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Fighting Racism: Cooking Together

PARIS ( France ) from 02 to 10 SEPTEMBER 2019

The description
Fighting against racism is a battle that must begin with oneself, taking the time to
know the other, its culture, its religion and its customs. Then ignorance, preju-
dices, fear, scorn and exclusion will no longer be right. It is also educating others to
be able to overcome anything that can lead them to racist behavior.

Racism and xenophobia are not the residues of a "past that does not want to pass",
archaisms that survive the disappearance of the conditions that have engendered
them. The cataclysms of the 20th century did not vaccinate us against the tempta-
tion to stigmatize, the habit of excluding and sometimes the pleasure of hating di-
versity. From this point of view, contemporary xenophobia is deeply linked to the
history of racism, a substratum of a modernity that modifies its morphology but not
its function. Historicizing the racist fabric of otherness is necessary to understand
how it is perpetuated today. Too often racism is considered a kind of pathology ra-
ther than a norm of modernity.

This project aims to involve 40 young participants to promote mutual understan-

ding and solidarity through cooking. We want, from food, to reflect cultural diversi-
ty and European citizenship.

The participants will cook together for 08 days, they will exchange their own tradi-
tional recipes and share their best practices on intercultural management and ways
to fight against racism.

Cooking together and through the discussion in the workshops, it will be possible to
think about European citizenship and cross-cultural barriers. We also think that co-
oking themes could be a common space in which they can share experiences, sen-
sations and traditions, and why not, a good skill to find a job in the future.

All activities will be carried out through non-formal education methods. The wor-
king methods will be totally non-formal, or rather learning by doing.

This way of working with participants will stimulate another important thing: non-
verbal communication able to pass language barriers as well.

This project requires an exchange of knowledge and culinary habits of young

people, who want to cook together for several days. "self-made" - the will to dis-
cuss and exchange.
At the end of the exchange the young participants will prepare a dinner for local
people who will benefit from this experience.

This project will experiment with video footage online to allow others to benefit
from this experience. We will take this opportunity to create a discussion forum on
culinary exchanges.

This project will take place in PARIS from 02 to 10 September 2019 with 05 partner

Information about ASHFC

The Association Solidarité Handicap France Cameroun is an association law 1901 of
nonprofit international solidarity. Created in June 2011 following the death of a
person with a disabling illness, it was intended to help people with disabilities in
Africa. Today its missions have expanded and we are working with all audiences
(disabled and non-disabled) on different actions, such as those related to this Eu-
ropean project.

Our missions are:

- carry out integration, prevention and intercultural promotion actions
- openness to international cooperation for young people in priority neighborhoods
through mobility programs
- cultural and artistic exchanges
- promoting tolerance and combating racism of which certain minorities are victims
- Support and support projects of development and solidarity of vulnerable women
in Yvelines and internationally in order to improve their own living conditions and
take charge of their future..


Date of the project: from 02 to 10 SEPTEMBER 2019

Languages: French - English

Partners: Country Program

Number of participants: 40 young leaders and youth workers


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