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This blog provides musical composition and music theory advice for
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Best, Little-Known Harmony Books

In his preface to Traditional Harmony, Paul Hindemith wrote, “No one is really satis�ed
with what he learned long ago in his harmony study, which in general has so pitifully
little in�uence on the practical musical accomplishments that have to be learned in the
early years.  So one buys the latest harmony book, as one has bought others before it, in
order �nally to make up for what one has missed[.]”  In my own teaching experience, I
tend to agree with Hindemith’s observation.  I have witnessed competent student
performers, including pianists who play thousands of chord progressions from the
classical canon daily, experience puzzling di�culty when asked to harmonize chorales, or
improvise classical chord progressions.  Though there are many reasons for harmonic
de�ciencies--I need not name them--harmonic perception is essential for supreme
musicianship.  The books I’m about to recommend are clear, concise guides to
“tradtional” harmony.  Most of them are not used in classroom settings today; however,
they are written by experts, and actual composers, who made use of the same harmonic
materials and principles discussed within their pages throughout their lives.  Because of
the age of these texts, Roman numerals used to label chords are all capitalized, but this
should not confuse students with adequate knowledge of major and minor scales. 
Without further ado, here are some of the best, little-known harmony books:
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2. Harmonic Practice by Roger Sessions

This text consists mostly of exercises composed to introduce students to harmonic
principles one step at a time.  Sessions’ own commentary, words from a capable
composer, is amusing and encouraging from the start.  No matter what a student’s level of
experince with harmony, this book will �ll in any theoretical gaps.  I am convinced that
any student who works through this book entirely will gain a profound, intimate
knowledge of harmony.   

3. Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony

     by Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky
Written by a master composer and harmonist, this book is a gem.  Well-organized with
abundant examples, the text begins with the basics, progressing to more advanced
techniques.  Sequences, modulation, free voice-leading, melodic harmonization, “free”
prelude writing, and harmonic deviations are covered in this informative, historic �nd.  

4. Practical Manual of Harmony by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Another book by a master composer, the text is abundant with harmonic examples and
useful tips.  Topics of the last few chapters introduce chorale harmonization, enharmonic
modulation, and sudden modulation.  The back also contains exercises for use with
material in corresponding chapters.  With the curious mentioning of the “harmonic major
mode” on pages 5 and 6, this book is another invaluable �nd for  music theory and
history lovers.

5. Figured Harmony at the Keyboard by Reginald Owen Morris

While it is often assumed that the focus of �gured harmony courses is on learning to
realize �gured bass at a keyboard instrument, such knowledge of �gured bass, acquired
by the hands in conjunction with the head, enables students to digest harmonic concepts
more rapidly.  Realizing �gured bass is, essentially, harmonization in action, and this
book by composer R. O. Morris introduces key harmonic concepts and techniques
immediately applicable to composition, improvisation, and completing harmony exercises
in other books.  While I am convinced great bene�t is derived from playing through this
book, it can also be worked through, with sta� paper in hand, like a traditional harmony
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6. Continuo Playing According to Handel: His Figured Bass

     edited by David Ledbetter
The great composer’s �gured bass exercises introduce students to harmonic concepts
Handel, himself, deemed exceptionally important.  The exercises, including those in
fugue, aim to instruct students about composition, too.  Filled with musical wisdom, and
immediately applicable, this book is a “must-have” harmonic resource for all serious
composers and performers.  Mentioning that it is a text with great historic value, too, is

With the abundance of harmony books available today, give the six above some serious
atention.  If there is a gap in your harmonic training, one of them is sure to uncover and
remedy it!

Doctor Matt at 3:03 PM



Michael Patterson February 26, 2016 at 6:16 PM

Great list! Also the fig. Bass exercises by Boulanger are invaluable .

Many Thsnks,

Michael Patterson

Michael Patterson February 26, 2016 at 6:24 PM

Many Thanks ---duh
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Can someone share the book in PDF! ?

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Doctor Matt
United States
I'm a composer, organist, pianist, conductor, music theorist,
programmer, and teacher. For more info, visit my website:
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