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TC-22A & TC-32A


The servo amplifier back-up batteries for the magazine axis have run out. The machine
has lost the starting point data referencing magazine pot position number one.

The back-up batteries for the magazine servo amplifier need to be replaced (3 AA
alkaline batteries). Also, the data for pot position number one is lost and the magazine
needs to be re-initialized.

1. Replace batteries
2. Take note of current magazine pot position (Ex: pot position number 17)
3. Enter ATC maintenance mode
a. MDI mode
b. I/O display
c. Select 1 (Input/Output)
d. Page up one time
e. Cursor down one time (to highlight ATC Maintenance Mode)
f. Press 1 and enter
g. Wait 5 seconds and turn off power
h. Wait 10 seconds and turn on power
i. Control will automatically boot up in ATC Maintenance Mode
4. Clear Start Point Data
a. Clear Start P Data will automatically be highlighted
b. Enter 1 and enter
c. Wait 3 seconds and turn off power
d. Wait 10 seconds and turn on power
5. Check current pot position
a. Refer to step 2
6. If current pot position is not number 1
a. Press magazine key until pot number 1 is in tool change position
b. Repeat step 4
7. Exit ATC Maintenance Mode
a. MDI mode
b. I/O display
c. Select 1 (Input/Output)
d. Page up one time
e. Cursor down one time (to highlight ATC Maintenance Mode)
f. Press 0 and enter
g. Wait 5 seconds and turn off power
h. Wait 10 seconds and turn on power
i. Control will automatically boot up in normal operation mode
1. Check magazine tool alarm will be present
a. Check magazine tool positions relative to pot
positions in magazine screen
b. Press reset to clear alarm

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