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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Define Narration
b. Recognize the components of Narration
c. Use Narration as a pattern of development in an essay excellently


Topic: Narration
Reference: Critical Reading and Writing Skills for 21st Century (pp.34)
Materials: Power Point Presentation


A. Preparatory Activities
 The teacher greets the students and then ask them to stand for an
opening prayer.
 The teacher will check the attendance and ask the students to keep
away unnecessary things from their desks.

B. Review
 Ask the students about the previous lesson
 What is Pattern of Development?

C. Motivation
 The teacher asks the students if they had played “4 pictures and 1
word” before. The teacher explains how to play it.

D. Presentation of the Lesson

 The teacher asks the class what are the similarities they noticed in the

E. Lesson Proper
 The teacher discusses Narration:
Narration is the most basic pattern of development which ultimately
describes how, when, where an event or occurrence actually
happened. Its main purpose is to tell a story.
Components of Narration:
1. Logical Action – considered the very movements within the plot or
the narrative that drive the characters forward, be it during the
dialogue, or within a scene.
“We saw …”
“He was standing …”
“We knew …”
2. Way of Narration – refers to how the writer presents the story.
Includes the pace by which scenes are given out.
3. Terminology – places emphasis on the fact that concepts are
critical to the narration.
a. Concrete Terms – terms that have physical manifestation in our
Examples: dog, spoon, house
b. Abstract Terns- refers to ideas or concepts that are intangible.
Examples: love, freedom, feminism
c. General Terms – commonly used to denote groups
Example: furniture
d. Specific Terms – refer to an individual component of the group
Examples: cabinets, desks, chairs

D. Generalization
 The teacher ask a volunteer to summarize the lesson
 What is Narration?
 What are the components of Narration?

Write a narrative essay about a time in your life when you experienced a
strong emotion. Try to give as much details as possible.

Cut and paste a narrative essay from magazines or books then highlight the
terminologies and identify if it’s a concrete term, abstract term, general term
or specific term.

Prepared by:
Gerard Russel M. Batarina, LPT

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