~nd the Assistant bOUI belong to our \'-ell union laborl!;ui-lIed· another Victory hammer and struck a lick on the top of the'
itl 'Hus 'town:jast;,th~titli;·';J.ti'\\'as.iheget- wall. It seems that he' either gtruck 'some'
local, and they are going after 'UIe compa-
nies hot foot to get their lInes in shape. 1 ting a peli!i!>li:t,l1rougllJhecity :council of the nitro-glycerine that oo:zed out orthe
thjnk by this winter there ,,,,ill be plenty that all contract viork,let bylhe .city was cartridges, or came within' concusSion
ofw.ork her.e for the boys. We have our to ha1Vethc. union ,clause i!lSt';rte<i. They range of it; but anyhow, the whole pile of .
~~ii ~ell distrtbuted, so if anyone comes h~~l it gliOd, hard fight. of it with lipme of dynamite exp]odi!d with a force -that was
. here tIiey will find lh~l.easy_ We have th~;:contractors, bilt we got th~'ough it all felt for miles around. The :poor unforltr-
them with the Capita,l Elec. Light Co., O.K. . ".,' nate fellow who struck the blow was abso-'
Sprhlgfield Elec. Light and Power Co., Atwtllu'thillg, 1 was glad to learn that lutely blown to pieces. . Bro_ Robinson,
City Electrician,.Sta\e Ele~triciall. at State. there is'" a construction ·gang "forking for who was standing some distance frOm.
House foreman for E .. C. Haas' electric the~Telephone ·Co. that the f(lr~man and where the e~plosion happened; was
shop, ~nd the R; lla;ls l\~f.g.,Co. These l\n~f his·linemen carry cards, audif paid. knocked insensible, with his clothing
are the' principal ones in ~he town. ttp,.!'uch a lhing could nothavebeell found almost torn from hili1~ ,By the time ,help
. I ,will close this ti111e Jor 1 have got 'a. jn,:the Sduth,a'.year: ago, If \v<! will all arrived' from the camp the 'suffedngs of
~ase of,-trouble 011 hand /11111 havego.L Lo :work.hy y the lJOn-l:llion men poor Robinson were over.
get ()~t •..... 1 YOll all' ,yhen 1 turn· wilLbe·as: scarce as':-iueunioD. mer. inow. The most peculiar pa·rt of -the accident
intQa mule. ,",-ill try and ten. more next . Work lias.been'pr~ttyflnsh for the last was the weird vision of Mrs. R; W; Rob-
time. Ta-ta. six' weeks, but I!lllpJiose it wiB le~ lip soon. iU5011, wife of Bro. Robinsori, ,,;ho reached
A. H. KESSLER, The. Stn:et Railway Cn, ishaildinr. a new here from Pittsburg, P.;a few·days ago,
Press Secretary'. 'Jjneto Col1;:ge'Heighl:$,' ollt O!l Fifth, and and was paying avisi! to' her mol her at
Local Union No. 72.
. Herring,nvehne will becomplet.ed.iti about . Renton, \Vn., before joining her husband ..
ISciliys. The night that the exploSion· liappened,
Waco, Tex., Sept. 5. '98. The Telephone-Co. ·has· :just ,finished. 3 Mrs. Robinson, aIthough-there';beillgstilL
Editor Eiectrical Worker:' _ tv.lo~inch lead t(lpr(\~dellt. IIeig-hts aud over 100 miles of a separationbetweell her
. As the time draws near for oUr publica- are'build~llg out to th~·Coll'ege. We had and him; _lad ,a vivid dream'colUe,tober
tion I find 1 have 110 more time to write ahoLo·lineman with us the (ltbel' Jay, but ill her sleep;. at precirely the salUetime'
than com1110n, but as 1 have be.en punch- as.. rome'of· us knc\v bjDl pretty well and that the explosion oc!=urred at tile Skyko-
ing tl~ boys up so much about attending h\!,did.~,.~t bring lla:ck"'a' {,:w ·too!s he bor-' mish Uline, bringing before -her .1he-llorri:".
Septem.ber] THE- ELEcritiIcAL .WORKER. IS
ble accident i~ -all its details. being so pacity ~~t ,I 2.~H.'P. These "wli~els~i_;: more gioss)' '''hen month No. 2 comes
deeply rooted ollJler mind. and being of a neither tui-bine oriiripact. l~'is'a new 'type arol\nd :l.lld no room-rent yet ill sight.

sensitive-nature. rest was out of the ques- I forgot ,to mention that Bro. Charles
tion forher. So she arose from her hed Randull has taken the place of our late
and informed tlie-rest of the family of her Bro. Robinson at the Coney Mine. Skyko-
dream. In spitc;of their assurances to the gineers and Olanlifacturers iii the EaStern mish. In a letter from him the other day
contrary. the young wife insisted that her States to know what the wheel is like and he mentioned something-about the amount
llusband had been 'killed. and it was in the where they are made. __ The prst expression of air space he left between himself and
11iidst of her lamentations that the mcs- 011 the subject and the debnt of the wheels the explosives there; it was something
~age arrived. telling briefly of the aeci- themselves ,,-ill be made when under the enormous.
dent. The widow is not over 23 years of pressure of the great' Snoqualmie power. The T'elephone Company alc getting
age. and has a bahy three years old. The wheeis will be illipelled by the power along liicely with the construction of their
Bro. Robinsoli was a member of NO.5 of which Nature has beel1so lavish with in underground system. and If the weath~r
Pittsbnrg. and I!.lthough meeting his death the Stat:e~f \\'asld~ton:_ then. and not llolds out the system wi1l be finished by
far away from home and relatives. No. 77 till then. will this part of/the plant be the middle of -October. und-er the able sil-,
of Seattle did I:reo:it to itself by turning thrown open for genafitHnspection. This pervision of :Mr. Brown. of Sa11 Francisco.
out in a body and escorting Bro. Robinson type of wheel has been for months under No. 77 is tr)dng hard to have ali electrical,
to his last resting place - on earth. The the most severe tests in a series of hydrau- inspector appointed for the city-of Seattle,
flowers that covercil the coffin were nu- lic experiments in . Chicago. under all in order to better the condition of electri-
merous and of a very choice variety. heads. but particularlY a head of 270 feet. cal wl.'rk, wiring. etc. '\'e aTe sadl)' ill
Among the most conspicuous was the piece such as they will have at the, Snoqualmie need of sometlting of this kind, and hope
scnt by No. 77. N. B. E. W •• of Seattle. Falls. They claim ,that -they can realize that in- the near future,our expectations,
representing a broken wheel and standing the highest efficiency and ,the closest regu- v..ill be realized.
nearly fonr feet,' in diameter. with a back- lation ever attained with ,any wheel. No. 77 gave an open meeting and social.
grouna' of white roses and lilies. .. Our An order has been placed -for 22,000 por- on the evening of July 30th, and a very
Union. No. 77. N. B. E. ,v.... set across celain insulators, each about the size of all pleasant time ,\~es experienced by all who
the center in blne ,violets. .. Thus we pass ordinary hucket. which. ,\'ith 5.000 harrels attended. The tables were set for 100
away." of cement. constitutes R train c of twenty- guests; and after' all had done justice to
,In my last letter to the WORKER I five cars, speedingw-est-;':ard at the present the goodies we still hadplellty left. Ow-
wrote a brief note- in regard to the plant writing. 'fhe entire' stock purchased by ing to the evening being extremely warm.
under constJ"l1.c~ion for the Snoqualmie l\-Ir. Baker while East amounted to oyer there 'were quite a few who remaine'd away
Falls Power C'o .• here- in tltis State, but $250.000. and before the plant is finished on t1Jat account., The entenaining com-
owing to the d-etails and plans not being nearly $1.000.000 will be expen<ied there- mittee had their _hands: fuil. ,but like all'
finished and made pnblic at that time, I on. tnle Americans. ca,me out without a scratch
was unable to :furnish a true statement of 'fhe usc of aluminum wire for electrical and with colors still- ill the air. The feat-
the construction. Mr. Charles H. Baker. transmission will be somewhat of a novelty. ures of the evening, wen: ~)IE" e:s:,quisite nl~­
the general manager of this large concern. and we are looking forward for practical sic furnished by saine oi the members;
has just returned from Chicago and other information on thissuhject. They claim piano solos by Prof. ~ol Asher; banjo solo
Eastern citieS; and has completed all the that aluminum has ou)y 62 per cent. of the by Bro. Steve Cokeek; .,"ocal by Bro. W. for an immediate start on the plant. conductivity of copper, but when we take Russell. The string band was accol11pa~
He has also contracted witlt the Westing- , into consideration that one pound of, alu- rued hy Prof. Asher on the piano. and from .
house Co. for the machinery in the elec- minum will do the work of two pounds of every COrtler l;ame nothing but praise, fOT'
tric line. which of course was the most copper. why, it looks, reasonable enough. the I~\lsic Wp.s simply grand~ Breis. Jen-
costly and important in the line of con- 1'he wir~ to be used by the Snoqualmie kins and Shorey promised to favor us with
tracts to be let. The competition was very Power Co. will be as near pure as it will be a dance called. 1 think. the Hoola Hoola.
keen between the large electrical compa- as near pure as it will be practicable to a national dance of the Sandwich Islands.
nies. Mr. Baker says he, gave the con- make it. being guamnteed to contain 99.30 but owing to the uuexpected arrival of
tract to the \Vestinghouse Co .• not be- per cent. of aluminu1J1 and not more than Jenkins' wife. at the wrong time, of course.
cause they were the lowest bidders. but 0.25 per cent. of iron and 1.50 of pure lake the pleasm-e had to be postponed. '
because the Westinghouse Electric Co. 's copper. The compa11y will have use for Remaining respectfully )-o\1rs.
proposal seemeill.llore advantageolls to his 150,000 lbs. of thiS wire at present. They R. E. FARREN.
company. The contract called for fOl\r will operate with 25,000 volts. instead of Press Secretary.
large gellcl''of 2,000 H.!'. eaeh: Th~ II ,000. as I wrote, itl my h'st letter. 1 will
next itelll of importance decided was t.he give a description of the location and en- Over 400 new members have joined the
matter of transmission wires, and this, I gineering part of ,this plant in my next Peoria labor unions within the past two
think. will attract more thau passing at- letter. months.
tention among the readers of the \\'ORK- Vvork here at present is about at a stand- - ------,------------- -------=====
J.;R titan anythilig else pertaining to this still. this being the season _of the year
plant, because the wires will 'be mallUfac- when people spend their leisure time hunt-
tured ont of aluminum. There will be ing a cool place to sit down and think of
over ,500 miles of this- wire used i 11 the COll- their past and make good resolutiolls for
struction of the transmission part of the the future. Of course the men in the elec-
plant. 'fhi!'; is. I believe. the 0111y traI18-. trical business are flot exempt from this
mission plant ill the world operating on:r habit. especiaUy \\'11':11 there is nothing lO'
aluminuOl wire, and the price is such that do, and generally the coolest place they
copper is likcly 1.0 be displaccd fOT similar can find during these hot summer days i:;
PUI-poses. when they go home' and meet the landlady
Another Orl b" nal feature of this plant at the head of the stairs with a glass),. far-
will be tlte water wheels. with a total ca- away look in her eyes; this look grows
.- :-::::::"?:~:~, ..,;..:::;:,;:::~.-::-:·~·;-;::--"."".:-:.'~;:;:;;:.::;~~t:::-~·::';;i~':';'~'-:>-;:-_~-.--·--··-:----::':'-·77 .. . ,_._ --':-",':. -~~.~. ·7 _.e.>;' .•• "

~~g~;~!f.1m~j.:(~:~)!cces,<;:.~ll~ in~~ ri+~ Ele~~ ',' .,' , ",:~9~~*P~~S.~i_: ;;;~ft i;':';"'":',;, ;

~'.~, :.,'.~·"!t.~·,.",t ,t ~i , ;',~ .~",~:',~ 'l.'~,:l,~ , ~,;-.~',~,(~.,~c·r~,e'~t",rOh;'Y,tehi,r:e,~O!,"' "?J:~~;~~~~:::'

~ ,RJl,ton, ,N .M.~ 'sept. ,4,'!)8. '
"I. ~nt"a letter in for the August WORK, .•
E~.but it was one day too .late for'publi. _, _ _ _ unio~~op~e is j~Q~~Y', :>, ~ " ,.',
caticm; so here ,goes for this Iponth.· I. am all<l·r,\,astold by,all' that tfiere usea' to be .
It :is so' easy' to endoiserbut'yet)-ha,;dj:o'
.sorry,to !lay,thati am having a ro~gktime ",break away "'from .party~ " ,',
of it Just now.. ~ have }leen kept guessi~g
Any excuse will' do 'for;: :';~n~attendilnce' ,
whether I. was going to have three squares .
a day, or one sqllar~ in three.days. As I. att~~ regul~ meeti~gs." , ' " "'.::.
am herein pJ:aCtically a ~trange to~,and ' A long pull, a strong pun and;·jl' pull, in,:
lande<1 iI~re"".J~o~t', any ,!Doney, and have opposite directions is a good ,one:
beeJ1 trytng, to ,stand oft! the •• mountain
How'the workingmen ~s: ~otei'!intsht,o"
fe~er ,,< (also the ,groc~~an) for over two,'
the sitpport of a laboj.~caDdidai~! ,,' " " "
w~'b;i!:ndfuy ~fe nas be~n" on the sick'
li!1t. for some time. ~llt I. hope to pull o1ir~~ h~~i!tifiiTtity;bht,;"!gosh)sh'e'shot! If, the toilers would act as they speak, ,
thrc)Ugh~ll right. I. have mailed some of
my little, bOoks (a'lmanacs), to sever~l
loCa1s; ~nd hoPe to hear from them soon.
I. ~nt:2~ toL0c8.1 S, at Toi~o, and they
sent me,'S for them; and it was surely a
very welCOnlE!vfSitor, and we could not find
words to, tell the brothetsof Local Show
neysaidthey hfld "fdi.~e: "Gocxl Jilek to

~i~l~;~~~;)~' ~~~;~;;!~~~;~~;:;;
tb8nkful we were for. their belp. I had a
lon~:an~ very syinpathetic letter from our
worihyB,ro. Geo, H. Gleason, President of '.
, LoC;aI 38, assUrillg"Uieof his ardent endeii~~~'
or~oget tbe~rotbers of 38 to take ~me
of,~! ,h??~s, ~or which' he has my ever·
laStinggf~~tude.BY the way, I see in ber'lilfti-i:eaif'tlle aiticleiieaded ' "Fr~)~" He that is steadily ,employed has Ii very:~,
, the"'~ugUst\VO.RKE~ that' Lociil 38' has a:
ca#dl~ie'ilJt~.neld for the'v~canCY on ~'t,.~~~t~~~At{~~il~£~p! !{:~~~~:is~e!:e:~C~~e fellow-workniari;'
th,rE;~. i~thepersoD of"'UncleTotn" " , When his, ,trade is affected, then union·
Wheeler" and I Sincerelyhojle:he "iIi, be con~i4~r,#~on•. .\\~e)l,:~!'.'?the"s, I shall try ism predo~iID.Ites; 'wl~~n j(\is~Jrie ~tiier.
to k~epasfiffu:pPenip;iJu.i·it"s l l a r < r t O ' " ".' .
8PWi,ilted; f()i, '''hile I have never haa'the ,,' ,',', '_'. ,.' ',' . "..'" , , , ' " . ' '~""
< •
fellow's trade, then he isabSent:mindt:d.":':", C

gme;ywrb,re;~r'~O·~f,~, :th:~eIB'r"~':'~ltiai:"I:n:{,:.,b,~£~I~ :;~~:~;:;:::'~;::t;~:"":'

pl~W'e'of ni~ting himpersoMlly, I have
noted f()r sO~e time his.generous aud loyal
spiijt tow:ards t1!e intereStS, oithis grand
Br~'herl:i,ood: I. have always found his let·
, downfall',of many JabOr.;Ot'gamUtions'bas '
te#,'to'the' WORKER to be highly interest· " Ver)',gratefriityJrid fraternall)~, ' been largely due to neglect oUher~itk'i
ing' 'and loll orche~ring words to, ali;' and
. . , ROBEIt-r G. WRiGHT; and file thereofto bear each their indivici· "
at ail times u pholdi~g the interest of union·
Bettei'kno"~n as "'l\IYllterious 1391>, i'e, did ual portion of the responsibility.
isrii.~ I. shall rejoice with Local 38 if he
Crip," ~tc. ,..,~,;:, ' ',,' ' ,
should 1:leappointed. Grand Rapids; Mich., will have itS own~ ':
It was ,with much interest that I read Defend your union'ii'g~ii1st aUHs oppo· lighting plant. 'rhe private.coricernnow
,the 'lett~r from Local 77, and I sincerely nents and defalU!;fs. ·,1Lyou discovel: any milking, ,t.he city attempted 'to: secure an
hope thaI unionlvill continue to ,grow, for defects, $:lye your 'criticiSin uiltii v')u',ret injunction against the city.erecting a plant
I think it shows a fine record when a local ""itl~in tbe walls of'yc;l\f uiiioiJ r(xl!ll,I?~ld
there hv "eVen,":'nolforallle DI eillls"-...vithin but the court couldn't see ,why the city
starts 'with eigbt members and swe])s its your po\verseek,t(,n,ecti.fy iL: should be denied, the right to, conduct its
roll to 40 hi so short a time and under so =====:;::::::=:::::' ,',:, ,,' own, affairs as t.he great majorit.y of the
many diffi'culties. 'Success to you, broth- people saw fit.
,ers of 77. I hope to see a letter from Seat·
tIe everymollth; also from Locals j6 and We dOll't like a gusher. We' never did
73. I 'am glad 'to note Local No. I's suc· like a gusher. You know, one of these
cess, and hope that NO.3 has been triu111' gushers whoprof~ssese~eI),.thing 3,1;d, don't
, pilant ere ~his., Locals Nos., I, and 3 are wean a single thing he 'prOIessi;s; , EveJi
going to help me ,b,u,ya r91ling~chair, a!l J the frieJld!>h~p'he, professes ~or you isn't
am going to ,try,'aiid,.start ~ cigar stand worth the ~ b~eathe1Dployed giving utter·
here; and 1 will need a chair that lean ance to it. Wheneycr you meet 'one of
DlOV~ 'myself in about the, stand, for I them who will tell you wha~ he qu'du, or
wouid freeze if I um1ertook to seJl b06ks, tell you what he is goitlg to do" aud then
0, l!,l1ylhing else abC)\lt the streets ill this v..ill pat you on the back a~d give you t1~e
c(j¥-'1ltry. 'So I have written to Bros. Phil glad hand whenever he lU.eets, YOU make
FiSh, Martin Derkin and Fj.a~k H\lr~t, and upyOUT wind that lIIan is l;~tt~ b~ tru~t~. '
I am confident of ,getting the chair, proyi· eel. You are safe in dh:iding,ev,~~): prop~­
rUng Local 3 has ,won the strike, which sition he makes bv two '..-ilh, a liberal dls~
they are sur.: to do sooner or later. count on the side: Be",art:! of the,its~~r
I mn ver)' :I','·.:h ddighted to learn of in the labor movement. '
. ':- •. >: ,~.
. ,:,' . "
~:::., ~ '(:.". ~:,,~, ,,', "
.w~It~SS TnItnGRAPHY. and aclu::.lly untrue ... Bot.h, along the streets of Paris left the thor-
the employer-:: who',etf:pioy thi.s:silb~eifH,g:e oughfares in need of purification, while
.~eriments Rec,nt1y Conducted in ~ng­ know thadt':'d6€s:' hotrepres¢rt.{tii~ 'C~Stt many of. the spectators were driven away
land Repo~ed SatisfaCtory. 011 the contra~y., th~ emplo)'ers'expect .the by the stench. of the petroleum. France
men to coDle.back, 'but they liopeto fcrce has given its efforts chieflly to oil car-
The application' of what is called wire- them to cOllie ~ck ~h tlle'old'conditions. riages, but may not have much to show
less telegraphy to practical purposes. has If Uus were an honest qOlitention, aud the for its plins after all, when ,the automo-
made great advances during the lasl few employers really thought the men so Fe- bile industry at iast gets down to its per-
months, the British postoffice having garded it, and really expected that they manent basis.
erected e:l:perimental stations in the would move permanently away, in nine
Solent, one at Bo~nemouth, and the other cases out of 'ten they would yield to the
at Alum bay, in the Isle of Wight, a dis- strikers' demands beforethe'laborers threw
tance of four an'd half. miles. Across down their tools. This is demonstrated by A Funny Story That Will Beaf Serious
this distance, and ev.en furt1ter, signals the ta~.tics employers adopt. in getting new Thought.
have ~n sent with entire ~uccess, and men. They hardly ever expect. to get, or
communications . ~e.remade to a vessel e\'en take pains to get; couipetent men to An exchange tells the ·story of 1m old
cruising about iii the open with equally fill the places of strikerS/but usually send colorcd U1all who asked' a white . man if lie
satisfactory result. :The system under out their agcnts to pick up shiftless, ne'er- could give him work. The white man
trial was that of Marconi, and the appar- do-\vells, who can be hired temporarily for asked the negro if he had a boat... When
atus at either end was of a 'relatively sim- the purpose of frightening·the strikers into the negro replied, .. Yes, boss," the wlute
ple character. Its \-isible portion consisted coming back, under the pretel)se that their Dlau responded: I I \Vell,' you set': all that
ora mast over 100 feet high. Inside the places are being filled .. As'arule, the em- drift wood Iioating down the river?"
transmitting station was a powerful induc- pluyers pay these men niorethan they are .. Yes, sah, II was the reply .. I I 'VeIl, then, I I ,
tion coil, .by means of which a spark was willing to pay their own laborers, and they continued the white man, I I you row out' in
con·n.ected between hvo balls. One. ball do so because they do not expect to keep the river and catch that drift wood, and
was connected with the upright wire, the them .- . I'll give you .half you get. II The colored
other with the earth. When a spark passes Any person who comes in to take the l1Iun worked bard for awhile, whell·all of a
the wire gives out ~lectrical radiations or place.of a st.riker is the wotSc off because sudden he stopped and pulled for .the shore.
waves in every diret:tion; and some of these of that strike. He was olit "'ork of before, On being asked the reasoll uf his return,
are caught hy a correspo!,ding upright wire a~d he would not have luid Uus opportunity he replied, ., Dat wood is jest as much
at the receiving end"and transmitted to a but for the effort of the others to improve tiline as 'tis his. 1 ain't gwinc to give him
suitable piece of apparatus known as a their position. Then, I.say, that job does any, and so I'm out of work agin."
"coherer." The .coherer is a glass tube, not exist'for him. 'If he g~ts it, another
into which. are sealed two silver pole man walks the street; and,'what is more, Tn:r.~GRAPH PO:r.~S IN ~NG:r.~ND.
pieces, the space between which contains" the man who walks the street is the l,etter
metal filings, which are,not ordinarily con- of the two. Now, if the .other man steps
Scattered throughout the British Iles
ductors of electricity. As soon as a current in and ta~es the job, he irilmediately puts
there are over 7,000.000 telegraph and, tel-
or discharge reaches them, however, they an end to all chance of improving it; Be-
ephone poles, and as, taking tbe different'
sel themselves on an end-on position and tween the claims of these, two, all the in-
railway and other companies into consid.
become conductors. The slightest tap dis· terests of the coml11~nity are in favor of
eration, the General Postoffice owns the
arranges them and turns them again into the man who is willing to sacrifice some-
greater pa!'t of these, a representative of
. nonconductors. It seen then how thing to impro\'e his situation:-George
London Tit-Bits calle4 on a gentleman
by means of a suitable automatic tapping Guuton.
connected with this big" business for
arrangement the coherer can be kept in a
some statistics,' which were gh'en un-
sensitive state for registering intermittent
electric signals. These are developed by
~lectdcal Vehicles are Steadily Growing in .. Naturally," commenced Mr. - - ,
::n ordinary relay arrallgement, and .are
Popular Favof. .. the number of poles used in London and
automatically written down ·by a Morse re-
its neighborhood decreases y~ar by year,
corder. Theoretically there 'is no reason Electrical vehicles ar~: steadily growing but in tbe country fresh ones are being
why, with vertical wires of suitable length in popular favor, although we seem to be
placed in position, and at the present time
lind sufficiently powerful discharges, the a trifle behind the time in this country,
the telegraph poles governed by the post-
ndiations' should no~ be transmitted to a when the fact is noted that at the recent
master-general number about I,c07.COO.
.ery great distance and picked up. The exhibition in Paris no fewer than 750 anto- '
The length of 'each one varies from 20
experiments so far. completed, huwever, mobile vehicles of the carriage type were
feet to 60 feet, and striking a fair average
seem to show that no difficulty whate\'er shown, and that of these I2o'were of the
the total would, if placed end to end,· form
could be experienced in communicating
light chaise type. It may be questioned a line of over 5,700 miles long.
~r· ..oss tbe' air to :;.light house or guard-
whether 150 carriages all toid have yet ,. Ii we ran out of coal lor our navy lind
sllip, where a submarine cable would be been built here. This may' not be alto-
could transport these poles to the ships,
d""stroyed. Wet or foggy weather only gether a misfortune, for there are iudica- we could furnish them with an enormOlls
improves the signals -N.Y. Times. tions tbat the manufacturers, who came amount of fuel, for they weigh between
BIGHT TO TAK~ STRIK~BS' PLAC~S. . chiefly from t.he bicyc1e.fieid, sre rapidly them o,'er 2,ooo,COO tuns-sufficient to
Seltling down to electricity to the e][CIu- provide 80,000,000 families with a week's
It is argued by the press that when. !'ioll of other 1.'lotive powers, and that the firing. Attached to these poles are a cer-
laborers go on a strike they have thrown latest types of carriages built here com- tain number of insulators-those cup,like
up their jobs .and· have relinquished all pare more than fovorably with those put things that you ~ee ·the wire twisted round.
rights to their po~itiolls as much as if they forward as the best examples of the auto- Then" are over 5,870,000 of them, and if
h::...i left indh'iduaIly to.go and work else- mobile art liS practiced abroad. placed on top of one another would reach
where. Xow, this is a subterfnge. It is a II We are told, as an illustration of the a height of 450 miles, while their weight
t"d:nknl pretentiol1 which is practically situation in France, that a recent parade would be over 3,5i I tons.
.7..", J§i?1~fu:Wt~"'k'
" The$e'would' lad for years and years,
bat~ 'owing to schoolboys and the roughs SENOi <ONE5t7CJCLXR
iutheBlack'Couutrywho make 'targets of
them, we have ,to replace 30,000 every
year; indeed,so' serioas has this practice
become that the ,home office has to send
circulars' ,to schools and other buildings at
stated periodsou the . subject, .and . the
postmaster-general would be grateful if
Tit-Bits also warned its readers against
this poor sport. " ' . .
DealiJ;!g .with the price of these insula-
tors, our r~presentative was unable to dis-
cover whatj;he general po\tofl?ce paid. but
waS informed by Ii telegraph company
, '7f~t1i'e~:!c-Wst",.~eh '4'U'd; ;atld-1is.,'e8ch,
'-~'~th~t ~fair/ average .would. work out at
£iSo,ocio'for the system, and a loss of
" £7So annually through stone throwing.
"Needless to say," continued our in-
formailt, .. that without wires these poles
and insulatprs would be useless; there-
fore, to send the millions of telegrams
from one end of the country to the other
we require 280;000 miles of copper and
iron Wire. '. This is delivered to us in coils.
"The"heaviest wire weighssOO pounds
a mUe, and,roughly speakin.g, there are
84,ooo,OOO'hundred-weight of these metals
required. Yes, oar 'stock·is certainly an
enormous one Bnd. we are, I believe, the
biggest owners of windn the world;"
The National'Telephone 'Company owns
andases 161,208 miles of wire in'London
and the country, while their insulators
number .. neady... lo,OOO,ooo. At some of
:'~::~< .,'~':?:f',~~J~:.:'B tj


their Ct!ntrai..stations 'the" forms" erected
over the buildings.will contain as many as
216; while, it is a common occurrenCe to
raise one's' eyes to a rack that contains a CONTAINING'
gross and a half.
The report of the New Jersey depart-
Se'ctipp~l .. Illustrations with Full Descripti.ons
mentof factory and worKshop inspection . -FOR-
states"'limt '5,000 cbildren are employed in
the factories of the State. How to edu- Stado!1arY'~'Madt1e;.and Locomo'tive Engineers,Fir~men~.
cate these children is the most perplexing
problem that confronts the authorities. .elC,~~trjdli"&;: 1,l:otormen,Ice Machine Men
·';i'Ond(jeneral Mechanics
To Pr.epareJ6rCi:viFService
. ;, -.~ . ..
or License Examinations;."


T. Hl~w()rk ~'1 bC.okq£ practical information for mechanicS ·g~iler­
.. a

.' ally. ·,It is·one of the most complete combinations ever publiShd.
The :n.<.IP,'\~f'(l1~S l'~r.f+,mM m<Jstrations were, made .especiaUy to dearly ex,·
plain the. subjects under .ronsidera'tion, showing many new appliances
and devices'not shown in any other work. The index is alphabetically
ail;atlgM~':thai anvp~rt. of a subjed can be easily £ou tl4without
rt.adingover .' awhok chapter. Everything is explained in the most
si~plc. langt>age, so ,th(;re'¢,~ll be no misunderstanding on any su,bkc,t.
Sent p'ostpaia on r.eceipt of t $1.00.

~ddrcss,Elec~.rieWorker,731 PO\v.ers 8tti.l~iO'g,

111'0.30, CincilUlaU, O.-Meds 'tst and ~d..M.oD­ No •. 65, Butte, Hont.-Meets 2d and 4th
Directory of Unions. . days at 136 E .. C,9I1r.' ,st.. l'res., Th~_ ... ~pellls.eY,,4'5
'\\'. 4th ~.~3.:.~.~~~ lo.9!,~~·_F. H3nn~~t!;!.;~·l.SS,.'~~~U~~!1
Wednesdays in GoOd Templars' Hall Pres .. 1>. A.
Cherry, Care Mont;. E Co.;' R. S',·'W. C Medhurst,
st.; F. S"~!=':I,,·~i,J!jl~I.'~raud, 21!YE,,,~u..t.'!'t'i~~" P. O. aox 346; E. M. lJeMers. P. O. Box 846. .
port, Kyi"" .,..,., .. ,.... ., . ..
No. 66, Houston, Te ...-Meets 1St and 3d Mon-
Secretari"es will please furnish the necessary in- No. 3:1; Anaconda,.l\{ont."-Plcs .• W. J. Leon- days. Pres.• R. R. Tripp: R. S .. )V. 1'. Johnson,
formolion to make ~this directory complete. Note a~d,care Elect: :Light· Co.; F. S.,:H. 'Jorgel1s, 61. Telepbone Ollice; F. S., G. O. WoOd, 5<8 Caroline
that Ihe lime alld place of meeting .. the 'name orthe st. . . street. .
President, the names·lind addresses of the Record-
ing alld rinBncial s~retaTies are required. No. 32, Burlington, Ia;-P.res., G. M. Cunning No. '67, Qulilcy, Xll.-Meets 2d and 4th Wednes-
ham, 351 and 35J Front st'·: R.:S . Hugh Ward, 1006 days at Trades Assembly Hall. S.-8th st. Pres., W.
Spruce 5t ; F. S., AI. Fox. 637.S, Firth st. F. Wagnf'r. 551 Locust st.; L. O. COD'stanz, 401 S. 9tb
5t; C. H. McNemee. 511 S ..7th st. ..
'. 111'0.35, Boston, Hass.-l\feets every Wednes-
111'0.:1 St. !touis,~Ho,~Mcets every Monday at day at 49 Beuuet~ st. Pres ,. M. Rurningbam, '84 No. 68, Denver, 'Col.-Meets Monday nights.
601 :'larket st. Pres:. S. ){ Keeble, 2618 Rutger st.; N. Beacon 5t, Rnghton; R. S:;·'-1. ·F. Phelps. 75 Wal- Pres., Cha5. Sa l\strom , lOSt Ogden st ; R. S .. C. W.
st.; R. S • W. J. Squires. 28.6 Washington av.; F. s., deck st., Dor; F. S., W. C. Woooward, IPChurch st. ArlDstroug, 2t5S I.incoln av.; F. S., H. F. Clark, So4
·P. C Fish, 19'7 N. ISEh st. 14th st. .
. No. 36,Sacramen~,q,;C81.'::"!\ie~ts .st and 3d No. 69, Dallas, Te.......:Meets e"ery Tnesdar.
No. 2, Hl1waukee; Wis •...,.lIIeets every Friday

.W h i t . . . . . . .
at .~S pounh st. P·res., Joe Harris; F. S., J. H.
No. 3, St. !touisi-:Mo.-Meet. t'v~ry Saturday at
Tues:iays at F~resters' l~all;:Pr"s., J. S. Marsh,
600 7th st ; R. S., O. Bucklus; 14'.~ D st.; F. S., R. A.
Fisk, So4.K s t . '
No. 3'1, Hartford, Conn.~Meetse\·eryWednes­
e"ening all.abor Hall. Pres., W.·B: Courtney, Da -
las, Tex.; R. S .• C. E. Barton; p, S;', I'. F. Barlles,
Comm~rce, Prather st. .
Lighlstone's HoU, I~th Hnd Franklin av. Pres.• A. No. '10, S'pringfield, X11.-Me';ts .st and 3d
clay at 603 !\Ialll st. Pres .. F. H:, . Roberts. 87 High st.; "hursdays. Carpenters' Hall. S. 4th 51: Pres.• Fred
P. B1ackford"'3th arid Market. care Garfield House; R. S •• W. B .. Maloy, 6S Retreat a\·.; F. S., John ).
R. S . James MCAfee, 20th and Market, care Hotel !\liller, S .... ley Hote:; R. S., ChRs ... Daniison, lu8 E.
Tracy, sS Temple st. .. Jackson st.: F. S., S. Phillips, 842 N. 3d st.
Comfort; F. S., G. A. MitcheU, 13th and Market, . .. .,
care Garfield ·Hollse. No. 38, Cleveland,.. O.-Yeets every Wednes- NO.7i, 'Galveston Tez•....:Meets 2d and 4th
day uight at 356 Ontario·st. Pres .• Geo. H. Gleason, Thursdavs, Cooks and Waiters'. Hall,23d st, be-
No. 4, New OrIeans, !ta.-Meets 1st and Sd IIQ Maple st : R. S .• C. J. Minch, .6 salZer st.; }o'. S., tween MMket aud Meehan·c. . Pres, J. F. Payne,
Tuesdays at Carondelet alld Perdido sts. Pres .• J. A. Herron, 4 Wal1sce st; . 1528.,<1 st.; R. S .. D. L. Goble, 332DR. ~·st.; ·F. S.,·
McGregor, .111 Rouseau st.: R. S .• C. M. Hale, 630 D. K. GaM'ett, 1204 39th st.
st. Mary st.; F. S., R. B. Joyce, 331 S. Bassin st. No,. 40, St. Joseph, Ho.-Meets every Thurs-
day night at Brokaw Hall. I>th and Locust Sts. Pres., No. 'la, Waco, Wednes-
No; 5, l'ittsburg, l'a.,-lIIee(s e"ery Friday Frauk P. St. Clair, R'y Co.: R. S .• Wm. T. Dorsel days at Labor Hall. Pres .• E. P. McBroom. S. W.
1IIght itl ,;ehmen •. Bldlt., cor. Water and Market sts. R'y Co.; F. S .• J. C. Schneide'r,l:ity Elec. St. Co. ' Tel Ex.; R. S., G. R. Lockhart, 93' S. 6th st.; F. S.;
Pres .. Geo. M. Rudolph. '.;~·Herron ave .• Pittsburg, Joseph Hodges, 728 S. 6th st. .
Pa ; R. S, Frallk I;un'tley. 301 RobiDson st., AUe- No. 4J:, Buffalo, N.Y."-lleelsevery Wednesday
ghelly.l'a.; F .. S., N. H. Bream, loS Herron aV.,Pitts at CounCIl Hall. Pres., W. G.' Ferguson, Sg'Red No. 73, Spokane, Wash.-Meets 1st and 3d
burg. Pa. Jacket st.; R S., H. A. Wende, .256 Bailey av.; F. 'Wednesdays iu R.of P. Hall, 816 Riverside av.· Pres:,
S., H. M; Scott. 363 Morgan st. . Eli Hensley, 218 Riverside av.; R; S.,.G. Pagel, P.
No.6, San F-rancisc(), Cal.-Meets.d and 4th O. Box 635; F. S., e. C. Van Inweg.en! P; .0: Box 635.
\V.. dnt'sdays at Foresters' Hall, 20 Eddy st. Pr':s:, No. 42, Utica, N. Y.-Pres. Phil. Gabler,6s4
Wm. Barslon, "4 Uniou st.: R. S .• A. A. Whilfield, l!leeker 5t : It. S., W. P'. Carter, 6S Neilson st.; F. No. 74, ~lnona, MilUl.-R.S;.HirtT.p. Tej-
S., F. J. Murphy, '72 Th,rd avo g,ue, 611 WIlSon st.; F. S., Joseph Trautner, 6:!O E.
632 ~atolDa st.; F. S., R. P. Gale, ICoS Hyde st.
3rd st,
No. 'I, Sprlngfteld', Mass. - Meets e,'cry No. 43, Syracuse, N. Y."-Meets 1st aud 3d
Tuesdays at McCarthy'S Hall, Market st .• opp. Cily No. 75, Grand Rapids, Hich.-liofeets 1st an~
Wednesday at room '4 Barues Blk. Pres .. G. T. ":111. Pres., A. Donovau, 310 'Niagara st.: K. S, F. 3d Sundays. Pres., A. D. McLellau. 29 I:i:. Bridge
McG!llveraY,30 Besse PI,; R. S., T. J. Lyn!=h, 1<'3
Shen"an st ; JI. S., M. Farrell, 59 Broad st. ~~!l:~e:r.?rs~' R. R. S.; 1<.8.,
Wm. H. Gough, loS 5t.; R S., C. Burns. care Citizens' Tel. Co.; F. s.,
e. Eo Post, Ib7 St.. Clair st.
No. 8,. Toledo, O.-Meet~ every Monday at No. 44, Rochester, N. Y.-lie"ts 2d and 4th No. '16, 'racomaJ . Wash.-Pres.. ·Wm. Kane,
Frl.c:ndsh1p Hall. Pres., C. W. Schansten, lS46·OJ.l~ Wednesdays at Odd Fel1ows' Hall, State st. Pres., 1136 D st.; R. S •• W. J.·Lo'· ... 113 loth 51.; F. S', Jas.
tartl) st ; 1<. s., W. H. K~s..ler. iOI South st.; F. S., Joltu Kenealy. 80 Frank 51;; R. S ,John Wolff, 9 Murroy. 11111 D st. . ..
F. !lot. Gensbechler, 7'3 Colburn st. Ct'dar st.; F. S., Freel Martin. 50 Champlaiu s.t.
No. '1'1, Seattle, Wash.-Pres., J. J. MaiUan.d,
NO.9, Chicago, 111.-Meets every Satnrday at . No. 45, Buffa.lo, N. Y;-'-Meets 1st and· 3d Sat- 231 Pontiusav; R.S..C. H. ltandal1.·8.S2dav.;G •
J06 I\. Randolph st. Pres .• W. A. Jackson. 197 S. urda)s at CouDcll Hall .. Pres;; John Marion. care G. Jenkins, 1319 14th av. .
Jetrerson st.; R. S., f.. n. Hatt, Gran Central Hotel; W. U. T. Co.; R. S., John Daly;F. S., M. E. Slables,
F. S., J. Unscoll, 17 Fuller st. 46 Kail st. No. 78, Saginaw, Mich.-Pus.• Jas. 'Hodjtins
308 N. Franklin st.: R S •• John StrachaD, 336 N. 2d
No. :10, Indianapolis, Ind.-Meets 1st aud 3d No. 46, ~we11, Mass.-Meets every Thursday st.: F. S., ehas. Ross, P. O. Box .25 E. S. •
at 202 ~ler.rJDlack bt., 3d floor, room 5. Pres., Les-
Mondays at '9% W. Pearl st. Pr~s., John Berry, ter· G. H311. r·. O. Box 292: R. S., H. L. Whitney 6
care hdllrs. FlTe Dept.; K. S, E. T. Busselle. care No. 80, Cleveland, O.-..Pres.;, ·A. A.' McDonald,
N. Tel. Co.; F. S., E. C. Hartung. rooms 5 Cyclo- Puffer av.: F S., R. V. Cole, 169 Mt. Hope st., Paw- 590 Supenor st.': R S., Maggie 'Gallagber, 192 Gor-
rallla Bldg. . *.
tuckettville, lIiass. . dou av.; F. s.. N. Hall.
No. J:2, Greater New York-Pres. , James B, ·A. No. 4'1, Worcester, Mass. - Meets every.
McEvoY. 31o E.37th st., New York; R. S .• Edword Wednesday ev~ning at 306·l\Iain st. ·Pres.• S. A.
L. Miller. 49 W. 114th st., New York; F. 5., Frank Stc.u~. 1.30 AustIn st.: It .. S., V. V.' Reed, 61 Myrtle The man' who has en~mies amounts to
st.; F.n.,Chas.C.Cogbhn,1I3Westst. something. He h:: a live man. He is a
B. Smith, 61~ Lynch st., Brooklyn. "
N·o. 48, Decatur, X1!.-Meets at Cigarmakers' fighter. People do not kick at a corpse.
No. :1'1, Detroit; Mich.-Meets every Tuesday Hall, ~. M,ain st. P.rf:s .• J. B Mulenix,611 Spring A lh'e man nm float against a currellt--a
Porter st.: It. S., Frank Campbell, ISo Vebols st.: st.; F. ~., F. E. Aldnch, 115
night at NO.9 CarliHac sq. Pres., R. Scanlan. 00 corpse flo:!.ts . down without hindrance ..
F. S .• P. Andrich ..985 Van 'Dyke avo ' Np'·.4s,Chicago,I11.-Pres.• F. J. Struble; F. BleSs your enemies.. You' should love
S., W. J. 'Dempsey, 376 Austin ave.
No. :18, Kansas City, Mo.-Meets every Friday
night. Labor hdqrs., Waluut st. Pres. F. Hohn,
702 Del. st., K. C, Kan.; R. S., F. J. Schadel, 612
No •. 5~, Daveup.ort, Xa.-Meets 1st and 3d Tues-
Qsys. Pres., A. L. Wheeler, Atlantic Hotel; R. S.,
them. They make life worth living.-
Wal1 .-t., l~. C., Mo.: F> S., W. L. HutchillSOU, 1605 J. H. 'uarke, 215 Iowa st. .
Harrisoll st., K. C.,-Mo. . No. 53, Harrisburg, Pa:~Pres., C. ·A. Swager,
No. :19, Chicago, XU.-Meets 1st and 3d Tues- 115)4 Market st.; R. S., Jas.!,inger, 25 N. 15th

days at 651. Cottagc Gm"e avo Prts., M. J. Sulli- st.; F. S., C. Anderson, 46 SummItt st.
,·au.5555 Shldus a".; R. S, F. Conklin, 10717 Mich-
l;;an3 v .; J". S .• }. J. Haffncr, 2539 117th st. No. 55, Des Moil:1es, Xa.-Meets every Thurs·
day night at Tracles Assembly Hall. Pr..s, J. Fib!-
No. aa, Omaha, Neb.-lI1eets every 1st and 3d gerald. 1924 Siner st ; R. S., C. C. Ford, 715 Scott 51.;
We.1ne-<days at Labor Temple. 17th & Douglas sts . F. S , M. O. Tracey, 21' Raceou st. ..U)
. Pr~s . .J. S. Tobias. 2923 S. 18th st.; R. S., J. C.
Schnt-,dp.r t 1700 S. 17th st.; F. S., P. 14 • l\lycrs, 7U
N.16th st.
No. 56, Erie, l'a.-lIIeets 1st and 3d Wedues-
days. Pres.,JohIlVisiJrow. '916Sassafrasst.: R. S., C1I
L. E. Carson, 303 French st,; F. S, H. 1\1. Kistner,
No. 23, St .. rauL, lii::n11.-Pres.• J. H. R.:;ad- 7 E. 7th st. .
bou-e. 150 Sherburue av.; F. S., A. H. Garrett, 201 ·No. 57, Salt !take City, Utah-Sec'y, R. Blair,
W. C. st .. St. Paul, l\li:lD. care Citizens' E. L. Co.
No. a4, Minneapolis, .Minn. - Pres., O. R. No. 60, San Antonio, Te:o::.-Meet.~ 1st and 3d
Shortal\; R. S., W I Hcvwood, 16 E. 26th st.; I'. S., Saturdays at 8 p. n,., in Painters' Hall, 131 Sol dud
J. \. Wolfe,124 Fourth sL st Pres., Roy S. Cushman·, 4"9 W)oming st.; R. S.,
No. a5, Dulutb, Minn.- Meets 2d aud 4th \\'. P. Anderson. 4'4 6th st.; F. S., M. E. McElroy,
T'1U .. ~days at rool" ('. lIauning IIIk. Pres., R. 1725 \V. Comlllcrce st.
Thayer. 24 Thircl a~.: R. S, L. P. Runkle, 17 Norris 111'0.6:1, !tos Angeles, Cal.-Pres., Geo. F. Dor-
E!k.: l' S .• Jas. F. Owen", 414 E. First st. uer, 127 W .• st st.; k. S., W. A. Woodis, Box 84 Sta-
No. a6, Wasbington, D. ·C.-Meets everv Sat- tiOD B: F. S:, S. L. Brose, 432 Colyton st.
urnav :..t 628 L·ouisiaua avo Pres., P. H. 'Visseuger,
508 Est. N. W.: R. s .• J. C O'CoDne11.930E. st .• N. No. Ga, KaJama~oo, Mich.-Pres., Leon Bell-
W.: l' S., G. A. Maiolle. 4" L st., N. W. mau. 1102 Porter 5t : R. S., WID. Thacker)" IZ33
Portnge st.; F. S., L. lluruett, 116 N. Church sl.
No. 27. Baltimore, M. D.-Meets every Mon·
day"t HHlI "'lOr. Fayette and Park a'·s. Pres .. D. J. No. 63, Warren,l'a.-Meels 1st and 3d ,,'('dnes-
}Jl1n"t"ttt~. iOl9 ,,'ai:-mottllt av.: k. S, J. P. Jones, (b.~t~.
at U. O. H. Jiall, cor. :d and Liberty sts. Pres.,
1(,00 J..>rmall st.; I'. S .. F. H Russel1, 1408 Asqullh F. W. Terry. 414 I.aurel st.: R. S .• W. A. Pulliam,
slrt:et. Exchange Hotcl.
":,: ..

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cop), of t h e , ' mgs. B.uck·tng •. F,use·Block, Operlttlng Car, Trolley, etc. !X--The ,""J~ctr;~ ;·.'.dc',· I.;,"i~
·in -Detail: Series':Para\lei, Controller; R.everse Switch, Rheostat, Fuse Box. Lighb.1iilg
Arrel'ter, H~nters:" 'X-"'Defiriitions of Term~. XI-Pi,,£r!l.1.!!s of Car Wiring l!~.i Ccn ..
troHers: ""-lith Wrntf'11 Descr1ptioiis and Diaurr.1T:S e-f (:"mhinRtio'!l·-Westir:.?\~f.IiJ';'~ ~~ys­
[t-ttl.' (G, N~,. J4~)~c: 28 and 23 A);. Oenera] Eiectr;c (r~· ~~·i.~h V.7. P. !\T.s.cl1ine:: .~':.~~); G~1l .. '
f~r~.l ~lect~;~··Sf"ri~~. p~~~np' C·::,,·~,. 'tt'!'"""ne~ w;tb 1',1'·~:;!1~t1~ ~!::·,kc.·~: ttr~~!::~r ~~·~~~;.~·~~~2: E),
S:.eel MotorOompany Syste.m. XII~Gencral El(':ct~cal lI.'Jd MechRuical Infono.ation:
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('ap,,~Uy. PracUons· of (lIt inch reduced to Miio 0 •. 'rh'')11~~.;:;iith,: p.·r.portione of G-;'l1r .
Teeth, Not~;;, Rill nf M::.ted2.lfc::-Spa!l Wire Con~t!·,·,~tic.. (Si!lgieT~;:;d::, Double Track),
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Roch~ster, N. V.

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