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1 Sample Essay Adam on Telecommuting

More and more people are choosing to work from home via computer.

Companies are increasingly allowing their emplyees to do so.

What might be some causes of this development?

What are the benefits of doing this?

Technology has changed the way we work in many ways, with a notable example being the increase in
the frequency of people using the internet to telecommute wo work and number of emplyers that
suport it. Though many reasons exist for this trend, the most likely are the costs and stress of travel. As
this essay will demonstrate, reducing these factors can be advantageous for both parties.

From the employees’ perspective, commuting to work has several disadvantages. Aside from wasting
valuabe time driving a car or even boarding a train during the moring and evening rush hours, the
finacial costs can add up to a significant amount. For a driver, expenditures on gas, vehicle maintenance,
insurance, and other incidentals can all be eliminated by simple staying at home. On a more personal
level, many people find the drive to work highly stressful, especially when dealing with gridlock, road
rage, exhaust fumes, and other travel horrors. Working online, conversely, allows an emplyee to relaxed
and focused on the work at hand. Thus, it is not suprising that more and more people are opting for this.

As for the emplyer, a happy worker is an effective worker. In other words, allowing staff members to
work from home not only increases their productivity, but it also lessens the likelihood of their taking
sick days due to a build-up of stress. Moreover, as many modern companies subsidize emplyees’ travel
expenses, These saving can benefit their bottom line significantly. On a broader scope, many
corporations wishing to attract a new generation of customers can also promote the fact that by
encouraging telecommuting they are actually contributing to helping the environment by reducing the
level of toxic emissions on city highways.

In conclution, working from home is a growing phenomenon owing to the benefits it provides both
employees and employers, such as reduced travel costs, increased productivity, and even environmental
2. Child Obesity

Child obesity is a growing concern on a globle scale. Many believe that it is a government’s resposibility
to fight this problem. Other believe that it is the parents’ duty to look after the health of their children

With whom do u agree? Why?

With fast food chains, like McDonald’s, in almost every city the Western world, it is easy to understand
why child obesity is mounting problem there. Though it may seem simple to suggest that government
should act to curb this danger, i believe it is up to the parents of overweight children to look after their
kid’s health. Govenment may help, with education for instance, but parents need to look at themselves
and change the habits that may harm their children.

A child’s habit are learned mostly at home by observing what adults do regularty and copying these
actions. If parents sit on the couch and watch TV while munching on chips and other snacks, the child
will believe that this is normal and will do the same. Thus, parent need to watch their own consumption
as a signal to their children. Furthermore, they need to encourage their child to be active, by plying
sports or even walking to a friend’s house to play. In so doing, the child will also develop habits that are
better suited for a healthy lifestyle later on in life.

The main problem with this is that many adult do not realize the dangers of their own habits.
Government can help by increasing awareness and implementing programs that highlight the unhealthy
effects of an inactive lifestyle. For example, they may vote to increase spending on programs that
promote health, or on community centers equipped with exercise machines. However, governments
should not be called on to force healthy attitudes on people. Ultimately, it is up to the parents to care
about their children and act for the good of the entire family.

In summery, child obesity is a problem with a soution: a change of attiture. Government can act to a
degree, but parents are the ones responsible for their own and their children’s health and well-being.

Some people prefer the quiet life of the country. Other prefer the hustle and bustle of city life. Compare
the advantages and disadvantages of both choice.

Provide detail reason and example to support your answer

Country vs City = Rural vs Urban

There are many elements that define a lifestyle, including one’s surroundings. While some enjoy the
peaceful, sedentary life of the countryside, other favor the fast-paced business-oriented lifestyle found
in cities. Needless to say, both option have positive and negative spects, especially in term of cultural
economic and social opportunities.

A city offer its inhabitants a variety of cultural stimuli, such as art, sports, and international cuisines. A
person can go to a museum one day, a basketball game the next, and experience all sorts of ethnic
culinary delights all within a few square kilometers. Moreover, city dwellers have more options than
ocountry folk when it comes to finding work and securing a good income with which to enjoy these
outings. Yet, ironically, this is also the main drawback of living in a city, where the high level of
competition in the workforce, as well as the higher costs associated with an urban lifestyle, can be quite
stressful and ofter unfulfilling.

A rural lifestyle, on the other hand, involves different luxuries, such as close-knit communities, deeper
relationships, and, for those who want it, a predictability that provides a sense of security and calm.
Unlike the urban rate race, small town residents do not feel pressured to fill every free minute with
activities; for them, going to a church meeting or rooting for the local sports team at the lone town pub
is just as emnouable as a stadium outing in the city. However, rural living does have its
disadvatages, especially when it comes to work , as jobs are scarcer and quite ofter rely heavily on a
single industry. Whereas city dwellers can easily move on from a job loss, small towners may find
thmselves permanently unemployerd should their factory or plant shut down.

In conclusion, the choice of where to live ultimately comes down to one’s personal preferences and
priorities. Those eho want excitement and don’t mind the stress that comes with it would better in the
city, whereas ehose who want peace and quiet would do better in the country.

As Ecnomics focus

There are many elements that define a lifestyle, including one’s surroundings. While some enjoy the
peaceful, sedentary life of the countryside, other favor the fast-paced, business-oriented lifestyle found
in cities. Needless to say, both option have their positive and negative aspects, especially in terms of

The main reason city life might seem appealing is the opportunities it affords one, especially in tems of
career option. A person in a city has more choice when it comes to work, a greater pool of prefssionals
with whom to network, and a greater target market with which to conduct business. The countryside,
on the other hand, is limited in its scope of possibilities. Of course, one can argue that the advent of the
internet has made global work possible from anywhere, yet this does not address the need for face-to-
face meetings in orfer to maintain crucial personal business relationships. In fact, some cultures do not
consider a deal complete until the parties involved shake hands on it. Thus, bing physically isolated from
the market can potentially hamper one’s professional success.

One the other hand, rural living offer a peaceful lifesyle, away from the rat race of the city. One can
connect with nature, get to know one’s neighbours, and generally enjoy a healthy, quiet, and less
expensive existence. One does not have to deal with traffic, noise and air pollution, or competition for
space, commodities, and even jobs. Urban living, convesely, demands constant action and experditures,
namely in the form of keeping up with the jones’. That said, those who choose a rural lifestyle are
generally content with simpler, and consequently cheaper, material items and therefor do not need to
exert themselves merely for appearances. They do not need a new car every other year, a new phone
every few months, ot even glamourous gown for a night out in the city.

To sum up, both city and county living offer attractive lifestyle. To choose one over the other seems
more a personal preference based on one’s needs, ambitions, and desires.


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