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TEST- 65


1) Encrypt the plain text Message “EXTRANET” using Transposition cipher technique with the following

Using ‘Z’ as bogus character.
2) X.25 is ___ network
a) connection oriented network b) connectionless network
c) either connection oriented or connectionless d) neither connection oriented or connectionless
3) What is the size (interms of bits) of header length field in IPV4 header
a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 16
4) Radio signals generally propagate according to the following mechanisms
a) modulation, amplification and scattering b) reflection, diffraction, scattering
c) amplification, diffraction, modulation d) reflection, amplification, diffraction
5) HTML is defined using SGML___an__standard information processing text and office systems
(SGML) for text information processing
a) ISO 8878 b) ISO 8879 c) ISO8880 d) ISO 8881
6) If the period of a signal is 1000 ms, then what is its frequency in KHz
a) 10-3 b) 10-2 c) 10-1 d) 1
7) A router must have atleast ____ NICs
a) 3 b)4 c) 2 d)5
8) Which of the following devices takes data sent from one network device and forwards it to the
destination node based onMAC address
a) hub b) modem c) switch d) gateway
9) The number of bit used for addressing in Giga bit Ethernet is
a) 32 b) 48 c) 64 d) 128
10) Which of the following layer of OSi reference model is also called end to end layer
a) network b) data link layer c) session d) transport
11) The IP address___ is used by hosts when they are being booted
a) b) c) d)
12) Which of the given wireless technologies used in IoT consumes least amount of power
a) zigbee b) Bluetooth c) wifi d) GSM/CDMA
13) If a file consisting of 50,000 characters take 40 seconds to send then the data rate is
a) 1Kbps b)1.25kbps c)2kbps d)10kbps

1 National Academy, Villupuram P.G.TRB 2019 (COMPUTER SCIENCE)

97505 80349, 97505 80329
14) GSM allows a reuse factor of _______.
A)1 B) 3 C) 5 D) 7
15) In 3G network W-CDMA is also known as UMTS. The minimum spectrum allocation required for
W-CDMA is___
a) 2MHz b) 20KHz c) 5KHz d) 5 MHz
16) Which of the following protocols is used by email server to maintain a central repository that can abe
accessed from any machine
a) POP3 b) IMAP c) SMTP d) SMSP
17) Which of the following fields in IPv4 datagram is not related to fragmentation
a) type of service b) fragment offset c) flags d) identification
18) Which of the following services is not provided by wireless access point in 802.11 WLAN
a) error correction b) association c) disassociation d) integration
19) What was the department of the U.C government that developed the initial stages of the Internet
a) Depertment of commerce b) Department of defense
c) Department of navy d) judicial department
20) The maximum payload of TCP segment is
a) 65495 b) 35495 c) 45495 d) 55495
21) Which of the following is not associated with the session lau=yer
a) Dialog control b) token management
c) semantics of the information transmitted d) synchronous
22) Which of the following control fields in TCP header is used to specify whether the sender has no
more data to transmit
a) FIN b) RST c) SYN d) PSH
23) ___ tag is an extension to HTML that can enclose any number of javascript statements
a) <script> b) body c) head d) title
24) In email which of the following protocol allows the transfer of multimedia message
a) IMAP b) SMTP c) POP 3 d) MIME
25) In a classful addressing the IP addresses which 0 as network number
a) refers to the current network b) refers to broadcast on local network
c) refers to broadcast on distant network d) refers to loopback testing
26) When displaying a web page, the application layer uses the
a) HTTP protocol b) FTP c) SMTP d) None
27. Protocolsare
a) Agreements on how communication components and DTE are to communicate
b) logical communication channels used for transferring data
c) physical communication channels used for transferring data d) none

2 National Academy, Villupuram P.G.TRB 2019 (COMPUTER SCIENCE)

97505 80349, 97505 80329
28) The underlying transport layer protocol used by SMTP is
a) TCP b) UDP c) either a or b d) none
29) The first line of HTTP request message is called
a) request line b) header line c) status line d) entity line
30) FTP is built on___ arhietecture
a) client server b) P2P c) Both d) None
31) The defaul connection type used by HTTP is___
a) persistent b) non-persistent c) either of the mentioned d) none
32) Telnet is a___ based computer protocol
a) TEXT b) sound c) Image d) digit
33) An HTTP request contain how many ports
a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)5
34) The default subnet mask for a class B network can be
a) b) c) d)
35) The store and forward mechanism used in___
a) packet switching b) message switching c) circuit switching d none of the above
36) Which of the following used UDP as the transport protocol
a) HTTP b) Telnet c) DNS d) SMTP
37) Which of the following is an application layer service
a) network virtual terminal b) file transfer, access management
c) mail service d) none
38) Which of the transport layer protocol is connectionless
a) UDP b) TCP c) FTP d) NVT
39) another name of Usenet is
a) Gopher b) newsgroup c) browser d) CERN
40) Which techniques is classified as wide band if the separation between the two carrier frequencies is
larger than the bandwidth of the spectrum
a) ASK b) FSK c) PSk d) BPSK
41) In ___ transmission bits are transmitted simultaneously each across its own wire
a) asynchronous b) synchronous serial c) parallel d) a and b
42) In ___ transmission a start bit and a stop bit frame a character byte
a) asynchronous serial b) synchronous serial
c) parallel d) a and b
43) The EIA 232 interface has ___ pins
a) 20 b)24 c) 25 d)30

3 National Academy, Villupuram P.G.TRB 2019 (COMPUTER SCIENCE)

97505 80349, 97505 80329
44) Which type of web document is fixed content and is created and stores at the server site
a) static b) dynamic c) active d) all of the above
45) Which type of web document is transported form the server to the client in binary form
a) static b) dynamic c) active d) all of the above
46) Which of the following is not an interpreter
a) HTTp b) HTML c) CGI d) Java
47) The purpose of the UA is
a) message preparation b) envelope creation
c) transferral of messages across the internet d) both a and b
48) The purpose of the MTA is
a) message preparation b) envelope creation
c) transferral of messages across the internet

1 11 A 21 C 31 B 41 B
2 A 12 B 22 A 32 A 42 A
3 B 13 D 23 A 33 B 43 C
4 B 14 B 24 D 34 A 44 A
5 B 15 D 25 A 35 B 45 B
6 A 16 B 26 36 C 46 D
7 C 17 27 A 37 C 47 D
8 C 18 A 28 A 38 A 48 C
9 B 19 B 29 39 B 49
10 D 20 A 30 A 40 B 50

4 National Academy, Villupuram P.G.TRB 2019 (COMPUTER SCIENCE)

97505 80349, 97505 80329

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