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Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218

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Estimation of carbon sequestration by pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

ecosystems developed on reforested post-mining sites in Poland on
differing mine soil substrates
Marcin Pietrzykowski a, *, W.Lee Daniels b,1
Department of Forest Ecology and Reclamation, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Al.29 Listopada 46, Krakow, 31-425, Poland
Department of Crop & Soil Environmental Sciences, 0404, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States


Article history: This paper presents an estimation of C-sequestration and relationships between vegetation biomass and
Received 23 May 2014 reclaimed mine soils in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) ecosystems in Poland. The study sites were arranged on
Received in revised form 31 August 2014 8 different geologic/mine soil substrates on waste dumps and surface mine spoils associated with
Accepted 17 September 2014
open-cast lignite, sulfur, sand, and hard coal mine spoils. We combined soil and plant biomass data for C
Available online 3 October 2014
and other parameters via a range of site-specific measurements and lab analyses of soil and plant
materials for these sites and coupled them with previously derived empirical formulae for biomass
estimation. Based on this, we estimated the potential for C-sequestration in post-mining ecosystems and
Mine reclamation
Mine spoil
associated internal relationships between soil and plant C-sequestration. Our results indicate significant
Overburden potentials for development of total ecosystem C stocks (taken as total aboveground biomass + soil + roots)
Soil organic matter of approximately 50 Mg C ha1 for even the most oligotrophic habitats in Quaternary sand mine spoils
Biomass and over 102 Mg C ha1 for spoil heaps on a sulfur mine in mixed Quaternary sands and Tertiary
Soil succession formation clays, both of which were similar to C stocks in adjacent natural forest pine ecosystems. Litter
layer C stocks ranged from 5.9 to 12.7 Mg C ha1 and total soil C stocks (litter + soil organic carbon (SOC)
ranged from 16.8 to 65.0 Mg C ha1. However, on coal refuse wastes, total soil C stocks were above
2900 Mg C ha1, which was derived primarily from fossil C. The estimated annual soil C-sequestration
rate (in litter + SOC) ranged from 0.7 Mg C ha1 yr1 to 5.2 Mg C ha1 yr1 for the 8 sites in this study.
Associated C-sequestration rates in organic horizon (litter Oi + Oe) were estimated between 0.2 and
0.8 Mg C ha1 yr1. The estimated range of total annual C-sequestration in post-mine ecosystems (taken
as SOC + vegetation biomass across all four mine sites) of this region is 1.6–5.6 Mg C ha1 yr1.
ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction recent (or active) soil organic carbon (SOC) (Bradshaw, 1983,
2000; Vindušková and Frouz, 2013). The extent of development
Surface mining is an anthropogenic activity which causes of organic-rich surface horizons and the net rate of SOC
drastic surface disturbance, particularly to native soils, which accumulation are frequently used as criteria for reclamation
are the support matrix of terrestrial ecosystems. Recreating a success assessment (Prosser and Roseby, 1995; Rumpel et al.,
functional soil profile is one of the most important tasks 1999; West and Wali, 2002; Pietrzykowski and Krzaklewski,
intrinsic to surface mine site reclamation success (Bradshaw 2007a). Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role in early soil
and Hüttl, 2001; Johnston and Crossley, 2002). When originally forming processes and reestablishment of ecosystem functions
deposited in the form of geologic overburden (or spoils), the on reclaimed post-mining sites. The quantity and quality of
developing mine soils have generally low or no content of SOM have strong influences on other essential soil character-
istic such as cation exchange capacity (CEC), aggregation and
water holding, nutrient accumulation and the soil's biochemi-
cal and microbial properties (Insam and Domsch, 1988; Leirós
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 012 6625302; fax.: +48124119715.
et al., 1996; Rumpel et al., 1999; Chodak et al., 2009; Wick
E-mail addresses: (M. Pietrzykowski),
(W.L. Daniels). et al., 2013).
Tel.: +1 540 231 7175.
0925-8574/ ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
210 M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218

Forest ecosystems play an important role in global C ecosystems under Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. This
recycling by accumulating C in plants, SOM, and litter. Thus, species is commonly used for reforestation of post-mining sites in
understanding C pools under different soil types and vegetation central and eastern Europe (Baumann et al., 2006; Pietrzykowski,
types is an important step to develop management practices to 2014).
enhance ecosystem functions that might mitigate global climate
change (Prescott et al., 2000; Schoenholtz et al., 2000; Chung
2. Materials and methods
et al., 2012). New post-mining ecosystems (PME) that develop
on disturbed mining areas have been widely reported as having
2.1. Site selection and sample analyses
significant potential for net C-sequestration (Shrestha and Lal,
2006; Jacinthe and Lal, 2008). Mine reclamation through rapid
The study sites were arranged on 8 different geologic/mine soil
reforestation is particularly promising (Amichev et al., 2008)
substrates on Scots pine PMEs (Table 1) on four reforested
and forested ecosystems developing on reclaimed lands could
post-mining sites in Poland: (1) spoil heaps following open cast
potentially play a significant role in regional soil C-sequestra-
lignite mining at KWB Belchatow (B); (2) on carboniferous coal
tion (defined as the incorporation atmospheric carbon in
refuse spoil heaps at the Smolnica (Sm) coal mine; (3) on sand
dioxide into biomass and SOC) (Rezlaff et al., 2001Rezlaff
mining pits at the Szczakowa (Sz) mine; and (4) on spoil heaps of
et al., 2001 Brown, 2002; Mund et al., 2002; Davis et al., 2003;
rock overburden at the Piaseczno (P) sulfur mine (Fig. 1).
Ritson and Sochacki, 2003). In Poland, lands disturbed by
The opencast lignite mine spoil heap Belchatow (B) is located in
mining (excavations, spoils, processing wastes and tailings) and
central Poland (N 51 13.196; E 19 25.569). The spoil heap ranges in
the power industry (e.g., fly ash landfills) since 1945 are
height from 120 to 180 m and covers an area of 1480 ha. Climate
estimated at 45,000 ha, and of that total, approximately
in the area is transitional and variable due to frequent interactions
25,000 ha have been reclaimed via reforestation (Pietrzykowski,
between polar maritime and continental air masses. The average
annual temperature is 7.6  C and total precipitation is 580 mm. The
The C-sequestration potential of forested PME is presumed to
site is located mostly on a mixture of Quaternary loamy and
increase as community structure and associated mine soils
gravelly sands which occasionally contains loam, boulder clay and
develop via appropriate stand establishment and management
clay (B-Ql). There are also areas of Tertiary sandy strata with
practices and by increasing standing woody biomass. This can be
inclusions of loam and clay, which commonly contain carbonates
achieved by enhancing biological processes that assimilate carbon
and sulfides in varying amounts (B-Ts). These sands oxidize to be
dioxide via increased plant biomass production and the develop-
extremely acidic (pH < 4.5), frequently displaying phytotoxic
ment of SOM pools. However, the persistence of and total
properties. The initial reclamation treatment on the flat summit
accumulation potential for SOM is primarily an ecosystem
of the spoil heap consisted of neutralization with bog lime (marl:
property and there are varying opinions about the relative
35% CaO at 12.5 Mg ha1) incorporated into the surface horizon to a
resistance to decomposition and overall stability of various SOM
depth of 40 cm, fertilization (N-60, P-70 and K-60 kg ha1), and
pools (Paustian et al., 1998; Schmidt et al., 2011). Although a key
sowing a mixture of grasses and leguminous plants. After initial
objective in C management research is to enhance the capacity and
2 years of initial herbaceous reclamation, the area of studies was
ability of plants and soils to sequester C in terrestrial PMEs, the
reforested with Scots pine.
actual potentials are poorly understood. For example,
meta-analysis and other statistical methods were applied to data The Smolnica (Sm) primary coal overburden spoil heap is located
from 93 temperate post-mining sites in the northern hemisphere in southern Poland’s Upper Silesia Region (Fig. 1; N 50 15.095; E 18
that had been revegetated by forest or grassland by prescribed 31.284). The site consists of a 60 ha spoil heap, with a flat hilltop and
reclamation or natural succession by Vindušková and Frouz (2013) gradual slopes. The average annual temperature is 7.7  C with an
and they described the rate of SOC accumulation in relation to site annual range of 21  C; the length of the growing period is 220 days
age and vegetation type. Based on data from sites younger than and the average precipitation is 702 mm. In these carboniferous
30 years, these authors concluded that sites reclaimed as grass- dumps, primarily waste rock from coal processing and cleaning is
lands and deciduous forests accumulated SOC faster than sites disposed of, i.e., mostly carbonaceous shales (85–95% of waste rocks)
with coniferous forests. In addition, C-sequestration was favored with additional (5–15% waste rocks) mudstones and sandstones.
by cold climates in coniferous forests, but by warm climates in Study plots (Sm-CF) were set up in pine stands on one part of the spoil
grasslands. Deciduous forests were intermediate. A large propor- with mineral fertilization (applied at N-100, P-20, and K-20 kg ha1).
tion of post-mining sites appeared to reach their pre-mining SOC The remaining areas were not fertilized (Sm-CNF).
stock within 20 years or less after reclamation. While this study The Szczakowa open cast sand mine (Sz) is also located in the
was the first to give a general estimate of SOC accumulation rates in Upper Silesia Region (Fig. 1; N 50 14.394; E 19 25.140). The deposits
post-mining soils of the northern temperate zone, there remains a are fluvioglacial Quaternary sediments deposited into a pre-
significant data gap for the different mine soil substrates that Quaternary landscape depression. The study sites were located on
dominate in central and east Europe. Pietrzykowski and Krza- returned overburden sands with loam inclusions (Sz-Qls) and also
klewski (2010) reported data for the overall C-stocks in mine soils on much coarser textured nutrient poor sands (Sz-Qs). The area has
of the region, but there remains need for analysis of plant/soil an average annual air temperature of 8  C and 700 mm precipita-
relationships and estimation of C-sequestration in new developing tion. A disturbed area of over 2700 ha with an excavated depth of
mine soil–plant systems. 5–25 m has resulted from mining over time. The reclamation
The work presented here deals with the distribution of C in treatments included re-grading the surface and adding organic
various developing forest ecosystem elements (soil horizons, amendments (approx. 300 m3 ha). The organic amendment used
litter, understory vegetation, wood, foliage, and root biomass) and was a mixture of local forest litter and mineral A horizons with an
the inter-relationships between soil and plant C-sequestration. average organic C content from 0.3 to 1.0%, selectively collected
Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to determine from the overlying forest soils before mining (Strzyszcz, 2004).
C-sequestration rates in a range of PMEs, including SOM, litter Subsequent treatments included a 2-year cycle of fertilization
(organic horizons), aboveground vegetative biomass and root (total amount of N-140, P-130 and K-150 kg ha1) and a 2-year
biomass growing on different mine spoil substrates. We then cycle of lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) cultivation followed by
developed overall estimates of total C-sequestration for these incorporating the lupine as green manure. Next, the site was
Table 1
Basic soil characteristics at different geologic/mine substrates for four study sites.

Horizon and substrate (parent rock variant) Silt (0.05–0.002 mm) Clay (<0.002 mm) pH (H2O) Organic C Exchangeable acidity (Hh) Cation exchange capacity (CEC)

% g kg1 cmolc kg 1

M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218

A C A C Oi + Oe A C Oi + Oe A A C A C
B-Ql2 341 301 3 4 4.51 7.6 8.21 479 6.1 0.6 0.4 26.21 27.11
(16–43)3 (8–41) (0–6) (1–9) (4.34–4.59) (7.5–7.9) (8.1–8.8) (471–485) (3.4–8.6) (0.5–0.6) (0.3–0.6) (23.3–36.1) (21.7–35.4)

B-Ts 81 101 3.5 6 4.21 5.5 5.51 419 2.7 1.5 1.8 6.11 4.11
(5–9) (3–45) (0–4) (1–8) (4.5–4.2) (4.1–7.7) (3.0–6.8) (340–453) (2.3–3.3) (0.6–2.8) (0.9–6.7) (3.8–6.7) (3.3–9.1)

Sm-CF 36 33 23 24 4.41 4.2 4.0 4391 164.2 11.7 8.7 16.6 22.3
(34–39) (30–35) (22–26) (17–27) (4.0–4.7) (4.0–4.5) (3.2–6.4) (399–467) (153.9–182.0) (9.1–24.3) (1.5–13.5) (15.3–29.0) (9.3–38.4)

Sm-CNF 38 33 20 23 4.7 4.3 3.5 3781 129.7 12.0 12.8 18.2 16.7
(29–44) (27–36) (19–25) (19–28) (4.2–4.9) (3.8–4.9) (3.0–4.4) (378–409) (117.5–184.1) (9.3–13.8) (3.0–15.1) (9.5–25.4) (9.0–20.9)

Sz-Qls 8 10 41 61 4.2 5.3 6.5 317 4.51 0.7 0.7 2.0 3.5
(6–11) (3–22) (3–4) (2–9) (4.2–4.5) (5.3–5.3) (6.3–6.8) (202.8–429.4) (3.2–0.5) (0.4–2.1) (0.3–2.2) (1.4–3.2) (2.2–5.6)

Sz-Qs 5 1 21 11 4.5 6.5 7.1 331.6 1.81 1.1 0.6 3.2 1.1
(3–6) (1–3) (0–2) (1–3) (4.1–4.8) (5.0–8.0) (6.1–8.6) (268.6–401.5) (1.5–4.1) (0.7–1.3) (0.4–2.2) (1.6–6.6) (0.9–2.8)

P-QsTc 9 7 91 81 5.21 6.2 7.1 284 13.61 2.8 0.9 10.3 9.0
(6–18) (2–17) (6–11) (3–10) (5.0–5.3) (4.9–7.4) (6.6–8.1) (268–357) (10.6–15.1) (0.9–4.6) (0.4–1.2) (9.1–26.5) (4.0–22.6)

P-Qs 4 2 41 31 4.71 5.9 7.3 325 4.81 1.6 0.7 4.1 2.9
(2–6) (1–4) (2–5) (1–5) (4.3–5.0) (5.0–7.2) (5.6–8.3) (235–432) (4.2–5.2) (1.2–2.1) (0.4–1.2) (2.8–10.5) (1.7–4.5)
Substrate variant pairs by site differ significant at p < 0.05.
B-Ql – belchatow pine post-mine ecosystems on Quaternary loam substrate; Sm – Smolnica; Sz – Szczakowa; P – Piaseczno; see explanation in the site description chapter.
4.7 (4.3–4.6) – sample mean and range.

212 M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218

Fig. 1. Study site locations: (B – Belchatow pine post-mining ecosystem on Belchatow external spoil heap; Sm – Smolnica spoil heap; Sz – Szczakowa sand quarry; P –
Piaseczno spoil heap); for each post-mine site one control plot in adjacent managed pine forests on natural sites (N-F) were located (total control plot n = 4): see description in
methodology chapter.

reforested with Scots pine (Pietrzykowski and Krzaklewski, more productive soils with the best textures at each site (i.e., B-Ql,
2007b). Sz-Qls, P-QsTc, Sm-CF); (ii), and in contrast, a second variant was
located on potentially less fertile sediments (e.g, where textures
The spoil heap at the Piaseczno (P) open cast sulfur mine is
were loose sands, acidic strata following liming, or in coal refuse
located in southern Poland (Fig. 1; N 50 33.622; E 21 34.185). The
without fertilization at Sz-Qs, P-Qs, B-Ts, Sm-CNF, respectively)
site is conical in shape with an area of 120 ha and a height of up to
(Table 1). The sampled forest stand blocks were chosen based on
40 m. The average annual temperature is 7.0  C; the annual range is
stand age and spoil type and then the replicate sampling locations
21  C; the length of the growing season is 212 days; and average
were randomly assigned within each forest block. Soils in post-
precipitation is 650 mm. The spoil heap mainly consists of Tertiary
mining areas (B, Sm, Sz and P) were classified as Urbic Anthrosols
Krakowiec formation clays, Quaternary sands and loamy sands and
(FAO and ISRIC, 2006 FAO-Unesco ISSS-ISRIC, 2006 ) and had
is primarily a mixture of these sediments. Two research plots were
poorly developed organic enriched surface mineral horizons (A)
located on soils reforested with Scots pine. One on a mixture of
and incipient organic surface horizons of forest litter (Oi) and
Quaternary sands and the other on Tertiary clays (P-QsTc) mixed
partially decomposed organic materials (Oe). According to USA Soil
with Quaternary sands (P-Qs). The 2 year initial reclamation
Taxonomy (USDA-NRCS, 2010) the soils were all Typic Udorthents
treatment consisted of a leguminous and grass crop with mineral
with O–A–C horizon sequences.
fertilization (total application of N-80, P-50, K-60 kg ha1).
Four control plots were set up in managed pine forests on
2.2. Field studies and laboratory analyses natural sites (N-F) adjacent to post-mine sites (one control
plots nearby to each post-mine facility in Scots pine stands of
A total of 32 research plots (10 m 10 m) were established on 19 and 30 to 40 years in age, respectively) and developed on
the four post-mining sites in pine stands (ranging from 12 to Albic Arenosols and Haplic Podzols (FAO 1988; Typic Udispam-
30 years of age) with 4 replications for each geologic/mine soil ments or Typic Haplorthods by Soil Taxonomy). Habitats
substrates, and on two trophic level at each site: (i) on potentially
M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218 213

developed on these soils type are appropriate for Scots pine L = leaf; f = fermentation/fragmentation layer) were collected in the
(Obmin ski, 1983). end of October after litter fall from 1 m 1 m sub-plot quadrats
with 3 replications distributed along on each research plot
2.3. Tree stands biomass and root system biomass study (10 m 10 m). Next, the mass of fresh organic horizons was
determined and composite samples were taken for laboratory
Dendrometric measurements of trees on sample plots were testing (moisture and C content).
conducted via measuring tree diameter at the root collar (D0) and In the lab, soil samples from mineral horizons (A and C) were
1.3 m (Dbh) and then measuring height (h). On the basis of the tree dried and sieved through a 2 mm sieve and samples from organic
measurements and empirical equation, and using a previously horizons (Oi + Oe) were ground. The following parameters were
developed allometric function (Pietrzykowski and Socha, 2011) for determined on the soil samples using the laboratory procedures of
pine trees growing on these sites, the total dry biomass of trees in Ostrowska et al. (1991). Particle size distribution was determined
each stand (Eq. (1)) and the associated biomass of the foliage by hydrometer analysis and sand fractions by sieving. Soil pH was
(Eq. (2)) were estimated as follow: determined in H2O at a 1:2.5 soil:solution ratio for mineral
horizons and 1:5 ratio for organic horizons. Cation exchange
BT ¼ 0:102080  ðD21:3 HÞ0:793199 (1) capacity (CEC) was calculated by the sum of alkaline cations
(SH = Ca+2 + Mg+2 + K+ + Na+) plus exchangeable acidity (see below)
where: BT – total aboveground tree biomass (dry mass) (kg); D1.3 –
extractable in 1N NH4OAc and determined by atomic absorption
diameter at a height of 1.3 m (Dbh).
spectroscopy (AAS) with a VarianTM Spectrophotometer. Ex-
BF ¼ 0:0533  ðD21:3 HÞ0:5306 (2) changeable acidity (Hh) of the soil was measured using 1M Ca
(OAc)2 extraction, followed by potentiometric titration to pH
where: BF – foliage biomass (dry mass) (kg); D1.3 – diameter at
8.2 with 0.1 m NaOH. Soil organic C (SOC) was determined using a
breast height (Dbh) (cm).
LecoTM CNS 2000 analyzer with infrared detection; samples
To estimate the biomass of associated root systems a formula
containing CaCO3 were washed (after initial test with HCl) in
(Eq. (3)) developed for post-mine sites by Pietrzykowski et al.
10% HCl to remove carbonates before SOC was determined. Total
(2010) was used.
organic C stocks in soil (SOC) were calculated based on the
Br ¼ 0:02298  D1:7295 (3) thickness, SOC-content and bulk density of each layer.

where: Br – root biomass (dry mass) (kg) (roots approximately at 2.5. Statistical analyses
diameter >8 mm); D0– diameter at the root collar (cm).
The aboveground understory vegetation (herbaceous + shrubs) The results were statistically analysed using the Statistica 10
biomass was quantified by sampling from quadrats on 1 m2 software (StatSoft Inc., 1984–2011). Data for ecosystem C
sub-plots (3  1.0 m2 sub-plots distributed along the diagonal of accumulation in ecosystem elements were contrasted by a
each 10 m 10 m main study plot; the number of replications for one-way ANOVA procedure (at p = 0.05). Dstributions were tested
understory vegetation biomass study for each site  spoil variant for normality using the Shapiro–Wilks test, and variance
was n = 12). Composite samples for each plot of tree woody and homogeneity was tested by Leven’s test. In cases of non-normal
needle tissues and forest floor vegetation were taken for lab distributions, a Kruskall–Wallis nonparametric test with the
determination of moisture content by drying (65  C) followed by C multiple comparisons procedure was used to separate treatment
determination on a LecoTM CNS analyzer. effects. In cases of normal distributions, treatments were
contrasted by Tukey’s HSD multiple comparison procedure. The
2.4. Soil study differences between contrasted variants for basic soil character-
istics and vegetation data sets, such as aboveground community
As part of reclaimed mine soil (RMS) studies, 36 soil profiles biomass were tested across variant pairs (e.g., substrate variants:
(32 on PME and 4 on control plots in adjacent natural managed B-Ql and B-Ts) by F-protected independent t-tests (p = 0.05).
forests) were exposed in pits to a depth of 110 cm to parent spoil C Correlations between C accumulation in soil and aboveground
horizons and/or the approximate maximum rooting depth on post- biomass were determined by the Pearson procedure.
mining soils). The detailed morphology was described for one
profile (typical pedon) from every substrate variant on each site 3. Results and discussion
and in all cases from soils in the adjacent natural ecosystems.
Typical pedons were selected based on local surface topography 3.1. Reclaimed mine soil characteristics
and represented average tree growth for a given stand. At each site,
5 additional borings were made on each plot with a soil augers In the higher (presumably better) trophic variants, the mine soils
(diameter 5 cm Eijkelkamp), and composite samples were taken were substantially (p = 0.05) higher in silt content at the B site and in
separately for each horizon; four sampling points were located at clay on the Sz and P sites (Table 1). Mine soils on the Sm coal mine
the corners of the experimental site and one in the center of each spoils had a relatively high proportion of silt + clay, but also a high
study plot. Samples of the disturbed soils for determination of percentage (80%) of rock fragments (>2 mm) derived from
basic soil chemical and physical properties and C content were sandstones and carboniferous shale. From the reclamation point
taken at depths of 0–8 cm (A – organic-mineral horizons exhibiting of view, the high proportion of large rock fragments (20 cm
some features of parent material); 8–50 cm and 50–110 cm diameter) is important since it negatively affects plant growth
(C horizons – parent materials/rocky spoils). Sampling for bulk conditions, particularly via low bulk water holding and CEC.
density was done by the core method using standard sharpened However, some of the rocks are susceptible to weathering (shales
steel cylinders (250 cm3; De Vos et al., 2005) with 3 replications for and claystones) and slake quickly, providing a finer textured mine
each layer (0–8; 8–50 and 50–110 cm deep) in the post-mine soil soil with good potential productivity once limed. Generally, low
pits (one soil pit for each soil-substrate variant). content of Ca, P and N, and relatively high content of Na, Mg, K and
Samples of organic horizons (Oi + Oe; annotated with both sulfide materials are characteristic of these spoils (Pietrzykowski,
USDA-NRCS O horizon subscripts and FAO syntax OLf, where 2014).
214 M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218

Table 2
Tree stand biomass on reforested mine lands in comparison to control plots under managed forests on natural sites.

Mine site and Tree stand age Aboveground biomass Foliage Total (understory Root Aboveground biomass/
substrate variant (years) vegetation + trees) biomass7 tree stand age
Understory vegetation Trees5 Wood6
(herbaceous and shrubs)3 (wood + foliage)
Mg ha1 Mg ha1 yr1

B-Ql2 17 0.1351 44.26 38.45 5.81 44.41 4.57 2.61

(0.091) (8.34) (8.57) (1.08) (1.02)

B-Ts 12 0.0331 8.12 6.43 1.69 8.21 1.14 0.68

(0.021) (2.60) (2.61) (0.40) (0.29)

Sm-CF 30 0.3451 96.34 90.54 5.80 96.7 13.13 3.22

(0.241) (16.63) (18.13) (1.08) (2.84)

Sm-CNF 30 0.1531 83.45 77.88 5.57 83.6 12.56 2.79

(0.102) (13.21) (14.76) (0.53) (3.83)

Sz-Qls 21 0.0154 76.75 70.74 6.01 76.8 5.39 3.66

(0.010) (6.15) (6.61) (0.52) (0.73)

Sz-Qs 23 0.013 80.93 73.76 7.18 80.9 5.17 3.52

(0.011) (7.36) (7.94) (0.58) (1.04)

P-QsTc 30 0.1701 102.12 96.75 5.37 102.3 14.38 3.41

(0.245) (2.80) (30.69) (1.67) (4.46)

P-Qs 30 0.0731 129.98 122.29 7.69 130.1 16.13 4.34

(0.062) (15.63) (16.69) (1.48) (1.25)

Control N-F 30 0.942 128.99 121.67 7.32 129.9 13.21 4.33

(0.707) (38.53) (38.12) (1.00) (11.05)
Substrate variant pairs by site differ significant at p < 0.05.
B-Ql – Belchatow pine post-mine ecosystems on Quaternary loam substrate; Sm – Smolnica; Sz – Szczakowa; P – Piaseczno; N-F – natural forest pine ecosystem, see
explanation in the site description chapter.
For understory vegetation harvest method for biomass determination. Number of experimental sub-plots (1 1 m2) was n = 12.
35.18 (7.65) – sample mean (SD).
For tree stand biomass. Number of measured experimental plots (10 10 m2) n = 4, total wood and foliage biomass of trees with Dbh >7 cm based on equation by
Pietrzykowski and Socha (2011).
Wood biomass – only large timber without branches and foliage.
Root biomass estimated according to literature equation – see Section 2.

In most instances, soil pH was similar between soils for both variations (differences in parent material within these post-mining
substrate variants at each site. The H2O:soil pH differed only for the sites) did not produce substantial differences in aboveground
substrate variants in the forest litter horizons at the B and P sites biomass, with the exception of the B spoil heap which was
and in rocky parent material horizons at B. Sandy soils developing produced by lignite mining (Table 2). It is obvious that the
on the former Szczakowa sand mine (Scz) had the lowest CEC differences at site B were primarily due to the age and the
(Table 1) as would be expected development stage of pine stands. In the B-Ql variant on
quaternary loamy sands, the pine trees were 17-year-old while
3.2. Estimation of vegetation biomass and carbon storage on the Tertiary limed sands they were 12-year-old. On all other
sites, differences in the age of the stands were 2 years, and
The distribution of biomass in soil horizons vs. tree stands, differences between community biomass between variants were
which are the main components of regional forest plant not significant.
communities, is important for describing their associated C The calculated average annual growth rate (total vegetation
storage processes (Cairns et al., 1997). Total aboveground vegeta- aboveground biomass/tree stand age; Mg ha1 yr1; Table 2) was
tion biomass (trees wood + foliage + understory vegetation from originally presumed to offer a better option for comparing sites and
herbaceous + shrub layers) differed substantially across the sites internal substrate variants as far as ecosystem productivity was
and ranged from 8.2 Mg ha1 at B-Ts up to 130.1 Mg ha1 in the concerned (Pan et al., 2011). However, even by this metric, no
P-Qs variant at P (Table 2). By comparison, the total aboveground significant differences between the substrate variants within sites
vegetative biomass of the control sites (N) averaged 129.9 Mg ha1 (for post-mining soils) were noted (Table 2). However, our analysis
(Table 2). The typical aboveground biomass in forests of the did indicate that the P-Qs vegetation on the Piaseczno spoil heap
temperate zone ranges from a low of 21 Mg ha1 (approx. 30-year- site had the highest measured aboveground annual biomass
old stands) up to 170 Mg ha1 (50-year-old stands; Krebs, 1994). In accumulation rate at 4.34 Mg ha1 yr1 (Table 2). These values
natural conditions on the Polish lowlands, reported average were also comparable to the natural forest pine ecosystems on
aboveground pine stand biomass (wood + foliage and shrubs) of natural sites (control plots NF) where the average annual
age group 1 (up to 20 years of age) has been estimated to be productivity was 4.33 Mg ha1 yr1 (Table 2). The B-Ts site on
50 Mg ha1 (Orzeł et al., 2005). By comparison, four 17-year-old limed Tertiary sands generated the lowest average annual
stands of pines on a reclaimed sand pit in southern Poland aboveground biomass accumulation rate. For the other sites, the
contained 25 Mg ha1(Pietrzykowski, 2008) of total above average aboveground biomass accumulation ranged from 2.8 to
ground biomass. In the sites studied here, the presumed substrate 3.7 Mg1 ha1 yr1 (Table 2).
M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218 215

Table 3
Ecosystem components (soil and biomass) C stocks and estimated sequestration rates on reforested mined lands in comparison to control plots on managed forests on natural

Mine site and Tree C stocks Biomass R Litter layer Total soil Ecosystem
substrate stand age C/total (Oi + Oe) C/ C/stand carbon stock/
variant (years) soil C6 stand age age stand age
SOC3 Litter Total soil C Trees and Root C Ecosystem
layer (litter + SOC) understory C5
(Oi + Oe) vegetation C
Mg ha1 Mg ha1 yr1
2 1
B-Ql 17 35.2 a 10.7ab 45.9ab 21.6ab 2.2ab 69.7ab 0.47ab 0.29 0.63 2.70 4.1abc
B-Ts 12 53.54 a 9.6ab 63.1ab 4.0a 0.6a 67.6a 0.06ab 0.78 5.20 5.64bc
Sm-CF 30 2969.3b 5.9a 2975.2b 43.2bcd 6.3cde 55.4ab 0.02a 0.63 0.20 –7 1.85ab
Sm-CNF 30 1952.1b 7.0ab 1959.1b 37.5bc 6.0bcd 50.6ab 0.02a 0.24 – 1.69a
Sz-Qls 21 12.8a 9.8ab 22.6a 34.1bc 2.8bc 59.5ab 1.51ab 0.37 0.47 1.08 1.62abc
Sz-Qs 23 8.6a 8.1ab 16.8a 36.0bc 2.5bc 55.3ab 2.15b 0.35 0.73 2.40abc
P-QsTc 30 54.0a 11.1ab 65.0ab 47.6cd 6.9cde 102.3ab 0.73ab 0.53 0.37 2.17 3.98abc
P-Qs 30 21.6a 12.8ab 34.4ab 60.1d 7.7de 94.5ab 1.74b 0.42 1.15 3.15abc
Control (N-F) 30 40.4a 18.7b 59.1ab 60.0d 6.3e 125.4b 1.01ab 0.62 1.97 4.18c

R – coefficient of linear correlation between C accumulation in aboveground vegetation (trees + understory vegetation) biomass and total soil C (litter + SOC).
Within columns, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p = 0.05).
B-Ql – Belchatow pine post-mine ecosystems on Quaternary loam substrate; Sm – Smolnica; Sz – Szczakowa; P – Piaseczno; N-F – natural forest pine ecosystem, see
explanation in the site description chapter.
SOC – soil organic carbon accumulation in mineral horizons (Ai and C) up to 110 cm.
35.2 – sample mean.
Ecosystem C (total soil C (litter + SOC) + aboveground biomass of trees, understory vegetation and root C), for coal refuse wastes on Smolnica spoil heap ecosystem C
calculated as litter layer + aboveground biomass of trees, forest floor and root C.
Trees and understory vegetation aboveground biomass C/total soil C stocks.
For coal refuse wastes on Smolnica spoil heap annual total soil C accumulation was not estimated because geogenic C.

Although the foliage comprised only a small portion of standing different tree species in Australia (Snowdon et al., 2000), a
tree biomass, it makes up a considerable part of annual positive correlation was observed among root biomass, tree age
incremental biomass production; frequently up to half of woody and habitat fertility. However, this was not observed on our
tissue production (Waring and Schlesinger, 1985; Miletic et al., post-mining sites where the internal differences in fertility
2010) and plays a significant role in C fluxes in temperate forest variants did not substantially affect pine root biomass in 12–
ecosystems (Pan et al., 2011). The foliage biomass in younger pine 30 year-old sites.
tree stands varied between 13.1% of total tree aboveground As expected, woody trees constituted the dominant share of
biomass for 17-year-old stands on the B-Ql variant (5.81 Mg ha1 community biomass and the understory vegetation in PMEs never
foliage to 44.26 Mg ha1 total tree biomass) to 20.7% in 12-year-old exceeded 0.4 (Mg ha1) or 0.2–0.3% of total community biomass
tree stands in variant B-Ts (1.69 Mg ha1 foliage to 8.12 Mg ha1 (Pietrzykowski and Socha, 2011). On the other hand, the
total tree biomass; Table 2). In the remaining post-mining sites, in understory vegetation on the undisturbed control plots (N-F)
older trees (20 and 30 years of age) and in natural forest pine was much higher than on the mined study sites and exceeded
stands (N-F), foliage biomass was 5.3–8.9% (Table 2) of total 0.9 Mg ha1 on average. In comparisons within the post-mining
aboveground tree biomass. sites, the aboveground understory vegetation biomass was
Quantifying belowground plant biomass is also important for considerably higher in more fertile variants than potentially less
accurate estimation of ecosystem C-sequestration (Waisel et al., fertile sites in all cases, with the exception of Sz, (p < 0.05; Table 2).
1991; Vogt et al., 1998) since the rooting system may contain up Carbon stocks in total aboveground plant vegetation biomass on
to 50% of total ecosystem C in forests (Lieth and Whittaker, 1975; the PMEs were lower than in the natural (N-F) ecosystems where it
Krebs, 1994). In post-mining sites, the ratio of root system was estimated to be 60.12 Mg ha1 (Table 3). The lowest total C
biomass to the aboveground biomass is usually presumed to be stock of 3.97 Mg ha1 was found in 12-year-old trees on the B-Ts
low, which is important for understanding nutrient flux variant in Tertiary sands following liming. The highest value
processes and stand stability (Hüttl and Weber, 2001). Frequent- (60.12 Mg ha1), and the only one which was similar to natural
ly a value of 0.2  AWB (aboveground woody biomass) is used in ecosystems (60 Mg ha1), was found in 30-year-old tree stands in
the literature for estimating tree root biomass, (Lieth and the P-Qs variant on Quaternary sands (Table 3). In all remaining
Whittaker, 1975; Miller et al., 2006). In our study sites, the cases, except for B-Ql, the amount of accumulated C in
>8 mm diameter pine root biomass was estimated according to aboveground vegetation biomass did not differ between PME
the equations that Pietrzykowski and Socha (2011) developed for and N-F at a given site and ranged from 34.05 (Sz-Qls) to
post-mining ecosystems from whole root excavations on 50 trees 47.62 Mg ha1 (P-QsTc) (Table 3). The C stock density in mature
on adjacent sites. Compared to the total aboveground standing temperate forests is estimated on 155 Mg ha1 (Pan et al., 2011),
biomass, the root biomass in the PME was 6.4–7.0% (5.2– thus the current C stock estimated in the PMEs studied here was
5.4 Mg ha1) in Sz, and 15% (12.56 Mg ha1) in the Sm-CNF 20–30% of potential storage.
variant. Root biomass determined in this manner was much
lower than recently quoted by Bijak and Zasada (2007) in the 3.3. Estimation of soil carbon storage and across-site variation
literature for pine-stands (<40 years of age) in coniferous forests
in western Poland. In these studies and others on spruce (Picea Total C stock in soil (litter + SOC up to 110 cm) for the sites
abies) in central Europe (Mund et al., 2002), as well as on studied here ranged from 16.8 Mg ha1 at Szczakowa on the
216 M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218

poorest sandy soils (Sz-Qs) to over 65.0 Mg ha1 at Piaseczno on hemisphere, estimated average rates of accumulation at 2.46 Mg
fertile finer textured deposits (P-QsTc). This latter value was higher C ha1 yr1 after 10 years and 0.87 Mg C ha1 yr1 after 40 years. A
than the average total soil C (Oi + Oe + SOC up to 110 cm deep) somewhat higher but comparable rate (1.17 Mg C ha1 yr1) was
estimated for the control sites (N), which averaged 59.1 Mg ha1 reported by Anderson et al. (2008) for a chronosequence of
(Table 3). In comparison, soils undergoing natural succession 13 post-mining sites in Wyoming that ranged in age from 11 to
chronosequences on inland sand dunes in the Netherlands (De 26 years. Higher rates were estimated in our study for the n B-Ql
Kovel et al., 2000) contained only 4.0 Mg ha1C in SOM under and B-Ts and P-QsTc substrates (Table 3). However, as noted above,
young (5-year-old) communities, but increased up to 104.0 Mg the rates on Tertiary (B-Ts) materials may be inflated by fossil SOC.
ha1 under 120-year-old mixed forest. In forest habitats of Central Due to the analytical difficulties due to fossil C containing in the
Europe, in organic and organic-mineral Haplic Podzols Tertiary strata (B-Ts) and coal refuse wastes (Sm-Cf and Sm-CNF),
(FAO-Unesco ISSS-ISRIC (2006) Haplohumods & Haplorthods by we estimated current potential C-sequestration in organic
Soil Taxonomy) developing on fluvial sediments and glacial sands, horizons (Oi + Oe) as the litter layer C/stand age ratio. Using this
the amount of C-accumulation has been estimated at 76.0– metric, our estimated range was 0.2 Mg ha1 yr1 (Sm-CF) to
122.0 Mg ha1 (Pietrzykowski and Krzaklewski, 2010). In this 0.8 Mg ha1 yr1 (B-Ts) (Table 3) for these two problematic sites.
study, however, SOC accumulation in young soils developing from For potential annual total C-sequestration in PME taken as the
mixed carboniferous deposits from coal refuse at Smolnica was combined ecosystem C stocks/stand age we estimated 1.62 Mg C
very high (1959.1 and 2975.2 Mg ha1 in Sm-CNF and Sm-CF, ha1 yr1 (on Sz-Qls) to 5.64 Mg C ha1 yr1 (B-Ts) (Table 3).
respectively; Table 3), but these values are obviously inflated by Amichev et al. (2008) reported total ecosystem C-sequestration
the geologic C content of the their parent hard rock and coal. rates for reforested (primarily hardwoods, not conifers) in eastern
The determination of organic C content in initial soils and the USA coal mine spoils, including soils, litter layers and biomass
subsequent determination of SOC in the case of soils developing on based on a 60 year rotation age and projected a rate of 2.0 and
reclaimed mine sites is particularly difficult from the methodo- 3.0 Mg ha1 yr1.
logical perspective when rocks or sediments containing fossil The vertical distribution of SOC in the soil profile can differ
(geogenic) C constitutes a large amount of the original spoil banks strongly among forest types on reclaimed sites, including
(Pietrzykowski and Krzaklewski, 2007a; Chabbi et al., 2008). The deciduous, mixed forests and coniferous forests (Vinduškowá
amount of recent C sequestered in mine soils versus the fossil SOC and Foruz, 2013). In reclaimed mine soils (RMS) the distribution
content in the deposited overburden can be approximated of C accumulation in organic (Oi + Oe) and mineral horizons (A
byradiocarbon dating using 14C AMS (Rumpel et al., 2003) or by and C up to 110 cm deep) as well can be quite diverse. In natural
using a site-specific coal-correction equation (Amichev et al., Haplic Podzols in our control (N-F) plots, C accumulated in
2008). In some studies, the authors estimated the content of organic horizons (Oi + Oe) constituted around 34% of the total C in
recently sequestrated SOC by subtracting the C content of a deeper soil. At the PME post-mining sites, the largest ratio of C stored in
soil horizon from the total C content (Reintam, 2004; Frouz et al., organic horizon (Oi + Oe) to total soil C (mineral horizon up to
2009). This method is applicable only in sites without topsoil 110 cm deep) was on sandy spoils at Sz and significantly exceeded
application and assumes that the soil profile of young post-mining 40% in both substrate variants (data in Table 3). On the lignite
soils is homogeneous, because the overburden material is mine spoil heaps at Belchatow, C in organic horizons compared to
presumably well mixed during mining, spoil placement and final C in mineral horizon stocks ranged from around 15% (B-Ts) to 23%
site grading (Vindušková and Frouz, 2013). (B-Ql), and for P sites from 17% (variant P-QsTc) to 37% (variant
At several of our sites, particularly the carbonate rich Tertiary P-Qs; data from Table 3). Related German research indicates that
sand strata in the lignite mine spoil heaps (B-Ts) and the most organic C in areas of up 17 years of age under pine stands
carboniferous shales and sandstones accompanying coal refuse accumulates in the overlying organic horizons while in older
mining waste (Sm), fossil-C accounts for a large share in the total C stands (32 years old), C accumulates mostly in incipient organic
content in both the original and post-revegetation soils and the soil enriched mineral horizons (Rumpel et al., 1999). A rapid initial
substrates are not homogeneous with depth (as observed in pedon increase of C accumulation in overlying humus horizons is
descriptions). Therefore, the rate of SOC accumulation in these presumably connected with the development of tree communi-
soils is difficult to quantify, but some estimation was possible by ties and a growing amount of annual litterfall. For temperate
calculating net accumulation in the initial organic horizons forest ecosystems developed on post-mine sites in open-cast
(Oi + Oe) developing under the establishing plant communities. mining (Vindušková and Frouz, 2013), that surface organic layer
When comparing Sm to the other PME study sites, accumulated C contained 23% of sequestered SOC under deciduous and mixed
in organic horizons (Oi + Oe) was the lowest and ranged from 5.9 to forests and 62% under conifers.
7.0 Mg ha1 (Table 3). In organic horizons (Oi + Oe) at the other PME
study sites, the amount of accumulated C ranged from 8.1 Mg ha1 3.4. Carbon sequestration in vegetation in relation to across-site
(Sz-Qs) to 12.8 Mg ha1 (P-Qs) (Table 3). However, the amount of C variation in soils
stocks in organic horizons (Oi + Oe) did not statistically vary by
trophic levels within these sites (Tables 3). Similarly, the amount of C in vegetation biomass in relation to C
Net SOC-sequestration rates in pine ecosystems studied here on accumulated in soil (biomass C/total soil C, Table 3) is a good
most deposits, (estimated as current mined site total soil C stock/ indicator of ecosystem development rates in primary successional
stand age), ranged between 0.7 (Sz-Qs) to 2.7 Mg ha1 yr1 (B-Ql) systems (Lieth and Whittaker, 1975). In the initial stages of soil
and up to 5.2 Mg ha1 yr1 on Tertiary strata on the Belchatow spoil formation, the amount of organic matter, particularly in the litter
heap (B-Ts) (Table 3). However, on Tertiary strata the SOC stock was layers, increases rapidly before reaching an equilibrium condition,
affected in similar fashion as at the Smolnica coal refuse wastes, by while subsequent C-related pedogenic processes in deeper mineral
fossil-C (from hard coal). Comparatively, Shrestha and Lal (2006) soil layers may take from several hundred to tens of thousands of
reported similar estimated values for reclaimed forested midwest- years (Kowda and Griszyna, 1984) to equilibrate. In so-called
ern USA mine soils (excluding vegetation biomass). Vindušková mature ecosystems, the net soil C accumulation rate may fall to
and Frouz (2013), based on meta-analysis and reference data from practically zero or remain high, depending on climate, wetness
93 temperate post-mining sites (forest and grassland) established regime/drainage and other soil forming factors. Therefore, the
following open-cast and oil shale mining in the northern average retention or turnover time for organic C in soil systems
M. Pietrzykowski, W.L. Daniels / Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 209–218 217

varies widely, ranging from >300 years in the Taiga to <0.4 years in on Tertiary sands after liming. Higher apparent rates were
equatorial rainforests (Weiner, 2004), and the amount of C observed here for certain substrates, which were inflated by fossil
accumulated in the soil relative to C in standing biomass in most SOC, and on these strata (hard coal refuse wastes and lignite coal)
upland terrestrial ecosystems is usually 2-fold higher. The primary the estimation of SOC-sequestration is difficult and still unre-
exceptions are temperate forests where the ratio (vegetation solved.
biomass C/soil C) exceeds 1.0 (Krebs, 1994). In the control plots Katzur and Haubold-Rosar, 1996Katzur and Haubold-Rosar
(N-F) in this study, the ratio was actually similar to literature (1996).
estimates at 1.01 (Table 3).
In the PMEs studied here, the estimated vegetation biomass C/ Acknowledgements
soil C ratio varied widely from 0.06 at Belchatow in variant B-Ts and
0.47 in variant B-Ql, to over 2.0 in variant Sz-Qs at Szczakowa The author Dr. Marcin Pietrzykowski was Fulbright Scholar in
(Table 3). Interestingly, this parameter was one of the few academic year 2013–2014 (Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission
measured variables in this study which substantially differentiated Funds). This study was financially supported by the Polish Ministry
Sz-Qls vs. Sz-Qs by trophic levels at Szczakowa and P-QsTc vs. P-Qs of Science and Higher Education (Grant No. 309 013 32/2076) and
at Piaseczno (Table 3). At these sites, the average ratio values were partly by statutory financial support of Ministry of Science and
higher on the more fertile deposits, although aboveground Higher Education RP (DS-3420 in 2014, Department of Forest
biomass showed no differences and the less fertile sites (Sz-Qs Ecology University of Agriculture in Krakow). We kindly thank
and P-Qs) produced a higher community biomass. This indicates Patricia Donovan, the GIS lab manager in the Crop and Soil
(a) a significant increase of biomass compared to the C accumula- Environmental Sciences Dept. Virginia Tech, for preparation of the
tion rate in soil, and (b) that this difference may be connected to figure with study site locations.
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