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- acquaintance [gk'wemt-;ms] (n) : ngttai quen

Vi d11-: The news quicllly spread around all our friends and acquaintances.
(Tin tuc d6 nhanh ch6ng lan ra khrip bq.n be va nhung ngztai quen czla
chztng t6i.)
- acquainted (with) [g'kwemt1d] (adj) : quen thuqc vai
- aim [e1m] (n) : m1,1c dich
- bright [bra1t] (adj) : sang; vui tucri
- brighten (up) ['bnutn] (v) : lam sang len; vui len
- changeable ['tfeind3gbl] (adj) : hay thay d5i
Vi d11-: The weather is very changeable at this time of year;
(Thai ti€t rtit hay thay ddi vao thai di€m nay czla nam.)
- common ['knmgn] (adj) : ph5 bie'n; thong thttC1ng
- commonly ['knmgnJi] (adv): thong thuC1ng = usually; normally
- concerned with [bn's3:nd] (adj) : quan tam; lo l:ing
Vi d11-: As a parent, I'm very concerned with standards in education.
(Vai cztcmg v~ la mf)t ph11- huynh, toi rtit quan tam d€n cac tieu chudn
trong giao d11-c.)
- constancy ['knnstgnsi] (n): slf lden tri
Vi d11-: He admired her courage and constancy.
(Ong ta kham ph11-c long qua cam va kien tri cua co tiy.J
- constant ['knnstgnt] (adj) : lien t1,1c
- constantly ['knnstgntli] (adv) : thttang xuyen
- down [daun](adj) : bu6n rfiu
Vi d11-: She felt down when he had left the town.
(Co tiy cdm thdy bu6n rdu khi anh ta dii rai thanh ph6.)
- enthusiasm [m'8ju:zirezgm] (n) : long nhi~t tinh
Vi d11-: She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching.
(Co tiy khong bao gia mtit di slf nhi~t tinh trong vi~c dq.y h<Jc.)
- enthusiastic [m,8ju:zi 'rest1k] (adj): nhi~t tinh
- enthusiastically [m,8ju:zi'rest1kli] (adv): m(>t each nhi~t tinh
- give-and-take (n) : slf cho va nh~n, slf nhan nhugng

Vi d'f!-: There has to be some give"and-t akefor a lasting relationshi p.
(Cdn c6 sz.t nhan' nhU:flng thi mdi quan h? mai Lau Mn.)
- gossip ['gus1p] (n) : chuy~n ng6i le doi mach
- incapable [ m'ke1p;:ibl] (adj) : khong du kha nang
Vi d'f!-: If people keep telling you you're incapable, you begin lose
confidence in yourself.
(Niu mQi nguai cu mai n6i rling bq,n khong du khd nang, bq,n se bdt
ddu mdt long tin a chinh minh.)
- influence ['mflogns] (n) : anh huO'ng; (v) : c6 anh huang
Vi d'f!-: He was silly and easily influenced by his friends.
(C<J,u ta th{j,t nga ng?ch va d~ dang chju anh hu:ang cud bq,n be.)
- influential [,mtlu'enjl] (adj) : c6 the' 11,tc; c6 anh httang 16'n
- joy [d3::i1] (n) : ni~m vui
- joyful ['d3::i1tl] (adj) : vui thich
- lasting ['la:st11J] (adj) : <lau,dai
- lifelong ['la1tlu1J] (adj) : suO'f doi
Vi d'f!-: Her lifelong dream was to be a famous writer.
(Uac ma sudt dai czla ba ta la tra thanh m<)t nha van no'i tiing.)
- loyal (to sb/sth) ['b1;:il] (adj) . : trung thanh (v6'i ai)
- loyalty ['b1;:ilti] (n): long trung thanh
- mutual ['mju:tJu;:il] (adj) : cung chung; h6 tudng
Vi d'f!-: They soon discovered a mutual interest in music.
(Chdng baa lau h9 da am ra duflc sa thich chung v€ am nhq,c.)
- pursue [p;:i'sju:] (v): theo du6i (mc)t m1;1c dich)
Vi d'f!-: She wishes to pursue a medical career.
(Co ay mong ucJc theo dur1i ngllnh y.)
- pursuit [p;:i'sju:t] (n): SI/ theo du6i
Vi d'f!-: She traveled the world in pursuit of her dream.
(Co ta di khdp thi gi<'Ji di theo duo'i uac ma czla mink.)
- quality ['kwul;:it1] (n): cha'.'t lugng, ph§'.m cha'.'t
- rumor I rumour ['rju:m;:i] (n) & (v): (n) tin d6n; (v) phao tin d6n
- secret ['si:kr;:it] (adj) & (n) : (adj) bi m~t; (n) di~u bi m~t
- selfish ['selfifl (adj) : ich ky
- selfishness ['selfrJn;:is) (n) : tinh ich ky
- unselfishn ess [ An'self1Jn;:is) (n): tinh khong ich ky
- sorrow ['sumo] (n) : n&i bu6n
- suspicion [s;:i'sp1Jn) (n) : stf nghi ngo

Vi d'!: He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money.
(Hdn bi bdt vi bi nghi la da danh cdp ti~n.)
- suspicious (of/about sb/sth) (sg'sp1fgs] (adj): nghi nga (ai ho~c di~u gl.)
- sympathy ['s1mpg8i](n): sv thong cam
Vi d'!: There was no personal sympathy between the two friends.
(Khong c6 Slf d6ng cdm ea nhan nao giaa hai ngztai bq,n.)
- sympathetic [s1mpg'8et1k] (adj) : thong cam
- sympathize with sb ['s1mpg8a1z] (v) : thong cam voi ai
- trouble['trAbl] (n) & (v): (n) sv die r6i; (v) giiy riic r6i
- troubled ['trAbl] (adj) : lo Hing; g~p kh6 khan
- trust [trAst] (n) & (v) : (n) sv tin ci%y; (v) tin ci%y
- two-sided [tu:'sa1d1d] (adj) : hai m~t, hai phia

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Compl,ete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. There are some _ _ _ characters hanging around outside our house.
2. _is one of the most important factors for true friendship. (loyal)
3. The children looked excitedly at the presents that were placed
around the pine tree. (attract)
4. Her __ can compensate for her lack of experience. (enthusiastic)
5. I can't concentrate with that_ noise by the children. (constancy)
6. She tried her best to get a place at the University of Fine Arts in _of
her dream .. (pursue)
7. The boss was very __ about my problems when I told him about them
yesterday. (sympathy)
8. I hope you'll consider me a friend and not just an . (acquainted)
9. He just can't do that job without help. He seems to be totally__of
doing it by himself. (capable)
10. This newspaper is considered to be the most_in the country. (influence)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the
following sentences.
1. It is a belief that a person's friends can affect his/her way of life.
A loyal B. influential C. common D. lifelong

2. He first met his wife at a party held by a __ friend of theirs.
A. gossip B. mutual C. changeable D. incapable
.3. Some _ _ were circulating about her past, but later they were proved
to be false.
A. facts B. truth C. concerns D. rumors
4. Everyone expressed their _ _ at the death of the highly respected
A. sorrow B. selfishness C. influence D. gossip
5. Her mood is very _ _ . She may laugh happily now and then
suddenly she may cry bitterly.
A. suspicious B. changeable C. constant D. concerned

A). Infinitive with 'To'
B). Infinitive without 'To'
C). Perfect infinitive
A). Infinitive with 'To'
'To-infinitiv e' (d<?ng tU nguyen m§.u c6 "To") thuong duqc dung trong
cac truong hqp sau: .
1). Verbs + To-infinitive : 'To-infinitiv e' duqc dung sau m('>t s6 d('>ng
tit thong d1,mg nhtt:
- afford: c6 du ti~n - hope: hy vc;mg
- agree: d6ng y - learn: hQc
- appear: c6 ve nhu; xua't hi~n - manage: xoay x&
- arrange: slip xe'p - offer: tl/ nghuy~n
- attempt: c6 gling - plan: dtf dinh
- ask: hoi; yeu cilu - pretend: gia vo
- choose: chc.m - promise: hua
- decide: quye't dinh - refuse: tU ch6i
- demand: doi hoi - resolve: quye't tarn
- determine: quye't tarn - seem: duong nhu
- expect: mong dqi - threaten: de dQa
- fail: tha't bi;i.i - want: mu6n
- happen: xay ra - wish: mong mu6n
- hesitate: do dt! - would like: mu6n

Vi d'fl-: - I like both of these, but I can't afford to buy either of them.
- We've arranged to meet the customer tomorrow morning.
- Karen chose to work in a shop instead of going to university.
- All the players of the team are determined to win the match.
- How did you manage to get this part-time job?
- They're planning to widen a number of streets in the city.
2). Verbs + object + To-infinitive: 'To-infinitive' ding dugc dung
sau mC?t s6 d/?ng tU voi cifo true 'dc}ng tu+ tuc tu+ To-infinitive':
- advise sb. (not) to do sth. : khuyen ai lam vi~c gi
- allow sb. to do sth. : cho phep ai lam vi~c gi
- ask sb. (not) to do sth. : yeu cdu ai lam gi
- enable sb. to do sth. : t~o di~u ki~n cha ai lam gi
- encourage sb. to do sth. : khuy~n khich ai lam vi~c gi
- forbid sb. to do sth. : ca'm ai lam vi~c gi
- force sb. to do sth. : b~t ai lam vi~c gl
- invite sb. to do sth. : moi ai lam gi
- order sb. to do sth. : ra l~nh cha ai lam vi~c gi
- permit sb. to do sth. : cha phep ai lam gi
- persuade sb. to do sth. : thuy~t ph1,1c ai lam gi
- remind sb. to do sth. : nh~c nha ai lam vi~c gi
- request sb. to do sth. : yeu cdu ai lam vi~c gi
- tell sb. (not) to do sth. : baa ai lam vi~c gi
- urge sb. to do sth. : thuc gi1,1c ai lam vi~c gi
- want sb. to do sth. : mu6n ai lam vi~c gi
- warn sb. (not) to do sth.: canh baa ai (dling) lam gi
- would like sb. to do sth. : mu6n ai lam vi~c gl
Vi d'fl-: - The tourist guide advised us to see the old tower.
- She forbade her daughter to wear short skirts.
- The officer ordered his soldiers to move forward.

- He persuaded his parents to lend him the money.

- Please remind me to return the books to the library.
- The police warned us not to drive very fast on this road.
3). 'To-infinitive' c6 th~ dung lam chu tU cho cac d9ng tU appear, be,
seem va cac d/?ng tU n6i khac (link verbs) .
.vi d'fl-:
- To drive on slippery roads is dangerous.
- To solve the traffic problems seems impossible.

Tuy nhien, trong truang hgp nay, chung ta thuang dung each n6i bih
d~u b~ng chu tU gia (unreal subject) ''It" va d~t 'To-infinitive' (J sau cau:
- It is dangerous to drive on slippery roads.
- It seems impossible to solve the traffic problems.
4). 'To-infinitive' dugc dung sau m9t sei tinh tu (Adjective + To-
infinitive), va thuang dung vai ca'u true 'It is +Adjective (for sb.) +To-
Vi di!-:
- This math problem is not easy to solve.
- His explanations were difficult to understand.
- It is necessary to wear a helmet while riding a motorbike.
- Is it convenient for you to work in the evenings?
5). 'To-infinitive' cilng dugc dung sau d9ng tU 'cost/take+ tuc tu'.
Vi di!-:
- It'll cost a lot of money to make a trip around the world.
- It would take many years to rebuild this ancient temple.
6). 'To-infinitive' con dugc dung d€ gian luge m~nh d~ quan h~
(reduced relatives), va dung sau cac tU 'the first I the second I the last
I the only(+ noun)'.
Vi di!-:
- She bought some new clothes to wear during the holiday.
(She bought some new clothes which she could wear during the holiday.)
- There was nothing to eat, so we went to a restaurant.
(There was nothing which we could eat, .... )
- Who was the first student to find out the answer?
(Who was the first student who found out the answer?)
- Jenny was the only schoolgirl to win the competition.
(Jenny was the only schoolgirl who won the competition.)
7). 'To-infinitive' cilng dugc dung dg chi m1;1c dich (To-infinitive for
purposes). Trong each dung chi m1;1c dich, chung ta cilng c6 th€ dung cac
each n6i 'in order to+infinitive' ho~c 'so as to+infinitive' thay cho
Vi di!-:
- Nick took a part-time job to pay his tuition fees.
(Nick took a part-time job. He wanted to pay his tuition fees.)
- They borrowed the money from the bank in order to buy a car.
(They borrowed the money from the bank They wanted to buy a car.)

8). 'To-infinitive' du'<Jc dling sau 'Too+ Adjective/Adverb (for somebody''.
Vi d'f!-:
- This job is too hard for him to do.
(This job is so hard that he can't do it.)
- I was too tired to do any more work.
(I was so tired that I couldn't do any more work.)
- He spoke too quickly for me to understand.
(He spoke so quickly that I couldn't understand him.)
9). 'To-infinitive' duqc dung sau "Adjective/Adverb + enough (for
Vi d.,,_:
- The sea was warm enough for us to swim in.
(The sea was warm, so we could swim in it.)
- He didn't speak slowly enough for me to understand.
(He didn't speak slowly, so I couldn't understand him.)
- I don't drive well enough to take part in the rally.
(I don't drive well, so I can't take part in the rally.)
CHU Y: Chung ta cung c6 th~ dung "enough+ noun+ To-infinitive'.
Vi d.,,_:
- She didn't have enough courage to tell him the truth.
(She didn't tell him the truth because she didn't have the courage.)
- I didn't have enough time to visit my relatives.
(I didn't visit my relatives because I didn't have time.)
10). Verbs + how I what I when I where I which I why + To-
infinitive : 'To-infinitive' cung duqc dung sau m()t s6 d()ng tu+ how I
what I when I where I which I why.
Vi d'f!-:
- I don't remember when to hand in the report.
- He couldn't think what to say.
- She found out where to hide her money.
- He taught me how to play the game.
CHU Y: Chung ta ding c6 thg dung 'whether + To-infinitive' sau
'want to know' ho~c 'wonder'.
Vi d'f!-:
- She wanted to know whether to stay or leave.
(Co ta mu6n bie't la li~u c6 nen (J l~i ho~c ra di.)
- I wonder whether to call her or just wait.
(Toi phan van khong bie't c6 nen g9i cho co fi.y hay chi vi~c cha.)

B). Infinitive without 'To'
'Bare infinitive' (d9ng W nguyen m~u khong "To") thubng duqc dung
trong cac trubng hqp sau:
1). 'Bare infinitive' duqc dung sau cac trq d9ng W 'do I don't I does
I doesn't I did I didn't', va sau cac trq d9ng W khiem khuyet nhu 'can I
could I would I may I might I must I should I ought to I would
rather I had better'.
Vi d1J.:
- She doesn't know where to go.
- Did they offer you the job?
- I must write this letter again.
- I would rather work in the morning than in the evening.
2). 'Bare infinitive' duqc dung sau d9ng W 'Make/Let+ object'.
Vi d1J.:
- The robber made the cashier hand over the money.
- I'll let you borrow my car if you promise to take good care of it.
Khi d9ng tU "Make" duqc dung trong cau bi d9ng, n6 phai duqc theo
sau bilng "To-infinitive".
Vi d1J.:
- The cashier was made to hand over the money by the robber.
CHU Y: Sau 'help' cCing c6 th~ dung 'Bare infinitive':
- I'll help you clean the floor. Or: I'll help you to clean the floor.
3). 'Bare infinitive' duqc dung sau m(>t s6 d<?ng tit chi giac quan nhu sau:
watch + object + bare infinitive
Vi d1J.: - I saw that man take your bike.
- I didn't hear anyone answer my phone.
- She noticed him steal her money.
- I felt something bite my finger.

CHU Y: Cac d9ng tU tren cCing duqc theo sau bilng 'Verb+ing' v6'i y
nghia "nghe hol;ic thily ai dang lam gi".

Vi df:l:
- I saw that man running out of the building.
- I hear someone crying in the deserted house.
C). Perfect infinitive
''Perfect infinitive" c6 h'inh thuc "(to) have + past participle" va
thuong du<;tc dung trong cac tn.tang h<;tp sau:
1). Dung ''have + past participle" d~ di~n ta sv suy doan trong qua
khu (Deduction for the past) voi cac d9ng tU khie'm khuye't : may I might
I could I must I can't.
Vi df:l:
- Jake is not at home. He may have left.
(. .. It is possible that he left.)
- The car David's driving is very nice and comfortable. He must
have paid a lot of money for it.
(. .. I'm sure he paid a lot of money for it.)
- You can't have been at the swimming pool yesterday! The
swimming pool was closed all day yesterday!
(I'm sure you weren't at the swimming pool yesterday .... )
2). Dung ''have + past participle" voi tr<;t d<Jng tU "should (not) I
ought (not) to" dg di~n ta vi~c dang le phai lam (hol)c khong nen lam)
trong qua khu.
Vi df:l:
- You knew she was in trouble. You should have helped her then.
(B?TI bie't la co fly gl)p kh6 khan. Dang le bi;m phru giup co ta luc fly.)
- There was another accident there again. They ought to have
put a warning at that bend.
(L~i c6 m9t v1;1 tai n~n nua a d6. Le ra h<;> da phai dl)t m9t bang
canh bao (J khuc cua d6.)
- You shouldn't have said to her like that. It made her very upset.
(Le ra anh khong nen n6i voi co ta nhu the'. Di~u d6 lam co ta rB:t
bvc tac.)
3). Dung ''have + past participle" sau tr<;t d<Jng tU "needn't" d~ di~n
ta hanh d9ng dang le khong cdn lam trong qua khu.
- We needn't have bought so much food. Now there's so much left.
(Cqung ta khong dn phai mua nhi~u thuc an de'n the'. Bay gia con
thl.ia qua nhi~u.)

4). Dung ''have + past participle" sau trc;t d(mg tU "would I could I
might" trong cau di~u ki~n lo~i 3 (Conditonal type 3).
Vi di!-:
- If you had taken the test, you would/might have passed it.
5). Dung "to have + past participle" sau m()t' s6 d()ng tU (J .d~ng bi,
d()ng v6'i ca'.'u true "Someone is said I believed I thought + to have ·
done something" v6'i y nghia: Ngi.tC1i ta n6i ho(lc nghI ding ai d6 da lam
gi tnt6'c day.
Vi dl;l:
- That millionaire is said to have worked as a waiter when he
was young.
(Ngi.tC1i ta n6i ding ong tri~u phu d6 da tUng lam cong vi~c hliu ban
khi con tre.)
- Her husband is believed to have been killed in the shipwreck.
(Ngu'C1i ta tin r~ng ch6ng ba 9'.'y da bi che't trong v~ dlim tau.)
- Paul is thought to have inherited a big fortune:
(N gu'C1i ta nghI r~ng Paul da thU'a hu?Jng m()t gia tai 16'n.)


EXERCISE 1: Complete each· sentence using the correct form of the verbs in
1. We managed_ the car that we wanted. (buy)
2. I think you should __ her some flowers. (give)
3. Bill's parents won't let him _ to· the party. (go)
4. We must _ _ to the invitation at once. (reply)
5. They would really like_ the art gallery on Friday. (visit)
6. Those boys might the football club this season. Uoin)
7. Did the teacher make you _ _ your homework? (finish)
8. The actress was hoping _ _ a part in the new play. (get)
9. She finally decided _ the job. (quit)
10. I can't afford _ _ a holiday abroad. (have)
11. Where did you learn __? (drive)
12. She made the children __ their hands before every meal. (wash)
13. I don't know why Jane refused _ _ the job . .(get)
14. They continued_ despite the heavy rain. (play)
15. Do you intend __ her your invitation? (send)

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Can you manage _ the work by yourself?
A. finish B. finishing C. to finish
2. I really can't __ to travel by plane.
A. enjoy B. afford C. stand
3. They're planning _ _ a flyover at this crossroads.
A. building B. to build C. build
4. My parents _ _ to send me to a different school.
A. disliked B. decided C. avoided
5. I'm sorry. I've arranged __ to Susie's birthday this Saturday.
A. go B. to go C. going
6. Bill agreed _ a speech at the meeting.
A. make B. making C. to make
7. Phil __ to have a difficult problem.
A. can't stand B. gives up C. seems
8. I failed in touch with him.
A. getting B. got C. to get
9. The workers __ to have longer holidays.
A. enjoyed B. suggested C. hoped
10. Do you _ coming back in half an hour?
A. want B. mind C. expect
11. Kate was made_ the report by Monday.
A. to finish B. finish C. finishing
12. Carl _ _ staying one night in the village.
A. suggests B. hopes C. plans
13. Linda __ to have a headache and left the meeting early.
A. afforded B. offered C. pretended
14. Do you think your father will_ you to go out at a late time?
A. make B. let C. allow
15. The lifeguard warned all of us _ _ too far from the shore.
A. to not swim B. not to swim C. don't swim
16. Why don't you __ your son go camping with his classmates?
A. let B. permit C. urge
17. Some people saw the man __ out of the fourth floor window.
A. fall B. to fall C. fell

18. Annie's a nurse, but she'd rather _ _ at weekends.
A. not to work B. not work C. doesn't work
19. You_ to go today. It may rain tomorrow.
A. must B. should C. ought
20. Would you like __ now or shall we wait till the end?
A. go B. to go C. going

EXERCISE 3: Complete each sentence using the correct form of one of the
following verbs. You can use each verb only once.
smoke look do wait accept
be know not inform see cut

1. I want __ the house where our president was born.

2. You'll be able _ it yourself when you are older.
3. Will you help me _ _ the grass today?
4. My father used _ _ twenty cigarettes a day.
5. The officer refused the bribe.
6. Please let me _ your decision as soon as possible.
7. They made us_ in the hall for hours.
8. The kidnappers warned the parents _ the police.
9. It is easy _ _ wise after the event.
10. If you can't remember his number, you'd better _ _ it up.

EXERCISE 4:· Match a line in column A with a line in column B to make a

complete sentence.
1). I felt the house a). to get through those gates.
2). Visitors to the zoo are asked b).believe that she was my cousin.
3). You may as well c). shake with the explosion.
4). The ladder wasn't long enough d). leave now or we'll be late.
5). Your new car is too wide e). not to feed the animals.
6). The captain was the last man f).have any more money right now.
7). Sorry, but I can't let you g).to reach the window.
8). She tried to make me h). to have dinner tonight, Kate?
9). Where would you like i). to leave the ship.
10). We had better j). tell us the truth.

EXERCISE 5: Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and
contains the word given.
1. He's very ill; he can't eat anything.
.... Ji~~$. J9.9..UI..~9. _<J_q,_~ .<J:1JYthi.TJg,_ ...... .
2. You won't get up early so you never catch the fast train.

3. He was so drunk that he couldn't answer my question.


4. There was no place where we could sit.


5. Would you be very kind and lend me your dictionary?


6. It's not very dark so we can't see the stars clearly.


7. She's very impatient so she never listens to anyone.


8. It is better that he should hear it from you.


9. He isn't very old, so he can't understand these things.


10. Would you be very kind and tell me the way to the station?

EXERCISE 6: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Perfect
infinitive: 'have + past participle' or 'to have + past participle'.
1. You should _ _ (come) to the party last night. It was great!
2. Two prisoners were thought_ (escape) from the maximum security prison.

3. I wonder why Simon didn't come to the meeting. He may _ _ (forget)
about it.
4. The fire is believed _ (start) in the warehouse of the factory.
5. "Monica walked straight past me without saying hello. ""She might _
_ (not see) you."
6. "I forgot to lock my motorbike last night.""You were lucky. Someone
could _ _ (steal) it."
7. Vera ought t o _ (pass) her driving test easily. I was surprised that
she failed.
8. Five people are said _ _ (be) injured in the accident.
9. You needn't _ _ _ (write) to him because he phoned you shortly
10. He must __ (be) here yesterday. I saw his glasses on the desk.

EXERCISE 7: Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes each

1. Some people tend to view foreigners with __ .
A. suspect B. suspicion C. suspicious D. suspiciously
2. The weather is very _ _ , so you should take an umbrella with you.
A. incapable B. mutual C. changeable D. unbelievable
3. A(n) __ is a person that you know but who is not a close friend.
A. intimate B. true friend C. friendship D. acquaintance
4. They knew each other at primary school, and their friendship _ a
A. took B. lasted C. spent D. continued
5. The wine had made him __ of thinking clearly.
A. unable B. impossible C. incapable D. inaccurate
6. A(n) __ person is unlikely to keep a secret long.
A. talkative B. quality C. intimate D. selfish
7. Everyone needs a close friend to __ their joys and sorrows.
A. share B. present C. communicate D. feel
8. She had always been __ to her husband.
A. sympathetic B. understanding C. enthusiastic D. loyal
9. There is a(n) __ going around that the minister is going to resign.
A. information B. rumour C. news D. uncertainty
10. Our relationship is based on __ respect.
A. mutual B. common C. uncertain D. selfish


I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

(4 pts.)
1. I'm going to tell you something, but you must promise to _ it secret.
A take B. keep C. make D. have
2. We must do it or ·it willbe too late!
A slowly B. finally C. immediately D. lately
3. If the weather is_, it can be sunny now and then suddenly it rains
A-lifelong B. influenced C. common D. changeable
4. A __ person is someone who only thinks about himself or herself and
does not care about other people's feelings.
A secret B. selfish C. constant D. loyal
5. Make sure there is no _ between you and me.
A quality B. constancy C. suspicion D. pursuit
6. "Thank 'you so much for your help, Steve." "_ _ "
A That's right. B. I'm OK. C. My pleasure. D. Forget me not:
7. "Shall I carry" that bag for you?" " "
A Sorry. I'm late! B. There's no need. Thanks.
C. I never mind. D. You're welcome.
8. Peter is an old friend of mine. We _ _ each other _ _ ages.
A know I for B. have known I since
C. are knowing I for D. have known I for
9. This guidebook tells you how _ _ business in this country without_
the law.
A to do I violate B. to do I violating
C. doing I to violate D. doing I violating
10. I often wonder why she asked that question; it was a very
embarrassing question _ _ .
A for ask B. to asking C. for to ask D. to ask
11. I _ believe in his story, even though it may seem strange to many
A do B. am C. very D. have
12. A true friend is not easily __ by runor against his I her own friends.
A influence B. influencing C. influenced D. to influence
13. She seemed undecided whether __ or stay.
A go B. to go C. going D. would go
14. I knew that she for someone.
A is waiting B. was waited
C. has been waiting D. was waiting
15. A true friend is someone always stands by you even in difficult
A which B. whom C .. who D. he
16. There are people who cannot keep a secret, either of their own __ of
A and B. or C. nor D. not
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
LA trouble B. couple C. double D. grQ!!P
2.A. uncgrtain B. pgrson C. tgrror D. tgrm
3.A. people B. friend C. sgcret D. believe
4.A. cQnstancy B. CQncerned C. CQntain D. CQnstruct
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. All of his friends remained loyal with him even if he was in trouble.
2. There was not much work for me doing so I left early.
3. I rang the office several times but I didn't hear anyone to answer my
4. Some people seem to be incapable for true friendship.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
Hachiko, an Akita dog,was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924.
His owner, Professor Eisaburo Uyeno and he were inseparable friends
right from the start. Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner, a
professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuya train station when he
left for work. When he came back, the professor would always find the
dog patiently waiting for him. Sadly, the professor died suddenly at work
in 1925 before he could return home.

Although Hachiko was still a young dog, the friendship between him
and his owner was very strong and he continued to wait at the station
every day. Sometimes, he would stay there for days at a time, though
some believe that he kept returning because of the food he was given by
street vendors. He became a familiar sight to commuters over time. In
1934, a statue of him was put outside the station. In 1935, Hachiko died
at the place he last saw his friend alive.
* Write 'T' before the number of the sentence if it is true.
Write 'F' if the sentence is not true.
1. The professor died at work.
2. The dog waited every day at the station.
3. Nobody gave the dog any food.
4. The dog died before the statue was put outside the station.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
1. She seemed to _ _ up after she heard my words of encouragemen t.
2. We became _ _ of the stranger's behavior and called the police.
3. I recently met an old work __ of mine and I hardly recognized him.
4. Her moods are very _ _ ; she may be very friendly now and then she
may suddenly become very angry. (change)
5. He prides himself on his_ to his friends. (loyal)
6. _ can spoil true friendship. (selfish)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. There is a lot of homework. I have to finish it today.
There is a lot of homework for -------------------
2. The man was running out of the bank. Some people saw him then.
Some people saw the man---------------------------
3. All the food will be gone if you don't hurry.
If you don't hurry, there -------------·-----------
4. The robber forced the cashier to hand in the money.
The robber made ---------------------------------
5. People cannot become true friends if they often gossip about their own
People who -------·-------------------·-···-----
6. What's your opinion of a true friendship?
What do-------------------------------------


- affect [g'fekt] : (v) : c6 tac d~mg, c6 anh huc1ng

Vi dv-: The change in climate may affect your health.
(Slf thay ddi thai ti€t c6 the? dnh hztang d€n sue khoe cua bq,n.)
- appreciate [ g'pri:Jie1t] (v) : coi tr9ng, danh gia cao
Vi dv-: I'm not altogether sure he would appreciate your efforts.
(Toi khong hocm toan chdc li~u ong ta c6 coi dr9ng nhflng n6 life cua
bq,n khong.)
- appreciatio n [ g,pri:Ji'e1Jn] (n) : slf coi trc;mg, slf danh gia cao
Vi dv-: Children rarely show any appreciatio n for what their parents
do for them.
(Tre con hi€m khi bay to slj coi tr9ng nhflng gi cha mf! lam cho chung.)
- at once [gt WAns] (adv) : ngay l~p tUc = immediate ly

Vi dv-: If I were in your shoes, I will give up the job at once.

(Nefu la anh, toi se tit bo cong vi~c d6 ngay tuc thU
- attitude ['ret1tju:d] (n) : thai d9
- confidence ['knnfidgns] (n) : Slf tlf tin; slf tin tuc1ng
Vi dv-: The students all have confidence in their teacher.
(Cac h9c sinh hoan toan tin tztang vao thdy cua chung.J
- confident ['kunf1dgnt] (adj) : tl/ tin; tin tuc1ng
- confidently ['kunfidgntli] (adv): m<)t each tlf tin
Vi dv-: Try to act confidently , even if you feel nervous.
(Hay co' hanh d<')ng m<')t each tlf tin, cho dit bq,n cam tluiy lo ldng.)
- cotton ['kutn] (n) : vai bong
- embarrass [1m'brergs] (v) : lam ai boi roi, xau h6
- embarrassed[1m'brergst] (adj) : bi boi roi ho~c xau h6
- embarrass ing [rm'brergSI!J) (adj) : gay boi roi ho~C xau hiJ
Vi dv-: I was grateful to him for rescuing me from an embarrass ing
(Toi bi€t an anh ta vi da cuu toi khoi m<')t tinh huo'ng ngztqng ngitng.)
- embarrassment[rm'brergsmgnt] (n) : Slf boi roi ho~c xa'u hi)
- exact [rg'zrekt] (adj) : chinh xac
- exactly [1g'zrektli] (adv) : m<)t each chinh xac
- experience [1k'sprgrigns] (n) & (v) : (n) kinh nghi~m; (v) trai nghi~m

Vi d11-: I know from past experience that you can't judge someone by
their appearance.
(Toi du:<1c bi@t tit kinh nghi~m ban thtln ding anh khong thi phan
doan m9t ngu:ai qua ve M ngoai.J
- experienc ed [1k'sp1grignst] (adj) : giau kinh nghi~m
- extreme [1k'stri:m] (adj) : cao d(>
- extremel y [1k'stri:mli] (adv) : clfc ky
Vi d11-: Outward ly she seemed confident, but in reality she felt
extremely nervous.
(Ben ngoai co tiy c6 ve tz,t tin nhu:ng thlfc ra co dy cam thdy cljc ky cdng
- floppy hat ['tlnpi hret] (n) : mu m~m
- get on a bus (v) : len xe buyt
- glance [gla:ns] (v) & (n) : (v) lie'c nhin; (n) cai lie'c milt
Vi d11-: He glanced nervously at his watch dozens of times while
waiting for her.
(Anh ta h6i hqp nMn d6ng h6 ea ch71-c l&n trong khi cha d<1i co dy.)
- idol ['a1dl] (n) : th~n tuc;tng
Vi dr,t: The Beatles were the music idol of young people in the 1960s.
(Ban nhq,c Beatles la thdn tU:<1ng am nhq,c cua giai tre trong thq,p nien
- idolize ['aidlaiz] (v) : th~n tuc;rng h6a nguC1i nao
- imagine [1'ma:d3m] (v) : tuang tuc;rng
Vi d11-: Close your eyes and imagine you are on a sunny beach.
(Hay nhdm mdt lq,i va tu:ang tu:<1ng bq,n dang a tren mqt bai biin day
ndng rim.)
- imaginar y [1'ma:d3mgri] (adj): duc;rc tuang tuc;rng (khong th~t)
- imaginat ive [1'ma:d3mgt1v] (adj) : giau tri tuang tuc;rng
- imaginat ion [1,mred31'ne1Jn] (n): stf tuang tuc;rng hoi[tc tri tuang tugng
- make a fuss [fAs] (v) : lam ~mi len
Vi d11-: She made a big fuss about not having a window seat on the
(Ba ta lam dm Zen vi khong c6 ch6 ng6i cq,nh cua so? tren may bay.)
- make sure (v) : chiic chiin
- note [nwt] (n) : ti~n gia'.'y; tC1 gia'.'y b~c
- notice ['ngot1s] (v) : d~ y; nh~n tha'.'y
- point [p~nnt] (v) : chi tay vao
- protect [prg'tekt] (v) : bao v~; che cha
- protecti on [prg'tekJn] (n) : slf bao v~; slf che chO'
- sneak [sni:k] (v) : hanh d9ng Ien lut
Vi df:t: The thief manage d to sneak in through the back door while the
family was having dinner.
(Ten trgm dti Zen dzt<Jc vao nha trong khi ea gia d'inh dang an t6i.)
- sneaky ['sni:ki] (adj) : len lut; gian xao
Vi dlf: You never know what's going on in that sneaky mind of his.
(Bq,n khong bao gia bie't dzt<Jc chuy~n g'i dang di~n ra trong d&u 6c
gian xdo cua hiin ta dau.)
- sneakily ['sni:krli] (adv) : mqt each len lut
- turn away [ta:n g'wer] (v) : quay di
- wad [wnd] (n) : mc)t xa'p (ti~n ho~c gia'y)

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. The - - - of the environ ment must be the responsi bility of everyone.
(protect )
2. We need an _ _ _ account ant to do the job, not a greenho rn.
(experie nce)
3. He looked into her diary while she was out getting dinner.
4. It is often very _ _ _ to make a speech in front of a lot of people for
the first time. (embarr ass)
5. Some children are very _ _ . They can imagine special friends that
they don't really have. (imagin e)
6. I'd like to give this bottle of wine as a mark of _ _ _ for all the work
you've done for us. (appreci ate)
7. Dan is a very good student; I am ___ of his success in the next
exams. (confide nce)
8. Your rudenes s caused a lot of _ _ for me at the party. (embarr ass)
9. I don't want to make friends with him because I don't like his look.
10. You should look the word up in the dictionary to check its __ meaning .
(exactly )

IVocabulary Exercise]
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following
1. Miss Elena is the only teacher in this school to have lots of _ _ in
teaching young children.
A notice B. experience C. attitude D. fuss
2. The boy's __ has definitely changed for the better since he started
to study at this sc:iiool.
A attitude B. idol C. protection D. appreciation
3. Jack really admires his older brother; in fact, he considers him to be
A confidence B. experience C. imagination D. idol
4. She used a _ of tissues to wipe out the ink stain on the floor.
A cotton B. wad C. mark D. note
5. "Look at that!" she said, __ at the hole in the door.
A making B. showing C. handing D. pointing

A). Present simple
B). Present progressive
C). Past simple
D). Past progressive
E). Past perfect
A). Present simple (Thi hif;n t~i ddn)
Thi hi~n t~i dcm duqc dung trong cac tntbng hqp sau:
1). Drnn ta th6i quen ho~c sinh ho~t thubng ngay trong hi~n t~i
(habitual actions). Trang each dung nay, Thi hi~n t~i dcm thuang duqc
dung vai cac tr~ng tU : always, usually, often, sometinies, occasionally,
rarely, seldom, never, how often, every day, once I twice a week, ...
- "What time do you leave for work every morning?" "At 6.30."
- "How often do you see the dentist?""Twice a year."
- Sarah never comes home late after work.
- Phil usually has a headache whenever he has trouble.
2). Di~n ta di~u glin nhu' luon dung:
- Bees make honey.
- Most rivers flow into the seas.
- Whales feed their babies on their breast milk.

3). Di~n ta nhung hanh d9ng trong sach, ltjch, phim; ho?c dtiQ'C cac
ph6ng vien dung tliang thrn%t CaC SI/ ki~n th~ thao dang xay ra:
- In the film, the murderer hits the old man with a hammer and
throws his body into the river.
- Rooney passes the ball to Ronaldo. Ronaldo returns it, and now
Rooney shoots very hard ... Well! One more goal for Manchester United.
4). Thuang duqc dung v8i d9ng tU 'say' d~ di~n ta cac thong bao ho?c
thli tU m8i nh?n dtiQ'c:
- "What does that notice say?"
"It says, 'No smoking'."
- "What does Sylvie say in her letter?"
"She says she's returning home this weekend."
5). C6 th~ dung d~ di~n ta t11e1ng lai d6i v8i nhCi'ng hanh d9ng da c6 ke'
hoi;tch theo thai gian bi~u :
- The plane leaves Hanoi at 9.30 and arrives in Ho Chi Minh City
at 11.30.
- The movie begins at 7.30, so we must leave at 7.00.
6). Thi hi~n tl';li de1n dLiQ'c dung v8i cau di~u ki~n loi;ti 1 (Conditional
type 1) va v8i m~nh d~ thai gian (Time clause) theo sau : "when, as soon
as, until, after, before, ... ":
- If I get up late, I'll miss the early bus.
- We'll go out when it stops raining.
- As soon as I find out the answer, I'll let you know.
- I'll phone you before I leave for New York.
- I'll wait for you until you finish your work.
CHU Y: Khi dung thl. hi~n ti;ti de1n v8i ngoi thu ba s6 it (He, She, It)
ho?c vdi chu ngu la danh tU s6 it, chung ta phai them 's" vao d9ng tU.
Vi d'f!-:
- He usually walks to work.
- Ann plays the piano well.
Them 'es" vao d9ng tU ne'u t?n cling nguyen milu c6 'ss, sh, eh, x"
ho?c 'b".
Vi d'f!-:
- I cross, he crosses - I fix, he fixes
- I finish, he finishes - I do, he does
- I watch, he watches - I go, he goes
Khi nguyen milu t?n cung c6 'y", ma trlidc n6 la ph1,1 am, chung ta d6i
'y" thanh "i+es".
Vi dfit:
- I try, he tries
- I carry, he carries
Ne'u truck 'y" la nguyen am, chung ta khong d6i 'y" va chi them 's".
Vi dfit:
- I play, he plays
- I enjoy, he enjoys
B). Present progressive
(Thi hi~n t::;ti tie'p di~n)
Thi hi~n t?i tie'p di~n dugc dung trong cac trubng hgp sau:
1). Di~n ta hanh di)ng xay ra luc dang n6i, ho~c dang lam trong thbi
gian hi~n t?i. Chung ta thubng dung thi hi~n t?i tie'p di~n vai m<)t s6
tr?ng tU thbi gian nhu : now, at the moment, at present, today, this week,
these days, ...
- "Can you help me with my homework, Mom?" "No, I can't. I'm cooking."
- You can't meet the director now. He's talking with someone.
- My cousin is staying with us at the moment.
2). Chung ta cGng c6 th~ dung thi hi~n t?i tie'p di~n d~ di~n ta hanh
d<)ng tuO"ng lai da dugc s~p d~t truae :
- I'm leaving tomorrow. I have my plane ticket.
- What time are you coming home this evening?
- "Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?" "Yes, I'm cutting
the grass for my Dad."
3). Khi dung thi hi~n t?i tie'p di~n vai tr?ng tU "always", ngubi ta
thubng Ilg\! y hanh di)ng d6 xay ra qua nhi~u lful va thubng gay blfc ntlnh :
- Jake is never pleased. He's always complaining.
- I'm always making that mistake.
- You're always watching TV. You should do something more active.
CHU y (1): Non-Progre ssive Verbs: mi)t s6 dqng tU khong dung vai
thi tie'p di~n (Progressive tenses), va chi dung dugc vai cac thi ·dan
(Simple tenses). Nhung dqng tU nay la nhung dqng tu khong c6 y nghia
hanh di)ng, ma thubng chi tr?ng thai tinh thdn, tinh cam, giac quan,
ho~c sa huu. Sau day la nhung dqng tu khong dung vai thi tie'p di~n:
* Bi)ng tU chi tinh cam (Verbs of emotions and feelings):
like, love, hate, want, dislike, wish, prefer,. mind
Vi dfit: - I didn't use to eat spaghetti. Now I lihe it very much.
(Sai: ... Now I'm liking it very much.)
* Bi)ng tU chi holi!t d<)ng tinh thdn (Verbs of mental activities):
agree, believe, forget, know, mean, remember, realize,
suppose, understand, think (that)
Vi d11-: - Do you know that Sue is going to get married?
(Sai: Are yeu knewing that ...?)
* D()ng tU chi sa hftu (Verbs of possession):
belong, contain, consist, depend, own, owe, possess, have
Vi d11-: - This house was built by my grandfather. Now it belongs to
my father.
(Sai: ... Now it's belenging to my father.)
* D()ng tU n6i (Linking verbs) va d()ng tU giac quan (Verbs of senses):
look, seem, appear, feel, see, hear, smell, taste, sound
Nhung d()ng tU giac quan c6 th~ dung vO'i thi tie'p di~n khi chung dugc
dung vO'i y nghia 'hanh dr?ng'. Vi d11-: "see" c6 y nghia la "thdy" (giac
quan), nhttng cilng c6 y nghia la "gtj,p = to meet" (hanh d()ng); "hear =
nghe" (giac quan), nhttng ci:ing c6 y nghia "(quan toa) nghe xil kifn" (hanh
d()ng); "smell = c6 mz'ti" (giac quan), nhttng cilng c6 nghia "ngiti" (hanh d()ng);
"taste = c6 mz'ti v( (giac quan), nhttng cung c6 nghia ."n~m" (hanh demg).
Vi d11-: - The lecturer is speaking, but everybody seems very bored.
(Sai: ... but everybody is seeming very bored.)
- Your new perfume smells sweet. (d()ng tU giac quan)
- The dog is smelling the clothes of the victim. (d()ng tU hanh d()ng)
CHU y (2) : Cach vie't "-ing" vao d{mg tu:
Chung ta thttbng them "-ing" vao hfiu he't d9ng tU.
Vi d11-:
sleep - sleeping, eat - eating, study - studying, watch - watching, ....
Nhttng chung ta cung dn chu y m9t s6 thay d6i khi them "-ing" vao d9ng
tU trong cac trttbng hgp sau:
* Bo chft '~"truck khi them ''-ing":
type - typing, write - writing, drive - driving, argue - arguing, ...
Khong bo cha 'e" vO'i cac d()ng tU sau:
be - being, see - seeing, age - ageing (lao h6a), dye - dyeing (nhu9m)
* Nhan doi ph9 am cu6i trttO'c khi them ''-ing" ne'u trtt6'c ph9 am cu6i
la MQT nguyen am:
run - running, stop - stopping, swim - swimming, win - winning,
hit - hitting, rob - robbing, tap - tapping, ...
* DO'i v6'i d()ng tu c6 hai vfin (two-syllable verbs), chi nhan doi ph9 am
cu6i ne'u tn;mg am cung dttgc d~t vao vfin cu6i:
begin - beginning, permit - permitting, forget - forgetting, occur -
occurring, prefer - pr~ferring, ...
Khong nhan doi ph1,1 am ne'u tr<;mg am d~t vao v~n d~u:
happen - happening, listen - listening, visit - visiting, ...
Cac d(>ng tu t~n cung c6 "l" thi c6 th~ nhan doi "l" ho~c khong c~n
nhan doi "l" khi them "-ing":
travel - traveling I travelling, cancel - canceling I cancelling, ...
*Khong nhan doi chu "w" Ci cu6i d(>ng tU:
blow - blowing, row - rowing, show - showing, thaw - thawing, ...
C). Past simple
(Thi qua khu ddn)
Thi qua khu ddn dLi<;tc dung trong cac trliong hqp sau:
1). Di~n ta hanh d(>ng da xay ra va cha'm dUt trong qua khu. Thl qua
khu ddn th11ong d11qc dung vO'i cac tn,mg tU thoi gian nhli sau: yesterday,
last week, two years ago, in 1995, on Sunday, at 6 o'clock, ...
Vi d'f!.: - Mozart, the famous composer, died at the age of 35.
- They bought this house two years ago.
- "When did you take your driving test?" "I took it last year."
- My sister got married in Janu;:iry, 2002.
2). Di~n ta hanh d(>ng b&t d~u trong qua khu, keo dai m(>t khoang thoi
gian va cha'm dUt trong qua khu.
Vi d'f!.: - The Taylors lived in Liverpool for five years. Then, they
moved to London.
- I waited for Jane for an hour, but she didn't come, so I left.
- My uncle worked here from 1960 to 1995. He's now retired.
CHU Y: Cach vie't "-ed" vao dqng tu:
Ngoai m(>t s6 d(>ng tU c6 hinh thuc qua khu ba't qui t&c (Irregular
verbs) (vi d1,1: write - wrote, take - took, have - had, bring - brought, ... ),
cac d(>ng tu con l~i d~u thu(>c lo~i hqp qui t&c (Regular verbs), nghia la
thliong d11qc them "-ed" khi dung Ci thi qua khu ddn.
Vi d'f!.:
start - started, wait - waited, cook - cooked, walk - walked, ...
Tuy nhien, chung ta dn chu y mot s6 thay d6i khi them "-ed" nh11
trong cac trliong hqp sau:
* Nhan doi ph1,1 am cu6i tr116'c khi them "-ed" ne'u .tr116'c ph1;1 am cu6i la
MOT nguyen am:
stop - stopped, rob - robbed, tap - tapped, drop - dropped, fit - fitted, ...

D6i v6'i dqng tU hai v:in, chung ta chi nhan doi ph9 am cu6i ne'u tr9ng
am duqc d~t vao v:in cuo'i:
admit - admitted, permit - permitted, regret - regretted,
prefer - preferred, occur - occurred, ...
Khong nhan doi ph9 am cuo'i ne'u tr9ng am duqc d~t vao v:in da.u:
happen - happened, listen - listened, ...
Cac dqng tU t~n cung la "l" c6 th~ nhan doi ho~c khong c:in nhan doi "l":
travel - traveled I travelled, cancel - canceled I cancelled, ...
* D6i v6'i dqng tU t~n cung c6 chu ''.Y" ma tru6'c n6 la mqt ph9 am, thi
d6i "y" thanh "i + ed":
try - tried, dry - dried, carry - carried, study - studied, ...
Khong d6i ''.Y" khi them "-ed" ne'u tru6'c ''.Y" la nguyen am:
play - played, enjoy - enjoyed, obey - obeyed, stay - stayed, ...
D).Past progressive
(Thi qua khu tie'p di~n)
Thi qua khu tie'p di~n duqc dung trong cac truong hqp sau:
1). Di~n ta mqt hanh dqng dang xiiy ra ti;ti mqt di~m thoi gian trong
qua khu:
- At 7.00 o'clock last night, I was having dinner.
"I was having dinner" c6 nghia la toi da biit d:iu dung bua t6i trztac
7.00, va con tie'p t9c de'n sau 7.00. Ne'u n6i ding : ''.At 7.00 o'clock last
night, I had dinner" c6 nghia la toi biit d:iu an t6i luc 7.00.
2). Di~n ta mqt hanh dqng dang xay ra thi mqt hanh dqng khac xua't
hi~n. Chung ta thuong no'i hai m~nh d~ b~ng cac lien tU thoi gian nhu :
"when, as, while, ... " :
- When Bill arrived, we were having dinner.
"We were having dinner" c6 nghia la chung toi da biit d:iu an bua
toi tru6'c khi Bill de'n, va c6 th~ con tie'p t9c sau d6. Ne'u n6i r~ng: "When
Bill arrived, we had dinner" c6 nghia la khi Bill de'n chung toi m6'i biit
da.u an t6i.
3). Thi qua khu tie'p di~n ciing thuong duqc dung M gi6'i thi~u mqt bo'i
ciinh khi k~ li;ti mqt cau chuy~n. Vi df:l:
- Everybody was sitting in the living room. Outside it was raining
hard. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Everybody looked at the door in fear.
CHU Y: Mqt s6 dqng tU khong dung v6'i thi tie'p di~n, xem ph:in CHU
Y (1) cua Thi hi~n t~i tie'p di~n (J tren.
E). Past perfect
(Thi qua khu hoan thanh)

Thi qua khu hoan thanh thuang dugc dung M di~n ta m9t hanh d9ng
da xay ra va hoan tllt trtiOC mQt hanh dQng khac hoi').c trtiOC mQt thoi
di~m trong qua khu.
Vi d"(l:
- I phoned Carol at 7.30, but she had left her home.
I phoned Carol. She had left her home.
- When he arrived at school, all the students had gone into the
classroom s.
- Tracy was in hospital. She had broken her leg in a car accident.
CHU y : Khi hai hanh d9ng xay ra lien ke nhau, chung ta dung thi
qua khu dcm cho ea hai, chu khong dung thi qua khu hoan thanh. Vi d"(l:
- When I came, Brenda made some tea.
(Khi toi de'n, Brenda mai di pha tra.)
- When I came, Brenda had made some tea.
(Khi toi de'n, Brenda da pha tra r6i.)

EXERCISE 1: Complete the sentences, using the Present Simple or the Present
1. His story .. ___________ to be true. (appear)
2. A famous actress ____________ .. _ in a play at the local theatre. (appear)
3. I'm sure she·------- pop music to classical music. (prefer)
4. Patrick ___________ of visiting Thailand this summer. (think)
5. Mark says the book __________ to him. (belong)
6. There ·---·---- to be somethin g wrong with the printer. (seem)
7. You'd better not drink that milk. It·------· bad. (smell)
8. At present she ________ a nice apartmen t near her office. (have)
9. You can't talk to her now. She __ .. __ a walk with her dog. (have)
10. Frank ______ me a lot of money now. (owe)
EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences, using the Present Simple or the Present
1. He usually·-·-·------ very hard, but he ___ ... _, ___ .. at all today because it's a
holiday. (work, not work)

2. Look! That man ........... out of the bank! And he ... :.. a large bag full of
money! (run, carry)
3. I don't mind babysitting for you. Your baby never .............. (cry)
4. Every time he ......... a photo, his hand ....... , and his photos never .. ..
..... good. (take, shake, look)
5. "Can you come out for a drink with us later?" "Sorry, I ........ Lisa with
her work, and it'll take us hours to finish it." (help)
6. She usually .............. a BMW, but today she ........ her husband's Volvo.
(drive, drive)
7. "Where do you live?" "Normally I ...... in Paris with my parents, but at
the moment I .............. in London, so I ........... with an English family."
(live, study, live)
8. I ....... you ........... because you ....... out of the window! (know, not
listen, look)
9. Julia ...... five languages fluently, and at the moment she ..... as a translator.
(speak, work)
10. I ...... three pullovers in winter because I always .......... cold. (wear, feel)

EXERCISE 3: Correct the sentences if necessary. Tick [ ,/') any which are
already correct.
1. I'm always forgetting to set the alarm.
2. It sounds a marvellous idea.
3. She's studying hard for her exams at the moment.
4. Are you understanding what the lecturer said?
5. I'm thinking that they made a mistake.
6. I'm seeing my friend Jean tonight.
7. The police aren't knowing why he came here.
8. He's constantly leaving his papers all over the places.
9. She jogs around the park three times a week.
10. He commutes to Paris every day this week.

EXERCISE 4: Complete the sentences, using the Past simple or the Past
continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ....... television when the phone .......... · (watch, ring)
2. Pablo .......... a leg when he ........ · (break, ski)
3. Last night Amanda ...... to the radio when she .......... strange noise
downstairs. (listen, hear)
4. Tom ............ out of the tree when he ...... it. (fall, climb)

5.We ......... Rachel first aid when the ambulanc e ........ · (give, arrive)
6.While I ....... I .......... an old man lying on the ground. (wait, notice)
7.Sylvia ......... not to go out, because it ...... · (decide, rain)
8.The thief ......... my purse while I ........ at the shop window. (steal, look)
9.The other day Kim ...... the road when suddenly a car ...... into a lamp-
post in front of her. (cross, crash)
10. The driver a drink in a cafe when someone his lorry away.
(have, drive)

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.
1. After Richard ..... work, he ....... home. (finish, go)
2. By the time the firemen ....... , the fire ........ (arrive, already I go out)
3. Before she .......... the school, Celia ........ goodbye to all her friends.
(leave, say)
4. Ann ............ to go to the cinema because she .. .... . the film. (refuse,
already see)
5. When Yuko .............. home, she .......... her friend at once. (reach,
6. After she all the way home, Linda .. .. .. . quite exhauste d. (run,
7. When a doctor ......... to the scene, the victims ....... to hospital. (come,
already I be taken)
8. The ship ......... half the distance when it ....... a huge iceberg. (cover,
9. The plane ....... when the hijackers .............. the pilots to change the
course. (just I take off, force)
10. After he ........ from his political life, the politician ....... to write his
autobiog raphy. (retire, begin)

EXERCISE 6: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets, using the Past simple, the Past continuous or the Past perfect.
1. Helena ....... (receive) hospital treatmen t for a year before the doctors
finally ............ (tell) her their diagnosis .
2. Julia ...... (try) several computer dating agencies by the time she .......
(meet) and .......... (fall) in love with George.
3. Sharon eventuall y....... (find) the job she (want) last year,
although she ....... (graduate ) the year before.

- 33

4. When the doctor ..... (arrive) at the scene of the accident, he ...... .
(realize) the victim .......... (still I breathe).
5. The workmen ..... (spend) all morning digging the trench, and by
lunchtime they ....... (finish) it.
6. When the ship ........ (hit) the reef, most of the crew ......... (play) cards,
and the passengers .......... (have) dinner.
7. When she ........... (be) a child, she always ....... (want) to do the most
dangerous things.
8. I suddenly ........... (recognize) the town square. I ....... (be) there ten years
9. When Oscar ......... (go) back into the room, his colleagues ....... (still/
quarrel) about the coffee.
10. I ..... (not answer) the phone immediately, because I ....... (try) to
finish some work.

EXERCISE 7: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. Water _ _ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boiling B. boils C. is boiling D. boil
2. Bettie usually _ television in the evening.
A. watches B. watching C. watch D. has watched
3. Rosemary __ to agree with us now.
A. is appearing B. appear C. appeared D. appears
4. Look! That man _ your bike!
A. is stealing B. steals C. stealing D. :;itolen
5. I'm sorry I _ to do my homework yesterday.
A. am forgetting B. have forgotten C. forgot D. forget
6. We any interesting films lately.
·A. didn't see B. haven't seen C. saw D. have seen
7. Eric __ a flat yet, so he's still living with his parents.
A. found B. didn't find C. is finding D. hasn't found
8. They_ running their own company in 1980.
A. started B. have started C. are starting D. start
9. She's a law student and she_ for four years now.
A. studied B. is studying C. has been studying D. did study
10. I think I __ my door key. I can't find it anywhere.
A. lost B. have lost C. am losing D. will lose
11. The film when we arrived at the cinema.
A. has begun B. begun C. had begun D. begins
12. I wasn't thirsty because I __ some milk.
A. drunk B. have just drunk C. just drank D. had just drunk
13. When the match was over, the spectators _ _ home.
A. went B. had gone C. were going D. have gone
14. After having a bath, he _ his supper.
A. had eaten B. ate C. has eaten D. was eating
15. The phone _ _ suddenly while Joanne was doing the housework.
A. rang B. was ringing C. had rung D. is ringing
16. It _ _ as we drove slowly along the road.
A. has snowed B. had snowed C. was snowing D. is snowing
17. Mrs Edwards _ _ history for 35 years, and is retiring soon.
A. teaches B. is teaching C. taught D. has been teaching
18. Did you see John yesterday? He_ a very old pair of jeans.
A. wears B. didn't wear C. was wearing D. wore
19. Victoria _ _ for half an hour when the doctor finally arrived.
A. has been waiting B. had been waiting
C. was waiting D. has waited
20. Anita __ very hard at the moment.
A. is studying B. studies C. studied D. has studied

EXERCISE 8: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning

to the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word given. Do
not change the word given.
1. I last went shopping two months ago. GONE
I .......................... two months.
2. Our last holiday was in China. TO
We ........................... our last holiday.
3. I've been here for two hours, and I'm still waiting. WAITING
I two hours.
4. I haven't seen him for ages. SINCE
It's ........................... saw him.
5. The burglar escaped before the police arrived.HAD
When the police ............... escaped.
6. Fred fell off the ladder while painting a wall. WAS
While ...................... , he fell off the ladder.
7. The workmen finished, and then Mr Jackson came home. WHEN
The workmen ....................... came home.

8. Alice made an appointmen,t" and went to see .the doctor. MAKING
Alice went to .................... an appointment.
9. First he booked the restaurant, and then he invited everybody.
He, boo.k~d 'th~ restaurant ................... everybody.
10. I walked; home irt heavy rain. AS
It I walked home.

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. Could you please _ over my essay and see if it is alright?
A. glance B. notice · C. watch D. stare
2. The man stealthily hid a _ of dollar bills in his inside pocket.
A. grove B. card C. wad D. group
3. Young fans tried to get closer to their pop_ while he was getting out
of the theater.
A. statue B. idol C. ideal D. interest
4. He has an unusual taste so you can't _ what his house looks like.
A. experience B. show C. point D. imagine
5. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else." " "
A. That's a nice idea. B. Thanks a lot.
C. Yes, of course. D. No problem.
6. "How about playing a game of table tennis?" "_ _ "
A. Sounds good! B. Don't worry!
C. Not too bad. Thanks. D. So do I.
7. We for hours! Let's have a rest.
A. are walking B. were walking
C. have been walking D. had been walking
8. While I was getting off the bus, a man __ my handbag.
A. snatch B. snatched C. has snatched D. would snatch
9. _ t o go to school on foot?
A. Did you used B. Were you used C. Do you use D. Did you use
10. Who the car at time of the accident?
A. drove B. was driving C. is driving D. has driven

11. He couldn't remember what _ _ to him the day before.
A happened B. was happening C. had happened D. has happened
12. By the time we managed to get a taxi, the play _ _ .
A had already begun B. has already begun
C. would already begin , D. would have already begun
13. You_ to work harder if you want to earn more money!
A must · B. should C. would D. have
14. I haven't read any novel _ _ because I've been very busy studying
for my exams.
A recently B. finally C. immediately D. already
15. We haven't had a holiday together __ .
A for three years ago B. since a few years
C. since ago a few years D. for three years
16. I didn't know -~ to say, so I just kept silent.
A what B. that C. ,who D. where
II. Choose the word whose stres·s pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. '(f p.) ·'
1. A affect B. notice C.' idol D. birthday
2. A excited B. attitude C. imagine D. experience
3. A exactly B. reply C. decide D. cotton
4. A extremely B. embarrassing C. fortunately D. protection
III. Choose the underlined part in:' each sentence that needs
correction. (1 p.)
1. People who travelling to work in rush:hours are used to the
traffic jams.
2. Both cattle or railroads helped build the city of Chicago.
3. My sister promises to give me some money when she gfil'paid.
4. She quietly took her money back from the boy's bag because she
ili~ A B C
want to take a fuss.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
An embarrassing incident

One day last summer I was walking through the local park. It was a
hot day and I was eating an ice cream. As I was walking past the boating
lake, I saw my friends, Carol and Jim. They were taking their dog for a
walk. When we met, we stopped for a chat. While we were talking, the
dog suddenly jumped up and tried to get my ice cream. I pulled my hand
away and unfortunately the ice cream came out of the cone. Now there
was a bald man behind me. The poor man wasn't doing anything harm.
He was just sitting on a bench and reading a newspaper. Well, when I
pulled my hand away, the ice cream flew through the air and landed on
the man's head. I didn't whether to laugh or to cry, but Carol and Jim
did. When I looked at them, they weren't just laughing, they were in
hysterics. But I was terribly embarrassed!
* Write answers to the following questions.
1. Why did the writer stop while he was walking through the park?

2. Why did he suddenly pull his hand away?

3. What was the man behind him doing then?

4. What happened when he pulled his hand away?

V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word

given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. I'm sure those boys are trying to make a _ _ plan. (sneak)
2. He thought he could have died of __ when his wife stood up to sing
a song. (embarrass)
3. This is the sort of work that he is really _ _ in. (experience)
4. The girl seemed to be _by all the praise. (embarrass)
5. Young children often have. good _ _ . (imagine)
6. My most _ _ moment was trying to introduce a woman whose
name I couldn't remember. (embarrass)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. Jenny left the office when I arrived there.
When I arrived at the office ............................ .
2. During dinner, someone knocked at the door.
While we .................................. ..

3. This is my first visit to this coastal town.
This is the first time ---------------·-··-·-·-···----·
4. This island has a large population.
There are a lot of--------------------------------·
5. I can't drink coffee so late at night.
It's -------------------------------·---------
6. Dennis started that job five years ago.
Dennis has been ---------------------------------·

- adult
[' redAlt, ;;i' dAlt] (n) : ngu'b'i 16'n
- anniversary [,rem'v3:sri] (n) : rn ky ni~m
Vi dr,t: On this anniversary of the tragedy we remember the living as
well as the dead.
(Nhan djp U ky ni~m thdm kjch nay chung ta nha lq,i nhilng nguai con
so'ng cung nhzt nhilng ngztai da che't.)
- birthday card ['b;;i:8de1 ka:d] (n) : thi~p sinh nh~t
- blow out ['bl;;iu aut] (v) : thfii tiit
Vi dr,t:
You have to blow out all the candles or your wish won't come true.
(Bq,n phdi thc/i tdt tcit cd cac ng<;m nin, niu khong di€u ztac cua bq,n se
khong tra thanh slf thq,t,)
- candle ['krendl] (n) : ne'n
- celebrate ['sehbrert] (v) : an mung
Vi dr,t: Next year, they will celebrate fifty years of marriage.
(Sang nam, hQ se an mitng nam mztai nam ngay cztai.)
- celebration (,seh'brerfn] (n) : rn mltng; Slf an mung
- celebrated ['sehbre1trd] (adj) : nfii tie'ng
- celebrity [s;;i' lebr;;iti] (n) : ngu'ai nfii tie'ng
- clap [klrep] (v) : v6 tay
- cosy (= cozy) ['k;;iuzi] (adj) : am cung
Vi dr,t: looked cosy and inviting in the firelight.
(Can phong trong thgt cim cung va quyin ru trong anh sang lO suai.)

- cosily (= cozily) ['k~mz1li] (adv) : m9t each a'm cung
- each other [i:tJ 'Ao;i] (pronoun) : 1§.n nhau
Vi df!.: They looked at each other and burst out laughing.
(H9 nhJn nhau va cuai pha Zen.)
- get divorced [get d1v';,:st] (v): li hc>n
Vi df!.: !i's widely rumored that they are getting divorced.
(Ngztai ta d6n dm Zen rling h<J sdp li hon.)
- get married [get 'mc.erid] (v) : ke't hon
Vi df!.: All she wanted was to get married and live happily ever after.
(Tfit cd nhung gi co {{y mudn la k€t hon va sdng hq,nh phuc mai mai.J
- gift [gift] (n) : qua ti[mg
- golden ['g;iuld;m] (adj): gi6ng nhtt vang; bf'tng vang
Vi df!.: He seized the golden opportunity to work in the United States.
(Anh {{y ndm bdt ngay c<J h(>i bling vang dzt<;1c lam vi~c a Hoa Ky.)
- golden wedding ['g;mld;in 'wedII]] (n): rn
Ctioi vang (ky ni~m 50 rn
- guest [gest] (n): khach mbi
-joke [d3;iuk] (v) & (n) : n6i dua; lai n6i dua
Vi df!.: For Pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about.
(Dtfi vai Pat, mfit vi~c lam khong phdi la chuy~n di dua.)
- last [la:st, !rest] (v) : t6n t:,li; keo dai
- lasting['la:stIIJ, 'lrestII]] (adj) : lau dai
Vi df!.: Did any of your teachers make a lasting impression on you?
(C6 thdy, co nao gay dzt<;1c tin tzt<;1ng lau dai ddi vai bq,n khong?)
- mark [ma:k] (v) : danh da'u; ghi nho
Vi df!.: A festival will be held to mark the 20°' anniversity of the
founding of the school.
(M{)t cu{)c lien hoan se dzt<;1c to' chuc di danh ddu U ky ni~m 20 nam
thanh lq,p ngoi trztang.J
- married couple ['mc.erid 'kApl] (n) : c~p vq ch6ng
- milestone ['madst;iun] (n) : c9t m6c; bie'n c6 quan tr9ng
- relationship [n'1e1Jnf1p] (n): m6i quan h~
Vi df!.: Her relationship isn't very good with her mother, but she's very
close to her sister.
(Mo'i quan h~ vai ngztai m~ thi khong dzt<;1c tdt, nhztng co fiy lq,i rtit g&n
gui vai ngztai chi.J
- wedding anniversary ['wed11J c.em'v3:s;iri] (n) : ky ni~m ngay cttoi

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. She was interested in reading about the lives of movie _ _ .
2. I still remember the whole family sitting __ by the fire on winter
nights. (cosy)
3. The school has a very close _ with the students' parents. (relate)
4. This medicine can make you feel better for a while, but the effect isn't
_ _ .(last)
5. Her fiance later turned out to be a man with three children.
6. Everyone thinks that such good news calls for a_! (celebrate)
7. Nha Trang, a coastal town in Central Vietnam, has a long __ beach
fringed by coconut trees. (gold)
8. "Just forget his remarks! He's only _ _ !" (joke)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. A ceremony was held to __ the 50th anniversary of the death of the
great science.
A mark B. remind C. know D. recall
2. The school rules state that no child will be allowed out of the school
during the day, unless accompanied by a(n) __ .
A person B. people C. adult D. couple
3. The wind suddenly blew out the _ _ and the room was plunged into
A electricity B. light C. sunlight D. candle
4. The audience _ respectfully as the guest speaker stood up to speak.
A clapped B. screamed C. handed D. stared
5. He felt that leaving the country for the city was a real _ _ in his life.
A gift B. milestone C. action D~ work

A). Gerund
B). Passive infinitive
C). Passive gerund
A). Gerund (Danh-dc}n,g-tu)

1). Gerund la h'i.nh thuc "Verb+ing" dl.iQ'c dung tuang tlj nhu danh tlt.
Gerund c6 th~ lam cac chuc nang trong cau nhu sau:
a). Chu ngu (subject): dung 'gerund' dliu cau nhu m9t chu ngu.
Reading books in poor light can harm your eyesight.
b). Tan ngu (object) : dung 'gerund' sau d9ng tU nhu m9t tan ngu.
You must avoid eating too much fatty food.
c). Sau giai tU (prepositions): dung 'gerund' sau hliu he't giai tlt.
- She left the party without saying goodbye to anyone.
- He took the bus to work instead of driving his car.
2). VERBS + GERUND : Sau day la nhung d(>ng tu thong
ma d(>ng tu theo sau chung du'.qc dung (J d~,mg 'gerund'.
- admit : thua nh~n - imagine : tu&ng tuqng
- appreciate : coi trc;mg - involve : dinh liu
- avoid : tranh - keep (on) : tie'p t1,1c
- consider: xem xet - mention : nh:fo de'n; n6i de'n
- contemplate: can nh:ic; xem xet - miss : ho la
- delay : tr'i. hoan - postpone : hoan l?i
- deny : phu nh~n - practise : luy~n t~p
- detest : ghet - put off : hoan l?i
- dislike : khong th:i'.ch - quit : tU bO
- enjoy : thich; kh6ai - resent : blfc tltc; udt uc
- face : dfii m~t vai - resist : chfing l?i
- fancy : mufin; tliich - risk : danh li~u
- feel like : cam thdy thich - spend (time): dung thi gia
- finish : hoan thanh - can't stand : khong ch!u n6i
- forgive : tha thu - suggest : d~ nghj
- (not) mind : khong ng?i - waste (time): phi thi gia
- give up : tU ho
Vi d'fl-: - Susie considered looking for another job.
- Some wanted to go by train. The others suggested going by bus.
- Workers really enjoy having one more national holiday in April.
- Would you mind not smoking in this room?
- I can't face worl?.ing in such bad conditions.
- Do you fancy going out for a meal after work?
- Angela mentioned seeing you the other day.
- He resented being treated like a child.
- He has decided to quit smoking for several times.

* CHU Y: Chung ta ding thub'ng dung d9ng tU "go + verb-ing" khi
n6i v~ nhU'ng holilt d9ng thg thao hoiftc giai tri.
- go cam ping: di dim trlili - go sailing : di chai thuy~n
- go dancing : di khieu vii - go shopping : di mua slim
- go fishing : di cau ea - go sightseeing : di ngilm canh
- go hiking : di bQ (dub'ng dai) - go skiing : di truqt tuye't
- go hunting : di san - go swimming : di bai
- go jogging : chlilY bQ - go window shopping : di xem
- go mountain climbing: di leo nui hang h6a trling bay
3). NhU'ng d9ng tu sau day c6 thg theo sau bilng Gerund hoiftc To-
infinitive ma y nghia khong thay d6i:
start begin continue intend like love hate
Vi dlf,: - They started building I to build that bridge two months ago.
- He continued working I to work even though it was very late.
4). VERBS + Gerund or To-infinitive: NhU'ng d9ng tU sau day c6
thg theo sau bilng Gerund hoiftc To-infinitive, nhling y nghia khac nhau:
a). They stopped working because it was too late.
(Stop + Gerund : ngUn.g vi~c dang lam)
- On his way to the office, he stopped to buy a newspaper.
(Stop + To-infinitive : ngling llili dg lam m9t vi~c khac)
b). My grandmother still remembers looking after me when I was a baby.
(Remember + Gerund : nh6' l~i vi~c da xay ra)
- Please, remember to post my letter on your way to work.
(Remember + To-infinitive : nh6' vi~c cdn phai lam)
c). "I've got a bad headache." "Why don't you try taking an aspirin?"
(Try + Gerund : thll' lam vi~c gi)
- He's trying to work very hard to earn more money.
(Try + To-infinitive : c6 gilng lam vi~c gi)
d). If we catch the early train, it'll mean getting up at 5:30.
(Mean + Gerund : c6 nghia la)
- I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to hurt you.
(Mean+ To-infinitive : c6 y djnh lam gi)
e). The room is too dirty. It needs cleaning. (= It needs to be cleaned)
(Need + Gerund : (vi~c gi) cl:1n phai duqc lam)
- You need to clean the room. It's too dirty. (=You have to clean ... )
(Need + To-infinitive : (nglib'i nao) cl:1n phai lam vi~c gi)

f). She regretted telling him a lie.
(Regret + Gerund : an h~n vi da lam gi)
- I regret to inform you that your application has been: unsuccessful.
(Regret + To-infinitive : ldy lam tie'c khi n6i di~u gi)
g). She went on talking about her holiday all evening.
(Go on+ Gerund: tie'p t\lc lam di~u dang lam)
- She spoke about her son, and then went on to talk about her daughter.
(G0, on + To-infinitive : tie'p t\lc chuy~n sang lam m9t vi~c khac)
5). Nhung d()ng tu co d~ng thuc: "verb + preposition + gerund"
(d{mg tit+ gioi tu + 'gerund'):
- adapt to doing sth : thich nghi voi
- adjust tO' doing sth : thich ling voi
- admit to doirig sth: thua nh~n vi~c gi
- confess to doing sth : thu nh~n vi~c gi
- look forward to doing stli :: trong cha' vi~c gi
- resort to doing stli. : v~n d~ng t'of vi~c gi
- be/get used to doing sth: quen voi vi~c gi
- be accustomed to doing sth: quen voi vi~c gi
- be capable of : c6 kha nang
- to insist on : cu khang khang
- t0 succeed in : thanh cong v~
- I~'s no use/good doing something: Khong ich gi ...
- There's no point in doing something: Khong cdn thie't .. .
- It's (not) worth doing something: Khong dang d~ lam .. .
Vi d11- : - You must get used to working on the personal computer.
- Sheila is capable of taking care of the children.
- Their only son can't adjust to living in the dormitory.
- The man strongly objected to being charged for parking.
- There's no point in getting angry.
- It's not worth queuing for the tickets.
B). Passive infinitive
Passive infinitive la hinh thuc cau bi d9ng trong d6 qua khu phan tU
(Past participle) theo sau ''be" ho~c "to be" voi d:;mg thuc : "(to) be +
past participle". Passive infinitive dti<JC dung sau cac trq d9ng tU
khie'm khuye't (modals): will, can, must, may, should, would rather,
had better, ... ; ho~c sau cac d9ng tU : be going to, have to, want to,
would like to, ought to, ....

Active Passive
- You must keep the room tidy. - The room must be kept tidy.
- They can't solve the problem. - The problem can't be solved.
- They're going to pass the law. - The law is going to be passed.
- You have to rewrite this report. - This report has to be rewritten.
- I don't want anyone to disturb me. - I don't want to be disturbed.
- She would like someone to post - She would like this letter to be
this letter. posted.
C). Passive. gerund
Passive gerund la hinh thuc cau bi d(lng trong d6 qua khu phan tU
theo sau ''being" v6'i d~ng thuc: ''being + past participle". Passive
gerund duqc dung v6'i cac d(lng tU theo sau bilng Gerund (Verbs +
gerund) ho~c sau gi6'i tU. Vi dl!-:
Active Passive
- He enjoys people admiring him. - He enjoys being admired.
- I don't mind you shouting at me. - I don't mind being shouted at.
- We dislike people cheating us. - We dislike being cheated.
- You can't stand people hating you. - You can't stand being hated.
- She can't get used to people - She can't get used to being critic;zed.
criticizing her. - He'd like to do it himself instead
- He'd like to do it himself instead of being helped.
of people helping him.

EXERCISE 1: Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the
following verbs. Use each verb only once.
write look tidy learn steal keep
go work meet surf

1. I can't stand with such a rude man.

2. Ken spends most of his spare time _ _ the Net.
3. Susan considers_ for another job.
4. Why do you put off __ to see the dentist?
5. We look forward t o _ our cousins again.
6. I don't mind __ up the room with you.
7. It's no use _ a foreign language if you don't, practise it.

8. I've just finished _ the report.
9. Kate accused Tom of her best CDs.
10. I really apologize for_ you waiting.

EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the gerund of the
verb in brackets.
1. I can't stand people _ _ me questions all the time. (ask)
2. Tracy promised Owen with his packing. (help)
3. Her brother is very keen on_. (swim)
4. It's not worth for the tickets because you can book them by
telephone. (queue)
5. The company seems _ _ good progress this year. (make)
6. I'm afraid I'm very bad at languages. (learn)
7. It was a difficult exam, but Jennifer managed _ _ it. (pass)
8. She forgave her sister for her. (deceive)
9. Although we tried to stop him, he kept on_. (talk)
10. I failed _ _ in touch with him. (get)
11. The snow prevented the train from_ on time. (arrive)
12. Jane is looking forward to _ three weeks in California. (spend)
13. It's no use him. He isn't interested. (tell)
14. I happened __ this old photograph while I was tidying my room.
15. Since coming here, I've got used t o _ to bed early. (go)

EXERCISE 3: Match a line in column A with a line in column B to make a

complete sentence.
1. I wonder why she tried to avoid a). to quit the job.
2. Can you manage b). answering my question.
3. Hopefully, he kept c). to see the director in person.
4. Elma finally decided d). proposing marriage to her.
5. Carol can't get used to e). to have a holiday abroad.
6. They're planning f). working under high pressure.
7. It's not worth g). paying for the meal.
8. I can't afford h). to build a flyover at this place.
9. Edward insisted on i). applying for that job.
10. We demand j). to finish the work by yourself?

EXERCISE 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in
1. Her aunt remembers __ the first car in her village. (see)
2. Will he remember __ the bill? I told him he should do it today. (pay)
3. She had a cold, so she couldn't help __ (sneeze) all the time.
4. Everybody helped _ _ (clean up) after the party.
5. He needs _ _ (work) harder if he wants to make progress.
6. The grass is very long. It needs _ _ (cut).
7. You don't need _ _ (iron) that shirt. It doesn't need _ (iron).
8. He stopped _ _ because he was sleepy. (drive)
9. They stopped the car __ a chat with their friends. (have)
10. Don't forget him for coffee when you see him . (invite)
11. He'll soon forget involved in the accident. (be)
12. They tried their way, but they were lost. (find)
13. Why don't you try _ _ your breath, o r _ a glass of water? (hold,
14. First he repaired the radio, then he went on _ _ the television. (repair)
15. Go on __ . It's very interesting. (explain)

EXERCISE 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has. a similar meaning

to the first sentence.
1. Jolie and Brad are going to get married.
Jolie and Brad have decided ,__ J9._g(}_tmw.r:i_~fl:, __ ,, ____ _
2. Pamela danced without stopping for an hour.
Pamela continued .. _....... _.. __ .......... ..
3. I want to sit in the front row.
I'd rather ..... _. _____ ....... -- .........
4. Richard thinks he's going to do well.
Rich_ard expects ..... -- .. -.... -....... -..
5. What are your plans for the summer?
What do you intend ....... _........ -.......... -
6. Clearing up my room is something I dislike.
I hate __ ,, ______ ..................... _.. ..
7. Helen said she'd go to the party with me.
Helen agreed ..... -..... _.. __ ,, ____ .......
8. My boss wouldn't let me leave early.
My boss refused .. -.......... _....... -...

9. I really expect to hear from you soon.
I really look ............................. .
10. What do you fancy doing this evening?
What do you want ......................... .
11. The manager would speak to you about this; he promised.
The manager promised ..................... .
12. Fiona was able to persuade her father to change his mind.
Fiona succeeded ........................ .
13. Where would you like to go this evening?
Where do you feel .......................... .
14. The detective discovered the secret accidentally.
The detective happened .................... .
15. It was very late, but she continued to tidy up the kitchen.
It was very late, but she went ............... .

EXERCISE 6: Put these sentences into the passive.

1. Someone will clean the room today.

2. Someone might steal the car.

3. They had to cut down that tree.

4. They're going to demolish the old houses.

5. We can't restore the picture.

6. You must make an appointment in advance.

7. I don't want people to make me a fool.

8. Someone has to look after the garden.

9. He wants everybody to serve him.

10. They're going to interview him next week.

EXERCISE 7 : Put these sentences into the passive gerund.
1. I don't like people shouting at me.

2. I hate people staring at me.

3. I can't stand people telling me what to do.

4. I don't like people interrupting me.

5. I dislike people making jokes about me.

6. He enjoys people praising him.

7. She can't stand her parents watching her all day.

8. He doesn't mind people criticizing him.

9. She hates people asking her about her past.

10. We dislike people cheating us.

EXERCISE 8: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. Carol always wants _ by everyone she meets.
A be admired B. being admired
C. to being admired D. to be admired
2. I dislike _ _ by my friends.
A deceiving B. being deceived
C. to be deceived D. to deceive
3. The garden has to __ after.
A look B. be looked C. being looked D. be looking
4. Last summer we _ to travel overland through Australia.
A enjoyed B. decided C. didn't mind D. suggested
5. Why are you leaving now? You don't need_ yet, do you?
A go B. to go C. going D. of going
6.It's a difficult problem. It needs_ about very carefully.
A think B. to think C. thinking D. being thought

7. The company_ holding that workshop until the next month.
A planned B. arranged C. postponed D. was able
8. Did she apologize _ _ late?
A being B. to be C. to have been D. for being
9. "What shall we do this evening?" "How _ _ to that pop concert?
A to go B. we going C. about going D. about we go
10. There's a good film on TV tonight. I'm really looking forward_ it.
A to seeing B. to see C. for seeing D. for to see
11. _ _ breakfast, I did the washing-up.
A After have B. After had C. After I have D. After having
12. Why don't you let your son _ camping with his classmates?
A go B. going C. to go D. to going
13. Please do not hesitate _ _ me if you have any queries.
A contact B. contacting C. to contact D. to contacting
14. Some critics didn't think the book __ to win the prize.
A deserved B. was worth C. needed D. should
15. She_ the children wash their hands before every meal.
A forced B. permitted C. got D. made

EXERCISE 9: Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be

1. Get up early can be very difficult for some people.
2. She can't stand being tell what to do.
3. David's life often attracts criticism from the Press, but he doesn't
mind being criticizing.
4. Some of my classmates spend most of their spare time to surf the Net.
5. While I was looking for my keys, I remembered I left them at home.
6. When I got into bed, I was falling asleep immediately.
7. The fine weather helped making it a very enjoyable holiday.

8. It's not worth to buy such substandard goods.
9. I didn't feel like to go out last night, so I stayed at home.
10. She suddenly left the meeting room without to say anything.

EXERCISE 10: Use the words given below the text to form a word that fits the
numbered space.
The house I grew up was in the old part of Singapore. It was some (1)
_ _ from the city center and had an (2) _story. It belonged to an old
lady who lived next door with her daughter and grandchildren . Her
family had owned it since before the war. My parents rented the house
from her and she was always very kind to me.
The house was made of solid brick and had a little garden which
looked out on the jungle. This was (3) _ _ as the (4) _Singapore an
house is made of wood, and often stands on stilts to protect it from the
floods, which (5) _occur in the (6) _season.
Last year I returned to Singapore in the hope of finding the house
again, but it was (7) _ _ .Perhaps it had been pulled down to make way
for the modern high-rise buildings which now predominate on the island.
I am (8) _ _ that it is a sign of the times.

(Unit 3: A PARTY)
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. They always celebrate their wedding _ _with dinner in an expensive
A birthday B. memory C. souvenir D. anniversary
2. The audience got up and _ _ _when the violinist finished her
A slapped B. clapped C. slashed D. crashed

3. The child is so excited; she can't wait to _ _ the candles on the
birthday cake.
A. blow out B. turn off C. put out D. get off
4. The whole family went to a restaurant to __ his return from abroa:d.
A. congratulate B. celebrate C. memorize ·D.• decorate
5. The 2oth wedding is called the" _ _ anniversary", so what do you call
the 30th wedding?
A. golden B. copper C. wooden D. silver
6. "Can I use your telephone?" " "
A. f!m' glad you did it. B. That's what you did.
C. Sure. Go ahead. D. Don't worry about it.
7. "Mr. Rose, could you spare me-a minute?" "_ _ "
A. Sure. I'll be there. B. Yes. What do you need?
C. Thanks anyway. D. It doesn't matter.
8. He expected __ for an Oscar, but he wasn't.
A. to nominate B. to be nominated
C. nominating D. being nominated
9. She is always fond __ by all people around her.
A. to praise B. to be praised
C. of praising D. of being praised
10. Instead _ _ , she was dismissed after all of her efforts.
A. of promoting · B. to being promoted
'·C. to be promoted D. of being promoted
11. In America, husbands and wives give flowers and gifts to __ on
their anniversary.
A. one another B. other each C. another one D. each others
12. This is exactly __ I was looking for.
A. the job B. some job C. a job D. job
13. "When are you planning to submit your essay?" "I_ it already."
A. submit B. am submitting
C. have submitted D. had submitted
14. The longest fish in the contest _ _ by Mr. Henry from Arizona.
A. caught B. was catching C. has caught D. was caught
15. "Did you play chess with your Dad?""Yes. I __ by him every time we
A. used to beat B. used to beating
C. used to be beaten D. used to being beaten

16'. Of all the suspects, the butler is _ person I suspect.
A. last B. a last C. some last D. the last
II. Choose the word whose underlin ed part is pronoun ced
differen tly from that of the others in each sentenc e. (1 p.)
1. A. Cf!rd B. df!rk C. Cf!re D. mf!rk
2. A. blow B. mow C. tow D. cow
3. A. spgcial B. sp~cies C. s~cret D. r~cent
4. A. silver B. river C. rider D. shiver
III. Choose the underlin ed part in each sentenc e that needs
correcti on. (lp.)
1. My grandmo ther hardly understan ds. anything writing in English.
2. He sat idly on a bench and watched the sun went down.
3. Today Wendy and Bill are having an annivers ary party: they get
married twenty-fi ve years ago.
4. On a very young age, children should be taught to distinguis h between
right and wrong.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
Sam, Molly, and Mom decide to throw a surprise birthday party for
Dad. They are getting ready for it while he is at work. They invite Uncle
Mel, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Joanna, and their cousins, Noah and Kayla. Sam
calls them all on the phone and says, "Please arrive by 4:30. Dad will be
home at 5 o'clock."
Mom puts a chocolate cake in the oven, then makes snacks for
everyone to eat. Sam is making his Dad a birthday card. Molly runs to
the store to buy balloons and birthday candles.
"We'd better make sure the house is clean before everyone comes,"
says Mom. Molly vacuums the living room. Sam dusts all the furniture .
Mom sweeps the kitchen, then takes her cake out of the oven. After the
cake has cooled down, Molly puts frosting on it and decorates it. Sam
blows up balloons, puts streamer s on the ceiling, and hangs a sign on the
wall that says, "Happy Birthday" . All of the guests arrive on time for the
surprise party. Molly and Sam play video games with their cousins until
Dad gets home.

When Dad pulls in the driveway, everyone hides in the living room.
When Dad walks in the house everyone jumps up and yells, "Surprise!"
"Wow!," Dad says. "This is a real surprise! My birthday is still two
months away!" Dad was surprised, but so was everyone else in the
family. Even though the party was two months early, everyone had a
spectacular time.
* Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. Who puts up the decorations?

2. How many guests came to the party?

3. What do Molly and Sam do while they are waiting for Dad to come home?

4. What mistake did the family make?

V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word

given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
1. Lack of trust is very destructive in a _ . (relate)
2. A __ is held for the boy at the age when he is considered to have
reached manhood. (celebrate)
3. All of their children are now _ _ with children of their own. (marry)
4. Adults often look back on their childhood as a _ _ age. (gold)
5. Everyone was working _ _ when, all of a sudden, Bill started
shouting and swearing. (quiet)
6. The success of his movie has made him a __ throughout the country.
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. He dislikes being called "the liar".
He dislikes people ·····-------------------------·
2. The police are following the suspects.
The suspects -------------·-·------------------·
3. She always expects to be admired by everybody.
She always expects everybody ·-·-----------·-----
4. Someone stole his car two days ago.
He had -------------·------·-·--··-------

5. They made all students sign up for the course before September.
Each _______________________________________ _
6. Do you mind watering the plants for me?
Is it-----------------------------------------

- baseball ['be1sb;,:l] (n)

: mon b6ng chay

- care [keg(r)] (n) & (v) : (n) st,i cham s6c; (v) quan tarn
Vi df!,: She was full of admiration for the care she had received.
(Ba ta vo citng cdm phZJ,c tritac slf cham s6c ba ta nh<J,n dztqc.)
- clean up ['kli:n Ap] (v) : dc;m d~p (nha clia)
- college student ['kuhd3 'stju:dnt] (n) : sinh vien di;i.i h<;>c
- Comfort ['kAmfat] (n) : ngu6n an Ui
Vi df!,: The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this.
(Con cai za ngu&n an rli l<'Jn lao di tOi c6 the' vztqt qua tdt cd nhung
di€u nay.)
- comfort ['kAmfat] (V) : an Ui
- comfortable ['kAmfatgbl] (adj) : thoai mai; du ti~n nghi
- disadvantage [,d1sgd'va:nt1d3] (n) : st,i bllt lgi
- disadvantaged [,d1sgd'va:nt1d3d] (adj) : thie'u th6n; chiu thi~t thoi
Vi df!,: Many children in the remote areas are disadvantaged by poor
(Nhi~u tre con ac<ic vitng xa chju thi~t thoi vl. chdt lztf/ng gi<io dZJ,C kem.)
- the disadvantaged [,d1sgd'va:nt1d3d] (n) : nhU'ng ngub'i thie'u th6n
- disaster [d1'za:stg] (n) : tai hoi;i.
Vi df!,: The trip was a disaster from start to finish.
(Chuyin di la mt)t tai hoq, tu d&u cho din cuo'i.)
- disastrous [d1'za:strgs] (adj) : gay tai h<;>a; t~ hi;i.i
- do shopping ['fnpIIJ] (v) : di mua s:lm
- drought [draut] (n) : hi;i.n han
- educate ['ed3uke1t] (v) : giao d~c; di;i.y d6
- education [,ed3u'ke1Jn] (n) : st,i giao d~c
Vi df!,: A child receives its early education at home.
(FJzZa tre nh<J,n dzt<!c slf giao dZJ,c ban ddu a nha.)

- educational [,ed3u'kerj~nl] (adj) : thu9c v~ giao d1,1c
- educationally [,ed3u'kerJ;ml] (adv) : v~ giao d1,1c
- handicapped ['hrendikrept] (adj) : tan t~t
Vi d'l!-: Bringing up a handicapped child can be a long and hard road.
(Nuoi dztiJng mf)t dlla tre tan tg,t qua la mf)t chij,ng dit<mg dai va gian nan.)
- the handicapped ['hrendikrept] (n) : nhi1ng ngttC1i tan t~t
- home for the aged (n): vi~n ducrng lao = old people's home
Vi d'l!-:
What I didn't want was to see my mother sent to a home for the aged.
(Di~u toi khong mu6n la nh'in thdy mf! m'inh b? giJi vao vi~n dufmg lao.)
- lawn [b:n] (n) : bai co
- mountainous ['maunt~m;:is] (adj): nui
- mow [m;:iu] (v) : ciit co
Vi d'l!-: In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week.
(Vao mua he chung toi phdi ciit co hai l&n mf)t tu&n.)
- organise I organize [':>:g;:inarz] (v) : t5 chuc
- organization [,:>:g;:im'zerJn] (n) : m9t t6 chuc
- orphan[':>:fn] (n) : tre em m6 coi
- orphanage [':>:fonrd3] (n) : tn;i.i m6 coi
- overcome [,;mv;:i'kAm] (v) : khiic ph1,1c; vu'gt qua
Vi d'l!-: She tried hard to overcome her fear of flying.
(Co fly cd giing h€t minh d€ Vll<!t qua nJi S<! hai khi di may bay.)
- participate in [pa:'trsrpert] (v) : tham gia = take part in
- participation [pa:,trsr'perJn] (n) : slf tham gia
- provide [pr;:i'vard] (v) : cung cdp
Vi d11-: The local authorities promised to provide the best possible
medical care for people.
(Chinh quy~n d?a phztang hua cung cdp slf cham s6c sue khoe tdt nhdt
cho nguai dan.)
- remote [rrm;:iut] (adj) : xa xoi
- suffer (from sth.) ['sAfo] (v) : chju dlfng; bi (b~nh)
Vi d11-: He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it.
(Anh ta da quyeft d?nh vf)i vang va nay dang phdi ch?u dlfng vi n6.J
- summer vacation ['sAm;:i v;:i'kerJn] (n) : ki nghi he
- take part in (v): tham gia = participate
Vi d11-: She could sing a bit and agreed to take part in the show.
(Co ta c6 thl hat duqc doi chut va d6ng y tham gia budi di~n.)

- volunteer [,vulgn'trg] (v) & (n) : tinh nguy~n; ngttoi tinh nguy~n
- voluntarily ['vulgntr.lli] (adv) : ttf nguy~n
- voluntary ['vnlgntri] (adj) : tinh nguy~n
Vi d'f!-: She works for a voluntary organization helping homeless people.
(Co ta lam vi~c cho m9t te/ chuc tinh nguy~n giup da nhang nguai vo
gia cu.)

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. The minister is said to have been brought up in an _ before being
adopted by a rich married couple. (orphan)
2. Many ethnic groups live in the_ region of the country. (mountain)
3. Since retiring from the company, she has done __ work for a charity.
4. A new educational program has been set up for __ children.
5. Pollution can have __ effects on the balanced ecosystem. (disaster)
6. His sudden sickness prevented him from active__in the competition.
7. I never feel _ _ when I stay in other people's house. (comfort)
8. The local government has asked various voluntary_ to help raise
money for the new orphanage. (organize)
9. We need more and better _ _ programs on television for young
children. (educate)
10. Did he help you _ _ or did anyone force him to do so? (volunteer)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The car accident left her physically __ ; she has had to move around
in the wheelchair ever since.
A. handicapped B. suffered C. disadvantaged D. uncared
2. Many people __ from mental illness at some point in their lives.
A catch B. obtain C. include D. suffer
3. They live in a(n) _ area, which is accessible only by helicopter.
A disadvantaged B. educational C. remote D. disastrous
4. We decided to _the mess right after the party before going to sleep.
A participate in B. clean up
C. get up D. work out

5. More and more young people are willing to _ _ in voluntary work.
A take part B. get used C. look forward D. catch up

A). Gerund and Perfect gerund

8). Present participle and
Perfect participle

A). Gerund and Perfect gerund

I). Gerund (Danh-d{mg-tu) la hinh thuc ''Verb+ing", nhllng dttqc dung
nhtt danh W. C6 nghia la Gerund dttqc dung & cac v! tri ma danh W c6
th~ dttqc dung trong cau. Nhu v~y, Gerund c6 thg dung:
1. Lam chu ngi1 (subject):
- Reading can help broaden your knowledge.
2. Lam 'complement' sau d9ng tU 'Be':
- My hobby is cycling.
3. Theo sau m9t s6 d9ng tU vai chuc nang nhu tan ngi1 (object):
- She always avoids eating fatty food.
4. Theo sau giai W (preposition):
- Jane is very good at cooking.
* Xem ph~n Grammar cua Unit 3.
II). Perfect gerund la hinh thuc "Having + past participle" d11<;1c
dung khi n6i de'n Stf vi~c xay ra trong qua khu. Chung ta thubng dung
''Perfect gerund" sau giai tU va sau d9ng W "deny". Vi df:l:
- I still feel tired in spite of having slept ten hours.
- My father congratulated me on having passed the final exam.
- The secretary was accused of having stolen the money.
- The man denied having robbed the bank.
Tuy nhien, hinh thuc Gerund binh thubng cung duqc dung thay cho
''Perfect gerund", nha'.'t la trong van n6i (spoken English). Vi d1J-:
- My father congratulated me on passing the final exam.
- The secretary was accused of stealing the money.
B). Present participle and Perfect participle
I). Present participle (Hi~n-t~i phan-tu) cung la hinh thuc
''Verb+ing", nhttng khong d11<;1c dung nhli chuc nang cua danh tU; trai
l~i, Present participle v~n mang chuc nang cua d9ng tU va duqc
dung trong cac trubng hqp sau:
1. Dung vai cac thi tie'p di~n (Continuous tenses):
- The children are playing in the yard.
- Eric has been staying with his aunt for a week.
2. Dung nhu tinh tU M mo ta danh tu:
- Air pollution is really a worrying problem.
(0 nhi~m khong khi thlfc slf la m(>t va"n d~ dang lo.)
- Boiling water turns to steam.
(Nuac soi bie'n thanh hoi nuO'c.)
- I must call for a plumber to mend the leaking pipes.
(Toi phai g<;>i thq o'ng mtO'c sU'a ma'y o'ng mJO'c rb ri.)
3. Dung d~ gian luqc m~nh d~ quan h~ (Reducing relative clauses):
- The woman answering my phone call was very polite.
(The woman who answered my phone call was very polite.)
- Isabel is engaged to a man working in the same office.
(Isabel is engaged to a man who works in the same office.)
4. Dung sau "d{>ng tu giac quan + tuc tU'' (Verbs + object + V-
ing). Nhung d(>ng tU duqc dung vai ca"u true nay g6m c6 : "see, hear,
feel, smell, notice, watch" va cac d(>ng tU : "catch, find". Vi dr,t:
- I saw Mr. Norris driving past my house this morning.
- Did you hear the alarm clock ringing?
- They watched the two boxers fighting.
- I felt something creeping on my foot.
- She caught her boyfriend reading her diary.
- I found the boy hiding behind the door.
5. Dung sau cac d(>ng tU "spend/waste + time"; sau d(>ng tU "go" va
''be busy".
Vi d11-:
- He spends an hour walking through the park every morning.
- Don't waste your time playing computer games all day!
- "Where's your wife?" "She's busy preparing dinner."
- Kate goes shopping once a week.
Chung ta c6 th~ dung "go+ V-ing" vO'i cac d(>ng tU sau:
Go fishing I sailing I camping I hiking I jogging I skiing I shopping ...
6. Dung Present participle trong cac ''Participle phrases" (C~m

phan tu) d~ thay the' cho m(>t m~nh d~ trong cac trub'ng hgp sau:
a). Khi hai hanh d<}ng xay ra li~n nhau.,va cung m<}t chu ta, chung
ta c6 th~ dung "Participle phrase" cho m<}t trong hai hanh d<}ng d6.
Vi df!-:
(She took some money from her purse and threw it into the bowl.)
- She took some money from her purse, throwing it into the bowl.
- Taking some money from her purse, she threw it into the bowl.
(He took off his shoes and walked quietly into the room.)
- He took off his shoes, walking quietly into the room.
Ho~c: - Taking off his shoes, he walked quietly into the room.
b). C6 th~ dung ''Participle phrase" sau cac lien tlt: "when,
while, after, before, ...".
Vi d'f!:
- He had a fight while eating in a restaurant.
- You should wear gloves when using an electric saw.
- After taking a secretarial course, she began to look for a job.
c). ''Participle phrase" cung du<;tc dung d~ drnn ta ly do cho hanh
d<}ng trong m~nh d~ chinh.
Vi df!-:
- Being rather busy, she completely forgot the time.
(Because she was rather busy, she completely forgot the time.)
- Crowds were waiting at the airport, hoping to see the pop star arrive.
(Crowds were waiting at the airport because they hoped to see the
pop star arrive.)
- Not feeling well, Carol decided to lie down.
(Because she didn't feel well, Carol decided to lie down.)
d). "Participle phrase" cung c6 hinh thuc "being + past
participle" d~ di~n ta y nghia b! d<}ng (passive).
Vi df!-:
- Being treated by the best doctors, the patient recovered quickly.
(Because he was treated by the best doctors, the patient recovered quickly.)
- In summer the ducks have it easy, always being fed by tourists.
(In summer the ducks have it easy, because they are alwr.ys fed by
II). Perfect participle c6 hinh thuc "Having + past participle" dti<;tc
dung d~ thay the' cho m<}t m~nh d~ trong d6 di~n ta m<}t hanh d<}ng da
hoan ta't truac khi hanh d<}ng trong m~nh d~ chinh xay ra. Vi df!-:

- Having spent two hours over dinner, they left the restaurant.
(They had spent two hours over dinner before they left the restaurant.)
- Having finished the housework, she decided to take a rest.
(She had finished the housework, so she decided to take a rest.)
- After having left the building, the man hailed a taxi.
(After he had left the building, the man hailed a taxi.)
·Trong ca'u true nay, chung ta cung dung hinh thuc ''Having been +
past participle" khi muO'n drnn ta y nghia hi d()ng (passive). Vi dlf-:
- Having been turned down so many times, Jeff got tired of
looking for a job.
' (Because he had been turned down so many times, Jeff got tired of
looking for a job.)
- Having been bitten by our dog twice, the postman refused to
deliver our mail.
(Because he had been bitten by our dog twice, the postman refused
1to deliver our maiL)

'EXERCISE 1:: Complete the ·sentences using the correct form of the verbs in
1. Don'flteep him __ (stand}·at the gate!
2. There· ··was no way of ____ (get) over the obstacle.
3. He made me __ (repeat) every word of his instructions.
4. Sonia often wastes her time _ (chat) with her friends.
5. Would you like to go _ _ (sail) with me this weekend?
6. He offered_ (give) a lift in his new car.
7. She had to spend so much time _ _ (look) after the baby that she
hardly ever went out.
8. The man _ _ (talk) to our teacher is a reporter.
9. Anita is very busy __ (write) her annual report, so she can't go out
with us.
10. Wang advised me_ (sell) my old motorbike.

EXERCISE 2: Complete each sentence using the '-ing' form of one of the
following verbs. Use each verb only once.
make ring search walk sit
wave burn do have climb

1. I caught him __ through the kitchen window.
2. I found this woman _ your suitcase.
3. He spent all morning __ in that cafe reading magazines.
4. She tried to stop the children __ noise, but couldn't.
5. We heard the doorbell_, but didn't see anyone at the door.
6. When he smelled something _ _ , he rushed out of the room.
7. Did you see Mr. Wood_ past your house this morning?
8. What about _ _ a picnic in the countryside next Sunday?
9. I didn't notice you __ to me, so I didn't wave back.
10. I never waste my time __ crossword puzzles.

EXERCISE 3: Use the Perfect gerund or the Perfect participle of one of the
following verbs to complete each sentence. Use each verb only once.
be not invite hear take damage
walk break not ride read work
1. _ the book twice, I found the film rather boring.
2. _ in foreign countries for such a long time, he decided to return
home for good.
3. Rachel accused Tony of _ _ her new lap top.
4. Jenny, __ of a job in Canada, decided to go there.
5. _ all the way through the forest, they felt totally exhausted.
6. _ on a horse before, Sarah found it difficult to get on its back.
7. The boy denied __ my window on purpose.
8. Mr. Wood resigned from his office after _ there for nearly twenty
9. Paµl regrets _ _ Carol to his birthday party.
10. _ _ the wrong bus, Maud found herself in an unfamiliar town.

EXERCISE 4: Use a participle phrase to replace the relative clause in each sentence.
1. The people who live next to your house are from South Korea .
2. The taxi that took us to the airport broke down halfway.

3. There are a lot of people in the hall who want to speak to you.

4. The woman who manages this bookstore used to be a publisher.

5. The man who took part in the robbery refused to give any information.

6. At the end of the road there is a path that leads to the river.

7. All the people who work in your office are very pleasant.

8. The travel agent gave me a brochure which contained all the needed

9. During our holidays, we stayed in a nice room which overlooked the beach.

10. The men who walked alongside the president were his bodyguards.

Rewrite the sentences using the perfect participle "Having + past participle".
1. I did all the housework, then I went out for a walk .
.... lf_q,_f!_i_TJfi..d9.~H~.<JU.#J.?..l:i..9..lJ-..fl~W.QT./?:,_l.w.?n-.(.9..lJ-..t.fqr._~_w..g,{f?,,_
2. He got out of bed, then he took a bath.

3. She turned off the lights, then she got to sleep.

4. They ate dinner, then they looked for a cafe to pass the time.

5. Joan read the job advertisement in the paper, then she wrote an
application letter.

6. James typed all the letters, then he put them all in envelopes.

7. They bought the house, then they asked an architect to redecorate it.

8. He wrote the book, then he looked for a publishing house to print it.

9. He had drunk a bottle of wine. He couldn't drive home.

10. Anna has visited many European cities. She's planning to travel to
South-east Asia this year.

EXERCISE 6: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. _ _ old bottles is a strange hobby.
A Collect B. Collecting C. Collection D. Being collected
2. Did he __ taking your mobile phone?
A admit B. refuse C. expect D. want
3. Sorry, but I don't feel like _ _ this evening.
A go out B. going out C. to go out D. to going out
4. She didn't want to see him, so she _ _ to be ill.
A suggested B. considered C. pretended D. made
5. Their house really needs _ __
A paint B. to paint C. painting painted
6. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help _ _ .
A smile B. to smile C. me smiling D. smiling
7. He helped her, but it wasn't necessary. He needn't_ her!
A help B. to help C. be helping D. have helped
8. _the language, Stephen found it hard to get a job.
A Not know B. Not knowing C. Not to know D. Don't know
9. We saw the lorry _ _ on the ice and hit the wall.
A skid B. skidded C. to skid D. was skidding
10. We were informed of the landslide while_ along the pass.
A drove B. driving C. to drive D. driven

EXERCISE 7: Choose the underlined in each sentence that should be corrected.

1. Fell from such a height, Derek was miraculously unhurt.
2. Having fed the dog, he was sat down to his own dinner.
3. She didn't know how to get to the station, so she stopped asking the
4. A large crowd gathered to watch the men to saw the great tree.

5. The workmen had difficulty to keep the roads clear because the snow
kept falling.

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. We need more volunteers to help __ in this neighborho od.
A aged B. aging C. the olds D. the aged
2. It's difficult for her to make friends because she can hardly_ her
A mow B. suffer C. overcome D. hold
3. People in this region suffer natural __ like storms and floods year
after year.
A comforts B. disasters C. difficulties D. tasks
4. You can't _ _ the grass if it is still wet.
A.mow B. clean C. care D. organize
5. "Where do you suggest I stay?" "_ _ "
A Let's stay at the Hilton. B. I recommend the Hilton.
C. I suggest to stay at the Hilton. D. I never mind.
6. "Have a nice weekend, Darren!" " "
A Yes, go ahead. B. Not at all. There you are.
C. You too! D. Of course not!
7. The company may have to resort __ untrained staff.
A to use B. using C. to using D. with using
8. Do you have any objection _ _ to stay with us?
A to his coming B. to he comes
C. to him come D. that he comes
9. The nicotine patches are designed to help people quit_.
A smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. to smoking
10. He bitterly resents _ _ like a child.
A treating B. to treat C. to be treated D. being treated
11. "Are we about to have lunch?" ''Yes, i t _ in the dining room."
A being served B. is serving
C. is being served D. will be serving

12. "The police are still looking for the missing boy." "Hasn't_ yet?"
A. he been found B. he found
C. been he found D. found him
13. For Romeo and Juliet it was love _ _ first sight.
A. in B. at C. for D. with
14. We walked on tiptoe for fear of __ .
A. discover B. discovering
C. being discovered D. to be discovered
15. I'm sure _ _ was last week that I paid the bill.
A. it B. that C. when D. I
16. Strange as it _ _ seem, I have never drunk coffee!
A. may B. will C. is D. must
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A. orphanage B. difficulty C. participate D. handicapped
2. A. voluntary B. volunteer C. educate D. mountainous
3. A. baseball B. college C. nation D. remote
4. A. organizeB. understandC. happiness D. interest
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. To everybody's disappointment, the bank strongly resisted to cut
interest rates.
2. The United States, unlike many another countries, receives a large
number of immigrants yearly.
3. Couples celebrate their golden wedding anniversary when they have
been marriage fifty years.
4. Automobiles began to equip with built-in radios around 1930.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
English Volunteer Teachers in Vietnam
There is a serious shortage of English teachers in high schools,
colleges and universities. Many students have only had the chance to

learn English from a local Vietnames e teacher, who is responsible for
around 50 students. Volunteers from English speaking countries are
needed to assist Vietnames e teachers to teach the students correct
English pronunciat ion and conversatio nal skills as it is considered a
valuable asset. Please note that if you wish to volunteer during the school
holidays in July and August you will be teaching English to 6-18 year
olds as a part of the Children's Program.
In Vietnam, the English language is considered as a gateway to the
students' future and a chance to escape poverty. Effective use of the
English language will provide .students with confidence and improve their
future employme nt opportuniti es.
Volunteers in the Teaching program are not required to be a qualified
teacher or have any previous teaching experience . All we ask is that you
give 100% effort and enthusiasm in your work with the students.
* Write 'T' before the sentence if it is true. Write 'F' if the sentence is not true.
1. Volunteer teachers will help Vietnames e teachers to teach the students
pronunciat ion and conversatio nal skills.
2. Each volunteer teacher will have to be responsible for a class of 50
3. Volunteers in this teaching program must be qualified and experience d
in teaching English.
4. Volunteer teachers should be enthusiasti c about their work with
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parenthes es. (1.5 pts.)
1. This organizatio n relies entirely on __ contributio n. (volunteer)
2. Some people choose to work in the _ _ on weekends as a way of
spending their leisure time. (orphan)
3. A new educationa l program has been set up to help economical ly _
children. (advantage )
4. There is a shortage of schools and hospitals in the _ region.
5. A college _ _ is often the best route to a good job. (educate)
6. More and more college students are participati ng in charitable work
_ _ . (volunteer)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. I really expect to meet you again soon.
I'm looking ..................................... .
2. Please, don't mention this matter to the children!
Would you mind ------------------------------
3. The clerk was stealing the money. The manager caught him at that
The manager caught--------------------------------·
4: Dg ,you want to go out for a cup of coffee?
· Do .you feel ---------------------------------------
5; She really doesn't want you to call her your "old lady".
She objects ---------------------------------------
6. Nobody has mowed the lawn for weeks.
TThe lawn -------------------------------------

- campaign

[krem'pem] (v): chie'n dich

Vi dl!: The aim of the campaign is to inform the public of the dangers
of cigarette smoking.
(M11-c dich cua chiin djch la cdnh bao cho cong cluing v€ m6i hie'm hQa
CUa VifC hut thutfc la.)
- complete [bm'pli:t] (v) : hoan thanh
- decrease [d1'kri:z] (v): lam giam; giam xuo'ng
Vi dl!: The number of new students has decreased from 210 to 160
this year.
(Nam nay, s6 lztqng hQc sinh mai gidm tit 210 xu6ng con 160.J
- effect [1'fekt] (n): hi~u qua; h~u qua
- effective [1'fekt1v] (adj) : c6 hi~u qua
- effectively [1'fekt1vli] (adv) : m()t each hi~u qua
- eradicate [1'rred1ke1t] (v) : xoa bo; bai trli
Vi dl!: The school's manageme nt board was very successful in
eradicating evils from their school.
(Ban gidm hifu da nit thanh cong trong vifc x6a bo nhung th6i hzt tq,t
xdu trong trztimg.)
- eradication [1,rred1'ke1fn] (n): stf xoa bO
- ethnic minority ['e8mk mm'nurgt1] (n): dan t()c thi~u s6

c minorities.
Vi d11-: Schools need to do more to help stude nts of ethni
g hQc sinh dan
(Truo ng hQc cdn lam nhi€u di€u h<Jn di gup da nhan
t9c thie'u so:)
- expa nd [1k'spa:nd] (v) : md r<)ng
resid entia l area.
Vi dv.: They are desig ning some plans to expan d the
(H9 dang thiit kt dlf dn ma r9ng khu dan cu.)
- expa nsion [1k'sprenJn] (n) : SI/ md r<)ng
- famil y plann ing ['frem11I 'pla:mg] (n): k8 ho~ch hoa
gia dinh
tion about famil y
Vi dv-: The gove rnme nt has provi ded a good educa
plan ning for people from ethnic minorities.
hod gia d'inh
(Chin h phzl d<i cung cdp m9t slf gido d11-c tdt v€ ki hoq,ch
cho. m9i nguai a cdc dan t9c thiiu stf.)
- fight [fmt] (n) : cu<)c da'.'u tranh ; tr~n danh
- gradu ally ['grred3ugli] (adv) : ddn ddn
Vi dl!: The clima te is gradu ally becoming drier and
(Tha i tiit dang ddn ddn tra nen kho h<Jn va dm dp han.)
- highl and ['haI1'1nd] (n) : cao nguy en
- hono r I hono ur ['ong] (n) : danh dlf
- hono rable ['ongrgbl] (adj) : ddy vinh dlf; dang kinh
Vi dl!: It was very honorable to become a stude nt of
the college.
g dq,i hQc d6.)
(Thq,t VO cung vinh dlf khi tra thanh sinh vien cua truan
- honorably['ongrgbli] (adv) : m<)t each c6 phdm each
- illite racy [1'1Jtgrgs1] (n) : n~n mu chu; slf tha't h<,>c
Vi dl!: Illiteracy is a major probl em in some developing
dang phdt triin. )
(T'inh trq,ng thdt hQc la mt;t vdn d€ Zan a mt;t sd nuac
- illite rate [1'1Jtgrgt] (adj) : mu chu; tha't h<,>c
- mate rial [mg't1grigl] (n): tai li~u (dg d~y ho~c h<,>c)
- popu lation [,pnpju:'le1Jn] (n) : dan s6
- prim ary schoo l ['pra1mgri sku:l] (n) : tn.:tC1ng tigu h<,>c
Vi dl!: He began his career as a prim ary school
teacher, and later
becam e professor of the university.
v€ sau tra thanh
(Ong (fy khai nghi~p la m9t gido vien tiiu hQc, va
gido su dq,i h9c.)
- relev ant ['relgvgnt] (adj) : thich hgp
Vi dl!: The content of any article needs, first of all, to be
relevant to readers.
thtch hqp ddi
(Nt;i dung czla bdt cu bai bdo nao, truac tien la cdn phdi
vai dt;c gid.)
- skill [skil] (n) : ki nang

Vi df!: To some students, listening is the most difficult of the four
skills in learning English.
(FJdi vai m9t so' h9c sinh, nghe la kh6 nhdt trong bdn ki niing khi h9c
tiing Anh.)
- struggle ['strAgl] (n) : cu(}c da'u tranh
Vi d'f:t: After a long struggle, they were successful in eradicating illiteracy.
(Sau mQt CllQC ddu tranh ldu dai, hQ da thanh cong trong cong CUQC
x6a mu cha.)
- technical ['tekmkl] (adj) : thu(}c v~ ky thu~t
- technique [tek'ni:k] (n): ki thu~t
- throughout [8ru:'aut] (prep) : (J khllp nai
Vi d'f:t: People throughout the world are watching the big match on television.
(Nhi€u nguai tren kluip thi giai dang doi theo tr<J,n bong quan tr9ng
qua truy€n htnh.)
- universalisation [,ju:ng,v3:sgJar'ze1Jn] (n) : slf ph6 c~p

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. The company is making plans for_ into European markets. (expand)
2. After three years of the campaign, it is reported that only 10% of the
population are still _ . (literate)
3. Brazil has just announced its _ _ of polio, an infectious disease that
affected thousands of children each year. (eradicate)
4. It's hard to understand this article thoroughly because it is full of _
_ terms. (technique)
5. Despite his poverty, the man acted _ _ _ and returned the wallet to
its owner. (honor)
6. The office needs four more computers in order to work more _ _ .
7. The fight against _ _ in the rural areas was not as easy as expected.
8. Some people think that aspirin is a(n) __ cure for headache. (effect)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. Education should be to the needs of the children.
A. relevant B. skilled C. honorable D. good

2. There is an eternal between good and evil.
A eradiac tion B. expansi on C. struggle D. illteracy
3. The compan y has just launche d a new advertis ing __ for their new
A populat ion B. campaig n C. techniqu e D. fight
4. I took an aspirin and the pain_ went away.
A gradual ly B. relevant ly C. technica lly D. honorab ly
5. The wave of rural people coming to look for work has made the _ _
of the city grow quickly.
A campaig n B. combat C. honor D. populati on


A). Reported speech : statements

B). Reported speech with infinitive

A). Report ed speech : statem ents (Revisi on)

(On t~p: Tuong thu~t ~au n6i thong thtiong )
1. Report ed speech la cau n6i dung M tuang thui%t l~i di~u ma m<}t
nguai nao d6 da n6i tru6'c d6. Trong tieng Anh, cau n6i nguyen van dugc
g<;>i la Direct speech (Cau trt,tc tiep) va dugc viet giua hai da'u ngol;tc kep:

Vi df.l:
Direct : "I'm teaching English at a high school," said Miss Nga.
Reporte d : Miss Nga said she was teaching English at a high school.
2. Nhung di~u cdn lam khi dtSi cau trllc tie'p sang cau ttiong
a). Cau tuang thui%t thuang dugc hilt dliu b~ng :
(He) said that .. ., ho~c (He) told me that ....
b). Ph8.i bo da'u ngo~c kep khi tuang thu~t.
c). Thuang phai thay d6i thl cua d<}ng tU trong cau tuang thui%t.
d). Cac d~i W trong cau trt,tc tiep nhu "!, We" thuang dtf<Jc d6i thanh
"He, She, They"; va "me, my, us, our" d6i thanh "him, his, her, them, their".
e). Thay d6i m<}t s6 each n6i thai gian va nai ch6n:
today that day
tonight that night
now then
tomorrow the next day I the following day
next (week) the next (week) I the following (week)
yesterday the day before I the previous day
last (week) the (week) before I the previous week
(three days) ago (three days) before
this I these that I those
here there
3. Thay d6i Thi cua d{>ng tu trong cau tu{lng thu~t:
Present simple : "I do it." Past simple : He said he did it.
Past simple : "I did it." Past perfect : He said he had done it.
Present perfect : "I've done it." Past perfect : He said he had done it.
Present continuous : 'Tm doing it." Past continuous :
He said he was doing it.
Past continuous : "I was doing it.11
Past perfect continuous :
He said he had been doing it.
Present perfect continuous : Past perfect continuous :
"I've been doing it." He said he had been doing it.
Modals : will/can/may (do) Past modals : would/could/migh t (do)
"I will/can/may do it.11
He said he would/could/migh t do it.
4. Nhung truong hgp khong thay d6i Thi cua d{>ng tu :
a). "must" c6 thg giu nguyen hol\ic d6i thanh "had to". Vi dv,:
Direct : "I must find a part-time job," Nam said.
Reported : Nam said he must find I had to find a part-time job.
b). "should" va "ought to" thuong duc;:tc giu nguyen. Vi dv,:
Direct : "You should do morning exercise regularly," said my friend.
Reported : My friend told me I should do morning exercise regularly.
(Hoij,c: My friend advised me to do morning exercise regularly.)
c). Khong thay d6i hl.nh thuc d9ng tU d6i voi cau di~u ki~n lo~i 2 va
lo~i 3.

Vi dv,:
Direct: "If I had a car, ~would drive you home," Ba said.
Reported : Ba said if he had a car he would drive me home.
Direct: "If you had come to the party, you would have met many old
friends," said Lan.

Reported : Lan said if I had come to the party I would have met many
old friends.
B). Reported speech with infinitive
(Cau t"liong thu~t voi dqng tii nguyen mdu)
Voi m(>t s6 cau n6i trlfc tie'p (Direct speech), thay vi dung each fa.tong
thu~t thong thuong bih ddu b~ng "He/She said that ... " ho~c ''He/She
told me that ... ", chung ta c6 th~ dung 'To-infinitive". Cach dung nay
dugc ap d1,mg can CU vao y nghia cua cau n6i trlfc tie'p, nhli cac trliong hgp
sau day:
1. Tliong thu~t cau "m~nh l~nh ho~c yeu c4u" (Imperative):
chung ta dung d(>ng tU 'Tell" cho cau m~nh l~nh, va dung "Ask" cho loi
yeu cdu, voi ca'u true: "tell/ask somebody (not) to do something".
Vi d'f:l:
Direct: "Stay in bed until you feel better," said the doctor.
Reported: The doctor told me to stay in bed until I felt better.
Direct: "Don't interrupt me while I'm talking," said my boss.
Reported: The boss told me not to interrupt him while he was talking.
Direct: "Please, fasten your seat-belts," said the air-hostess.
Reported: The air-hostess asked the passengers to fasten their
Direct: "Please, don't use your cell phones during the take-off," she said.
Reported: She asked the passengers not to use their cell phones
during the take-off.
2. Chung ta ciing dung 'To-infinitive" d~ tuong thu~t khi cau n6i trlfc
tie'p (Direct speech) mang y nghia loi khuyen (Advice), loi canh bao
(Warnings), loi moi (Invitations), v... v.... Trong truong hgp nay, chung ta
dung m(>t s6 d(>ng tU c6 y nghia d~c bi~t, voi ca'u true : "Verbs + (not) to-
infinitive", ho~c: "Verbs + object + (not) to-infinitive", nhli sau day:
a). Tuong thu~t loi khuyen (advice): "advise somebody (not) to do
Vi d'f:l:
Direct: "You should sell your old motorbike," said my friend.
Reported: My friend advised me to sell my old motorbike.
Direct: "If I were you, I wouldn't buy that house," said my sister.
Reported: My sister advised me not to buy that house.
b). Tliang thu~t loi hua (promises): "promise (not) to do something".
Vi d'f:l:

Direct: "I'll send you the ticket as soon as I get it," Ben told me.
Reported: Ben promised to send me the ticket as soon as he got it.
c).Tuong thu~t loi de d9a (threats): "threaten to do something".
Vi dr.t:
Direct: "I'll shoot if you move," said the robber.
Reported: The robber threatened to shoot if I moved.
d). Tuong thu~t loi canh bao (warnings): "warn somebody (not) to
do something I against doing sth". Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Don't come too near the cliff edge," said the guide to the tourists.
Reported: The guide warned the tourists not to come too near the
cliff edge. I against going too near the cliff edge.
e). Tuong thu~t loi mO'i (invitations): "invite somebody to do
something". Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Would you like to go on a picnic with us this weekend?" said Mai.
Reported: Mai invited me to go on a picnic with them that weekend.
f). Tuong thu~t lO'i nhiic nh<1 (reminders): "remind somebody to do
something''. Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Don't forget to turn off the lights before leaving," Sue told me.
Reported: Sue reminded me to turn off the lights before leaving.
g). Tuong thu~t loi dqng vien (encouragements): dung dqng tU
"encourage/urge somebody to do something". Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Go on, take part in the competition," said my father.
Reported: My father encouraged me to take part in the competition.
h). Tuong thu~t loi W nguy~n (offers): "offer to do something".
Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Shall I give you a ride to the station, Thuy?" said Nam.
Reported: Nam offered to give Thuy a ride to the station.
i). Tuong thu~t m~nh l~nh (orders): "order somebody (not) to do
Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Leave this place at once," the officer told his soldiers.
Reported: The officer ordered his soldiers to leave that place at once.
j). TuOn.g thu~t lm cfiu khfui: 'beg/implore somebody to do something".
Vi dr.t:
Direct: "Do me a favor, please," said the servant to his master.
Reported: The servant begged/implored his master to do him a favor.

EXERCISE 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one.
1. "Would you like to go to the movies this evening, Jill?" said Bob.
Bob invited ___ J_W __~9__gQ__tq_f}J<j__ffiQ!J.i!~§_thg._((}_l!_?IJ.~ng, _____ _
2. "Why don't you book a package holiday, Peter?" said Frank.
Frank advised --------------------------------- 3. "Don't forget to get up at five
tomorrow, Derek," Bill said.
Bill reminded ----------------------------------
4. "Don't go near the water, children," said the mother.
The mother warned -----------------------------
5. "I'll make you a nice birthday cake," Tina's mother said.
Tina's mother promised ----------------------
6. "Lie down or I'll shoot," the robber shouted to everybody.
The robber threatened _________ unless everybody lay down.
7. "Get out of my way," he told the boy.
He ordered ----------------------------------
8. "Don't believe everything she says, Bruce," said Malcolm.
Malcolm warned ·-----------------------------
9. "Please do as I say," she begged him.
She begged·---------------------------------
10. "Don't miss your train, Martin," said his mother.
Martin's mother reminded ·---------------------·

EXERCISE 2: Put the following into reported speech, using the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1. "Don't go there alone, Julia!" Meg told her. (WARN)
____ M<}g_w.g,_r_1],_?d._Jy,_l_~g,__n.gt__tq_gq_th&r:f?:_qfrm_?, _____ _
2. "You'd better take a short holiday, June," said Pauline. (ADVISE)

3, "Don't argue with me," the teacher said to the boy. (ORDER)

4. "Do you want to go out for dinner with me, Kate?" Felix said. (INVITE)

5. ''I'll follow you wherever you go," Meg told Peter. (PROMISE)

6. ''I'll kill your son if you call the police," the kidnapper told them.

7. "If I were you, I wouldn't accept his invitation," Kim said to Lynn.

8. "Remember to put your dirty clothes m this basket, boy," said the
mother. (REMIND)

9. "Follow that car," the detective said to the taxi-driver. (ORDER)

10. "Go on, send your short story to the magazine," Pamela said Paul.

EXERCISE 3: Put the following into reported speech, using the correct form of
one of the following verbs. Remember you can use each verb more than once.
j advise ask offer order remind warn

1. "Please fill up this form," the secretary said to the customer.

2. "Don't touch that switch, Vera," said Tony.

3. "Open the safe!" the robber told the bank manager.

4. "If I were you, I wouldn't drive so fast," Nora said to Wayne.

5. ''I'll help you with the washing-up, Monica," said Eric.

6. "Don't forget to reply to Jason's letter," Bill said to Joseph.

7. "Why don't you ask for a pay rise, Wendy?" Tracy said to Wendy.

8. "Don't drive fast on this road!" the policeman told us.

9. "Shall I make you a cup of tea?" Monica said to me.

10. "Put your gun down!" the detective told the crook.

EXERCISE 4: Turn the following sentences into direct speech.

1. Dan advised Mark to tell the truth.
___ _'T_qy_~h9.1,1,ld..~<J.(Cth.~.!.ruf.h.. '!................ .
.... .Or..:.'.'Jf l.w.~r.<J.Y.QY,.l.W.9.11-.frJ,!J,_._'~---····
2. The old man told us to go up the road and turn first left.

3. The secretary asked them not to talk loudly in that room.

4. Sheila asked Tom to give her a lift to the airport.

5. Mr. Wood told his secretary to type those letters.

6. The police officer ordered him to get out of his car.

7. Lynn advised me not to go by air.

8. Jeff reminded me to telephone Patricia.

9. The waiter recommended us to try the spaghetti.

10.The teacher told the children not to make that mistake again.

EXERCISE 5: Put the following into reported speech.

1. "Your cousin speaks very good English," Paul told me.
Paul said that ............................... ..
2. "The man broke out of prison yesterday," said the policeman.
The policeman told us ....................... .
3. "I'll lend you this book as soon as I finish it," Owen said to me.
Owen said ............................ .
4. "I think I forgot to turn off the lights this morning," Brenda told Brian.
Brenda told Brian ......................... .
5. "I work eight hours a day, except when the children are on holiday,"
said Mrs. Wood.
Mrs. Wood said ........................ .

6. "You've been making good progress this semester," Miss Lynn told me.
Miss Lynn said that ........................... .
7. "If you bought all the tickets, you would win the lottery," the man said.
The man told me ........................... .
8. "I like swimming but I don't go very often," Jill said to Pam.
Jill said that ............................. .
9. "I want to buy it, but I haven't brought any money," said Patrick.
Patrick told me ........................ .
10. 'Tm going to visit my aunt in Hue, but I'm not sure when," said Mai.
Mai told me .............................. .

EXERCISE 6: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. The doctor advised me _ _ up late at night.
A not to stay B. to not stay C. don't stay D. didn't stay
2. He encouraged me __ for that job.
A applied B. applying C. apply D. to apply
3. Malcolm told me that he _ to lock the door that morning.
A was forgetting B. would forget
C. had forgotten D. has forgotten
4. I spoke to the manager, and she __ she would phone you.
A. spoke B. said C. told D. talked
5. Martha _ me to phone the police.
A suggested B. said C. spokeD. advised
6. I __ my friends about my party, and they _ _ they would come.
A told - told B. said - told C. told - said D. said - said
7. The tourist guide _ _ us to visit the museum.
A recommended B. insisted C. talked D. suggested
8. "Hand over the money!" said the robber. The robber _ _ the clerk to
hand over the money.
A advised B. reminded
C. ordered D. threatened
.9, "Don't _ _ anything during the test," our teacher_ us.
A say - told B. tell - said C. say - said D. tell - told
10. "Shall I bring you a cup of coffee?" Jane said to me. Jane __ to
bring me a cup of coffee.
A asked B. offered C. promised D. ordered

EXERCISE 7: Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
1. Maud advised me going by train for it was less tiring than driving.
2. Stella told the teacher she has forgotten to do her homework.
3. Vera encouraged Kevin ran in the race, although she didn't think he
would win.
4. A translator told the President what everyone was telling.
5. I said my teacher that I spoke Chinese, but she didn't believe me.


- activity [rek't1v::Jt1] (n) : hoi;it d<)ng; sinh hoi;it

Vi dip This kind of activity develops the children's problem-solving skills.
(Loq,i sinh hoq,t nay phat trie·n k'i nang gidi quyit vdn d~ a tre em.)
- aim [e1m) (n) & (v) : (n) m1,1c dich; (v) nhllm vao
Vi dl!: The main aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
(MlJ-c dich chinh czla kh6a h9c nay la de· cdi thi~n vi~c n6i tiing Anh
czla cac bq,n.)
- announce [g'naons] (v): cong b6; thong bao
Vi dl!: The winners of the competition will be announced next month.
(Ngztai chiin thdng CUQC thi se dlt<JC cong brJ' vao t/uing sau.)
- announcement [::J'naunsm::Jnt] (n) : lai thong bao
- annual ['renju::Jl] (adj) : m6i nam
Vi dl!: Hundreds of horses are bought and sold at the annual horse fair.
(Hang tram con nglja du9c mua va ban tq,i phien ch<J nglja m6i nam.)
- annually ['renju::Jli] (adv) : (xay ra) m6i nam
- apologize I apologise [g'pul::Jd3aiz] (v): xin 16i
Vi dl!: I apologize for phoning you at this late hour.
(Toi xin l6i Vl da g9i cha ong vao thai die'm khuya nhu thi nay.)
- apology [g'pul::Jd3i] (n) : lai xin 16i

- award [-;i'w::i:d] (n) & (v) : (n) gi:ii thuang; (v) trao giai thuang
Vi d1'-: They won the award for the most promising new band of the year.
(H9 da gianh dzt<Jc giai thui'Jng cho ban nluµ:: trie'n v9ng nhtit cua nam.)
- compete [k-;im'pi:t] (v) : thi dua; C?nh tranh
Vi d1'-: It's difficult for a small grocery store to compete with a big
(Thtjt kh6 cho m9t cua hang tqp h6a nho phai cq,nh tranh vai m9t si~u
thi lan.J
- competition [,kump-;i'trJn] (n) : cu(>c thi
- competitive [bm'pet-;itrv] (adj) : c6 tinh C?nh tranh
- competitor [bm'petrt-;i] (n) : thi sinh; nguai di,t thi
- complete [k-;imp'li:t] (v) & (adj): (v) hoan thanh; (adj) toan vfi)n
- completion [bmp'li:Jn] (n) : si,t hoan thanh
Vi d1'-: This road is programmed for completion next year.
(Con dztang nay theo chztang tdnh thi se hoan ttit vao nam sau.)
- contest ['kuntest] (n) : cu(>c thi
- disappoint [,drs-;i'p::imt] (v) : lam cho ai tha't v9ng
Vi df!,: Her latest performance didn't disappoint her fans.
(Bueli tdnh di~n mai nhtit cua co tiy da khong lam cho ngztai ham m9
thtit v9ng.)
- disappointed [,drs-;i'p:nnt1d] (adj) : bi tha't v9ng
- disappointing [,dIS-;i'p::imtrg] (adj) : gay tha't v9ng
- disappointment [,drs-;i'p::imtm-;int] (n) : si,t tha't v9ng
- enjoyment [m'd3::irm-;int] (n) : ni~m vui; si,t thich thu
Vi d1'-: Children seem to have lost their enjoyment in reading.
(Tre em dztang nhzt dii mtit di s~t thich thu khi dQc sack.)
- explain [rk'splem] (v) : giai thich
Vi df!,: It's the nth time I've explained it to you.
(Bay la ldn thu "n" toi giai thich vi~c nay vai bq,n.)
- final ['faml] (n) : tr~n chung ke't ; (adj) cu6i cung
- finally ['famli] (adv): cu6i cung
- judge [d3Ad3] (n) : giam khao; quan toa
- maximum ['mreksrm-;im] (adj): t6i da
Vi df!,: The plant grows to a maximum height of 24 inches.
(Loai cay nay phat trie'n din chi€u cao tffi da la 24 inches.)
- member ['memb-;i] (n) : thanh vien; h(>i vien
- observe [gb'z3:v] (v) : quan sat

Vi di!-: It is interesting to observe the behaviors of birds.
(Th<J,t thu vj khi quan sat hanh vi cua cac loai chim.)
- perform [pg'fa:m] (v): trinh bay; bi~u di~n
- performance (pg'fo:mgns] (n) : SI/ trinh bay; man bi~u di~n
- poem ['pgugm] (n) : bai thd
- point [p:nnt] (n) : di~m
- recite [n'sa1t] (v) : d<;>c thu(>c long; dc;ic 16n tie'ng
- represent [,repn'zent] (v) : dljli di~n (cho ai)
- representative [,repn'zentgt1v] (n) : ngu'oi dljli di~n
Vi df!-: Our representatives are ready to help you at all times.
(Nhitng ngztai d<;ii di~n cua chung toi s<in sang giup b<;in vao bdt CU lac nao.)
- result [n'] (n) : ke't qua
- rule [ru:l] (n) : quy lu~t
- score [sk::i:(r)] (n) & (v) : di~m; cho di~m
- smooth [smu:o] (adj) : troi chay; phiing phiu
- smoothly ['smu:Oli] (adv) : m9t each troi chay
Vi df!-: My work has been going quite smoothly.
(Cong vi~c czla toi dang titn hanh m()t each troi chay.)
- spirit ['spmt] (n) : tinh thlin
- sponsor ['sponsg] (v) & (n): (v) tai trq; (n) nha tai trq
Vi df!-: She found a company to sponsor her through college.
(Co dy da tim dztr;c m()t c<Jng ty c6 thi tai trr; co fi.y h<;>c dljli h9c.)
- stimulate ['st1mjule1t] (v) : kich thich; khuye'n khich
Vi df!-: Praise always stimulates him to make greater efforts.
(Khen ngr;i luon khuytn khich anh ta c6 nhung n6 lzjc hem nua.)
- stimulation [,st1mju'le1Jn] (v) : SI/ kich thich; sv khuye'n khich
- Students' Parents Society ['stju:dnts 'pegrgnts sg'sa1gti] (n) : H9i Ph1;1
huynh H9c sinh
- worksheet ['w3:kji:t] (n) : phie'u in cau hoi (trong cu9c thi)

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Did you hear the _ _ made by the President on television this
morning? (announce)
2. The road was blocked for two hours after the accident, but traffic is
now flowing __ again. (smooth)

3. Teaching is now a very _ _ job; you have to try your best if you want
to succeed. (compete)
4. Your _ exam results are entirely due to your inattention in class.
5. It is illegal if an athlete takes drugs to improve his or her __ .
6. You must send her a letter of __ for what you have done. (apologize)
7. A _ from our company will meet you at the airport on your arrival.
8. After months of working, we _ _ finished the project ahead of the
scheduled time. (final)
9. Having read the book did not spoil my __ of the movie. (enjoy)
10. The Nobel prizes are awarded _ _ . (annual)

IV"ocabulary Exercise 2\
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The team is _ _ by BWM, so the players wear the letters BWM on
their shirts.
A. sponsored B. competed C. judged D. explained
2. Her __ is to become the youngest winner of the championship.
A. maximum B: apology C. activity D. aim
3. The child has the talent for_ long poems without missing a word.
A. competing B. observing C. reciting D. judging
4. You must explain to me the ~ of the game before 1 can play it.
A. members B. rules C. poems D. results
5. The scientist was in Sweden to receive a(n) _for his latest discovery.
A. announcement B. award C. enjoyment D. aim

A). Reporting questions (Revision)
B). Reported speech with Gerund

A). Reporting questions (Revision)

(On t;Jp: TUong thu;Jt cau hoi)
Chung ta phan bi~t hai lo!ili cau hoi khi tuang thu~t: Wh-questions
(Cau hoi hilt d§u b~ng m(>t tU dg hoi) va Yes-No questions (Cau hoi
"Yes-No"). Sau day la nhung di~u c§n ltiu y khi tuang thu~t cau hoi:

a). Chung ta thuong biit dftu cau tuong thu~t b~ng : He/She asked
(me) .... ; ho~c: He/She wondere d ..., He/She wanted to know ....
b). Khong dung th~ dao-d(>ng-tU (No inversion ) khi tuC1ng thui%t cau
hoi. Nghia la khong d~t d9ng tU (ho~c tr<J d9ng tU) truac chu ngfi nhu
trong cau hoi tri,tc tie'p.
c). DO'i vai cau hoi loi;i.i Wh-ques tions, chung ta phai dung li;ti tU d~
hoi nhu: what, where, when, who, why, which, how, ... trong cau
tuC1ng thu~t.
d). DO'i vai cau hoi loi;i.i Yes-No question s, chung ta dung "if'' ho~c
"whethe r" dg ma dftu cau tuong thu~t.
e). Khong vie't da'u cha'm hoi a cu6i cau hoi khi tuC1ng thui%t.
f). Lam nhung thay d6i thl (Tenses) va each n6i thoi gian (Time
expressio ns) nhu khi tuong thu~t cau n6i thong thuong (Reported
statemen ts).
Hay so sanh each tuang thu~t hai loi;i.i cau hoi trong bang sau day:
Type Direct question s Reporte d question s
'What are you looking He asked me what I was looking
for?" for.
Wh- 'Where did you stay?' He asked me where I had stayed.
Questio ns 'When is your birthday?' She asked me when my birthday was.
'Who will you go with?' She asked him who he would go
'Why didn't you answer She asked why I hadn't answered
my letter?' her letter.
'How do you go to work?' He asked me how I went to work.
'How long have you She asked me how long I had
been here?' been there.
'Are you an architect? ' He asked me if I was an architect.
'Do you like reading?' She asked me if I liked reading.
Yes-No 'Did Mark give you my He asked if Mark had given me
Questio ns message? ' his message.
'Have you ever broken a She asked if I had ever broken a
bone?' bone.
'Will you be there this He asked Maud if she would be
weekend , Maud?' there that weekend.
'Can you drive?' She asked if I could drive.
"Were you sleeping at They asked if I had been sleeping
that time?' at that time.

B).Reported speech with gerund
(Cau tl.iong thu~t voi danh dqng tu)
Chung ta dung Verbs + Gerund (Verb+ing) d~ tuC1r;tg thu~t khhiftu
n6i trlfc tie'p mang nhG'ng y nghia 'd~c' bi~t. C6 kha nhl~u d(>ng tu i duc;tc
dung d~ tuC1ng thu~t theo each nay tuy theo y nghia cua cau n6i trvc tie'p.
Sau day la m9t sei d(>ng W thong d1,mg:
1. ''Accuse somebody of doing something'': bu(>c t(>i ai v~rvi~c gi.
Vi d11-:
Direct: "You stole my watch," the man said to the boy.
Reported: The man accused the boy of stealing his watch.
2. "Admit doing something'' : thua nh~n da lam vi~c:: gi.
Vi d11-:
Direct: ''I'm afraid I've lost your 1letter," Kevin told me.
Reported: Kevin admitted losing1my: letter.
3. "Apologize for doing something" ~· xin 18i· vi da lam '.'gi.
Vi d11-:
Direct: ''I'm sorry, I'm:late·;·1•Aman'da·said.
Reported: Amanda apologized for being late.
4. "Blame somebody for doing·something " z1dfl leii cho ai v~ vi~c gi.
Vi d11-:
Direct: "It was your fault. You gave us unclear instructions," he said.
Reported: He blamed me for giving' them unclear instructions.
5. "Congratulate somebody"on doing something'_' l khert nggi ai v~
vi~c gi.
Vi d11-:
Direct: "Well done, Brian, you've passed 'the exam!" said his father.
Reported: Brian's father congratulated him on passingthe exam.
6. "Deny doing sth I having done sth" : phu· hh~rt da lam gl.
Vi d11-:
Direct: "I didn't break your window, he said.

Reported: He denied breaking I having broken my window.

7. "Insist on/upon doing something" ~·cu khang khang' doi lam gi.
Vi d11-:
Direct: "I really must see the manager in person," the man insisted.
Reported: The man insisted on seeing the manager in person.
8. "Suggest doing something": d~ ngh! lam vi~c gi. Vi d11-:
Direct: "Why don't we share the cost?" Carol said.
Reported: Carol suggested sharing the cost.

9. 'Thank (somebody) for doing something'': cam C1Il (ai) v~ vi~c gi.
Vi di!-:
Direct: "Thank you very much for telling me the way," she said.
Reported: She thanked me for telling her the way.
10. ''Warn (somebody) against doing something": khuy1fo cao (ai)
dling lam gi.
Vi di!-:
Direct: "Don't drink the local water," said the guide.
Reported: The guide warned us against drinking the local water.
CHU Y: Trang m(lt s6 trubng hqp, c6 thg dung Perfect gerund
(Having+ past participle) sau d(lng tU thay vl dung Gerund (Verb-ing)
(Xem l~i ph§.n Grammar, Unit 4).
Vi di!-:
Direct: "You stole my watch," the man said to the boy.
Reported: The man accused the boy of stealing his watch.
Or: The man accused the boy of having stolen his watch.
Direct: 'Tm afraid I've lost your letter," Kevin
told me.
Reported: Kevin admitted losing my letter.
Or: Kevin admitted having lost my letter.

EXERCISE 1: Finish the sentence to make the reported speech with gerund.
1. "Congratulations! You've got engaged, Paula," I said.
I congratulated __ f_q,_y_l<;1,_Q!?..b.@in-g_gQ_(<}.7J_gqg<}.<L ______ _
2. "You failed to save my husband's life," she said to the doctors.
She blamed ---···································
3. "I didn't reveal the company's confidential information," Marian said.
Marian denied ..... __ .. ____ .. ______________ ....
4. "How about meeting in front of the cinema?" Pat said.
Pat suggested ................................. .
5. "You damaged my new CD, Meg," Pamela said to me.
Pamela accused .............................. .
6. ""Let me pay for the meal," Ben said to me.
Ben insisted .................................... .
7. "Why don't we drive instead of taking the train?" Melanie suggested.
Melanie suggested ............................... .

8. "Beware of that bad road! It's very dangerous to drive on it!" he
warned us.
He warned .................................... ..
9. "Yes. I've spent too much money doing the shopping," she admitted.
She admitted ................................. .
10. "Congratulations! You've succeeded in the interview, Lan," my mother
told me.
My mother congratulated ........................... .

EXERCISE 2: Use the correct form of the verb in brackets at the end of each
.sentence to report the following.
1. "Well done, Nam. You've won the game," Nam's teacher said to him.
N.f!.IJJ..~tJ ..~~gr:_l]~r..c;9.ngrn.~l!.l<Jt~rJ,,1n& ..
2. "Let's organize a party to celebrate our success," said the manager to

3. "Let me prepare dinner for everyone!" Stella insisted. (INSIST)

4. "Your brother spoilt our party," Rose told me. (ACCUSE)

5. "It was very kind of you to lend me the money," Fred said to Paul.

6. "I didn't tell the teacher your mistake," Van said to Lam. (DENY)

7. "It's not good to go sailing in this unpredictable weather," he told us.


8. "You got me into trouble with Amanda," Rob told me. (BLAME)

9. "I think I've made a serious mistake," Mr. Will said. (ADMIT)

10. "I'm terribly sorry. I kept you waiting for so long, Ben," Rita said.

end of each
EXERCISE 3: Use the correct form of the verb in brackets at the
and the other
sentence to report the following. You may use some verbs + gerund
verbs + To-infinitive.
1. "Don' t make too much noise, childr en," Mrs. Adam s said.
.... Mrn,_A._cf,_q,<?..c;hiJcf,_r.<nt1w.~.tQ.mak~.t!!!.
2. "Why don't we put a better lock on the gate?" His wife said.
.... JJi.t! ..w.m~.§.1,l.fifi<}_t!t~d.P.1!-.Wng__q,__9_<?t_~<}r_JQ9.&,----·
3. "Don' t forget to do the washi ng-up , John, " said Jill. (REM

said to his men.

4. "Sear ch all the shops on this street ," the police officer

equip ment, "

5. "It was your fault. You ignor ed the notice about life-sa ving
she said to me. (BLAME)

n," said Helen .

6. "It was very kind of you to offer me this job, Mr. Wilso

7. "You shoul dn't argue with your father ," my aunt told me.

Stella said Jeff.

8. "Cong ratula tions! You've got a promo tion at last, Jeff,"

said to Sarah .
9. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to make you angry ," Kevin

10. "Put down the gun. It's loaded," The man said to his son.

Ron said to the

11. "I wasn 't in the town on the night of the robbery,"
detect ive. (DENY)

12. "I'll pay back the money at the end of this month," Ted said.

Susan ," George

13. "Go on! You must send your story to the maga zine,
said Susan . (ENCOURAGE)

14. "You lied to me, Tom," Natal ie said to Tom. (ACCUSE)

15. "We must be given every detail of the case," they insisted. (INSISTED )

EXERCISE 4: Rewrite the following questions in reported speech.

1. "Does Melvin know what he's doing?" Pat said to me.
Pat asked me ............................ .
2. "What do you want for your birthday, June?" Eric said to June.
Eric asked ............................ .
3. "Is what I've heard true?" Kate wondered.
Kate wondered ......................... .
4. "Did you enjoy your trip, Marge?" Cathy asked.
Cathy asked Marge ............................ .
5. "How many students are there in your class, Hoa?" Ba asked Hoa.
Ba asked .............................. .
6. "Will you be at my office tomorrow?" Ms. Wang said to Ms. Lynn.
Ms. Wang asked Ms. Lynn .................... .
7. "Who do you think will win, Ted?" asked Paul.
Paul asked Ted ......................... .
8. "Brenda, when did you last see Harry?" asked Julia.
Julia asked Brenda ....................... .
9. "Have you enrolled for the advanced class, Mai?" Tam asked Mai.
Tam asked Mai ......................... .
10. "Which of you knows how to make the coffee?" Richard said to us.
Richard asked ................................ .

EXERCISE 5: Rewrite the following in direct speech.

1. Hans asked me why the match had been cancelled.
Hans asked, " Why ......................... ?"
2. Melanie asked us if she could take her puppy with her on the trip.
Melanie asked, " ............................. ?"
3. Carol asked Bill how she could get from the airport to his house.
" ?" Carol asked Bill.
4. My sister asked me if a return ticket was cheaper than two singles.
" ...................... ?" my sister asked me.
5. The man asked me what platform the train left from.
The man asked, " ........................... ?"

6. Ronaldo asked Miguel if there was any good hotel near the Town Hall.
" ...................... ?" Ronaldo asked Miguel.
7. Dick asked Brian which team he thought would be the champion .
...................... ?" Dick asked Brian.
8. The waiter asked us whether we had reserved a table.
The waiter asked us, " ........................ ?"
9. The woman asked me where the box office was .
........ .............. ?" asked the woman.
10. Mr. Chang asked the foreign teacher if he had a work permit.
" ............ ?"Mr. Chang asked the foreign teacher.

EXERCISE 6: Choose the word or phrase {A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. Frank advised me __ Bob anything.
A not lend B. to not lend C. not to lend D. don't lend
2. The principal congratulated the school team __ the final match.
A for winning B. to win C. that won D. on winning
3. The police asked him __ he had been at home during that night.
A where B. if C. who D. that
4. When I told Maria about our trip, she said that she _ _ us.
A can join B. joins C. has joined D. would join
5. At last, the man admitted _ _ my car.
A having destroyed B. to have destroyed
C. that he has destroyed D. that had destroyed
6. Patrick __ renting a caravan for our trip.
A decided B. expected C. suggested D. advised
7. You can't deny _ _ my laptop by accident.
A to break B. broke C. breaking D. had broken
8. Sue asked me why __ informed her of the date of the meeting.
A l didn't B. I hadn't C. didn't I D. hadn't I
9. "What about __ a picnic this weekend?" Sheila said.
A having B. we have C. to have D. we'll have
10. Do you know _ _ ?
A where is the station B. where the station is
C. the station is where D. is where the station

Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
1. My friend asked me what did I intend to do after I graduated.
2. The doctor asked that I felt OK, and I told him that I didn't feel well.
3. I asked him what kind of movies did he like and he said he liked
A B c D
romantic movies.
4. The hostess asked everybody don't hesitate to get the food.
5. I don't understand what are you trying to explain to me.
6. When Mary saw me she asked me that if I had ever met Carol.
7. I didn't know where I was supposed to get off the bus, so I asked the
driver where was the market.
8. We were late, so I told my friend to go as fast as he can.
9. After the accident, I opened my eyes slowly and realized that I'm still
10. The detective ordered me to stand by the window and tell him if
anyone goes into the house opposite.

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. Rooney __ a golden goal in the last minute of the match.
A. marked B. scored C. won D. gained

2. Can you clearly explai n the __ of the contes t to me, please ?
A instru cts B. laws C. metho ds D. rules
3. The little boy was __ a. medal for showi ng suprem e braver
A award ed B. priced C. annou nced D. recited
4. They are trying to find compa nies to _ tJ:ieir charit able work.
A partic ipate B. compe te C. sponso r D. find out
5. "Would you mind movin g your bag from the seat?" "_ _ "
A No, I would n't. B. Oh, sorry.
C. That's a nice idea. D. Yes, I'm glad to.
6. "I've just passed the entran ce exam." "_ _ "
A Not too bad. B. So do I.
C. Certai nly. Here you are. D. Congr atulati ons!
7. I don't know what about.
A is he talkin g B. he talkin g
C. he is talkin g D. him talkin g
8. _bec omin g extinc t is of great concer n to zoologists.
A Are giant panda s B. That giant panda s are
C. Giant panda s are D. Giant panda 's
9. Many friends teleph oned to congra tulate me_w inning the compe
A on B. with C. for D. in
10. The accide nt happe ned while most of the passen gers _ _
A are sleepi ng B. have been sleepi ng
C. were slept D. were sleepi ng
you are."
11. ''Time is _ _ ! Have you worked out the answe r yet?" ''Yes. Here
A on B. in C. up D. away
12. We have four groups here, and the group that gets _ _ score
win the game.
A good B. better C. best D. the best
13. In this contes t, each grou p_ to compl ete five activit ies.
A must B. has C. are D. have
14. In most games , the _ _ is more impor tant than winnin g.
A partic ipatio n B. partic ipate C. judge D. final
15. "Let me give you a lift to the airpor t, Jenny! " Dan said.
A Dan warne d Jenny agains t going to the airpor t.
B. Dan admit ted giving Jenny a lift to the airpor t.
C. Dan insiste d on giving Jenny a lift to the airpor t.
D. Dan sugge sted to give Jenny a lift to the airpor t.

16. "You broke my best teapot, Bob!" Teddy said.
A. Teddy accused Bob of having broken his best teapot.
B. Teddy thanked Bob of breaking his best teapot.
C. Teddy advised Bob not to break his best teapot.
D. Teddy admitted having broken Bob's best teapot.
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A. smoothly B. root C. food D. good
2. A. ob~erve B. ~erve C. con~erve D. reQeive
3. A. final B. recite C. examine D. apologize
4. A. aim B. gnnual C. mgximum D. gction
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. In the end of the competition, the judges announced the total score of
each group.
2. Group A could not win the competition as Hung had difficulty to recite
the poem.
3. During the competition, it is not possible referring to any reference,
including the dictionary.
4. A large portion of the world's water supply have been contaminated by
factory waste, ships, and oil spills.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
Laura couldn't wait to hear Mrs. Perkins' big announcemen t. She had
a feeling it had something to do with a class contest. Laura loved
contests. She didn't care what the prize was. She just liked to compete,
and more than that, she liked to win.
"Okay, everyone," Mrs. Perkins said. "Starting today, we will elect
a class leader for each month. The person elected will help me pass out
papers, distribute materials, and write on the blackboard. He or she will
also get to decide on the theme for the class project that month."
Laura could barely sit still. It was a contest! She had to win.
Mrs. Perkins held up a gold star badge. "The class leader will wear
this badge during school hours."
Laura's eyes widened. A shiny gold badge! Everyone would know
she was a winner if she was wearing that badge.
"This is a lot of responsibil ity," Mrs. Perkins said, "so I only want
students to nominate themselves if they truly feel they are up to the task."
Laura was barely listening anymore. She was picturing herself
wearing the gold badge. Chalk scraped on the blackboard and Laura
turned to see Mrs. Perkins writing a list of names.
"Does anyone else wish to be nominated for class leader this
month?" Mrs. Perkins asked.
Laura's hand shot up in the air. "I want to be nominated! "
Mrs. Perkins added Laura to the list.
• Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. Why did Laura want to become class leader?

2. What will a class leader do?

3. What was Laura imagining herself doing?

4. ' How long will the person elected work as the class leader before
another contest is held?

V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word

given in parenthes es. (1.5 pts.)
1. "I'm terribly sorry about it!" "No __ is necessary. Forget it!"
2. I hope you have not much _ _ in finding this place. (difficult)
3. Generally, life in big cities is more _ _ _ than that in the country.
4. While she was at home looking after her children, she felt deprived of
intellectua l _ _ . (stimulate)
5. When you arrive there, you will be helped by our _ _ . (represent)
6. The new manager's _ took all the staff by surprise. (announce)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. "I'm sorry I didn't let you know about the change," Paul said to Carol.
Paul apologized .............................. .

2. "I must see my lawyer," the woman insisted.
The woman insisted ___ ...... ___ .................... _
3. "Thanks. It was very kind of you to show me the way," she said to me.
She thanked ....... _........ _.................. .
4. When you phoned me, it was my lunch time.
When you phoned me, I ......................... ..
5. "Harry, can you remember to buy some chocolate?" Sally said to Harry.
Sally reminded ......... ___ .................. ..
6. How long have Pauline and. David been married?
When ......................................... ..

- amount[;}'maunt] (n): s6 htqng (dung v6'i danh tU khong de'm duqc)
Vi d11-: The amount of money he has given to the charity is not small.
(Srf lzt<Jng ti~n ong riy da cho quy tit thi~n thi khong nho.)
- available [;l've1fabl] (adj): c6 slin d~ dung
Vi d11-: You will be informed when the book becomes available.
(Khi new c6 sach anh se dli<JC thong Mo.)
- average ['rev;}nd3] (adj): trung binh
Vi d11-:
The average temperature in Ho Chi Minh City last month was 32°C.
(Nhi~t d<) trung binh a thank ph6 H6 Chi Minh thang truac la 32°C.
- B.C. [,bi:'si:] : tru'6'c cong nguyen (=before Christ)
- birth control method [b3:8 bn'tr;}ul 'me8::Jd] (n): phuang phap hlitn che'
sinh san
- decrease [d1'kri:s] (v): giam bat
- decrease ['di:kri:s] (n): si,t st,tt giam
Vi d11-~ There has been a decrease of 10% in the number of visitors to
the town this year.
(C6 slf sl!t gidm 10% s6 du kh<ich d€n thanh ph6 nam nay.)
- double ['dAbl] (v) & (adj) : (v) tang gap doi; (adj) gap doi
Vi d11-: The price of the house has nearly doubled in the last ten years.
(Gia cua can nha gdn nhli tang grip doi trong vong mztai nam qua.)

- earth (3:8] (n) : trai da't
- family planning ['frem;:ili 'plrenrIJ] (n): vi~c ke' ho;;mh h6a gia dinh
- figure ['frg;:i] (n) : con s6
Vi d'f!-: If you add all these amounts together you get a huge figure.
(Niu bq,n c(mg tfit cd nhung scf luqng nay vai nhau, bq,n se duqc m9t
con scf khdng l6.)
- grow [gr;:io] (v) : tang tn.tfuig; Ian len
Vi d'f!-: The labor force is expected to grow by 5% next year.
(Ngum ta hy v9ng llfc lu<Jng lao d9ng se tc'ing truemg 5% trong nc'im tai.)
- growth [gr;:io8] (n) : stf tang truC1ng
- increase [rn'kri:s] (v) : gia tang; lam tang Ien
Vi d'f!-: The number of students has increased in recent years.
(S{f luqng hQc sinh da gia tc'ing trong nhung n<'im g&n ddy.)
- increase ['rnkri:s] (n) : stf gia tang
- instead of [rn'sted ;:iv] (prep) : thay vi
Vi d'f!-: He wanted to decide for himself instead of blindly following his
friends' advice.
(Anh ta mucfn tlj minh quyit dinh thay UL mu quang theo lm khuyen
cua bq,n be.)
- iron ['ar;:in] (n) : silt
- limit ['limrt] (n) & (v) : (n) giai hi;m; (v) h~n che'
Vi d'f!-: His doctor had advised him to limit his drinking.
(Bae si khuyen hdn ta nen hq,n chi vi~c ucfng ru<Ju.)
- limitation[,hmr'terfn] (n): st,i h~n che'
Vi d'f!-: Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations; for
example, you don't have your own garden.
(Scfng trong m9t cc'in h9 thi tcft, nhung cung c6 nhung hq,n chi; vi d11-
bq,n khong the' CO khu VliCln rieng CUa minh.)
- metal ['metl] (n) : kim lo~i
- method ['me8;:id] (n) : phuang phap
- per cent [p;:i 'sent] (n) : ph§n tram
- petroleum [p;:i'tr;:iuli;:im] (n) : ddu mo
- populate ['pupjulert] (v): sinh sflng; cu ng\l
Vi d'f!-: People began to populate this region thousands of years ago.
(Nguai ta bdt d&u din cu ng11- tq,i vung nay hang ngan name truac.)
- population [,pnpju'lerfn](n): dan s6
- probable ['prub;:ibl] (adj) : g§n nhu ch:ic chiin (se xay ra)
- probably ['prub;:ibli] (adv) : chiic h&n (se xay ra)

Vi dlil: The infection was probably caused by swimming m
contaminated water.
(Vi~c nhi~m tritng chdc hdn la do bai l<)i trong nuac b~ o nhi~m.)
- raise [reIZ] (v) : nuoi
- research [rr's3:tJ, 'ri:s3:tj] (n) & (v): (n) cu9c nghien cltu; (v) nghien cltu
Vi dl!-: The organizers emphasized that all the people taking part in
the research were volunteers.
(Cac nha ta' chuc nhdn mq,nh rling tdt cd nhilng nguai tham gia vao
cu<)c nghien cuu d€u la tinh nguy~n.)
- resources [rr's::>:s1z] (n) : tai nguyen
Vi di!-: Australia is a country rich in natural resources.
(Uc la m<)t qudc gia phong phu v€ tai nguyen thien nhien.)
- safe [seit] (adj) : an toan
Vi di!-: Experts do not agree whether the drug is safe or not.
(Cac chuyen gia lihong d6ng y vai nhau li~u rling phuang thu6c c6 an
toan hay khong.)
- safely ['seitli] (adv) : m9t each an toan
- safety ['se1fti] (n) : slf an toan
- silver ['sdvg] (n) : bf:lC (kim lof;li)
- support (sg'p::>:t] (v) & (n): (v) giup do; ung hQ; nuoi duC1ng; (n) SI/ giup do
Vi dlil: He has a wife and five small children to support.
(Ong dy phdi nuoi duang m<)t vq va nam dua con nho.)
- supporter [sg'p::>:tg] (n): ngttoi ung hq; c6 dqng vien
- supportive [sg'p;,:t1v] (adj): slin long giup do
- (the) Third World [83:d ,w3:ld] (n): the' gioi thu ba (g6m nhG'ng nttoc
ngheo va ch~m phat tri~n)
Vi di!-: Many nongovernmental organizations are working to help the
Third World countries.
(Nhi€u td chuc phi chinh phil dang hoq,t d<)ng de· giup da cac nuac
thu<)c thi giai thu ba.)

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the· word in brackets.

1. Disability is a physical _ _ on your life. (limit)

2. Most governments in the Third World are trying to limit population
_ _ .(grow)
3. These measures were designed to improve the _ _ of traveling by
airplane. (safe)

4. It's highly_ that he'll win the scholarship . (probably)
5. Alarmingly , the hole in the ozone layer has _ in size this year.
6. The governmen t is making great efforts to promote the family_
program throughout the country. (plan)
7. Despite the thick fog, the pilot managed to land the plane __ . (safe)
8. I was asked to _ _ my speech to ten minutes maximum. (limitation )

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The boss finally agreed to give a five per cent pay _ to all workers.
A. increase B. decrease C. double D. figure
2. My starting salary as a newly qualified teacher wasn't enough to_ a
A. grow B. organize C. support D. limit
3. He has dedicated his life to scientific
A. average B. research C. resources D. population
4. In order to lose weight, you must _ the amount of fat you eat.
A. grow B. decrease C. raise D. increase
5. I'm sorry, this kind of product is not_ in the store this week.
A. available B. probably C. safe D. control


A). Conditional type 1, 2 and 3 (Revision)

B).Conditionals in reported speech

A). Condition al type 1, 2 and 3 (Revision )

(Cau di~u ki~n lo~i 1, 2 va 3)
Thong thuO'ng, m8i cau di@u ki~n (Condition al sentences) c6 hai m~nh
d@: m~nh d@ "If' (If-clause) va m~nh d@ chinh (m;; clause). Ca ban, cau
di~u ki~n thuO'ng duqc chia lam ba lolili: Type 1, Type 2 va Type 3. Chung
ta c6 th~ tom tiit each dung va ca"u true cua ba lolili cau di~u ki~n nhu' sau:
TYPE 1: [If-clause: Present tenses] + [Main
We use the conditiona l type 1 to clause: will/can/m ay/must + bare
express actions or situations that infinitive]
may happen in the present or the
future. - If I find your key, I'll phone you.

Chung ta dung cau di~u ki~n - If you have finished your homework,
loq,i 1 di di~n td hanh d9ng ho<J,c you can watch TV.
tLnh hutfng c6 thi xdy ra trong hi~n - If you are working now, I'll ring
tq,i hoif,c tliang lai. later.
TYPE 2: [If-clause: Past simple] + [Main
We use the conditional type 2 to clause: would/could/m ight + bare
express unreal actions or situations, infinitive]
which cannot happen in the
present or the future. - If I had a car, I would give you
Chung ta dung cau di€u ki~n a lift. (But I don't have a car, so I
loq,i 2 di di~n td hanh d9ng ho<J,c won't give a lift.)
tLnh hutfng khong c6 thg,t va khong - If he were 10 cm taller, he
thi xdy ra trong hi~n tq,i ho<J,c tliang could join the force. (Of course, he
lai. is not tall enough to join the force.)
- What would you do if you
suddenly saw a U.F.O? (I don't
think you will see a U.F.O. This is
an imaginary situation.)
TYPE 3: [If-clause: Past perfect] + [Main
We use the conditional type 3 to clause: would/could/m ight have +
express unreal actions or situations past participle]
that did not happen or happened in
a different way in the past. - If I had seen him, I would have
Chung ta dung cau di~u ki~n warned him. (But I didn't see him,
loq,i 3 di di~n td hanh d9ng ho<J,c so I didn't warn him.)
tLnh hudng gid dinh. Cac hanh - If he had studied seriously, he
d9ng ho<J,c tLnh huo'ng nay da might have passed the exam. (But
khong xdy ra hoif,c da xdy ra theo he didn't study seriously, so he
m9t cdch khdc trong qud khu. didn't pass the exam.)
- He wouldn't have got angry if
you had spoken more politely. (But
you didn't speak politely, so he got

"' NhO'ng dieu can h/u y khi dung cau dieu ki(!n:
I). Conditional type 1:
a). Ngoai thi hi~n t~i dan (Present simple), chung ta c(:ing c6 th~ dung
thi hi~n t~i tie'p di€in (Present continuous) ho:}c thi hi~n t~i hoan thanh
(Present perfect) trong m~nh d~ "If'.
Vi d,,_:
- If you're waiting for the manag er, he'll be here in fifteen minute s.
- If you've finishe d your homew ork, you can go out.
b). Chung ta c6 th~ dung cau "m~nh l~nh - yeu cgu" vO'i Impera tive
hol)c vO'i "should" va "had better" trong m~nh d~ chinh.
Vi d,,_:
- If you need help, please let me know!
- If you're tired, you should take a rest.
- If you know anythi ng about the acciden t, you'd better phone the
c). Chung ta c6 th~ dung th1 hi~n ti;ti dcrn (Prese nt simple) trong m~nh
d~ chinh khi n6i v~ tl.nh hu6ng thuC!ng xuyen xay ra theo th6i
quen, hol)c
n6i v~ hi~n tuqng ti! nhien luon luon dung. Loi;ti cau di~u ki~n nay duqc
g<;>i la "The Zero Condit ional".
Vi d,,_:
- If water is colder than 0° Celsius, it freezes.
- If you heat iron, it expand s.
- If I go to bed late, I feel bad.
- If you press this button, the machin e stops.
II) Condi tional type 2:
a). Chung ta thuC!ng dung each n6i "If I .were you ... " khi mu6n cho ai
lC!i khuyen .
Vi d,,_:
- If I were you, I would never believe him.
- I wouldn 't try to make her angry if I were you.
CHU Y: Chung ta thuC!ng dung "were" d6i vO'i d9ng tU "Be" cho tift ea
cac ngoi thu trong cau di~u ki~n 2. Hinh thuc "was" cling c6 th~ duqc
dung vO'i chu ngu s6 it, nhung duqc xem la each dung b!nh dan trong van
n6i (informal). Do d6, t6t nha'.'t la dling "were" trong ta'.'t ea cac t!nh huO'ng.
b). Chung ta dung "might " trong m~nh d~ chinh khi di~n ta y nghia
"c6 le", va dung "could" khi di~n ta y nghia "c6 kha nang".
Vi dl!-:
- If you sent your applica tion, they might accept you.
- If I knew her addres s, I could write to her.
c). Chung ta c6 th~ dung "were + to-infi nitve" trong m~nh d~ "If' d~
nhifn m~nh y "khong th~ xay ra".
Vi d,,_:
- If I were to win one million dollars , I'd give up my job.
(= If I won one million dollars, ... )
- If he were to offer you the job, would you accept it?
(= If he offered you the job, .. .)
Ill). Conditional type 3:
Ngoai "would: have + past participle", chung ta 'Cung c6 th~ dung
"might have + past participle" trong m~nh d~ chinh d~ di~n ta y nghia
"c6 le da xay ra", va dung "could have +:past participle" voi y nghia "c6
kha nang xay ra".
Vi d11-:
- If you had applied for the job, you might have got it.
~ If you, had asked him, he could have helpeq you.

IV). Dung each dao ngii (Inversion) thay cho1~~nh d~ "If-clause":

Chung ta c6 th~ dung each dao d9ng tU ra truoc chu ngli ("dao · ngU'' =
inversion) thay cho m~nh d~ "If-clause" khi muo'n nha'n m1;mh. Cach dao
d9ng tU c6 th~ duqc dung voi ea ha loliJ.i €au:di~u ki~n.
Type 1: "Should + subject + bare infinitive"
- Should you know anything about the murder, phone the police.
(If you know anything about the murder, ...~ )
Type 2: "Were + subject +to-infinitiv e"
- Were I to fly in a spaceship, I would be extremely excited.
(If I were to fly in a spaceship, ... )
Type 3: "Had + subject + past participle"
- Had I heard about his trouble, I .would have come tq help him.
(If I had heard about his trouble, ...)
IV). ''Unless" c6 th~ du'f!c dung vdi y nghia "If ... not":
- Unless he works harder, he'll fail the exam.
(If he doesn't work harder, he'll fail the. exams.
- Unless you earned more than 10,000 dollars a month, you couldn't
join that golf club.
(If you didn't earn more than 10,000 dollars a month, you couldn't
join that golf club.)
V). Cau di~u ki~n pha tr(>n (mixed type): Cau di~u ki~n pha trqn c6
hai loliJ.i ca'u true nhu sau:
1/. If-clause:
Past perfect + Main clause: would/could + bare infinitive
* Chung ta dung lolili cau pha trqn nay khi mufin gia d!nh mqt tinh
huo'ng xay ra trong qua khu, nhung ke't qua lliJ.i xay ra trong hi~n ti;ti.

Vi df!-:
- Tinh hu6ng th~t: You stayed up too late last night, so you feel tired now.
- Gia d!nh: - If you hadn't stayed up too late last night, you wouldn't
feel so tired now.
21. If-clause: Past simple + Main clause: would/could have +
past participle
Lo~i cau nay dugc dung khi chung ta muO'n n6i v~ mi)t hanh di)ng da
xay ra trong qua khu, nhttng di~u ki~n v§.n t6n tljli trong hi~n tljli. Vi df!-:
- Tinh huO'ng th~t:
- She doesn't love him, so she didn't agree to marry him.
- Gia d!nh: - If she loved him, she would have agreed to marry him.
B). Conditional in reported speech
(TUCing thu~t cau di~u ki~n)
Khi fa.tang thu~t cau di~u ki~n, chung ta c~n chu y nhftng di~m sau:
I). TUCing thu~t cau di~u ki~n lolili 1: Thay d6i thi cua di)ng tu va
lam nhii'ng thay d6i c~n thie't khac nhu thay d6i dljli tU va thai gian.
Vi df!-:
Direct: "If I get more information, I'll let you know," Kurt said to me.
Reported: Kurt said if he got more information he would let me know.
2). TuCing thu~t cau di~u ki~n lol\li 2: Khong thay d6i thi cua di)ng
tU, nhttng v§.n lam nhung thay d6i c~n thie't khac.
Vi df!-:
Direct: "If I had a lot of money, I wouldn't go to work," Carol said.
Reported: Carol said if she had a lot of money she wouldn't go to work.
3). TUCing thu~t cau dMu ki~n lolili 3: Khong thay d6i thi cua di)ng
tU, nhttng v§.n lam nhung thay d6i d.n thie't khac.
Vi df!-:
Direct: "If you had gone to my house-warming, you would have met
some of your old friends," Miguel said to me.
Reported: Miguel said if I had gone to his house-warming I would have
met some of my old friends.
4). Khi tuang thu~t cau di~u ki~n loljli 1 c6 m~nh d~ chinh (J dljlng
m~nh l~nh ho~c yeu cdu (commands or requests), chung ta c6 th~
dung cac each sau:
a). Dung : He/She told/asked + object + To-infinitive.
Vi df!-:
Direct: "If you have any difficulty, give me a ring," he said.

Reported: He told/asked me to give him a ring ifl had any difficulty.
b). Dung : was/were to+infinitive.
Direct: "If you miss the last bus, take a taxi," Kevin said.
Reported: Kevin said if I missed the last bus I was to take a taxi.
c). Khi cau di~u ki~n c6 y nghia loi khuyen, dung :
advised + object + To-infinitive.
Direct: "If you feel tired," he said, "why don't you have a rest?"
Reported: He advised me to have a rest if I felt tired.
Direct: "If your toothache gets worse, you should see the dentist," she said.
Reported: She advised me to see the dentist if my toothache got worse.
Direct: "If I were you, I wouldn't invest my money in this business,"
my friend said.
Reported: My friend advised me not to invest my money in that business.

EXERCISE 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. People cannot ski in the Alps if there _ _ (be) no snow.
2. Unless Mabel _ (run), she can't catch the bus.
3. I'd take you to the exhibition if I __ (not be) so busy.
4. Ice always _ (melt) if the air temperature is warm enough.
5. I could repair the car, if I _ _ (have) the right tools.
6. I __ (not sign) the contract unless you agree to it.
7. What would you do if he __ (refuse) to lend you the money?
8. Unless you go to bed early you_ (feel) tired tomorrow.
9. If she really loved you she _ _ (not be) so horrible to you.
10. If you didn't pass the exam, _ _ (y9u, take) it again?

EXERCISE 2: Complete each sentence .with the correct form of one of the
following verbs. Use each verb only once.
know land be phone spend
live break find not rushown
1. It would be embarrassing if she _ _ out the truth.
2. If some aliens _ _ on earth, I'd make friends with thein.
3. If I were you I _ _ more time practising English.
4. If the eggs _ , there will be an awful mess on the floor!
have died.
5. If they __ Joe to hosp ital, he would
6. Wha t wou ld you do if you _ a robo t?
sent you a card .
7. If I _ _ it was your birth day, I'd have
8. I __ mor e care ful if I were you.
9. How wou ld we feel if we on Mar s?
n you the new s.
10. If you __ me yest erda y, I'd have give

a line in column B to make a

EXERCISE 3: Match a line in column A with
complete sentence.


1). Mor e tour ists wou ld come to a). our crops wou ld grow faste r.
this tow n b). if the lift got stuc k betw een
2). If she had kno wn the who le two floors?
stor y c).i f you rem oved that scre w.
3). He wou ld be bett er-lo okin g d). the wor ld wou ld be a bett er
4). He wou ld fall ill place.
5). If we had mor e rain e). if it had a bett er clim ate.
f). unle ss he stop ped wor king so
6). If you had arriv ed ten min utes
hard .
earl ier
g). she wou ldn't have been so
7). The who le mac hine would fall
to piec es angr y.
8). You wou ldn't have got into h). you would have got a seat .
trou ble i). if you had obey ed my
9). Wh at would you do instr ucti ons.
j). if he didn 't have such a big
10). If peop le wer en't so gree dy

lete each sentence, using

EXERCISE 4: Read the situation and comp
conditional type 2 or type 3.
t's wha t I'd do.
1. Why don' t you appl y for that job? Tha
If I ............. I .......... for that job.
ed the ferry.
2. Kate didn 't leav e earl y, and so she miss
If Kat e ........... , she .............. the ferry .
I don' t have a wor d proc esso r.
3. I don 't type this lette r mys elf beca use
If I .. .. . .. .. .. .. , I ............. this lette r myself.
have enou gh for dinn er.
4. You didn 't buy mor e food, so we didn 't

If you .............. , we ........... for dinner.
5. They didn't take a compass; that's why they got lost in the jungle.
They .......... if they ........... a compass.
6. I don't know Spanish; that's why I can't tell you what this means.
I ............ if I ............ Spanish.
7. Helen didn't make a shopping list, and she forgot to buy some sugar.
. If Helen .............. , she .............. some sugar.
8. He will join the expeditio n because he doesn't know how dangerou s it is.
If he .......... , he ........... the expeditio n.
9. I went to universit y thanks to my father's encourag ement.
If it ............ , I ............. to university .
10. You don't live on a bus route; that's why I don't often come and see you.
I ............ if you ............. on a bus route.

EXERCISE 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning

to the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Our air-condi tioning isn't working and we feel very hot in here.
If our air-condi tioning so hot.
2. I think you should pay more attention to your work. (WOULD)
If I were more attention to my work.
3. Sue don't speak French well enough to find a job in Paris. (BETTER )
. If Sue find a job in Paris.
4. You can't make a cake without flour. (HAVE)
Unless you make a cake.
5. Steve feels rather sick because he ate so much last night. (SO)
If Steve_ last night, he wouldn't feel so sick now.
6. I didn't notice you. That's why I didn't greet you. (WOULD)
If I have greeted you.
7. If nobody tells him, he'll make the same mistake again. (UNLESS )
He'll make the same mistake again him.
8. I didn't sleep well last night. That's why I feel very sleepy now. (SO)
If I had slept better last night, now.
9. In my opinion, you should discuss the matter with a lawyer. (WERE)
If I the matter with a lawyer.
10. He is in prison now because he stole the money. (HADN'T)
If he 'he wouldn't be in prison now.

EXERCISE 6: Rewrite the following in reported speech.
1. "The video pauses if you press this button," Stella said to me.
Stella said ............................ .
2. "If I knew they were honest, I'd gladly lend them the money," said Steve.
Steve said ............................ .
3. "If you have a mobile phone, check that it is turned off," she said to me.
She said ............................... .
4. "I will be angry if it turns out that you're wrong," John told me.
John said ............................. .
5. "Take another sandwich if you're hungry," she said to him.
She asked ............................ .
6. "If I were you I would choose medicine to study at college," Sam told me.
Sam advised ............................. .
7. "If you change your mind, give me a ring," Peter said to Pamela.
Peter asked ............................... .
8. "If the disease is untreated, it can lead to brain damage," said the doctor.
The doctor said ........................ ..
9. "Had you been in time for work, your boss wouldn't have been
annoyed," Susan said Brenda.
Susan said ................................ .
10. "If you complain about me I'll get into trouble with my teacher,"
Brian said.
Brian told Sally that ......................... .

EXERCISE 7: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C orD) that best completes
each sentence.
1. Someone _ _ on your glasses if you leave them there.
A sits B. would sit C. sat D. may sit
2. If the pain_ you'd better take another pill.
A returns B. returned C. will return D. would return
3. Don't try to lift that box _ you'll hurt yourself.
A or B. if C. unless D. so
4. If you had touched that electric cable you __ .
A could be electrocuted B. had been electrocuted
C. might have been electrocuted D. would have electrocuting
5. You can borrow my camera __ you're careful with it.
A unless B. so C. as long as D. when

6. You'll get pneumonia __ .
A if you won't change your wet clothes
B. unless you change your wet clothes
C. unless' you don't change your wet clothes
D. if you didn't change your wet clothes
7. You'll be in danger __ you remember the password.
A because B. if C. when D. unless
8. _more carefully, you wouldn't have made this mistake.
A If you listened B. Had you listened
C. Were you to listen D. If you would have listened
9. If you_ me up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't feel so tired now.
A hadn't woken B. didn't wake
C. don't wake D. wouldn't have woken
10. You can renew a book
A unless another hasn't requested it
B. if another reader has requested it
C. unless another reader has requested it
D. if another reader won't request it

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. Because of their bad service, there has been a(n) _ _ in the number
of visitors recently.
A growth B. decrease C. increase D. explosion
2. Class sizes of most schools are always above the national _ _ .
A average B. population C. resources D. method
3. The word "feel" has a "e" in the middle.
A different B. percent C. double D. triple
4. I'm afraid I'm not _ _ to help with the decoration for the party. I'm
busy working on my essay!
A enough B. probable C. safe D. available
5. He worked hard to his family and now wants to enjoy his
A raise B. reach C. rise D. plan

the stud ents to thin k for
6. The new teac hing _ _ enco urag es
them selv es.
B. amo unt C. met hod D. reso urce
A. limi t
rack ?" " "
7. "Wo uld you mfo d putt ing my case on the
A. Tha t's righ t. B. Not at all. The re you are.
C. Don 't men tion it. D. Not too bad. Tha nks.
our holi days !" "_ _ "
8. "I hope the wea ther will be fine duri ng
A. Nev er min d. B. Oh, wha t a pity!
C. Yes, go ahea d. D. So do I.
9. This is the first time I to this town!
B. am C. wen t D. have been
A. go
mac hine star ted.
10. _ _ I wan t to know is how to get this
B. Wha t C. Tha t D. Whi ch
A. Whe n
_ five mon ths ago.
11. The last time I hea rd from Elen a _
B. has been C. was D. had been
A. is
_ the coun try for Euro pe.
12. By the time you read this lette r I _
A. will leav e B. am leav ing
C. am goin g to leav e D. will have left
have mad e so man y
13. the inst ruct ions care fully , you wou ldn't
mist akes .
A. Had you read B. If you read
C. If you have read D. If you' d have read
, I wou ldn't have succ eede d in
14. Tha nk you very muc h. _ _ your help
my job.
B. Beca use of C. With out D. Inst ead of
A. Des pite
ve hour s to reac h our
15. It was a very long fligh t. It _ _ twel
dest inat ion.
B. took C. has take n D. will take
A. take s
16. The re's a stric t limi t the amo unt of time we can spen d on
test .
B. for C. with D. in
A. on
ned par t is pro nou nce d
II. Cho ose the wor d who se und erli
eac h sen tenc e. (1 p.)
diff eren tly from tha t of the oth ers in
B. engg ge C. pass gge D. post gge
1. A. aver gge
B. limi t C. iron D. live r
2. A. silv er
B. l~vel C. m~dal D. m~ter
3. A. m~tal
B. incr ease C. rele ase D. decr ease
4. A. dise ase

III. Choo se the unde rline d part in each sente
nce that need s
corre ction . (Ip.)
1. But for the prese nce of the TV celebr ity, the party won't
have been! !
succes s.
2. If we don't contro l the growt h of the popul ation, there'
ll have been a
popul ation explo sion soon.
3. The autho rities are trying hardl y to promo te birth contro
l metho ds to
rural areas .
4. On avera ge, wome n in the Third World have most childr
en than those
in the West.
IV. Read the passa ge and do the exerc ise below . (1
The world popul ation is the totali ty of all living huma
ns on the plane t
Earth . As of today , it is estim ated to numb er 6.991 billio
n by the Unite d
State s Censu s Burea u. Accor ding to a separ ate estim
ate by the Unite d
Natio ns, it has alread y excee ded 7 billion . The world
's popul ation is
uneve nly distri buted , with six of the world 's seven
contin ents being
perm anent ly inhab ited on a large scale. As of 2012,
Asia is the most-
popul ated of Earth 's contin ents, with its 4.1
billio n inhab itants
accou nting for over 60% of the world popul ation. The
world 's two most-
popul ated count ries alone , China and India, const itute
about 37% of the
world 's popul ation. Africa is the secon d-mos t-popu lated
contin ent, with
aroun d 1 billio n peopl e, or 15% of the world 's popul
ation. Europ e's 733
millio n peopl e make up 11 % of the world 's popul ation,
while the Latin
Amer ican and Carib bean region s are home to 589 millio
n (9%). North ern
Amer ica has a popul ation of aroun d 352 millio n (5%),
and Ocean ia, the
least- popul ated region , has about 35 millio n inhab itants
(0.5%). Thoug h it
is not perm anent ly inhab ited by any fixed popul ation,
Antar ctica has a
small , fluctu ating intern ation al popul ation, based mainl
y in polar scienc e
statio ns. This popul ation tends to rise in the summ
er mont hs and
decre ase signif icantl y in winte r, as visiti ng resea rcher
s return to their
home count ries.
* Write 'T' before the sentence if it is true. Write 'F' if the senten
ce is not true.
1. The world 's popul ation is equal ly distri buted in six contin
2. More people live in Europe than in Latin America and the Caribbean.
3. The population of Northern America is smaller that that of Oceania.
4. The population of both China and India is even larger than that of
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. The mountainous areas are mostly by ethnic groups.
2. It seemed that disability was not a _ _ _ on his life. (limit)
3. Police said that the two murders were connected. (probable)
4. The teachers are responsible for the _ of their students during the
field trip. (safe)
5. I would like to thank the nurse who was very ____ during my
father's illness. (support)
6. All of·his money is ___ deposited in a Swiss bank account. (safe)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. Our team didn't lose the match thanks to the goalkeeper.
If it ......................................... .
2. He can't do a teaching job because of his lack of patience.
If he ....................................... .
3. Keep your feet warm or you'll catch a cold!
Unless .................................... .
4. Please let me know, if you get any news about Jim!
Should .................................... .
5. Don't worry if you can't answer all the questions.
It doesn't .................................... .
'6. We really need a new washing machine.
·What ............................................ .


- agrarian (;;i'gre;;iri;;in] (adj) : v~ nong nghi~p

Vi d11-: Most of the land in this area used to be agrarian.
(Hdu hit deit dai trong vilng nay truac day la deit n6ng nghi~p.)

- apricot blossom ['e1pnkut, or: 'repnka:t 'blnsgm] (n): hoa mai
- banner ['breng] (n) : bi~u ngu
Vi dv-: The demonstrators walked along the street, carrying a banner
reading 'Save our Wildlife'.
(Nhung ngum di tu&n hanh d9c theo duang phef mang theo biiu ngu
vai dong cha 'Hay cuu cac df)ng v<'jt hoang da".)
- calendar ['krelmdg] (n) : l!ch
- candy ['krendi] (n) & (v) : (n) k~o; (v) tS:m di.long
- candied fruit['krend1d fru:t] (n) : mUt
- colour I color['kJ\lg] (v): to mau
Vi dv-: The boy drew a big tree and colored it green.
(Thdng be ve mf)t cay Zan va to no mau xanh.)
- coloured I colored ['kAlgd] (adj) : c6 to mau; c6 mau slic
- comment ['kument] (n) : loi nh~n xet; loi binh lu~n

Vi dv-: The coach didn't make any comment about the failure of the team.
(Hzuin luy~n vien lihong btnh lu<'jn gt v€ SI/ thdt bc;Li czla df)i bong.)
- comment (on/upon something) [b'ment] (v) : binh lu~n (v~ vi~c gi)
- decorate ['debre1t] (v) : trang tri
Vi dv-: They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.
(H9 trang tri can nha bdng hoa va bong bong.)
- decoration [,deb' re 1fn] (n) : sv trang tri
- decorative ['debreltiv] (adj) : c6 tinh each trang tri
Vi dv-: The mirror is functional yet decorative.
(Chi€c gztang soi nay chi co chuc nang trang tri ma thoi.)
- entertain [,entg'tem] (v) : chieu dai ho~c mua vui cho ai
Vi dv-: The public was entertained with a display of aerobatics.
(Cong chztng du<JC gidi tri Mng mf)t man biiu di~n nhao lf)n may bay.)
- entertaining [,entg'ternIIJ] (adj) : vui, thu v!
- entertainment [,entg'ternmgnt] (n) : slf giai tri
- exchange [1ks'tJemd3] (v): trao d6i
Vi dv-: We exchanged addresses and phone numbers.
(Chung toi da trao do'i dia chl va so' di~n thoq,i.)
- fatty ['freti] (adj) : c6 nhi~u ch:lt Mo
- festival ['fest1vl] (n) rn
: hqi
- good luck [gud lAk] (n) : v~n may
- grand [grrend] (adj) : hoanh trang; vI dljli
Vi dv-: Their wedding was a very grand occasion.

(L~ cztai cua hQ la m9t biin cd hoanh trang.)
- green bean [ gri:n bi:n] (n) : d~u xanh
- influen ce ['mtlugns] (v) & (n) : (v) gay anh httC!ng; (n) anh
Vi dl;t: It's clear that her painti ng has been influen ced by Picasso.
(Ro rang la each ve tranh Clta co fiy ch?u anh hztang czla Picass
- kumqu at tree [ kAmkwgt tri:) (n) : cay qudt

- lunar ['lu:ng] (adj) : thu(>c v~ m~t trang; thu(>c v~ am ljch

- Lunar New Year ['lu:ng nju: 'jfa] (n): Te't Nguye n Ban
- main [mem] (adj) : chinh; chu ye'u
Vi dl;t: The main purpo se of his holida y to Japan was to go climbi
(M11-c dich chinh czla ki nghl t<;Li Nhq,t Ban cua anh ta la di leo nui.)
- mainl y ['memli] (adv) : chu y~u.
- occasi on [g'ke13n] (n) : djp
Vi dl;t: It was not a suitab le occasion for discus sing holida y plans.
(IJ6 khong phai la djp thich h<Jp di ban lutj,n ki hoq,ch nghi U.) .
- peach blosso m [pi:tJ 'blns;im] (n) : hoa dao
- plum [plAm] (n) : qua m~n
- pork [p:>:k] (n) : thjt heo
- positiv e ['pnz;itiv](adj) : chiic chiin; kh~ng djnh; tO't d~p
- pray (for sb or sth) [prei] (v) : c:iu nguy~n (cho ai ho?c di~u
Vi dl;t: Everybody all fell to their knees and began to pray for
victim s of the disasters.
(M9i ngztC!i cung qui g6i c&u nguy~n cho nhilng nq,n nhan czla tham
- prayer [preg] (n) : lai c:iu nguy~n
Vi dl;t: She never forgets to say her prayers before going to sleep.
(Co fiy khong bao gio quen c&u nguy~n trzt6c khi di ngzl.)
- prepar e [pn'peg] (v): chu~n bj
- prepar ation [,prep~'re1Jn] (n) : SI/ chulin bi
Vi dl;t: There is often a lot of activit y in preparation for the
New Year.
(Thitong c6 nhi~u hoq,t d9ng di chudn b? chew don nam mai dm l?ch.)
- ripe [rarp] (adj) : (trai cay) chin
- sugare d apples ['Joggd 'replz] (n) : mUt tao
- specia l ['speJl] (adj) : d~c bi~t
- spread [spred] (v) : keo dai (thoi gian); Ian ra
Vi dl;t: He took a course of stuqie s that spread over three years.
(6ng ta theo m9t kh6a hQc keo dai trong ba nam.)
ll l
- sticky ['st1ki] (adj) : dinh; deo
- sticky rice ['st1ki rais] (n) : g~o ne'p
- thus [oAs] (adv) : vi v~y; do d6 = therefor e; in this way
Vi d"f!-: Tet is a very special occasion. Thus, everybo dy makes lots of
prepara tions for it.
(Tit la mgt djp rfit dQ,c bi~t. Do d6 mQi ngum chutin bi rfit nhi~u cha no.)
- traditio n [trg'd1Jn] (n) : truy~n th6ng
- traditio nal [trg'd1J;ml] (adj) : theo truy~n th6ng
Vi d"f!-: The school uses a combina tion of modern and traditio nal
methods for teaching science subjects.
(Nha trztang dung nhilng phztang phap hi~n dq,i ldn truy~n thffng di
gidng dq,y nhilng man khoa hQC.)
- traditio nally [tdd1J;mgli] (adv) : theo truy~n th6ng

!\Tocabu lary Exerc ise 11

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Your flower arrange ment makes the table look really _. (decorat e)
2. _ , many Vietnam ese people return to their hometow ns to celebrat e
the Lunar New Year. (traditio n)
3. There are always lively New Year _ _ through out the country at this
time of the year. (celebra te)
4. You should avoid eating __ food if you want to lose weight. (fat)
5. We found his talk both informa tive and _ _ . (enterta in)
6. In some countrie s it i s _ for a bride to wear white. (traditio n)
7. All the student s shared the _ for the party between them, so it
wasn't too much work. (prepare )
8. fruit is one of the traditio nal kinds .of food served :on the occasion
of Tet. (candy)
9. What did you do for _ _ while yoli were staying there - just watch
TV? (enterta in)
10. She whisper ed a silent _ that her sick mother would not die. (pray)

IVocabulary Exerc ise 21

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The student s marche d around the town, waving the _ _ reading
"Keep our city clean and green!".
A. celebrat ions B. festivals C. banners D. decorati ons

2. Let us for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves.
A comment B. pray C. decorate D. exchange
3. Most children's television programs aim to educate and_ at the same
A entertain B. celebrate C. influence D. mark
4. A lot of __ land in the countryside has been turned into urban areas.
A grand B. fatty C. traditional D. agrarian
5. Those apples aren't_ yet; they're still green.
A blossom B. ripe C. main D. sticky


A). Pronoun 'one/ones'

B). someone, anyone, no one, everyone
A). Pronoun 'one/ones'
1). Chung ta c6 thg dung 'one' (cho s6 it) va 'ones' (cho s6 nhi~u) nhu
nhG'ng d~i tlt ba't djnh (indefinite pronouns) thay the' cho m<?t danh tU di
truac trong cau.
Customer: 'I'd like a bottle of mineral water, please.'
Shop-assistant: 'Which one? A big one or a small one, sir?'
Customer: 'A big one, please.'
Trang do~n d6i tho~i tren, d~i tU 'one' duc;rc dung dg khoi phai l(lp l~i
c1,1m W 'a bottle of mineral water'.
2). Chung ta c6 thg dung 'one' ho~c 'ones' theo sau hliu he't cac tinh
tU: nhu tinh tU mau siic (red, blue, green, black, white, ... ), tinh tU chi kich
ea (large, small, long, short, ... ), ho~c cac 'tinh tU khac (expensive, cheap,
old, new, ... ).
- These blouses are all nice, but I'd like the red one.
('the red one' = the red blouse)
- I didn't buy a calculator. They only had expensive ones.
('expensive ones' = expensives calculators)
- 'Which is your toothbrush?' - 'The soft one.'
('The soft one' = the soft toothbrush)
- We threw away the old curtains and bought some new ones.
('some new ones' =some new curtains)

3). Chung ta c6 thg dung 'one/ones' sau cac tu : 'this, that, these,
those'; sau: 'which'; sau: 'the'; ho~c sau: 'every, each, another'.
Vi dv-:
- Which is your suitcase, Madam? This one or that one over there?
('This one' = This suitcase; 'that one' = that suitcase)
- These flowers are fresh, but those ones are nicer.
('Those ones' = those flowers)
- He has three cars. Each one has its own chauffeur.
('Each one' =each car; trong cau nay chung ta c6 thg bO 'one')
- The building had lots of windows. Every one had been broken.
('Every one' = every window; chu y : 'every one' vie't tach rai khac
vai 'everyone' .c6 nghia la m<;>i nguai = all (the) people)
- This laptop is better than the one I had before.
('the one' = the laptop)
- 'Can you get my coat, please?' - 'Yes, madam. Which one?'
('Which one?' = Which coat?)
4). Khong dung 'one' trong cac truang hqp sau:
a). Khong dung 'one' sau m:;w tU 'a' khi khOng c6 tinh tU di kem.
Vi dv-:
- Whenever you need a phone box, you can never find one.
('one' = a phone box; khong thg n6i : 'a--eae')
- 'You have so many pens.' 'Well. You can take one if you want.'
('one' = a pen; khong thg n6i ; 'a--eae')
b). Khong dung 'one' dg thay the' danh tU khong-de'm-duqc
(uncountab le nouns). Thay vao d6, chung ta chi cdn dung tinh tU ma thoi,
ne'u khong mufin l~p lljli danh tU.
Vi dv-:
- There was no hot water. I had to wash in cold.
('cold' = cold water; khong thg n6i : 'eold one')
5). Chung ta cung dung 'one' nhu m9t dljli tU nhan xlirtg (pesonal
pronoun) vai y nghia 'nguai ta' n6i chung ('one' = people in general,
including you and me). Chung ta cung c6 thg dung sC1-hi1u-cach: one's.
Vi dv-:
- One can drive a car in Britain when one is 17 years old.
('One' = people)
- One can easily lose one's way in Paris.
('One'= people, including you and me)

B). someone , anyone, no one, everyon e
1). Thong thuO'ng chung ta dung 'someon e/someb ody' trong cau
kh£ng dinh; va 'anyone/ anybody ' trong cau phu dinh va cau hoi.
Vi d-,.i:
- There's someone waiting for you at the gate.
- Don't worry! Somebod y will help you with this!
- Do you know anyone who's intereste d in buying my house?
- I went to her party, but I didn't know anybody there.
Chung ta cling dung 'anyone/ anybody ' trong m~nh d~ 'If-claus e'.
Vi df:l:
- If you find anyone trying to get into this place, phone the police
immediat ely.
2). Chung ta c6 th~ dung 'someon e/someb ody' trong cau hoi khi n6
c6 y nghia cua lO'i yeu du ho~c d~ nghi (a request or offer).
Vi df:l:
- Would you like someone to drive you home?
- Shall I ask someone to help you with this?
3). Ta't ea cac tU 'someon e, anyone, no one, everyon e' d~u c6 y
nghia 's6 it' va dung vai d(>ng tu s6 it. Vi du:
- Someone is responsib le for this mistake.
- No one was in the office yesterday morning.
- Ev~ryone has to write an essay.
4). Chung ta thuO'ng dung cac d?i tU 'they, them, their' d~ thay the'
cha cac tu 'someon e, anyone, everyon e, no one'.
Vi df:l:
- Somebod y forgot to lock the door, didn't they?
('they' duqc dung thay the' cho 'somebod y')
- If anyone phones me when I'm out, tell them I'll phone them back
later on.
('them' dugc dung thay the' cha 'anyone')
- Look! Someone has left their bag on this seat.
('their' duqc dung thay the' cha 'someone ')
- Everyone was asked what they thought.
('they' dugc dung thay the' cha 'everyone ')
- Everybod y was doing their best to help.
('their' dugc dung thay the' cha 'everybod y')

CHU Y: Ngttoi ta ding c6 th~ dung cac di;ti tU nhan xttng 'he, she,
him ,her, his' d~ thay the' cho 'someone, anyone, .. .' nhttng khong thong
d1,mg Him.
Vi dv-:
- Someone left her I their handbag behind.
5). Chung ta c6 th~ dung tinh tu ho~c tU 'else' (= cai khac, ngttai khac)
theo sau 'someone, anyone, no one, everyone'.
Vi dv-:
- We need someone strong to move the piano.
(NOT: We need stFong someone ... )
- Do you know anyone reliable to work with?
(NOT: Do you know Fcliable anyone ... )
- The bus hit a lamp-post, but there was no one injured.
(NOT: ... there was inj1:1Fed no one.)
- Kate avoids seeing James. She often goes out with someone else
these days.
('someone else' = another person)
6). Chung ta c6 th~ dung sa-hii'u-cach ['s] sau' someone, anyone, no
one, everyone'.
Vi dv-:
- Somebody's car is blocking the road.
- This is nobody's fault.
- We need everyone's name and address.
7). Chung ta ciing dung cac tU 'something, anything, nothing,
everything' va 'somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere'
tticJng w
cac each dung cua 'someone, anyone, .. .'. Nhttng y nghia nhli'ng tU
t~n cung 'thing' chi cho v~t; va cac tU t~n cung 'where' chi ncJi ch6n.
Vi dv-:
- There's something in my eye. I can't see very well.
(something = a thing)
- Everything is so expensive these days.
(everything= all things)
- Everywhere was crowded.
(everywhere = all (the) places)
- Shall we go somewhere quiet this summer?
(somewhere quiet = a quiet place)

EXERCISE 1: Complete each sentence with 'one' or 'ones'.
1. Put these large boxes here, and those small __ over there!
2. 'Which of those girls is your sister?' - 'She's the _ _ with the dark hair.'
3. There are two films on TV this evening. Which_ would you prefer to see?
4. My new glasses are much strong than my old _ _ .
5. 'Would you like a drink?' 'Oh, yes, please, I'd love __ .'
6. The best road to the airport is the _ _ on the right.
7. Carol likes these brown shoes more than those black
8. They have three children. Each _ _ goes a different school.
9. Those chairs are too expensive for me. Can you show me some cheaper
10. They're building new houses on this street. The old __ have been
pulled down.

EXERCISE 2: Complete each sentence, using 'one, some, it' or 'them'.

1. If you need a map, I can lend ~ou _ .
2. If you need the money, I can lend you _ _ .
3. We took a taxi. There was _ _ waiting.
4. I'm afraid the vase broke. I dropped_ on the floor.
5. I'm having a biscuit. Would you like_ too?
6. I don't have any good CDs, but my brother has __ .
7. Have you seen my glasses? I put __ on the desk a minute ago.
8. I've been looking for a pencil, but I haven't found _ _ .
9. There's a lot of milk in the fridge. You can get _ _ if you like.
10. These paintings are beautiful. Can you hang _ _ all on the wall?

EXERCISE 3: Fill in each gap with 'someone, anyone, something, anything,

somewhere' or 'anywhere'.
A: Have you seen my camera? I can't find it (0) anywhere
B: No, I haven't. Perhaps (1) _ _ has borrowed it.
A: I haven't given (2) __ permission to borrow it. It must be (3) _ in
this room.
B: Things are in such a mess. It could be (4) _ .
A: I know. I can never find (5) _when I want it.
B: We'll have to do (6) _ _ about this mess. We'd better tidy it up.

l l7
EXERCISE 4: Complete each sentence using one of the following words.
somebody anybody nobody everybody
something anything nothing everything
somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

1. There isn't _ watching TV at the moment. Can you turn it off?

2. Why don't we go _ for a picnic this weekend?
3. There's __ waiting outside to see you. He didn't tell me his name.
4. They've got _ _ to live; they're homeless.
5. There's __ in the suitcase. It's empty!
6. It's a secret. knows about it.
7. They lost_:_ in the fire; their house and all their possessions.
8. Have you seen my gloves? I've looked _ _ for them, but I can't find
9. Pamela is the only one i'n the office at the moment. _ _ else has gone
10. 'Shall I make you __ to eat?' 'Oh, yes, please. I've had hardly __
all day.'

EXERCISE 5: Complete each sentence using 'someone, anyone, or

. '
'something, anything, ... ' or 'somewhere, anywhere, ... '.
1). ' __ phoned while you were out.'
'Oh, who?'
'He didn't give his. name. He wants to discuss _ _ with you.
2). 'I'd like to go away _ on holiday.'
'On your own?'
'No, I hope I can find __ to come with me.'
3). 'Has Brian got a job yet?'
'No, he's looked __ , but he can't get one. And he hates sitting around
doing _ _ .'
4). 'Have you ever found __ in the street?'
'Yes, I once found __ .'
'A ten-dollar bill.'
5). 'We all know that the man is a thief.'
'Yes,_ knows, but _ _ dares to say so publicly.'

EXERCISE 6: Rewrite the phrases in brackets using 'everyone, someone,
something, anything, nothing' or 'somewhere'.
1. (another place) It's not very comfortable here. Let's go somewhere else!
2. (an intelligent person) We need _ _ to do this job.
3. (an interesting thing) Is there __ in this magazine?
4. (a wallet belonging to someone) _ _ is on the table. Do you know
whose it is?
5. (no exciting things) _ ever happens in this place.
6. (a different thing) This program is boring. Let's watch _ _ !
7. (the opinions of everyone) _ _ will be considered.
8. (a quiet place) I'm really tired of this noisy street. Shall we find __ to
9. (all the other people) George isn't coming, but _ _ is coming.
10. (a strange thing) Can you see_ about this house?

EXERCISE 7: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar sentence

to the first sentence.
1. All the things in the room were in bright colors.
Everything ...................... .......... .
2. There was nothing I could do.
I couldn't ...................... ........ .
3. When I phoned, there was no reply.
No one ...................... ....... ..
4. You check in for your flight at least an hour before departure.
One ...................... ............ ..
5. I haven't got any work.
I've got ...................... ... to do.
6. All of you know the answer, don't you?
Everybody ...................... ....... ?
7. We are all milk drinkers here!
Everybody ......................... milk.
8. Are we going to be driven there?
Is ?
9. No one was on time yesterday.
Everyone .............................. ..
10. I'm afraid I don't know anything about it.
I'm afraid I know ...................... ... ..

EXERCISE 8: Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and
contains the word given.
1. Derek didn't do anything yesterday. (NOTHING)
,___ P.~t~k.d.~<i..!lt9.thi.TJfi.Y.~~t~r:d_q,y, _________ ......... .
2. Carol is very popular. (EVERYBODY)

3. The box isn't empty. (SOMETHING )

4. All the people were singing. (EVERYONE)

5. I feel annoyed. (SOMETHING )

6. We haven't got any food. (NOTHING)

7. The office is empty. (NO ONE)

8. You fill in an application form, and then you wait for an answer. (ONE)

9. I wouldn't change my mind no matter what you could say. (NOTHING)

10. I've done some things so far today, and they have gone wrong!

EXERCISE 9: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. Ken's bought a car, but it's a second-hand _ .
A something B. it C. everything D. one
2. He found _ _ to live, so he had to leave the town.
A somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
3. Get some eggs, _ _ , please.
A large things B. large one C. the larges D. large ones
4. 'Which house is yours?" __ next to the bookshop.'
A The one B. A one C. Its one D. One
5. The material felt softer than she had ever touched before.
A something B. anything C. nothing D. everyone

6. I had the matches a minute ago, but now I can't find __ .
A one B. ones C. them D. it
7. One should look after health.
A his B. one's C. your D. their
8. The vases are all handmade and looks different.
A every B. everyone C. every one D. everything
9. I always get to work before __ else.
A anyone B. someone C. no one D. all ones
10. When you cook clams you shouldn't eat _ _ that don't open.
A. someone B. the one C. the ones D. something

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. There will be a big ceremony to _ _ the 2oth anniversary of the
founding of the school.
A decorate B. mark C. spread D. build
2. During several weeks before Tet, the children's excitement usually _
_ to the first day of the New Year.
A gets on B. keeps up C. builds up D. turns on
3. After the first-term test, the teacher made good _ on her students'
A occasions B. comments C. traditions D. preparations
4. As the New Year is approaching, people normally __ greeting cards
with their relatives and friends.
A prepare B. celebrate C. exchange D. entertain
5. Let us pray _ _ the victims of that terrible disaster!
A with B. by C. in D. for
6. "Which car is yours?" - "_ _ parking next to the lamp post."
A One B. The one C. A one D. The ones
7. I saw else in the office except for an old clerk who was busy
A no one I something B. someone I something
C. anyone I anything D. no one I anything
8. Tom always hands in his paper before __ else.
A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. all ones
9~ "Have you seen my handbag? I've been looking for it __ , but I can't
find it."
A. everywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. everything
10. _ disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.
A. Because B. Unless C. Though D. If
11. If water is heated to 100°C, it _ to steam.
A. turned B. would turn C. could turn D. turns
12. The victim was dead _ arrival at the hospital.
A. on B. in C. for D. at
13. It may seem strange, but my Mom doesn't know __ to ride a bicycle.
A. what B. how C. where ' D. which
14. There are far _ _ many s~udents for such a small classroom!
A. so B. such ; C. too D. enough
15. "I can't stop worrying about my exam tomorrow.""_ _ "
A. That's all right, never mind. B. Congratulations!
C. Don't mentipn it. D. I'm sure you'll do well.
16. ·:could I use your dictionary?" "_ _ "
A. Yes. Go ahead! B. Thanks. You too.
C. That's a nice idea. D. It doesn't matter.
II. Choose the word whose 'Stress pattern, is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A. between B. delight C. coloured D. polite
2. A. popular B. occasion C. agrarian D. excitement
3. A. influence B. pagoda C. apricot D. positive
4. A. recent B. lunar C. blossom D. throughout
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. If you need any more butter, I'll bring you one.
2. All of these hats look so nice that I can't decide what one to buy.
A B c D
3. Tet is one of the grandest occasion for most Vietnamese people.
4. On the occasion of the New year, most houses are decorated by apricot
A; B C
blossoms and other flowers.

IV. Read the passa ge and do the exerc ise below . (1 p.)
of the
All over the world, people welcom e the New Year for it is one
on family and
oldest of all holida ys. Most New Year celebr ations focus
perhap s,
friend s. It is a time to reflect on the past and envisi on a future,
in a world where people live togeth er in harmo ny.
bursti ng
In Londo n, crowd s welcom e the New Year with firewo rks
a displa y
above the River Tham es as Big Ben chime s out midni ght in
watch ed by more than 250,00 0 people on the river banks . In
ps Elysee s
of thousa nds are expect ed to gather on the illumi nated Cham
while in
to mark the celebr ation known as la Fete de Saint- Sylves tre
Amste rdam,
Stockh olm firewo rks will be seen across much of the city. In
inflata ble
revell ers are gearin g up for the first "kiss" betwe en two giant
toward s
puppe ts repres enting a Dutch boy and girl, which will "walk"
stroke of
each other as the second s tick down to the New Year. At the
in an event that
midnig ht, the puppe ts will kiss as fireworks explode
, familie s
organi sers hope will become a yearly traditi on in the city. In Japan
Tradit ionally ,
norma lly gather for trips to shrine s to mark the New Year.
Filipin os welcom e the New Year with firecra ckers and parties .
* Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
by going to
1. In which countr y do people usuall y welcom e the New Year
shrine s?

la Fete de
2. In which city do people gather for the celebr ation known as
Saint- Sylves tre?

that people
3. Accor ding to the passag e, what is the most notabl e event
in Amste rdam are expect ing to see for the New Year celebr ation?

Year with?
4. What activit ies do people in the Philip pines welcome the New

the word
V. Comp lete each sente nce with the corre ct form of
given in paren these s. (1.5 pts.)
1. _for the openin g cerem ony are well under way. (prepa re)
2. Your living room is badly in need of __ . (decor ate)
it. (stick)
3. The floor is still_ . It seems that someone spilled the juice on
_ food.
4. If you want to lose weigh t, you must stop eating so much _
5. She ran_ down the stairs to greet her cousin s. (excite )
6. Such good news calls for a _ _ . (celeb rate)
VI. Finish the second senten ce so that it has the same meanin g
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. All the people at the party were dressed in fancy dress.
Everybo dy ···-----------·-----·----···--
2. No one can use this machine without permiss ion.
This machine ·--···---·--·-------······-······-·
3. I wouldn' t change my mind no matter what you could say.
Nothing you ·---···-------·····-----·---···-
4. We won't get to the airport on time without taking a taxi ..
Unless --------------·····-·····--····
5. Have you got a smaller size than this?
Is this the --·-··-··················---··
6. I've never flown in a balloon before.
This is -·--·--··-----------·--·--··--·


- advance d (gd'va:nst, gd'vrenst] (adj): tien tie'n; tie'n b(>

Vi dr.i: This compute r has been installe d advance d software s used for
learning English .
(Chie'c may tinh nay duqc cai dij,t nhung phdn ni~m tien titn phlj-c Vlj-
cho vi~c h9c tie'ng Anh.)
- bother ['brnJg) (v) : ma'.'t thai gia; lam blfc minh
Vi dr.i: I don't know why you bother with such a problem .
(Toi khong bie't tq,i sao anh lq,i m<it thai gia vai m(Jt vdn d~ nhu the'.)
- conveni ence [bn'vi:nigns] (n) : stf ti~n lgi; ti~n nghi
- conveni ent [bn'vi:ni;:->nt] (adj) : ti~n lgi
Vi dr.i: I'm willing to meet you on any day that's conveni ent for you.
(Toi san lOng g<J,p ong vao b<it cU: ngayna o thzu'jn tifn cho ong.)
- conveni ently [bn'vi:ni;:->ntli] (adv) : m(>t each ti~n lqi
- courteou s ['k3:tigs) (adj) : l~ch stf; nha nh?n
Vi dr.i: The hotel staff are very friendly and courteous.
(D(Ji ngu nhan, vien khach sq,n r<it than thifn va nha nh<J,n.)
- courteou sly ['b:ti;:->sli] (adv) : m(>t each nha nh?n

- courtesy· ['k3:tgsi] (n): sif ljch sif ho?c nha nh?n
- customer {'kAstgmg] (n) : khach hang
- daily ['derli] (adj) & (adv) : hang ngay
Vi d1": The museum is open daily during the summer months.
(Vi~n bdo tang ma cila hang ngay suCft nhung tluing he.)
- deliver [dr'lrvg] (v) : phan pho'i; giao hang
- delivery [dr'lrvgri] (n) : vi~c phan ph6i ho?c giao hang
Vi d1": You must pay for these goods on delivery.
(Ong phdi trd ti€n cho nhung m6n hang nay khi chung duqc giao.)
- distance ['drstgns] (n) : khoang each
- document ['dukjumgnt] (n) : tai li~u
- equip [r'kwrp] (v) : trang bi
- equipment [r'kwrpmgnt](n): trang thie't bj
- express [rk'spres] (adj) : t6c hanh; chuy~n nhanh
- Express Mail Service (= IMS) (n) : djch v~ thu chuy€n phat nhanh
- facsimile (= fax) [frek'srmgli] (n) : van ban glti qua may fax
- graphic ['grrefrk] (adj) & (n) : (adj) v~ d6 h<;>a; (n) hinh ve
Vi d1": The screen can display simple graphics as well as text.
(Man h'lnh nay c6 thi tr'lnh di~n nhung h'lnh ve dan gidn va van bdn.)
- mail [merl] (n) : thu (= post)
- notificatio n [,ngutrfr'kerfn] (n): vi~c bao tin ho?c thong bao
- notify ['ngotrfar] (v) : thong bao; bao tin
Vi d1": Competition winners will be notified by post.
(Nhung nguai thdng CUQC thi se duqc thong bao qua duang buu di~n.)

- ordinary [';:i:dnri] (adj) : binh thuong

Vi d1": We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her
ordinary clothes.
(Chung toi da an mif,c chinh t€ d€ di dl,t ti~c song co ta v&n mif,c qucfo
ao b'lnh thuang.)
- ordinarily[';:i:dnrnli] (adv) : thong tht.tong (= normally; usually)
- origin ('urrd3m](n): ngu6n g6c
- original [g'rrd3gnl] (adj) & (n) : (adj) nguyen ban; (n) ban g6c
Vi d1": The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy.
(Ke tr(Jm da thay thi buc tranh gCfc bling m(Jt bdn sao.)
- originally [g'nd3gngli] (adv) : ddu tien
- parcel ['pa:sl] (n) : bt.tu ki~n
- rate [rert] (n) : muc gia
- recipient [rr'srpignt] (n) : nguoi nh~n

Vi d'f!-: Our 1000tl' member will be the lucky recipient of the mystery gift.
(Thanh vien thzZ 1000 cua chung toi se la ngu:ai may mdn nh<')n du:qc
m6n qua bi m<')t nay.)
- secure [s1'kjug] (adj) : yen tarn; an toan
Vi d'f!-: At last they were able to feel secure about their future.
(Cu6i cung thi h<? citng c6 thff cam thdy yen tam v~ tu:<1ng lai cua minh.)
- securely [s1'kjugli](adv) : m<;>t each an toan
- service ['s3:v1s] (n) : d!ch v1,1
- shape [Je1p] (n) : hinh dang
- spacious ['spe1j';Js] (adj) : rqng riii
Vi d'f!-: It was a spacious apartment at the top of the building.
(FJ6 la m<)t can h<) r<)ng r<ii ndm tren tdng cuffi cung cua toa nha.)
- speedy ['spi:di] (adj) : nhanh ch6ng
Vi d'f!-: We wish them all a speedy recovery.
(Chung toi cdu mong tdt ea b<?n h<? mau ch6ng binh phZJ-c.)
- staff [sta:f, stretl (n) : dqi ngli nhan vien
- subscribe [sgb'skra1b] (v) : d~t mua dai hi,m; thue bao
Vi d'f!-: The magazine is trying to get more readers to subscribe.
(Tq.p chi dang cff gdng c6 them nhi~u d<)c gia dq,t mua dai hq,n.)
- subscriber (sgb'skra1bg] (n): ngubi d~t mua dai h~n; ngubi thue bao
- subscription [sgb'sknpJn] (n): vi~c thue bao ho~c d~t mua dai h~n
- surface mail ['s3:f1s merl] (n): thu' chuy~n bilng dubng b9 ho~c dubng
bi~n (khong phai bilng dubng hang khong)
- technological [,tekng'lod31kl] (adj) : thuqc v~ ky thu~t
- technology [tek'nofad31] (n): ki thu~t
- text [tekst] (n) : van ban
- thought [8:>:t] (n): y nghi
- thoughtful ['8:>:tfl] (adj): an c~n; ddy suy tu
Vi d'f!-: My mother sat there and watched me eating my food with a
thoughtful expression on her face.
(M~ ng6i d6, nhin toi an v<Yi ve an cdn tren net m(j,t.)
- transfer [tnens'fa:] (v) : chuy~n giao; chuy~n nhuqng
Vi d'f!-: He was transferred from M.U. to Arsenal for a huge fee.
(Anh ta du:qc chuyffn nhU:<;ng tit cau lq,c b(J M. U qua Arsenal vai m(Jt
khoan phi kha·ng l6.)
- transmission [tnens'm1Jn] (n): si,t truy~n tai
- transmit [trrens'm1t] (v) : truy~n di

Vi df!.: The ceremoney was transmitted live by 'satellite to fifty countries.
(Buo'i U se du<Jc truy€n tn!c tiip qua u~ tinh din 50 quo'c gia.)
- well-trained [wel'tremd] (adj) : lanh ngh~

IVocabulary Exercis.e 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. You will receive __ of our decision within five days. (notify)
2. New York was _ _ a Dutch trading post. (origin)
3. Don't forget to lock the door _ _ when you go out! (secure)
4. Thank you for coming to see me when I was sick. It was very __ of
you! (thought)
5. We'll see a tremendous lot of _ _ changes during our lifetime.
6. Is there a mail _ _ on Sunday? (deliver)
7. Viewers will enjoy a live_ from the Olympic Games sites. (transmit)
8. I decided to pay for a __ to a science magazine. (subscribe)
9. It was a great _ _ to have the school so near. (convenient)
10. Always hold the door for the person behind you - it's just common _
_ . (courteous)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. You should _ us of the date of your arrival.
A notify B. subscribe C.·deliver D. equip
2. Will my parcel be sent by air or by __ ?
A plane B. surface mail C. transmission D. service
3. The management thanked the _ ' for their dedication and
A text B. equipment C. staff D. rate
4. The course aims to _ people with the skills necessary for a job m
this technological age.
A transfer B. transmit C. equip D. shape
5. We wish the Queen a __ recovery from her illness.
A secure B. courteous C. convenient D. speedy


A). Defining relative clauses

B). Non-defining relative clauses

Chung ta c6 thg phan bi~t hai lo~i m~nh d~ quan h~ khac nhau: m~nh
d~ quan h~ xac-d!nh (defining relative clauses) va m~nh d~ quan h~
khong-xac-d!nh (non-defining relative clauses),
A). Defining relative clauses (Revision)
M~nh d~ quan h~ xac-djnh (On t;llp)
M~nh d~ quan h~ xac-d!nh duqc dung dg chi r6 nguoi nao ho~c v~t nao
ma nguoi n6i mu6n d~ c~p. Do d6, m~nh d~ xac-d!nh khong th~ thie'u
trong cau, vi ne'u khong c6 n6 thi cau se khong r6 nghia.
Vi d11-:
- The driver who caused the accident is being questioned by th~ police.
(Trong cau tren, m~nh d~ "who caused the accident" cho nguoi
nghe bie't la nguoi n6i mu6n d~ c~p "the driver" nao; ne'u thie'u m~nh d~
nay, cau n6i se khong r6 nghia.)
- The picture which was stolen yesterday is worth millions of dollars.
(Trong cau tren, m~nh d~ "which was stolen yesterday" giup
nguoi nghe higu nguoi n6i mu6n d~ c~p ."the picture" nao.)
* Chung ta khong dung ddu phdy tru6'c va sau m~nh d~ quan h~ xac-
* Chung ta c6 thg dung tdt ea cac d~i tU quan h~ nhu WHO, WHOM,
WHICH, THAT, WHOSE, WHERE, va WHEN v6'i lo~i m~nh d~ xac-d!nh.
Nhling vi d1,1 khac:
- The children who show a remarkable talent for sports are
encouraged to join the school team.
- The people who/whom we visited yesterday were very nice.
- I like books that have happy endings.
- Mr. Nam is the teacher whose lectures we've always enjoyed.
- This is the village where my father was born and brought up.
- He phoned us at a time when every was asleep.
B).Non-defining relative clauses (Revision)
M~nh d~ quan h~ khong-xac-djnh (On t;llp)
1). M~nh d~ quan h~ khong-xac-d!nh duqc dung dg cho them thong tin,
khi ma m~nh d~ chinh da dlly du y nghia. Lo~i m~nh d~ nay thuong dugc
tach bi~t v6'i m~nh d~ chinh b&ng cac ddu phdy.
Vi df!-:
- Pablo Picasso, who died in 1973, was a painter and sculptor.
Trong cau tren, m~nh d~ chinh "Pablo Picasso was a painter and a
sculptor" da d§.y du y nghia va c6 thg dU'ng m9t minh. M~nh d~ quan h~

"who died in 1973" chi cho them thong tin ph1;1, va khong c~n thie't phai
c6 trong cau.
CHU Y: Doi khi m~nh d~ quan h~ khong-xac-dinh dugc tach bi~t v6'i
m~nh d~ chinh b~ng da'u ngo~c dcJn (...) ho~c da'u g~ch ngang [ - ]. Vi df!,:
- The River Huong (which flows through Hue City) has beautiful
scenery on both sides.
- This famous painting - which was painted in 1921 - is worth
millions of dollars.
2). M~nh d~ quan h~ khong-xac-dinh thu<':fng dugc dung sau ten
rieng, ho~c v6'i cac danh tU theo sau "this, that, these, those", ho~c
sau cac s(J hi1u tinh tU "my, your, his, her, its, our, their". Vi df!,:
- Mr. Dan, who is now teaching us physics, has written several books.
- This company, which makes domestic appliances, was founded 20
years ago.
- My cousin, who has just passed the final exam, is going to study abroad.
3). Ch6ng ta khong dung THAT trong m~nh d~ quan h~ khong-xac-dinh.
Vi df!,:
- Mr. Gibson, who served us last night, is the owner of the restaurant.
(WRONG: Mr. Gibson, that served us last night, ... )
- Hue, which is in Central Vietnam, used to be the capital of the
(WRONG: Hue, that is in Central Vietnam, ... )
4). Chung ta khong thg luge bO d~i tU quan h~ trong m~nh d~ khong-
Vi df!-:
- Mai, whom you saw this morning, is my cousin.
(WRONG: Mai, you saw this morning, is my cousin.)
- That film 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith', which I saw last week, is really
(WRONG: That film 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith', I saw last vrnek, ... )

EXERCISE 1: Complete the sentences using "who", "which" or "whose".

1. I'd like you to tell me __ you were talking to.

2. The game __ you are playing is difficult to understand.
3. One scientist_ has studied dolphins carefully is John Lilly.

4. The .couple_ house I bought both worked in my office.
5. Fouts , __ has studied the behaviour of other animals, taught a
chimpanzee sign-language.
6. The guidebook _ _ you gave us was very useful.
7. The chimpanzee, _ _ name was Washoe, learned about 160 signs.
8. 'Dumb' is the word used in English for someone_ is unable to speak.
9. This is the kind of language_ is used by deaf and dumb people.
10. The friend calculator I had borrowed wanted it back.
11. I can't remember __ I lent my ruler to.
12. We couldn't find the people _ _ money we found.
13. It's difficult to say _ _ this portrait was painted by.
14. The places we visited were all very interesting.
15. The friend _ _ _ house you stayed in is coming to visit you.

EXERCISE 2: Some sentences have a word which should not be there. Write
the word at the end, or put a tick [..f) if the sentence is correct.
1. Was the man you saw him wearing a black suit? ..... h~ID.. ...
2. The woman who shouted at me was very angry. ..f
3. Was the fish you had it for lunch good?
4. We didn't recognize the man that he came into the room ......
5. Did you finish the book you were reading it?
6. He. tried to talk to the girl who sat beside him.
7. The girl who she stopped me asked me for directions ......... .
8. Are the shoes which you're wearing them comfortable?
9. The workshop which we attended was very interesting ........ .
10. She thanked the man that he opened the door for her ........ .
11. The clerk I wanted to see him was off work.
12. The topic they were discussing it was very difficult. ......... .
13. The man I asked for directions looked confused.
14. The candidate I voted for her didn't win the election.
15. Annie is pleased with the picture she's just finished it ....... .

Complete this advertisement. Put in 'who, whom, whose' or 'which'.
Keswick, (0) which lies at the heart of the Lake District, is the
perfect place for a holiday, and the Derwent Hotel, (1) _ _ overlooks the
town, is the perfect place to stay. Peter and Debbie Jackson, (2) __

bought this small hotel three years ago, have already won a reputatio n
for excellenc e. Peter, (3) _cooki ng attracts people from far and wide,
was once Young Chef of the Year. The comfort of the guests, (4) __ the
owners treat almost as members of the family, always comes first. Omar
Sharif, (5) _once stayed at the hotel, described it as 'marvello us'. And
the Lake District, (6) __ has so much wonderfu l scenery, will not
disappoin t you.

EXERCISE 4: Join each pair of sentences using the relative pronoun given.
1. You got a package in the mail. Was it from your parents? (WHICH)
Was _th_<}_p_q,fl{gg<}__wh.ic;h_y_qy_g_Qt..frt.~h<}_l!J.q.,_a.frnm.Y-9J!.r.JH"-r:?:.llt§J.?
2. The clerk asked for identifica tion. He cashed my check. (WHO)
The clerk -------·----------------------
3. Summer is the time of the year. The weather is the hottest then.
Summer ·--------------------------------
4. The children' s parents work during the day. The day care center was
establish ed to take care of these children. (WHOSE )
The day care center ---------------------------·
5. The money was on the table. What happened to it? (THAT)
What ?
6. The people have now been released. They were arrested. (WHO)
7. You want somethin g. Tell me that thing and I'll try to get it for you.
- Tell me ·----------------------------·
8. The miser hid his money in a place. It was safe from robbers there.
The miser --------------------------·--
9. The students raised their hands. Their names were called. (WHOSE)
The students ............................. .
10. There was a time. Dinosaur s dominate d the earth then. (WHEN)
There ·-------------------------·--·-------
11. The hotel was located near the beach. We stayed at a hotel. (WHICH )
We stayed-···----··------··----···-·--
12. You lost the keys. Have you found them? (THAT)
Have ·-----------------------------------·- ?

13. The student asked me for the correct time. He stopped me in the hall.
The student ............... ............... .
14. A cafe is a small restauran t. People can get a light ,meal there.
A cafe ............... ............... ..... .
15., 'irhe man's car was stolen outside the hospital. The police came to
question him. (WHOSE )
The police ............... ............ ..
16. They said somethin g. Did you hear it? (WHAT)
Did you hear ............... ............... ?

EXERCISE 5: Add commas where necessary. Change the relative pronoun to

"that" if possible.
1. My friend Binh who lives next to my house shows a great talent for art .,__lJ.fri_ll,!g$.J1~~-~-t9.mY.h.QY.t!.?.,..l!h.Q.l.!l_g_gr?.q,_~_tglfmt.f9.r:.g,rt,
2. The boy who lives next to my house is intereste d in art .
.. ._{!jg_ .ll9.mrrH~$.,:. '.'w.h9'.~ .rnn..Q.~. !J.hrni,g~<J,. tg_ .''.thgt_''l ......
3. Only people who have good command of French will be invited to the
interview .

4. Brian who has good command of French was invited to the interview .

5. I was born in a town which lies along the coast.

6. This is a photo of my hometow n which lies along the coast.

7. A river which is polluted is not safe for swimmin g.

8. The Mekong River which flows through the South of the country is a
great source of seafood.

9. My children who are fond of swimmin g often ask me to take them to

the beach.

10. Children who are fond of swimmin g should join the local swimmin g

11. The police haven't known the identity of the man who was killed in
the fight.

12. Nicholas Bennett who was killed in the fight was a well-known reporter.

EXERCISE 6: Join each par~· of sentences using a relative pronoun. Use

commas .if. necessary.
1. The· girl is waiting in the hall. I was telling you about her.
The girl _____wh_q_J_w_g§_JlJ_Wn.g_yQ1J,_ggQ7J,U!!__wg#~7J_g_frtJlH!__ b,gU~---
2. Mr. Stanley's son wort th~ championship. I'd like you to meet Mr.
I'd lil~-~-YQ1J,~tg__m_~§?,t_M_t, __$JgnJ!!,y_,__w'19.!!f,_$_QIJ__ w_qIJ_Jh!!,_9-IJ<JrriP-tQ~$_'1iP.,
3. Emm:a wrote this• artide. She has good knowledge of this subject.
4. Margaret ran into an old friend. She had gone to school with him.
Margaret ·--········-·------------······
5. The Wye is a beautiful river. It flows through Hereford.
The Wye ·----------------------------·-·
6. The children are terribly spoilt. I'm looking after them.
7. The Taylors haven't arrived"yet. We invited them to dinner.
The Taylors ----------------------------···
8. Mr. Simpson had to stay the night. His car was stolen.
Mr. Simpson ···------------············---
9. There wasn't any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from
this box.
There ·-----------------------·------------
10. Mr. Bond is a very strange man. Stella works for him.
Mr. Bond ········------------·········-·
11. The girl has been found safe and well. She had been missing since
The girl -··-------------------·----------
12. Elvis Presley left all his money to his only daughter. His records
were all top hits.
Elvis Presley ---------------------------··

13. Have you seen the book? I was reading it.
Have ..................................... .
14. Towns are usually crowded and expensive. They attract tourists.
Towns ................................... .
15. Stratford is the place where Shakespeare was born. Stratford attracts
many tourists.
Stratford .............................. .

EXERCISE 7: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. Lam had a notebook, __ he wrote new words.
A. when B. which C. in that D. in which
2. The girl_ photo was in the local paper lives near my house.
A. who B. whose C. whom D. which
3. What's the name of the man ?
A. whom Annie works B. that Annie works
C. Annie works for D. for who Annie works
4. There were two players __ everyone.
A. their skill impressed B. whom skill impressed
C. whose skill impressed D. that impressed skill
5. Patricia couldn't find the notebook
A. she wrote new words in B. that she wrote new words
C. in that she wrote new words D. she wrote new words in it
6. _puzzled me was Carolina's attitude.
A. That B. What C. Which D. Who
7. Which is the Southeast-Asian country _ _ the fastest?
A. whose economy is growing B. who growing economy
C. that is growing economy D. its economy's growing
8. The TV program _ is repeated this evening.
A. which missed B. we missed
C. we missed it D. that we missed it
9. _was share the money equally.
A. They did that B. That they did
C. What they did D. It was that they did
10. He kept everyone waiting, _ made him rather unpopular.
A. who B. that C. which D. whom

sente nce.
I. Choo se the word or phras e that best comp letes each
(4 pts.)
lly full of
1. The hotel has a __ friend ly atmos phere, so it's norma
guests .
A boring B. depres sing C. pleasa nt D. scarin g
childr en.
2. You should _ to an educat ional teenag e magaz ine for your
A equip B. advan ce C. transf er D. subscr ibe
3. The shop will _ the parcel to the addres s on reques t.
A delive r B. notify C. subscr ibe D. weigh
4. It was only a shor t_ from our hotel to the beach.
A. surfac e B. servic e C. distan ce D. speed
5. This compu ter system is __ from intrud ers.
A speedy B. secure C. ordina ry D. spacio us
6. It is necess ary that all high buildi ngs be equipp ed _ smoke
detect ors.
A for B. by C. with D. in
at home.
7. I put my hand into my pocke t and _ _ that I'd left my keys
A find B. found C. findin g D. have found
8. I _ _ this chair, so, please , don't touch it!
A had painte d B. will paint
C. was painti ng D. have just painte d
9. It's worth __ to your lawye r before makin g your final decisio
A talkin g B. talk C. to talk D. to talkin g
10. It is really pleasa nt __ in a spacio us house.
A live B. living C. to live D. to living
morni ng.
11. We will have the newsp aper __ to your house early in the
A delive r B. delive red C. delive ring D. to delive r
12. They live in a house __ roof could collap se at any time!
A whose B. which C. whom D. its
13. This univer sity has over 6,000 studen ts, many of __ come
overse as.
A who B. which C. that D. whom
14. It's too late and I'm really tired. I __ go to bed now.
A could B. should C. ought D. would

15. "Would you like tea or coffee?'"'_ _ "
A. I'd rather coffee, please. B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Thanks. The same to you. D. I'd prefer coffee, please.
16. "I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you today!" " "
A. That's alright. Another time, perhaps!
B. No, there's no need. Thanks.
C. It's a pleasure. Don't mention it.
D. That's very kind of you. Thanks.
II. Choose the word whose underlin ed part is pronoun ced
differen tly from that of the others in each sentenc e. (1 p.)
1. A. service B. subcribe C. favourite D. deliver
2. A. surfgce B. teengge C. enggge D. updgte
3. A. spa~ious B. deli~ious C. offi~ial D. par~el
4. A. course B. fourth C. courteous D. court
III. Choose the underlin ed part in each sentenc e that needs
correcti on. (lp.)
1. This is the house in that three generatio ns of my family used to live.
2. The hotels of the town were full of guests whom had gone there to see
the festival.
3. His car, that was bought just a few weeks ago, has broken down
several times.
4. They have changed the glass of the broken windows only two days ago.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
Before the use of adhesive paper stamps, letters were hand stamped
or postmark ed with ink. Postmark s were the invention of Henry Bishop
and were at first called 'Bishop mark' after the inventor. Bishop marks
were first used in 1661 at the London General Post Office. They marked
the day and month the letter was mailed.
A schoolma ster from England, Rowland Hill invented the adhesive
postage stamp in 1837, an act for which he was knighted . Through his
efforts, the first stamp in the world, the Penny Black, was issued in
England on May 6th, 1840. The Penny Black was engraved the profile of
Queen Victoria's head, who remained on all British stamps for the next
sixty years. Roland Hill also created the first uniform postage rates that
were based on weight rather than size. Hill's stamps made the
prepayment of mail postage possible and practical.
* Write 'T' if the sentence is true. Write 'F' if the sentence is not true.
1. The first adhesive postage stamp was invented by Henry Bishop.
2. Rowland Hill was knighted because he had invented the adhesive
postage stamp.
3. All the stamps in Britain have been engraved the head of Queen
4. The first uniformed postage rates based on weight were created by
Rowland Hill.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. You need a university degree to be _ _ in today's job market.
2. I gave them the copy of the report and kept the_. (origin)
3. Recent advances in medical_ have saved countless lives. (technical)
4. The photographer arrived early to set up his _ . (equip)
5. We are receiving a live _ _ from the scene of the accident. (transmit)
6. Last night, he came to visit me at a(n) __ time when I was already
asleep. (convenience)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. I went on holiday with the people. They were very friendly.
The people with ............................ .
2. She sent me a nice. present. I was very grateful for it.
She sent me a nice present, for ..................... ..
3. I sat next to a boy in the exam. He didn't understand most of the
The boy whom ............................... .
4. My younger brother finds origami interesting.
My younger brother is ........................... .
5. The beach of this town is very famous.
This town is ................................... .
6. I've never enjoyed myself so much.
I've never had .......................... _..... .

NllTUilE.IN DllNGEif

- cheetah [' (n) : con bao ga'm (ch~y ra't nhanh)

- coexist [,bmg'zrst] (v) : cung t&n t~i; chung s6ng
Vi df:l: They are trying to coexist peacefully with their neighboring countries.
(HQ dang co' gdng chung so'ng hoa binh vai nhang nztac l<ing gi€ng.)
- coexistence [,kwrg'zrstgns] (n): slf cung t&n t~i ho~c chung s6ng
- consequence ['kunsrkwgns] (n) : h~u qua
Vi df:l: This could lead to serious consequences for your study.
(Di€u nay c6 the' dzta din nhang hq,u qud nghiem tr9ng cha vi~c h9c
tq,p cila bq,n.)
- consequent ['knnsrkwgnt] (adj): vi h~u qua
- consequently ['knnsrkw:mtli] (adv) : h~u qua la (= as a result)
Vi df:l: His lecture was full of technical jargon. Consequently, nobody
understood it at all!
(Bai thuyit trinh cila ong dy d&y nhang thuQ,t nga. HQ,u qud la chdng
ai hie?u dztqc chut nao cd!)
- cut down (v) : ch(lt, d6n
- danger ['demd3g] (n) : slf nguy higm
- dangerous ['demd3grns] (adj) : nguy hi~m
- dangerously ['demd3grgsli] (adv) : mc)t each nguy higm
- destroy [d1'str::i1] (v) : tan pha; pha huy
- destruction [drs'trAkJn] (n) : slf tan pha ho(lc pha huy
Vi df:l: The destruction of the old city of London was caused by a fire.
(Slf ph<i hily cila thank pho' London cil do nu')t dam ch<iy gay ra.)
- destructive [drs'trAktrv] (adj) : c6 tinh huy di~t
- disappear [d1sg'p1g] (v) : bie'n ma't
Vi df:l: Plant and animal species are disappearing at an alarming rate.
(C<ic chilng loai d(mg vQ,t va thlf,C v(U dang biin mdt vai tefc d(> b<io d(>ng.)
- disappearance [id1sg'p1grgns] (n): slf bie'n ma't
- effort ['efat] (n) : n6 life
- endangered [m'demd3gd] (adj) : dang g~p nguy
Vi df:l: The koala is listed among Australia's endangered animals.
(Gdu tui dztqc ghi vao danh s<ich nhang loai d(>ng uq,t dang g(jp nguy
hie'm cila Uc.) .

- environ ment [m'varr;:mmgnt] (n) : moi trtib'ng
- environ mental [m,varrg n'mentl] (adj): thu(>c v~ moi trub'ng
- environ mentali st [m,vaugn 'menthst ] (n): ngttb'i holitt d(>ng vi moi trtib'ng
- establis h [1'strebhJ1 (v) : thanh l~p
- establis hment [1'strebhJmgnt] (n) : s\f thanh l~p
- estimat e ['est1me1t] (v) : u(Jc tinh; d\f doan
Vi d'.1-: It is estimated that our satellite will cost at least US$400 million.
(Nguai ta dlf doan v~ tinh czla chung ta se tdn it nhdt 400 tri~u do-la.)
- estimat ion [,est1'me1fn] (n) : slf u(Jc tinh ho~c dl,i doan
- exist [1g'z1st] (v) : t5n tliti; hi~n huu
Vi d'.1-: We cannot exist without food or water.
(Chung ta khong the' t6n tq,i ne'u khong c6 thuc an ho<'f,c nuac.)
- existenc e [1g'z1stgns] (n) : SI/ t6n t~i ho~c hi~n hliu
- extinct [1k'stuJkt] (adj) : bi tuy~t chung
Vi d'.1-: If we continue to destroy the country side many more animals
will become extinct.
(Ne',;, chung ta cu tie'p t~tc tan pha vz'tng nong than tht se c6 them nhi€u
d9ng vq,t nua tuy~t chzlng.)
- extinct [1k'st11JkJn] (n) : slf tuy~t chung
- fund [fAnd] (n) & (v) : (n) quy ti~n; (v) tai trg
Vi d'.1-: They used this money to set up a charity fun for the poor.
(H9 da dung sd ti€n nay di lqp quy tu thi~n giup da nguai ngheo.)
- habit ['hreb1t] (n) : th6i quen
- habitua l [hg'b1tJ1.1gl] (adj) : thu(>c v~ th6i quen
Vi d'.1-: She went to the party, dressed in her habitua l black.
(Co dy din di! ti~c, vdn m<'f,c qu&n ao mau den theo th6i quen.)
- habitua lly [hg'b1tfugli] (adv) : theo th6i quen
- human {'hju:mgn] (adj) : thu(>c v~ con ngtib'i
- human beings ['hju:mgn 'bi:11Jz] (n): con ngtib'i
Vi d'.1-: Computers have replaced human beings in many factories.
(May tinh da thay the' con nguai trong nhi€u xi nghi~p.)
- interfer e [,mtg'f1g] (v) : can thi~p
- interfer ence [,mtg'figr nns] (n) : slf can thi~p
- law [b:] (n) : lu~t phap
- off-spri ng ['ufspnu] (n): con chau
- panda ['prendg] (n) : con g~u true= giant panda
- peace [pi:s] (n): hoa binh; S\i binh yen

- peacefu l ['pi:sfl] (adj) : hoa binh; binh yen
- peacefu lly ['pi:sfli] (adv) : m()t each binh yen
Vi d"": Sheep were grazing peacefully in the fields.
(Nhung con cuu dang binh yen g<'f,m co tren cac canh d6ng.)
- polluta nt [pg'lu:tgnt] (n): cha't gay o nhi~m
- pollute d [pg'lu:t1d] (adj) : bi o nhi~m
- pollutio n [pg'lu:Jn] (n): slf. o nhi~m
- planet ['plremt] (n) : hanh tinh
- prohib it [pdh1bitJ (v) : ngan ca'm
Vi d"": Smokin g in the school is strictly prohibited.
(Vi~c hut thuefc la trong trztflng h9c b? nghiem cdm.)
- prohib ition [,prgm'b1Jn] (n): slf. ca'in dban
- rapid ['rrep1d] (adj) : nhanh cn6ng
- rapidly ['rrep1dli] (adv) : nhanh ch6ng
- rare [reg] (adj) : hie'm
- respect [n'spekt] (n) : khfa Climh; si,t ton tr(;mg
Vi d"": In this respect we are very fortunate.
(Xet v~ khia cq,nh nay thi chung toi rdt may mdn.)
- (the) rest of [rest] (n) : ph§n con lliti
- result in [n'zAlt] (v) : gay ra; d§.n de'n (ke't qua la)
Vi d"": The tornado has resulted in many thousands of deaths in that area.
(Can lefc xoay da gay ra hang ngan cai ch€t trong khu VlfC d6.)
- scatter ['skretg] (v) : rai ra; rile Ien
- scatter ed ['skretgd] (adj) : rai rac
Vi d"": Toys and books were scattered around the room.
(EJ6 chai va sach va ndm rai rac khdp phong. )
- set up [set Ap] (v) : thanh l~p (= establi sh)
Vi d"": A committee has been set up to deal with the poaching in this region.
(M9t uy ban da dztqc thanh l<'J,p di ddi ph6 vai vi~c sdn bdn tr9m trong
- species ['spi:J1z] (n) : chung loai
- survive (sg'va1v] (v) : s6ng s6t
Vi d"": Many birds didn't survive the long cold winter.
(Nhi~zt loai chim khong s6ng sot qua mua dong dai gia lg,nh
- surviva l [sg'va1vl](n): sl,( s6ng con
. . water supply ['w:):tg sg'pla1] (n) : ngu6n mtac

IVocabular y Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Sheila is always bad-tempe red, and __ doesn't have many friends.
(consequen ce)
2. There is something wrong with anyone who is so _ _ rude. (habit)
3. The doctors told him that his father had a 50/50 chance of after
the operation. (survive)
4. Many governmen ts have announced a complete __on hunting
endangere d species. (prohibit)
5. She gathered up the newspaper s that were _around the floor. (scatter)
6. The two communiti es enjoyed a period of peaceful __ . (exist)
7. Sulphur dioxide is one of several __ that are released into the
atmospher e by coal-fired power stations. (pollute)
8. All nations in the world should live and take care of our planet.
9. The giant panda is one of the highly_ species. (danger)
10. Many people worry about the _ effect that violent TV series may
have on children. (destroy)

IVocabular y Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. Some people think that we are not doing enough to protect the _ _
from pollution.
A. extinction B. existence C. destruction D. environme nt
2. I spent most of my money in the first week. __ , I had very little to
eat by the end of the holiday.
A. As a result B. In addition C. By tradition D. On the contrary
3. They have _._ a fund for saving the wildlife in that area.
A. set off B. set up C. make out D. make for
4. Regular exercise can _ _ in a loss of weight.
A. destroy B. disappear C. result D. establish
5. One-third of the class are doing very well; the _ _ are only average.
A. fund B. rest C. habit D. effort

Relative pronouns with prepositio ns
(D~i tu quan h~ voi cac gioi tu)

1). Khi k~t hgp hai m~nh d~ ma trong d6 d~i tU quan h~ thay th~ cho
mf)t tu dung sau giai tu, chung ta c6 cac each lam khac nhau. Vi d'f!,:
* (Karen is the schoolgirl. I told you about her.)
a). Karen is the schoolgirl I told you about.
b).Karen is the schoolgirl who/that/whom I told you about.
c). Karen is the schoolgirl about whom I told you.
(WRONG: Karen is the schoolgirl eeeut whelthat I teld yeu.)
Trong cau (c), chi dung ''whom" sau giai tU ''about". Khong. dung
"who" ho~c "that" sau giai tlt.
* (The topic is Chinese cookery. Marian is interested in it.)
a). The topic Marian is interested in is Chinese cookery.
b). The topic that/which Marian is interested in is Chinese cookery.
c). The topic in which Marian is interested is Chinese cookery.
(WRONG: The topic in that MaPian is intePested is Chinese cookery.)
Trong cau (c), chi dung ''which" sau giai tU ''in". Dung ''that" sau giai
tU la sai.
CHU Y: Cach thong d1;1ng nhdt khi k~t hgp hai m~nh d~ c6 giai tU la
luge bO d~i tU quan h~ (zero relative) nhtf cac cau (a) trong cac vi d1;1 (J
tren va trong cac vi d1;1 khac sau day:
*(Do you know the man? Ted shares a room with him.)
a). Do you know the man Ted shares a room with?
b).Do you know the man who/that/whom Ted shares a room with?
c). Do you know the man with whom Ted shares a' room?
*(Is this the article? You were talking about it.)
a). Is this the article you were talking about?
b). Is this the article that/which you were talking about?
c). Is this the article about which you were talking?
* (The man was found dead. The police were looking for him.)
a). The man the police were looking for was found dead.
b). The man who/that/whom the police were looking for was found dead.
c). The man for whom the police were looking was found dead.
* (This is the book. He's most proud of it.)
a). This is the book he's most proud of
b).This is the book that/which he's most proud of.
c). This is the book of which he's most proud.

2). Chung ta ding dung "preposition + relative pronoun" sau da'u
phdy trong lolili m~nh d~ khong-xac-d!nh (Non-defining relative clauses).
Vi d'f!-:
- Mr. Reese, to whom we sent the letter, hasn't given us his reply.
(Or: Mr. Reese, whom we sent the letter to, hasn't given ...)
- I'd like you to see my new laptop, for which I paid $2,300.
(Or: I'd like you to see my new laptop, which I paid $2,300 for.)
3). Chung ta ding c6 th~ dung m()t s6 tU chi' s6 luqng kem theo gioi tU
"of+ whom I which". Cach n6i n~y dli<Jc dung ,voi lolili m~nh d~ khong-
xac-d!nh (Non-defining relative clauses). Vi d'f!-~
* (They have four children. All of them are married.)
- They have four children, all of whom a~e married.
* (We've taken many tests. Most of them were difficult.)
- We've taken many tests, most of which were difficult.
Nhung tU chi s6 luqng sau day c6 th~ dung voi "of whom/which":
all/most/some/a few/many/much } of whom
none/neither/any/either · . of which
both/half/each/one/two/ three, ... .
Cac vi d1,1 khac:
a) (Two men came to visit me. I had met neither of them before.)
- Two men, neithfr of whom I had met before, came to visit me.
b). (I asked three people. None of them could tell me the way.)
- I asked three people, none of whom could tell me the way.
c). (The class had thirty students. Half of them came from other towns.)
- The class had thirty students, half of whom came from other towns.
d). (He had three .cars. One of them was made in Japan.)
- He had three cars, one of which was made in Japan.
e). (He has written mor~ than one hundred, articles. Many of them
were about politics.)
- He has written more t4an one hundred articles, many of which
were about politics.
4). Trong each n6i ki~u each (formal English), chung ta c6 th~ dung
"noun+ of which" cho m()t s6 tru'cmg h<Jp.
Vi d'f!-:
- The presidents of several countries are attending the meeting, the
purpose of which is to strengthen the relationship between their countries.
(which= the meeting)

- The end of the war, the anniversary of which is on 30th April,
has been commemorate d throughout the country.
(which= the end of the war)
- The huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still
being felt.
(which= The huge amount of oil was spilled)

EXERCISE 1: Rewrite the following sentences using a preposition at the
beginning of a relative clause. (Remember that this makes the sentences sound formal.)
1. We cannot agree with that opinion.
That is _f!_1J__ 9pin._i_Q_1k_with._wb,?9.h ..1.!!g_9.~fll!?_Q_(<;igr_f!§!.,
2. No one cares about these people.
These are -------------------------------
3. Sandra knows very little about a subject, which is electronics.
Electronics is ------------------------------
4. Our company believes in that idea.
That is -------------------------------
5. Do you normally go to that restaurant?
Is that the restaurant ·-------------------- ?
6. They are strongly opposed to that policy.
That is -------------------------------
7,,They obtained the information from a person, who is Miss Davies.
Miss Davies is ----------------------------
8. You should be ashamed.of those mistakes.
Those are -------------------------------
9 .. What evidence do you, base this claim on?
'.What is the evidence ---------------------- ?
10. The government is dealing with that problem.
That is -------------------------------

EXERCISE 2: Join each pair of sentences using a 'preposition + whom/which'.

1. The girl is John's sister. I introduced you to her.
____ _rhg_ g_ir/__t9. _w.lwm_ l _i_1J.tr9<;/,u9.?.</,_y_9u __i_~_ JgJm :$. _$.ilJ.t?_r:, _
2. The shop is· closed. I bought the shoes from it.
_____ _Thg __~lwp_frqm_.whfr:_h_l.fwugM_th.f!__~h_qg$._i$._d9.§_f!d_. __ _

3. My Englis h teache r is Mr. Tam. I had great respec t for him.

4. He gave me a lot of advice. Much of them was very useful.

5. The man is a good friend of mine. I borrow ed the money from

6. The school has been given 50 compu ters. Half of them are brand

7. Lan's party is next Sunda y evenin g. We are all invite d to it.

8. Mrs. Jason apolog ized for the mistak e. We compl ained to her.

of them
9. I have heard her on the violin and piano. She plays both
extrem ely well.

10. The film 'The Lost World ' is showi ng next week. I've heard
report s about it.

on that
11. They have chang ed the date. The furnitu re is to be delive red

of them
12. A numb er of my friend s will be at the party. You've met some

Pasteu r.
13. Pasteu rizatio n was discov ered by the Frenc h chemi st Louis
It was named after him.

of them
14. The colleg e is home to 40 studen ts from South east Asia. Most
are studyi ng compu ter science.

of all
15. There are a numbe r of safety proced ures. You should be aware
of them.

EXERCISE 3: Match the phrases and write the definitions. Use the zero
and leave out the relative pronoun.
A B c
1. a kitchen a cupboard someo ne travel s to it
2. a microwave an instrument you can make holes with it
3. a sofa bed a garden tool you can either sit or sleep on it
4. a drill a piece of furniture we keep valuab le things in it
.5. a destination a passage you eook in it
6. a shovel the place we cook or heat food in it
7. a corridor a household appliance people walk along it
8. a microphone a-Feeffi people speak into it
9. a safe a tool people dig or move earth with it
1 ..A l~_i_~c;h.<m._ .~$__q,_ .rn9.m .Y.9.~. 9.Q_qk_ _~l'J...___ . __ . _.. _...
2 .......... .......... .......... .... .
3 .......... .......... .......... .... .
4 .......... .......... .......... .... .
5 .......... .......... .......... .... .
6. ·--·----·-····------·--··--··-····
7 .......... .......... .......... .... .
8 .......... .......... .......... .... .
9 .......... .......... .......... ... ..

EXERCISE 4: A woman is complaining about a man she really dislikes. Comple

what the woman says using the words in brackets and 'of which' or 'of whom'.
'He's alway s giving people lots of advice , (0. much) much of which
compl etely nonse nse. He also talks about all the famous people
he says
he knows , (1. most) _ _ I'm sure he's never even met. He boasts
the hundr eds of books he says he's read, (2. many )_ I'm sure·
he's never
opene d in his life. He talks about his 'three lovely childr en', (3.
are, in fact, as horrib le as their father . He talks consta ntly about
what a
good son he is, and how often he visits his parent s, (4. neithe r)
__ ever
actual ly see him. And what else? Well, he spend s lots of money
, (5. none)
_ _ is his, and drives two big cars, (6. both) __ belong to
his wife!'

EXERCISE 5: Finish the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to

the pair
of sentences given.
1. My brothe r is studyi ng archae ology. I know nothin g about this
subjec t.
My brothe r is studyi ng archae ology, about wlJkhllm.QJ.!!..!J.Qt.hfr
2. The people like her very much. She works with them.
The people with -····-·-·····--·····-·····-··
3. Mr. and Mrs. Wang live in Shanghai. We went on holiday with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Wang, with····-····· ··-·············· ·
4. It is her unmarried name. She is better known by it.
It is her unmarried name, by ·····-········-······-
5. She was left the money by her former husband. She was divorced from
him in 1996.
She was left the money by her former husband, from ···-··
6. The election result is a great success. There can be no doubt about it.
The election result, about -·····-·--···········-·--···
7. Fleming's discovery of penicillin had a major influence on the lives of
people in the 20th century. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for it.
Fleming's discovery of penicillin, for········-·····-····
8. They went to a shop. It was on Le Loi Street.
The shop to ·····-·-······-··--····-······--·····
9. I spoke to a shop assistant. She was very nice and helpful.
The shop assistant to ·-···-··-·····-·-·-···-···
10. The bus didn't come. We had been waiting for it.
The bus for -···-·--·······-·-····-·······-······
EXERCISE 6: Some sentences have a word which should not be there. Write
the word at the end, or put a tick ['II"] if the sentence is correct.
1. The people I talked to them at the reception were nice. ..... Mw.m.
2. The book I wanted wasn't available at the bookshop. . ... :(.. .
3. I paid the shopkeepe r for the vase I accidentall y broke it ......... .
4. I watched a little girl whose her dog was chasing a ball.. _____ _
5. The chairs that they bought them were expensive. ········-·
6. Frank is someone you can rely on for support and help. ·-········
7. The friend whom I waved to her didn't wave back.
8. The people for whom I was waiting them were an hour late ......... .
9. Ecology is a subject which I'm not familiar with .......... .
10. The man whose his wallet I found gave me a reward ......... .

EXERCISE 7: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

e·ach sentence.
1. Have you ever read any books by the author ._the teacher mentioned
· in class yesterday?
A which B. whose C. what D. -

2. The fans _ _ crowded the stadium roared their approval.
A. who B. which C. whose !ID. what
3. Mrs. Wilson is a wonderful woman _ _ I have a great deal1 of respect.
·,A. who B. which C. for whom D. for that
4. The coffee in that restaurant was cold and tasteless.
A. I drank B. I drank it C. that drank D. which I drank it
5. The medicine _ was very expensive.
A. the doctor prescribed it for her
B. the doctor prescribed for her
C. that prescribed for her
D. which the docton.prescribed it for her
6. The woman _ _ ,was very angry.
A. whom Julie was arguing B. Julie was arguing with her
C. with whom 'Julie was arguing D. who Julie Was arguing for
7. I met some people at the conference_.
A. who knows you well B. that well known you
C. who know you well D. that they know you well
8. Water is a chemical compound_ of oxygen and hydrogen.
A. which consist B. which consisting
C. that consists D. that they consist
9. My brother Chan is someone _ _ about sports.
A. I always enjoy talking to
B. I always enjoy talking to him
C. with who I always enjoy talking
D. whom I always enjoy talking to him
10. One of the places __ next summer is Beijing in China.
A. I want to visit B. where I want to visit
C. to which I want to visit D. where I want to visit to

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1. This organization was_ to call for people's awareness of protecting
A. set up B. put up C. turned up D. got up

2. We need everyb ody's help to _ _ money for this enviro nmenta
campai gn.
A produc e B. raise C. rise D. compos e
3. In Britain , the sale of alcohol to young people is _ _ by law"'
A resulte d B. endage red C. survive d D. prohib ited
4. Air and water pollutio n has _ in the extinct ion of some animal
species .
A respec ted B. resulte d C. co-exis ted D. destroy ed
5. Televis ion brings benefit s, but it can also have a bad influen ce _ _
A with B. for C. at D. on
6. Some studen ts were confuse d about the teache r's lecture , but the __
the class were interes ted in it.
A rest B. other C. else D. anothe r
7. Here's anothe r foreign stamp for you to add __ your collection.
A for B. with C. to D. in
8. I five confere nces last month.
A attend B. was attendi ng
C. have attend ed D. attende d
9. The clerk me the camera made a mistak e with the bill.
A selling B. sold C. who selling D. she sold
10. The waiter _ _ we were served refused to receive our tip.
A whom B. by who C. by whom D. that
11. So far this week, the hotel _ more than one hundre d guests.
A receive s B. has reveive d C. is receivi ng D. had receive d
12. "__ you show me the way to the station , please? ""Sure. Turn left
the first traffic lights. It's on the right."
A Must B. May C. Do D. Could
13. I wish I could sing _ _ .
A as well as you do B. as well as you did
C. as good as you can D. as better as you can
14. She didn't unders tand what you said _ _ .
A althoug h she was deaf B. howeve r she was hard of hearin g
C. becaus e she was deaf D. becaus e you spoke very clearly
15. "Betty, make me some tea, will you?" "_ _ "
A No, I will, I'm afraid. B. I can't, I'm afraid.
C. That's very kind of you. D. Yes, go ahead.

16. "Make yoursel f at home!" " "
A. Don't mention it. B. I'm sorry to hear that.
C. That's very kind. Thanks. D. No, there's no need. Thanks .
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is differe nt from that of
the others in each sentenc e. (1 p.)
1. A. influenc e B. industry C. environ ment D. agricult ure
2. A. affectin g B. conditio n C. pollutan t D. consequ ence
3. A. endange red B. establis hed C. introduc ed D. prohibit ed
4. A. survive B. planet C. species D. forest
III. Choose the underl ined part in each senten ce that needs
correct ion. (Ip.)
1. If people were more respons ible for the environ ment, more species
would exist at this planet.
c D
2. People have changed weather conditio ns by cut down trees in the
3. The number of rare animals is decreas ing so rapid that they are
in danger of extincti on.
4. Our school can provide the right environ ment, in that the children can
learn and grow up well.
IV. Read the passag e and choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) that
best fits each blank in the passag e. (1 p.)
The koala is an endange red species. An endange red species is a
certain kind of animal that does not have enough member s of its kind to
survive unless it protecte d. Animals that are not protecte d may become
(1) _ _ , or complet ely die out. Interest ingly, the koala is partly to
blame for its own conditio n as an endange red creature .
Koalas live in tall eucalyp tus trees, also known as gum trees. Lucky
for them, they eat the leaves of the eucalyp tus tree. Since there are over
600 differen t varietie s of eucalyp tus tree, the koala should have no
trouble (2) _ food. Howeve r, koalas are even pickier than you ever
were about what they eat. Out of the 600 varietie s, they will only eat the

. Reall y, they are even
leave s of abou t 120 kind s of euca lyptu s trees
will only eat abou t four or
pick ier than that. The koala s of a speci fic area
woul d actua lly (3) _
five diffe rent kind s of euca lyptu s leave s. They
orn! The bigg est troub le
starv e than eat the othe r kind s. Now that' s stubb
koala s live in Aust ralia is
righ t now is that the brus h land wher e many
cities .
bein g cut down to mak e (4) __ for hous es and
C. prosp erou s D. extin ct
1. A. abun dant B. impr ovin g
B. find C. to find D. for find
2. A. findi ng
B. bette r C. rathe r D. like
3. A. prefe r
B. room C. site D. grou nd
4. A. place
ect form of the wor d
V. Com plete each sent ence with the corr
give n in pare nthe ses. (1.5 pts.)
chem ical __ into the
1. Some facto ries were accu sed of dump ing their
river . (poll ute)
prob lems __ . (peac e)
2. Both sides are tryin g their best to resol ve the
es in the world . (dan ger)
3. The gian t pand a is one of the high ly_ speci
and _ _ the servi ce is
4. The comp any has incre ased the num ber of staff
bette r. (cons eque nce)
for _ _.. (surv ive)
5. For all anim als in the wild, every day is a fight
, very few of them are still
6. Beca use elep hant s are hunt ed for their tusks
in _ . (exis t)
has the sam e mea ning
VI. Fini sh the seco nd sent ence so that it
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. I had left my bicyc le at the gate and then
it had disap peare d.

My bicycle, ................................ .
2. This is the store . I boug ht my jean s from it.
This is the store from .................. ..
ing. I borro wed this bike
3. Davi d told me to retur n this bike this even
from him.
Davi d, from ............................... .
4. This chair is my own work .
I made ............................. ..
grou nd.
5. Nobo dy know s anyt hing abou t Samu el's back
Noth ing ................................ .
6. If I were you I woul dn't keep a dog.
I advis e you .............................. .


- alternat ive b:J't3:ngt1v] (n) & (adj): (n) v~t thay the'; (adj) dg thay the'
Vi dl!-: We need to look for alternat ive sources of energy.
(Chung ta ccin tim kitm cac ngu6n nang lu:qng thay tht.)
- blow [bfau] (v) : th6i
- coal [bul] (n) : than (da)
- cool [ku:l] (v) : lam mat
- create [kri'e1t] (v) : t~o ra
Vi dl!-: The biggest aim of the governm ent is to create more jobs for
. young people.
(Ml!C tieu Um nhdt ciia chinh phil la tr;w them nhi~u vi~c lam cho gim tre.)
- creation [kri'e1fn] (n) : sl! sang t~o ho~c sang l~p
- creative [kri'eitiv](adj) : c6 sang t~o ho~c c6 6c sang t~o
- creative ly [kri'e1t1vli] (adv) : mQt each sang t~o
- dam [drem] (n) : con d~p
- demand [d1°ma:nd, d1'mrend] (v) & (n) : (v) doi hOi; (n) nhu ciiu
Vi d,,_: The compan y asked their employees to work overtim e to meet
the custome rs' demand s.
(Cong ty yeu cciu nhan vien lam vi~c them gia di dap ang nhu cciu crla
khach hang.)
- demand ing [d1'ma:nd1IJ, d1°mrend1IJ] (adj) : yeu ciiu cao; kh6 khan
- disadva ntage [,d1sgd'va:nt1d3, ,d1sgd'vrent1d3] (n) : SI! ba't lqi
Vi d,,_: I think that her youth will be a disadva ntage in this job.
(Toi nghi rling tua?i tre ciia co d,y la m9t di~u bdt l<Ji trong cong vi~c nay.)
- electric al [1'lektnkl] (adj) : thu<?c v~ di~n; ch~y bilng di~n
- electric ity [,Ilek'tnsgt1] (n): di~n nang
Vi d¥: The wind farm may be able to generate enough electricity for
2000 homes.
(Nha may di~n gi6 c6 the? cung cdp drl di~n nang cho 2000 gia d~nh.)
- energet ic [,eng'd3et1k] (adj) : diiy nang h/c; nang d(mg
Vi dl!-: The outdoor center organizes lots of energetic activitie s for the
kids, like cycling and canoeing.
(Trung tam sinh hoq,t ngoai trai to? chac nhi€u sinh hoq,t nit nang d9ng
cho cac em, nhu: dqp xe dqp va cheo thuy€n.)

- energetically [,eng'd3et1kli] (adv) : m{>t each nang d{>ng
- energy ['engd31] (n) : nang h..igng
- entire [m'taig] (adj) : toan b9; tr<;m v~n
Vi' df:t: He managed to read the entire book in two days.
(Anh ta cd xoay xa di dQc toan b9 cudn sach trong hai ngay.)
- entirely [m'taigli] (adv) : hoan toan
- exhaust [1g'z~:st] (v) : lam Clitn ki~t
- exhausted [1g'z~:st1d] (adj) : ki~t qu~; ki~t sue
- exhaustion (1g'z~:stfgn) (n): SI/ ki~t sue; Slf Clitn ki~t
Vi df:t: Some of the climbers got sick from exhaustion.
(M9t sd nhang nguai leo nui bi b~nh vi ki~t sue.)
- fossil fuel ['fosl 'tjtrnl] (n) : nhien li~u hoa thlitch
Vi df:t:
It is estimated that around 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
(Nguai ta uac tinh rdng khoilng chung 77% ngu6n nang lu<Jng duqc tg,o
ra tu nhien li~u hoa thg,ch.)
- gas [gres] (n) : khi d6t; chfft khi
- geothermal heat [,d3i:gu'83:ml hi:t] (n) : dja nhi~t
- heat [hi:t] (n) & (v) : (n) sue n6ng; (v) suai ffm
- infinite ['mfrngt] (adj) : khong giai hlitn; bfft t~n
Vi df:t: He listened with infinite patience to her story.
(C<j,u ta ldng nghe cau chuy~n cua co {fy vai sf! kien nhdn b{ft t<'),n.)
- light [lait] lit - lit (v) : thl'ip sang; d6t chay
- make full use of (v): t~n d\}ng
Vi df:t: He made full use of all opportunities to play truant.
(C<j,u ta tQ,n d11-ng mQi ea h<?i di tro'n h9c.)
- need [ni:d] (n) : nhu cdu
- nuclear energy ['nju:klig 'engd31] (n) : nang lugng hlitt nhan
Vi df:t: She claimed that nuclear energy is the most environmenta lly
safe form of energy.
(Ba ta kluing dinh rdng nang lur;1ng hg,t nhan la m9t dg,ng nang luqng
an toan nhdt cho moi truang.)
- plenty (oD ['plenti] (pron.) & (deter.) : c6 nhi~u
- plentiful ['plent1tl] (adj) : phong phu; nhi~u
Vi df:t: Fresh fruit and vegetables are plentiful at this time of year.
(Hoa qua va rau rrit d6i dao vao thai diim nay cua nam)
- potential [pg'tenJl] (n) & (adj) : (n) ti~m nang; (adj) c6 ti~m nang

Vi df!-: He has the potential to become a world-class musician.
(Anh ta c6 ti€m nang tra thanh m9t nhq,.c s'i ddng dip thi giai.)
- potentially [pg'tenJgli] (adv) : c6 kha nang
- relative ['relgtrv] (adj) : tu<1ng d6i
- relatively ['relgtrvlr] (adv) : m<)t each tl1<1ng do'i
Vi df!-: Most of the students got good grades on the exam because the
questions were relatively easy.
(Hdu hit h9C sinh dq,t diim cao tron'g kj thi VL cac cau hoi tli<mg d6i d~.)
- release [n'li:s] (v) : thai ra; ph6ng thich
Vi df!-: Some chemical plants in the area are releasing pollutants into
the air.
(M9t vai nha may h6a cluit trong vitng dang thai cluit gay o nhi~m vao
khong khi.)
- researcher [n's3:tJg] (n): nha nghien c~u
- reserve [rr'z3:v] (n) : ngub'i ho;;ic v~t. dlf tru
Vi df!-: The champion used all his reserve strength to win in the last
50 metres.
(Nha VO dich d6 d~ t(jn dZJ,ng hit sue llfcc dlfc tru de? danh th<'ing lqi (J 50
met cutfi citng.)
- roof [ru:t] (rt) : mai nha
- solar ['sgulg] (adj) : thu<)c v~ m;;it trb'i
Vi df!-: We can save a large amount of petroleum by using solar-
powered cars.
(Chung ta co the? tiit ki~m dztqc nhi€u d&u ma bdng each dung xe chq,y
bdng nang lztqng mq,t tro"i.)
- solar panel ['sgufa 'prenl] (n) : t&m pin ml\it trb'i
- source [s:>:s] (n) : ngu6n
- therefore ['oegfo:] (adv) : do d6
~ unfortunately [ An'fo:tJ;mgtli] (adv): khong may

Vi df!-: I'd lihe to help you but unfortunately there's nothing I can do.
(Toi muffn giup bq,n, nhztng th(jt khong may cluing c6 gi toi lam duqc ed.)
- water power ['w:>:tg 'paug] (n) : nang lugng tU sue nuoc
- windmill ['wmdmrl] (n) : co'i xay gi6

IVocabulary: Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. We tried to get tickets, but _ __ they were already sold out.

2. My grandfather is very _ _ for a man of his age. (energy)
3. Any major airport or station is _ a terrorist target. (potential)
4. Some members of the staff weren't _ _ happy with the decision of the
management. (entire)
5. To their surprise, there were _ _ few applications for the job.
6. His present job doesn't stretch him, so he is looking for something
more _ _ . (demand)
7. Many people are living in remote villages with no __ or running
water. (electric)
8. As they approached the end of the marathon, the runners looked near
. (exhaust)
9. Scientists are wondering whether there are any intelligent life forms
outside our _ _ system. (sun)
10. There is a 30% discount on all _ _ goods until the end of the
month. (electric)

IVocabulary Exercise 2!
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. They are trying to __ more jobs for young people.
A research B. create C. exchange D. light
2. Solar power is now a viable _ to fossil fuels in this area.
A source B. alternative C. heat D. release
3. _energy may overtake oil as the main fuel.
A Fossil , B. Infinite C. Nuclear D. Entire
4. These chemical factories_ toxic gases into the air.
A release B. blow C. demand D. heat
5. Tropical fruits, such as mangoes, durians, etc., are_ in the south of
the country.
A possible B. exhausted C. potential D. plentiful

Relative clauses replaced by
· participles or to-infinitive
A). Relative clauses replaced by participles
Thay the' m~nh d~ quan h~ bilng cac phan tu
Chung ta c6 th~ thay the' m~nh d~ quan h~ v6'i 'who, which, that'
biing each dung hi~n-t;;i.i phan-tu ''Verb+ing" (present participle) ho~c
qua-khu phan-tli ''Verb+ed" (past participle). Cach dung nay ciing con
duqc gQi la each gian luqc m~nh d~ quan h~ (Reduction of relative clauses).
1). Relatives replaced by present partieiples: Chung ta dung
hi~n-tliti phan-tU ''Verb+ing" M thay the' m~nh d~ quan h~ khi d{>ng tU
trong m~nh d~ c6 y nghia chu d{>ng (active). Vi dr;t:
- The man talking to the teacher is my father.
(The man who is talking to the teacher is my father.)
- A lorry carrying concrete pipes overturned and hit two cars.
(A lorry which was carrying concrete pipes overturned t.. ) ·
a). Chung ta c6 th~ dung ''Verb+ing'' thay the' cho d{>ng tu tie'p di~n
(continuous verbs) hi~n t:~.i va qua khu nhll trong cac vi d1,1 tren; ho~c cho
cac d{>ng tU chi v~ trlilng thai (state verbs) hi~n tliti ho~c :qua khu. Vi dl),:
- All the roads leading to the city center were crowded.

(All the roads that led to the city center were overcrowded.)
- All the equipment belonging to the club is insured.
(All the equipment which belongs to the club is insured.)
- Fans wanting to buy tickets started queuing early.
(Fans who wanted to buy tickets started queuing early.)
b). Chung ta cling c6 th~ dung ''Verb+ing" thay the' cho hanh d{>ng l~p
lliti nhi~u llln, ho~c th6i quen.
Vi d11-:
- Students preparing for their exams usually stay up late at night.
(Students who prepare for their exams usually stay up ...)
- People traveling •to the city center in rush hours are used to the.
traffic jams.
(People who travel to the city center in rush hours are used to ...)
c). Chung ta khong th~ dung ''Verb+ing" thay the' cho m{>t hanh d{>ng
rieng le xay ra trong qua khu. Thay vao d6, chung ta phai dung m~nh d~
quan h~ dlly du vai 'who, which, that'.
Vi d11-:
- The people who saw the accident are reporting to the police.
(WRONG: The people seeing the accident are reporting ...)
- The gang who stole the jewels got away.
(WRONG: The gang stealing the jewels got away.)
- The plane which crashed had taken off at Heathrow Airport.
(WRONG: The plane crashing had taken off at Heathrow Airport.)
Trong ba cau tren, cac d{>ng tU 'who saw, who stole' va 'which
crashed' la nhung hanh d{>ng rieng le qua khu, chu khong di~n ta st,t l~p
lliti ho~c th6i quen; do .d6 khong th~ dung ''Verb+ing" thay .the'.

c6 thg dung
2). Rela tives repla ced by past parti ciple s: Chun g ta
tU trong m~nh
qua-k hu phan- tU 'd~, gian luqc m~nh d~ quan h~ khi d(ing
d~ d6 c6 y nghia - bi ·d9ng (passi ve). Trong truC1n
g hqp nay, chung ta
thu<'tng chi dn bo bat 'who /whic h/tha t+ be'. Vi dr.i:
- The book publi shed last week is her first novel.
1 (The book which wes publi
shed last week is her first novel.)
Oswa ld.
- Presi dent Kenn edy was murd ered by a man calle d Lee
(President Kennedy was murdered by a man who was called Lee
windo ws.
- Stone s throw n at the train by vanda ls smash ed many
ed ...)
(Ston es whieh were throw n at the train by vanda ls smash
dg gian luqc
Chun g ta ding c6 th~ dung ''bein g + past parti ciple "
m~nh d~ quan h~ khi d(ing tU duqc dung vai thi
bi d9ng tie'p di~n.
Vi d"':
h architect.
- The skysc raper being built has been designed by a Frenc
(The skysc raper which is being built has been desig ned ...
- The prison ers being relea sed are all women.
(The prison ers who ere being released are all wome n.)
B). Rela tives repla ced by to-in finiti ve
Thay the' m~nh d~ quan h~ bilng 'to-in finiti ve'
'who, whic h,
Chun g ta cling c6 thg gian luqc m~nh d~ quan h~ vdi
c6 thg dugc tht!c
that' b~ng each dung 'to-in finiti ve'. Cach gian luge nay
hi~n trong cac truC1ng hgp sau:
sau cac tU
1). Dung 'to-in finiti ve' d~ gian luge 'who, whic h, that'
"the first, the secon d, ... , the last, the only" . Vi d"':
- Andre w was the only stude nt to give the correc t answe
(Andr ew was the only stude nt who gave the correc t answe
- Who was the last perso n to see the man alive?
(Who was the last perso n that saw the man alive?)
- New Zeala nd was the first count ry to give wome n the
(New Zeala nd was the first count ry that gave wome n the
- Alice was the secon d applic ant to be inter viewe d.
(Alice was the secon d applic ant who was interviewed.)
sau tinh tu
2). Dung 'to-in finiti ve' dg gian luge 'who, whic h, that'
so sanh nh:it + danh tu (supe rlativ e + noun). Vi dr.i:
Minis ter.
- Willia m Pitt was the young est perso n to becom e Prime
(William Pitt was the youngest perso n who became Prime Minis

- Mr. Forbes was the oldest man to fly a balloon.
(Mr. Forbes was the oldest man who flew a balloon.)
- Ryan Giggs is the most famous footballer to play on this ground.
(Ryan Giggs is the most famous footballer who has played ... )
3). Chung ta cling c6 thti dung 'to-infin itive' M thay the' khi m~nh d@
quan h~ c6 y nghia chi m1,1c dich ho~c sl,l' cha phep (purpose or permissio n).
Vi df!,:
- I think she had somethin g to say.
(I think she had somethin g that she wanted to say.)
- I can't go out now. I have a lot of work to do.
(. .. I have a lot of work that I must do.)
- The children really need a garden to play in.
(The children really need a garden which they can play in.)

EXERCISE 1: Complete the following definitions. Put in the present or past
participle of one of these verbs:
watch play arrive rent take
add block own wear
1. A tenant is someone renting a room, a house or an apartmen t.
2. Baseball is a game __ mainly in the United States.
3. A spectator is someone _ _ a game or an event.
4. An extension is a new part __ on to a building.
5. An obstacle is someth ing_ your way.
6. Your property is everythin g _ by you.
7. A competit or is someon e_ part in a competiti on.
8. A wrist-wa tch is a watch _ on your wrist.
9. A latecome r is a person __ late.
10. An instructi on is a statemen t _ you what to do.

EXERCISE 2: Join each pair of sentences. Use the present or past participle
phrases to replace the part in brackets.
1. A ship nearly hit a huge iceberg. (It was sailing from Canada to Europe.)
A ship ___s.qWng_frnm..<JmJ_@q_tQ.lJJ.WQP< hit._q_h_q,g_~__ic;g/?f!_rg_._
2. A lighthous e attracts a lot of tourists. (It is situated on a small island.)
A lighthous e s.#«.<;i,tf...<l Q!J__q _$.1JJ«JU. _i$.{<;,__q~tr.<;L.<;_~$. _q!-T.i$.f$_.___ _

3. People have gathered in front of the Town Hall. (They are protesting
against pollution.)
People ................................. ..
4. Some illegal goods belong to a local firm. (They were found at a flat
Some illegal goods ....................... ..
5. A new international airport is planned. (It'll cost 20 billion dollars.)
A new international airport .................. .
6. Football fans have been queuing all night at Wembley. (They hope to
buy tickets.)
Football fans ................ _............ .
7. Families have been evicted. (They were living m an empty office
Families .............................. ..
8. A chemical company has gone bankrupt. (It employed 4,000 people.)
A chemical company .......................... .
9. A bridge has been declared unsafe. (It was built only two years ago.)
A bridge ............................... .
10. A new drug may give us eternal youth. (It was developed at an
American university.)
A new drug .............................. ..

EXERCISE 3: Rewrite each sentence using 'to-infinitive' to replace the phrase

or clause in italics.
1. I have some letters that I must write .
.... J..lrn!?~.$_Qmg_frt.~<!r.$.J9..w.ri.~f!, ............... .
2. Here are some accounts that you must check.

3. Who was the first person who left the office yesterday?

4. Edward's wife was the only person who realized the danger.

5. We had a bottle of wine, but we didn't have anything that we could

open it with.

6. She simply loves parties. She's always the first who comes and the last
who goes.

7. They had to eat standing up because they didn't have anything that
they could sit on.

8. Your son was the second child who was kidnapped in this way.

9. Your files are all over the place. You should have a box that you can
keep them in.

10. Who was the last person who saw the detective alive?

11. He didn't buy any cards because he didn't have anyone to whom he
could send cards.

12. Brad was the only person who discovered her secret.

13. Mr. Carlos, aged 81, was the oldest person who climbed the

14. Do you have a wallet in which you can keep your money and
important papers?

15. Laura was the quickest candidate who found the correct answer.

EXERCISE 4: Complete the story about a thief's punishment. Write the missing
word. Use one word only in each space.
This is a true story (0) which is supposed to have happened
somewhere in the US. A man (1) _ was accused of housebreaking
appeared in court. He had put his arm through the window of a house
and stolen some money (2) __ was lying on a table inside. The
argument (3) __ the man's lawyer put forward wasn't very impressive.
He said that (4) _was the man's arm (5) _ _ had committed the
crime and not the man himself. 'You cannot punish a man for (6) _ _
his arm has done,' said the lawyer. Now the judge in (7) _ court the
man was appearing wanted to show how stupid the lawyer' argument
was. Instead of finding the man guilty, he found the man's arm guilty
and sent it to prison. 'He can go with his arm or not, as he chooses,' the
judge added, (8) _ made everyone laugh. But (9) _ the judge didn't
know was that the man had an artificial arm. He took the arm off, gave

it to the judge - (10) _ _ could hardly believe his eyes - and walked out
of the court.

EXERCISE 5: There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find them and
correct them.
1. The people which live next door often work at night .
.....f!:!M.Qff .....whg_ .................... .
2. The woman was nice that I met at the party.

3. A clock is an instrume nt measures time.

4. The book that I bought it at the book fair is very interestin g.

5. I met a woman who her husband is a famous doctor.

6. Do you know the people who lives in the house opposite?

7. The professor teaches Vietname se Literatur e is very good.

8. The man was very angry who his car was stolen.

9. The apple tree is producin g fruit that we planted it last year.

10. I wrote a thank-yo u note to the people I stayed at their house last

EXERCISE 6: Replace the relative clauses by using present or past participle

1. The couple who live in the house next door are both architect s.
2. Only a few of the movies that are shown on this TV channel are
suitable for children.

3. A throne is the chair which is occupied by a queen, king, or other


4. A knuckle is a joint that connect a finger to the rest of the hand.

5. Two out of three people who are struck by lightning survive.

6. Arizona, which was once thought to be a useless desert, is today a

rapidly growing industrial and agricultural state.

7. Antarctica is covered by a huge ice cap that contains 70 percent of the

earth's fresh water.

8. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.

9. The rules that allow public access to wilderness areas need to be


10. The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicago

was successful.

EXERCISE 7: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. A tree branch was a hazard to motorists.
A. that lying in the street B. that it was lying in the street
C. lying in the street D. it was lying in the street
2. The boss _ _ is a difficult person to work for.
A. who firing Kate B. who fired Kate
C. fired Kate D. whom fired Kate
3. The person _ _ is my sister.
A. from whom I got this parcel B. which I got this parcel from
C. I got this parcel from her D. from that I got this parcel
4. There are eighty students, _ _ from all over the world, studying
English at this school.
A. are B. that are C. who are D. come
5. The teenagers counted the money_ they earned at the car wash.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. -
6. Last Sunday I attended a party __. _ by one of my friends.
A. given B. giving C. which gave D. that giving

7. My grandfat her is the oldest person in the village __ a car.
A drives B. driven C. to drive D. who driving
8. The old man __ next to me on the pier was mutterin g to himself.
A was fishing B. fishing C. who fishing D. fished
9. People __ forced to retire in their middle or late sixties may become
anxious and worried.
A are B. who are C. who is D. that being
10. Jasmine, __ , grows only in warm places.
A a viny plant with fragrant flowers
B. is a viny plant with fragrant flowers
C. that is a viny plant with fragrant flowers
D. a viny plant with fragrant flowers it is

I. Choose the word or phrase that best complet es each sentence .
(4 pts.)
1. Fossil fuels reserves are limited, so we are trying to find _ _ sources
of energy.
A relative B. entire C. alternativ e D. demandin g
2. Solar panels can be used to __ houses and cars.
A power B. move C. create D. replace
3. Scientist are trying to find ways to _full use of wind and solar energy.
A take B. have C. provide D. make
4. Wind power produces energy _ _ pollution.
A by B. with C. without D. for
5. Isabel was the only journalis t __ the true story of the scandal.
A discovere q B. to discover C. discoveri ng D. who discover
6. Only one of the people _ _ was qualified for the job.
A interview ed B. interview ing
C. to interview D. who interview ing
7. You should visit that town. There are many interestin g places _there.
A seeing B. seen C. see D. to see
8. Parents are responsib le for providing the right environm ent, _their
children can grow up well.
A that B. in which C. in that D. which

9. _Mr. Pike is getting married is a surprise!
A What B. Who C. That D. Then
10. Most of the world's fresh water at the North and South Poles.
A are frozen B. is freezing C. is frozen D. have been frozen
11. The winners were happy and the losers felt_.
A to disappoint B. disappointed
C. disappointing D. disappointment
12. The patient has been feeling much better.since the doctor_.
'A came B. comes C. coming D. had come
'13. Without his famous father,_.
A he would never have gotten the job
B. he would like to take the job
C. he did .not want to take the job
D. he was not .given such a good job
14. They quickly carried the injured horse, _ _ , to a veterinarian.
A which leg was broken in the race
B. its leg was broken in the race
C. the leg of it was broken in the race
D. whose leg was broken in the race
15. ~'Thank you so much for your instructions." " "
'A That's right.
B. Yes, of course.
C. Not too bad. Thanks .
. D. No problem. That's what I'm here for.
16. "Today's my birthday!" "_ _"
A Oh, dear. It is! B. Many happy returns!
C. It's my pleasure. Thanks. D. That's a good idea!
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A gnergy B. dgvelop C. gvery D. gny
2. A heat B. bread C. thread D. dead
3. A source B. bought C. course D. drought
4. A e~haust B. e~act C. e~ercise D. e~ist
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (Ip.)
1. Geothermal energy is available only in a few places on the world.

2. Solar energy is not only plentifu l and infinite and also clean and safe.
3. August e Mouch out was the first man design ed a motor runnin g on
A B c·· D
solar energy .
4. The employ ees work in this office are able to speak at least two
foreign langua ges.
IV. Read the passag e and do the exerci se below . (1 p.)
Energy from the sun is called solar energy . It comes in the form of
light or heat. Solar energy is what makes you feel hot when you sit in
sunligh t. People have used solar energy for thousa nds of years. Houses
were built with window s so that sunligh t can get inside and provide heat.
The sun's energy can also be used to heat water and even food. If
own a magnif ying glass, your parent s have probab ly warned you about
leaving it in the sun. Solar energy can actuall y make the magnify
glass burn objects undern eath it, causing a fire. This type of energy from
the sun in the form of heat is called solar therma l energy .
We can also turn the sun's light into electric ity. This is done with
solar panels. Solar panels are made up of a materi al called silicon.
the sunligh t
silicon is heated and formed into very thin wafers. When
hits the solar panel, the electro ns (tiny particle s) in the silicon move
flow throug h wires built into the solar panel. Using this technol ogy,
can run a calcula tor and even power cars.
* Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Why should we not leave a magnif ying glass in the sun?

2. What do people call the energy coming from the sun in the form of heat?
---------------------------------------···· 3. What are s.olar panels made up of?

4. How can the solar panel turn the sunligh t into electric ity?

V. Comp lete each senten ce with the correc t form of the word
given in paren theses . (1.5 pts.)
1. Tropic al fruits and vegetab les seem to be __ in this region. (plenty
e to
2. One of the _ of this job is that I have to travel a long distanc
work. (advan tage)

3. I must say that I am _ _ grateful for your help. (infinite)
4. We could go to the Japanese restaurant, or _ _ , we could try that
new Korean place. (alter)
5. Increased consumptio n will lead to faster __ of our natural resources.
6. The city of Napier was _ _ rebuilt after an earthquake in 1931.
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. The heat from the earth can create energy, but it is only available in a
few places.
The energy created ··--·-·------------------
2. Fossil fuels produce energy, but it is not renewable.
Energy coming ·-----·-·-------·---·······
3. I'm sorry I broke your teacup.
I apologize ·---··-··------···-------··---····-
4. Let's go to the beach this weekend!
Why __________________________________ _
5. The exhibition was not very interesting . My friend took me to see it.
The exhibition my friend ----····-··----: ........ .
6. His latest movie has been a great success. It was well reviewed by the
His latest movie, ---···-------------·--·---···


- advance [gd 'va:ns, gd'va:ns] (v) : c6 tie'n b9; tien t6'i

Vi dlf,:
This is the first time our football team has advanced to the final.
(Bay la Zdn ddu tien d9i bong da czla chung ta tiin tai tr<j,n chung kit.)
- Asian ['e1fn, 'e13n] (adj) & (n): (adj) thu9c v~ Chau A; (n) ngu'ai Chau A
- Asian Games ['e1fn germz] (n): A vl%n h9i (l)~i h9i th~ thao Chau A)
- official [g'f1Jl] (n) : vien chuc
- appreciate [g'pri:jiert] (v) : danh gia cao; tran tr9ng
Vi dlf,: Seriously, I appreciate all your help.
dfi cua bg,n.)
(Ngh iem tuc ma n6i, toi nit tran tr9ng ttft cd SI/ giup
- aquatic[;;i'kwret1k] (adj ) : duoi nu'oc
- aquat ic sport s [;;i'kwret1k sp::i:ts] (n) : cac month~ thao
duoi nu'oc
- aspec t ['respekt] (n) : khia c~nh, m;\it
Vi dr.i: She felt she had looked at the probl em from every
mQi mq,t.)
(Co ta cdm thtfy rdng co ta da xem xet vdn d~ nay tu
- athle te ['re8li:t] (n) : v~n d9ng vien
- athle tic [re8'let1k](adj) : gioi th~ thao; khoe m~nh
Vi dr.i: Despite of his age, he still looks very athletic.
(MiJ,c du lan tudi, ong tfy vein con trlJng c6 ve rtft khoe
- athle tics [re8'let1ks] (n): cac mon di~n kinh = track
and field
- baske tball ['ba:sk1tb::d, 'bresk1tb::i:l] (n) : b6ng r6
- billia rds [ bili;;idz] (n) : mon bi-da
- body build ing ['bud1b1lduJ] (n) : th~ d\lc th~ hlnh
- boxin g ['bukSIIJ) (n) : mon quy~n Anh
- cyclin g ['sa1kl1IJ] (n) : mon dua xe d~p
- decad e ['deke1d] (n) : th~p nien
- facili ties [fo's1l;;it1z] (n) : cac ti~n nghi
Vi dr.i: The school has provi ded excellent facilities for stude
sinh. )
(Trua ng da cung dip nhan g ti~n nghi tdi ztu cho hQc
- fenci ng ['fenSIIJ) (n) : mon da_'u kie'm
- gathe r ['greCl;;i] (v) : t\l hQp
stadi um.
Vi dr.i: An excited crowd of people is gathe ring outsi de the
vq,n d9ng.)
(M9t dam dong cu6ng nhi~t dang tl!- h9p ben ngoai sdn
- gathe ring ['greCl;;inIJ] (n): CUQC hQp m;\it
- hock ey ['huki] (n) : khuc con c~u
(m(>t slf ki?n)
- host [h;;iost] (n) & (v) : (n) nguo i chu; (v) t6 chuc
- host coun try [h;;iost 'kAntri] (n) : nu'oc chu nha
Vi dr.i: The host coun try won 256 gold meda ls in the Olym
Th€ vg,n h9i.)
(Nuac chu nha da danh du<Jc 256 huy chu<Jng vang trong
Slj higu bie't van hoa
- inter cultu ral know ledge [,mt;;i'kAltJ;;irl 'nolrd3) (n) :
lftn nhau
- meda l ['medl] (n) : huy chu'O'ng
leo nui
- moun tain bikin g ['maontn 'ba1kIIJ] (n) : mon xe d~p
de sailin g and
Vi dr.i: The activities you can do in this trip inclu
moun tian biking.
n di nay bao g6m
(Nha ng hog,t d9ng bq,n c6 the' thl/c hi~n trong chuy€
cheo thuy~n va xe dq,p leo nui.)
- multi- ['mAlti] (prefix) : nhi~u lo?i
- multi-s port event ['mAlti sp;J:t r'vent](n): giai da'u c6 nhi~u mem th~ thao
- partici pant [pa:'trsrpgnt] (n): ngttb'i tham gia
Vi dlit: All the participants in the discussion had an opportunity to speak.
(Tdt ea nhUrig ngztm tham gia vao cu9c thdo lu<J,n dti c6 dip di phtit biiu.)
- partici pation [pa:,trsr'perJn] (n) : slf tham gia
- promot e [prn'mgot] (v): ddy m?nh; lam phat tri~n
- promot ion [pr.J'mgofn] (n): slf thang chuc ho~c thang h?ng
Vi dlit: The promot ion marked a turning point in her career.
(Vi~c thang chuc da danh ddu m9t bztac ngo<'J,t trong slf nghi~p
czla co dy.)
- quality ['kwolgti] (n) : phi'lm cha't; cha't lttgng
Vi dlit: This competition gives student s a chance to show their qualities.
(Cu9c thi nay tq,o cho h9c sinh m9t ea h9i di thi hi~n phdm chdt cua
- rugby ['rAgbr] (n) : bong b~u d\lc
- shootin g ['Ju:tIIJ) (n) : mon bi:in sung
- solidar ity [,sulr'drergtr] (n): tinh doan ke't
Vi dlit: Family solidar ity is the sound basis of happiness.
(Tinh doan kit trong gia dinh la n€n tdng vung chdc cua hq,nh phuc.)
- squash [skwuj] (n): mon dung vgt danh b6ng vao tttang
- take place [te1k piers] (v) : di€;n ra
Vi dlit: Activit ies all take place under the guidan ce of the teacher.
(Tdt cd cac hoq,t d<?ng d€u difo ra dztai Slf hztang ddn cua thdy giao.)
- variety [vg'ra1gti] (n) : nhi~u lo?i khac nhau; slf da dlimg
Vi dlit: The club provide s a wide variety of activities includi ng tennis,
swimm ing and squash.
(Cau lq,c b9 cung cdp nhi€u loq,i hoq,t d{)ng da dq,ng bao g6m tennis, bai
lqi va bong qudn.)
- volleyb all ['vulrb;J:l] (n) : b6ng chuy~n
- weight lifting ['we1thft11J] (n) : mon cil' t?
- wrestli ng ['reslrlJ] (n) : mon da'u v~t

IVocabu lary Exerc ise 11

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. When did you first get interes ted in _ , and why did you special ize
long jump? (athlet e)
2. Did Pamela get the _ _ that she wanted ? (promo te)

3. The games is an international sporting event with more than three
thousand __ . (participate)
4. Many students joined the protest march to show _ _ _ with the
workers. (solid)
5. Tropical rainforests are home to a large of wildlife. (vary)
6. An from the Department of Education will be inspecting the
school next week. (office)
7. Jessica and Patrick first met at a social _ _ _ organized by their
company. (gather)
8. My cousin is a talented _ _ _ who competes nationally and
internationally. (athletics)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. Snorkelling is a{n) __ sport, which is being enjoyed by more and
more people.
A. athletics B. aquatic C. martial D. aerobics
2. This festival always _ _ place in the summer when the weather is
the finest.
A. makes B. gets C. happens D. takes
3. We should think about this problem from every_.
A. aspect B. participation C. decade D. variety
4. We believe that Vietnam will be able to _ _ a big sporting event like
the Asian Games.
A. gather B. appreciate C. host D. compete
5. Your child is the youngest player ever to __ to a semi-final.
A. participate B. advance C. hold D. develop

A). Relative' clauses (general revision)
B). Omission of relative pronouns
A). Relative clauses (general revision)
M~nh d~ quan hf$ (on t6ng quat)
M~nh d~ quan h~ thuong duqc ke't n6i b~ng cac d~i W quan h~
(Relative pronouns) kha~ nhau, tuy theo y nghia m6i cau. Chung ta c6 thg
t6m tlit each dung cac d~i W quan h~ nhu sau:

Relative Used Used as Examples
(D~i tu) for (Dung (Vi dv.)
(Dung nhu)
WHO People Subject and - The man who lives next door
object works in my office.
- The man who/whom I'm talking
about works in her office.
WHICH Things Subject and - The dog which bit the postman
and object belongs to my neighbour.
animals - The dog which you saw outside
my hou~e belongs to my neighbour.
WHOM People Object only, - Her new boyfriend is the man
and after whom you saw in her living room
prepositions yesterday.
- She's going to marry the man
with whom she went on holiday
last month.
THAT People, - The man that I who told you this
Subject and
things object thing must have been a fool.
and - The man that I who I whom she's
animals going to marry comes from a
wealthy family.
WHOSE People, Of whom/ - The children whose paintings win
things Of which the competition will be given a
and scholarship.
animals - They were playing a game whose
rules I couldn't understand.
WHERE Places Adverb of - This is the bend where the
places accident happened.
WHEN Time Adverb of - I still remember the day when we
time first met.
WHY Reason Reason - She didn't give us the reason why
she was absent from class yesterday.
WHAT The Subject and - What we found was a box full of
things object old coins.
which - What I want now is a cup of coffee.

CHU Y: Cach dung d~c bi~t cua 'which ':
Chung ta c6 th~ dung 'whic h' sau da:u ph§'.y d~ thay the' cho ea m{>t
y tuang trong m~nh d~ di tru6c n6. ,
Vi d1:1-:
- They had to wait for an hour, which annoy ed them very much.
('whic h' thay the' cho ea cau 'They had to wait for an hour'.)
- He sudde nly shoute d at me, which made me very upset.
('whic h' thay cho ea cau 'He sudden ly shoute d at me.')
- Carol helped us clear up, which was very good of her.
('whic h' thay cho ea cau 'Carol helped us clear up.')
B). Omis sion of relati ve prono uns
Lu<;fc ho d~i tu quan h~
tuc tu
1). Khi d:;i.i tU quan h~ 'who/ whom /whic h/that ' dugc dung nhu
relativ e'.
(object), chung ta c6 th€l luge bO n6. Cach dting nay dugc g9i la 'Zero
Vi d1:1-:
- The woma n you met yester day was my aunt Laura.
(The woma n who I whom I that you met yester day was ... )
- The doctor I spoke to told me not to worry.
(The doctor who/w hom/t hat I spoke to told me not to worry. )
- The mistak e I made was fortun ately not very seriou s.
(The mistak e that I which I made was fortun ately not ... )
- The jacket Bob always wears was a gift from his uncle.
(The jacket that I which Bob always wears was a gift ...)
chu ngu
2). Chung ta khong th~ luge bO d?i W quan h~ khi n6 lam
(subject); c6 nghia la n6 dung tru6c d<?ng tU chinh trong cau. Vi
- The doctor who I that treated me told me not to worry.
(WRONG: The doctor treate d me told me not to worry. )
- The woma n who told you about your mistak e was very kind.
(WRONG: The woma n told you about your mistak e was very kind.)
3). Chung ta ci:ing khong th~ luge bO d?i tU quan h~ khi n6 dung
da:u ph§'.y (nghia la trong m~nh d~ khong -xac-d inh), m~c dllu
n6 lam tuc
tu (object). Vi d1:1-:
- Mr. Walke r, whom I invite d to dinner , didn't come.
(WRONG: Mr. Walke r, I invite d to dinner , didn't come.)
- This watch , which I bough t ten years ago, has alway s
accura te time.
... )
(WRONG: This watch , I bough t ten years ago, has alway s kept

4). Chung ta cilng khong thg h.tqc bO d~i tU quan h~ 'whom/w hich' khi
dung n6 theo sau gi6'i W.
Vi d"':
- The people with whom I went on holiday were very kind.
- Astronom y is a subject about which I know very little.

EXERCISE 1: Join each idea in A with the most suitable idea in B using 'which'.
1. Jerry didn't answer my letter. a). It means he can't get about
2. It poured with rain all day. very easily.
3. My cousin is disabled. b). It's made her very depressed .
4. Pamela's sister paid for the meal. c). That was very rude of him.
5. You left the key in the car. d). It meant I had to take a taxi.
6. Brenda has lost her job. e). That left the ground very wet.
7. The police blocked off the road. f). That was very kind of her.
8. My phone is out of order at the g). It made us all feel very hungry.
moment. h). That caused a traffic jam.
9. There was a bus strike. i). It's a nuisance.
10. There was a delicious smell j). That was rather careless of you.
coming from the kitchen.

1. . J?..ffY. . df_<J,.11:t__q,_11!J.w.~r..mY. . .k~t?..r:, . . w.g!J._~~_,_.y_rnd.~.f!fl1,tm, __

2 ............................................................................... .
3 ............................................................................... .
4 ............................................................................. .
5 ............................................................................... .
6 ............................................................................ .
7 .............................................................................. .
8 .............................................................................. .

EXERCISE 2: Join each pair of sentences using a relative clause. Some

clauses need commas; some do not.
1. Miss Lynn has just got married. She's our chemistr y teacher.
Miss Lynn, ..... .Q.lJT .c;h_~mi. fi!TY . .~~w:_hgr_,__h@J1J-.fit_gQ_~_mgffi?..<J,.,_
2. Someone made the arrangem ents. It was Cathy ..
The person ........ w!wm@?.. . th~...C!-Tr.<;mg?..m? . YJJ1§__ Qq,_thy,

3. My grandfather couldn't hear the phone. He's a bit deaf.
My grandfather ...................... .. .
4. This General Post Office was designed by a French architect. It dates
back from the 19th century.
This General Post office .................... .
5. Someone knew the truth. It was the judge.
The person ...................... .......... .
6. Diamond is used for cutting. It's a very hard substance.
Diamond ...................... ........ .
7. Somebody's bike was stolen. It was Nam.
The person ...................... .......... .
8. A road leads to the village. It isn't suitable for motor vehicles.
The road ...................... ........ .
9. Our teacher stayed at home during the bus strike. She lives very far
from the school.
Our teacher ...................... ......... .
10. Patrick was very annoyed. His name was missed off the list.
Patrick ...................... ....... .

EXERCISE 3: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given in

capitals. Do not change the meaning.
1. I bought my motorbike from that man. WHOM
.....T.lrnt. .~$..a~~ .~mm .trnii,. w.Z19.m .l.lJ.9.~gJiJ. mY.. m.f!t.C!r.9. ~kf!.......... .
2. The girls were hungry and decided to have a meal. WHO

3. That boy's sister sits behind me at school. WHOSE

4. Did you borrow this book? THAT

5. I was given the job by this man. WHOM

6. You gave me a very useful present. WHICH

7. Tom's computer had broken and he had to use a pencil. WHOSE

8. She lives in Croydon - it's near London. WHICH

9. Someone found the money and was given a reward. WHO

10. The car was in good condition and wasn't expensive. WHICH

Make one sentence from each group of sentences, beginning as shown.
1. The hotel was full of guests. The hotel was miles from anywhere. The
guests had gone there to admire the scenery.
The hotel, which .... W.C!.!? . .mU.~$..frnm ..<!.."IJ-Y.Wh.f!r.<J,.. W.<!..~..fllJ.~ ..Qf _gUf!.$.~~-. w.l~9.
lrnd. g_Q!H?. th.f!r:<J. .~9.. gef:mir.R .th!?. $.<;!?!H~ry, ...................... .
2. I lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in
The book I ............................................................................... .
3. A woman's jewels were stolen. A police officer was staying in the same
hotel. The woman was interviewed by him.
The woman whose ............................................................................. .
4. A goal was scored by a teenager. He had come on as a substitute. This
goal won the match.
The goal which ............................................................................. .
5. I was sitting next to a boy in the exam. He told me the answers.
The boy .................................................................................... .
6. My wallet contained over $200. It was found in the street by a
schoolboy. He returned it.
My wallet, ................................................................................. .
7. My friend Albert has decided to buy a motorbike. His car was stolen
last week.
My friend Albert, .............................................................................. .
8. Carol is a vegetarian. I cooked a meal for her last week. She enjoyed it.
Carol, ....................................................................................... .

EXERCISE 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning

to the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word given. Do
not change the word given.
1. Jason was leaving on a flight that was cancelled. WHICH
The flight on whi.c;h ..J..c!.!?9.11.W.fl,$..~<l.C!.l!.i."IJ-g_w@ .... cancelled.
2. A better film about love has never been made. BEST
It's the ............... has ever been made.

3. None of the specia lly prepar ed food was left over. ATE
The guests .............. had been especi ally prepar ed.
4. I've never seen a bigger dog than that one. EVER
That's the seen.
them all.
5. The compa ny has produc ed a lot of sports cars, and has sold
BY All the sports cars ................ been sold.
6. 'What ever has been ordere d will be delive red. EVER YTHIN
We will delive r ................. ordere d.
7. I've never visited a more impre ssive exhibi tion before . THAT
This is I've ever visited .
8. No one in the club plays tennis as well as David . WHO
David is the person ····-·---····-··--· in the club.
9. We borrow ed the money from this bank. WHIC H
This is the bank from ............... the money .
10. You can do nothin g to make me chang e my mind. IS

There ------···-·-----· to make me chang e my mind.

EXERCISE 6: Put one word in each space, or leave the space blank where possibl
on the
Murde r at the Statio n by Lorrai ne Small. Episod e 5. Troub le
ling to Londo n
6.15. The story so far: Jane Platt, (1) who is travel
ses a
becaus e of a myste rious letter, is the only person (2) __ witnes
gives her
murde r at Victor ia Statio n. The detect ive to (3) _sh e
answe r the
statem ent then disapp ears. Jane goes to an office in Soho to
her uncle
letter (4) _ _ she had receiv ed. There she discov ers that
box (6) _
Gordo n, (5) _ _ lives in South Ameri ca, has sent her a small
have never
_ she is only to open if in trouble . Jane, (7) _par ents
gives to
menti oned an Uncle Gordo n, is suspic ious of the box, (8) _she
Grove s, (9)
her friend Tony. They go to Scotla nd Yard and see Inspec tor
was not
_ _ has not heard of the Victor ia Statio n murde r, (10) _ _
red man's
report ed to the police. Jane gives Inspec tor Grove s the murde
Tony decide to
ticket (11) _she found beside his body. Then Jane and
man had
go to Redhi ll, (12) __ was the town (13) _the murde red
is someh ow
come from. On the train they meet a man, (14) _fac e
famili ar to Jane, (15) __ says he knows her Uncle Gordo n ...
EXERCISE 7: Choose the word or phrase {A, B, C or D) that best comple
each sentence.
1. A myth is a story _ _ traditi onal beliefs .
A. that expres sing B. expres sing
C. expres ses D. which to expres s
2. I read 'The Old Man and the Sea', __ written by Ernest Hemingw ay.
A a novel B. that is a novel C. which D. which has
3. "Who is eligible for the scholarsh ip?" "Anyone _ _ scholasti c
record is above average can apply for the scholarsh ip."
A has a B. who has a C. who's a D. whose
4. I'll lend you a book by Mark Twain, __ .
A that is a famous American author
B. a famous American author
C. he is a famous American author
D. is a famous American author
5. They have an apartmen t _ the park.
A overlooks B. that 'overlook ing
C. overlook ing D. overlooke d
6. "Is April twenty-f irst the day _ _ ?" "No, the twenty-se cond."
A you'll arrive then B. when you'll arrive
C. on that you'll arrive D. when you'll arrive on
7. Florida ,_ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.
A is B. known as C. is known as D. that is known as
8. Pamela's marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a
A she hardly knows B. she hardly knows him
C. that she hardly knows him D. whom she hardly knows him
9. People who exercise frequentl y have greater physical enduranc e than
A that doesn't B. who don't C. which don't D. who doesn't
10. "Is this the address to _ _ you want the package sent?" "Yes."
A whom B. which C. where D. that
11. Brenda quit her job at the advertisi ng agency, __ surprised
everyone .
A what B. that C. which D. who
12. The missing man's family is desperate ly seeking anyone _ _
informat ion about his activities or whereabo uts.
A has B. having C. who have D. have
13. The publisher s expect that the new book will be bought by people _
in environm ental conservat ion.
A are intereste d B. who they are intereste d
C. they are intereste d D. intereste d

14. I have alway s wante d to visit Rome, _ _ of Italy.
A the capita l B. is the capita l
C. that is the capita l D. which the capita l is
15. Annie has three brothe rs, __ are pilots.
A who they all B. who all of them
C. that all of them D. all of whom
16. Some fish is frozen , but _ is best.
A fish is fresh B. that is fresh fish
C. fresh fish is caugh t D. fresh fish
17. The movie _ _ last night was terrific .
A we went B. we went to it C. we went to D. which we went
18. The proble m _ never occurred.
A I had expect ed it B. whom I had expect ed
C. that I had expect ed it D. I had expect ed
19. My grand father , _ _ a wise man, has greatl y influen ced my
A is B. that is C. who is D. who he is
20. "Excu se me, but there is somet hing about _ _ immed iately.
"Certa inly."
A which I must speak to you B. which I must speak to you about it
C. that I must speak to you about D. that I must speak to you

(Unit 12: THE ASIA N GAME S)
sente nce.
I. Choo se the word or phras e that best comp letes each
(4 pts.)
1. Swimm ing, snorke lling, and scuba are some of the _ sports
A athlet ic B. aquati c C. martia l D. team
win the
2. We really __ all the efforts our athlet es have made to
medal s.
A partic ipate B. advan ce C. apprec iate D. attrac t
athlet es to
3. The sports officials promi sed to provid e mode rn_ for the
A. friend ship B. aspect s C. faciliti es D. purpos es
4. You must apolog ize for _ _ you've done!
A. whom B. what C. which D. that

5. The clerk __ I complained didn't take it seriously.
A. whom B. to whom C. about which D. to that
6. Do you fancy __ on a day trip to Bath next Saturday?
A. coming B. come C. to come D. for coming
7. "Did you invest in that company?" "Yes, I did. But now I wish I _ _ ."
A. didn't B. wouldn't ·c. haven't D. hadn't
8. Please let me know the moment you _ any news.
A. hear B. will hear C. heard D. had heard
9. Wendy __ going to the movies with her boyfriend yesterday evening.
A. saw B. has seen C. was seen D. has been seen
10. Mr. Robinson is _ _ old to continue his teaching career.
A. so B. such C. too D. enough
11. He didn't come to the date, _ _ did he phone to apologize for not
A. nor B. not C. nothing D. none
12. Mr. Ponce always wears a thick coat _ _ the weather is very hot.
A. because B. if C. so that D. even though
13. That's the house _ __
A. I used to live in it B. where I used to live in it
C. which I used to live in it D. I used to live in
14. The new employee _ _ has got an MBA at a foreign university.
A. the company has just hired
B. the company has just hired her
C. whom the company has just hired her
D. whom she has just been hired by the company
15. "Can I get you another drink?" " "
A. I'm sorry to hear that. B. No, thanks.
C. Don't mention it. D. Yes, here you are.
16. "I hope our team will win the championship this year." " "
A. It's my pleasure. B. Oh, what a pity!
C. So I will. D. So do I.
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A. purpose B. aspect C. event D. athlete
2. A. knowledge B. promote C. compete D. effect
3. A. athletic B. official C. aquatic D. history
4. A. solidarity B. developing C. participant D. enthusiasm

III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. The leader of the team apologized for not be able to win the
2. During their five-decades history, the Asian Games have been
advancing in all aspects.
3. The candidate I voted for her lost the election.
4. The passer-by whom stopped me in the street asked me for directions.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
The Winter Olympic Games are a multi-sport event held every four
years. The first Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, France, in 1924.
The Games were held every four years from 1924 until 1936 when they
were interrupted by World War II. The Olympics resumed in 1948 and
were celebrated every four years until 1992. At that point the governing
body for the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee
(IOC), decided to place the Summer and Winter Games on separate four-
year cycles in alternating even-numbered years.
The Winter Games have undergone significant changes since their
inception. The rise of television as a global medium for communication
has enhanced the profile of the Games. It has also created an income
stream, via the sale of broadcast rights and advertising, which has
become lucrative for the IOC.
The Winter Olympics have been hosted on three continents, but never
in a country in the southern hemisphere. The United States has hosted
the Games four times. France has been the host three times. Austria, Canada,
Italy, Japan, Norway, and Switzerland have hosted the Games twice. In 2014
Sochi will be the first Russian city to host the Winter Olympics.
* Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
1. Which of the following countries has not hosted the Winter Olympics
so far?
A Australia B. Switzerland C. Italy D. Japan
2. When did the IOC make a change in the years of celebrating the
Summer and Winter Olympics?
A 1936 B. 1948 C. 1992 D. 1924
3. Which of the following is one cause of the Winter Olympics becoming
more popular?
A The Winter Olympics becoming lucrative for the IOC
B. The growth of television broadcast throughout the world
C. The decision of the IOC on separate four-year cycles
D. The interruption of the Second World War
4. It can be inferred from the passage that
A there have been no changes to the Winter Olympics since their inception.
B. no countries can be the host of the Winter Olympics more than twice.
C. the Winter Olympics will never be hosted by Russia.
D. the Winter Olympics cannot be hosted by any African country.
V. Complete each sentencJ with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. Sporting events are the opportunities for people to improve _ and
develop friendship. (know)
2. Some _ _ of FIFA were accused of receiving money gifts to vote for
the hosting country. (office)
3. In most sports games, the _ _ is much more important than winning
or losing. (participate)
4. You need to have a lot of ___ to. play this kind of sport. (strong)
5. Most of the students in our school are very _ _ about doing volunteer
work. (enthusiasm)
6. There is a wide __ of activities before the opening ceremony of the
sporting event. (vary)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. You gave me a very useful present.
The present·-------------------------------
2. The Vietnamese athletes took part in this event and played with great
The Vietnamese athletes taking ·--·-------------
3. Was the man a friend of yours? You spoke to him this morning.
Was the man you -------------------·-·--·-·?
4. I am not as good at math as you are.
You are·----------------------------·
5. My advice is to report the accident to the police.
I think you had -------------------------
6. I phoned Jessica last of all.
Jessica was the


- accompany [a'kAmp:mi] (v) : d~m dan

Vi d.,_,: The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sister.
(Co ea si duqc em gai minh d~m <Nm piano.)
- accompani ment [::i'kAmp:mimant] (n) : nh~c d~m
- accomplish [a'kAmphn (v): thanh d~t
- accomplish ed [a'kAmphft] (adj) : tai hoa; nhi~u tai nang
Vi d.,_,: He is an accomplish ed pianist although he doesn't play it
(Anh Ciy lit m{jt tay danh duang cdm tai niing miJ,c ddu anh {fy cho chai
chuyen nghi~p.)
- accomplish ment [::i'kAmphfmant](n): Slf thanh dc;i.t; tai nang
- admire [ad'mai::i] (v): than ph~c; nguang m(l
Vi d.,,,: I admire him for the way he plays the guitar.
(Toi than phl/,c anh Ciy qua each anh Ciy chai dan ghi-ta.)
- admiration [,redm::i're1fn] (n): slf than ph~c hol'.lc ngu'crng m9
- album ['relbam] (n): t~p luu giu tern thu hol'.lc hinh anh
- avid ['rev1d] (adj) : say me; dlly nhi~t tinh
Vi d.,,i: As a child, I was an avid collector of stamps.
(Khi con nho toi la m{jt nguai say me suu tdm tem thu.)
- avidly ['rev1dli] (adv) : m(lt each say me
- avidity [::i'v1dati] (n): slf say me
- collect [b'lekt] (v) : suu tlim; thu th~p
- collection [b'lekfn](n ): vi~c suu t~p; b(l suu t~p
- collector [b'lekt::i](n): ngu'bi suu t~p
- common ['kum::in] (adj) : thong thuang; ph6 bie'n
Vi d.,,i: Personal computers are nearly as common in American homes
as televisions.
(May tinh ea nhan hdu nhu pho' biin ngang bdng vai 1'V trong cac gia
dinh nguai My.)
- commonly ['kum::inli] (adv) : thong thubng
- discard [d1s'ka:d](v): lo~i bO; phe' thai
- discarded [d1s'ka:d1d] (adj) : bi phe' thai hol'.lc lo~i bO
Vi d.,,,: Discarded newspapers should be collected and sent for recycling.

(Nhung ta bdo bo di nen duqc thu gom va gai di di tai chi.)
- fish tank ['frJ trel]k] (n): b~ ea
- give sth away (v): cho di
Vi d'!: If I can't sell it, I'll give it away.
(N€u toi khong ban duqc thi toi se dem cho n6 di.)
- guitarist [gr'ta:rrst] (n) : nguai danh dan ghi-ta
- hobby ['hubr] (n) : thu tieu khi~n
- indulge in (rn dAlg] (V)
: Say me; nuong chi~U
- indulgence (rn'dAld3~ms](n): Slf say me hoi;ic nuong chi~u
- modest ['mudrst] (adj) : khiem to'n
Vi d'!: That scientist is very modest about his achievements.
(Nha khoa hQc dy nit khiem t6n v€ nhung thanh tiju ci"ia ong.)
- modesty ['mnd;Jsti] (n): slf khiem t6n
- occupation [,nkju'perJn] (n): slf chie'm thai gian; ngh~ nghi~p
- occupied ['ukjupard] (adj) : b?n r9n
Vi d'!: Looking after the children keeps my sister fully occupied.
(Cham s6c con c<ii lam cho chi toi luon b<J,n r9n.J
- occupy ['nkjupar](v): chie'm cha hoi;ic chie'm thai gia
- once in a while (adv) : thi thoang
- regular['regj;Jl;J] (adj) : thuang xuyen; hqp l~
- regularly ['regj;Jl;Jli] (adv) : thuang xuyen; d~u di;in ·
Vi d'!: The doctor told me to take vitamins regularly.
(Bae si bdo toi phdi u6ng vitamin d€u d<'J,n.)
- rice field [rais fi:ld] (n) : canh d6ng lua
- stamp [strempl (n) : con tern
- throw away [Srnu ;J we1] (v)
: vltt di
- tune [tju:n, tu:n] (n) : giai di~u
- while [warl] (n): m9t khoang thai gian
Vi dl!: We haven't seen each other for a while.
(Chung toi da khong gq,p nhau m9t thai gian dai.)

IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. I have great _ _ for those who fight against poverty and injustice.
2. _ exercise will help you feel fresher and fitter. (regularly)
3. Drawing and singing were among her many __ . (accomplis h)

4. My younger brother is a(n) __ reader of fiction science books.
(avidity )
5. Elbow injuries are __ found among tennis players. (common)
6. By keeping yourself _ _ , you will never feel bored with your life.
7. She does a lot of work for charitie s, but her __ forbids her from
talking about it. (modest )
8. Good food is his only __ . (indulge )
9. His songs are often perform ed with guitar _. (accomp any)
10. As she doesn't have to go to work, her main_ is going shopping. (occupy)

IVocabu lary Exerc ise 21

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. They gave _ all their old books when they moved to another town.
A out B. in C. up D. away
2. Don't _ _ your old clothes! You should sort them out and give them
to the poor.
A keep up B. throw away C. put away D. turn out
3. A lot of famili es_ old newspa pers for recyclin g.
A collect B. produce C. accompl ish D. throw
4. The band was playing rather well, but one of the guitars sounded a
little out of
A song B. way C. tune D. work
5. They went into town and _ in shoppin g until the evening .
A accomp lish B. indulge C. collect D. occupy

Cleft sentences
+ Subject focus
+ Object focus
+ Adverbial focus
Cleft senten ces la each dung 'it+ be+ m~nh d~ q~an h~' dg nha'n
m~nh. Vi dlj:
Cach n6i binh thuong Cach n6i nh8:n m~nh
(Neutra l) (Empha tic)
a). Tracy gave me this book. a). It was Tracy that/wh o gave me
this book (not Mary).

b). The TV program gives me a b). It's the TV program that gives
headach e. me a headach e (not your music).
c).I'm studyin g English gramma r. c). It's English gramma r (that) I'm
studying (not English vocabul ary).
d). Sarah's husband died on d). It was on Friday that Sarah's
Friday. husband died (not Thursda y or
Saturda y).
1). Trong lo~i cau Cleft sentenc es, d~i tU 'that' thtib'ng dti<;tc dung
nhi~u han la 'who' hoiflc 'which' .
2). D~i tU 'that' co th~ lam chu tU nhu trong cau (a) va (b); trong
truang hqp nay cau Cleft sentenc e dtiqc g<;>i la 'Subject focus'. Khi thay
the' cho danh tU chi ngub'i va lam chu tU trong cau, chung ta c6 th~ dung
'who' thay vi 'that' nhu trong cau (a). Nhung khi 'that' lam chu tU thay
cho v~t, chung ta thub'ng khong th~ dung 'which' thay cho 'that'.
3). 'That' cfing lam tuc tU nhu trong cau (c); trong trub'ng hqp nay cau
Cleft sentenc e dugc g<;>i la 'Object focus'. Lliu y ding chung ta c6 th~ llf<1c
bo 'that' khi n6 lam tuc tU trong cau. Vi d"f!-:
- It's English gramma r I'm studying .
4). 'That' ciing duqc dung thay the' cho c1,1m-tr~ng-tU (Adverb ial
phrases ) chi thb'i gian, nai chfin hoi[lc m1,1c dich nhu trong cau (d); trong
trub'ng hqp nay cau Cleft sentence duqc g<;>i la 'Adverbial focus'. L11u y rfuig
miflc d:iu 'where ' hoiflc 'when' c6 th~ duqc dung, nhling chung ta vfui thub'ng
dung 'that' khi thay the' cho c1,1m-tr~ng-tu chi thb'i gian, nai chfin hoi[lc m1,1c
dich (khong th~ dung 'why' va 'how' trong cau Cleft sentence s).
Cac vi dv. khac:
* Subject focus:
- It's speed that causes acciden ts, not bad roads.
- It was Claire that/wh o phoned you last night.
* Object focus:
- It was wine that we ordered , not beer.
(Or: It was wine we ordered , not beer.)
- It's the manage r that I want to see, not the secretar y.
(Or: It's the manage r I want to see, not the secretar y.)
*Adver bial focus:
- It was to show her how much I cared for her that I bought
her the necklace. (Adverbial phrase of purpose = C1,1m-tr?Jlg-tli chi m1,1c dich)

- It was at this ·corner that the accident happened. (Adverbial
phrase of place = C1,1m-trljlng-tU chi nai ch6n)
- It's only in the winter that it gets really cold.
(Adverbial phrase of time = C1,1m-trljlng-tU chi thO'i gian)
5). Chung ta cung c6 thg dung lo!jti cau Cleft sentences blit dllu b~ng
'What' h:oiitc 'All' dg nha'.'n m!jtnh. Lu'U y r~ng 'What' c6 y nghia 'The
thing that' va 'All' c6 y nghia 'The only thing that', do d6 khong thg
dung thay the' cho danh tU chi ngu'O'i.
- What I need is your help, not your sympathy.
(The thing that I need is your help, not your sympathy.)
- What we want is quality, not quantity.
(The thing that we want is quality, not quantity.)
- All I need is $20. (= I only need $20.)

EXERCISE 1: Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined
information using the cleft sentence 'it +be + a relative'.
1. J K Rowling wrote Rabbit when she was six years old.
It_IP.9:$__J_KRm~Ung__th_q,_tf wb,Q._Wn~t~_Rq,f?f?i_t_wh<m__/lhf':_W~_!l.i:!:.Y<!W~-!]frf,_. __ _
2. She worked as an English teacher in Portugal.

3. J K Rowling met and married a Portugal journalist.

4. She had the idea for a Harry Potter book in 1990.

5. Chris Columbus made the first Harry Potter film.

6. Amanda wrote this letter.

7. The president's speech spoiled the meeting.

8. Her husband often helps her with the housework.

9. I told you about Kate, not Susan.

10. The pop star's presence saved ~he party.

EXERCISE 2: Quiz champion Claude Jennings is answering some questions. Look
at each question and answer and write a sentence with 'it + be + a relative clause'.
1. Who invented radio? - Marconi.
It was Marconi __!~nt~d..r<Jdfr!... _______ _
2. When did Columbus sail to America? - In 1492.
It was in 1492 --------·------·--------········
3. What does Tiger Woods play? - Golf.
4. Where did the Olympics Games first take place? - In Greece.

5. Which is nearest the sun, Venus or Mercury? - Mercury.

6. Who discovered penicillin? - Ian Fleming.

7. When was the sandwich invented? - In 1762.

8. Where did Napoleon Bonaparte lose his last battle?- In Waterloo.

9. Who first set foot on the moon?- Neil Armstrong.

10. Where was pasta first produced commercially? - In Italy.

EXERCISE 3: Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined

information using 'it+ be+ a relative clause'.
1. Mark's known for ages that his parents are coming to stay with us this
weekend, but he only told me yesterday.
Mark's known for ages that his parents are coming to stay with us
this weekend, but .. .it.Jl!.q,.s._ 9.ntY._Y.~!ft.<:r.dfl.Y.._th_q,_C/J.<;.,_m_<:,. ______ ._
2. The film was made in Liverpool.
It ---------------------------------·
3. 'Helen bought the car from Tom.' 'No, Tom bought the car from
'Helen bought the car from Tom.' 'No, __ .. ,_ .. _................................ ____ '
4. He already plays for the national side, and he turned professional only
last year.
He already plays for the national side, and ......................................... .

5. Caroline has been feeling a bit depressed for some time, so I booked a
holiday in Amsterdam to cheer her up.
Caroline has been feeling depressed for some time, so ...................... ..
6. I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so I lost it
somewhere in there.
I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so ......................... .
7. She doesn't find learning languages very easy, and she improved her
French only by studying very hard.
She doesn't find learning languages very easy, and ............................ .
8. 'Susan is seriously ill in hospital.' 'But I was playing tennis with her
only last Saturday.'
'Susan is seriously ill in hospital.' 'But ........................................... .
9. 'Was it by cutting staff that he managed to save the firm?' 'No, he
made it profitable by improving distribution.'
'Was it by cutting staff that he managed to save the firm?' 'No, ...... .

10. I don't mind her criticizing me, but I object to how she does it.
I don't mind her criticizing me, but ................................................. .

EXERCISE 4: Complete each space with one of the following relative clauses.
Use each clause once only.
that they did and said
that he did with his host family
who li!Jed near Quito, Ecuador
that were different between his host family and himself
that they had in common
who were like him in their customs and habits
that his host family followed
Hiraki is from Ja pan. When he was sixteen, he spent four months in
South America. He stayed with a family (1) ............ · Their way of life was
very different from his. At first, many of the things (2) ............ seemed
strange to Hiraki: their eating customs, political views, ways of
expressing emotion, work habits, sense of humor, and more. He felt
homesick for people (3) ............. ·
As time went on, Hiraki began to appreciate the way of life (4) ........ .
..... · Many of the things (5) ............ began to feel natural to him. He
developed a strong bond of friendship with them. At the beginning of his
stay in Ecuador, he had noticed only the things (6) ...............· At the end,

he appreciated the many things (7) ............ as human beings despite their
differences in cultural background.
1. .IP-lrn. t.~l!.~d. _1),_~_w _Q1,1,#_q,_ J.!J.<;.l!-_q,_4_9r._ ... __ .
2. ·····························
3 ............................. .
4. ·········-···········-···---·
5. -··············--·--·········
6 ............................. .
7 ............................. .

EXERCISE 5: Complete each space with a relative pronoun.

A fire broke out yesterday afternoon in Mason's department store in
River Street. Nobody knows yet (1) __ caused it, but it may have been
an accident. However, the police are looking for two young men (2) __
were seen running out of the store shortly before it began. They jumped
into a car (3) _was waiting for them. A witness (4) _ _ was walking
past the car at the time says he overheard (5) _ _ one of the men said
to the driver.
'I didn't hear everything but I'm sure one of the words (6) __ he said
was "bomb" or something like that,' the witness told the police.
The police have said they are looking for a young man between 19 and
24 (7) _ _ hair is red and (8) _was seen with two other men in a
yellow car (9) _was being driven at high speed along River Street at
4.30 p.m. yesterday. Anyone (10)__ saw him or has information about
the other two men should contact the police immediately. (11) _ _ you
tell the police will be treated confidentially. Luckily the fire (12) _
began in Mason's was quickly put out by the fire-fighters (13) _ arrived
at the scene. However, (14) _happened at Mason's yesterday could
happen again with results (15) _might be far more serious.

EXERCISE 6: Complete the second sentence in each pair using the word given
in capitals. Do NOT change that word.
1. We don't know the cause of the fire. CAUSED
We have no idea····-·----········· the fire.
2. Perhaps a bomb caused the fire. WHAT
Perhaps ........................ was a bomb.
3. The man with red hair may have caused it. WHOSE
It may have been caused by .......... was red.

4. The police want to conta ct peopl e if they saw him.
The police want to talk to ............. him.
5. He jump ed into a car waiti ng in front of the store
The car ........... waiti ng in front of the store .
6. The drive r of the car had a beard . WAS
The man ............ the car had a beard .
7. Luck ily the fire didn' t cause serio us dama ge. VERY
Luckily, the dama ge the ........... serio us.
8. Sudd en fires often cause very serio us dama ge. IS
The dama ge ................. often very seriou s.
be preve nted from
9. The thing that happ ened at Maso n's must
happ ening again . WHA T
We have to .............. at Maso n's from happ ening again
10. How shoul d peopl e be punis hed if they start a fire?
Wha t shoul d we do with ........... a fire?
shoul d be punis hed.
11. If peopl e delib erate ly start a fire, they
I think ............ a fire shoul d be punis hed.
12. Just think if they start a fire and some one is killed
Wha t if a fire ........................ some one?

that best completes

EXERCISE 7: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D)
each sentence.
1. My bike, _ _ I had left at the gate, had disap peare
B. whic h C. that D. -
A when
2. The medi cine had no effect at all.
A the docto r gave it to me
B. the docto r gave me
C. whic h the docto r gave it to me
D. whic h given to me by the docto r
e her seat.
3. Betsy , _ _ could n't see the scree n, decid ed to chang
B. whom C. who D. that
A she
4. Can you see _ _ the people in the pictu re are doing
B. what C. who D. whom
A that
5. Wha t was the name of your frien d _ _ ?
A his tent we borro wed B. who his tent we borro wed
C. that his tent we borro wed D. whos e tent we borro wed

6. Was __ I said a moment ago clear?
A. when B. which C. that D. what
7. The voters were overwhe lmingly against the candida te __ proposa ls
called for higher taxes.
A. who his B. who he had C. whose D. that his
8. The new shoppin g mall is gigantic . It's advertis ed as a place __ you
can find just about anythin g you might want to buy.
A. where B. which C. in where D. in that
9. I read a book about Picass o,_.
A. is a Spanish painter B. a Spanish painter
C. who a Spanish painter is D. that is a Spanish painter
10. _ _ you said a moment ago suggests you didn't underst and my
A. Who B. When C. What D. That

(Unit 13: HOBBI ES)
I. Choose the word or phrase that best comple tes each sentenc e.
(4 pts.)
1. He took a(n) __ interest in football. He never missed a match on
televisio n.
A. avid B. successful C. actually D. common
2. She sang several songs, __ by her friend on the piano.
A. collected B. practise d C. accomp anied D. indulge d
3. He enjoyed watchin g the colorful fish swimmi ng in the glass __ .
A. envelop e B. glove C. album D. tank
4. _in a while, the whole family went to a restaura nt for dinner.
A. One B. Some C. Once D. One time
5. _ , I avoided lots of trouble on my trip.
A. In spite of your advice B. Thanks to your advice
C. Because of you advised me D. Although you had advised me
6. In the novel by Rowli ng,_, the main characte r is a teenage r.
A. which the movie is based B. which the movie is based on it
C. on that the movie is based D. on which the movie is based
7. The first time I noticed somethi ng wrong was _ _ I got home.
A. since B. when C. for D. until

8. It was on March 19th, 1876 __ the first telephone call was made.
A. that B. when C. then D. which
9. "I can hardly understand what he's saying." "_ _ can I."
A. So B. Either C. Neither D. Not
10. into the side of the mountain are the faces of four men who
were United States presidents.
A. Carved B. Carving C. Carve D. To carve
11. All of the beautiful description s __ in these books help me create
pictures in my mind.
A. find B. found C. finding D. to find
12. He spent every minute of his free time to indulge _ his hobby of
playing the guitar.
A. for B. by C. to D. in
13. This old bridge _ soon.
A. will discard B. will have discarded
C. will have to be discarded D. will be discarding
14. novels in bed is one of her hobbies.
A. Read B. Reading C. To reading D. For reading
15. "Did you have a good trip?""_ _ "
A. Yes, not too bad. Thanks. B. Thanks. You too.
C. Thanks. That would be nice. D. There's no need. Thanks.
16. "What's your favorite hobby?" "_ _ "
A. Yes, it is. B. It's not mine. Sorry.
C. Not at all. Thanks. D. It's fishkeeping .
II. Choose the word whose underline d part is pronounc ed
differentl y from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A. r~lative B. ~nvelope C. r~ularly D. r~main
2. A. admire B. practise C. promise D. favorite
3. A ,!!lthough B. ,!!lternative C. ,!!lright D. ,!!lbum
4. A guitar B. collector C. actually D. Britain
III. Choose the underline d part in each sentence that needs
correction . (lp.)
1. My friend, an accomplish ed guitarist, is now teaching me how playing
the guitar.
2. When I turned the ignition key, the car was starting.
3. My nextdoor neighbor, who's job is selling new products, often travels
to other towns.
4. You'd better think very careful before making your final decision.
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and
any kind of material that I find interesting. This hobby got started when
I was a little boy. I had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales
and other stories to me. Soon they got fed up and tired of having to read
to me continually. Therefore, as soon as I could, I learned to read. I
started with simple ABC books. Soon I could read simple fairy tales and
other stories. Now I read just about anything that is available.
Reading enables me to learn about so many things that I would
otherwise not know. I learned about how people lived in bygone days of
magic and mystery. I learned about the wonders of the world, space
travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other
fascinating things of our world.
The wonderful thing about reading is that I do not have to learn
things the hard way. For example, I do not have to catch a disease to
know that it can kill me. I know the danger so I can avoid it. Also I do
not have to go deep into the jungle to learn about the tiger. I can read all
about it in a book.
Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. They
have certainly helped me in my daily life. I am better equipped to cope
with living. Otherwise, I would go about ignorantly learning things the
hard way. So I continue to read. Besides being more informed about the
world, I also spend my time profitably. It is indeed a good hobby.
* Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. How did the author start to learn to read books?

2. What is the wonderful thing about reading according to the author?

3. How can he learn about the tiger without going into the jungle?

4. Why does the author say that "reading is indeed a good hobby"?

V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
:given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. Organizing the sporting eveRt was one of his remarkable _ _ .
2. He _·_ went to the club to play ·chess with his friends as it was his
hobby. (regular)
3. He is known for his _ _ , an uncommon characteristic for a rich
businessmam.. (modest)
4. His _ _ in alcohol resulted in his nervous breakdown. (indulge)
5. Her latest of short stories was received with great enthusiasm.
6. We are full of _ _ for your hard work. (admire)
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. Qatar was the country where the 15th Asian Games were held.
It was in ·--------------------------------
2. The first mobii1e phones were commercially produced in 1983.
It was in ·--------------------------------
3. The noise of the traffic has driven me crazy.
It is ------------------------------------
4. That girl's mother works in my father's office.
That's the girl ----------------------------
5. It is essential that this letter be posted today.
This letter------------------------------
6. Can you igive me directions for the Grand Theater?
Could you tell me how -------------------------

- ability [a'b1kiti] (n)

: kha nang
Vi d11-: He has the ability to get success in whatever field he chooses.
(Anh ta c6 khd n<'ing g(j,t hai dit<;JC thank cong trong bdt Czl linh UlfC nao
anh ta ch9n.)
- aged [e1d3d] (adj) : (J dq tu6i

Vi d'l:l: Children aged under 6 will get free dental treatment.
(Tre con dztai 6 tucli se dztqc chua tri rang mi~n phi.)
- apart from [g'pa:t frgm] (prep): ngo~i tru
Vi d'l:l: I've answered all the questions apart from the last one.
(Toi trd lai duqc tdt cd cac cau hoi ngoq,i trit cau cutfi cung.)
- art [a:t] (n) : ngh~ thu~t
- bricklayer ['bnkle1g] (n) : thq h6 (xay tubng b~ng g~ch)
- bricklaying ['bnkleIIIJ] (n) : ngh~ thq h6 xay tttbng
- course [k::i:s] (n) : khoa h9c
- cricket ['kn.kit] (n) : mon b6ng chay
- darts [da:ts] (n) : tro chC1i nem phi tieu
- do-it-yourself(= DIY)(n): san ph§'.m ttf lam
Vi d'l:l: The materials you need are available from any good do-it-
yourself store.
(Nhung v<Jt li~u ma anh cdn d€u c6 sdn a bdt CU Cua hang ban sdn
phdm tlf lam nao.)
- dull [dAl] (adj) : ddn dc'.}n; bu6n te
- enormous [1'm:mgs] (adj) : kh6'ng 16
Vi d'l:l: An enormous oak tree stands at the entrance to school.
(Mf)t cay s&i khdng Z6 m9c ngay ltfi vao trztang.)
- entry qualification ['entri ,kwnlif1'ke1fn] (n) : di~u ki~n tham gia
- equal ['i:kwgl] (adj) : b~ng nhau; b'i.nh dlmg
- equality [I'kwnnfati] (n): SI/ b'i.nh dlmg
Vi d'l:l: Every citizen should be aware of the principle of equality before law.
(M6i cong dan nen j thuc v€ nguyen tdc binh diing trztac phap lutj,t.)
- equally ['i:kwgli] (adv) : b~ng nhau
Vi d'l:l: The money was divided equally between the two children.
(Stf ti€n da duqc chia d€u cho hai dua tre.)
- fee [fi:] (n) : l~ phi, h9c phi
- general ['d3enrgl] (adj) : chung; t6'ng quat
- generally ['d3enrgli] (adv) : thong thttbng, n6i chung
Vi d'l:l: It generally rains a lot at this time of the year.
(Trai thuang mua nhi€u vao thai diim nay trong nam.)
- generosity [,d3eng'rnsgti] (n): slf rc'.}ng lttqng ho~c hao ph6ng
- generous ['d3engrgs] (adj) : rc'.}ng lttqng; hao ph6ng
Vi d'l:l: It was very generous of your parents to lend us all that money.
(Ba mf! bq,n thq,t rf)ng lztqng khi cho chung Mi mztqn tdt cd stf ti€n d6.)

- genero usly ['d3engrgsli) (adv) : IDQt each hao ph6ng
- garden ing ['ga:dm!J] (n) : vi~c lam vuon
- glass engrav ing [gla:s m'gre1v11J] (n) : ngh~ kh:ic kinh
- home-b ased ['hgombe1st] (adj) : d~t nha a
- househ old ['haushgold] (n): gia dinh
Vi d~: Most househ olds now own a TV set.
(Hdu he't cdc h9 bay gia d~u c6 may truy~n h inh.)
- improv e [1m'pru:v] (v) : cai thi~n; Wfo b\·
Vi d~: The primar y aim of this course is to improl'e your spoken English.
(M!J,C tieu chu ye'u cua kh6a h9c la cdi thi~n tie'ng Anh dam thoq,i cua
cdc bq,n.)
- improv ement [1m'pru:vmgnt] (n) : st,t cai thi~n; st,t tie'n b9
- include [m'klu:d] (v) : bao g&m
Vi d~: The tour will inc.lude a visit to the Great Wall.
(Chuye'n du Zich se bao gJm.ei~c vie'ng tham Vq,n Ly Trztang Thanh. )
- leisure ['le3g, 'li:3g] (n): thoi gian nhan rl§.i
Vi d~: What do you often do in your leisure time?
(Bq,n thztiJnf! la.m gl tron{! thni giall nhui. 1 ~. ·/
•1;::-.:::!:~ ~ ... .."!.~; .'.~ ,.... 1.1~, • uuan rn1· th·~'- 1 -:z
- leisure ly f'Je.,,::ili
- m:ikL. ..t uecnnn n lrHl,;u'" --~·'"T?nl Iv\·,.,,, •• ::<~ -'t: ,
- musica l ['mju:zrkl] (adj) : thu9c ve am nh:;i.c
- musica l instrum ent ['mju:zrkl 'mstrnmgnt] (n) : nh:;i.c c1;1
- nearly ['mgli] (adv): g:in nhl.i
- necess ary [ nesgsgri] (adj): c:in thie't
Vi d~: Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for
this job.
(Kinh nghi~m giang dq,y truac day la di~u ki~n c&n thiit cho cong vi~c nay.)
- pastim e ['pa:starm, 'prestarm] (n) : thu tieu khi1fo
- pool [pu:l] (n) : mon bi-da 18 (vai 16 qua banh mau)
- popula tion [,pnpju'lerJn] (n) : dan s6
- pursue [pg'sju:] (v): theo du6i (mQt m1;1c dich)
- pursuit [pg'sju:t] (n) : st,t theo du6i
- range [remd3] (n) : ph~m vi; lanh vt,tc
- a range of someth ing : nhi~u lo:;i.i khac nhau
- recreat ion [,rekri'erJn] (n) : giai tri sv
Vi d~: There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation in this district.
(C6 nhung ti~n nghi tuy~t vai v~ thi thao va gidi tri trong qu<J,n nay.)
- 11eQreational [,rekri'e1f;~ml] (adj). : thuqc v~ giai tri
- saying ['senIJ] (n) : t1,1c ngii'; ng~n ngu
- shoemaker ['fu:me1kg) (n): thg d6ng giay
- shoemakin g ['fu:me1~mJ (n) : ngh~ d6ng giay
- simple ['s1mpl] (8;9-j) : dC111 gian
- snooker ['snu:b] (il) : mon bi-da
- sophisticat ed [sg'f1st1ke1t1d] (adj): : (nglioi) lich lam; (V~t) tinh vi
- spectator [spek'te1tg) (n) : khan gia
- stock market [stuk 'ma:k1t] (n) : thi trliong chling khoan
- trend [trend] (n) : xu htrong
Vi di}: The young always follow the latest trends in fashion.
(Giai tre thztang theo cac XU hzt< mai nhdt u€ thai trang.)
- undertake [,Andg'te1k] (v) :'dam nhl%n
Vi di}: The company has announced. ,that it will undertake a full
investigati on into the accident.
(Cong ty da thong bao r~g h9 se ddm nhq,n m<')t cu<')mdi€u tra ddy 1du
v€ Vlf, tai nq,n.)

IVocabular y Exercise ii
Complete. each sentence with the. ,cnuect form of the word in brackets.
1. Don'.t you believe in _ _ between men and women? (equal)
2. He 'wa~ very generous and some of his friends took advantage of his
_ _ .(generous )
3. I don't have much opportunity for leisure_ these days. (pursue)
4. These areas are set aside for public __ use. (recreation )
5. _is a skilled job. (bricklayer )
6. Women nowadays not only take care of the _ _ but also bring home
the money. (house)
7. They shared the earnipgs _ _ among the .. members of the group.
8. How long has Mr. Lee been a __ ?Twenty years .. or thirty years?
(shoemakin g)

IVocabular y Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best coi:npletes each of the following sentences.
1. The town lacks _ _ facilities such as a swimming pool or squash courts.
A. bricklaying B. course C. do-it-yours elf D. leisure

2. Tliat•boy1is very ·Slow in understanding m~. lessons. In fact, he is a
A dull B. aged C. equal D. sophisticated
3. Whatever the latest fashion_, you can be sure Linda will be wearing it.
A trend B. fee C. leisure D. ability
4. There is a widl:i'_·_ of faciliti~s for young children.
A course B. pursuits C. range D. recreations
5. I often wonder what made him transform from an awkward teenager
into a(n) _ _ young man.
A dull B. pastime C. aged D. sophisticated

A). Conjunctions: both ... and,

not only ;.. .but also,
either ... or, neither ... nor
B). Cleft sentences in the passive ··
A). Conjunctions (Lien tu)
Chung:cfac thuang ke't hqp cac tU (words), cac cym tU (phrases) ho~c cac
m~nh d~ (clauses) bl'mg each dung cac lien w (conjunctions) hay con duqc
g<;>i la cac tU n6i Oinking words). JNhUn.g lien tU thuO'ng duqc dung g6m :
and, but, or, .... Ngoai ra chung ta cGng thuO'ng dung cac 'lien-tii-doi'
(paired conjunctions) dg n6i tU ho~c n6i cau. Cac 'lien-tU-doi' (paired
conjunctions) thong dyng g6m : both ... and, not only ... but also,
either ... or, neither ... nor.
1). 'both ... and': thuO'ng duqc dung d~ nha'n m~nh thay vi chi dung
'and'. Chung ta ciin luu y dung cung m(>t lo~i tU (kind of words) sau
'both' va 'and'.
Vi di!-:
- She's both pretty and clever. (adjectives)
- I spoke to both the Director and her secretary. (nouns)
- She both dances and sings. (verbs)
- He spoke both clearly and fluently. (adverbs)
Khi dung 'both ... and' dg n6i hai chu tU, d()ng tU theo sau luon a d~ng
s6 nhi~u (plural verb).
Vi di!-:
- Both Mark and Carol are good at dancing.
- Both the boss and the secretary were absent from the meeting.

2). 'not only ... but also': dll<JC dung vffi y nghfa 'khong nlllfnt'" .. 1 <t 1·un'.
Chung ta cling It.tu y nen dung cung m(>t lo;µ W sau 'not only' va 'hut .'\Jso·
Vi d-,,,:
- We go there not only in winter, but also in summer . (adverbs J
- The place was not only cold, but also damp. (adjectives)
- She not only sings well, but also dances beautifully. (verbs)
Chung ta cling dung 'not only ... but .. ~ as well' v6'i y nghia nhu 'not
only ... but also'.
Vi d-,,,:
- We not only got wet, but lost our passpor ts as well.
Khi dung 'not only ... but also' d~ n6i hai chu tli, hinh thuc s6 it hay
s6 nhi~u cua d<)ng tU tuy thu<)c vao chu tU thu hai.
Vi d-,,,:
- Not only the children but also the teacher is interest ed in the subject.
- Not only the teacher but also the children are intereste d in the subject.
3). 'either ... or': dugc dung v6'i y nghia 'ch9n h,ta m9t trong hai' (=
one of the two). Chung ta cling dung cung m<)t lo~i tU sau 'either' va 'or'.
Vi d-,,,:
- You can have either tea or coffee. (nouns)
- You can either come with me now or walk home. (verbs)
- Either you'll leave this house or I'll call the police. (clauses)
Khi 'either ... or' n6i hai chu tU, hinh thuc s6 it ho(lc s6 nhi~u cua
d<)ng tu theo sau tuy thu<)c vao chu tU thu hai.
Vi d-,,,:
- Either you or your brother is respons ible for this mistake .
- Either your brother or you are respons ible for this mistake .
4). 'neither ... nor': dugc dung v6'i y nghia 'ea hai d~u khong' (= neither of
the two). Chung ta ciing dling cung m9t lo;µ W sau 'neither ' va 'nor'.
Vi d-,,,:
- I met neither Mary nor her husband . (nouns)
(I didn't meet either Mary or her husband .)
- That book is neither interest ing nor accurate. (adjectiv es)
(That book isn't either interest ing or accurate.)
- She neither answere d my letter nor phoned me. (verbs)
(She didn't either answer my letter or phone me.)
Khi dung 'neithe r ... nor' n6i hai chu tU, hinh thuc cua d<)ng w theo
sau thuang ph6i hqp v6'i chu tU thu hai.

Vi dr.t:
- Neither the soldiers nor the officer was alive.
- Neither the officer nor the soldiers were alive.
CHU Y: Trang tie'ng Anh dam thm,i.i thong thuang, ngubi ta cilng cha'p
nhl%n each dung d(mg tU s6 nhi~u sau 'neithe r ... nor', m~c ddu chu tU
thu hai ahinh thuc s6 it.
Vi dr.t:
- Neither John nor his wife was I were at home.
B).Cle ft senten ces in the passive
(Cau nhAn m~nh lJ d~ng bi dc}ng)
* Cau nha'n m~mh "Cleft sentenc es" la lo~i cau c6 ca'u true: "It is/was
... that-cla use". Chung ta thuang dung lo~i cau nay di! nha"n m~nh r~g
chinh ngtiai nao da lam gi, ho~c vi~c gi xay ra a dau ho~c khi nao. Vi dr.t:
- It is Jessica that/wh o suggeste d organiz ing a class party.
(Cau binh thuang: Jessica suggeste d organiz ing a class party.)
- It was in 1980 that he founded this company.
(Cau binh thuang: He founded this compan y in 1980.)
- It was in Copenh agen that she first met her husband .
(Cau binh thuang: She first met her husband in Copenh agen.)
* Chung ta cung c6 th!! dung loi;i.i cau nha'n m~nh 'Cleft sentenc es' vai
cau n6i bj d(mg.
Vi dr.t:
- It was the taxi that was badly dan ~aged, not the bus.
(Cau binh thuang: The taxi was badly damage d, not the bus.)
- It is Tom that/wh o is being question ed, not Fred.
(Cau binh thuang: Tom is being question ed, not Fred.)
- It's their house that has been sold, not their car.
(Cau binh thuang: Their house has been sold, not their car.)


EXERCISE 1: Add 'is' or 'are', 'has' or 'have' to each sentence.

1. Neither the coach nor the players _pleas ed with the referee' s

2. Neither the players nor the coach__ pleased with the referee's decision.
3. Not only the table but also the chairs _ _ in bad conditio n.
4. Not only the chairs but also the table _ _ in bacll conditio n.
5. Either the children or the charwom an __ damagecl' my picture.
6. Either the charwom an or the children __ damage d my picture.
7. Neither Brenda nor her parents _ _ plannin g to come.
8. Neither her parents nor Brenda _ _ plannin g to come.
9. Not only my sister but also my paren ts_ been here today.
10. Not only my parents but also my sister _ been here today.

EXERCISE 2: Write answers to the questions, using 'both ... and'.

1. He bought the blue one. Did he buy the red one?
Yes, .h.~_!:wugb,t__°!&_l!J_q,_~__<rrwrm4.Jlw.. r.~d__QrJ.~,-------
2. Rice is grown in Vietnam . Is corn grown in Vietnam ?
Yes, ................................. ..
3. You sent her a card. Did you sent her a gift?
Yes, .................................. .
4. The city suffers from air pollutio n. Does it suffer from water pollutio n?
Yes, .................................. .
5. Your brother is a dentist. Is your sister a dentist?
Yes, .................................. .
6. Their house has been sold. Has their car been sold?
Yes, .................................. .

EXERCISE 3: Write answers to the questions, using 'not only ... but also'.
1. I know your husband is a teacher. Is he a writer too?
Yes, . m:.v.. h.l!-_$hrmd. -~$_ .1J-..Q.~. 9.lJlY. _g,_ t.<Ig,<;IJ.<Jr.. _QJ!.t<J.l$.Q. _q,__wrtfgr_._.
2. I know you lost your passpor t. Did you lose your driving licence too?
3. I know your sister is studying at universi ty. Is she doing a part-tim e
job too?
Yes, .................................. .
4. I know you met Michael Jackson . Did you speak to him too?
Yes, .................................. .
5. I know he hurt you. Did he threaten to kill you too?
Yes, .................................. .
6. I know your parents are coming here. Is your brother coming here too?
Yes, .................................. .

EXRCISE 4: Write answers to the questions, using 'either ... or'.
1. Ken will do the cooking, or Mark will dbthe cooking. Is that right?
Yes, -~#h.~r.Jf..<m,_gr__M_q,r_f?,_w.m__<f,_9_Jh~_9-Q.Q"/?ing_. _____ _
2. You're going to study French, or you're goii:ig to study German. Right?
Yes, -----···-·---·-·--- ............... .
3. She can go out for a walk, or she can stay in. Is that right?
Yes, _____________ ..................... .
4. He'll choose Maths to study, or he'll choose Biology to study. Right?
Yes, ...................... ___________ ..
5. Your wife is phoning you, or your daughter is phoning you. Right?
Yes, ------------·-·-- ................. .
6. You may go to Dalat for you holiday, or you may go to Nha Trang.
Yes, ·-··-----------... -............... .

EXERCISE 5: Write answers to the questions, using 'neither ... nor'

1. You don't know ·French. Do you know Spanish?
No, .. J.k.~QW.-1J&ith~r:.Er.~n.~h_ngr__$p_q,IJ..i!ih_.___________ _
2. Your husband doesn't like tea. Do your children like tea?
No,·------------ .. ----------------·-·--·
3. He doesn't have a motorbike. Does he have a bicycle?
No, ................................... ..
4. The students weren't in the classroom. Was the teacher there?
5. He doesn't go to work. Does he look after the children?
6. She didn't eat anything. Did she drink anything?
No,. __________________________________ ..

EXERCISE 6: The paired conjunctions used in the following sentences are in

incorrect order. Rewrite the sentences so that they are in correct order.
1. Either Paul will help you or John.
____ $.#h_~r__pg_~_l__QJ:_Jqf!,_1].__ w_il/__h,_~/p_y_qy, _________ _
2. Not only she shouted at him but also hit him.

3. Both Anna is taking a computer course and a cooking class.

4. The crowd not only felt angry but also disappointed.

5. Neither she spoke to him nor looked at him.

6. Either Miss Hoa is going to teach our class or Miss Lan.

7. Neither that man drove slowly nor carefully.

8. Both Rooney is playing for M.U. and Ronaldo.

EXERCISE 7: Combine the following into sentences, using the paired

conjunctions given.
1. Mike enjoys playing the guitar. Peter also enjoys playing it. (both ... and)
____ l1_9-th_MOJ_r;__g_u.<;J,_P._<?t.<?r._<;_1],j9y_p}r;iy_fri_g_th_<:I_gy_i_(CJr:, ____ _
2. He took her to a restaurant. He bought her a necklace, too. (not only ...
but also)

3. They didn't come. They didn't phone, either. (neither ... nor)

4. Bob will get a promotion. Ted will get a promotion. (either ... or)

5. She couldn't read. She couldn't write. (neither ... nor)

6. He drives slowly. He also drives carefully. (both ... and)

7. She taught chemistry at college. She worked for a chemical firm, too.
(not only ... but also)

8. You can listen to the radio. You can watch a film on TV. (either ... or)

9. The boss didn't tell me the truth. The secretary didn't tell me the
truth. (neither ... nor)

10. He promised to offer her a job. He promised to buy her a house. (not
only ... but also)

EXERCISE 8: Rewrite the following into cleft sentences with "it + be + a
relative clause'. Turn the relative clauses into the passive.
1. They stole Jack's bike, not Mike's .
.____ lt_ _w@ _J.w:_k.'.t? _.b_i_}J,_f?_ .tlrn-t. _w_q$__#_q_klJ.. _( !1-r!t. _M_i_l!-_<?_';:;), __ _
2. Helen takes care of her father (not her mother).

3. They're building a bridge (not a pier).

4. The robber shot the manager (not the clerk).

:::; The teacher has punished Tom (not Bill).

n. Ill: "1s planting an apple tree (not a lemon tree).

7. ThL':V c:hv~e thP. third applicant for the job (not the second).

8. They'rp, paintii,g- the windows (not the doors).


approximately [;J'pruks1m;Jtli] (adv) : khoang chttng

- ['restr:m:>:t] (n) : phi hanh gia
- [;J'tenJn] (n) : stf chu y
- [bn'grretJole1t] {v): chuc mttng; khen ngqi
Vi d1J.: All her colleagues have congratulated Ruth on her promotion.
(Tdt cd d6ng nghi~p d€u chuc mung Ruth dztqc thang chac.)
- congratulation [bn,grretJu'le1Jn] (n) : 1C1i chuc mttng ho~c khen ngqi
- conquer ['kuIJb] (v): chinh ph1:1c
- conquest ['kuIJkwest] (Il) : cuqc chinh ph1:1c
Vi d1J.: Do you have any book about the Spanish Conquest of South
America in the 15th century?
(Anh c6 cudn sach nao n6i u€ cu<?c chinh ph11-c Nam My czla ngztai Tay
Ban Nha vao thi kl 15 khong?)

- cosmonaut ['kuzm~m::>:t] (n): phi hanh gia
: deal with ['di:l w10] (v) : d6i ph6; giai quye't
- extreme [1k'stri:m] (adj) : eve dq
Vi d¥-: The explorers had to suffer the extreme heat in the desert.
(Cac nha tham hidm da phdi chiu dlflig cdi nong cung cifc czla sa mq,c.)
- failure ['feJljg] (n) : thfit b~i
- feat [ fi:t] (n) : kl cong; cong trinh
Vi d11-: The Channel Tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering.
(Du(Jng hdm eo bidn Anh la m9t cong trinh sang ch6i v~ k'i thuqt xdy dl/ng.)
- flight [flail] (n) : chuye'n bay
- hero ['hrnr.m] (n) : anh hung
Vi d¥-: The soccer team were given a hero's welcome on their return home.
(EJ9i bong da dztqc don tiip nhzt nhang vi anh hung trong chuyin tra
v€ que hztang.)
- last [la:st, la:st] (v) : keo dai
Vi d11-: How long will this training course last?
(Khoa hutin luy~n nay se keo dai bao tau?}
- occur [g'k3:] (v) : xay ra
- orbit ['::>:bit] (n) & (v) : (n) quy d~o; (v) bay theo quy di;to
Vi d11-: The U.S. and Russia have cooperated in putting a space station
in orbit around the earth.,
(My va Nga da hqp tac d<J,t m9t trq,m khong gian tren quy dg,o chung
quanh trdi dtit.)
- precise[pn'sais] (adj) : chinh xac
- precisely [pn'sa1sli] (adv) : mqt each chinh xac
Vi dl!-: It's not clear precisely how the accident happened.
(Khong ai biit ro chinh xac tai nq,n da xdy ra nhzt thi nao.)
- psychology [sa1'knlgd3i] (n): tarn ly
- psychological [,sa1b'lud31kl] (adj) : thuqc v~ tarn ly
- react [ri'a:kt] (v) : phan ling
Vi d¥-: The public have reacted angrily to the report of the scandal.
(Cong chung phdn ung giq,n da v€ bdo cdo czla Vlf xi-cang-dan.)
- reaction [ri'a:kfn] (n): slf phan ling
- routine [ru:'ti:n] (adj) & (n) : (adj) thuang l~; (n) vi~c thuang l~
- satisfaction [,sret1s'frekJn] (n) : slf thc>a man hai long
Vi d¥-: She looked back on her teaching career with satisfaction.
(Ba tiy nhin lq,i slf nghi~p gidng dq,y czla minh m9t each hai long.)

- satisfy ('sretrsfar] (v): lam thc>a man hol}c hai long
- satisfied ['sretrsfard] (adj) : hai long; thoa man
- share [feg] (v) : chia xe; dung chung
- space [spers} (:n) · ::khong gian
- speed [spi:d} (n) : to'c d9
- technical ['tekmkl] (adj) : v~ ki thm%t
Vi d'f!: They offerf free technical support for those buying their software.
(HQ se h6 tr<J k'i thu<J,t mi~n phi cha nhung ai mua phdJn, m€m czla h9.)
- telegram ['telrgr:.em] (n) : di~n tin
- temperature ['temprgtJg] (n) : nhi~t d9
Vi d'f!:. The temperature has suddenly risen by five degrees.
(Nhi~t td9 d9t ng9t tang' leru irt6'm d9.)
- tense [tens] (adj) : cang thllng; h6i h9p
Vi d'f!: She sounded tense and angry.
(Gi9ng co O:y1 n,ghe c6 ve cang thdng.,LJ4~iq,n du.)
- tension ['tenJn] (n) : sv·ciing thllng
- tragedy ['tr:.ed3gdi] (n) : bi ltjch
- tragic C:tr:.ed31k] (adj) : bi tham
Vi .d·f!.:
It seemed that she would never get over the tragic death 9f her husband.
(Cove nhu ba dy se khOng baa gi(J Vli</f; qua n8i cai chit bi.tham cila ch6ng.)
- tragically ['tned3rk] (adv) : m9t oach>bi1 tham
- uncertain [An's3;tnJ .(a<ilj) : khong chiic chiin
- uncertainty [An's3:tntr] (n) : sv
ba'.'t triic; khong chiic chiin
- venture ['ventj'g] (n) : slf m~o hi~m
- view [yju:] (v) : xem;, t
Vi d'f!: This · is an opportunity to view the movie before it goes on
general release.
(Bay la m9t c<J h9i xem b9 phim truac khi n6 duqc dem ra tr'inh chiiu
cha cfing chung.)
- w{}ightless ['wertlgs] .( : khong. tr9ng life
- weightlessne ss ['wertlgsms] (n) : tinh tr~ng khong tr<;mg life
- worldwide ('w3:ldwa1d] (adj) & (adv) : tren khiip the' giai
Vi d'f!: The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.
(Cong ty nay c6 danh tiing tren khdp tld giai v~ chdt luqng.)
IVocabulary Exercise 11
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Passengers are requested to check in two hours before the __ . (fly)
2. You could feel the __ in the room as the students were waiting for
their exam results. (tense)
3. All I can say now is" __ on your exam results!" (congratulate)
4. This book tells you about the Spanish_ in South America. (conquer)
5. Another crop __ could result in widespread famine. (fail)
6. Life is full of . (certain)
7. Her sickness is more __ than physical. (psychology)
8. There has been a mixed __ to the appointment of the new director.
9. _,most of the villagers were killed by the tsunami. (tragedy)
10. Astronauts have to work in _ _ conditions. (weight)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. Patricia is very good at _ _ with all kinds of customers. ·
A dealing B. succeeding C. reacting D. conquering
2. An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause
environmental problems _ .
A worldly B. worldwide C. world-famous D. world-beating
3. There's a special area at the airport where you can _ _ aircraft
taking off and landing.
A make B. satisfy C. speed D. view
4. The earth takes a year to _ _ the sun.
A fly B. surround C. orbit D. travel
5. This suspension bridge is a remarkable _ of our engineering.
A feat B. deal C. orbit D. routine

A). "can, could, be able to"
B). Question tags
A). "can, could, be able to"
1). Chung ta thuang dung 'can+ bare infinitive' dg di~n ta 'm(>t vi~c
c6 khd nang xdy ra' ho~c 'm(>t ngztai c6 khd nang lam gi,' trong hi~n ti;ti
ho~c trong tuO'ng lai.

Vi d'(l:
- Sue can work effectively. She can be a good manag er.
- Can you unders tand Arabic?
- Melind a can be very nice. (She is someti mes very nice.)
- I can see you tomorr ow afterno on, not tomorr ow mornin g.
- It can be useful if you take a map with you ..
CHU Y: Hinh thuc phu ~nh (negati ve form) cu 'can' la 'can't' ho?c
'canno t'.
Vi drp
- I'm afraid I can't I cannot work at night.
- I can't I cannot cook, so we should eat out.
Chung ta cling dling 'can' voi y nghia 'cho phep hotj,c dU<Jc phep lam gi'.
Vi dr.t:
- You can go out if you've finishe d your work.
- Can I ask you a questio n, Madam ?
- You can't park here. There's a 'No parking ' sign.
2). 'Could ' la hinh thuc qua khu cua 'can', thuong dung d~ n6i v~ 'kha
nang n6i chung trong qua khu'.
Vi dr.t:
- Could you swim when you were ten years old?
- She could sing very well when she was a child.
3). 'Be able to + infinit ive' dugc dung d~ n6i ding 'm<?t ngztai nao d6
c6 khd nang lam gi', tudng fa! nhu 'can+ bare infinit ive'.
Vi d'(l:
- George is a compu ter progra mmer. He is able to write program s.
(Or: George is a compu ter progra mmer. He can write progra ms.)
- Are you able to type 80 words a minute ?
(Or: Can you type 80 words a minute ?)
CHU Y: Trong tie'ng Anh dam tho~i thong di,mg (inform al English )
nguoi ta thuong dung 'can' hdn la 'be able to'.
Tuy nhien, 'can' chi c6 hinh thuc hi~n t~i va hinh thuc qua khu la
'could ', the' nen trong m9t s6 truong hgp chung ta phai dung 'be able
to' khi di~n ta kha nang.
Vi d'(l:
* Di~n ta kha nang voi 'To-infinitive':
- It's difficult to be able to speak Englis h fluently.
(NOT : It's difficul t te ean speak Englis h fluently.)
- His English is not good enougp to be able tto study abroad .
. (NOT: His English is not good ~nough te eaR study abroad.)
''*!Di~n ta kha nang sau cac!tl()ng tU khie'm khuye't (Modals):
- Your father nijght be able to help us.
(NOT: Yur father, might eaR help us,i)
- :' must be able to make yourself understood in English.
(NOT: You must ean make yourself understood in English.)
* Di~n ta kha nang vai thi hi~n t~i hoan thanh (Present perfect):
- How long have you to drive?
(NOT: ·How long ean ''eu ha1:Je. dri1:Jen ?)
- Rita has'been able to use:the computer for many years.
(NOT: Rita ean hal:Je used the computer for 'many years.)
CHU Y: Khi di~n ta kha nang trong ttt<1ng lai, chung ta c6 th~ dung
'will be able to' ho?c ''.
Vi d'f!-:
- Jllhbe able to meet you 'tomorrow after class.
(Q:>r:~I can meet you tomorrow after class.)
- I'm afraid I won't be able 1to cqme to your party next Sunday.
(Or: I'm afraid I can't come to your party next Sunday.)
5). 'could' va 'was/were able th~1dung 'could' ho.~c
to': Chung ta·c6
'was/were able to' khi n6i .v~ m(}t kha nang t5ng quat .(general ability)
trong qua khu.
Vi d'f!-:
- Lisa could play I was able to play the piano when she was five.
- In those days we :had a car, so we could travel I were able to
travel very easily.
Tuy nhien khi n6i v~ kha nang do'i vai m(}t hanh d(}ng. xay ra rieng
bi~t chi m(}t lgn (particular action) trong qua khu, chung ta khong th~
dung 'could' ma chi dung 'was/were able to'.
Vi d'f!-:
- The car suddenly caught fire, but they were able to escape from it.
'(iTrong trucmg hgp nay, khOng th~ dung 'they eould eseape from it';
'they were able to escape' d5ng nghia vai 'they managed to escape' ho?c
'they succeeded in escaping')
- He was able to get the job although he didn't have enough qualifications.
(NOT: He eould get the job ... ; 'He was, able to get' = 'He succeeded
in getti11g' or 'He managed to get')

Trong cau phu dinh va cau hoi (negative sentence s and questions ), ea
hai d:;mg 'could' va 'was/we re able to' d~u c6 th~ dugc dung nhtt nhau
ma khcmg thay d6i y nghia.
Vi d.,.,,:
- The weather was awful, so I couldn't go I wasn't able to go sailing.
- We couldn't get I weren't able to get tickets because there
were too many people waiting at the box office.
- Could you I Were you able to contact the Director when you
were there?
Chung ta cfing thuong dung 'could' (hem la dung 'was/we re able to')
d6i voi nhling d{mg tU chi giac quan (see, hear, smell, taste, feel, ... ) va
nhung d9ng tU chi hm,1.t d9ng tri tu~ (understa nd, realize, remembe r, ... ).
Vi d'l.t:
- I could smell somethin g burning when I came into the kitchen.
- We could see the island even though it was foggy.
- He spoke rather quickly but I could underst and what he said.
- My teacher could rememb er the names of all of his students.
B). Questio n tags
(Cau hoi duoi)
Question tags la lo~i cau hoi ngiin chung ta them vao cu6i m9t cau n6i
trong khi dam tho~i. Cau n6i di truoc cau hoi duoi thttong da d~y du y
nghia va ph~n duoi thuong dung d~ xac minh l~i thong tin trong cau n6i
di truoc.
Vi d'l,t:
- 'You're 16 years old, aren't you?' 'Yes, I am.'
- 'You don't go to work, do you?' 'No, I don't.'
- 'Susan wasn't in class, was she?' 'No, she wasn't.'
Khi dl.tng cau hoi duoi (Question tags) chilng tac~ lllu y nhflng di~m sau:
1). Cau hoi duoi c6 th~ khiing djnh hoiftc phu djnh tuy hinh thuc cua
cau n6i di truoc. Chung ta c6 th~ t6m tiit nhtt sau:
Positive sentenc e (+), Negativ e sentenc e (-),
negative tag(-) positive tag (+)
You can ride a bike, can't you? You can't swim, can you?
You've been to Hue, haven't you? You haven't met Helen, have you?
Ann passed her exam, didn't she? Tracy wasn't at work, was she?

2). Chung ta chi dung trq d9ng tU (Auxiliaries) ho~c d9ng tU khie'm
khuye't (Modals) trong cau hoi duoi. V6"i d9ng tu 'Be', chung ta thuong l~p
li;ti hinh thuc 'Be' trong cau n6i di tru6"c. Chung ta khong dung ten rieng
ho~c danh tU trong cau hoi duoi, ma thuong chi dung di;ti tU nhu 'I, you,
he, she, it, we, they'.
Vi dl!-:
- Your father likes tea, doesn't he?
(NOT: ... , doesn't youF fatheF? I ... likes he?)
- Mark stayed at a youth hostel, didn't he?
(NOT: ... , didn't MaFlr, ... stayed he?)
- His mother wasn't very pleased, was she?
(NOT: ... , was his motheF?)
- Mary will come with us, won't she?
(NOT: ... , won't Mary?)
- Tom would rather go out, wouldn't he?
(NOT: ... , wouldn't Tom?)
3). Khi cau hoi duoi a di;tng phu djnh (negative tags), chung ta thuong
chi dung hinh thuc rut ng:fo cua 'not'.
Vi d'!-:
- You were there last week, weren't you?
(NOT: ... , v;eFe not you?)
- You've finished your homework, haven't you?
(NOT: ... , hav:e not you?)
- Jack can play tennis well, can't he?
(NOT: ... , eannot he?)
4). Khi cau n6i di tru6"c hilt ddu biing 'Let's ... ', thi cau hoi duoi se la
'shall we?'.
Vi d'!-:
- Let's change the subject, shall we?
Khi cau n6i di tru6"c la m9t loi yeu cdu ho~c m~nh l~nh (request or
command) v6"i di;tng Imperative: 'Do this!', thi cau hoi duoi c6 th~ dung
'will you?' ho~c 'can you? I could you? I would you?'.
Vi dl!-:
- Wait for me a minute, will you? (Or: can you? I could you?)
- Switch on the light, will you? (Or: can I could you?)
Nhttng khi cau 'Imperative' a di;tng phu djnh 'Don't do that!", chung ta
thuong chi dung 'will you?' trong cau hoi duoi.

Vi df!.:
- Don't forge t to post my letter , will you?
- Don't smok e in this room, will you?
CHU Y: Chun g ta dung 'aren 't I?' voi y nghia 'am I not?'.
Vi df!.:
- I'm right, aren 't I?
BUT: - I'm not wrong, am I?
tU trong cau
5). Chun g ta dung di;ti tU 'they ' trong cau hoi duoi khi chu
veryb ody, no
n6i di truoc la: 'some one/s omeb ody, every one/e
one/n obod y'.
Vi df!.:
- Every one is here, aren' t they?
- Some one told you, didn' t they?
- No one knew the truth, did they? (NOT: did&t they? )
trong cau di
Chun g ta dung di;ti tU 'it' trong cau hoi duoi khi chu tU
truoc la 'noth ing'.
Vi df!.:
- Nothi ng is wrong, is it?
cling c6 th~
Ngoai cac di;ti tU 'I, you, he, she, it, we, they' chung ta
dung 'ther e' trong cau hoi duoi.
Vi df!.:
- There 's so much pollut ion in the city, isn't there ?
- There weren 't any seriou s proble ms, were there ?
tion) ne'u
6). Khi n6i cai.J hoi duoi, gi9ng d9c se di xu6ng (fallin g intona
se d6ng y.
cau hoi chi lad~ xac minh va chung ta tin ding nguoi nghe
Vi df!.:
- It's hot today~t?
va chung ta
Nhun g khi cau hoi duoi la M tim hi~u thong tin thi,tc si,t
d9c se dua len
chua bie't nguoi nghe se tra loi 'Yes' ho~c 'No' thi gi9ng
(risin g intona tion).
Vi df!.:
- You haven 't read this book, Yeyou?
EXERCISE 1: Complete the sentences u·sing 'can' or 'could' and the following
verbs. Use each verb only once.
I cross I grow I be survive I reach live
1. Anyone can make mistakes.,
2~ Dinosaurs __ up to 5 meters long.
3. Tigers __ dangerous.
4. Elephants _ for up to 70 years.
5. Temperatu res near the South Pole _ _ minus 43 degrees centigrade.
6. A hundred years ago ships __ the Atlantic in 10 days.
7. Camels_ for up to 17 weeks in the desert without water.

EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences using 'can' or 'could' where possible. If

'can' or 'could' is not possible, use a form of 'be able lo'.
1. Nam has been living in England for a year. He __ speak English
very well now.
2. I won't __· complete the repor~ by Friday.
3. When I was younger I _ run ten kilometers every morning.
4. You'll _ _ find a job easily when you finish university.
5. It was very dark but we __ see a figure moving in front.
6. How long has Lisa __ play the violin?
7. I'm sorry, but I won't __ come to the party you this weekend.
8. Look! I lift this chair with one hand!
9. Rachel's still out of work. She hasn't _ get a job yet.
10. My youngest sister _ _ talk when she was 18 months old.

EXRCISE 3: Complete the answers to the questions using 'was/were able lo'.
1. A: Did everybody escape from the fire?
!· B: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody
2. A: Did you have any trouble. borrowing the money from the bank?
B: Not really. The bank manager was very helpful, so we ·---------
3. A: Did the thief get away?
B: Yes. No one realized what was happening , and the thief _____ _
4. A: Did you have difficulty persuading Amy to come with you?
B: Yes. She didn't want to come at first, but later I _________ _
5. A: Did you finish your work this afternoon?
B: Yes. Nobody was around to bother me, so. I --------------

6. A: Did you buy any tomatoes this morning?
B: Yes. The first store I went to didn't have any good ones, but I .......
..... at the next place.

EXERCISE 4: Underline the correct or more naturaLanswer. If' both answers

are possible, underline .them both.
l.' Valuables can I are able to be left in the hotel safe. Please ask the
reception desk.
2. They could I were able to finish the football match before it started
snowing too, heavily.
3. The rebels could I were able to draw on the support of over 20,000
4. Could you I Were you able to understand Professor's Larsen's lecture?
I found it really difficult.
5. 'Do you want a game?' 'Sorry, I can't I 'm not able to play chess.'
6. Look at me! I can I 'm able to ride my bike without any help.
7. When the fire officers arrived they could I were able to put out the
flames in a couple of minutes.
8. The air was so polluted in the city center, I could hardly I was hardly
able to breathe.
9. I knew John had been smoking. I could I was able to smell the
cigarettes when I came into the room.
10. Can you I Are you able to drive without your glasses?
11. No changes can I are able to be made to this rail ticket after purchase.
12. He could I was able to untie the ropes without the guards noticing.
13. She .looked all over the house, but couldn't I wasn't able to find her
keys anywhere.
14. I was very busy at work, but I could I was able to have a couple of
days off last week.
15. I could I was able to remember the crash, but nothing after that.

EXERCISE 5: Put in 'could' or 'was/were able to'. Sometimes either is

possible. Use a negative if necessary.
1. I learnt to read music as a child. I could read it when I was five.
2. They were able to swim across the river even though it was swollen
by the heavy rain.
3. Suddenly all the lights went out. We _ see anything.
4. The computer went wrong, but luckily Emma _ put it right again.

5. There was a big party last night. You _ _ hear the music half a mile
6. People heard warnings about the flood, and they _ move out in time.
7. The train was full. I _ _ find a seat anywhere.
8. The drivers _ _ stop before they crashed into each other.
9. The pool was closed, so they _ _ have a swim.
10. The plane _ _ take off at eleven, after the fog had lifted.
11. As soon as Harriet opened the door, she __ smell gas.
12. It had happened so quickly, but some people _ _ describe the man
to the police.
13. A child fell into the river, but fortunately we _ _ rescue him.
14. I had forgotten to bring my camera, so I __ take any photographs.
15. Mr. Parker wasn't at home when I called, but I _ _ contact him at
his office.

EXERCISE 6: Put a question tag at the end of each sentence. (Sometimes

more than one answer is possible.)
1. You don't like this program, _ _ ?
2. Your Mom isn't at work today, ?
3. I'm too impatient , ?
4. I shouldn't have lost my temper, ?
5; Lynne speaks French and German, ?
6. That was a good movie, ?
7. You've never come to class late, ?
8. You'd like somethingto drink, ?
9. Everybody can answer this question, _ _ ?
10. Don't ask me any more questions, _ _ _ ?
11. Brenda and Sue are leaving tomorrow, ____ ?
12. There's plenty of time, ?
13. You couldn't do me a favour, ?
14. Let's have a cup of coffee, ?
15. You don't know where the meeting is, ?
16. Leave the door open, ?
17. Nobody was sleeping, ____ ?
18. Nothing bad has happened, _ _ _ ?
19. Pass me the salt, ?
20. Julie rarely goes out, ___ ?

help start a friendly conversation.
You are at an outdoor party. Add tags to
, it cert ainl y is.
1. The food's delicious, _ _ ? - Yes
- No, only thre e mon ths.
2. You hav en't live d her e long, _ ?
Yes, it is.
3. It's quit e a big gard en, _ _ ? -
__ ?
4. The re aren 't man y people her e yet,
- No, but it's stil l quit e earl y.
, I'm Bria n.
5. You're Rac hel' s frie nd ,_? - Yes
Tha t's righ t.
6. You cam e in a spo rts car, _ ? -
I can 't wai t to try them .
7. The se bur gers look go od ,_? -
I thin k it's dry eno ugh .
8. We can sit on the gras s, .__ ? -
go od ,_? -No, it was n't.
9. The wea ther fore cast was n't very
- I hop e not.
10. Nobody will come too lat e,_ ?

sentences with a question tag. Use

EXERCISE 8: Read the situations and write
the word in brackets.
mig ht hav e orte, so ask him. (hav en't )
1. You wan t to use a calculator. Nam
Ji_g,_1/_~_Y.9..TJ. ..... ?
___ _y_Q_l!-_}Jff,!)_(}_TJ,_'.tg9t_q,__q(l_:l9_1,l_{9,t9..r... '
bot h go for a swi m. (Le t's)
2. Sug ges t to you r frie nd Mai tha t you
............................... ' ............... .
. (Don't)
3. Wa rn Vicky not to do any thin g silly
.............................. ' .............. .
ad for you, so ask him . (Get)
4. You wan t Ma rk to get a loaf of bre
................................ ' ............... .
ma mig ht hav e one, so ask her.
5. You nee d a trai n tim etab le. Em
(hav en't )
••••••, •••••••••••I

(Pa ss)
6. Ask Rac hel to pas s you the rule r.
............................... ' .............. .

t bes t com ple tes eac h sen ten ce.
I. Ch oos e the wor d or phr ase tha
(4 pts .)
f got into the house.
1. The y don 't kno w _ how the thie
rou tine ly
A. tech nica lly B. app rox ima tely C. prec isel y D.

2. They blame d the weak manag ement for the __ of the compa
A failure B. succes s C. satisfa ction D. certai nty
3. The police must now _ _ the proble m of increa sing crime.
A look for B. deal with C. turn off D. put on
4. The Intern et is __ by many as a revolu tionary educat ional
A viewe d B. looked ·c. thinki ng D. consid ering
5. Nothi ng unusu al happe ned, __ ?
A did they B. didn't they C. did it D. didn't it
6. Nobody was hurt in the accide nt, __ ?
A were they B. weren 't they C. was he D. wasn' t he
7. The climbe rs __ reach their tent safely de~pite the terribl e
weath er.
A could B. were able to C. ought D. manag ed
8. Either you or your wife _ _ to sign in this docum ent.
A have B. must C. should D. has
9. I invite d Tim and Andy to go on a trip with me, but _ _ of
them was
able to go.
A both B. either C. none D. neithe r
10. You can send us your applic ation _ _ by post or by e-mail
A. all B. both C. neithe r D. either
11. Most of the waste paper _ _ in our factori es.
A is recycl ed B. are recycled
C. is recycl ing D. have been recycl ing
12. _ _ had the meetin g begun than there was a power cut.
A When B. No sooner C. As soon as D. Since
13. Can you recom mend a restau rant _ _ ?
A where can we have a good meal
B. which we can have a good meal there
C. where we can have a good meal
D. in which we can have a good meal there
14. _ _ , you would n't have troubl e with your test now.
A If you hadn't been absen t from class so many times
B. If you were not absen t from class so many times
C. If you are not absen t from class so many times
D. If you would n't have been absen t from class so many times
15. "Is it all right if I use your compu ter?" "_ _ "
A I'm glad you liked it. B. That would be nice.
C. Please , accept it with my best wishes . D. Sure, go ahead .

16. "How kind, you really shouldn't have bothered." " "
A. It was nothing, really. B. Yes, not too bad. Thanks.
C. Don't worry, I didn't b.other. D. Yes, here you are.
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A. aboard B. orbit . C. venture D. tragic
2. A. routine B. rename C. human D. extreme
3. A. cosmonaut B. enormous C. technical D. astronaut
4. A. weightlessness B. approximately
C. congratulate D. uncertainty
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to eat and drinking in
2. The American President sent a telegram to ,congratulate the astronaut
A .B
for his success.
3. He was able to view the earth in a way that no one has done before.
A B c D
4. You hardly believed that their flight was a success, didn't you?
IV. Read the passage and d'o the exercise below. (1 p.)
In 1957, Russia launched a small metal ball, Sputnik, into space. As it
circled the Earth, it did nothing but send a simple radio message back to
Earth. That message, however, was enough to frighten the Americans
badly. The Russians were winning the space race. But what was the
space race? Very simply, it was a race to see which country could get into
space first. Both Russia and the United States wanted to win very much.
With Sputnik, Russia won the first part of the race, but the next stage,
putting a man into space, was far more important to both countries.
The American program to put a man into space was the Mercury
program. The Americans chose Alan Shepard, a Navy test pilot, to be
their first astronaut. They called his mission Mercury Freedom 7.
Shepard went through months of training for his mission. Meanwhile,
the engineers and scientists tested every part of his spaceship to make

sure it was safe. Finally, in 1961, after the Americans safely sent a
monkey into space, they were ready to send Shepard. In the last week of
February, Shepard's Redstone rocket was on the launch pad, but a last
minute problem meant that they could not launch. They rescheduled the
launch for May 5. Then on April 12, the Americans received terrible
news. Yuri Gagarin, a Russian, was in space. The Russians had beaten
the Americans again.
* Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
1. According to the passage, which of the following was the first to go to
A Mercury Freedom 7 B. A monkey
C. Yuri Gagarin D. Sputnik
2. According to paragraph 2, why did the Americans lose the second part
of the space race?
A They could not build a rocket as fast as the Russians.
B. A problem forced them to reschedule their launch.
C. Their program was unsafe.
D. Their monkey died.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Americans sent a monkey
into space in order to
A test their rocket's safety
B. get into space faster than the Russians
C. help train Shepard
D. fix a problem with their rocket
4. According to the passage, when did the first human go into space?
A In 1957 B. In February 1961
C. On April 12, 1961 D. On May 5, 1961
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
1. To be able to work in space, the astronauts have to learn to get used to
_ _ . (weight)
2. Because of the loss of the main orders, there is about the future
of the company. (certain)
3. The child's problems are more_ than physical. (psychology)
4. Shock is a natural - - - to such bad news. (react)
5. She is the most __ accomplished violinist m the competition.
6. Being a parent is one of the great _ _ in life. (satisfy)

VI. Finish the second senten ce so that it has the same meanin g
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. The school will give a scholars hip to you or your brother, but not both.
Either you ............................. .
2. I'm not respons ible for this fault, and my brother isn't, either.
Neither I ............................... .
3. He won the champio nship; he broke the world's record, too.
Not only ............................... ..
4. She enjoys singing pop songs; she also enjoys accomp anying herself on
the guitar.
She enjoys both ........................ ..
5. The astrona uts were able to land the space shuttle safely.
The astrona uts succeeded ...................... ..
6. Jason's car broke down and he had to take a taxi.
Jason, ................................... ..


- base [hers] (n) : n~n m6ng; chan de'
- belongi ngs [br'lu~11nz] (n) : v~t d1,mg ea nhan; v~t sa huu
Vi dr,t: Do you really need to bring so many of your belongings with
you on this trip?
(Co co thg,t sl;t phai mang qua nhi~u u(it dzpig ea nhan cho chuy~n di nay?)
- block of stone ['bluk 'JV 'st:Jon] (n) : kho'i da
- burial ['beri'Jl] (n): vi~c an tang
- burial chambe r ['beri'Jl 'tJe1mb'J] (n) : phong mai tang
- bury ['beri] (v) : chon ca't; mai tang
Vi dr,t: The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.
(Nhung ngu:ai th<J mo da bi chon sting khi duang h&m SlJ,P do'.)
- consist of [bn' srst 'JV] (v) : g6m c6
- enclose [m'kl'Joz] (v) : baa quanh
Vi dr,t: The house has a small backyard, enclosed by a high brick wall.
(Ngoi nha c6 m<?t cai san nho bao quanh bling buc tuang gq,ch cao.)
- house [haoz] (v) : cung ca'p chi'\ a

Vi d'f!-: They intend to house students with local families.
(H9c d'/f dfnh cung cdp chb a cho sinh vien trong cac gia dinh dfa phli<Jng.)
- huge [hju:d3] (adj) : kh6ng 16
- involve [m'vulv] (v) : lien quan; dinh Hu
Vi d'f!-: Dozens of officials were involved in the scandal.
(Hang ch11-c vien chuc dinh liu dtn v11- xi-cang-dan d6.)
- journey ['d33:nr] (n) : cuqc hanh trinh
- mysterious [m1'strnri;:is] (adj) : bi :in
- mysteriously [m1'st1;:iri;:isli] (adv) : mqt each bi :in
- mystery ['m1stri] (n): di~u bi :in; slf huy~n bi
Vi d':l: How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of
miles away remains a mystery.
(Bang each nao nhilng khdi da khc'Sng l6 du:qc mang dtn day tu each xa
hang tram dij,m v&n con la di€u bi <in.)
- period ['p1;:iri;:id] (n) : thO'i ki; giai doi;in
Vi d'f!-: The country had lots of difficulties during the post-war period.
(E)dt nu:ac da phdi chfu nhi€u kh6 khan trong thai ki hg,u chitn.)
- pharaoh ['fe;:ir;:iu] (n) : vua Ai c~p c6
- proceed [prn'si:d] (v) : tiifo hanh; tie'n tai
- process ['pr;:ioses](n): tie'n trinh; qua trinh
- proposal [pr;:i'p;:iuzl] (n) : lO'i d~ nghj.
- propose [pdp;:iuz] (v) : d~ nghj
Vi d'f!-: Some members of the management proposed changing the logo
of the company.
(M(Jt sd thanh uien cila ban di€u hanh dt nghi thay drli biiu tu:qng cila
cong ty.)
- protect[prn'tekt] (v) : bao v~; che cha
- protection [pdtekfn] (n) : slf bao v~ ho~c che cha
- pyramid ['p1r;:im1d] n) : kim tv thap
- ramp [rremp] (n) : doi;in duO'ng do'c
Vi d'f!-: Ramps should be provided for wheel-chair users.
(C&u thang doc c&n du:qc cung cdp cha nhilng ngu:ai ng6i xe Zan.)
- rank [rrei;ik] (v) (& (n): (v) xe'p hi;ing; (n) thu h~;mg ho~c c:lp b~c
Vi d'f!-: Last year our country was ranked second in exporting rice.
(Nam ngoai ddt nu:!Jc chung ta dzt<Jc xtp lu;ing hai trong xudt kh<iu gg,o.)
- region ['ri:d3;:in) (n) : vung; khu VlfC
- serve [s3:v] (v) : ph\lc V\l

Vi d11-: How can we best serve the needs of future generations?
(Lam tht new chung ta c6 thi ph11-c v11- tdt nhtit cho nhung nhu c&u ell.a
tht h~ mai sau?)
- site [sa1t] (n) : dja di~m
- spiral ['spamll] (n) & (adj) : (n) lo xo; (adj) hlnh xoiin 6c
Vi d,,_: A spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.
(M9t c&u thang xodn de ddn Zen m9t phong tranh ben tren.)
- straight [stre1t] (adj) & (adv) : th~ng
- structure ['strAktJa] (n) : ca'u true; cong trinh ~ay d\[ng ·
- surpass [s3:'pa:s, s3:r'pres] (v) : vuqt tr9i
Vi d,,_: The success of the team has surpassed all expectations.
(SI! thanh cong ell.a d9i bong da vztqt tr9i ttit ea m<;>i SI! cha dqi.)
- theoretical [,81g'ret1kl] (adj) : v~ ly thuye't
Vi dl,l: They provide the students with a theoretical basis for later study.
(H9 cung cdp cho sinh vien n~n tang ly thuytt di nghien cuu sau nay.)
- theoretically [,81g'ret1kli] (adv) : v~ mi;it ly thuye't
- theory ['81ari] (n) : ly thuye't
- tomb [tu:m] (n) : ngoi m9
- transport [trren'sp:>:t] (v) : v~n chuy~n; chuyen cha
Vi d,,_: The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to
ports on the coast.
(Bztang dng ddn d&u dztqc xay d11ng di vg.n chuyin d&u tu Alaska dtn
cac cang tren ba bie·n.)
- transport ['trrensp:>:t] (n) : S\f v~n chuy~n
- transportation [,trrensp:>:'te1Jn] (n): slf v~n chuy~n
- treasure ['tre3a] (n) : kho tang
Vi d,,_: It is said that there's a treasure of the pirates on the island.
(Ngztai ta d6n rdng c6 m9t kho tang ell.a b<;>n hai t(j,c tren dao.)
- wonder ['wAndg] (n) : kl quan

IVocabulary Exercise tl
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. She wondered who had sent her the_ email. (mystery)
2. _ , it is possible for him to achieve his goal in life. (theory)
3. His that the workers should be given a pay rise was rejected.

4. The company is providing free_ to the city center from the airport.
5. These clothes can provide good _ _ against the wind and the sun
while you are at sea. (protect)
6. Passengers are reminded to take all their personal_ with them when
they leave the plane. (belong)
7. Last month, my family went back to my hometown for my
grandfather's _ . (bury)
8. __ , the light came on although no one was near the switch. (mystery)
9. His latest book is about the_ and practice of teaching high school
students. (theoretical)
10. They finally decided not to _ with their plan. (process)

IVocabulary Exercise 21
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The government has arranged to __ the victims of the flood in the
local schools.
A. protect B. enclose C. involve D. house
2. Such heavy items are expensive to _ _ by plane.
A. transform B. transport C. transmit D. translate
3. The park that _ _ the monument has recently been enlarged.
A. encloses B. includes C. engraves D. entails
4. Her new job __ traveling around the country and filming a wildlife
A. proceeds B. consists C. involves D. transports
5. His new movie is much better than his previous ones. In fact, he has
himself with it.
A. surpassed B. buried C. proposed D. ranked


Passive with reporting verbs:

(Cau bi dQng voi dQng tu co y nghia tttO'ng thu~t)
"It is said that ... "
"He is said to ... "
Khi n6i v~ di~u ma chung ta nghe ngubi khac n6i, va chung ta khong
bie't ho?c khong mu6n n6i ro la ai, chung ta c6 thg dung hai cau true b!
dqng (passive) vai mqt s6 dqng tU c6 y nghia tubng thu~t (reporting

dung lo~i ca'u true nay d~
verbs ) tuan g tv nhu d9ng tU 'say' . Chun g ta
(people say ... I they say ...).
tranh each n6i chun g chung 'nguai ta n6i rling .. .'
Hai ca:u true do la:
with Julie .
Acti ve : Peop le say that Fred Pitt is in love
Pass ive (1) : 'It + pass ive verb + that- clau se'
It is said that Fred Pitt is in love with Julie .
finit ive'
Pass ive (2) : 'Sub ject + pass ive verb + to-in
Fred Pitt is said to be in love with Julie .
hai ca'u true tren:
Sau day la m9t sfi d9ng tU thub ng duqc dung voi
say thin k belie ve cons ider und erst and know repo
expe ct alleg e claim
Vi df!.: (Peo ple belie ve that they own a lot of
land arou nd the city.)
the city.
It is beli eved that they own a lot of land arou nd
the city.
The y are beli eved to own a lot oflan d arou nd
(Peo ple repo rt that the presi dent is serio usly ill.)
It is repo rted that the presi dent is serio usly ill.
The pres iden t is repo rted to be serio usly ill.
(Peo ple expe ct that the mini ster will resig n.)
It is expe cted that the mini ster will resig n.
The mini ster is expe cted to resig n.
+ to be doin g' khi
Chun g ta c6 th~ dung 'Sub ject + pass ive verb
drnn ta hanh d9ng dang drnn tie'n (continuous verbs
Vi df!.:
(Peo ple thin k that they are trave ling in Africa.)
It is thou ght that they are trave ling in Africa.
They are thou ght to be trav elin g in Africa.
(Peo ple repo rted that the man was tryin g to escap
It was repo rted that the man was tryin g to escap
The man was repo rted to be tryin g to escape.
i ta n6i, chun g ta dung
Khi di~n ta hanh dQng xay ra truoc khi ngtib
'per fect infin itive : to hav e+ past part icipl e'.
Vi df!.:
(Peo ple say that Fred die was in the army .)
Fred die is said to have been in the army .
le say')
('Fre ddie was in the army ' da xay ra truoc khi 'peop
t 9 p.m.)
(Peo ple thou ght that the fire had start ed at abou
9 p.m.
The fire was thou ght to have star ted at abou t
('the fire started at about 9 ,p.m.' xay ra truck 'people thought')
(People believed that her husband had been killed in a fight.)
Her husband was believed to have been killed in a fight.
('her husband had been killed' xay' ra truO'c khi 'people believed')
'Be supposed to' ciing c6 thg duqc dung vai y nghia tuang tv nhli 'be
said to'.
Vi dl!-:
- The man is supposed to have been married before.
(=The man is said to have been married before.)
- We want to see that movie. It's supposed to be very good.
(=We want to see that movie. It is said to be very good.)
Ngoai ra, 'be supposed to' cGng drnn ta vi~c lam hol'[tc hanh d(mg
dt.tqc dlf djnh va cha dqi.
Vi dl!-:
- I must leave now. I'm supposed to meet the bank manager at 8.30.
(=I have arranged to meet the bank manager ... )
Chung ta cung tht.tb'ng dung 'not be supposed to' dE1 n6i 'ngt.tb'i nao
khong nen lam hol'[tc khong dliQ'C phep lam di~u gi'.
Vi d11-:
- You're not supposed to smoke here.
(=You're not allowed to smoke here.)
- My wife is getting overweight. She's ~ot supposed to eat meat.
(=The doctor has advised her not to eat meat.)

EXERCISE 1: Read each sentence. Then make two new sentences in the
passive, beginning with the words given.
1. People believe that the president works 12 hours a day.
It -~EJ..9.<JJ.i?.11.<Jd..thg,_(_th.~.P.rn$.id~nt..ww:/?§_J:?.h.9_w_s__g__<J,_q,y_.____ _
The president ........ .i~.b~lfg~~d.'.(Q.~WQ.r:k.J2..hQW$__q,__cjgy, __ __
2. People expect that the train strike will end soon.
It .................................. .
The train strike ·-----------------·······r
3. People say that there's a secret tunnel between the two houses.
It ................................. ..
There ..................................... .

4. Newspapers report that ten people were injured in the explosion.
It ................................. .
Ten people ................................ .
5. People think that the robbers were driving a red car.
It ................................. .
The robbers .............................. .
6. People believed that the monument was over 2000 years old.
It ................................. .
The monument ......................... .
7. People report that the film star was shouting at reporters.
It ................................. .
The film star .............. _. _........... .
8. People expect that a new law will be introduced next year.
It ................................. .
A new law ............................ .
9. People said that the president had suffered a heart attack.
It ................................. .
The president ................................ .
10. Journalists reported that seven people had been killed m the
It ................................. .
Seven people ............................. .
11. People expected that taxes would be reduced soon.
It ................................. .
Taxes .................................... .
12. People alleged that two prisoners had escaped from the maximum
security prison.
It ................................. .
Two prisoners ................................ .
13. People believed that he was working in New York.
It ................................. .
He ..................................... .
14. People alleged that the man had robbed the store of $4,000 in cash.
It ................................. .
The man ............................... .
15. People report that the building was badly damaged by the fire.
It ................................. .
The building ............................. .
EXERCISE 2: Read each sentence. Then make a new sentence with 'Subject +
be supposed to + infinitive'.
1. People say that his new film is a great success .
.... lff_~_!H~W..fiJ1JJ..i$._$_/!-ppg_~f!.d_tg __Qf~_g_gr.<m..~_$_lf,_q9_<J!J:$, ___ _
2. People say that the new stadium contains over 80,000 people at a

3. People say that the concert was excellent.

4. People say that Dalat is a dreamy town.

5. People say that those cars are unreliable.

6. People say that that famous couple has adopted four sons.

EXERCISE 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning

to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. No one has seen Samantha since the day of the party. BEEN
Samantha li.<J.$ll.'.t9..<J.<l!!-..$f!.<J.1J..$.~1J.r;.<l .. the day of the party.
2. No decision has yet been made. DECIDED
Nothing ........................ yet.
3. Your hair needs cutting. GET
You ought ··--·······-·-······· cut.
4. The police were following the suspects. WERE
The suspects ··-·-···-··-········· the police.
5. People think the driver was doing a U-turn. BEEN
The driver is ··-·-··-·····-··-···· a U-turn.
6. People say Mr. Smith left the town last week. LEFT
Mr. Smith --·········-·-· the town last week.
7. Sunshine Ltd are supplying our company with furniture. SUPPLIED
Our company ··-·-·-·-······ by Sunshine Ltd.
8. Police thought that the criminal was in hiding in London. BE
The criminal ··--·-·-··-·-··· in hiding in London.
9. Nobody knows anything about Susan's family. KNOWN
Nothing ········-·---··-··· Susan's family.

10. People know that Vitami n C is good for treatin g colds. KNOWN
Vitami n C _______________ for treatin g colds.
11. My trouser s need to be pressed before I leave. GET
I must ---------------------- before I leave.
12. Everyo ne believe s the portrai t was painted by an Italian . BEEN
The portrai t ________________ painted by an Italian .
13. There is rumour that the escape d prisone r is living on an island. BE
The escape d prisone r ___________ living on an island.
14. You'll get a rise in salary after six months . RAISED
Your salary ------------------ six months .
15. You usually eat this kind of fish with a white sauce. SERVED
This kind of fish a white sauce.

EXERCISE 4: Both sentences in each pair have the same meaning. Complete
the second sentence.
1. People widely use bicycles in the city instead of public transpo rt.
Bicycles g_f_~ __wi_cf,_l}_ly__µ§<Jd__ fr!-__tlrn.. ~~ty____ instead of public transpo rt.
2. Nobody ever heard anythi ng of Brian again.
Nothin g ______________ Brian again.
3. Someone has sugges ted that the shop should close.
It ---------------· that the shop should close.
4. The crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium .
The huge stadium --------·-·------ by the crowd.
5. They have decided that Wedne sday will be a school holiday.
It ----------·Wednesday will be a school holiday.
6. The invent ion of the compu ter simplif ied the work of accoun tants.
Since the compu ter __________ the work of accoun tants __________ simplif ied.
7. 'I'd take out some travel insuran ce if I were you-, Mr Smith. '
Mr Smith take out some travel insuran ce.
8. The waitre ss will bring your drinks in a momen t.
Your drinks------------------ in a momen t.
9. Someone used a knife to open the window.
The window _________________ a knife.
10. They paid Sheila $2000 as a special bonus.
$2000 ----------------------- Sheila as a special bonus.
11. They don't know what happen ed to the ship.
It -------------------- to the ship.
12. You will hear from us when we have finished dealing with,. your
After your.complai nt ............ , you will hear from us.
13. An announcemen t, of their engagement appeared in the local paper.
Their engagement ................ in the,Jocal pf:J.per.
14. As I arrived at the conference someone handed me a note.
As I arrived at the conference _, ............. me.
15. The government has made an announcemen t that petrol .priees, .will
rise tomQrrow.
It ......_... '. 1that petrol prices will rise tomorrow.

Put each verb in brackets into a suitable active or passive verb form.
Dear Mrs Patel,
We are delighted to inform you that you (1) have been seleated (select)
for a free holiday. According to our information, you (2) _ (answer) a
telephone survey last month, - as a result of which your name (3)
(enter) in the holiday draw. Now our computer (4) _(choose) your name,
so you and your family (5) _ _ (invite) to spend a week in a European
destination of your choice. This offer (6) _ _ (make) ·- on the condition
that you attend a special promotions:·d ay with other lucky families 'in
your region who (7) _ _ (offer) a similar deal. You (8) _(ask) to attend
on any Saturday next month at the Royal Hotel, Manchester. If you (9)
_ _ (interest) in attending and taking up this offer, please (10) _ _
(detach) the slip below· and return it. to·us as soon as possible.

EXERCISE 6: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes

each sentence.
1. Mark is genius. By the time he graduated, he _ _ jobs u,!:>y a dozen
computer companies.
A. has been offered _ B. had been offered
C. will be offered ·D. would be offered
2. The Olympic Games began in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in
Greece. At that time, only Greeks _ _ to compete in them.
A. allowed B. have been allowed
C. were allowed C. had allowed
3. Only coffee and dessert _ _ at the reception yesterday.
A; are served B. served
C. have been served D. were served

Agra _
4. Ever since it was built three•C enturie s ago, the Taj Mahal in
_ as the most beauti ful b1Hldi:hg. in the world.
A is often descri bed B. 'has often, descri bed
C. has been often descri bed D. has often: been descri bing
5. The poor people who live in shacks south of the city don't have
A run B. runnin g C. ran D. to run
6. No one may attend the lecture except _ _ guests .
A invitin g B. invite d C. invite D. invita tion
7. A driver 's licens e from ·the Licens ing Burea u at the corner of
Pine Street and 5th Avenu e.
A can obtain B. can be obtain ing
C. must obtain D. can be obtain ed
8. 'Has the corrnn:ittee made a decisio n yet?'
'Not yet. They are still _ _ the propos al.'
A consid ering B. been consid ered
C. being consid ered D. consid ered
numbe r of
9. In some· rural areas, health care _ _ by only a small
doctor s and nurses . It's often more than they can handle .
A is provid ing B. is being provid ed
C. provid es D. provid ed
the blood
10. Vitam in C is believ ed _ _ by the human body. It gets into
stream quickly.
A to easily absorb B. easily absorb ed
C. being easily absorb ed D. to be easily absorb ed

sente nce.
I. Choo se the word or phras e that best comp letes each
(4 pts.)
1. The touris ts visited the of the Battle of Water loo.
A base B. site C. block D. ramp
2. Flying still _ _ among the safest form of travel.
A ranks B. weigh s C. believ es D. raises
hersel f.
3. Her singin g was alway s excell ent, but this time she had _
A procee ded B. involv ed C. surpas sed D. discov ered

4. It's best not to _ _ yourself in other people's private affairs.
A. consist B. enclose C. involve D. prepare
5. The Great Pyramid of Giza, together with two other great pyramids,
built around 2500 B.C.
A. was B. has been C. were D. have been
6. If she _ _ me, I'd have come to her party.
A. invited B. has invited
C. would invite D. had invited
7. Last summer, Brian went on vacation with the people _ _ near his
A. live B. living C. lived D. who living
8. An old bed was all __ they had in their house.
A. which B. what C. that D. whom
9. The pop star __ to have released a new album.
A. says B. said C. is saying D. is said
10. She was __ her forties when she was given the Nobel Prize.
A. in B. by C. at D. of
11. They were burgled _ _ they were away on holiday.
A. where B. so that C. during D. while
12. Somalia is the country __ land is mostly desert.
A. which B. whose C. whom D. that
13. The victim is thought _ _ .
A. to be killed last night B. to have been killed last night
C. that was killed last night D. that he was killed last night
14. The police are trying to locate the house __ .
A. in where the hostage is being held
B. which the hostage is being held
C. where is holding the hostage
D. in which the hostage is being held
15. Waiter:"__ " Customer: "Well done, please."
A. Can I help you, sir?
B. Would you like the menu, sir?
C. How would you like your steak, sir?
D. Where would you like to sit, sir?
16. "Can I bring my cousin to the party?" " "
A. Please do. B. Yes, it was great.
C. I'm afraid so. D. No, thanks.
II. Choos e the word whose under lined part is prono unced
differe ntly from that of the others in each senten ce. (1 p.)
1. A pharao h B. tQmb C. stQne D. known
2. A treasur e B. b!,!.ry C. great D. death
3. A hfilght B. wfilghi:rig C. filghty D. waiting

4. A althoug h B. theory C. therefo re D. rhythm

III. Choos e the under lined part in each senten ce that needs
correc tion. (lp.)
1. The huge stone pyrami d served as a tomb to protect the burial
A B c
chamb er with the weathe r and thieves .
2. The Sun Boat is believe d to having been used to carry the body of
Khufu on his last journey .
3. He succeed ed in crossin g Atlanti c alone on a raft made of reed.
A B c D

4. You must find a more efficien tly way of organiz ing your time.
A B c D

IV. Read the passag e and do the exerci se below . (1 p.)

The ancien t Greeks made a list of places they though t people should
see. This list was named the Seven Wonde rs of the Ancien t World.
Greeks chose seven wonder s, becaus e in their culture this numbe
symbol ized perfect ion. The only one of the ancien t wonder s that
exists is in Giza, Egypt. This wonde r is the Great Pyram id of Giza.
was one of three great pyrami ds built around 2500 B.C. It is the oldest
wonde r of the seven. People do not know how these pyrami ds were built
but we know that they took over 20 years to comple te. For a long time,
the Great Pyram id was believe d to be the tallest structu re in the world.
Pyram ids were built as tombs for the leaders of Egypt called Pharao
Many travele rs still visit the Great Pyram id today.
The Hangin g Garden s of Babylo n are anothe r ancien t wonder . This
wonde r is special becaus e people do not know for sure if it existed .
books say the garden was built around 600 B.C. It was located on the
bank of the Euphra tes River. Today, this area is near Baghda d, Iraq.

These gardens were built by a king for his wife. Living in the desert,
she missed the plants at her old home. The king wanted to make his
queen like their new home more. It may never be known if the Hangin g
Gardens of Babylon truly existed, but the descript ions of this beautifu l
place have made their place in history.

* Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why did the Greeks use the number seven when they chose the
wonders of the world?

2. According to the passage , what were the pyramid s built for?

3. What was the reason for building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon ?

4. Where is the area where people believe the Hangin g Garden s of

Babylon used to be located?

V. Compl ete each senten ce with the correct form of the word
given in parent heses. (1.5 pts.)
1. Learnin g a foreign languag e is a slow _ _ . (proceed)
2. _ , the light suddenl y came on although no one was standin g near
the switch. (myster y)
3. The member s of this group are working to help homeles s children use
their time in a _ _ way. (constru ct)
4. This course is designe d to be practica l rather than_ . (theory)
5. A good book can make the reader feel some __ with the characte rs.
6. Because of the shortag e of cemeter y land, many families have chosen
cremati on rather than _ _ . (bury)

VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning

as the first one. (1.5 pts.)

1. People believe this organization is running a campaign against child abuse.

This organization ---------------------------------

2. People report that thousands of people lost their homes m the


Thousands of people ---------------------------------

3. Feel free to telephone if you have any further problems.

Do not hesitate --------------------------------

4. I thought this meal would cost more than it did.

This meal cost ---------------------------------

5. Thank you very much for your assistance.

I am very ·------------------------------------
6. Do you mind if I come over to see you later?

Do you have any -----------------------------------

tlJnit 11
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. suspicious 6. pursuit
2. Loyalty 7. sympathetic
3. attractively 8. acquaintance
4. enthusiasm 9. incapable
5. constant 10. influential
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. cI 2. BI 3. DI 4. A I 5. BI

1. to buy 2. give 3. go 4. reply
5. to visit 6. join 7. finish 8. to get
9. to quit 10. to have 11. to drive 12. wash
13. to get 14. to play/playing 15. to send/sending
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A
12. A 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. A . 18. B 19. C 20. B
1. to see 2. to do 3. cut/to cut 4. to smoke 5. to accept
6. know 7. wait 8. not to inform 9. to be 10. look
1. c 2. e 3. j 4. g 5. a 6. i 7. f 8. b 9. h 10. d
1. He's too ill to eat anything.
2. You won't get up early enough to catch the fast train.
3. He was too drunk to answer my question.
4. There was no place for us to sit.
5. Would you be so kind as to lend me your dictionary?
6. It's not dark enough for us to see the stars clearly.
7. She's too impatient to listen to anyone.
8. It is better for him to hear it from you.
9. He isn't old enough to understand these things.
10. Would you be so kind as to tell me the way to the station?

1. have come 2. to have escaped 3. have forgotten
4. to have started 5. not have seen 6. have stolen
7. have passed 8. to have been 9. have written
10. have been
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (4 pts.)
1 A 5 c 9 B 13 B
2 c 6 c 10 D 14 D
3 D 7 B 11 A 15 c
4 B 8 D 12 c 16 B
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. D I2. c I
3. B I
4. A I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
I 1. B: toI 2. C: to do I
3. C: answer I
4. B: of I
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
I 1. T I 2. T I
3. F I 4. F
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
1. brighten 4. changeable
2. suspicious 5. loyalty
3. acquaintance 6. Selfishness
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. There is a lot of homework for me to finish today.
2. Some people saw the man running out of the bank.
3. If you don't hurry, there won't be any food left.
4. The robber made the cashier hand in the money.
5. People who often gossip about their own friends cannot become true
6. What do you think of a true friendship?

t!Jnit 21
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. protection 6. appreciation
2. experienced 7. confident
3. sneakily 8. embarrassment
4. embarrassing 9. sneaky
5. imaginative 10. exact
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. BI 2. A I 3. DI 4. BI nl
1. appears 2. is appearing 3. prefers 4. is thinking 5. belongs
6. seems7. smells 8. has 9. is having 10. owes
1. works - isn't working 2. is running - is carrying
3. cries 4. takes - shakes - look
5. am helping 6. drives - is driving
7. live - am studying - am living
8. know - aren't listening - are looking
9. speaks - is working
10. wear - feel
1. ./
2 . ./
3 . ./
4. Do you understand what the lecturer said?
5. I think that they made a mistake.
6 . ./
7. The police don't know why he came here.
8 . ./
9 . ./
10. is commuting
1. was watching - rang 2. broke - was skiing
3. was listening - heard 4. fell - was climbing

5. was giving - arrived 6. was waiting - noticed
7. decided - was raining 8. stole - was looking
9. was crossing - crashed 10. was having - drove
L had finished - went 2. arrived - had already gone out
3. left - had said 4. refused - had already seen
5. reached - phoned 6. had run - felt
7. came - had already been taken 8. had covered - hit
9. had just taken off - forced 10. had retired - began
l.' ,had received - told 2. had tried - met - fell
3. found - wanted - had graduated 4. arrived - was still breathing
5. had spent - had finished 6. hit - were playing - were having
7. was - wanted 8. recognized - had been
9. went - were still quarrelling 10. didn't answer - was trying
1. B 2.A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A
9.C 10. B lLC 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. C
17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A
1. I haven't gone shopping for two months.
2. We went to China for our last holiday.
3. I have been waiting for two hours.
4. It's ~ges' since I (last) saw him.
5. When the police arrived, the burglar had escaped.
6. While Fred was painting a wall, he fell off the ladder.
7. 1The workmen had finished when Mr Jackson came home.
8. Alice went to see the doctor after making an appointment.
9. He booked the restaurant before inviting everybody.
10. It was raining heavily as I walked home.

I. Choose' the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 A 5 D 9 D 13 D
2 c 6 A 10 B 14 A
3 B 7 c 11 c 15 D
4 D 8 B 12 A 16 A

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
1. A 2. B I
3. D 4. c I I I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
I 1. A: travel I 2. B: and I 3. C: gets I 4. D: to make j
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. Because he met his friends, Carol and Jim, and they had a chat.
2. Because his friends' dog jumped up and tried to get his ice cream.
3. He was sitting on a bench and reading a newspaper.
4. His ice cream flew through the iar and landed on the man's bald head.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. sneaky 4. embarrassed
2. embarrassment 5. imagination
3. experienced 6. embarrassing
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. When I arrived at the office, Jenny had left.
2. While we were having dinner, someone knocked at the door.
3. This is the first time I have visited this town. I I have been to this town.
4. There are a lot of people on this island.
5. It's impossible for me to drink coffee so late at night.
6. Dennis has been doing that job for five years.

!Unit sl
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. celebrities 5. married
2. cosily 6. celebration
3. relationship 7. golden
4. lasting 8. joking
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. cI 3. DI 4. A I
1. worki ng 2. surfin g 3. lookin g
4. going 5. meetin g 6. tidyin g
7. learni ng 8. writin g 9. stealin g 10. keepin g
1. asking 2. to help 3. swimm ing 4. queuin g
5. to make 6. learni ng 7. to pass 8. deceiv ing
9. talkin g 10. to get 11. arrivin g 12. spend ing
13. telling 14. to find 15. going
1. b 2. j 3. d 4. a 5. f
6. h 7. i 8. e 9. g 10. c
1. seeing 2. to pay 3. sneezi ng4. (to) clean up
5. to work 6. cuttin g 7. to iron - ironin g 8. drivin g
9. to have 10. to invite 11. being 12. to find
13. holdin g - drinki ng 14. to repair 15~ explai ning
1. Jolie and Brad have decide d to get marrie d.
2. Pamel a contin ued dancin g/to dance for an hour.
3. I'd rather sit in the front row.
4. Richa rd expect s to do well.
5. What do you intend to do for the summ er?
6. I hate clearin g up my room.
7. Helen agreed to go to the party with me.
8. My boss refuse d to let me leave early.
10. What do you want to do this evenin g?
11. The manag er promi sed to speak to you about this.
12. Fiona succee ded in persua ding her father to chang e his mind.
13. Where do you feel like going this evenin g?
14. The detect ive happe ned to discov er the secret .
15. It was very late, but she went on tidyin g up the kitche n.
1. The room will be cleane d today.
2. The car might be stolen .
3. That tree had to be cut down.
4. The old houses are going to be demolished.
5. The picture can't be restored.
6. An appointment must be made in advance.
7. I don't want to be made a fool.
8. The garden has to be looked after.
9. He wants to be served by everybody.
10. He's going to be interviewed next week.
1. I don't like being shouted at.
2. I hate being stared at.
3. I can't stand being told what to do.
4. I don't like being interrupted.
5. I dislike being made jokes about.
6. He enjoys being praised.
7. She can't stand being watched all day by her parents.
8. He doesn't mind being criticized.
9. She hates being asked about" her past.
10. We dislike being cheated.
1. D 2. B 3. B 4.B 5. B
6. c 7. c 8. D 9. c. 10. A
11. D 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. D
1. A: Getting up 2. B: being told 3. D: criticized
4. D: surfing 5. B: had left 6. C: fell
7. B: (to) make 8. B: buying 9. B: going
10. C: saying
1. distance 2. interesting 3. unusual 4. traditional
5. regularly 6. rainy 7. impossible 8. convinced

(Unit 3: A PARTY)
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)

1 D 5 D 9 D 13 c
2 B 6 c 10 D 14 D
3 A 7 B 11 A 15 c
4 B 8 B 12 A 16 D
II. Choose the word whose underline d part is pronounc ed
differentl y from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. c I 2. D I 3. A I4. c I
III. Choose the underline d part in each sentence that needs
correction . (lp.)
I 1. C: written I 2. C: going I 3. C: got I I
4. A: At
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. Sam puts up the decorations .
2. Five guests came to the party.
3. They play video games with their cousind.
4. The family was celebrating too early. Dad's birthday was two
months away.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parenthes es. (1.5 pts.)
1. relationshi p 4. golden
2. celebration 5. quietly
3. married 6. celebrity
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. He dislikes people calling him "the liar".
2. The suspects are being followed by the police.
3. She always expects everybody to admire her.
4 .. He had his car stolen two days ago.
5. Each student was made to sign up for the course before September .
6. Is it all right if you water the plants for me?

Vocabula ry Exercise 1
1. orphanage 6. participati on
2. mountaino us 7. comfortable
3. voluntary 8. organizatio ns

4. disadvantaged 9. educational
5. disastrous 10. voluntarily
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. DI 3. cI 4. BI 5. A I
1. standing2. getting 3. repeat 4. chatting 5. sailing
6. to give 7. looking 8. talking 9. writing 10. to sell
1. climbing2. searching 3. sitting 4. making
5. ringing 6. burning 7. walking 8. having
9. waving 10. doing
1. Having read 2. Having been 3. having damaged
4. having heard 5. Having walked 6. Not having ridden
7. having broken8. having worked 9. not having invited
10. Having taken
1. The people living next to your house are from South Korea.
2. The taxi taking us to the airport broke down halfway.
3. There are a lot of people in the hall wanting to speak to you.
4. The woman managing this bookstore used to be a publisher.
5. The man taking part in the robbery refused to give any information.
6. At the end of the road there is a path leading to the river.
7. All the people working in your office are very pleasant.
8. The travel agent gave me a brochure containing all the needed
9. During our holidays, we stayed in a nice room overlooking the beach.
10. The men walking alongside the president were his bodyguards.
1. Having done all the housework, I went out for a walk.
2. Having got out of bed, he took a bath.
3. Having turned off the lights, she got to sleep.
4. Having eaten dinner, they looked for a cafe to pass the time.

5. Having read the job advertisem ent in the paper, Joan wrote an
application letter.
6. Having typed all the letters, James put them all in envelopes.
7. Having bought the house, they asked an architect to redecorate it.
8. Having written the book, he looked for a publishing house to print it.
9. Having drunk a bottle of wine, he couldn't drive home.
10. Having visited many European cities, Anna is planning to travel to
South-east Asia this year.
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B
1. A: Falling/Ha ving fallen 2. B: was sat
3. D: to ask 4. C: saw/sawing
5. B: keeping

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (4 pts.)
1 D 5 B 9 B 13 B
2 c 6 c 10 D 14 c
3 B 7 c 11 c 15 A
4 A 8 A 12 A 16 A
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. c 2. BI 3. DI4. I BI
III. Choose the underline d part in each sentence that needs
correction . (1 p.)
j i. D: cutting 2. B: other 3. D: married 4. B: be equipped I
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
I1. T I
2. F 3. F I4. T I . I
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parenthes es. (1.5 pts.)
1. voluntary 4. mountaino us
2. orphanage 5. education
3. disadvanta ged 6. voluntarily

VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
· as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. I'm looking forward to meeting you again soon.
2. Would you mind not mentioning this matter to the children?
3. The manager caught the cl~rk stealing the money.
4. Do you feel like going out for a cup qf coffee?
5. She objects to you/your calling her "?ld lady".
Or: She objects to being called "old lady".
6. The lawn hasn't been mowed for weeks.

!Unit sl
·Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. expansion 5. honorably
2. illiterate . 6. effectively
3. eradicatio.n 7. illiteracy
4. technical 8. effective
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. cI 3. BI 4. A I
1. Bob invited Jill to go to the movies that evening.
2. Frank advised Peter to book a package holiday.
3. Bill reminded Derek to get up at five the next morning.
4. The mother warned her children not to go ne,ar the water.
5. Tina's mother promised to make her a nice birthday cake.
6. The robber threatened to shoot unless everybody lay' down.
7. He ordered the boy to get out of his way.
8. Malcolm warned Bruce not to believe everything she said.
9. She begged him to do as she said.
10. Martin's mother reminded him not to miss his train.
1. Meg warned Julia not to go there alone.
2. Pauline advised June to take a short holiday.
3. The teacher ordered the boy not to argue with him.
4. Felix invited Kate to go out for dinner with him.

5. Meg promised to follow Peter wherever he went.
6. The kidnappe r threatene d to kill their son if they called the police.
7. Kim advised Lynn. not to accept his invitation .
8. The mother reminded the boy to put his dirty clothes in that basket.
9. The detective ordered the taxi-driv er to follow that car.
10~ Pamela encourag ed Paul to send his short story to the magazine .

1. The secretary asked the customer to fill up that form.
2. Tony warned Vera not .to touch that switch.
3. The robber ordered the bank manager to open the safe.
4. Nora advised Wayne not to drive so fast.
5. Eric offered to help Monica with the washing- up.
6. Bill reminded Joseph to reply to Jason's letter.
7. Tracy advised Wendy to ask for a pay rise.
8. The policema n warned us not to drive fast on that road.
9. Monica offered to make me a cup of tea.
10. The detective ordered the crook to put his gun down.
1. "You should tell the truth." Or: "If I were you, I would tell the truth."
2. "Go up the road and turn first left."
3. "Please don't talk loudly in this room."
4. "Can/Cou ld you give me a lift to the airport, Tom?"
5. "Type these letters."
6. "Get out of your car."
7. "You shouldn't go by air." Or: "If I were you, I wouldn't go by air."
8. "Don't forget to telephon e Patricia."
9. "Why don't you try the spaghetti? " Or: "You should try the spaghetti ."
10. "Don't make this mistake again!"
1. Paul said that my cousin spoke very good English.
2. The policema n told us that the man had broken out of prison the
day before.
3. Owen said he would lend me that book as soon as he finished it.
4. Brenda told Brian she thought she had forgotten to turn off the
lights that morning.

5. Mrs. Wood said she worked eight hours a day, except when the
children were on holiday.
6. Miss Lynn said that I had been making good progress that
7. The man told me if I bought all the tickets, I would win the lottery.
8. Jill said that she liked swimming but she didn't go very often.
9. Patrick told me he wanted to buy it, but he hadn't brought any
10. Mai told me she was going to visit her aunt in Hue, but she was
not sure when.
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B
1. A: to go 2. C: had forgotten 3. A: to run 4. D: saying
5. A: told

!Unit 61
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. announcement 6. apology
2. smoothly 7. representative
3. competitive 8. finally
4. disappointing 9. enjoyment
5. performance 10. annually
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. DI 3. cI 4. BI 5. BI
1. I congratulated Paula on having got engaged.
2. She blamed the doctors for failing to save her husband's life.
3. Marian denied revealing/ having revealed the company's confidential
4. Pat suggested meeting in front of the cinema.
5. Pamela accused me of damaging/ having damaged her new CD.
6. Ben insisted on paying for our meal.
7. Melanie suggested driving instead of taking the train.
8. He warned us against driving on that bad road.

mone y doing the
9. She admi tted spend ing/ havin g spen t too much
shopp ing.
g succeeded in
10. My moth er cong ratula ted me on succeeding/ havin
the interv iew.
1. Nam 's teach er cong ratula ted him on havin g won the
rate our success.
2. The mana ger sugge sted organ izing a party to celeb
3. Stell a insis ted on prepa ring dinne r for everyone.
4. Rose accused my broth er of spoil ing their party .
5. Fred thank ed Paul for lendi ng him the money.
6. Van denie d havin g told the teach er Lam' s mista ke.
ble weat her.
7. He warn ed us again st going sailin g in that unpre dicta
le with Amanda.
8. Rob blam ed me for getting/ havin g got him into troub
9. Mr. Will admi tted havin g made a serious mista ke.
10. Rita apologized for keep ing Ben waiti ng for so long.
1. Mrs. Adam s told the child ren not to make too much
2. His wife sugge sted putti ng a bette r lock on the gate.
3. Jill remi nded John to do the washing-up.
on that street .
4. The police officer ordered his men to search all the shops
aving equip ment .
5. She blam ed me for ignor ing the notic e about life-s
6. Hele n thank ed Mr. Wilso n for offering her that job.
7. My aunt advis ed me not to argue with my fathe r.
8. Stell a cong ratula ted Jeff on havin g got a promotion
angry .
9. Kevi n apologized for maki ng/ havin g made Sarah
it was loaded.
10. The man warn ed his son to put down the gun as
of the robbery.
11. Ron denied being/ havin g been in the town on the night
that mont h.
12. Ted prom ised to pay back the money at the end of
maga zine.
13. Geor ge encou raged Susa n to send her story to the
14. Nata lie accused Tom of lying/ havin g lied to her.
15. They insis ted on being given every detai l of the case.
1. Pat asked me if I whet her Melvin knew what he was
2. Eric asked June what she want ed for her birth day.
3. Kate wond ered if /whe ther what she had heard was
4. Cath y asked Marg e if I whet her she had enjoyed her

5. Ba asked Hoa how many students there were in her class.
6. Ms. Wang asked Ms. Lynn if I whether she would be at her office
the next morning.
7. Paul asked Ted who he thought would win.
8. Julia asked Brenda when she had last seen Harry.
9. Tam asked Mai if I whether she had enrolled for the advanced class.
10. Richard asked which of us knew how to make the coffee.
1. "Why has the match been cancelled? I was the match cancelled?"
2. "Can I take my puppy with me on the trip?"
3.' "How can I get from the airport to your house?"
4. "Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?"
5. "What platform does the train leave from?"
6. "Is there any good hotel near the Town Hall?"
7. "Which team do you think will be the champion? "
8. "Did you reserve a table I Have you reserved a table?"
9. "Where is the box office?"
10. "Do you have a work permit?"
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
1. B: I intended 2. A: if I whether 3. B: he liked
4. B: not to 5. B: you are 6. B: that if
7. D: the market was 8. D: could 9. C: I was 10. C: went

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 B 5 B 9 A 13 B
2 D 6 D 10 D 14 A
3 A 7 c 11 c 15 c
4 c 8 B 1216 D A
II. Choose the word whose underline d part is pronounc ed
differentl y from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I1. D 2. AI 3. c I 4. A I I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
I 1. A: At I 2. D: reciting I 3. B: to refer I 4. B: has I
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. She wanted to wear the gold badge. She loved contests and liked
competing and winning.
2. He or she will help Mrs. Perkins pass out papers, distribute
materials, and write on the blackboard. He or she will also get to
decide on the theme for the class project that month.
3. She was imagining herself wearing the gold badge.
4. The person elected will work as the class leader for one month
before another contest is held.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. apology 4. stimulation
2. difficulty 5. representative
3. competitive 6. announcement
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. Paul apologized.for not letting I having let Carol know about the change.
2. The woman insisted on her lawyer.
3. She thanked me for showing her tha way.
4. When you phoned me, I wa:s having I eating lunch.
5. Sally reminded Harry to buy some chocolate.
6. When did Pauline.' and David get married?

!Unit 71
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. limitation 5. doubled
2. growth 6. planning
3. safety 7. safely
4. probable · 8. limit
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. cI 3. BI 4. BI 5. A I

1. is 2. runs 3. weren't/wa sn't 4. melts
5. had 6. won't sign 7. refused 8. will feel
9. wouldn't be 10. would you take
1. found 2. landed 3. would spend 4. break
5. had not rushed 6. owned 7. had known 8. would be
9. lived 10. had phoned
1. e 2. g 3. j 4. f 5. a
6. h 7. c 8. i 9. b 10. d
1. If I were you I would apply for that job.
2. If Kate had left early, she wouldn't have missed the ferry.
3. If I had a word processor, I would type this letter myself.
4. If you had bought more food, we would have had enough for dinner.
5. They wouldn't have got lost in the jungle if they had taken a compass.
6. I could/would tell you what this means if I knew Spanish.
7. If Helen had made a shopping list, she would have remembere d/
wouldn't have forgotten to buy some sugar.
8. If he knew how dangerous it is, he wouldn't join the expedition.
9. If it hadn't been for my father's encouragem ent, I wouldn't have
gone to university.
10. I would come and see you more often if you lived on a bus route.
1. ... were working we wouldn't feel ...
2 .... you, I would pay ...
3 .... spoke French better she could ...
4 .... have flour you can't ...
5 .... hadn't eaten so much ...
6 .... had noticed you I would ...
7 .... unless somebody tells ...
8 .... I wouldn't feel so sleepy .. .
9 .... were you I would discuss .. .
10 .... the money he wouldn't be ...
1. Stella said if I pressed that button the video paused.

2. Steve said if he knew they were honest, he would gladly lend them
the money.
3. She said if I had a mobile phone, I was to check that it was turned off.
4. John said he would be angry if it turned out that I was wrong.
5. She asked him to take another sandwich if he was hungry.
6. Sam advised me to choose medicine to study at college.
7. Peter asked Pamela to give him a ring if she changed her mind.
8. The doctor said if the disease was untreated, it could lead to brain
9. Susan said if Brenda had been in time for work, her boss wouldn't
have been annoyed.
10. Brian told Sally that if she complained about him he would get
into trouble with his teacher.
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. c 5. c
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. c

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 B 5 A 9 D 13 A
2 A 6 c 10 B 14 c
3 c 7 B 11 c 15 B
4 D 8 D 12 D 16 A
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. B I
2. c 3. D I 4. A I I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
I 1. C: wouldn't j 2. C: be j 3. B: hard j 4. C: more I
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
I1. F 2. TI 3. F 4. T I I I
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
I 1. populated I 4. safety

2. limitation 5. supportive
3. probably 6:3.safely
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. If it hadn't been for the goalkeeper, our team would have lost the match.
2. If he had patience, he could do a teaching job.
3. Unless you keep your feet warm, you'll catch: a cold.
4. Should you get any news about Jim, please let me know!
5. It doesn't matter if you can't answer all the questions.
6. What we really need is a new washing machine.

tlinit sl
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. decorative 6. traditional
2. Traditionally 7. preparation
3. celebrations 8. Candied
4. fatty 9. entertainment
5. entertaining 10. prayer
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. cI 2. BI 3. A I 4. nl 5. BI
1. ones 2. one 3. one 4. ones 5. one
6. one 7. ones 8. one 9. ones 10. ones
1. one 2. some 3. one 4. it 5. one
6. some 7. them 8. one 9.'some 10. them
1. someone 2. anyone 3. somewhere
4. anywhere 5. anything 6. something
1. anybody 2. somewhere 3. somebody 4. nowlrere
5. nothing 6. Nobody 7. everything
8. ·everywhere - anywhere 9. Everybody
10. something - anything


1. Someone - something 2. somewhere - someone
3. everywhere - nothing 4. anything - something
5. everyone - no one
1. somewhere else 2. someone intelligent
· 3. anything interesting 4. Someone's wallet
5.· Nothing exciting · 6. something else
7. Everyone's opinions 8. somewhere quiet
'9: everyone else 10. anything strange
1. Everything in the room was in bright colors.
2. I couldn't do anything.
3. No one repli~d when I phoned.
4'. One checks in for one's flight at least an hour before departure.
5. I've got nothing/ no work to do.
6. Everybody knows the answer, do they?
7. Everybody here drinks milk!
8. Is someone going to 'drive us there?
9. Everyone was late yesterday.
10. I'm afraid I know nothing about it.
1. Derek did nothing yesterday.
2. Everybody likes Carol.
3. There's something in the box.
4. Everyone was singing.
5. Something is annoying/ has annoyed me.
6. There's nothing (for us) to eat.
7. There's no one in the office.
8. One fills in an application form, and then one waits for an answer.
9. Nothing you could say would make me change my mind.
10. Everything I've done so far today has gone wrong!
1. D 2. c 3. D 4. A 5. B
6. c 7. B 8. c 9. A 10. c

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 B 5 D 9 A 13 B
2 c 6 B 10 D 14 c
3 B 7 A 11 D 15 D
4 c 8 c 12 A 16 A
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 2. A
1. cI3. B 4. I I DI
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (Ip.)
1. D: some 2. C: which 3. A: occasions 4. C: decorated with
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. In Japan, people usually go to shrines to mark the New Year.
2. People in Paris gather for the celebration known as la Fete de Sait-
3. They are expecting to see the two giant inflatable puppets walk
towards each other and "kiss".
4. People in the Philippines welcome the New Year with firecrackers
and parties.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. Preparations 4. fatty
2. decoration 5. excitedly
3. sticky 6. celebartion
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. Everybody at the party was dressed in fancy dress.
2. This machine cannot be used without permission.
3. Nothing you could say would make me change my mind.
4. Unless we take a taxi, we won't get to the airport on time.
5. Is this the smallest size you have got?
6. This is the first time I've flown in a balloon.

Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. notification 6. delivery
2. originally 7. transmission
3. securely 8. subscription
4. thoughtful 9. convenience
5. technological 10. courtesy
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. BI 3. cI 4. c I 5. DI
1. who 2. which3. who 4. whose 5. who
6. which7. whose 8. who 9. which 10. whose
11. who 12. whose 13. who 14. which 15. whose
1. him 2 . ./ 3. it 4. he 5. it 6 . ./ 7. she
8. them 9 . ./ 10. he 11. him 12. it 13 . ./ 14. her
15. it
1. which 2. who 3. whose 4. whom 5. who 6. which
1. Was the package which you got in the mail from your parents?
2. The clerk who cashed my check asked for identification.
3. Summer is the time of the year when the weather is the hottest.
4. The day care center was established to take care of the children
whose parents work during the day.
5. What happened to the money that was on the table?
6. The people who were arrested have now been released.
7. Tell me what you want 'and I'll try to get it for you.
8. The miser hid his money in a place where it was safe from robbers.
9. The students whose names were called raised their hands.
10. There was a time when dinosaurs dominated the earth.
11. We stayed at a hotel which was located near the beach.
12. Have you found the keys that you lost?
13. The student who stopped me in the hall asked me for the correct time.

14. A cafe is a small restaurant where people can get a light meal.
15. The police came to question the man whose car was stolen outside
the hospital.
16. Did you hear what they said?
1. My friend Binh, who lives next to my house, shows ...
2. No commas; "who" can be changed to "that".
3. No commas; "who" can be changed to "that".
4. Brian, who has good command of French, was invited ...
5. No commas; "which" can be changed to "that".
6. This is a photo of my hometown, which lies along the coast.
7. No commas; "which" can be changed to "that".
8. The Mekong River, which flows through the South of the country, is
a great ...
9. My children, who are fond .of swimming, often ask me to take ...
10. No commas; "who" can be changed to "that".
11. No commas; "who" can be changed to "that".
12. Nicholas Bennett, who was killed in the fight, was ...
1. The girl who I was telling you about is waiting in the hall.
2. I'd like you to meet Mr. Stanley, whose son won the championship.
3. Emma, who has good knowledge of this subject, wrote this article.
4. Margaret ran into an old friend who she had gone to school with.
5. The Wye, which flows through Hereford, is a beautiful river.
6. I'm looking after the children who are terribly spoilt.
7. The Taylors, whom we invited to dinner, haven't arrived yet.
8. Mr. Simpson, whose car was stolen, had to stay the night.
9. There wasn't any directory in the telephone box which I was
phoning from.
10. Mr. Bond, whom Stella works for, is a very strange man.
11. The girl who had been missing since Monday has been found safe
and well.
12. Elvis Presley, whose records were all top hits, left all his money to
his only daughter.
13. Have you seen the book which I was reading?
14. Towns which attract tourists are usually crowded and expensive.

15. Stratford, which attracts many tourists, is the place where
Shakespeare was born.
1. D 2, B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 c 5 B 9 A 13 D
2 D 6 c 10 c 14 B
3 A 7 B 11 B 15 D
4 c 8 D 12 A 16 A
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. B I
2. A 3. D I
4. c I I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
j 1. A: which I
2. B: who 3. A: whichI 4. A: changed I I
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
I 1. F 2. TI 3. F 4. T I I I
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. competitive 4. equipment
2. original 5. transmission
3. technology 6. inconvenient
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. The people with whom I went on holiday were very friendly.
2. She sent me a nice present, for which I was very grateful.
3. The boy whom I sat next to in the exam didn't understand most of
the questions.
4. My younger brother is interested in origami.
5. This town is very famous for the/its beach.
6. I've never had such a good time.

!Unit u~
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. consequently 6. coexistence
2. habitually 7. pollutants
3. survival 8. peacefully
4. prohibition 9. endangered
5. scattered 10. destructive
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. DI 2. A I 3. BI 4. cI 5. BI
1. That is an opinion with which we cannot agree.
2. These are people about whom no one cares.
3. Electronics is a subject about which Sandra knows very little.
4. That is an idea in which our company believes.
5. Is that the restaurant to which you normally go?
6. That is a policy to which they are strongly opposed.
7. Miss Davies is the person from whom they obtained the
8. Those are mistakes of which you should be ashamed.
9. What is the evidence on which you base this claim?
10. That is a problem with which the government is dealing.
1. The girl to whom I introduced you is John's sister.
2. The shop from which I bought the shoes is closed.
3. My English teacher is Mr. Tam, for whom I had great respect.
4. He gave me a lot of advice, much of which was very useful.
5. The man from whom I borrowed the money is a good friend of mine.
6. The school has been given 50 computers, half of which are brand new.
7. Lan's party, to which we are all invited, is next Sunday evening.
8. Mrs. Jason, to whom we complained, apologized for the mistake.
9. I have heard her on the violin and piano, both of which she plays
extremely well.
10. The film 'The Lost World', about which I've heard good reports, is
showing next week.

11. They have changed the date on which the furniture is to be
12. A number of my friends, some of whom you've met before, will be
at the party.
13. Pasteurization was discovered by the French chemist Louis
Pasteur, after whom it was named.
14. The college is home to 40 students from Southeast Asia, most of
whom are studying computer science.
15. There are a number of safety procedures, all of which you should
be aware of.
1. A kitchen is a room you cook in.
2. A microwave is a household appliance we cook or heat food in.
3. A sofa bed is a piece of furniture we can sit or sleep on .
4. A drill is a tool you can make holes with.
5. A destin.ation is the place someone travels to.
6. A shovel is a garden tool people dig or move earth with.
7. A corridor is a passage people walk along.
8. A microphone is an instrument people speak into.
9. A safe is a cupboard we keep valuable things in.
1. most of whom 2. many of which 3. all of whom
4. neither of whom 5. none of which 6. both of which
1. ... , about which I know nothing.
2 .... with whom she works like her very much.
3 .... , with whom we went on holiday, live in Shanghai.
4 .... , by which she is better known.
5 .... , from whom she was divorced in 1996.
6 .... , about which there can be no doubt, is a great succes.
7 .... , for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, had a major influence
on the lives of people in the 20th century.
8 .... to which they went was on Le Loi Street.
9 .... to whom I spoke was very nice and helpful.
10 .... for which we had been waiting didn't come.
1. them 2 . ./ 3. it 4. her 5. them
6 . ./ 7. her 8. them 9 . ./ 10. his
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. A

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 A 5 D 9 A 13 A
2 B 6 A 10 c 14 c
3 D 7 c 11 B 15 B
4 B 8 c ;12 D 16 c
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. cI 2. D I 3. cI 4. A I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)

1. D: on this planet 3. C: so rapidly

2. C: cutting down 4. B: in which
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. DI 3. cI
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. pollutants 4. consequently
2. peacefully 5. survival
3. endangered 6. existence
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. My bicycle, which I had left at the gate, had, disappeared.
2. This is the store from which I bought my jeans.
3. David, from whom I borrowed this bike, told me to return it this
4. I made this chair myself.

5. Nothing is known about Samuel's background.
6. I advise you not to keep a dog.

!Unit 111
Vocabulary Exercise 1 c
1. unfortunately 6. demanding
2. energetic 7. electricity
3. potentially 8. exhaustion
4. entirely 9. solar
5. relatively 10. electrical
Vocabulary Exercise 2
1. B I
2. B 3. c 4.A 5. D
1. renting 2. played 3. watching 4. added 5. blocking
6. owned 7. taking 8. worn 9. arriving 10. telling
1. A ship sailing from Canada to Europe nearly hit a huge iceberg.
2. A lighthouse situated on a small island attracts a lot of tourists.
3. People protesting against pollution have gathered in front of the
Town Hall.
4. Some illegal goods found at a flat nearby belong to a local firm.
5. A new international airport costing 20 billion dollars is planned.
6. Football fans hoping to buy tickets have been queuing all night at
7. Families living in an empty office building have been evicted.
8. A chemical company employing 4,000 people has gone bankrupt.
9. A bridge built only two years ago has been declared unsafe.
10. A new drug developed at an American university may give us
eternal youth.
1. I have some letters to write.
2. Here are some accounts for you to check.
3. Who was the first person to leave the office yesterday?
4. Edward's wife was the only person to realize the danger.
5. We had a bottle of wine, but we didn't have anything to open it with.
6. She simply loves parties. She's always the first to come and the last
to go.
7. They had to eat standing up because they didn't have anything to
sit on.
8. Your son was the second child to be kidnapped in this way.
9. Your files are all over the place. You should have a box to keep
them in.
10. Who was the last person to see the detective alive?
11. He didn't buy any cards because he didn't have anyone to send
them to.
12. Brad was the only person to discover her secret.
13. Mr. Carlos, aged 81, was the oldest person to climb the mountain.
14. Do you have a wallet to keep your money and important papers in?
15. Laura was the quickest candidate to find the correct answer.
1. who/that 2. that/which 3. that/which 4. it
5. that/which 6. what 7. whose 8. which
9. what 10. who
1. whieh who
2. The woman that I met at the party was nice.
3. A clock is an instrument that/which measures time.
4. it
5. who her whose
6. lives live
7. The professor who/that teaches Vietnamese Literature is very good.
8. The man whose car was stolen was very angry.
9. The apple tree (that) we planted last year is producing fruit.
10. I wrote a thank-you note to the people whose house I stayed at last
1. The couple living in the house next door are both architects.
2. Only a few of the movies shown on this TV channel are suitable for
3. A throne is the chair occupied by a queen, king, or other rulers.
4. A knuckle is a joint connecting a finger to the rest of the hand.
5. Two out of three people struck by lightning survive.

6. Arizona , once thought to be a useless desert, is today a rapidly
growing industri al and agricult ural state.
7. Antarct ica is covered by a huge ice cap contain ing 70 percent of the
earth's fresh water.
8. Our solar system is in a galaxy called the Milky Way.
9. The rules allowin g public access to wildern ess areas need to be
reconsid ered.
10. The experim ent conduct ed at the Univers ity of Chicago was
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A


I. Choose the word or phrase that best comple tes each senten ce.
(4 pts.)
1 c 5 B 9 c 13 A
2 A 6 A 10 c 14 D

3 D 7 D 11 B 15 D
4 c 8 B 12 A 16 B

II. Choose the word whose underl ined part is pronou nced
differe ntly from that of the others in each sentenc e. (1 p.)
I 1. B I 2. A I 3. D I 4. cI
III. Choose the underl ined part in each senten ce that needs
correct ion. (lp.)
1. D: in the world 3. B: to design I who designe d
2. C: but also 4. A: working I who work
IV. Read the passag e and do the exercis e below. (1 p.)
1. We should not leave a magnify ing glass in the sun because solar
energy can make it burn objects underne ath it, causing a fire.
2. The energy coming from the sun in the form of heat is called solar
thermal energy.
3. Solar panels are made up of a materia l called silicon.
4. When the sunligh t hits the solar panel, the electron s in the silicon
in the solar panel move and flow through the wires that are built
into the solar panel, which creates electrici ty.

V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parenthe ses. (1.5 pts.)
1. plentiful 4. alternative ly
2. disadvanta ges 5. exhaustion
3. infinitely 6. entirely
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. The energy created by the heat from the earth is only available in a
few places.
2. Energy coming from fossil fuels is not renewable. ·
3. I apologize for breaking I having broken your teacup.
4. Why don't we go to the beach this weekend?
5. The exhibition my friend took me to see was not very interesting .
6. His latest movie, which was well reviewed by the critics, has been a
great success.

tlJnit 121
Vocabula ry Exercise 1
1. athletics 5. variety
2. promotion 6. official
3. participant s 7. gathering
4. solidarity 8. athlete
Vocabula ry Exercise 2
I 1: BI 2. DI 3. A I 4. cl 5. BI
1. Jerry didn't answer my letter, which was very rude of him.
2. It poured with rain all day, which left the ground very wet.
3. My cousin is disabled, which means he can't get about very easily.
4. Pamela's sister paid for the meal, which was very kind of her.
5. You left the key in the car, which was rather careless of you.
6. Brenda has lost her job, which has made her very depressed.
7. The police blocked off the road, which caused a traffic jam.
8. My phone is out of order at the moment, which is a nuisance.
9. There was a bus strike, which meant I had to take a taxi.

10. There was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen, which made
us all feel very hungry.
1. Miss Lynn, who is our chemistry teacher, has just got married.
2. The person who made the arrangements was Cathy.
3. My grandfather, who is a bit deaf, couldn't hear the phone.
4. This General Post Office, which dates back from the 19th century,
was designed by a French architect.
5. The person who knew the truth was the judge.
6. Diamond, which is a very hard substance, is used for cutting.
7. The person whose bike was stolen was Nam.
8. The road that leads to the village isn't suitable for motor vehicles.
9. Our teacher, who lives very far from the school, stayed at home
during the bus strike.
10. Patrick, whose name was missed off the list, was very annoyed.
1. That is the man from whom I bought my motorbike.
2. The girls, who were hungry, decided to have a meal.
3. That is the boy whose sister sits behind me at school.
4. Is this the book that you borrowed?
5. This is the man by whom I was given the job.
6. The present which you gave me is very useful.
7. Tom, whose computer had broken, had to use a pencil.
8. She lives in Croydon, which is near London.
9. The person .who found the money was given a reward.
10. The car, which was in good condition, wasn't expensive.
1. The hotel, which was miles from anywhere, was full of guests who
had gone there to admire the scenery.
2. The book I lent you was written by a friend of mine who lives in
3. The woman whose jewels were stolen was interviewed by a police
officer who was staying in the same hotel.
4. The goal which won the match was scored by a teenager who had
come on as a substitute.
5. The boy I was sitting next to in the exam told me the answers.

6. My wallet, which contained over $200, was found in the street by a
schoolboy who returned it./ ... was returned by a schoolboy who
found it.
7. My friend Albert, whose car was stolen last week, has decided to
buy a motorbike.
8. Carol, who is a vegetarian, enjoyed the meal I cooked for her last week.
1. ... which Jason was leaving was ...
2 .... best film about love that/which ...
3 .... ate all the food that ...
4 .... biggest dog (that/which) I've ever ...
5 .... produced by the company have ...
6 .... everything that has been ...
7 .... the most impressive exhibition that ...
8 .... who plays tennis the best ...
9 .... which we borrowed ...
10 .... is nothing you can do ...
1. who 2. who 3. whom 4. (blank) 5. who 6. which
7. whose 8. which 9. who 10. which 11. which 12. which
13. (blank) 14. whose 15. who
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. D
16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 B 5 B 9 c 13 D
2 c 6 A 10 c 14 A
3 c 7 D 11 A 15 B
4 B 8 A 12 D 16 D
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. cI 2. A I 3. D I 4. A I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)
1. C: being able 3. C: her
2. B: five-decade 4. A: who
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
I 1. A I
2. c 3. B I 4. D I I
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
1. knowledge 4. strength
2. officials 5. enthusiastic
3. participation 6. variety
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. The present (which) you gave me is very useful.
2. The Vietnamese athletes taking part in this event played with great
3. Was the man you spoke to this morning a friend of yours?
4. You are better at math than I am.
5. I think you had better report the accident to the police.
6. Jessica was the last person I phoned.

[Unit 1al
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. admiration 6. occupied
2. Regular 7. modesty
3. accomplishm ents 8. indulgence
4. avid 9. accompanime nt
5. commonly 10. occupation
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. DI 2. B I 3. A I 4. cI
1. It was J K Rowling that/who wrote Rabbit when she was six years old.
2. It was in Portugal that she worked as an English teacher.
3. It was a Portugal journalist that J K Rowling met and married.

4. It was in 1990 that she had the idea for a Harry Potter book.
5. It was Chris Columbus that/who made the first Harry Potter film.
6. It was Amanda that/who wrote this letter.
7. It was the president's speech that spoiled the meeting.
8. It's her husband that/who often helps her with the housework.
9. It is/was Kate that I told you about, not Susan.
10. It was the pop star's presence that saved the party.
1. It was Marconi who invented radio.
2. It was in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America.
3. It's golf that Tiger Woods plays.
4. It was in Greece that the Olympic Games first took place.
5. It's Mercury that is nearest the sun.
6. It was Ian Fleming that/who discovered penicillin.
7. It was in 1762 that the sandwich was invented.
8. It was in Waterloo that Napoleon Bonaparte lost his last battle.
9. It was Neil Armstrong that/who first set foot on the moon.
10. It was iri Italy that pasta was first produced commercially .
1. ... it was only yesterday that he told me.
2. It was in Liverpool that the film was made.
3 .... it was Tom that/who bought the car from Helen.
4 .... it was only last year that he turned professional.
5 .... it's to cheer her up that I booked a holiday in Amsterdam.
6 .... it was somewhere in there that I lost it.
7 .... it was only by studying very hard that she improved her French.
8 .... it was only last Saturday that I was playing tennis with her.
9 .... it was by improving distribution that he made it profitable.
10 .... it's how she does it that I object to.
1. who lived near Quito, Ecuador
2. that they did and said
3. who were like him in their customs and habits
4. that his host family followed
5. that he did with his host family

6. that were differen t between his host family and himself
7. that they had in common
1. what 2. who 3. which/t hat 4. who 5. what 6. which/t hat
7. whose 8. who 9. which/t hat 10. who 11. What 12. that/wh ich
13. who 14. what 15. that/wh ich
1. ... what caused ... 2 ....what caused the fire ...
3 .... a/the man whose hair ... 4 ....anyone who saw .. .
5 .... he jumped into was ... 6 ....who was driving .. .
;7 .... fire caused was not very .. . 8 ....(that) sudden fires cause is ...
9 .... prevent what happene d .. . 10 .... someon e who starts ...
11. ... anyone who starts ... 12 .... (that) they start kills ...
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C


(Unit 13: HOBBI ES)
I. Choose the word or phrase that best comple tes each sentenc e.
(4 pts.)
1 A 5 B 9 c 13 c
2 c 6 D 10 A 14 B
3 D 7 B 11 B 15 A

4 c 8 A 12 D 16 D

II. Choose the word whose underl ined part is pronou nced
differe ntly from that of the others in each sentenc e. (1 p.)
I 1. D I
2. A 3. D I 4. c I I
III. Choose the underl ined part in each senten ce that needs
correct ion. (lp.)
1. D: to play 3. A: whose
2. D: started 4. B: carefull y
IV. Read the passag e and do the exercis e below. (1 p.)
1. He started with simple ABC books, and then he could read simple
fairy tales .and other stories.
2. The wonderf ul thing about about reading is that he does not have to
learn things the hard way.
3. He can learn about the tiger by reading all about it in a book.
4. Because besides being more informed about the world, he also
spends his time profitably.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)
1. accomplishments 4. indulgence
2. regularly 5. collection
3. modesty 6. admiration
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. It was in Qatar that the 15th Asian Games were held.
2. It was in 1983 that the first mobile phones were commercially produced.
3. It is the noise of the traffic that has driven me crazy.
4. That's the girl whose mother works in my father's office.
5. This letter must be posted today.
6. Could you tell me how to get to the Grand Theater?

!Unit t4J
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. equality 5. Bricklaying
2. generosity 6. household
3. pursuits 7. equally
4. recreational 8. shoemaker
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. D I 2. A I 3. A I 4. cI 5. DI
1. are 2. is 3. are 4. is 5. has 6. have 7. are
8. is 9. have 10. has
1. Yes, he bought both the blue one and the red one.
2. Yes, both rice and corn are grown in Vietnam.
3. Yes, I sent her both a card and a gift.
4. Yes, the city suffers from both air pollution and water pollution.
5. Yes, both my brother and my sister are dentists.

6. Yes, both their house and their car have been sold.
1. Yes, my husband is not only a teacher but also a writer.
2. Yes, I lost not only my passport but also my driving licence.
3. Yes, she is not only studying at university but also doing a part-
time job.
4. Yes, I not only met Michael Jackson but also spoke to him.
5. Yes, he not only hurt me but also threatened to kill me.
6. Yes, not only my parents but also my brother is coming here.
1. Yes, either Ken or Mark will do the cooking.
2. yes, I'm going to study either French or German.
3. Yes, she can either go out for a walk or stay in.
4. Yes, he'll choose either Maths or Biology to study.
5. Yes, either my wife or my daughter is phoning me.
6. Yes, I may go to either Dalat or Nha Trang for my holiday.
1. No, I know neither French nor Spanish.
2. No, neither my husband nor my children like tea.
3. No, he has neither a motorbike nor a bicycle.
4. No, neither the students nor the teacher was in the classroom.
5. No, he neither goes to work nor looks after the children.
6. No, she neither ate nor drank anything.
1. Either Paul or John will help you.
2. She not only shouted at him but also hit him.
(Or: Not only did she shout at him but also hit him.)
3. Anna is taking both a computer course and a cooking class.
4. The crowd felt not only angry but also disappointed.
5. She neither spoke to him nor looked at him.
6. Either Miss Hoa or Miss Lan is going to teach our class.
7. That man drove neither slowly nor carefully.
8. Both Rooney and Ronaldo are playing for M.U.
1. Both Mike and Peter enjoy playing the guitar.
2. He not only took her to a restaurant but also bought her a necklace.

3. They neither came nor phoned.
4. Either Bob or Ted will get a promotion.
5. She could neither read nor write.
6. He drives both slowly and carefully.
7. She not only taught chemistry at college 'but also worked for a
chemical firm.
8. You can either listen to the radio or watch a film on TV.
9. Neither the boss nor the secretary told me the truth.
10. He promised not only to offer her a job but also to buy her a house.
l. It was Jack's bike that was stolen.(not Mike's).
2. It is Helen's father who/that is taken care of (not her mother).
3. It's a bridge that is being built (not a pier).
4. It was the manager who/that was shot by the robber (not the clerk).
5. It's Tom who/that has been punished by the teacher (not Bill).
6. It's an apple tree that was being planted (not a lemon tree).
7. It was the third applicant that/who was chosen for the job (not the
8. It's the windows that are being painted (not the doors).

,!Unit 151
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. flight 6. uncertainties
2. tension 7. psychological
3. Congratulatio ns 8. reaction
4. conquest 9. Tragically
5. failure 10. weightless
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. A I 2. BI 3. DI 4. cI 5. A I
1. can make 2. could grow 3. can be 4. can live
5. can reach 6. could cross 7. can survive
1. can 2. be able to 3. could 4. be able to 5. could
6. been able to 7. be able to 8. could 9. been able to 10. could
1. everybody was able to escape.
2. we were able to borrow it.
3. the thief was able to get away.
4. I was able to persuade her.
5. I was able to finish it.
6. I was able to buy/get some at the next place.
1. can ('can' thttO'ng dttqc dung vai cau bi d<)ng)
2. were able to 3. could I were able to
4. Could you 5. can't
6. can 7. were able to
8. could hardly (vai 'hardly' ta thttO'ng dung 'can/could')
9. could 10. Can you I Are you able to
11. can 12. was able to 13. couldn't
14. was able to 15. could
1. could 2. were able to
3. couldn't/weren't able to 4. was able to
5. could 6. were able to
7. couldn't/wasn't able to 8. were able to
9. couldn't/weren't able to 10: was able to
11. could smell 12. were able to
13. were able to 14. couldn't/wasn't able to
15. was able to
1. do you? 2. is she? 3. aren't I? 4. should I?
5. doesn't she? 6. wasn't it? 7. have you? 8. wouldn't you?
9. can't they? 10. will you? 11. aren't they? 12. isn't there?
13. could you? 14. shall we? 15. do you?
16. will you? (Or: can/could you?) 17. were they?
18. has it? 19. will/can/could you? 20. does she?
1. isn't it? 2. have you? 3. isn't it? 4. are there?
5. aren't you? 6. didn't you? 7. don't they? 8. can't we?
9. was it? 10. will they?

1. You haven't got a calculator, have you?
2. Let's go for a swim, shall we?
3. Don't do anything silly, will you?
4. Get a loaf of bread for me, will you?
5. You haven't got a train timetable, have you?
6. Pass me the ruler, will you?

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 c 5 c 9 D 13 c
2 A 6 A 10 D 14 A
3 B 7 B 11 A 15 D
4 A 8 D 12 B 16 A
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of
the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I1. A I 2. c I 3. B I 4.A I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.)....-~~~~~--.--~~~~~

1. C: drink 3. D: had done

2. C: on 4. D: did you
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. D I
2. B 3. A I
4. c I I
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word
given in parentheses . (1.5 pts.)
1. weightlessne ss 4. reaction
2. uncertainty 5. technically
3. psychilogical 6. satisfaction
VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first one. (1.5 pts.)
1. Either you or your brother will be given a scholarship by the school.
2. Neither I nor my brother is responsible for this fault.
3. Not only did he win the championship , but he also broke the world's
4. She enjoys both singing pop songs and accompanying herself on the
5. The astronauts succeeded in landing the space shuttle safely.
6. Jason, whose car broke down, had to take a taxi.

!Unit 1~
Vocabulary Exercise 1
1. mysterious 6. belongings
2. Theoretically 7. burial
3. proposal 8. Mysteriously
4. transportation 9. theory
5. protection proceed
Vocabulary Exercise 2
I 1. D I 2. BI 4. cI 5. A I
1. It is believed that the president works 12 hours a day.
The president is believed to work 12 hours a day.
2. It is expected that the train strike will end soon.
The train strike is expected to end soon.
3. It is said that there's a secret tunnel between the two houses.
There is said to be a secret tunnel between the two houses.
4. It is reported that ten people were injured in the explosion.
Ten people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.
5. It is thought that the robbers were driving a red car.
The robbers are thought to have been driving a red car.
6. It was believed that the monument was over 2000 years old.
The monument was believed to be over 2000 years old.
7. It is reported that the film star was shouting at reporters.
The film star is reported to have been shouting at reporters.
8. It is expected that a new law will be introduced next year.
A new law is expected to be introduced next year.
9. It was said that the president had suffered a heart attack.
The president was said to have suffered a heart attack.

10. It was reported that seven people had been killed in the earthquake.
Seven people were reported to have been killed in the earthquake.
11. It was expected that taxes would be reduced soon.
Taxes were expected to be reduced soon.
12. It was alleged that two prisoners had escaped from the maximum
security prison.
Two prisoners were alleged to ·have escaped from the maximum
security prison.
13. It was believed that he was living in New York.
He was believed to be living in New York.
14. It was alleged that the man had robbed the store of $4000 in cash.
The man was alleged to have robbed the store of $4000 in cash.
15. It is reported that the building was badly damaged by the fire.
The building is reported to have been badly damaged by the fire.
1. His new film is supposed to be a great success.
2. The new stadium is supposed to contain over 80,000 people at a time.
3. The concert was supposed to be excellent
4. Dalat is supposed to be a dreamy town.
5. Those cars are supposed to be unreliable.
6. That famous couple is supposed to have adopted four sons.
1. Samantha hasn't been seen since the day of the party.
2. Nothing has been decided yet.
3. You ought to get your hair cut.
4. The suspects were being followed by the police.
5. The driver is thought to have been doing a U-turn.
6. Mr. Smith is said to have left the town last week.
7. Our company is being supplied with furniture by Sunshine Ltd.
8. The criminal was thought to be in hiding in London.
9. Nothing is known about Susan's family.
10. Vitamin C is known to be good for treating colds.
11. I must get my trousers pressed before I leave.
12. The portrait is believed to have been painted by an Italian.
13. The escaped prisoner is rumoured to be living on an island.
14. Your salary will be raised after six months.
15. This kind of fish is usually served with a white sauce.

1. are widely used in the city
2. was ever heard of
3. has been suggest_e_d
4. was slowly being filled
5. has been decided that
6. was invented I has been
7. was advised to
8. will be brought
9. was opened with
10. was paid to
11. is not known what happened
12. has been dealt with
13. was announced
14. a note was handed to
15. has been announced
1. have been selected 2. answered 3. was entered
4. has chosen 5. are invited 6. is made
7. have been offered 8. are asked 9. are interested
10. detach
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
(4 pts.)
1 B 5 A 9 D 13 B
2 A 6 D 10 A 14 D
3 c 7 B 11 D 15 c
4 c 8 c 12 B 16 A
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the others in each sentence. (1 p.)
I 1. B I 2. c I 3. A I 4. B I
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs
correction. (lp.) .--~~~~~--r-~~~~~~~~---,

1. D: from 3. B: the Atlantic

2. A: have 4. C: efficient
IV. Read the passage and do the exercise below. (1 p.)
1. Because this number symbolized perfection in their culture.
2. They were built as tombs for the Pharaohs of Egypt.
3. These gardens were built by a king for his queen so that she
wouldn't miss the plants at her old home and would like their new
home more.
4. It is believed to be near Baghdad, Iraq.
V. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word

given in parentheses. (1.5 pts.)

1. process 4. theoretical

2. Mysteriously 5. involvement

3. constructive 6. burial

VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning

as the first one. (1.5 pts.)

1. This organization is believed to be running a campaign against

child abuse.

2. Thousands of people are reported to have lost their homes in the


3. Do not hesitate to telephone I call (us) if you have any further


4. This meal cost less than I (had) thought.

5. I am very grateful for your assistance.

6. Do you have any objection to me I my coming to see you later?

(ilffiii FRIENDSHIP ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ....... 5

(ilffifj PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ........... ........... ........... ........... 22

(ibfiA A PARTY ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... 39

(itffiii VOLUNTEER WORK ........... ........... ........... ........... ........ 55

(ibflJj ILLITERACY ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 68

(itffii;j COMPETITIONS ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .. 79

(itffifj WORLD POPULATION ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 94

(itffii:i CELEBRATIONS ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 109

(itffifj THE POST OFFICE ........... ........... ........... ........... ........ 124

(ilffiiui NATURE IN DANGER ........... ........... '. ........... ........... ... 138
(ibtiiii SOURCES OF ENERGY ........... ........... ........... ........... .. 152
(ilffiifj THE ASEAN GAMES ........... ........... ........... ........... ..... 166
(ibfli@i HOBBIES ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........ 181
(ififliii RECREATION ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ... 193
(ififli~j SPACE CONQUEST ........... ........... ........... ........... ....... 203

(ibflii;j THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD ........... ........... ........... . 219

DAP AN - ANSWER KEY ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... 234

*HE TH6NG NHA sAcH & s1Eu THI cuA
*HE TH6NG NHA sAcH & s1Eu THI cuA
* .
NHA sAcH TRlfC TUYEN - DT: 6297235 4
coNG TY cP sAcH THIET BJ mAo nvc BiNH nu'dNG
88 Triin Hinh Tr9ng- Phuetng Phu ThQ Hoa - TP. Thu Diiu Mc}t

QU~NGTRJ: NS GIAO DVC--: 283 Trdn Hling D:~p - TP Quang Ttj

HUE: CONG TY CP SACH & TBTH HUE - 76 Han Thuyen - TP. Hue
DANANG: CONG TY CP sAcH & TBTH - 76 - 78 B:;tch Dilng
NS LAM CHAU - 129 Phan Chu Trinh
QUANG NAM: NS GIAO KHOA- 341 Phan Chu Trinh-Tam Ky
QUANG NGA.I: CONG TY SACH & TBTH - 939 Quang Trung
BINH D~NH: CONG TY SACH & TBTH - 219 Nguyen Lu - TP Quy Nhcm
PHU YEN: CTC PHU YEN - 0 phfi B8 - Khu dan d1;1ng
KHANH HOA: SIEU THJ TAN TIEN - 11 Le Thanh Phucrng - TP Nha Trang
NS ANH vU - 12 D~ng Tat - TP Nha Trang
NINH THU~N: NS HUNG VUdNG - 58D Duong 21/8 - Phan Rang
B~NH THU~N: NS H~G ~~0- 328 Trfo Hling D~o -TP Phan Thiet
DONG NAI: NS BIEN HOA - 35 Cach M~ng Thang 8 - TP. Bien Hoa
vUNG TAU: NS HOANG Cu'dNG - 161 Nguyen Van Tr8i - TP Vang Tau
BINH DlidNG: NS 277 - 518 Cach M~ng Thang 8 - TX Thu Ddu M9t
BINH PHu'dc: NS HUY NAM - QL14 Xii Tien Thanh - D6ng Xoai
TAY NINH: NS VAN NGH~ - 295 Duong 30/4
GIA LAI: CONG TY CP sACH & TBTH, - 40B Hung Vucrng - TP Pleiku
KONTUM: NS Hu'dNG TRlfU - 105 Trdn Hting Dao
LAM DONG: NS CHi THANH - 72D Bui Thi Xuan - TP Da L~t
DAK NONG: NS GIAO DVC GIA NGHiA - 30 Trdn Hting D~o - Gia Nghia
LONG AN: CONG TY PHS - 04 Vo Van Tdn - TP. Tan An
k A '
TIEN GIANG: CONQ. TY CP SACH & TBTH - 22 Hung Vucrng - TP. My Tho
vINH LONG: NS HONG AN - 15 Le Thai T6
TH.A VINH: CONG TY SACH & TBTH - 3A Trting Nu Vucrng
DONG THAP: NS THANH - 113C Pham Huu Uu - TP Cao Liinh
BEN TRE: NS PHu'dNG ANH - lSlA Doan Hoang Minh
NS MINH CHAU - 14 Nguyen Triii
SOC TRANG: NS THANH TAM - 146 Quo'c 19 lA - PhU L9c
KIEN GIANG: CONG TY sAcH & TBTH - Lo El6 - So' 30-32 Duong 3 tMng 2
cA MAU: NS MINH TRi - 44 Nguyen Huu Le
AN GIANG: NS THANH KIEN - 496 Vo Thi Sau - TP Long Xuyen
BAC LIEU: NS viNH LIEM- 105 Vo Thi Sau
. NS TRAN PHU - 25/6 Trdn PM

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