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Evolution Is The Law Of Life


The Fall Of Humankind – Part Two

Evolution Is The Law Of Life

This is a continuation of yesterday’s message from the White Eagle group of spirit
guides: ‘The Spirit of the Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all
lights. From Its light every cell and atom in the whole of the physical world was
created by a loving thought, will and power of the Creator or God, the Great Father
of all life. It was brought into manifestation through his companion and
counterpart, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Goddess or
Great Mother of all life. The supreme Universal laws are love and evolution, cause
and effect. Because the Christ light contains them, so does everything that comes
into being throughout the whole of Creation, on all its levels. And that’s why all
lifeforms have always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary
spiral that winds itself around the spiritual mountain of life. The Divine Trinity is
at its top.

‘Naturally, this is also true for every cell and atom of your physical body and, even
though they are invisible to your earthly eyes, your spirit/soul. Because of this
every part of your being has followed its inner urge to develop and grow. The
same applies to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms of the Earth. Deep
within the cells of every creature the Divine spark steers the course of its
evolutionary journey and what kind of a being it will eventually be. We who are
living and working in the spiritual background of earthly life are no exception. The
only difference between you and us is that we are dwelling in bodies of a different
kind that allow us to freely move around our world. Several different bodies are
also worn by each one of you underneath the outer shell of your physical body, the
temporary vehicle you require for getting around on the Earth. Your inner bodies
are of a different density and the more highly evolved you become, the more they
will be filling with the light of the Christ Star. This process gradually allows you to
explore the higher and later even the highest levels of life.

‘The original idea of the prototype for each species is programmed into the cells of
its physical body, as soon as the first ones appear, for example in the womb of
human or animal mothers. That’s how on every level of its being the new creature
slowly starts to grow. Its first task is building itself an earthly personality. So that
through learning from its own experiences it grows in wisdom and understanding
and its consciousness expands, every so often it has to spend of lifetime on planet
Earth. Starting at the lowest point of its development, the result is a crude and
unevolved human being. Without hesitation it carries out the lowest and most
deprived drives and urges that enter its mind and goes around hurting, maiming
and killing whatever is not to its liking.

‘This is how, with the passing of time, large amounts of negative Karma are being
built up during the early stages for humankind’s earthly education. They are
stored in the memories of the spirit’s soul, as if they hade been written with an
indelible ink. In due course every bit of these karmic debts will have to be
redeemed by the one who created them. That takes place as soon as the earthly
self has evolved sufficiently to be strong enough to carry the burden of this self-
created cross.

‘Because of the Universal laws God’s justice is so perfect and fair that it is initially
hard to imagine in earthly life. But with their help every creature in the course of
countless lifetimes gradually evolves into a perfect manifestation of the creative
idea that once was born in the heartmind of the Great Father. For human beings
this means a whole and holy son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother, i.e. one in
whom the opposing forces of masculine/feminine, positive/negative, higher and
lower nature have been healed into one. Instead of working against each other, the
way they did for a long time in the past, they are then working together and
supporting each other. Peacefully and harmoniously, with kindness and love they
respond to each other the way God and Goddess are doing.

‘The main Universal law of interest in this connection is the one of cause and
effect, also known to your world as the law of Karma. This law decrees that every
action causes a reaction and that everything in the whole of Creation will
eventually be drawn back to its source. The effect of this is a homing instinct which
ensures that nothing and nobody can ever be truly lost in the vastness of the
Universe’s space and timeless existence. Every cell and atom anywhere, including
those of your physical body and the bodies worn underneath, are made from the
same material, the Christ light and are therefore programmed with the homing
instinct. That undoubtedly is the most essential part of every spirit/soul’s
travelling equipment, which throughout its earthly lifetimes expresses itself as a
constant deep inner longing and yearning for the spirit world, humankind’s true

‘Your earthly self could be craving for the home of your childhood and your
earthly mother even though they were particularly painful and disappointing
experiences for you. It may take you a while before it dawns on you that your
spirit/soul through the world of your feelings has been trying to comfort you
through becoming aware that your longing is for your true home and mother, the
spirit realm and the Great Mother of all life. If this is happening to you, it’s a sure
sign that your spiritual nature is stirring from its slumber. For you the time has
come to find out about God’s true nature and your own, that is God is as much part
of you as you are of God. To your amazement you discover that you are a spark of
the Divine and that all God’s powers and characteristics are also in you.

‘You will get to know that human beings have been given the gift of freewill and
that, within the boundaries each of their own Karma and that of your whole world,
are allowed to make their own choices about how they wish to use these gifts. You
thank the love and wisdom of the Great Mother for sending you into earthly life,
because you realise that if your spirit and soul had never taken part in the
darkness of earthly life’s ignorance about its spiritual background, it would have
been impossible for you to become consciously aware of God’s true nature and
your own, and the special relationship you have always had and forever will have
with your Divine parents.

‘As on the inner level everything is one and there is no separation between
anything, spending many lifetimes in your own physical body on the Earth was
necessary to help you realise that you are an individual being in your own right.
The Divine spark within you reacts to being placed on the Earth like any seed that
has been sown into your planet’s soil. In the darkness of that existence the seed
instinctively reaches out towards the light and begins to grow. The knowledge is
gains through learning from its own experiences are the light of the earthly being.
With the passing of time the cells of the shell surrounding the spirit seed, your
physical body, begin to respond and open to the warmth and light from their
Creator on the highest levels of life.

‘What in your world is known as evil in truth merely represents the compulsory
lessons for all young and inexperienced earthly selves. In due course the Universal
laws return to them the suffering that they handed out so freely and thoughtlessly
in previous lifetimes, ignorant of their true nature and that all life is ruled by God’s
laws. Finding themselves at the receiving end of these experiences, and when
there is nobody and no-one who seems to be able to alleviate their suffering,
eventually leaves them no option but reaching heavenwards and pleading for help
from somewhere, anywhere.

‘This explains why there are no earthly lives without sorrow and pain. And that’s
how from being a minute spark the Divine aspect of ever human being’s nature, in
the course of many lifetimes, the upper and lower selves are growing in wisdom
and understanding. Their consciousness expands at first almost imperceptibly, but
through the redemption of the earthly self’s karmic debts and the suffering it has
to endure their developmental pace speeds up. For all of you this continues until
you have mastered the earthly plane of life and through your behaviour in all daily
encounters are proving to the wise ones in charge of you behind the scenes of your
earthly existence that you have evolved into the master of every aspect of your

‘By then you will have developed other bodies or vehicles that are going to allow
you to function with equal ease on different planes of consciousness in other parts
of the Universe. They will soon be turning into your field of exploration. Now that
you are God-conscious, i.e. aware of your oneness with the Great Father/Mother,
the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach you. Your mind has entered the
spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age. It consists of allowing you to believe only
that which your innermost being, the wise one or living God within, tells you is
true. That for you is the truth – even if it is not yet anyone else’s.

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