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Youth Intersections Workshop

Call for Contributions

A British Sociological Association (BSA) Youth Studies Group event
Manchester Centre for Youth Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
Friday 20th September 2019

Keynote: Tracy Shildrick, Professor of Sociology, Newcastle University

Organisers: Dr Benjamin Hanckel, King’s College London; Dr Karenza Moore, University of

Salford; and Dr Caitlin Nunn, Manchester Metropolitan University

A collaborative workshop exploring intersectional perspectives in Youth Studies, with a

view to generating abstracts for the BSA Annual Conference 2020 and other events.
Youth intersections are multilayered and multifaceted. At a global and local scale, Youth
Studies researchers have engaged in critical work which considers the interplay between
youth and gender, sexuality, social class, race/ethnicity, dis/ability and geographical
location, as these relate to young people’s identities, lived experiences, and life transitions,
with a fruitful focus on the multiple disenfranchisements that intersectional analyses open
up. In addition, researchers from a wide range of sub-disciplines of Sociology and cognate
disciplines hold ‘intersecting interests’ in youth (sub)cultures and transitions, leading to
novel explorations of youth in our troubling times.
To respond to this, the BSA Youth Studies Group invites scholars at all stages of their careers
to participate in our Youth Intersections event. Youth Intersections is an exciting opportunity
to bring scholars into productive dialogues about research with/on young people around
youth (sub)cultures and transitions. This workshop will appeal to scholars engaging in
research with/on young people in Youth Studies; the sub-disciplines of Sociology (e.g. Digital
Sociology, Medical Sociology, Migration); and other cognate disciplines (eg. Criminology,
Geography, Politics, Gender Studies, Public Health).
Professor Tracy Shildrick will deliver a keynote on the history of Youth Studies in the UK, and
its future directions. We will then invite delegates to give brief (3 minutes, 1 slide)
presentations on their current research interests, which will act as a ‘springboard’ for the
afternoon’s activities and help identify synergies among delegates. After lunch, all delegates
are invited to participate in collaborative workshop discussions with a view to producing
conference abstracts on intersectional youth (sub)cultures and transitions research for
submission to the British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2020 or other future
presentation opportunities of their choosing. The BSA’s CFP for the 2020 conference will
close on 11 October 2019.
If you would like to participate in the BSA Youth Intersections workshop, please email with a summary of research interests, and a tentative title and brief
outline of proposed BSA or other conference paper (bullet points are fine).

Please include in your email the following details

Are you an Early Career Researcher (ECR)?: Yes/No
Are you planning to attend BSA 2020? Yes/No

BSA Members: £25
Non-BSA Members: £30
BSA Students: £20
Non-BSA students: £25

If you are facing significant financial barriers preventing participation in this event, we
encourage you to contact us at the above email address.

Deadline for applications: Monday 2nd September 2019

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