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Hidráulica de canales: leyes de conservación:

masa, energía y momentum

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 1

Hidráulica de canales

Conducciones artificiales en las que el agua circula sin presión, es
decir en contacto continuo con la atmósfera. No se produce gasto

Desplazamiento del agua en los canales: Debido a las mismas fuerzas

que aparecen en la mecánica clásica:

• Rozamiento del agua con las paredes: Fuerza de rozamiento

• Peso del agua: Fuerza de la gravedad
• Transporte de partículas en el agua: Fuerza tractiva
• Erosión del canal: Fuerza erosiva
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 2
• Geométricas.
• Sección transversal.
• Pendiente longitudinal (Cociente entre el desnivel del fondo y la
longitud que hay entre dos puntos de distinto nivel)
• Constructivas
• Clase y calidad del material de las paredes (Determinan el
coeficiente de rugosidad)
• Presencia de singularidades
• Hidráulicas
• Velocidad
• Caudal
• Radio hidráulico
• Sección mojada
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Kinds of Open Channel
Open-Flow Tunnel

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• Según la visibilidad del agua:
– Abiertos
– Cerrados

 Según el material
 De tierra (Abiertos)
 Hormigón en masa y hormigón prefabricado (Abiertos)
 Materiales asfálticos (Abiertos)
 Membranas plásticas, como PVC (Abiertos)
 Tuberías de hormigón en masa (Cerrados)
 Hormigón armado (Cerrados)
 Plásticos: PVC, PE, PRFV (Cerrados)
 Fibrocemento(Cerrados)
 Acero(Cerrados)
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 11
• Según la sección:

– Semicirculares(Abiertos de hormigón en masa o armado prefabricado)

– Rectangulares (Abiertos y cerrados de cualquier tipo de material)
– Trapezoidales (Abiertos de cualquier tipo de material)
– Parabólicos (Abiertos de hormigón en masa o armado prefabricado)
– Circulares (Cerrados)
– Ovoides (Cerrados)
– Herradura (Cerrados)

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Esclusas: El canal de

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Canal du Midi

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Distribución velocidades en canales

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Coeficientes de energía α y momentum β

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Definición de velocidad media

• Regarding velocity, a mean velocity V for the

entire cross-section is defined on the basis of the
longitudinal component of the velocity v as
V   vdA
• AA (1.3)
• This velocityV is used as a representative
velocity at a cross-section. The discharge past a
section can then be expressed as

Q   vdA  VA
• A
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 24
• Kinetic Energy
• The flux of the kinetic energy flowing past a section
can also be expressed in terms of V . But in this case,
a correction factor will be needed as the kinetic
2/2g will not be the same as
per unit weight v
V /2g averaged over the cross-section area. An express
for  can be obtained as follows:
• For an elemental area dA , the flux of kinetic
energy through it is equal to

 mass  KE  v2
    vdA
 time  mass  2
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 25
 mass  KE  v2
    vdA
•  time  mass  2
 
  v dA   V A
3 3

2 2

 dA

V 3A
  v A 3

• or for discrete values of v , 3

• The kinetic energy per unit weight of fluid can
then be written as V 2.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 26
• Values of α and β
• The coefficients α and β are both unity in the
case of a uniform velocity distribution. For any other
variation α > β > 1.0. The higher the non-uniformity
of velocity distribution, the greater will be the values of
the coefficients.
• Reliable data on the variation of α and β are not
available. Generally, one can assume α = β =1.0
when the channels are straight, prismatic and uniform
or GVF takes place. In local phenomenon, it is
desirable to include estimated values of these
coefficients. It is the practice to assume α = β =1.0
when no other specific information about the
coefficients is available.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 27
• EXAMPLE 1.1 The velocity distribution in a
rectangular channel of width B and depth of flow y 0
was approximated as v  k1 y in which k1 = a
constant. Calculate the average velocity for the cross-
section and correction coefficients  and  .
• Solution
A  By 0
• Area of cross-section
• Average velocity V  1 y0 vBdy 
By 0 0
1 y0 2

y0  0
k1 y dy  k1 y0
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 28
• Kinetic energy correction factor

v Bdy 
y0 y0 3
 
3 3
k y 2 Bdy
 0
 0
 1.35
V By 0 2 
 k1 y0  By 0
3 
• Momentum correction factor

v Bdy 
y0 y0
 
2 2
k1 yBdy
 0 2  0
 1.125
V Bdy 0 2 
 k1 y0  By 0
3 
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Distribución de presiones en canales con curvatura vertical

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An=-ar y n= -r

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Principios de conservación en
canales abiertos
• Conservación de masa
• Conservación de momentum
• Conservación de energía

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Now if h is the height of the water surface above datum, then the
volume of water between sections 1 and 2 is increasing at the

where B is the water-surface width. The two terms derived must

therefore be equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, i.e.,

which is the equation of continuity for unsteady open channel

flow, such as occurs in the movement of a flood wave down a

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Conservación de masa: ecuación de continuidad

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Conservation of Mass
(Chaudhry, 2008)

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Water level rise in a reservoir

• A river discharge into a reservoir at a rate of

400,000 ft3/sec, and the outflow rate from the
reservoir through the flow passage in the dam
is 250,000 cfs. If the reservoir surface area is
40 mi2, what is the rate of rise of water in the
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Algunas situaciones de flujo
1. Your intuition might have some trouble with the first question. Suppose that
you set up a nice open-channel flow, in a wide rectangular channel, just for
the sake of definiteness, with a planar bottom, which may or may not be
sloping. Then, at a particular position down along the channel you introduce
a smooth and gentle step in the channel bottom, either upward or downward
(Figure 5-3). The question is: does the water surface rise or fall over the step,
relative to its upstream level?

A positive step and a

negative step in a
channel bottom.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 58

2. A river with a constant bottom slope is dammed at a certain
point, so that the river has to merge somehow into a deep reservoir
formed in the river valley (Figure5-4). You can assume that far
upstream in the channel the flow is very nearly uniform. That
sloping water surface upstream has to pass continuously into the
horizontal water surface of the reservoir, where the water velocity is
negligible. What would the water-surface profile look like along a
streamwise vertical cross section through the channel and the
reservoir? Would it change very gradually, all the while sloping
monotonically down toward the reservoir? Or would it continue
unchanged all the way to the reservoir level, to meet the water
surface in the reservoir by an abrupt change in water-surface slope?

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Conservación de energía en canales

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Typical mountain creek in Italian alps
(T. Rossiga, A = 3.72 Km2)

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Open Channel Flow: Energy
V12 hL = S f Dx
velocity head 1
2g energy
2 grade line
y1 grade line

So x


Bottom slope (So) not necessarily equal to EGL slope (Sf)

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 72
Energy Relationships
p1 V12 p2 V22 Pipe flow
+ z1 + a 1 = + z2 + a 2 + hL
g 2g g 2g z - measured from
horizontal datum

2 2 Turbulent flow (  1)
V1 V 2
y1 + So Dx + = y2 + + S f Dx y - depth of flow
2g 2g
Energy Equation for Open Channel Flow
V12 V22
y1 + + So Dx = y2 + + S f Dx
2g 2 g de canales Udea 2019
Hidraulica 73
Energía Específica

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 74

Energía Específica
En un canal con caudal constante, Q
Q  A1V1  A2V2

V2 Q2
E  y  E  y  donde A=f(y)
2g 2gA
Considere un canal rectangular (A = By) y Q = qB
q2 q es el caudal por unidad de ancho del canal
E  y 
2gy 2 y q
3 raíces (una es negativa)
1 B
¿Cuántas profundidades son posibles, dada una energía especifica?752 _____
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Energía Total & Específica
Energía Específica : la energía por unidad de peso del agua medida
con respecto al fondo del canal como referencia (datum)

► Note que la energía especifica y la energía total en general son


En la seccion 1: Energía Especifica Energía Total

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Total & Specific Energy
► Specific energy varies abruptly as does the channel geometry

► Velocity coefficient (α) is used to account nonuniformity of the

velocity distribution when using average velocity.

► It varies from 1.05 (for uniform cross-sections) to 1.2 (nonuniform


► For natural channels, a common method to estimate α:

Weighted mean velocity:

A channel section divided into three sections
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Specific Energy
Assuming α equal to 1, it is convenient to express E in terms of Q
for steady flow conditions

f(E, Q, y) = 0

Specific Energy Diagram (SED)

SED is a graphical representation for the variation of E with y.

Let`s write E equation in terms of static & kinetic energy:

where and

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Diagramas de Energía Específica
- Es varía linealmente con y

- Ek varía no linealmente con y

- La suma Horizontal de la línea

OD & la curva kk` produce Eesp

- para un E dado: profundidades

alternas (y1 & y2)

- Hay dos profundidades con la

misma energía específica y el
Diagrama de energía mismo caudal.
-Emin vs profundidad critica
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Specific Energy Diagram

- An increase in the required Emin

yields bigger discharges.

- Fn : Froude number

equals to V square / gD

The specific energy

for various discharges
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Critical Flow Conditions
General mathematical formulation for critical flow conditions:

- Assume dA/dy = B

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Critical Flow Conditions
At the critical flow conditions, specific energy is minimum:

Then, which can also be

expressed as -->


In wide or rectangular section, D = y

at critical
Hidraulica de12-82
canales Udea 2019 depth
Critical Velocity
The general expressions for

Used to determine the state of flow

Critical state condition:

Critical velocity for the general cross section:

Velocity head at critical conditions:

In wide or rectangular section, D = y

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Critical Depth
For a certain section & given discharge:

Critical depth is defined as the depth of flow requiring

minimum specific energy

This equation should be solved …

For the trapezoidal cross section:

Solve this by trial & error …

For the rectangular Critical depth trapezoidal and circular

cross section: Hidraulica de12-84
canales Udea 2019
Critical Energy
Critical Energy is the energy when the flow is under
critical conditions.

Recall for any cross section:


For wide or rectangular section, D = y

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Critical Slope
Critical slope is the bed slope of the channel producing critical conditions.
► depends discharge; channel geometry; resistance or roughness

For Chezy equation:


For Manning equation: In English unit:

For direct computation:

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Critical Slope
Critical slope is very important in open-channel hydraulics. WHY?

2 2
Q n
Sc  2 4 / 3
The summary given above encompasses much of the
important concepts of the energy & resistance principles
as applied to open channels.
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Relaciones caudal-profundidad para
energía específica constante
Asumamos que Eo es constante, y evaluemos la relación Q-y:

Cuando el caudal es máximo = Qmax:

Se convierte en

Then substitute this into Q equation at the top:

implies that the Qmax is encountered at the critical
flow condition for given E.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Discharge-Depth Relation for Constant
Specific Energy

Q-y relation

for constant specific


For wide or rectangular section, D = y

can be written as

Differentiating this w.r.t. y and equating to zero:

Hidraulica de12-95
canales Udea 2019
Transitions in Channel Beds
Consider an open-channel with a small drop ∆z in its bed
Assume that friction losses and minor losses due to drop are negligible
The method provides a good first approximation of the effects of the

First step: compare the given conditions to critical

conditions to determine
the initial state of flow.

A small drop in the channel bed (subcritical flow): (a) change in

water levels, and (b) steps for solution.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Transitions in Channel Beds
Consider an abrupt rise ∆z in the open-channel bed

Assume that upstream conditions are subcritical & initial E1

Note that ∆z should be subtracted from E1 & While TEL
unchanged, E reduced

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Transitions in Channel Beds
Consider an abrupt rise ∆z in the open-channel bed

Assume that upstream conditions are supercritical & initial E1

Note that ∆z should be subtracted from E1 & While TEL unchanged,
E reduced
RESULT : Water depth must rise after the step

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canales Udea 2019
• Chokes can only occur when the channel is
constricted, but will not occur where the
flow area expanded such as drops or

• In designing a channel transition that would

tend to restrict the flow, engineer wants to
avoid forcing a choke to occur if at all
possible. Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 99

Figure 12.16: Rise in a channel bed: (a) a small step-up,

(b) a bigger step-up

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 100


Figure 12.16: Rise in a channel bed: (c) a still bigger step-

up, and (d) changes in the specific energy.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 101

Enlargements and constructions in channel widths



(a) A contracted channel. (b) Water levels in a contracted channel.
(c) SED for a contracted channel. (d) Water level in a contracted channel-
supercritical flow. Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 102
Afectación del flujo por cambios en el fondo del canal

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Afectación del flujo por cambios en el ancho del canal

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Critical Flow Relationships:
Rectangular Channels
q 2
1/ 3
  Vc2 yc2 
yc    yc3    because q  Vc yc
g   g 
   

Vc inertial force Kinetic energy

 1 Froude number
yc g gravity force Potential energy

Vc2 yc Vc2
yc   velocity head = 0.5 (depth)
g 2 2g
V2 yc 2
E  y  E  yc  yc  E
2g Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
2 3 110
Critical Depth
• Minimum energy for a given q
– Occurs when =___
0 Vc2 yc
– When kinetic = potential! ________
2g 2
– Fr=1 4

Vc q T 3
Fr = = =Q 3
yc g 3
gyc gA


– Fr>1 = ______critical
Super 1

– Fr<1 = ______critical
Sub 0
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 0 1 2 1113 4


Critical Flow 0
0 1 2
3 4

• Characteristics  0
– Unstable surface
– Series of standing waves Difficult to measure depth
• Occurrence
– Broad crested weir (and other weirs)
– Channel Controls (rapid changes in cross-section)
– Over falls
– Changes in channel slope from mild to steep
• Used for flow measurements
– ___________________________________________
Unique relationship between depth and discharge 112

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019


A 6.0 m rectangular channel carries a discharge of 30 m3/s at a depth of 2.5m.

Determine the constricted channel width that produces critical depth.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 113


yc 1

Critical Flow 0
0 1 2
3 4

Find critical depth, yc Arbitrary cross-section

 0 T
dy dy
E  y  A=f(y) y A dA
2gA2 P
dE Q 2 dA
= 1- 3
=0 dA = Tdy T=surface width
dy gA dy
More general definition of Fr
Q 2Tc 2
1   Fr 2
 Fr
=D Hydraulic Depth
gAc3 gA3 gA de canales UdeaT2019
Hidraulica 114
Critical Flow:
Rectangular channel
Q 2Tc T
1  T  Tc
Q  qT Ac  ycT Ac yc

q 2T 3 q2
1 
3 3
gy T
c gyc3
1/ 3
q 2 
yc    Only for rectangular channels!
g 
 

q  gyc3 Given the depth we can find the flow!

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 115
EXAMPLE: solution

q2 52
E  y 2
 2.5  2
 2.70m
2 gy 2 * 9.81 * 2.5

E  Emin  y c  y c  1.80m

yc  3  q  gy c  7.56 m / s
3 2

b2 = Q/ q2 = 30 / 7.56 = 3.07 m
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 116
Weirs & Spillways
To control the elevation of the water
- Functions as a downstream choke
V12 V22
- Classified as sharp crested or broad y1   y2 
crested 2g 2g
depending on critical depth
occurrence on the crest

V2  2 gy1  V12

y1  H
Head on the weir
117 crest
Orifice equation: V2  2 gH
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
Weirs & Spillways
Assume V1=0 Immediate region of weir crest

Discharge through the element: Integrate across the head (0 - H):

dQ  VdA  2 gH LdH Q  2 g L  H dH 
1/ 2 2
2 g LH 3 / 2
Q  C
Total discharge across theHidraulica de canales
d 2 g LH
Udea 2019
3/ 2
 CLH 3/ 2
Coefficient of Discharge
Losses due to the advent of the drawdown of the flow immediately upstream
of the weir as well as any other friction or contraction losses;

To account for these losses, a coefficient of discharge Cd is introduced.

Q  Cd 2 g LH 3 / 2  CLH 3 / 2

Cd  0.611  0.08H / Z (Henderson, 1966)

where, H is the head on the weir crest, Z is the height of

the weir.
Use Hidraulica
this equation up to H/Z = 2
de canales Udea 2019 119
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Flujo bajo una Compuerta plana deslizante

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Flujo sumergido bajo una compuerta

s: apertura de la

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Flujo bajo una Compuerta plana deslizante

Specific Energy: Sluice Gate

sluice gate q = 5.5 m2/s
y1 8 EGL y2 = 0.45 m
7 q2
E  y  V2 = 12.2 m/s
2gy 2 1

E2 = 8 m
3 vena contracta
1 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
E1  E2
Given downstream depth and discharge, find upstream depth.
alternate depths (same specific energy)
y1 and y2 are ___________
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 126
Why not use momentum conservation to find y1?
Specific Energy: Raise the Sluice
sluice gate

y1 EGL

1 2
y2 1
E1  E2
0 1 2 3 4 q2
E E  y 
2gy 2
as sluice gate is raised y1 approaches y2 and E is minimized:
Maximum dischargeHidraulica de canales Udea 2019
for given energy. 127
Step Up with Subcritical Flow
Short, smooth step with rise y in channel
Given upstream depth and discharge find y2
Energy conserved
4 3

3 2


1 0
0 1 y 2 3 4
0 E E1 = E2 + Dy
0 1 2 3 4
E Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 128
Is alternate depth possible? __________________________
NO! Calculate depth along step.
Max Step Up
Short, smooth step with maximum rise y in channel
What happens if the step is
y1 increases
increased further?___________ 3



0 1 2 3 4
y E
0 E1 = E2 + Dy
0 1 2 3 4
E Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 129
Step Up with Supercritical flow
Short, smooth step with rise y in channel
Given upstream depth and discharge find y2

4 3

3 2


1 0
0 1 y 2 3 4
0 E E1 = E2 + Dy
0 1 2 3 4
E Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 130
What happened to the water depth?______________________________
Increased! Expansion! Energy Loss
Vertedero de cresta ancha

Broad-Crested Weir
1/ 3 yc
q 2  E
yc    H
g  yc
 
P Broad-crested
q  gy 3
c Q = b gyc3 weir
yc  E Hard to measure yc
3/ 2
2 E measured from top of weir
Qb g  E 3/ 2
3/ 2
2  Cd corrects for using H rather
Q  Cd b g  H 
3  Hidraulica than E.Udea 2019
de canales 131
Broad-crested Weir: Example
• Calculate the flow and the depth upstream.
The channel is 3 m wide. Is H approximately
equal to E? H E
yc m
0.5 Broad-crested

How do you find flow?____________________

Critical flow relation

Energy equation
How do you find H?______________________
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 132
Energía en canales no

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 133


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Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 135
• Steady Flow
• Momentum is a vector quantity. The momentum
equation commonly used in most of the open channel
flow problems is the linear-momentum equation. This
equation states that the algebraic sum of all external
forces acting in a given direction on a fluid mass equals
the time rate of change of linear-momentum of the fluid
mass in that direction. In a steady flow the rate of
change of momentum in a given direction will be equal
to the net flux of momentum in that
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
direction. 136
• Figure 1.15 shows a control volume (a volume fixed in
space) bounded by sections 1 and 2, the boundary and a
surface lying above the free surface. 137
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019
• The various forces acting on the control
volume in the longitudinal direction are:
• (i) Pressure forces acting on the control
• surfaces, F1 and F2 .
• (ii) Tangential force on the bed, F3 ,
• (iii) Body force, i.e. the component of the
weight of the fluid in the longitudinal
direction, F4 .
• By the linear-momentum equation in the
longitudinal direction for a steady-flow
, deFcanales
discharge of Q Hidraulica  FUdea
1  2019
F2  F3  F4  M 2  M
Flujo de momentum
• ……….. M1  1 QV1 =momentum flux entering
the control volume M 2   2  QV2 =momentum flux
leaving the control volume.
• In practical applications of the momentum
equation, the proper identification of the geometry of
the control volume and the various forces acting on it
are very important. The momentum equation is a
particularly useful tool in analysing rapidly varied
flow (RVF) situations where energy losses are
complex and cannot be easily estimated. It is also
very helpful in estimating forces on a fluid mass.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 139

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Energía específica Fuerza específica

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 142

• Fuerza sobre una compuerta plana deslizante.
Estimate the force. on a sluice gate shown in Fig.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 143

• Solution
• Consider a unit width of the channel. The force
exerted on the fluid by the gate is , as shown in the
figure. This is equal and opposite to the force exerted
by the fluid on the gate, ' .
• Consider the control volume as shown by dotted
lines in the figure. Section 1 is sufficiently far away
from the efflux section and hydrostatic pressure
distribution can be assumed. The frictional force on the
bed between sections 1 and 2 is neglected. Also
assumed are 1   2  1.0
• Section 2 is at the vena contracta of the jet where the
streamlines are parallel to the bed.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 144
• The forces acting on the control volume in the
longitudinal direction are:
• F1 = pressure force on the control surface
• at section 11 '   y1

F2 2
• = pressure force on the control surface at
1 2
• section 22'   y2 acting in a
• direction opposing F1
• F3 = reaction force of the gate on the section
• . 33'
• By the momentum equation, Eq.(1.41),
1 2 1 2
 y1  Hidraulica
y2  F V2019
  qUdea
de canales 2  V1  145
2 2
• (1.42)
• in when q= discharge per unit width  V1 y1.  V2 y2
• Simplifying Eq. (1.42),
1  y1  y2   2q 2 
F   y1 y2  y1  y2   
• 2 y1 y2  g  (1.43)
• If the loss of energy between sections 1 and 2 is
assumed to be negligible, by the energy equation with
1   2  1.0 V12 V22
y 
1 y  2
• 2g 2g (1.44)
• Substituting
q q
V1  and V2 
y1 y2
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 146
q2 2 y12 y22

g  y1  y2 

• and by Eq. (1.43)

1  y1  y2 
F 
2  y1  y2 
• (1.45)

• The force on the gate would be equal and

F '

opposite to F .

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 147

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Volumen de control unidimensional

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 150
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1.3.23 Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 152

Fuerza de gravedad

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 153

Fuerzas de presión

Fuerzas cortantes (fricción)

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 154

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Flujo bidimensional

Canal Prismático

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Ho:energía específica

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El resalto hidráulico

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Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 190

• The relations among the variables V1, y1, V2, y2 for a hydraulic jump to
occur in a horizontal rectangular channel are developed before.
Another way of determining the conjugate depths for a given discharge
is the F + M method.

• The momentum equation applied to the free body of liquid between y1

and y2 (Fig. 12.4) is, for unit width (V1y1 = V2y2 = q),

• Rearranging gives

• or (12.4.2)
• F is the hydrostatic force at thedesection
Hidraulica and
canales Udea M is the momentum per191
second passing the section.
• By writing F + M for a given discharge q per unit width


• a plot is made of F + M as abscissa against y as ordinate (Fig. 12.5)

for q = 1 m3/s · m. Any vertical line intersecting the curve cuts it at
two points having the same value of F + M; hence, they are
conjugate depths.

• The value of y for minimum F + M is


• This depth is the critical depth, which is shown in the following

section to be the depth of minimum energy. Therefore, the jump
always occurs from rapid flow to tranquil flow.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 192
Figure 12.4 Hydraulic jump in horizontal rectangular channel

Figure 12.5 F + M curve for hydraulic jump

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 193

• The conjugate depth are directly related to the Froude number
before and after the jump,


• From the continuity equation

• or
• From Eq. (12.4.1)

• Substituting from Eqs. (12.4.5) and (12.4.6) gives

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 194
• The value of F2 in terms of F1 is obtained from the hydraulic-jump

• By Eqs. (12.4.5) and (12.4.6)


• These equations apply only to a rectangular section.

• The Froude number is always greater than unity before the jump
and less than unity after the jump.

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 195

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Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 198
(a) Undular hydraulic jump: Fr1 = 1,25
d1 = 0.081m, B= 0.5 m,
flow from the left to the right
(b) Steady/strong jump: Fr1 =9.4,
d1 =0.013 m, B= 0.5 m, flow
from the left to the right;
(c) Strong jump: Fr1 =13.2,
d1 =0.013 m, B= 0.5 m,
flow from the left to the right.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 199
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Fuerza sobre un bloque con ocurrencia de resalto hidráulico

• Figure 1.17 shows a hydraulic jump in a horizontal

channel aided by a two dimensional block on the
channel. Obtain an expression for the drag force per
unit length of the block.
• Solution
• Consider a control volume surrounding the block as
shown in Fig.1.17. A unit width of apron is
considered. The drag force on the block would have a
reaction force = FD on the control surface, acting in
the upstream direction as shown in Fig. 1.17.
Assume, a frictionless, horizontal channel and
hydrostatic pressure distribution at sections 1 and 2.
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 213
• By momentum equation, Eq. (1.41), in the direction
of the flow P1  FD  P2  M 2  M1
 y1  FD   y2   q 2V2  1V1 
1 2 1 2
2 2
• where q  y1V1  y2V2 =discharge per unit width of
Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 214

• Assuming 1   2  1.0

1 2 1 2 2 1 1
FD   y1   y2   q   
2 2  y2 y1 

 2 q 2
 y2  y1 
  y1  y2 
2 2
 
2 g  y1 y2 

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 215

Resalto hidráulico en lecho profundizado

Hidraulica de canales Udea 2019 216

Resalto hidráulico en lecho

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Resalto hidráulico en lecho profundizado

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