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Electromagnetic radiation as a whole effects the biological system. Microwave radiation
produces head due to its absorption by water and protein molecules present in the body. This
effects the functioning of the body. The effect can lethal also if the thermoregulatory system of
the body fails because of the rise in body temperature. Microwave energy can leak through the
couplers and from joints used in microwave systems. To detect the microwave radiation in
working environment, it is essential to get the high power microwave generators and their
transmission lines surveyed periodically.

I n v iew of th e ha r m fu l ef f ects of m icr o w a v e r a d ia tio n , m icr o w a v e (M W ) a n d
radio fr equ ency ( R F ) g en er a tor s in s ev er a l d ev elo p ed c ou n tr ies a r e p er io d ica lly
surveyed. T he microwave radiation field as high as 180 mW/cm2 around the FM station
located on Mt.Wilson, California was recorded3. Similar results have been obtained
in Sweden in and around the T V and FM broadcasting stations3. T hese fields are
ob s er v ed a r ou n d th e ca b les a n d w a v e gu id es ca rr yin g M W /R F en er g y to r a d ia tin g
antenna. In severa l p laces these cab les a nd w a ve gu ides pass ver y close to the la dder
used to climb the tower and could explain the high exposures received by the worker
climbing the tower. Similarly some of the workers have recorded microwave radiation
field as high as 70 mW/cm2 leaking through conveyer slot from industrial microwave
heating systems operating either at 915 or 2450 MHz. In some other industries using
microwave power devices, the continuous exposure of the order of I mW/cm2 to the
workers have been reported. The survey of diathermy units has shown the microwave
radiation of 1 6.6 m W /c m 2 field density fa lling on the op erators fro m the app licator s
or RF cables.

M icro w ave ca n pro duce ther m a l a nd no n-ther m a l e ffe cts in b io lo g ic a l syste m s.
T he h eat ing o f t issue s due to the a bso rptio n o f m icro w ave o ccurs d ue to the
io n ic co nduction and vibration of dipole molecules of water and proteins present in
the body. The rise in temperature of the tissues depends up on the frequency and power
of microwave radiation being absorbed and the cooling mechanism of the system.
W h e n t h e t her m o re g u lato r y c a p a b ilit y o f t he bo d y o r parts o f t he bo d y is
e x c ee d e d , tissue damage and death can result. This occurs at absorbed power levels
far above the metabolic power output of the body. Death usually results from the
diffusion of heat from the irradiated portion of the body to the rest of the body by the

vascular system. When the absorbed energy increases due to the prolonged exposure or
increase in power of radiation, the protecting mechanism of heat control breaks down,
resulting in uncontrolled rise in body temperature. At low power of irradiation, one
usually gets headache, vomiting, and intraocular pain, fatigue, and nervousness,
awareness of buzzing v ib r a t io n s o r p u ls a t io n s a n d s e n s a t io n o f w a r m t h . M o s t
o f t h e s e e f fe c t s a r e n o t permanent.

T he no n -t her m a l e ffe ct s are no t re late d w it h t he incr ea se in te m p e ratur e. O n e

o f such effects is know n as pearl cha in effect. T his effect occurs in the frequenc y
range of 1 to 100 MHz when suspended particles of charcoal, starch, milk, erythrocytes
or leucocytes (blood cells) are placed in the RF field, the particles from the chains parallel
to the electric lines of force.

In view of harmful biological effects of microwave radiation several countries

have adopted a safety limit for microwave radiation exposure. American Natio nal
Standard Institute (ANSI) has reco mmended a maximum limit of 5nW/cm2
microwave radiation exposure for 6 minutes period in one working day for whole
body exposure. The exposure can be prolonged by reducing the power density o f
microwave radiation to less than 1 mW/cm2 and in same way the exposure can be
increased up to 50 mW/cm2 provided the time of exposure is reduced to less than one
minute in whole working day. But some of the East European countries have put a
maximu m limit of 10 mW/cm2. Under any circumstances this limit should not be
exceeded. Soviet6 block countries have put more stringent lim it of exposure. In
10 pW/cm2 power field one can work for full working day. As the power density
increases the time of exposure is to be reduced as followed by other countries. When
microwave field density reaches 1 mW/cm2 the period of exposure is restricted to
15-20 minutes.

High power microwave generators are increasingly used in Pakistan. It is desirable
that users should be made aware of the possible microwave radiation hazards. The
users should also know the possible sources of microwave radiation leakage during
the operation of the system. Users of high power microwave generators are advised,
therefore, to get their installations surveyed for microwave radiation levels. !


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