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1. Akt: onco gene

2. anti-apoptotic: BH1, 2, 3, 4
3. anti-IAP: release into the cytoplasm that block the IAPs when you ahve an appropriate
4. Apaf1: cytochrome-c binds to it and activates it to expose the CARD
5. Apaf1: important for apoptosis, especially if knocked out
6. apoptosis: careful sequence of events to undergo cell death
7. aspartic acid residue: directly after this site the caspase cuts the polypeptide (site of
8. Bad: pro-apoptotic protein that binds to Bcl-2 and prevents it from being activated
9. Bcl-2 family: made up of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic proteins; onco gene; in the
outer membrane of the mitochondria; form a channel to let out cytochrome-c
10. BH domain: all the members of the family contains one or more of the same domains in
11. block the exit of cytochrome-c: stop apoptosis, bc cytochrome-c needed to activate
12. CARD (caspase activator and recruitment domain): apoptosome-triggers apoptosis
13. Casp9: not as important for apoptosis
14. caspase: protease; activated only during apoptosis; cuts up the polypeptide
15. caspase 8: initiator caspase in extrinsic pathway
16. caspase 9: initiator caspase in intrinsic pathway
17. cystine residue: the active site of the caspase
18. cystine-aspartase: makes the caspase
19. cytochrome-c: generates ATP; associated with mitochondria

20. death domains: come together and form a death inducing signal complex; procaspase
involved in complex-activated and forms a dimer then caspase cascade
21. death effector domains: stimulate cell death; mechanism of apoptosis
22. delete CARD: prevents formation of apoptosome
23. DNA laddering: hallmark of apoptosis
24. executioner: the last caspase that will kill the cell
25. extrinsic pathway: pathway that is a signal to start apoptosis from the outside (via
26. FADD (fas associated death protein domain): domain within the protein that interacts
with other proteins involved in apoptosis
27. Fas ligand: bound to the surface of a cell; for T cells; binds and causes assembly of
other proteins
28. fibrosis: formation of scars
29. IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis): bind to caspase and block them from being activated
30. intrinsic pathway: pathway that is a signal to start apoptosis from the inside (via cell
31. Necrosis: cellular death by bursting; cytoplasm released into extracellular matrix
32. other pro: BH3
33. pro-apoptotic: BH1, 2, 3
34. procaspase: bigger than caspase; must be cleaved to become active; zymogen
35. TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor): can induce apoptosis
36. treat with protease inhibitor: block protein activity of caspases and block apoptosis
37. tunel staining: staining the terminal nucleotides of DNA

38. zymogen: the large inactive form of a protein that must be clipped in order for it to be

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