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Danielle Saile Stratton

C&T 898

Module 2

Learning Outcome 1D: Assessment

Artifact Description and Rationale

Artifact Description

For Learning Outcome 1D: Assessment, I thought it would be best to pull my final

project from C&T 842: Supporting Striving Readers: Adolescent through Adult.

According to the final project requirements in the C&T 842 course, my final assignment

was a QRI (Qualitative Reading Inventory) Summary.

According to the C&T 842 final assignment guidelines, it was a culmination of

previous assignments from this course in addition to the summary itself. Data that

should be included included, “card game, book tasting, QRI Word Lists, and QRI

Narrative and Expository Passages” (C&T 842: Guidelines for Writing Your QRI


The structure of my QRI Summary adheres to the following outline: I. Interest

Inventory/ Card Game, Book Tasting; Word Lists; Oral Narrative and Expository

Passages; Comprehension of Narrative and Expository Passages; Fluency; Other

Pertinent Information; Summary; Instructional Recommendations.

The Interest Inventory/ Card Game and Book Tasting were used in order to get to

know the student and their reading preferences better. Word lists are used to help

educators understand specific reading errors the student might have and isolate specific

strategies to help them grow. The reading and comprehension parts of the reading

passages better help educators understand their student’s reading as a whole.


The learning outcome states: “1D. Assessment.​ ​Plan, use, and analyze a variety

of assessments to inform instruction, and monitor progress, and support and improve

student learning.​” I understand this outcome as being able to utilize and understand

various assessments and use those assessments to monitor growth, guide and scaffold

learning, and plan future instruction.

As educators, there are district or state mandated assessments that are more

summative, but we need to continuously use formative assessments to guide our

instruction. In this QRI Summary, the purpose of this assignment was to assess a

striving reader and understand the student better, and the types of books that they

would enjoy. In addition to this, I assessed their reading skills via word lists and reading

oral narrative and expository passages, as well as their comprehension of the


This artifact pairs well with this learning outcome because the objective of this

summary is to assess and analyze the striving reader using various assessments. In

addition to the assessments and the findings of the quantitative and qualitative factors,
there’s also a section for instructional recommendations, which is where I made specific

recommendations so that their teacher can implement this information based on the

data found.

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