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7/12/2019 Very demotivated ! What should I do:( - You Can Do This!

- The freeCodeCamp Forum

Very demotivated ! What should I do:(

Shubham10200 21h

I’ve completed all HTML and CSS tasks a 15days ago. Now I’m working on second project : Survey Form . I’m Jul 12
working in it since last 1 week , but I can’t make it . My CSS skills are very poor . What should I do ? Should I quit 1/
web ? 8
ieahleen 21h

Don’t quit! Keep practicing, it is your second project, if your page look awful is normal. Make sure you are passing all
user stories and that is a good start! If you can’t pass user stories you a need Ask for help on the forum. Once all
user stories are satisfied, you can see what to do to make it prettier
If you want to do something but don’t remember how, google it. Google everything!

Joke 21h

Hi @Shubham10200 ,
Of course you shouldn’t quit web. What you’re experiencing is normal. You’ve learned stuff, but not all of it was
stored in your long term memory. And, more important, you’re learning a trade. And as with every trade, you need to
practice after learning the basics.

Just start with deciding what your form should look like. Decide on colours and so on. And then study forms again.
Use Google to find out more about CSS in forms. Don’t bother about the right search terms, just type in your
questions, Google will help you as it helps developers all over the world every day.

You could also use forms in websites to find out how they were built. Use the web inspector in your browser and
learn from others.

And about CSS: it looks simple, but it isn’t. Take your time to learn and practice. And be prepared to always learn
and Google while using CSS. Welcome to Front-End!

ArielLeslie (totally not a bot) 20h

The projects are HARD. They are meant to be hard. Each one will push you further to do your own research,
decision making, creative problem solving, and troubleshooting. You will come out of the projects with so much more
practical understanding of the technology than hundreds of hours of lessons can give you. If you continue to revise
and improve your projects, you will also have a portfolio of actual work to show.

Shubham10200 19h

Thank you very much everyone for being with me and for motivating me .
After a tons of practice of survey form , I finally learnt where I was going wrong(Actually I was confused in aligning
and positioning)
I spent almost one week in just one project.

After finding my mistake I made a simple survey form:

‘ ’
Please judge my codes

I can make a better one now

Again Thank you

ArielLeslie (totally not a bot) 19h

Congratulations on working through it. Happy coding!

Shubham10200 18h 1/2
7/12/2019 Very demotivated ! What should I do:( - You Can Do This! - The freeCodeCamp Forum

Thank You very much

maktubhelou 2h

Repeat after me: it’s going to be hard in the beginning, it’s going to be hard in the beginning, it’s going to be hard in
the beginning.

So far in my experience, software development does not really come easily to the vast majority of people. There is a
lot to learn, the languages, frameworks and tools that you’re using have taken years and some excellent minds to
come up with, and as a result they are both capable of doing a lot, and, necessarily complex.

Your first efforts will be hard, but stick with it! The end of that tunnel is incredibly rewarding. Trust those of us who’ve
made it at least some part of the way 2/2

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