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(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)

ગુજરાત ટે કનોલોજીકલ યુનનવન િૅટી
(ગુજરાત અધિધિયમ ક્રમાાંક: ર૦/ર૦૦૭ દ્વારા સ્થાધિત)

To, Principal/Director/GTU Coordinators/Design Coordinators,

Instruction for 4th & 6th semester, Design engineering subject for all BE
colleges affiliated to GTU:

1. Students who have registered on DE portal ( in last semester, do

not need to register themselves again. But, students need to sign in to their account on DE
portal and then move themselves from 3rd to 4th and from 5th to 6th semester by single click,
their personal details would be moved.
a. Students of 4th semester need to enter their project details of 4th semester as they
need to take new project other than 3rd semester project as per guidelines (available
on portal under Academic tab – Guidelines) of 4th semester.
b. But students of 6th semester can continue their 5th semester project as per guidelines
(available on portal under Academic tab – Guidelines) and do not need to enter
details again. But who are taking new project in 6th semester, need to enter new
project details.
2. Registration for Faculty members and Design Coordinator is also open. To teach and guide
Design Engineering, faculty member must be trained at the FDP organized by GTU.
3. Colleges need to assign one Design Coordinator who is trained at the FDP organized by
GTU (if not assigned in last semester) and register him/her on portal, for managing and
coordinating the activities related to DE. Design Coordinator will be the only point of
contact with GTU Design Team for any query or suggestions. He/she will be responsible
for the student’s progress for Design Engineering projects at college.
4. We will soon announce the Zonal/Squad team for DE selected by GTU authority. The
Zonal/Squad team will be responsible for entire zone level activities related to DE.
5. All the guidelines, circular, latest news related to DE are and will be available on portal.
6. Study material, canvases and other formats are also available on this portal for DE subject.
We timely update the study material and formats as per the requirements and new
developments, so all stakeholders are advised to visit the portal frequently for latest
information and update.
7. Design Engineering related blog will be started soon for better understanding of the subject.
If anyone finds the good resource material, blog, case study, news etc related to DE, please
send to us on and we will update it on portal for everyone to use.
8. Colleges need to send us the reports of events, case studies, achievements in relation with
DE to be uploaded on DE portal.
9. Every college need to strictly adhere to below schedule for DE related activities.

o Kindly visit the Design Engineering web portal at:

o For any query related to portal and feedback, please connect with us at:

W i nne rs o f: IC T Ena b l ed U n iv e rs ity Aw ard E - Ind ia - 2 00 9 M a nt han A ward – 2 0 0 9

N r. V i sa t T hre e R o ad s, ( Ca mp u s o f Vi s hwa ka r ma Go ve rn me n t E n gg . Co lle ge & IIT, G a nd hi na g a r) , Sa ba r ma ti –
K o b a H i g h w a y , C h a n d k h e d a , A h m e d a b ad - 3 8 2 4 2 4 . G u j a r a t , I n d i a . T e l e : 0 7 9 - 23 267500 E - m a i l : r e g i s t r a r @ g t u . a c . i n
URL : www . gtu. ac. in
Portal Timeline for 4th Semester DE-1B project:

Activity related to DE for AY 2017-18 (Summer/Even

Task Timeline
1 Students move to next semester Till 11th January, 2018
2 Team Registration Till 25th January, 2018
3 Problem Definition/Project title Till 20th February, 2018
3.1 Domain selection
3.2 Reverse Engineering
3.3 Observation
3.4 Empathy Canvas – Mind Mapping
3.5 Prior Art Search (PAS)
4 Ideation (Canvas, PAS) Till 5th March, 2018
5 Product Development Canvas (PDC) & User Feedback Till 20th March, 2018
5.1 Learning Needs Matrix (LNM)
6 Rough Prototyping & Iteration Till 30th March, 2018
7 Report Submission, Plagiarism check and Generation of Till 10th April, 2018
project certificate

Portal Timeline for 6th Semester DE-2B project:

Activity related to DE for AY 2017-18 (Summer/Even

Task Timeline
1 Students move to next semester Till 11th January, 2018
2 Team Registration (If new project) Till 25th January, 2018
3 Problem Definition/Project title (If new project) Till 20th February, 2018
3.1 Domain selection
3.2 Observation
3.3 Empathy Canvas – Mind Mapping
3.4 Prior Art Search (PAS)
4 Ideation (Canvas, PAS) Till 5th March, 2018
5 Product Development Canvas (PDC) & User Feedback Till 20th March, 2018
5.1 Learning Needs Matrix (LNM) & Detail design
5.2 Design Calculation
5.3 Detail Design (Various considerations/aspects as
mentioned in course guidelines of 6th semester)
6 Working model: Prototyping, Iteration, Testing Till 30th March, 2018
7 Report Submission, Plagiarism check and Generation of Till 10th April, 2018
project certificate
Note: Students who are continuing their 5th semester project to 6th semester, they will
directly start working from Ideation or Product Development phase (where they left
their work in 5th sem) till working model as per above schedule and guidelines of DE-2B.

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