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lJV \f{r w, rn s n i ! a t i m e 5. n st
THURSDAY Jul}, 18' 2019

Membersof '

Congress: Look
beforeyou leaP
into the dark
-l-H E
I road
is dark.
You can
see onlv dimlY through the fog'
You io not know the real comPosi-
rion of vour chamber' and what kind
of lawmakers will come to work on
Monday luly 22, for the opening ofthe
t8$ Conffess. FMakabentaA4

Ntxr PAcr€ p0(,.

u TBtdr P*a,a a
/ should recall that ftom the begin- ofthe including entgrtainem, sportsmen,

,Longress ning and in all our constitutions,

ftom Malolos to the presefi one
organizing committee for the SEAG;
Fortunately, Mr Teodoro Locsin
policemb4, 2n4 :11t.*oo.
Most dreadfut of all perhaps: ,
You do notknow the caliberofthose the House of Representatives was Jr was named as the newsecretary I . Nine memben ofthe Senate to-
colleagues who seek to become the envisioned as the most representa- for the DFA. Teddyboy took one day are termed-out former senators,
top banana in the houses ofCongres.
tive body in our govemment s)6tem. look at the fund diversion, and politicians who have exceeded the
You do not know the unseen Two hundred representatives arc immediately ordered the sizable two-term limit axpressly provided
forces that are tying to manipulate elected to three-year terms direct\ SEAG fund transfened to &e PSA by the Constitution.
events in order to influence the or- by legislative districts distributed where it properly belonged. 2. Justasbad" most ofthese termed-
ganization of both your chambers. throughout the archipelago. An- 3. In the midterm elections in out officials figured promhmdy in
You do not know whdt our enig- other 50 representalives are elected May this year; Mr Cayetano came the impeachmeit of fte lare Chief
matic Pr€sid€nt Duterte is thinking or at large through the pafiylist q6tem up with the mindboggling idea of Iustice Renato Corona in 2012. And
cooking up in these final dala before in our legislature. getting members of his family and they are recorded in a Supreme Cnurt
the opening ofCongess on Monday At the inaugural session of wery his wife elected to all major elective decision as taking bribes or induce-
and before he deliven his fourth State congress, it is the tadition for the posts inTaguig City. He and his wife ments ftom former president Benigno
ofthe Nation Addres to the nation. nation's lawmaken to select those lani Cayetano won election to. the Aquino 3rd to impeach Corona.
You should not make your choice who will lead each chamber two legislative districrs ofthe city. He Entering the 1 8th Congress, these
ofleader without making an assess- But this year, before it even has a and his family insist that "dlnasty" termed out senaton are acknowl-
ment ofthe great importance ofthe chance to do this work the House is good for Taguig. edged veterans ofthe chamber
work ofthis Congress to the natiory is being asked to implement term- 4. Now he has come up with Nine termed-out senators will
and the viul stakes involved in nam' sharing for the post ofHouse Speaker this scheme to get himselfelect- constitute more than a third ofthe
ing the leaders of each chamber ed as the Speaker ofthe House Senate, The group of nine will just
I offer the following thoughts to Outlandish ideas of the 18th Congress. be four votes away from sectring a
assist in making your choice. As the rivalry for the post mount- majority in the chamber
House members should think ed in the run-up to Congress' open- The other 1 5 members ofthe Sen-
An open moment carefully about where this unprec- in& Cayetaro amazingly got Presi- ate share in common the fact that
edented scheme is comingfiom and dent Duterte's verbal assent to a they do not hold of6ce illegitim-ately
FiNt, I want to stress the opportu' what purposes it is designed to sewe. term-sharing formula for the speak' or under false pretenses.
nity and the challenge forth€18th It's the brainchild principally of enhip. He would be first to sen'e as Because the termed-out senato$
Congress to becorne a great legisla- an incoming representative fiom the speaker for 15 monthg before arc veterans in Senate affain, the
ture thatcould propel our country Metro Manila, whose farnily dynasty giving way to another aspirant. mostseniot Sen. Vicente Sotto 3rd is
into full modemization and d€- completely reduced a city to submis- It is noable that with eirery one of touted as the nert Senate Prcsident.
velopmen! and to cons€quential sion and domination. ftese id€as, Cqrtano stmds topdnci' There is a big problem on
importance in the world. His term-sharing scheme should plly Qngflt ftom them.If he is elected the horizon.
This Congress has an open mo' not be a surprise because tluoughout as the nec House Speakel what otha A petition was filed last week at
ment to strive to become the best his political career the congressman oudandistr ideas stfould the nation ec the Supreme Court which seela the
that it can be It has the oppornrnity has been the inventor and proponent pecthimb mncoct Couldthe kpublic stdct enforcement of the Constitu-
to change the often sony image of of numerous outlandish ideas that and is treasures be safe with him as the tion's policy on t€rm limits for elec-
being a rubber starnp ofthe executive stalled the work ofgovemnenl founh in line to the presidency? tive officials. ln Artide M, Sec. 4, the
and a railroad forthe adminisnation's Consider: Charter sa)'s, "No senator cal serve
program. [t can asse4 if it wills, its 1. tn 2013, when the Supreme Senate as den of illegitimacy more than two consecttive terms."
con*inrtional authorityto collaborate Court handed down its historic rul- The petition seeks the reversal ofan
in all rnajor policy daisions about the ing that declared as illegal and un- Representatives are not alone in SC ruling that has been twisted to
future of our cormtry and our people. constitutional the hiorityDevelop- sweating over the opening of Con- favor termed-out senaton.
This moment should be filled by ment Assistance Fund (PDAF) and gress on Monday. Sotto claims to be serving his
high quality of leadership, and by all pork banel, it was Mr. Cayetano Senators are similarlychallenged. fourth term in the Senate. That
purposive lawmakingand responsible who went around both houses of They too must elect their leader in makes him a violator twice over -
representation of the whole count)a Congress to urge his fellow lawmak- the Senate ltesident. And the choice and his prospective presidency an
en not to despah Their pork banel before them is fertile with dilemma insult to the nation.
The House is not could be salvaged through inserts and contradidion. The 15 legitimate senators could
a lower house in the General Appropriations Act. of only 24
The Senate consists avert thls dire predicament of the
In this way, inserts became a major members, in comparison to the chamber by.desisting to elect Sotto
Naxt, take a long hard look at the feature ofthe budget process. House's 250 members. But the Sen, as Senate President on Monday.
House of Representatives, and at 2. In 2018, whan he was sewing ate is permitted the polite fiction of they can wait for the high court's
. the term-sharing proposal and what as Secretary of Foreign Affairg Mr being regarded as the'upper housel d€cision on the petition to setde the
it really portends for the chamber cayetano maneuvered to get the It is a fiction full ofirony. Fbr one fate ofthe other termed-out senato$.
The incoming House and the budget for the 2019 Southeast Asian thing the Senate is distinctlyunrep- Electing Sotto now would
nation have been bamboozled into Cames (SEAG) transferied to the Jesentative. Senators are elected at be positively disastrous. These
consldering this harebrained idea budga ofthe DFA" to the chagrin of Iarge ind do not represent specific people are supposed to pe law-
as though the lofii post of House the Philippine Spofts Commission constituencies, only themsqlves. As makers, not lawbreakers. -
Speaker werc an apartrnent or a pad. (PSC) and the national sports com- a consequence, the chamber is a
The nation's representatives munity He also maneuvered to ha\,r motley collection of all'comers, ye nm a kab e nta @ yahoo. co m

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