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Nama : Isfak Mustafa

Nim : C2A018062

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a branch of technical learning that focuses on the

production process with the use of mechanical power to make machines and equipment.
Mechanical Engineering includes subjects that have long existed at the higher education
level. This is because since ancient times many traces of the use of mechanical techniques
have been found in human life everyday. As long as civilization continues, production always
goes on, and the production process cannot be separated from the role of mechanical
engineering. Especially in this era of increasingly developing technology, mechanical power
is increasingly needed to be able to run the production process more efficiently and
The Mechanical Engineering Study Program provides knowledge focused on the
fields of Energy Conversion, Design, Production and Manufacturing Processes and provides
basic knowledge of Operational and Managerial Management of the Industry. Mechanical
Engineering graduates have devoted themselves in various fields, including the automotive,
petroleum and gas industries, heavy machinery, educational institutions, research institutions
and other industries.
In the course itself, mechanical engineering courses do not always learn about
machines. For example, mechanical engineering study program at Muhammaddiyah
University Semarang, here there is a semester one will be taught many things besides
mechanical engineering as well as the following lecture material, environmental knowledge,
technological concepts, engineering drawings, basic physics, basic chemistry, calculus 1,
Pancasila education, religious education Islam and English. The situation or class atmosphere
in mechanical engineering study programs is indeed quite different from the others. Why?
Because most mechanical engineering students consist of men. Even mechanical engineering
is famous for its solidarity. They are very solid machine students compared to other study
program students such as their motto Solidarity M Forever.
Mechanical Engineering is a branch of technical learning that focuses on the
production process with the use of mechanical power to make machines and equipment.
Mechanical Engineering includes subjects that have long existed at the higher education
level. This is because since ancient times many traces of the use of mechanical techniques
have been found in human life everyday. As long as civilization continues, production always
goes on, and the production process cannot be separated from the role of mechanical
engineering. Especially in this era of increasingly developing technology, mechanical power
is increasingly needed to be able to run the production process more efficiently and


My activities ahead of the new year 2019 are very tiring. Sunday when I was at home
precisely in Pati, Central Java, suddenly there was a sudden news on Monday there was a
lecture and I had to go to Semarang on Monday at 5.00 am. Until in Semarang at 7:00 p.m. I
took a break first, the ease of lecture was held at 10. After finishing college, I immediately
went home. Arriving at home in the afternoon I immediately showered and slept. In the
evening I enjoy new year's eve by gathering with family.

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