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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 1 26 July 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the first issue of my recyclable bags when you shop at the
Blog nursery this spring.
newsletter for 2019 filled with news
Newsletter back issues fresh from Anita’s Garden.
Finally, just to warn you that in-
I am excited to announce that due to creased costs in producing seedlings
popular demand, I’ll be re-opening has meant that prices will be a little
Instagram Anita’s Garden, my gardening busi- higher than in 2017. I am nonetheless
ness, again this spring. As many of confident that you will still find my
Twitter you will recall, I operated Anita’s Gar- high quality and great range of plants
den back in 2017 and it was a re- represent excellent value for money.
sounding success. I sold plants from a
To make Anita’s Garden even more
Pinterest boutique nursery run from home, held
successful than ever before, I am inter-
workshops to educate the community
ested in your suggestions on the fol-
about gardening, took groups on a
tour of the garden so they could see
Contact me
an urban homestead in action and  Plants (veggies, flowers, herbs,
 Feedback provided gardening services to mem- fruits and other seedlings)
bers of the public. which you would like me to sell
 Newsletter input in my plant nursery, plus any
I took a hiatus last year as I wanted
(tips, recipes, gar- varieties you particularly want
to compete in the Yates Spring Veggie
den photos etc) to obtain
Challenge. I’m proud to announce
 To be added to my that I was awarded the runner up  What topics you would like me
mailing list prize for my gardening blog. to cover in workshops held at
Those of you who supported Anita’s Anita’s Garden
Garden in 2017 will notice that there  Topics you would like me to cov-
have been some changes to how I do er in my blog
things now. Firstly, I’m excited to
announce that I have a brand new  Services you would like me to
Inside this issue:
website, of which Anita’s Garden is a offer as part of my business, for
part. Please update your links ac- example, garden maintenance,
cordingly. I have also changed the design/landscaping etc
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 format of the newsletter, moving from
Anita’s Garden using Microsoft Word to Microsoft Please feel free to email me at
Publisher. Feedback I received was with your
that previous newsletters were diffi- suggestions. You can also request to
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 cult to read on a smart phone. Please be added to my mailing list, so you
for the week let me know if you find this format conveniently receive newsletters direct
more smart-phone friendly. I have to your inbox.
also tried to keep the text more con-
Tips for growing straw- 2 I look forward to seeing old faces and
cise and reduce the overall length.
berries new ones alike when my plant nursery
Another major change is the way that re-opens in spring. Please keep an eye
customers will take away plants from out for an announcement on my Face-
How to raise plants from 3 the nursery, when it opens. As you book page as to the exact opening date.
seed will be aware, single use plastic bags
Thank you for your continued support.
were outlawed this year. Please re-
member to bring your own boxes and Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Despite being in the middle of
winter, I’ve been very busy in Broad beans
Anita’s Garden. Here’s a sum- On the shortest day, I also planted
mary of what I’ve been up to. I planted four trays of broad beans
six different varieties of potatoes.
that I raised from seed in autumn
My early varieties this year are
Strawberries in our front garden.
Swift, Jersey Benne, Heather and
I planted 200 strawberry plants Liseta, which will mature in Dwarf peas
purchased from a commercial around three months. My main
grower who supplied me with bare crop are Agria and Summer De- I planted the variety Petit Pro-
-rooted plants last year, which light, which I’m growing for the vencal which I raised from seed
gave us the best crop of strawber- first time. These should be ready around some bamboo obelisks near
ries ever. to dig up in four to five months. our potatoes.

Garlic Red onions Herbs

This year, I’m growing five differ- Around the same time, I also I added the following herbs to our
ent varieties of garlic - Printanor, planted four punnets of red onions. back garden: coriander, chives,
Elephant, Ajo Rojo, Kakanui and We really love using red onions in curly parsley, rosemary and orega-
Turban. All my cloves were plant- salads, our favourite being Greek no.
ed on 21st June, the shortest day salad with feta cheese and olives.
of the year, which is when garlic is Onions normally mature around
traditionally planted. the longest day of the year, 21st I added more dwarf citrus, guavas
December, the same time as garlic. and blueberries to our orchard.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Weeding Start planning what varieties you 4. Pick flowers

intend to grow this summer.
It isn’t my favourite gardening Bring cheer to your home in winter
activity, but it’s always a good idea 3. Plant more seedlings by picking flowers from your gar-
to stay on top of weeds. Don’t for- den and bringing them indoors.
get to check containers for weeds, Even though it’s cold outside, it’s
as they grow there too. still possible to put in more plants. 5. Spray garlic for rust
Make sure you protect seedlings
2. Browse seed catalogues from frosts by putting a cloche As much as I dislike using sprays
over them. A plastic milk bottle around the garden, I’m afraid it
New Zealand’s major seed suppli- cut in half works well. has become necessary for growing
ers release their seed catalogues garlic successfully, at least in
around this time of the year. Auckland’s conditions.

Tips for growing strawberries

Everyone loves strawberries, espe- least six plants per family  Mulch around the plants to
cially kids. Here are some top tips member to ensure there’s add nutrients and keep
for ensuring you have a bumper enough to go around weeds down. I recommend
crop this year. using pea straw, which adds
 Select a sunny site. Straw- nitrogen to the soil
 Use quality plants. Straw- berries do best in full sun
berries fruit best on second  Cover berries with netting
year runners  Prepare the ground well once fruit starts forming to
beforehand. I like using protect them from birds,
 If space permits, put in at compost and sheep pellets who love them!
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to raise plants from seed

Now is the perfect time to think  Plastic propagator  Using a heat pad can help to
about whether you’d like to try get heat-loving plants such
starting plants for your summer  Heat pad (optional but high- as peppers and eggplants to
garden from seed, rather than put- ly recommended to improve germinate
ting in plants purchased from the the strike rate for germina-
garden centre. Raising plants tion)  Keep your seedlings moist
from seed does require some time by spraying them with wa-
 Sprayer bottle for watering ter every day. But don’t
and patience, but it’s not as diffi-
your seedlings over-do it! Too much mois-
cult as it may seem.
 Labels and a permanent ture will cause them to rot
Why bother raising plants
marker  Make sure your seedlings
from seed?
Tips get enough light. You’ll find
 Most veggies, flowers and that they naturally lean to-
herbs can easily be raised  Take some time to think wards to the light and may
from seed about what you’d like to need to turn the punnet
grow. Be realistic about around so they stand up
 This may be the only way to straight
how much space you have in
grow uncommon varieties
your garden
which aren’t found in gar-  When your plants are large
den centres (note from the  Don’t start raising seedlings enough, transfer them to
ed—I take the difficult work too early as it’s still very your greenhouse if you have
out for you by selling such cold. A lot of gardeners one. If you don’t have a
plants in my nursery) make this mistake. August greenhouse, you could keep
is perfect but keep seedlings plants insulated in a large
 It’s more economical than plastic Sistema crate with
under cover and use a heat
buying plants if you intend the lid on.
pad or your hot water cup-
to grow a lot of the same
variety  Don’t attempt to prick out
 Before get- and pot up your
 You can be assured that seedlings too
ting started,
your plants are raised or- “Raising plants from soon. It’s best to
sterilise your
ganically. I don’t use any seed does require some let them grow a
plastic pun-
sprays on my seedlings time and patience, but few true leaves
nets by wash-
ing them in a it’s not as difficult as it first before trans-
What you’ll need
weak solution may seem” ferring them to
 Seeds. My preferred New of some an individual cell
Zealand suppliers are Ital- bleach mixed in a punnet
ian Seeds Pronto (who dis- with water to kill any bacte-
tribute Franchi Sementi ria  Liquid feed your seedlings
seeds from Italy) and Eg- weekly with a weak solution
mont Seeds (see page 4).  Use a quality seed raising of seaweed fertiliser mixed
Both companies have an mix, not potting mix or soil. with water in a sprayer bot-
excellent range and their It is finer in texture, allow- tle
seeds are of a high quality ing seeds to push through
the dirt and germinate  Recycle your plastic punnets
 Plastic punnets. You can afterwards for your next lot
purchase these from Eg-  After covering your seeds of seed raising
mont or you may be able to with seed raising mix, sprin-
obtain them for free from kle some vermiculite over
your local garden centre if the top. It helps prevent
they recycle them seeds from drying out. Eg-
mont Seeds kindly gave me
 Seed raising mix. I pur- a packet to use for the first
Have a great weekend
chase mine from Gardn Gro. time this year and I will
Their mixture is top quality report back on how I found
Happy gardening!
and they deliver direct to this product.
your door
“Egmont, New Zealand’s
leading seed retailer for
commercial growers and
home gardeners, fully
supports Anita’s Garden
and Anita’s hard work in
the community”

John McCullough,

To view our seed range, please:

 Visit our website at;
 Write to Egmont Seed Co, Box 674 ,
New Plymouth 4340 ; or
 Email

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