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What is meant by a densely populated area?

An area where many people live in a small area/per square kilometre/over 50 people per square

Explain why are deserts and cold areas sparsely populated?

 it is an area of desert/there are inadequate water supplies;

 food cannot be grown/crops can’t be grown;
 many parts are isolated/poor communications/inaccessible/no roads;
 there are few resources;
 there is little employment/no jobs; etc.


steep slopes/mountainous/high land (B/C); arid conditions/desert area/lack of water (A/B); ice and snow
(C); lack of employment (A/B/C); isolation/lack of communications (A/B/C); unable to grow crops (A/B/C);
infertile/rocky/barren/rugged (A/B/C)

 temperatures are low/very cold for much of year/long winters/short summers;

 food cannot be grown/crops can’t be grown;
 difficult to get to/remote/inaccessible/seas are frozen for several months;
 there are few resources;
 there is little employment/no jobs;
 snow/ice covered; etc.

Suggest why floodplains are sparsely populated?

 flood plain/it might flood;

 marshy land/swampy;
 people do not want their homes/settlements/crops flooded;
 land likely to be used for rice/irrigated/farmland

Suggest why mountainous areas are sparsely populated?

 relief is high/steep/mountainous/hilly/hills/no flat land;

 it is difficult to build homes/settlement/expensive to build;
 roads will be hard to construct/difficult to get to/inaccessible;
 low temperatures;
 high precipitation/wet;
 windy;
 mud/land slides;
 would need to build terraces to grow crops; etc.
Explain why some river valleys are densely populated.

 fertile soils/so crops yield is good; (DEV)

 availability of water for drinking/cleaning/washing/domestic use;
 water for irrigation/agricultural idea/livestock;
 communications by river/travel;
 easy to build road/railway line;
 river is source of fish/go fishing;
 flat building land/easy to build settlements;(or DEV)
 fast flowing water for HEP;
 defence from meander;
 bridging point;
 renewable energy/clean energy; etc.

Explain why are agricultural areas densely populated.

When writing the birth rate/death rate/natural population growth/decline, what shouldn’t you
forget to do?

Writing the units, which are: PER 1000. PLS DO NOT FORGET IT IS CRUCIAL!

Explain what can be done by governments to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS.

 theatre groups/road shows to educate re dangers of unprotected sex;

 poster campaigns/TV adverts;
 issuing of condoms/use condoms;
 legislation against prostitution;
 free syringe exchange for drug addicts/use clean/new needles;
 careful screening of blood transfusions/avoid contact with blood;
 reduce needs for migrant workers/legislation;
 better health treatment to reduce early deaths from diseases to which AIDS victims are
 less resistant;
 cut price of drugs being developed to slow the growth of the AIDS virus/invent a
 cure/drug;
 education about dangers/safe sex/signs to look for;
 regular health checks/screening/testing; etc.

Explain the advantages of educating girls and women in LEDCs.

 so they can earn more money/so they can afford to educate children/feed family/improve
standard of living/quality of life (DEV); standard of living/quality of life (DEV);
 snowball effect – more likely to educate their own children;
 educated women will be better able to care for their families/be aware of better
nutrition/healthcare (DEV);
 can get a job or examples/start a business;
 improve skills/qualifications
 country will become more wealthy/contribute to GDP/higher GDP;
 to get out of poverty/break cycle of poverty;
 population growth rates are lower when women are educated/as they are more likely to practise
family planning(DEV);
 reduce spread of AIDS/HIV;
 women will have gender equality/there will be less discrimination;
 women will have the option to contribute to political affairs/decision making;

What’s dependency ratio?

The dependency ratio is a measure of the number of dependents aged zero to 14 and over the age of 65,
compared with the total population aged 15 to 64. Dependents are defined as those aged zero to 14 and
those aged 65 and older. Working age is from 15 to 64.

When comparing the shapes of two population pyramids, what should you comment on?

 Width of the Base

 Width of the Top/Apex
 Width of the Middle
 Height of the pyramid
 The overall shape of the pyramid (more pyramid shaped/straighter sides/chimney/rocket

Explain how the ‘more-pyramid shaped’ population structure of a country is typical of an LEDC.

 high birth rates/lots of babies born;

 large percentage/numbers of 0–14/children/babies/young dependents;
 decreasing numbers in 15–64/working population/economically active;
 high death rates/lots of people die;
 few people live over 65/old dependents/low life expectancy
 high dependency ratio;

N.B.: Saying that the birth rate is much higher than the death rate is not the same as saying the
birth rate is higher than the death rate.

Give three reasons why BIRTH RATE have fallen by the time a country reaches Stage 4 of the
model. (3aks el so2al beta3 why birth rates are high in LEDCS)

 reduction in IMR/people not needing to have extra children to ensure some survive;
 reduction of birth rates in LEDCs;
 increase in death rates/DR higher than BR/reduced life expectancy; due to AIDS/HIV (dev); due
to increased drought/famine (dev); war/conflict;
 traditions/religions are less important in modern society;
 Less need for children to work in LEDCS due to more widespread access to education (dev);
 Less likely to need children to look after parents in old age due to state support/pensions (dev);
 Women are more career minded/prefer to work/ education of women/careers/materialistic outlook;
 Later marriage;
 Emancipation of women;
 Expensive to raise children/desire for material possessions;

 Small family size/Smaller families due to more availability of contraception (dev); due to
education re. contraception (dev);
 Availability/people can afford contraception/birth control/family planning;
 Access to abortion;
 Knowledge of/education about contraception/birth control/family planning.
 Knowledge of/education about problems caused by large families/population growth;

 Government policy (or example)/one child policy

Suggest reasons why the DEATH RATE in LEDCs, such as Niger, declined rapidly between 1955
and 1995.

 more/better/improved health care /or examples/hospitals/clinics etc.;

 better treatment of diseases/or examples/medicines/drugs etc.;
 more doctors/nurses;
 vaccination;
 awareness of/education about e.g. AIDS/hygiene;

 improved diet/increased food production;

 enough/better water supply/clean safe drinking water;
 improved hygiene/sanitation;
 increased aid from MEDCs; etc.

Suggest reasons for the expected increase in the percentage of population over the age of 65 by 2025

 improved health care facilities/or examples/hospitals/clinics (dev);

 Vaccinations;/Inoculation against diseases
 More trained doctors/nurses/better trained/less people per doctor;
 better treatment of diseases/or examples/medicines (dev);
 Education/awareness of health issues/healthy lifestyle/for example do not smoke/eat

 Pensions/so that they can remain independent/buy food;

 investment in care homes/services for elderly/or examples meals on wheels/carers (dev);
 Improved food supplies

 longer life expectancy/people live longer;

 low birth rates/small families/lower infant mortality rate/government policy; Max 2.

Give reasons for either the increase or decrease in life expectancy.

Reasons for increase in life expectancy such as:

 better treatment of diseases/or examples/drugs/medicines;

 inoculation against diseases/vaccines;
 improved health care facilities/or examples/hospitals/clinics;
 training/availability of doctors/nurses;
 investment in care homes/services for elderly;
 pensions;

 better water;
 good sanitation;
 better food supply/diet;
 decreasing crime rates/better security etc.

Reasons for DESCREASE IN LIFE EXPECTANCY/increasing death rates such as

 AIDS/sexually transmitted diseases/epidemics;

 (Civil) war/conflict/increasing crime rates;
 Famine/not enough food;
 Drought;
 Economic failure etc.

Whats the formula for total population change?

(births – deaths) minus (immigration – emigration)

What’s the formula for population density?

Population Density = Population/Area


What is meant by migrant ?

A person who goes to live in another place/moves away from an area/leaves his country etc.

Identify the two examples of migrants which are most likely to be the result of forced migration.

Refugee and Asylum Seeker

Give three different push factors which may result in forced migration.

 war/conflict/civil war;
 floods/volcano/earthquake/tsunami/tropical storm (MAX 2);
 famine/food shortage/starvation;
 drought;
 (religious/political) persecution etc.

Explain why many international migrants experience difficulties when they arrive at their new

 many cannot speak the language;

 trouble adapting to culture/religion etc.
 some are unable to obtain employment/not enough jobs;
 lack of qualifications/skills/education/no experience/they have to do
 unskilled jobs/work informally;
 many are doing low paid jobs;
 poor working conditions/dirty jobs/long hours/exploitation by employers;
 live in poor conditions/overcrowding/lacks sanitation;
 can’t afford education/health care/food/housing etc.;
 some may have to live away from their families;
 discrimination may occur/racism;
 some may lack documentation/have to hide from authorities;
Choose one example of a migration shown on Fig. 2. Explain why people migrate between the types
of place you have chosen/what are the pull factors?

 employment for work opportunities/lots of/more jobs - opportunity to earn more money (dev);
better paid jobs;
 education - opportunity to attend university/school (dev); better chance of education for children;
 healthcare - more likely to have treatment for diseases (dev); better provision of doctors/hospitals
 lack of water supply/sanitation and drought - good water supplies and good hygiene/sanitation;
 good quality housing;
 famine/food shortages - adequate food supply;
 good quality of life/standard of living

Why migrate only?

 to escape (religious/political) persecution;

 security/good police force/low crime rates;
 bright lights/leisure facilities/wider choice of shops;
 war/civil war;
 floods/volcano/earthquake/tsunami/tropical storm etc.
 so their families will be safe from violence/harassment (dev);

Good words for describing graphs:

 fluctuation
 increase (with a correct year or range),
 decrease (with a correct year or range),
 peak year (with correct year),
 trough year (with correct year),
 dip year
 generally more immigration than emigration;
 except 1974–1976;
 mainly
 some

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