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Environmental Engineering and Management Journal August 2012, Vol.11, No.

8, 1467-1474

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania



Muhammad Saif Ur Rehman1,2, Azeem Khalid1, Sadaf Liaquat1,

Ch. Tahir Mehmood1, Tariq Mahmood1, Sajid Mehmood3
Department of Environmental Sciences, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan


Effectiveness of ozone oxidation reaction for removal of color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from poultry litter leachate
was investigated. The poultry litter leachate (PLL) was prepared using a locally fabricated triple bed arrangement. The leachate
was ozonated at its original pH for different periods in order to examine the effect of ozone dose on color and COD reduction.
After 54 minutes of ozonation of PPL at its original pH 7.86, 73% of color and 50% of COD were reduced. The effect of initial
pH was studied by adjusting pH of the leachate at 5, 7 and 9. Ozonation at an initial pH 7 removed 77% of color and 58% of
COD after 54 minutes of ozonation. Statistical analysis revealed that decolorization of the leachate was independent of initial pH
while COD reduction was a function of an initial pH value. An acidic pH of 5 decarbonated the leachate and molecular ozone
reaction mechanism resulted in the higher removal efficiency. On the other hand, a basic pH of 9 was confronted with high
alkalinity and increased self decomposition resulted in the loss of oxidant. The process was optimized at 18 minutes of ozonation
time with a sequential pH adjustment.

Key words: alkalinity, color, COD, ozonation, poultry litter leachate

Received: July, 2010; Revised final: September, 2011; Accepted: September, 2011

1. Introduction bedding. The composition of poultry waste depends

on the materials used such as feed, bedding material
Poultry industry is an important pillar of the and vaccine practices (Gupta et al., 1997; Van der
economy of Pakistan. Pakistan has observed a rapid Watt et al., 1994; Yetilmezsoy et al., 2011). Poultry
growth in poultry sector during the last decade. The litter leachate is a toxic biowaste that has
recent livestock census report showed that 73.6 demonstrated toxicity against a number of indicator
million poultry birds were raised per year (ACO, organisms and it has been found considerably toxic
2006). Besides significant development in the poultry than other livestock wastes (Gupta and Kelly, 1992).
sector, many environmental problems have emerged Various sources contribute to litter toxicity which
regarding safe disposal of poultry waste. include feed additives, antibiotics, hormones,
A poultry bird takes seven weeks for its full pathogens and heavy metals (Gerber, 2008; Pohontu
growth and produces around 12 kg of manure (Gupta et al., 2010; Schiopu and Gavrilescu, 2010;
et al., 1997). In this way, poultry industry produces a Yetilmezsoy et al., 2011).
total waste of 883 million kg per year in Pakistan. A higher value for pollution parameters like
Poultry litter is usually composed of bird COD, BOD (biological oxygen demand), VFA
excreta, leftover feed, feathers and material used for (volatile fatty acid), alkalinity and sulfate in poultry

Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed: E-mail:; Phone: +92 53 3643375 (ext 119);
Fax: +92 (53) 3642167
Rehman et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (2012), 8, 1467-1474

leachate has been observed (Rao et al., 2008). The and degrade organic matter in one step, the addition
use of poultry litter as soil amendment may cause the of oxygen to water, easy installation, requires little
transfer of toxic agents in the food web via plants, space, no chemical sludge and residual ozone can be
animals, and humans. It has been reported that areas converted into oxygen (Cu and Ma, 2000;
in the vicinity of poultry farmhouses are concentrated Siminiceanu et al., 2012; Soares et al., 2006; de
with elevated levels of nitrogen and phosphorus and Souza et al., 2010). Ozone molecule selectively
excessive eutrophication of water bodies occurs targets color containing compounds. This results in
(Fisher et al., 2000). fast decolorization but low mineralization by the use
Some metals such as arsenic, cobalt, copper, of ozone (Soares et al., 2006).
iron, manganese, selenium and zinc are applied as The solution pH has an important relationship
feed additives to prevent diseases in poultry and with ozone reactivity. Ozone decomposes at elevated
improve production (Bolan et al., 2004; Jackson et pH to generate non selective hydroxyl radicals and
al., 2003). Only 5–15 % of these metals can be these radicals govern the oxidation of pollutnats,
ingested and the rest is released in manure. Upon whereas at acidic pH, the molecular ozone leads the
application to soil or in case of runoff, these heavy oxidation process (Cu and Ma, 2000). Ozone can be
metals end up in water bodies where they become applied either as pre or post-treatment option
more concentrated (Gerber, 2008). Similar to heavy depending upon strength of wastewater. Pre-
metals, most quantity of the antimicrobial agents ozonation step converts recalcitrant organic matter
administrated to poultry birds is excreted to the into intermediates (Goel et al., 1995; Volk et al.,
environment where they may produce antimicrobial- 1993). These intermediate compounds may escape
resistant bacterial strains (Chee-Stanford et al., biological treatment so these compounds can be
2001). Steroid hormones have also been found in removed by post-ozonation process (Arslan and
poultry litter which is considered endocrine Balcioglu, 2001; Karrer et al., 1997).
disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These hormones The aim of present study was to treat PLL by
include estrogen (17-ß-estradiol), estrone and ozonation to check its efficacy for color and COD
testosterone (Fisher et al., 2005). These EDCs pose removal. The ozonation was carried out at original
the risks associated with reproductive health in pH of the leachate and at adjusted initial pH levels in
humans and wildlife (Samir et al., 2006; Schiopu and order to understand its effect on the leachate
Gavrilescu, 2010). treatment. The role of ozonation time, initial pH and
Besides all these risks to the environment, alkalinity was studied to search for process
local poultry houses are least interested in safe performance.
disposal of poultry litter. It is simply thrown outside
the poultry farmhouses. This waste enters into water 2. Materials and methods
bodies through leaching/runoff and poses a serious
threat to underground and surface water quality. This 2.1. Poultry litter source and leachate preparation
situation triggers when natives use water from such
contaminated reservoirs for drinking purpose. There Poultry litter was collected from commercial
is a need to install effective subsequent waste poultry farms located in sub urban areas of
treatment facilities for poultry litter leachate (PLL). Islamabad. The broken egg shells, hair or feathers
Biological treatment for PLL management is were removed from litter to avoid clogging. The litter
rapidly growing because of its low operating cost and was then arranged in a three bed table. These beds
environment friendly nature compared with other were connected with Teflon tubes. The bottom bed
treatment options (Tabrizi and Mehrvar, 2004). was fitted with an outlet to collect poultry litter
However, biological processes show limited leachate. The tap water was poured in first bed which
perfromance for complete mineralization (Li et al., leached through the beds.
2010). Thus, an efficient treatment is required to The poultry litter leachate obtained was
handle such type of wastewater. Advanced oxidation homogenized using magnetic stirrer and then stored
processes (AOPs) are extensively used for leachate as stock solution in the refrigerator at 4 °C to
treatment due to their high performance against minimize substrate decomposition before the
complex organic matter (Derco et al., 2010; Pohontu experiment. The stock leachate was diluted 20 times
et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2004). to assume practical concentration and then used for
Among AOPs, ozonation is a process which ozonation experiment.
involves the application of ozone to water for the
removal of pollutants. Ozone possesses an oxidizing 2.2. Leachate characterization
potential of 2.08 eV which makes it a powerful
oxidizing agent. Ozone can react with organic matter The leachate was analyzed before and after
either directly as O3 or indirectly through OH. ozonation treatment. Color reduction was measured
radicals (Gottschalk et al., 2000; Masten and Davies, as described by Mohajeri et al. (2010).
1994). Application of ozone for wastewater treatment The pH, DO, COD, alkalinity (measured as
has increased tremendously due to its various CaCO3) and total dissolved solids (TDS) were
advantages. These advantages include high oxidation determined according to the standard methods
potential of ozone, its high efficiency to remove color (APHA, 2005).

Color and COD removal from poultry litter leachate using an ozonation process

Characteristics of the raw PLL samples are first 18 minutes of ozonation and a trivial
presented in Table 1. improvement in both parameters was observed for
the rest of ozonation period (18-54 minutes).
Table 1. Characteristics of poultry litter leachate with five This observation demonstrated two distinct
replicates (at 95% significance level) stages of the ozonation process as reported in the
literature (Rehman et al., 2011; Tizaoui et al., 2007).
Poultry Litter
Parameters Unit First, fast stage lasted for 0-18 minutes while second
pH 7.86 ± 0.14
slow stage spanned over 18-54 minutes.
During first stage of ozonation, the color
COD mg/L 734 ± 100
removal efficiency of 66% was achieved besides a
Color (at 465nm) a.u. 0.28 ± 0.05 COD reduction of 39%. Color was removed at a rate
DO mg/L 0.33 ± 0.24 of 3.67% per minute while COD observed a
TDS mg/L 422 ± 16 reduction rate of 2% per minute during the first stage.
Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 170 ± 30 Ozonation resulted in the cleavage of carbon-carbon
double bonds and other functional groups responsible
2.3. Ozonation process for color in the leachate (Saunders et al., 1983).
Higher reduction in color and COD during the first
Ozonation was carried out in a bubble column stage of ozonation process could be attributed to the
reactor in semi batch mode. The reactor was made of increased content of ozone (Derco et al., 2010; Wu et
boro-silicate glass with internal diameter of 5 cm and al., 2004), which possibly increased the rate of
50 cm in length. A corona discharge ozone generator reaction. During the second stage, color and COD
(Model OZX-B300T) was employed to produce were removed at a rate of 0.2 and 0.3% per minute,
ozone from ambient air at the rate of 200 mg h-1. respectively. Similar findings have been reported in
The ozone-air mixture was fed to the reactor literature (Derco et al., 2010). Lower COD reduction
at a flow rate of 2 L min-1 through diffusing stone in the second phase of ozonation process could be
placed at the bottom of the reactor. Teflon tubing was related to very high reactivity of organic compounds
used for all connections from the ozone generator to with ozone, followed by the formation of various
the reactor (Pachhade et al., 2009). Two 250 cm3 gas intermediates (soluble inert fractions) which require
washing bottles containing 200 cm3 of 4 percent KI more oxidant before their final degradation (Derco et
solution were connected in series with the reactor to al., 2002; Orhon et al., 2002). Resultantly, a
collect all the unreacted ozone gas passing through competition between the parent molecules and
the leachate being treated (Selcuk and Meric, 2006). intermediate by-products for ozone started which
Ozonation was initially carried out at room made the process less efficient during the second
temperature and at original pH (7.86) of the leachate stage (Sevimli and Sarikaya, 2002). Moreover,
which was not controlled during the process. The continuous ozonation increased ozone concentration
effect of pH on ozonation was studied adjusting in the liquid phase. As the ozone concentration
initial pH level of the leachate at 5, 7 and 9. The pH reached saturation level, chemical reaction rate was
of the PLL samples was adjusted using 1.0 to 6.0 N driving the process. Further increase in ozone
solutions of NaOH and H2SO4. Sample aliquots were content, after saturation level, influenced the rate of
taken from the reactor at 18, 36 and 54 minutes and reaction negatively (Wu et al., 1998).
were analyzed for pH, color, DO, alkalinity and COD In order to investigate the effect of pH on the
to check the process efficiency. Five replicates were ozonation of leachate, the leachate was ozonated at
used for characterization while duplication was pH values of 5, 7 and 9 (from acidic to basic
carried out to calculate COD reduction after conditions). Ozonation time was also varied to
ozonation. examine any interactive response for decolorization
and COD reduction. It was evident from Fig. 1 and
2.4. Statistical analysis Fig. 2 that maximum color removal of 77% was
obtained when leachate was ozonated at an initial pH
Experimental design was two factorial; the of 7 for 54 minutes. The color removal improved as a
source of leachate and ozonation time. Analysis of function of ozonation time. Statistical analysis
variance (ANOVA) was carried out to determine the revealed that decolorization was mainly driven by
significance of main effects and their interaction. The ozonation time than initial pH of the leachate (Coca
treatment means were compared by least significant et al., 2005). However, significant difference was
difference (LSD). The data was statistically analyzed observed among different ozonation timings (P
using Microsoft Excel 2007. <0.018). Contrary to decolorization, statistical
analysis showed that COD reduction was
3. Results and discussion significantly dependent on ozonation time (P <0.022)
while initial pH had a highly significant impact (P
The results shown in Figs. 1 and 2 revealed <0.001). The staging was again noticed when
that 73% color and 50% COD were removed when ozonation time and pH varied simultaneously. It was
leachate was ozonated for 54 minutes. The most of obvious that almost 60% of color was removed
decolorization and COD reduction occurred during during first 18 minutes of ozonation for all the

Rehman et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (2012), 8, 1467-1474

investigated pH levels, implying that decolorization molecule was intact or partially oxidized. Thus, COD
occurred at a rate of 3% per minute, whereas during reduction was observed lower even for a higher
next 36 minutes of ozonation only 17% of color was decolorization (Hao et al., 2000). Partial oxidation of
removed at a rate of 0.5% per minute. color causing unsaturated chromophore functional
groups could only transform these functional groups
resulting in wastewater decolorization mainly.
However, these partially oxidized molecules still
demanded oxidant until their final degradation
leading to higher color reduction than lower COD
removal (Tizaoui et al., 2007; Balcioglu et al, 2007).
The pH of the leachate was not controlled
during the ozonation process and was noted on
regular time intervals. Fig. 3 shows the dynamics of
pH during ozonation process. The leachate (at its
original pH7.86) showed an increase in pH. The pH
increased slightly during first stage to 7.91 which
reached a final value of 8.39 after 54 minutes of
ozonation. The high performance of ozone under
Fig. 1. Effect of ozonation time and initial pH on color alkaline pH conditions due to the generation of
reduction of poultry litter leachate at room temperature hydroxyl radicals had been well established. Besides
alkaline pH, ozone did not improve color and COD
removal as reported (Glaze et al., 1987, Cortez et al.,
The hydroxyl radical indirect oxidation was
counter acted by initial high concentration of
alkalinity present in the leachate (170 mg/L as
CaCO3). The adjusted pH values of leachate at 5 and
7 increased as ozonation proceeded. The rise in pH
was notable in case of initial pH 5, which reached to
6.78 accounting for 35% increase in its initial value.
At pH 7, an increase of 6% was observed whereas
14% decrease was observed at pH 9 after 54 minutes
of ozonation. The decrease in pH might be due to
formation of organic acid species like carboxylic
Fig. 2. Effect of ozonation time and initial pH on COD acid. However, increase in pH after ozonation was
reduction of poultry litter leachate at room temperature not so common. Only few studies have been found
which reported increase in pH after sparging ozone
This observation disclosed that decolorization through wastewater and it was argued that stripping
decreased almost 6 times during second stage of of CO2 and volatile fatty acids could be responsible
ozonation (18-54 minutes). Comparing COD for pH rise (Wu et al., 1998; Wu et al., 2004).
reduction with decolorization, it was noticed that The pH dynamics showed that an increase in
58% of COD was reduced during first stage while pH could infer the formation of byproducts having
only 2% improvement was observed during the alkaline nature. pH had an important role in
second stage. The increase in the ozonation time controlling the ozonation kinetics. Ozone was
applied to the leacahte led to an increase in COD reported to have two different reaction mechanisms
removal for a given time only. Monje-Ramirez and at acidic and basic pH levels. At acidic pH, ozone
Orta de Velasquez (2004) reported that color behaved as molecular ozone and observed rate of
reduction was twice as compared to COD removal reaction was lower due to its selective nature
when landfill leachate was treated with ozone. The (Hoigne, 1998) whereas ozone at alkaline pH
removal rate of COD was higher initially due to the decomposed to hydroxyl radical which had high
presence of easily oxidizable compounds. However, redox potential than molecular ozone and non
further increase in reaction time after a certain stage selective in nature (Buxton et al., 1988; Legrini et al.,
proved ineffective as reduction rate slowed down due 1993). The rate of hydroxyl generation decreased
to inert intermediates produced and/or recalcitrant with lowering of pH (Staehelin and Hoigné, 1982).
molecules (Tizaoui et al., 2007). Contrary to these findings, ozonation at an
Ozone showed selective preferential character initial pH value of 5 resulted in higher color and
towards decolorization process. COD reduction COD removal than pH 9 as reported by Coca et al.
efficiency was lower than color removal as reported (2005) and Cortez et al. (2010). This fact could be
in the literature (Wu et al., 2004; Kurniawan et al., explained by the role of hydroxyl radical scavengers
2006). Normally decolorization was associated with in the form of alkalinity present in the leachate.
the structural transformation of color containing Fig. 4 shows the behavior of alkalinity during
compounds whereas the major fragment of parent ozonation at different initial pH values. Three times

Color and COD removal from poultry litter leachate using an ozonation process

lower alkalinity values were found for pH 5 as very selective oxidation species (•CO32- and •HCO3-)
compared to pH 9. The acidic pH led to which lower the reaction rate constant than the
decarbonation of the leachate which then facilitated hydroxyl radicals. These species inhibited indirect
higher removal of color and COD (Beltran et al., hydroxyl radical reactions and lowered ozone
1997). Coca et al. (2005) suggested that at pH 5, efficiency (Gunten, 2003).
hydroxide anions competed for ozone with organic It had been reported that bicarbonate ions
molecules to some extent as compared to pH 7 and 9 produced a scavenging effect to hydroxyl radicals to
which resulted in relatively higher color and COD produce intermediates which did not lead to a radical
reduction by molecular ozone mechanism. Direct type chain reactions (Coca et al., 2005; Hoigne,
molecular attack of ozone led to formation of 1998).
hydrogen peroxide which promoted radical reactions. Another possible reason for lower degradation
during second stage of ozonation might be due to its
increased decomposition into hydroxyl radicals at
alkaline pH (Gilbert, 1982). These hydroxyl radicals
could react with ozone itself and could decompose it
into oxygen and some other less reactive species as
proposed in following Eqs. (1-8) (Gurol and Akata,
1996; Peyton and Glaze, 1985; Tomiyasu et al.,
1985, Westerhoff et al., 1997).

O3 + OH− → HO2− + O2 (1)

HO2− + O3 → O3− + HO2• (2)
O3− → O− + O2 (3)
HO2• → O2− + H+ (4)
O2− + H+ → HO2• (5)
OH• + O3 → O2 + HO2• (6)
2HO2• → H2O2 + O2 (7)
Fig. 3. The dynamics of pH during ozonation of poultry H2O2 + O2•− → OH• + HO− + O2 (8)
litter leachate at room temperature
The HO2• was not very reactive specie and
could give OH• in two steps, making path too long
(Eqs. 4, 5) and resulting in a slower degradation
process. The self decomposition of ozone into
oxygen was noted with the increase in ozone
concentration into the wastewater (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4. Effect of alkalinity on the ozonation of poultry

leachate at different initial pH levels

Besides lower decolorization, almost no COD

reduction during second stage of ozonation could be
attributed to the presence of other inorganic species Fig. 5. Decomposition of ozone in dissolved oxygen at
various initial pH values
like sulfate, chloride, nitrate etc. Though scavenging
behavior of these species was not well known
The dissolved oxygen concentration increased
however they had been found even slower in reacting
from its initial value of 0.33 mgL-1 to a maximum
with hydroxyl radicals (Liao et al., 2001).
concentration 5.75 mgL-1. The dissolved oxygen was
Ammonium was reported to compete for ozone with
remained almost constant at pH value of 5 and 7 after
color containing molecules leading to lower efficacy
first stage of ozonation whereas a linear increase in
of ozone (Tanaka and Matsumura, 2003). It was
DO was observed for leachate which was ozonated at
assumed that hydroxyl radicals reacted with
its orgional pH. The increased DO concentration with
carbonates and bicarbonates preferably than organic
increased ozonation time verifieded ozone
compounds. These bicarbonate radicals appeared as
decomposition as described by above mechanism.

Rehman et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (2012), 8, 1467-1474

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