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Anatomy & Physiology

Chapter 14

The Brain and Cranial Nerves

14.1 Brain Organization, Protection, and Blood Supply

1. What are the brain vesicles? What are they called?

a. __________________________________________________
i. _________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
ii. _________________________
iii. _________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
2. What do the vesicles become later?
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________
3. What are the 4 major parts of the brain?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
4. What are the protective coverings of the brain?
a. _________________________
i. _________________________
ii. _________________________
iii. _________________________
5. What ae the three extensions of the dura mater separating the brain into parts?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
6. What is the Blood-Brain barrier?
a. __________________________________________________
7. How much of the oxygen and glucose used in the body is by the brain?
a. _________________________
8. What types of substances cross the blood-brain barrier?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
9. What types of substances can not Cross the blood-brain barrier?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
14.2 Cerebrospinal Fluid

1. Describe Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF):

a. _____________________________________________________________________
2. What does CSF most basically do?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
3. Where is CSF located?
a. __________________________________________________
4. What is the septum pellucidum?
a. __________________________________________________
5. Where are the 4 ventricles?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
6. What are the functions?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
7. Where is most CSF made?
a. _________________________
8. What is the blood-CSF barrier?
a. __________________________________________________
9. Describe the flow of CSF:
a. _____________________________________________________________________
10. Where is CSF reabsorbed into the blood?
a. _________________________

14.3 The Brain Stem and Reticular Formation

1. What is the brain stem?

a. __________________________________________________
2. What are the three structures of the brain stem?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
3. What is the medulla oblongata?
a. __________________________________________________
4. What are the pyramids?
a. __________________________________________________
5. What is the crossing of the axons at the pyramids called?
a. _________________________
6. What is the consequence of this crossing of axons?
a. __________________________________________________
7. What are the functions the nuclei of the medulla responsible for?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
f. _________________________
g. _________________________
h. _________________________
8. What is the olive in the medulla? And what are they responsible for?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
9. What is the inferior olivary nucleus? What does it do?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
10. Where are the nuclei associated with touch, pressure, vibration, and conscious
proprioception located?
a. __________________________________________________
11. What is the medial lemniscus?
a. __________________________________________________
12. What are the tracts of the posterior columns and axons of the medial lemniscus collectively
a. __________________________________________________
13. What are the gustatory nucleus, the cochlear nucleus, and the vestibular nucleus?
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
14. The medulla contains nuclei associated with which cranial nerves?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
15. What is the pons? What does the pons do?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
16. What are the pontine nuclei?
a. __________________________________________________
17. What are the pneumotaxic and apneustic areas?
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
18. Which cranial nerves have nuclei in the pons?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
19. What is the midbrain?
a. __________________________________________________
20. What are the cerebral peduncles?
a. __________________________________________________
21. What is the posterior portion of the midbrain called?
a. _________________________
22. What are the superior colliculi? What do the reflex centers in the superior colliculi control?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
23. What are the inferior colliculi? What do the reflex ceters in the inferior colliculi control?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
24. What are the substantia nigra? What are they responsible for?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
25. What two cranial nerves have their nuclei in the midbrain?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
26. What is the reticular formation?
a. __________________________________________________
27. What is the reticular activating system (RAS)?
a. __________________________________________________
28. What is the most important function of the RAS?
a. _________________________
29. What are some other functions of the RAS?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
30. What does inactivation of the RAS cause?
a. _________________________
31. What does damage of the RAS produce?
a. _________________________

14.4 The Cerebellum

1. What is the cerebellum?

a. __________________________________________________
2. The cerebellum accounts for only about 10% of the mass of the brain yet it contains about
what percentage of the neurons.
a. _________________________
3. What is the deep groove in the cerebellum called?
a. _________________________
4. What is the tentorium cerebelli?
a. __________________________________________________
5. What shape does the cerebellum look like from superior and inferior views?
a. _________________________
6. What is the central constricted area called?
a. _________________________
7. What are the lobes of the “butterfly” called?
a. _________________________
8. What do each of the lobes do?
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
9. What is the superficial layer of the cerebellum called?
a. _________________________
10. What are the folia?
a. __________________________________________________
11. What is the arbor vitae?
a. _________________________
12. What comes out of the cerebellar nuclei?
a. __________________________________________________
13. What are the cerebellar peduncles?
a. __________________________________________________
14. What are the three peduncles called?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
15. What are located in the superior peduncle? And what do they transmit?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
16. What are located in the middle cerebellar peduncles? And what do they transmit?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
17. What are located in the inferior peduncles? And what do they transmit?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
18. What is the primary function of the cerebellum?
a. __________________________________________________

14.5 The Diencephalon

1. What is the diencephalon?

a. __________________________________________________
2. What does the diencephalon contain?
a. __________________________________________________
3. What is the thalamus?
a. __________________________________________________
4. What is the intermediate mass (interthalamic adhesion)?
a. __________________________________________________
5. What is the Y-shaped sheet of white matter? And what is located there?
a. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
6. What connects the thalamus to the cerebral cortex?
a. __________________________________________________
7. What is the function of the thalamus?
a. __________________________________________________
8. What are the seven major groups of nuclei? And what do they do?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
b. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
c. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
d. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
e. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
f. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
g. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
9. What is the hypothalamus?
a. __________________________________________________
10. What are the four major regions?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
11. What is the major function of the hypothalamus?
a. __________________________________________________
12. What are the ways that the hypothalamus achieves this?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
f. _________________________
13. What is the epithalamus?
a. __________________________________________________
14. What is the pineal gland?
a. __________________________________________________
15. What substance does the pineal gland produce?
a. _________________________
16. What is the habenular nuclei?
a. __________________________________________________
17. What are the circumventricular organs?
a. __________________________________________________
18. What do these organs do?
a. __________________________________________________
14.6 The Cerebrum

1. What is the cerebrum?

a. __________________________________________________
2. What is the cerebral cortex?
a. __________________________________________________
3. What are the folds called?
a. _________________________ or
b. _________________________
4. What are fissures and sulci?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
5. What is the longitudinal fissure? And what does it do?
a. _________________________
i. _________________________
6. What are the two halves of the brain called?
a. _________________________
7. What lies within the longitudinal fissure?
a. _________________________
8. What connects the two halves of the brain?
a. _________________________
9. What are the divisions of the two hemispheres called?
a. _________________________
10. What does the central sulcus separate?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
11. What is the precentral gyrus? And what does it contain?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
12. What is the postcentral gyrus? And what does it contain?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
13. What does the lateral cerebral sulcus separate?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
14. What does the parieto-occipital sulcus separate?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
15. What lies within the lateral cerebral sulcus deep to the parietal frontal and temporal lobes?
a. _________________________
16. What are the three types of tracts of the cerebral white matter? What do they do?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
b. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
c. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
17. What are the basal nuclei?
a. __________________________________________________
18. What is the closer nucleus lateral to the thalamus?
a. _________________________
19. What is the nucleus lateral to the thalamus but closer to the cerebral cortex?
a. _________________________
20. These two nuclei together are referred to as what?
a. _________________________
21. What is the third basal nucleus?
a. _________________________
22. Together the nuclei are also called what?
a. _________________________
23. What is the claustrum?
a. _________________________
24. What do the basal nuclei do?
a. _____________________________________________________________________
25. What is the limbic system?
a. __________________________________________________
26. What are the parts of the limbic system?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
f. _________________________
g. _________________________
h. _________________________
i. _________________________
j. _________________________
k. _________________________
l. _________________________
m. _________________________
n. _________________________
27. Why is the limbic brain called the emotional brain?
a. __________________________________________________

14.7 Functional Organization of the cerebral cortex

1. Sensory areas are involved in what?

a. _________________________
2. Motor areas are involved in what?
a. _________________________
3. Association areas are involved in what?
a. _________________________
4. The sensory area is divided into five main categories what are they? What are they
responsible for?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
b. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
c. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
d. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
e. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
5. Motor areas are divided into two main areas what are they? What are they responsible for?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
b. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
6. What are the divisions of the association areas called? What are they responsible for?
a. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
b. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
c. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
d. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
e. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
f. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
g. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
h. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
i. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
j. _________________________
i. __________________________________________________
7. What is hemispheric lateralization?
a. __________________________________________________
8. What are brain waves?
a. __________________________________________________
9. Describe the 4 wave types.
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________

14.8 Cranial Nerves

1. What are the cranial nerves?

a. __________________________________________________
2. How many are there?
a. _________________________
3. How are they designated?
a. _________________________
4. What is each cranial nerve responsible for?
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________
f. __________________________________________________
g. __________________________________________________
h. __________________________________________________
i. __________________________________________________
j. __________________________________________________
k. __________________________________________________
l. __________________________________________________

14.9 Development of the nervous system

This section does not really apply to what we need to know but is again interesting information.

14.10 Aging and the Nervous system

Not as big a factor as other aging sections to our studies. But you should think; is there any possible
effect that massage can possibly have on reducing the effects of aging on the nervous system? There
is no correct answer this is a time for you to come up with theories and ideas.


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