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Is vs.

Are with Collective Nouns

A collective noun refers to a group of people or things that is treated as a single entity in
speech. Committee is a collective noun. A committee is made up of multiple people, but
the word itself is singular in form. In American English, collective nouns take is. In British
English, collective nouns can take is or are.

correct The committee is considering the budget right now.

correct The audience is getting antsy.

correct The couple is moving to California.

But even in American English, a collective noun can take are when you
need to emphasize the individual members of the group.

correct The couple are keeping secrets from each other.

Is vs. Are with Mass Nouns

Mass nouns (also called noncount nouns) are similar to collective nouns. They refer to
things that can’t really be counted. Sand and water are mass nouns. Mass nouns take is
in both American and British English.

correct The sand is too hot to walk on!

correct Water is our most precious resource.

correct Pudding is very easy to make.

Is vs. Are with a Number of / a Pair of / a Group of

Collecting phrases like a number of or a pair of can make it hard to choose between is
and are. Which verb do you use when you’re talking about a number of people? On one
hand, number is singular, which calls for is. But people is plural, which calls for are.
Typically, it’s best to use are with a number of. You may occasionally run into a pedant
who disagrees, but actual usage is on your side.
correct A number of people are concerned about the lack of progress.

incorrect A number of people is concerned about the lack of progress.

Other collecting phrases like group of can take is when you’re emphasizing
the group:

correct That group of protesters is sure to be distracting.

correct This series of books is phenomenal.

correct but they can also take are, when you’re emphasizing the individuals.

correct A bunch of my friends are going to different schools next fall.

correct A handful of new books are published each week.

When you’re talking about pairs, you’re usually treating two items as a
unit, so it’s common to use is.

correct A good pair of shoes is a luxury in some parts of the world.

incorrect A good pair of shoes are a luxury in some parts of the world.

Use is with singular subjects and are with plural subjects.

Collective nouns usually take is, but you can use are if you need to
emphasize the individuals who belong to the group.

Phrases like a number of… usually take a plural verb.

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