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Name: ___________________________ Section: ___________ Date: ________

1. ___ I enjoy physical activities. 27. ___ I have good rhythm.

2. ___ I am uncomfortable sitting still. 28. ___ I like to sing along with music.
3. ___ I prefer to learn through doing. 29. ___ People have said I have musical
4. ___ When sitting I move my legs or hands. talent.
5. ___ I enjoy working with my hands. 30. ___ I like to express my ideas through
6. ___ I like to pace when I’m thinking or music.
studying. ______TOTAL for Musical
______TOTAL for Bodily-Kinesthetic 31. ___ I like doing a project with other people.
7. ___ I use maps easily. 32. ___ People come to me to help settle
8. ___ I draw pictures/diagrams when conflicts.
explaining ideas. 33. ___ I like to spend time with friends.
9. ___ I can assemble items easily from 34. ___ I am good at understanding people.
diagrams. 35. ___ I am good at making people feel
10. ___ I enjoy drawing or photography. comfortable.
11. ___ I do not like to read long paragraphs. 36. ___ I enjoy helping others.
12. ___ I prefer a drawn map over written ______TOTAL for Interpersonal
directions. 37. ___ I need quiet time to think.
______TOTAL for Visual-Spatial 38. ___ I think about issues before I want to
13. ___ I enjoy telling stories. talk.
14. ___ I like to write. 39. ___ I am interested in self-improvement.
15. ___ I like to read. 40. ___ I understand my thoughts and feelings.
16. ___ I express myself clearly. 41. ___ I know what I want out of life.
17. ___ I am good at negotiating. 42. ___ I prefer to work on projects alone.
18. ___ I like to discuss topics that interest me. ______ TOTAL for Intrapersonal
______TOTAL for Linguistic 43. ___ I enjoy nature whenever possible.
19. ___ I like math in school. 44. ___ I think about having a career involving
20. ___ I like science. nature.
21. ___ I problem-solve well. 45. ___ I enjoy studying plants, animals, or
22. ___ I question how things work. oceans.
23. ___ I enjoy planning or designing 46. ___ I avoid being indoors except when I
something new. sleep.
24. ___ I am able to fix things. 47. ___ As a child, I played with bugs and
______TOTAL for Logical-Mathematical leaves.
25. ___ I listen to music. 48. ___ When I feel stressed, I want to be out
26. ___ I move my fingers or feet when I hear in nature.
music. ______ TOTAL for Naturalist

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