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A. Background of the Problem

In Indonesia, the position of English is as a foreign language. It is
taught from the Elementary school to the University. Teaching English as
a foreign language (EFL) involves four language skills, listening, reading,
speaking and reading expression. Writing means develop, explore ideas,
and gather the informations. Writers have responsibility to express their
idea written, because the core of writing process is show writers ideas
clearly and make reader understand about it. Because of that, writer should
consider many elements to make the result of writing understandable.
Writing is one of the English language skills that are related to
other skills.therefore, it is essentially to teach students to be able to write
in English writing is one of the skills that enables person to be able to
communicate with others who are not presenting, not listening and not
looking at gestures of facial expression. In short, the process of
communication takes place just through words. As the result, students
should be trained to practice writing as much as possible, Ur, 1991 said
writing is also as the writers activity to express his or her own feelings,
opinions, emotions anf thought so that the reader can comprehend his or
her work easily. Moreover, writing is also a communication tool to express
the writer himself or herself.
Writing is one of the important skills in language learning that
should be mastered by all students beside listening, speaking and reading.
Raimes (1983:3) sates the reason why the writing is important for the
students. Firstly, writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and
vocabularies. Secondly, when the students write they also have chance to
be adventure with the language. Thirdly, when the write, they are
necessarily required to get involve to new language and to express ideas.
So the students can elaborate their ability in writing..
Nowadays, teaching and learning English, especially in writing
become horrified activity. Because in this skill, the students should master
some components such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use,
and mechanic. Content is the substance of the writing. Contents relates to
knowledge, substantive, through development of thesis, and relevant to
assigned topic. Organization relates to fluent expression, ideas clearly
stated, well organized, logical sequencing, and cohesive. Language use
relates to effective complex construction, tenses, agreement, and word
order. Vocabulary relates to effectives word/word choice, sophiscated
range, and word from mastery. Mechanic relates to use spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, handwriting and paraghraphing. All of them
are important aspects to be considered in order to be able to write well.
Based on the researchers experience in teaching practice found that
students have problem in doing the writing task. They do not know to start
writing. The students cannot showing their ideas, opimions or thoughts
since they are not familiar with vocabularies and structural rules, but also
do not understand the rhetoric style the way of delivering message and
idea. In this case, students often make mistake in finishing the task and
finally give up before finishing it. These problems are caused by many
factors such as, the lack of ideas, the lack of practice, the lack of
vocabularies, and the lack of grammatical knowledge.
Based on the results of the researchers observation at state senior
high school Gunung Toar. It was found thet most of the students got low
scores in their writing as pointed on the table below.
Table 1.1
Students English Writing Score (Preliminary Obsevation)
Components of writing
Classes C O V L M
(13-30) (7-20) (7-20) (5-25) (2-5)
X1 17,66 11,55 10,5 9 2,3 50,96
X2 18,2 11,8 10,3 8,57 2,27 51,14
Mean 17, 93 11,68 10,4 8,79 2,29 51,01
Source: students score writing test at Class X of SMAN 1 Gunung Toar

The table above shows the data abouts students English writing
achievement os State Senior High School (SMA) 1 Gunung Toar. Based
on the table above , it can be seen the score of writing is low. This fact
may happen caused by some factors, based on the table the problem are
lack of vocabulary, difficult to organize information or idea to make text
coherent and text generic structure. So, the result is created not systematic
and other people cannot follow the development of the ideas.
As the problem solving, the teacher should find out the ways to
solve this problem , especially in students writing ability. For instance,
strategies, technique, methods and approaches in teaching writing process
should be changed to more creative one.
Based on the problem mentioned above, the researcher is interested
in conducting a research about language teaching strategy especially the
strategy which can improve students writing skill. One of the teaching
strategies that writer wants to know the expansion of students writing skill
is paragraph Hamburger Strategy.
The paragraph hamburger is a writing organizer that visually
outlines the key components of a paragraph. Topic sentences, and a
closing sentences are the main elements of a good paragraph, and each one
form a different “piece” of the hamburger. Hamburger strategy is a
successful strategy for teaching writing paragraphs. It can be said that,
hamburger strategy introduce the part of an essay throuh the pieces of
hamburger. There are three important part of an essay; introduction
paragraph, body paragraph, and conclusion. Hamburger there is top bun.
For the body of paragraph will be seen in condiments and meats of the
hamburger. The last, conclusion paragraph will be seen as bottom bun of
hamburger (
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in doing
the research about “The effect of Paragraph Hamburger Strategy
toward Students writing skill at class X of senior High School (SMA) 1
Gunung Toar”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on background the problems above, there are some problems
in writing skill:
1. The students had some difficulties in developing their ideas
to be written, they are lack of idea, they also did not know
how write a good writing.
2. The students are not able to organize sentences into a good
3. The students are lack of vocabulary.
4. The students got difficulties to write sentences.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher
limits the researh on the effect of paragraph Hamburger Strategy in
teaching recount text toward students writing skill at class X of Senior
High School (SMA) 1 Gunung Toar.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on limitation of the problem above, the researcher
formulated the problem of this research as follows:
1. Does the paragraph Hamburger Strategy give significant
effect toward students writing skill at class X of Senior
High School (SMA) 1 G unung Toar?
2. What component of students writing skill are mostly
improved after using paragraph Hamburger Strategy at
class X of senior High School (SMA) 1 Gunung Toar?

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is:
1. To determine wheter paragraph Hamburger Strategy gives
significant effect in teaching recount text toward students
writing skill at class X of Senior High School (SMA) 1
Gunung Toar.
2. To find out what component of students writing skill are
mostly improved after using paragraph Hamburger Strategy
at class X of Senior High School (SMA) 1 Gunung Toar.

F. Significant of the Research

By doing this research, the researcher expects that this strategy will
be useful and gives some contributes for the researcher as a candidate of
teacher, English teachers, and readers:
1. The researcher is to will add the researchers skill in
teaching writing and get information does paragraph
Hamburger Strategy can improve students writing skill. 2.
2. English teacher, it will give information about effect of
paragraph Hamburger Strategy in teaching writing skill.
3. The reader, it can add knowledge about strategy which can
be applied in teaching writing.
G. Definition of Key Term
To avoid misunderstanding between the writer and the reader about
this research, the writer defines the terms used in this study as follow:
Paragraph Hamburger strategy: a successful strategy for teaching third
graders about writing paragraphs. It can
be said that, hamburger strategy
introduce the part of an essay through
the pieces of hamburger. There are
three important parts of an essay,
introduction paraghraph, body
paragraph, and conclusion. Hamburger
there is top bun. For the body of
paragraph will be seen in condiments
and meats of the hamburger. The last,
conclusion paragraph will be seen as
bottom bun of hamburger
Teaching : The action of a person who teaches; the
profession of a teacher. (Oxford)
Writing : The expression of ideas, the conveying
of a message to the reader, so the ideas
themselves should arguably be seen as
the most important aspects of the writing
(Penny Ur, 1991; 163)

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