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Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). Géotechnique 64, No. 4, 325–332 [



Effect of soil contraction tendency on static liquefaction triggering


Static liquefaction failure occurs when the shear stress applied by a monotonic triggering load exceeds
the undrained yield (peak) shear strength of the saturated, liquefiable, cohesionless soil. In this study,
the effect of soil contraction tendency on static liquefaction failure of cohesionless soils is
characterised by an empirical relationship between soil brittleness index and undrained yield strength
from a database of 702 laboratory shear tests performed by the author and collected from past
literature. The application of this relationship for estimating the static liquefaction triggering strength
of cohesionless soils is validated by comparison with several cases of liquefaction failures.

KEYWORDS: in-situ testing; laboratory tests; liquefaction; sands; shear strength

Liquefaction flow failure occurs in a saturated, loose, cohe-
sionless soil subject to an initial static shear stress (e.g. in a IL
sloping ground or beneath an embankment) when soil resis- su(yield)/σ ⬘c
tance becomes lower than the static driving shear stress. As
illustrated in Fig. 1, static liquefaction is triggered in a
saturated, loose, cohesionless soil by a monotonically in-

creasing shear load (e.g. raising embankment height, over-
steepening of a slope, toe erosion, rapid sedimentation,

construction loading, weight of construction/repair equip-
ment, slumping and progressive failure leading to steeper
σ ⬘1c σ⬘
slopes) when the undrained effective stress path crosses the σ ⬘liq
instability line (Lade, 1992) at su (yield). Strain-softening
subsequently follows the initiation of liquefaction until a Fig. 1. Schematic liquefaction triggering mechanism by a mono-
reduced post-liquefaction strength, su (liq) is mobilised at the tonic stress path
critical state (Terzaghi et al., 1996). The February 1994
flowslide failure of Merriespruit gold mine tailings dam in
Virginia, South Africa which released 600 000 m3 of waste tive dilatancy) in increasing the amount of undrained
tailings over a distance of more than 2000 m (Fourie et al., strength loss following the triggering of static liquefaction
2001), and the August 1974 flowslide failure of a Tar Island with decreasing penetration resistance. These methods as-
dyke (an oil sand tailings embankment) in northern Alberta sume that su (yield) increases with increasing (N1 )60 or qc1 at
which travelled about 35 m (Olson, 2001) are examples of the same (Olson & Stark, 2002, 2003; Mesri, 2007) or even
liquefaction flow failures triggered by monotonic loads pro- at a greater (Stark & Mesri, 1992) rate than su (liq), and
duced by oversteepening in the case of the Merriespruit hence the amount of undrained strength loss remains the
tailings dam, or rapid construction for the Tar Island dyke. same or increases with increasing (N1 )60 or qc1 , whereas
Liquefaction triggering analysis involves evaluating these two lines should actually meet at a certain penetration
whether the combined initial static and monotonic triggering resistance for which soil strain-softening behaviour di-
shear stresses are sufficient to overcome su (yield). Empirical minishes. A direct implication of this negligence is that
correlations with in-situ standard penetration test (SPT) blow these correlations cannot differentiate among liquefaction
count, (N1 )60 , or cone penetration test (CPT) tip resistance, flow failures with different travel distances, for example the
qc1 , are often used for estimating the in-situ triggering travel distances of the Merriespruit tailings dam (. 2000 m)
strength because of their simplicity, convenience, lower cost and the Tar Island dyke ( 35 m) failures.
and nearly continuous measurements. As illustrated in Fig. Based on a large database of laboratory shear tests
2, these correlations, which are established based on past (including those from the author as well as from other
liquefaction flow failures (Stark & Mesri, 1992; Olson & studies), this study introduces an empirical relationship be-
Stark, 2003; Mesri, 2007), fall short of accounting for the tween su (yield) and su (liq) which captures the effect of soil’s
fundamental effect of soil’s contraction tendency (i.e., nega- contraction tendency on the undrained strength of loose,
cohesionless soils. This relationship is then employed for the
estimation of su (yield) from in-situ penetration tests.
Manuscript received 10 August 2013; revised manuscript accepted
3 January 2014. Published online ahead of print 17 February 2014.
Discussion on this paper closes on 1 September 2014, for further
 Western University, Department of Civil and Environmental A large database of 702 direct simple shear (DSS), hollow
Engineering, London, Ontario, Canada. cylindrical torsional shear (HCTS), plane strain compression

0·4 0·4

Yield (triggering)
Yield (triggering)

Post-liquefaction Post-liquefaction

Stark & Mesri (1992) Mesri (2007)

0·3 0·3
su /σ ⬘v0

su /σ ⬘v0
0·2 0·2

0·1 0·1

0 0
0 10 20 30 0 5 10 15
(N1)60 (N1)60
(a) (b)
0·4 0·4

Yield (triggering) Yield (triggering)


0·3 0·3
su /σ ⬘v0
su /σ ⬘v0

0·2 0·2

0·1 0·1

Olson & Stark (2002, 2003) Olson & Stark (2002, 2003)
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8
(N1)60 qc1: MPa
(c) (d)

Fig. 2. Existing empirical correlations of su (yield)=ó9v0 and su (liq)=ó9v0 with in-situ penetration tests (Stark &
Mesri, 1992; Olson & Stark, 2002, 2003; Mesri, 2007)

shear (PSC), ring shear (RS), axisymmetric triaxial compres- up to 0.6. Table 1 summarises these experiments and their
sion shear (TxC) and triaxial extension shear (TxE) tests are specimen preparation methods.
collected in this study; these cover a very wide range of fines As shown in Fig. 1, su (yield) and su (liq) respectively
contents, FC (0–80%), consolidation relative density, Drc describe the liquefaction triggering condition and the subse-
(from 38 to 184% corresponding to ec ¼ 0.261–1.287), quent behaviour after liquefaction occurs. The normalised
consolidation stresses, ó c9 (25–60 000 kPa), specimen prepara- difference between su (yield) and su (liq) is used in this study
tion techniques (AP: air pluviation; WP: water pluviation; to quantify the degree of collapsibility and the amount of
MT: moist tamping) and initial shear stress ratios (ôo /ó c9 ) of shear strength reduction which occurs following the initia-

Table 1. Summary of the laboratory shear tests used in this study  † ‡ §

Shear test Sand D50 : mm FC: % Reference

(no. of tests)

DSS (34) Monterey no. 0 (MT) 0.350 0 Riemer & Seed (1992, 1997);
Riemer et al. (1990)
Toyoura (AP) 0.200 0 Yoshimine et al. (1999)
HCTS (75) Fontainebleau (WP) 0.210 0 Tsomokos & Georgiannou (2010)
M31 (WP) 0.280 0
Fraser River (WP) 0.300 0 Uthayakumar & Vaid (1998)
Syncrude tailings (WP) 0.200 0
Toyoura (AP) 0.170 0 Yoshimine et al. (1998)
PSC (18) Masonry (MT) 0.320 0 Finno et al. (1996)
Changi (MT) 0.300–0.350 0. 4 Wanatowski & Chu (2007)
RS† (69) Illinois River (MT) 0.510 1 Sadrekarimi (2009)
Mississippi River (AP) 0.090 38
Ottawa (MT) 0.510 0
M10 (AP) 0.047 76 Wang et al. (2007)
M20 (AP) 0.043 78
M30(AP) 0.040 80
S8 (AP) 0.050 74
TxC (433) Erksak 330/0.7 (MT) 0.330 0. 7 Been et al. (1991)
Sand B (MT) 0.160 0 Castro (1969)
Sand C (MT) 0.270 1
Banding no. 6 (MT) 0.157 0 Castro et al. (1982)
Sydney (MT) 0.300 – Chu (1995)
Coal mine tailings (MT) 4–8 0 Dawson et al. (1998)
Ottawa banding (MT) 0.190 2 Dennis (1988)
Masonary (MT) 0.320 0 Finno et al. (1996)
Merriespruit tailings (MT) 0.128 0 Fourie & Tshabalala (2005)
Fourie & Papageorgiou (2001)
0.115 20
0.101 30
0.056 60
Alaskan (MT) – – Jefferies & Been (2006)
Amauligak F-24 (MT) – –
Banding sand (MT) – –
Erksak 320/1 (MT) – –
Erksak 355/3 (MT) – –
Nerlerk 270–1 (MT) – –
Nerlerk 280–2 (MT) – –
Ticino (MT) – –
Well-rounded silica (MT) 0.175 1 Konrad (1990)
Till Sand (MT) 0.110 32 Konrad (1993)
Hostun RF (MT) 0.380 0 Konrad (1993)
Fraser River (MT) 0.250 2–3 Konrad & Pouliot (1997)
Cambria (AP) – 0 Lade et al. (2006)
Ardebil silty sand (WP) 0.180 10 Naeini & Baziar (2000)
Ardebil silty sand (MT) 0.180 10
Monterey no. 0 (MT) 0.350 0 Riemer & Seed (1992, 1997)
Illinois River (MT) 0.510 1 Sadrekarimi (2009)
Mississippi River (AP) 0.090 38
Ottawa 20/40 (MT) 0.510 0
Ottawa C109 (MT) 0.340 0 Sasitharan et al. (1994)
Syncrude tailings (MT) 0.175 11 Sladen & Handford (1987)
Leighton Buzzard (MT) 0.860 0 Sladen et al. (1985)
Nerlerk berm (MT) 0.280 12
0.280 2
0.230 0
Portaway (MT) 0.400 1 Wang (2005)
Tottori (MT) 0.280 0 Takeshita et al. (1995)
50/200 Nevada sand (AP) 0.100 40 Yamamuro & Covert (2001)
Fujian (MT) 0.397 0 Yang & Wei (2012)
Toyoura (MT) 0.216 0
Toyoura sand with silica fines (MT) – 5
– 10
– 15
Toyoura sand with glass beads (MT) – 5
Toyoura (AP) 0.170 0 Yoshimine (1996); Verdugo (1992)
Fraser River (WP) 0.300 0 Vaid et al. (2001)
Toyoura (MT) 0.170 0 Verdugo (1992)

( continued)
Table 1. ( continued )

Shear test Sand D50 : mm FC: % Reference

(no. of tests)

TxE (73) Erksak 330/0.7 (MT) 0.330 0.7 Been et al. (1991)
Hostun RF 0.380 0 Doanh et al. (1997); Finge et al. (2006)
Cambria (AP) – 0 Lade et al. (2006)
Monterey no. 0 (MT) 0.350 0 Riemer & Seed (1992, 1997)
Fraser River (WP) 0.300 0 Vaid et al. (2001); Vaid & Thomas (1995)
Portaway (MT) 0.400 1 Wang (2005)
Kawagishi-cho (AP) 0.320 1.4 Yoshimine et al. (1998, 1999)
Toyoura (AP) 0.200 0
 Letters in parentheses represent specimen preparation methods as AP for air pluviation, MT for moist tamping and WP for water pluviation.
† Significant particle crushing occurred at the end of ring shear tests at large shear displacements.

tion of liquefaction. This is commonly defined by the by backcalculating the shear stress mobilised in the liquefi-
undrained brittleness index, IB as below (Bishop, 1971) able soil zones of the pre-failure slope geometry immedi-
su (yield)  su (liq) ately prior to the static flow failure. For estimating su (liq),
IB ¼ (1) sufficient information (e.g. post-failure geometry, travel path
su (yield) and distance of the failure soil mass) was available in cases
A, B, E and F to consider the kinetics of failure. Therefore,
IB ranges from 0 to 1, where IB ¼ 1 indicates a very brittle analyses of the kinetics of motion were conducted by Olson
soil behaviour associated with an extremely low su (liq), (2001) and Muhammad (2012) for these cases based on a
whereas IB ¼ 0 occurs in non-brittle or strain-hardening soils procedure described by Davis et al. (1988). However, owing
where no strength reduction occurs during undrained shear. to limited information, simplified slope stability analyses
Figure 3 presents IB plotted against ó c9 =ó l9iq for the large (Ishihara et al., 1990) were carried out to estimate su (liq) for
database of laboratory shear tests presented in Table 1, cases C, G and I. The ranges of the undrained strengths
where ó c9 and ó l9iq are respectively the consolidation and the reported in Table 2 reflect the uncertainties associated with
post-liquefaction (i.e. associated with su (liq) and critical the limits of the liquefied soil zone, location of the failure
state) mean (for HCTS, PSC, TxC and TxE) or normal (for surface, and shear strengths of the non-liquefied soils, as
DSS and RS) effective stresses. According to this figure, IB well as the effects of void redistribution, hydroplaning, mix-
increases with increasing ó c9 =ó l9iq with relatively little scatter ing with water, and changes in the weight of the liquefied
for different modes of shear and different specimen prepara- material if the failure mass slid into a body of water (Olson,
tion methods. The ranges of data are curve-fitted by the 2001; Muhammad, 2012).
following equation In order to apply equation (2) to the liquefaction flow
  failures of Table 2, where the effective horizontal stress is
2:1  0:9
I B ¼ exp :  0:03 (2) unknown, ó c9 and ó l9iq are replaced respectively with the
1 72  1:00  ó c9 =ó l9iq average pre-failure effective vertical stress (ó v90 ) and the
post-liquefaction effective normal stress on the critical fail-
Figure 3 and equation (2) indicate that the severity of ure plane in the zone of liquefaction. Based on the Mohr–
liquefaction and strain-softening increase with increasing ó c9 Coulomb’s failure criterion, the post-liquefaction effective
or decreasing ó l9iq for cohesionless soils. As ó c9 is the normal stress is further replaced by su (liq)/tan(ö9critical ) in
primary parameter that controls the initial consolidation void which ö9critical is the critical state friction angle. Unless
ratio of a cohesionless soil, and ó l9iq reflects the critical state laboratory data are available, ö9critical ¼ 328  18 is a reason-
void ratio through the critical state line, ó c9 =ó l9iq is in fact an able assumption for most silica sands (Bolton, 1986; Sadre-
alternative measure of the critical state parameter (Wang et karimi & Olson, 2011; Andersen & Schjetne, 2012;
al., 2002; Sadrekarimi, 2013). Therefore, the contraction Sadrekarimi, 2013). With these changes, equations (1) and
tendency of sand is empirically captured in equation (2) (2) are combined and rearranged as below to obtain
through its dependence on the critical state parameter (Jeff- su (yield)=ó v90 from IB (in equation (3)) or su (liq)=ó v90 (in
eries & Been, 1987). equation (4))
su (yield) tan (328) 3 ln (I B þ 0:03)
COMPARISON WITH PAST STATIC LIQUEFACTION ó 9v0 (1  I B )½(1 72  1:00) ln (I B þ 0:03)  2:1  0:9
The application of equation (2) – which is developed su (yield) su (liq)=ó 9v0
based on a large database of laboratory shear tests – to ¼  
ó 9v0 : 2:1  0:9
static liquefaction failures is evaluated by comparing 1 03  exp :
su (yield) estimated from this equation with those mobilised 1 72  1:00  ½ó 9v0 tan(328)=su (liq)
in several cases of monotonic loading-induced field liquefac- (4)
tion flow failures presented in Table 2. Except for the
submarine flowslide in Kitimat, British Columbia for which Normalisation with respect to ó v90 incorporates the varia-
su (yield) and su (liq) are obtained from in-situ vane shear tion of ó v90 and allows the comparison of su (yield) among
tests (Morrison, 1984), IB is calculated for these cases based field liquefaction failures with different liquefaction depths
on the su (yield) and su (liq) backcalculated from static slope by equations (3) and (4). According to Fig. 4, the average IB
stability analyses of the pre- and post-failure slope geome- and su (yield)/ó v90 of the liquefaction flow failures closely
tries (Muhammad, 2012; Olson, 2001). As described by follow the average trend of equation (3), indicating that
Olson (2001) and Muhammad (2012), su (yield) is obtained equation (3) provides reasonable estimates of su (yield) mobi-
1·0 1·0

0·8 0·8
Brittleness index, IB

Brittleness index, IB
0·6 0·6
Equation (2) Equation (2)

0·4 0·4

0·2 Air pluviated 0·2 Air pluviated

Moist tamped Water pluviated
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
σ ⬘c /σ ⬘liq σ ⬘c /σ ⬘liq
(a) (b)
1·0 1·0

0·8 0·8

Brittleness index, IB
Brittleness index, IB

0·6 0·6
Equation (2) Equation (2)

0·4 0·4

0·2 0·2 Air pluviated

Moist tamped Moist tamped

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
σ ⬘c /σ ⬘liq σ ⬘c /σ ⬘liq
(c) (d)
1·0 1·0

0·8 0·8
Brittleness index, IB

Brittleness index, IB

0·6 0·6
Equation (2) Equation (2)

0·4 0·4

Air pluviated Air pluviated

0·2 Moist tamped 0·2 Moist tamped
Water pluviated Water pluviated

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
σ ⬘c /σ ⬘liq σ ⬘c /σ ⬘liq
(e) (f)

Fig. 3. Variation of IB with ó9c =ó9liq for: (a) DSS; (b) HCTS; (c) PSC; (d) RS; (e) TxC; (f) TxE shear tests of Table 1

lised in static liquefaction failures of sloping grounds. Note (Fig. 4) indicates that the field liquefaction flow failures
that while the ranges of su (yield)/ó v90 from equation (3) also essentially occurred under simple shear conditions. Through
encompass the su (yield)/ó v90 variations (error bars) of the the combination of equations (3) and (4), the average
liquefaction flow failures, the upper range of equation (3) – relationship of su (liq)/ó v90 with IB is also included in Fig. 4.
which is established mainly based on laboratory shear tests According to this figure, brittleness initially arises primarily
on loose, moist-tamped specimens (see Fig. 3) – is signifi- by the reduction of su (liq)/ó v90 , while su (yield)/ó v90 remains
cantly larger than the values of su (yield)/ó v90 from the roughly around 0.25 for 0.1 , IB , 0.8, which reflects the
liquefaction flow failures. This implies that the in-situ fabric larger impact of Drc and IB on su (liq)/ó v90 than on su (yield)/
of the soils involved in the liquefaction flow failures of ó v90 : However, at IB ¼ 0.8, su (yield)/ó v90 exhibits a sharp
Table 2 were likely closer to those developed by air pluvia- decline and continues to decrease with increasing IB at a
tion or water pluviation specimen preparation techniques. greater gradient for very brittle, cohesionless soils
Moreover, reconciling the overall good agreement among the (IB . 0.8), which is supported by both laboratory shear tests
average relationships of equations (2) and (3) with the DSS and field liquefaction flow failures. In order to account for
(Fig. 3(a)) and the HCTS (Fig. 3(b)) tests data and with the the effect of soil contraction tendency, equation (4) can be
average su (yield)/ó v90 from the liquefaction flow failures employed to calculate su (yield)/ó v90 from a measured value
Table 2. Static liquefaction flow failures evaluated in this study

No. Case Triggering factor su (yield)=ó v90 su (liq)=ó v90 IB Soil type

A Calaveras dam, USA Construction loading 0.261 0.112 0.550 Silty sand
(0.244–0.274) (0.093–0.123) (0.518–0.684) (FC  10–50%)
B Fort Peck dam, USA Construction loading 0.255 0.078 0.695 Sandy silt
(0.230–0.285) (0.048–0.097) (0.579–0.832) (FC  55%)
C Helsinki harbour, Finland Raising slope height 0.240 0.060 0.750 Sand
(0.210–0.260) (0.055–0.098) (0.533–0. 858)
D Kitimat flowslide, Canada† Disturbance by low tide 0.203 0.017 0.914 Fine silty sand to silt
E Lake Ackerman road Weight of construction 0.245 0.076 0.690 Clean sand
embankment, USA equipment (0.220–0.275) (0.066–0.092) (0.582–0.760)
F Sullivan tailings dam, Raising dam height 0.241 0.132 0.452 Hydraulic fill iron
Canada‡ (0.228–0.254) (0.420–0.480) tailings
G Tar Island dyke, Canada Raising dyke height 0.265 0.058 0.781 Silty sand
(0.195–0.300) (0.037–0.105) (0.462–0. 875) (FC  10–30%)
H Merriespruit tailings dam, Oversteepening of slope 0.226 0.022 0.885 Sandy silt
South Africa{ (0.219–0.333) (0.004–0.048) (0.780–0. 989) (FC  60%)
I Asele road embankment, Weight of construction 0.280 0.104 0.629 Silty sand
Sweden equipment (0.232–0.316) (0.083–0.125) (0.461–0.737) (FC  23–38%)
 Based on limit equilibrium slope stability analyses of Olson (2001).
† From in-situ vane shear tests (Morrison, 1984).
‡ Based on limit equilibrium slope stability analyses of Muhammad (2012).

D E F While the existing methods for the liquefaction triggering
0·5 G H I analysis of sloping ground conditions fail to account for the
soil dilatancy behaviour, an empirical approach is developed
0·4 su(yield)/σ ⬘v0 in this study to estimate liquefaction triggering strength of
(equation (3)) strain-softening, saturated, cohesionless soils subject to a
su /σ ⬘v0

0·3 monotonically increasing shear load. The proposed method

accounts for the effect of decreasing soil contraction tendency
– as observed in a large database of laboratory shear experi-
ments – with increasing soil density or in-situ penetration
resistance on reducing the amount of strain-softening and
su(liq)/σ ⬘v0 brittleness of cohesionless soils. The major strength of this
approach is the blending of the sand dilatancy theory through
0 laboratory experiments with empirical correlations based on
0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0
IB in-situ penetration tests to establish a method for estimating
su (yield). This allows the method to differentiate liquefaction
Fig. 4. Comparison of su (yield)=ó9v0 and su (liq)=ó9v0 from the flow failures with different travel distances based on the
liquefaction flow failures of Table 2 (datapoints) with equation (3) amount of strain-softening and undrained collapse exhibited
following the initiation of liquefaction failure.

of su (liq)/ó v90 : The CPT-based empirical relationship devel- NOTATION

oped by Olson & Stark (2002) is considered more appro- D50 median particle size (mm)
priate as it incorporates the effects of failure kinetics, Drc consolidation relative density (%)
potential hydroplaning, soil mixing and the shear strength of ec consolidation void ratio
non-liquefied soils in providing the best estimate of su (liq)/ FC fines content (%)
ó v90 : IB brittleness index
The key contribution of the proposed method is that the (N1 )60 normalised standard penetration test blow count
fundamental effect of decreasing soil contraction tendency qc1 normalised cone penetration resistance (MPa)
on reducing brittleness and collapsibility of cohesionless ru,max excess pore-water pressure ratio (˜u=ó c9 )
su (liq) undrained post-liquefaction strength (kPa)
soils with increasing penetration resistance is accounted for
su (yield) undrained liquefaction triggering (yield) strength (kPa)
in the estimation of su (yield) and hence in field liquefaction ˜u shear-induced excess pore-water pressure (kPa)
triggering analysis. As the amount of kinetic energy im- ó c9 mean or normal consolidation stress (kPa)
parted on a sliding soil mass depends on the amount of ó l9iq post-liquefaction effective stress (kPa)
shear strength reduction upon failure (Bishop, 1973), the ó v90 initial effective vertical stress (kPa)
proposed method can explain the differences in the amount ô0 initial static shear stress (kPa)
of travel distances among liquefaction flow failures, which is ö9critical critical state friction angle (degrees)
not possible with the existing empirical correlations pre-
sented in Fig. 2. For example, because of the differences in
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