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Food Pyramid Project

Objective: To design a food pyramid using the food vocabulary from Chapter 3A & 3B.
Materials: paper or poster board, map pencils or markers, construction paper, your
imagination, etc.

 Must design a food pyramid using all food vocab. words from Chapter 3A & 3B.
 Must have a drawing or cut out picture for each item in its proper section of the pyramid.
 Must also have the Spanish name with English translation for each food.
 ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER Must have a sentence for 2 items in each
section of the pyramid. (12 total)
The sentence must explain whether or not you like the item and whether or not it is
healthy for you. You will present your sentences in front of class.
Grade: 1 TEST grade - Project 50% + Presentation 50%
You will have Friday, January 13th to work on it in class.
This project will be due on Tuesday, January 17th.


Food Pyramid Project Rubric

Presentation (50 pts):

6 Oral Sentences (25 pts): 2 pts. off for any verbal mistake not corrected during presentation.

6 Written Sentences (25 pts): 2 pts. off for any written mistake.

Project (35 +15 pts):

35 pts.
Every word used (36 words) with pictures: 2 pts. off for every word missed.

Spelling: 2 pts. off for every word misspelled.

15 pts.
Effort / Neatness:

15 pts.: all words present and less than 3 pictures missing

10 pts.: less than 5 words missing or less than 7 pictures missing
5 pts.: 6 or more words missing or 8 or more pictures missing
Words to use on the project:
el cereal
los huevos
el pan
el plátano
la salchicha
el tocino
el yogur
la leche
la ensalada
las fresas
la galleta
la hamburguesa
el jamón
la manzana
la naranja
las papas fritas
el perrito caliente
la pizza
el queso
el sándwich
el bistec
el pescado
el pollo
la cebolla
los guisantes
las judías verdes
la lechuga
las papas
los tomates
las uvas
las zanahorias
el arroz
los frijoles
los espaguetis
la mantequilla
el helado

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