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Peer Mentoring
Peer Mentoring requires a certain level
Weekly Newsletter of leadership and initiative. Do not be afraid to
take initiative and schedule meeting with a
What is Peer Mentoring? student. These meetings can help keep the
Peer mentoring is a great way to provide students organized and focused on their goals.
guidance in both a personal and professional As the leader, you must lead by example
level for any individual in need of direction. because you never know when someone is
Specifically, for new onboarding college watching.
students who do not know where to go. At Another way to learn these techniques is
Indian River State College, we, the Peer to shadow someone who you believe
Mentors, contact new onboarding students and exemplifies strong leadership skills and leads by
set up meetings to discuss anything from classes, example. Although several individuals are
career goals, personal life, etc. We are the uncomfortable with openly meeting and talking
“middleman” to the free resources available here to people, they must learn from their own
at the college. members to overcome that and then they will be
The resources available at the college able to help others.
are a free tutoring lab, Health and Wellness, a
gym, etc. Currently active students have access What is leadership?
to a tutoring lab that can help students with a
variety of subjects such as economics, writing,
algebra, etc. Most students are unaware of these
resources because of the lack of involvement.
The Peer Mentor would then let them know
about the resources and how to obtain more
information about them.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC


Leadership Defined
Leadership does not have to be defined
to a specific “executive” position. Leadership is
taking action in guiding others towards a
successful path. It also is not dependent on a
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under
certain personality characteristic, but rather
being there for someone in need of guidance.
The TEDX talk in the hyperlink gives a great
What are some tips for new Peer Mentors? explanation on the concept of leadership. Drew
Dudley, TEDX speaker, goes over how most

Word count: 445


Peer Mentoring
individuals never know that they are leaders
because they were never told. But he informs us
that one needs to not attribute leadership with
public praise because it does not play a very
significant role.

Connecting Peer Mentoring to Leadership

Indian River State College. (n.d.). Indian River
State College. Retrieved from
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC
BY-SA-NC resources/mentoring.html
Kruse, K. (2015, September 2). What Is
Leadership? Retrieved from
Bridging the gap between Peer
Mentoring and leadership begins with e/2013/04/09/what-is-
confidence in oneself. As previously stated, leadership/#7b048ab75b90
there is not a particular set of characteristics that National Mentoring Resource Center. (n.d.).
a leader must have. Although, confidence can Peer Mentoring. Retrieved from
help the leader go a long way because they need https://nationalmentoringresourcecenter
to obtain the trust in their mentees, the mentees .org/index.php/what-works-in-
must know that they are in good hands and can mentoring/key-
get the task done. That all begins with “you” topics.html?layout=edit&id=152
because as the saying goes, “you can’t help
anyone else if you can’t help yourself.”

IRSC Mentoring

In the QR Code in the next column, it

directs you to the IRSC mentoring page where
prospective mentors can find more information
on mentoring at IRSC.

Word count: 445

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