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A. Applying fertilizer

Fertilizer is any organic or inorganic material that is added to soil to supply

nutrients essential to the growth of plants. A good fertilization program strives to
maintain the current supply of nutrients to optimum levels and in correct proportion
for economical production. It is achieved by proper timing and rate of application;
thus, gives assurance for better yield of the crops.

Complete vs. Incomplete Fertilizers

A fertilizer is said to be complete when it contains the major nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
The manufacturers of commercial fertilizers are required to state the analysis (amounts of these nutrients) on
the container and guarantee the analysis. Examples of commonly used fertilizers are 13-13-13, 16-6-12 and
10-20-10. An incomplete fertilizer will be missing one of the major nutrients. Examples of incomplete fertilizers
are indicated in Table III-1.

Table III-1. Common Incomplete Fertilizers or Farm-Type Fertilizers

Fertilizer %N %P %K
Ammonium Nitrate 34 0 0
Ammonium Sulfate 21 0 0
Monoammonium Phosphate 11 48 0
Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride) 0 0 60
Potassium Sulfate 0 0 52
Super Phosphate 0 20 0
Triple Super Phosphate 0 45 0
Urea 46 0 0
Urea-ammonium nitrate (liquid) 32 0 0

Complete fertilizers can be made by blending incomplete fertilizers. For example, if 100 pounds of urea (46-0-
0) were combined with 100 pounds of triple super phosphate (0-45-0) and 100 pounds of muriate of potash (0-
0-60), 300 pounds of a fertilizer grade of 15-15-20 would result. This tells us that 100 pounds of urea fertilizer
originally contains 46 pounds of nitrogen; triple super phosphate, 45 pounds of phosphate; and, muriate of
potash, 60 pounds of potash. When these three quantities are combined, each original quantity is diluted two-
thirds by the other two, and the result is 300 pounds of 15-15-20. The specific fertilizer ratio you will need
depends on the soil nutrient level.

Special Purpose Fertilizers

A soil test should be performed before the purchase of any “special purpose” fertilizers. It is not possible to
make a blanket statement that one fertilizer is best for vegetables in every area of the state. It is true that
different vegetables use different nutrients at different rates. The unknown is the reserve of nutrients already in
your soil. This reserve changes with every soil type, location, and previous fertilizer history of the soil.
Slow Release Fertilizers
Vegetable plants take up nutrients continuously. It is beneficial to provide them with a balance of nutrients
throughout their growth. At times, the most efficient way to achieve this is to apply slow release fertilizers which
are designed to release nutrients over a relatively long period of time. Slow release fertilizers contain one or
more plant essential elements. They can be categorized by the way in which these elements are released. The
major types of nutrients are released from materials that: dissolve slowly; from which the nitrogen is released
by microorganisms; and, from granular materials with membranes made of resin or sulfur that controls the rate
of nutrient release from the granules into the soil.

Sulfur-coated urea is a slow release fertilizer with a covering of sulfur around each urea particle. Different
thicknesses of sulfur control the rate of release of nitrogen. Increasing temperature increases the nitrogen
release rate while watering does not affect it. Sulfur-coated urea applied to the soil surface releases more
slowly than it does if it is incorporated into the soil. This material generally costs less than other slow release
fertilizers, and it supplies the essential element, sulfur.

When fertilizer products coated with multiple layers of resin contact water, the layers swell and increase the
pore size in the resin so that the dissolved fertilizer can move into the soil. The release rate depends on the
coating thickness, temperature, and water content of the soil. There is often a significant release of fertilizer
during the first 2 or 3 days after application. Release timing can range from 0 to 6 months depending on the
coating. With high temperatures experienced in Texas, high release rates and salt damage are frequently
observed. Slow release fertilizers need not be applied as frequently as other fertilizers, and higher amounts can
be applied without danger of burning. Vegetable plants may use the nitrogen in slow release fertilizers more
efficiently than in other forms because it is being released continually over a longer period of time than in
conventional fertilizers. Slow release fertilizers generally are more expensive than other types. The real benefit
is the reduced frequency of application for slow release materials. Advantages and disadvantages of
conventional and slow release fertilizers are listed in Table III-2.

Table III-2. Comparison of Conventional and Slow Release Fertilizers

Type of Fertilizer Advantages Disadvantages

 Fewer applications  Unit cost is high
 Low burn potential  Availability limited
Slow Release
Fertilizer  
Release rates vary depending on Release rate governed by factors other than plant
fertilizer characteristics needed
 
Comparatively slow release rate Regulated by temperature

 Fast acting  Greater burn potential

 Most are acid forming  Solidifies in the bag when wet
 Low cost  N leaches readily

 Salt and/or sodium could be a problem

 Bulky, difficult to handle
 Odor
 Low burn potential  Expensive per pound of actual nutrient
Manures or  Relatively slow release  Weed seeds a problem
Sewage Sludge Contains micronutrients  Heavy metals may be present in sewage sludge if not
 Conditions soil classified as Class A sludge (more frequent in sludge
from large cities)
 Application at the nitrogen rate over several years will
lead to a buildup of phosphorous
The word organic applied to fertilizers simply means that the nutrients contained in the product are derived
solely from the remains or a byproduct of a once living organism. Urea is a synthetic organic fertilizer, an
organic substance manufactured from inorganic materials. Cottonseed meal, blood meal, bone meal, hoof and
horn meal, and all manures, are examples of organic fertilizers. Most of these products packaged as fertilizers
will have the nutrient ratios stated on the package labels. Some organic materials, particularly composted
manures, and sludge, are sold as soil conditioners. Although nutrients are present in small amounts, these
products do not have a nutrient guarantee. Most contain one or more of the three major nutrients in low
concentrations, although you may find some fortified with nitrogen, phosphorous or potassium for a higher
analysis. In general, organic fertilizers release nutrients over a fairly long period; the potential drawback is that
they may not release enough of their principal nutrient at a time to give the plant what it needs for best growth.
Because organic fertilizers depend on soil organisms to mineralize and release nutrients, most of them are
effective only when soil is moist and soil temperature is sufficiently warm for the soil organisms to be active.

Cottonseed meal is a byproduct of cotton production. As a fertilizer, it is somewhat acid in reaction. Formulas
vary slightly, but generally contain 7% nitrogen, 3% phosphorous, and 2% potassium (Table 19 in Appendix).
Nutrients in cottonseed meal are more readily available to plants in warm soils, but there is little danger of burn.
Blood meal is dried, powdered blood collected from cattle slaughterhouses. It is a rich source of nitrogen, so
rich, in fact, that is may do harm if used in excess. The vegetable producer must be careful not to exceed the
recommended amount suggested on the label. In addition to nitrogen, blood meal supplies some essential
trace elements, including iron, as a well rounded fertilizer.

Fish emulsion, a well rounded fertilizer, is a partially decomposed blend of finely pulverized byproducts form
processing fish for human consumption. No matter how little it is used, the odor is intense, but it dissipates
within a day or two. Fish emulsion is high in nitrogen, and is a source of several trace elements.

Manure varies in nutrient content according to the animal source and its diet but a fertilizer ratio of 1-1-1 (as
N2-P2O5-K2O) is typical. Manures are best used as soil conditioners instead of nutrient suppliers. Horse, cow,
pig, chicken, and sheep manures are commonly available. The actual nutrient content varies widely. The
highest concentration of nutrients is found when manures are fresh. As it is aged, leached or composted,
nutrient content is changed.

Even though fresh manures have the highest amount of nutrients, vegetable producers should use composted
forms of manure to ensure a lesser amount of salts, thereby reducing the chance of burning plants. Fresh
manure should not be used where it will contact tender plant roots. Typical rates of manure application vary
from a low 70 pounds per 1,000 sq. ft (1.5 T/A) to a moderate level of 185 pounds per 1,000 sq. ft (4.0 T/A).
Rates over 345 pounds per 1,000 sq. ft (7.5 T/A) should be considered excessive for most manures. Cow
manure can be applied up to 925 pounds per 1000 sq. ft (20 T/A). These rates should not be applied but once
every two years. These rates are based upon dry weight.

Sewage sludge is a recycled product of municipal sewage treatment plants. Two forms are commonly
available, activated and composted. Activated sludge has higher concentrations of nutrients (approximately 6-
3-0.2 as N-P2O5-K2O) than composted sludge, and usually is sold in dry, granular form for use as a general
purpose, long lasting, non burning fertilizer. Composted sludge, is used primarily as a soil amendment, and has
a lower nutrient content (approximately 1-2-0.2 as N-P2O5-K2O). There is some question about the long term
effect of using sewage sludge products. Heavy metals such as cadmium are some items present in the sludge,
and may concentrate in the soil and plants. Possible negative effects vary, not only with the origin of the
sludge, but also with the characteristics of the soil and where it is used. You are encouraged to request an
analysis of heavy metal content of the sludge before purchasing it. If the sludge is labeled as class A, then the
metals will not be a concern.

Compared to synthetic fertilizer formulations, organic fertilizers contain relatively low concentrations of actual
nutrients, but they perform other important functions which the synthetic formulations do not. These functions
include increasing organic matter content of the soil, improving physical structure of the soil and increasing
bacterial and fungal activity, particularly the mycorrhizal fungi which alone make other nutrients more available
to plants. Table III-3 shows the approximate nutrient content of manures, and suggested rates of annual
application. Again it is best to apply manures and other organic fertilizers at soil test recommended rates, rather
than suggested yearly rates.

Fertilizer Formulations
Different formulations of fertilizers are made to meet the needs of different situations. All formulations must give
the amount of nutrients, and it may tell how quickly a nutrient is available. Some formulations available to the
homeowner include water soluble powders, slow release pellets, liquids, and granular materials.

Table III-3. Approximate Nutrient Content of Manures and Suggested Yearly Rates of Application per 1,000
Square Feet of Area

Manure Type(dry) %N % P2O5 % K2O Suggested amounts of material (lb per 1000 sq. ft)
Chicken Manure 2.0 – 4.5 4.6 – 6.0 1.2 – 2.4 125
Steer Manure 0.6 – 2.5 0.9 – 1.6 2.4 – 3.6 450
Dairy Manure 0.6 – 2.1 0.7 – 1.1 2.4 – 3.6 600

* Cut rates by 50% if soils are saline, or water has a medium to high salinity hazard.

Liquid fertilizer formulations include complete formulas and special types that offer just one or two nutrients. All
must be diluted with water; some are concentrated liquids themselves, and others are powder or pellets.

Fertilizers will not burn or damage plants if they are applied correctly. Fertilizers are salts much like table salt,
except that they contain various essential plant nutrients. When a fertilizer is applied to a soil, nearby water
begins to move very gradually toward the area where the fertilizer has been applied. Fertilizer salts begin to
diffuse, or move away from the place where they were applied. This dilutes the fertilizer and distributes it
throughout a much larger area. If tender plant roots are close to the placement of a fertilizer, water is drawn
from these roots, as well as from surrounding soil. The more salt or fertilizer applied, the more water is drawn
from nearby roots. As water is drawn from the roots, plant cells begin to dehydrate and collapse and the plant
roots burn or dehydrate to a point where they cannot recover. If soil moisture is limited, most of the water drawn
toward the salt will come from the plant roots and the damage will be severe.

Two rules should be kept in mind when applying a fertilizer during hot weather and when soil moisture is

1. Do not over apply nitrogen fertilizers

2. Make sure adequate moisture is present after applying fertilizers high in salts.

Table III-4 lists commonly used fertilizers and their salt content or burn potential.

Soluble salts build up when fertilizer is applied repeatedly without sufficient water to leach or wash the old
fertilizer or salts through the soil. It also occurs when water evaporates from the soil and minerals or salts stay
behind. As the salts in the soil become more concentrated, plants find it harder to take up water. If salts build
up to an extremely high level, water will move out of adjacent root tips, causing them to die.
Fertilizer Application
Soil type dictates the frequency of fertilizer application. Sandy soils require more frequent applications and
lower amounts of nitrogen and other nutrients than do clay type soils. Other factors affecting application
frequency include the crop being grown and its intended use, the frequency and amount of nitrogen or water
applied, and type of fertilizer used and its release rate. The crop influences timing and frequency of application
because some crops are heavier feeders on some nutrients than others. Root crops require less nitrogen
fertilization than leafy crops. Sweet corn is a heavy feeder of nitrogen, and may require nitrogen fertilization two
or more times during its growth. A general rule of thumb is that nitrogen is for leafy top growth; phosphorus is
for root and fruit production; and potassium is for cold hardiness, disease resistance, drought tolerance, and
general durability. Proper use of nutrients can control plant growth, rate, and character. Nitrogen is the most
critical nutrient in this regard. If tomatoes are fertilized too heavily with nitrogen, the plant may be all vines and
no fruit. This is also the case with potatoes which will show excess vining and poor tuber formation. Slow
release fertilizer or heavy amounts of manure used on crops that form fruit will maintain vegetative growth and
fruit, or vegetable development will occur late in the season. Remember that a nitrogen application will have its
greatest effect for 3 to 4 weeks after application. Table 22 of the Appendix list appropriate nutrient requirements
of selected vegetables.

Application Methods
There are different methods of applying fertilizer depending on the formulation and the crop needs. These
methods are discussed below.

Broadcast: A recommended rate of fertilizer is spread over the growing area and should be mechanically
incorporated into the soil.
Band: Narrow bands of fertilizer are applied in furrows 2 to 3 inches to the side of the planting area and 1 to 2
inches deeper than the seeds or plants that are to be planted. Placement of the fertilizer band too close to the
seeds can burn the roots of the seedlings depending on the fertilizer material banded (see Table III-4.)

Banding is one way to satisfy the phosphorus need of many vegetables as the first roots develop. When
fertilizers are broadcast and worked into soil, much of the phosphorus is tied up by the soil and is not available
to the plant. By concentrating phosphorus in a band, the plant is given what it needs and less of the
phosphorus becomes tied up in the soil.

Table III-4. A List of Commonly Used Fertilizers and Salt Index or Burn Potential

Material Analysis Burn Potential per Equal Weights of Material

Ammonium Nitrate 33% N 104.7
Ammonium Sulfate 21% N 69.0
Potassium Nitrate 14% N 73.6
Urea 46% N 75.4
URAN 32% N 74.2
Concentrated Super Phosphate 45% P2O5 10.1
Diammonium Phosphate 21% N; 54% P2O5 34.2
Superphosphate 20% P2O5 7.8
Potassium Chloride 60% K2O 116.3
Potassium Sulfate 54% K2O 46.1
30% Calcium Oxide
Dolomite 0.8
20% Magnesium Oxide
Gypsum 33% Calcium Oxide 8.1
Epsom Salt 16% Magnesium Oxide 44.0
Salt Index Sodium Nitrate 100
Starter Solutions: Another way to satisfy the need for fertility when setting out transplants of tomatoes,
eggplant, peppers, etc. is through the use of a starter solution. Follow directions on the fertilizer label (refer to
section on transplants in Chapter V).

Sidedress: Fertilizer may be applied as a side dressing after plants are growing. Fertilizer should be applied on
both sides of the row 6 to 8 inches from the plants. Side dress soil incorporated applications should be made at
a sufficiently young stage of growth in order to minimize root pruning.

Foliar Feed: This method is used when insufficient fertilizer was applied before planting; a quick growth
response is wanted; micronutrients (such as iron or zinc) are locked into the soil; or when the soil is too cold for
the plants to extract or use the fertilizer applied to the soil. Foliar applied nutrients are rapidly absorbed and
used by the plant. Absorption begins within minutes after application, and with most nutrients, it is completed
within 1 to 2 days. Foliar fertilization can be a supplement to soil fertilization at a critical time for the plant, but
not a substitute. At transplanting time, an application of phosphorus spray will help in the establishment of the
young plant in cold soils. Under cool soil conditions, microorganisms are not sufficiently active to convert
nutrients into forms available for roots to absorb even if the nutrients were available, the plants could grow. A
nutrient spray for foliage will provide the needed nutrients to the plants immediately, allowing them to begin
growth. When using a foliar spray for secondary and trace nutrients add 1 teaspoon of a liquid dishwashing
detergent per gallon of solution or add a commercial surfactant at the recommended rate to break the surface
tension of the solution and prevent beading on the foliage. Apply only the spray volume needed to wet the
foliage without dripping or running liquid off the leaves.

Two kinds of fertilizer

1. Organic fertilizer – derived from vegetable and animal waste and

decomposed plants and animal remains. Example: decomposed animal
manure, green manure, worm castings
2. Inorganic – man-made fertilizer. Example: Urea, Ammonium Sulfate

Determination of fertilizer needs

The amount and kind of fertilizer to be added to the soil depends primarily
1. The nutrient requirement of the crop, and
2. How much nutrient the soil can apply

Methods of fertilizer application:

1. Basal method – the fertilizer is applied first before or during planting.

2. Side-dressing or Top-dressing - the fertilizer is

applied to a crop that is already growing in the field.

3. Spraying – starter solution fertilizer may be

sprayed on seedlings, poured on the
seedbed then into the transplant hole at
transplanting time to assure good seedling
vigor and rapid growth of new transplants.

Major elements needed by plants:

1. Nitrogen – for healthy growth of leaves and flowers

2. Phosphorous – for good root and stem development
3. Potassium – for better leaves, stems, flowers. It also produces bigger
and heavier fruits.
Fertilizers especially inorganic should be applied in the right amount and
at the proper time or else they will defeat the purpose.

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