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GEOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION (Genetic classification)

Introductory Sanstone is a clastic sedimentary rock. The clast of this rock can be formed by
definition (visu) mineral particles such as quartz, or they can be sedimentary, metamorphic, or
igneous rock fragments. It also contains a cementing material that binds the sand
grains together and may contain a matrix of silt- or clay-size particles that occupy
the spaces between the sand grains.

Petrologist's Sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock, formed by compaction and cementation

definition of clasts of size between 0.06 and 2 mm. Their nature and colour is very variable
in function of the mineralogy of grains and cement. Their Petrologist's definition
is very difficult, because can have a variety of compositions.
Commercial In the commercial stone industry a “sandstone” will be called “stone”.
definition (if any)
GEOMECHANICAL CLASSIFICATION (Behavioural classification, Goodman, 1989)
II. Clastic texture A. Stably cemented.
Geological Cobeta sandstone (Nature park of Alto Tajo, Cobeta, Guadalajara, Spain) is a
description of local reddish silica-cemented sandstone, formed by clasts of medium sand. The
sample clasts are of the quartzite nature.
Other information This sample (Buntsandstein facies) outcropping at deep canyons excavated by
about the outcrop the tributaries of the Tajo river, that forms curious morphologies, pertaining to
the Triassic (245 m y).
Weathering grade of I
sampling outcrop
(ISRM, 1981)
Location 40° 52′ 60.00″ N, 2° 06′ 12.7″ W
ISRM classification R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
by strength. USC Extremely Very Weak Medium Strong Very Extremely
(MPa) (ISRM, 1981) (5-25) (50-100)
weak weak strong strong strong
(0.25-1) (1-5) (25-50) (100-250) (>250)
Deere and Miller
classification by
strength and
properties (Deere
and Miller, 1966)
Mechanical General values Particular (local)
properties values (if any)
(unaltered) Young’s Modulus (E) Tangent modulus 0.62–39.2 (AASHTO, 2002)
at 50% ultimate strength (GPa)
Poisson’s coefficient (ν) 0.08–0.46 (AASHTO, 2002)
Uniaxial compression strength (MPa) 67–132 (AASHTO, 2002)
P wave velocity 6000 (Fourmaintraux, 1976)
mi (Hoek and Brown criterion, 1980) 17±4 (Hoek, 2006)
Basic friction angle (Φb) 26–35 (Patton,1966)
Physical properties Dry unit weight (kN/m3) 22-27 (Lama and Vutukuri,
(unaltered) 1978)
Porosity 1–8 (Ramirez Oyanguren
and Alejano, 2013)
Engineering uses It is an excellent building material: ashlars, embankments, aggregates, ballast,
and others rip-rap, etc. Support plane foundation, dams support. The slopes and
excavations are generally stable. Good aquifer level
• American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2002)
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Washington, CD 20001
• Fourmaintraux, D., 1976. Characterization of rocks; laboratory tests, ChapterIV
in La Mécanique des roches appliquée aux ouvrages du génie civil by Marc
panet et al. École Nationale des Pnts et Chausées, Paris
• Hoek, 2006. Practical rock engineering. Available in
• Lama RD, Vutukuri VS (1978) Handbook on mechanical properties of rocks-
testing techniques and results-volume iii
• Ramírez Oyanguren, P., & Alejano Monge, L. R. (2004). Mecánica de rocas:
Fundamentos e ingeniería de taludes (No. 727). Red DESIR.

Last modified: 13 February 2019

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