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(GACMTEUD\16IMM\HR3239\HR3239_ANS.XML AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE To HLR. 3239 Orrerep By MY. Nadler Strike all that follows after the enacting clause and insert the following: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TARLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SuoRY Trr1E—This Act may be cited as the “Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act” (b) TABLE OF ConTENTS.—The table of contents of aun wn this Act is as follows: See, 1. Short ttle; table of contents See, 2, Initial heath sereening protocol See, 3, Watar, sanitation and hygiene. See, 4, Rood snd mutition Bee, 6, Shelter Soe, 6, Coordination and Surge capacity See. 7. Training, See, 8 Interfacilty transfer of eave, See. 9. Planning and initial implementation See, 10, Contractor eomplinnes See. 11. Inspections. See, 12. GAO report See. 13. Rule of eonstruetion, See. 14, Definitions, 7 SEC, 2, INITIAL HEALTH SCREENING PROTOCOL. 8 (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commissioner of U.S. Cus- 9 toms and Border Protection (referred to in this Act as 10 the “Commissioner”), in consultation with the Secretary 11 of Health and Human Services, the Administrator of the BWHLCOT 4191071419008 (74022116) Sty 14, 2019 (8:16 pm) GACMTEVD\6UMMNHR3239\HR3239_ANS.XML 2 1 Health Resources and Services Administration, and non- governmental experts in the delivery of health care in hu- manitarian crises and in the delivery of health care to chil- dren, shall develop guidelines and protocols for the provi- sion of health screenings and appropriate medical care for Protection (referred to in this Act as “CBP”), as required under this section. 2 3 4 5 6 individuals in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border 7 8 9 (b) INITIAL SCREENING AND MEDICAL ASSESS- 0 MENT.—The Commissioner shall ensure that any indi- 11 vidual who is detained in the custody of CBP (referred 12 to in this Act as a “detainee”) receives an initial in-person 13. sereening by a licensed medical professional in accordance 14 with the standards described in subsection (¢)— 15 (1) to assess and identify any illness, condition, 16 or age-appropriate mental or physical symptoms that 17 may have resulted from distressing or traumatic ox- 18 periences; 19 (2) to identify acute conditions and high-risk 20 vulnerabilities; and 21 (3) to ensure that appropriate healtheare is 22 provided to individuals as needed, including pedi- 23 atric, obstetric, and geriatrie care 24 (ce) STANDARDIZATION OF INITIAL SCREENING AND 25 MeEpicaL ASSESSMENT.— GIVHLOWTss19071412.003xm1 (74022116) ‘hay 14, 2019 (816 pm) (GACMTEMD\I6UMM\HR3239\HR3239_ANS.XML 1 (1) IN GENERAL.—The initial sereening and 2 medical assessment shall include— 3 (A) an interview and the use of a stand- 4 ardized medical intake questionaire or the 5 equivalent; 6 (B) screening of vital signs, ineluding pulse 7 rate, body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen 8 saturation, and vespiration rate; 9 (C) screening for blood glucose for known 10 or suspected diabetics; u (D) weight assessment of detainees under 12 12 years of age; 13 (B) a physical examination; and 14 (F) a risk-assessment and the development 15 of & plan for monitoring and care, when appro- 16 priate, 17 (2) PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION—The medical 18 professional shall review any prescribed medication 19 that is in the detainee’s possession or that was con- 20 fiseated by CBP upon arrival and determine if the 21 medication may be kept by the detainee for use dur- 22 ing detention, properly stored by CBP with appro- 23 priate access for use during detention, or maintained 24 with the detained individual's personal property. A 25 detainee may not be denied the use of necessary and a\waLcioriaiio7sa8.008am 740206 uly 44,2018 (8:46 p.m)

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