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Building Habits That Stick (with James Clear)

The Stacking Benjamins Show

Building Habits That Stick (with James Clear)
Spend $10 on fast-food at lunch, or carry in a bag lunch to eat in at
the office? Order some delivery for dinner because you’re too busy, or
meal prep at the beginning of the week? Small choices we choose
each day turn into habits that make up the backbone of our money
decisions. It’s easy to say, “I’m going to spend less money this week,”
but it’s a lot harder to actually ACT on those choices throughout the
week. Turning our bad habits into good habits is key to great financial
health. Today we’re bringing down the guy who wrote the book on the
topic…the author of Atomic Habits, James Clear.

Plus, in today’s headlines, the stock market has been a little shaky
lately, if you haven’t noticed. Should investors be worried? We’ll have
a few words for people experiencing “market panic.” And in our
second headline, what are the best places for new retirees to live?
You’ll be a bit surprised at some of the places that made this year’s

Later we’ll throw the Haven Life Line to David, who is dollar-cost
averaging into a Schwab S&P 500 index fund. He is already maxing
out the “usual” accounts, so is a taxable fund the best place to stash
the rest of his cash? And in our letter from the mailbag segment, we’ll
answer a question from Natalie. Natalie and her boyfriend are both
debt free and are also maxing out the accounts: HSA’s, Roth IRA’s,
and their company 401k’s up to their match. They may want to buy a
house in 5 years, but there’s nothing else on the horizon. What should
they be doing with their money they’re not spending or putting away
for retirement?

And don’t worry… we’ll still take some time for Doug’s trivia.

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