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An Efficient WSN for Habitat Monitoring

Harshavardhan Chervirala (2018H1400144G), Renuka Ramrakhiani(2018H1400122G),
K. Chandrashekar Reddy(2018H1400141G), B Swetha(2018H1400124G)


abitat and environmental monitoring is an application of

H Wireless Sensor Networks. It has enormous benefits for
scientific communities and society. This network can
enable long term data collection at scales and resolution. The
intimate connection with its immediate physical environment
allows each sensor to provide localized measurements and
detailed information that is hard to obtain through traditional
instrumentation. The integration of local processing and
storage allows sensor nodes to perform complex filtering and
triggering functions.


Fig 1: Deployment pattern
We now describe the system architecture, functionality of
individual components and how they operate together.
A tiered architecture was developed. The network architecture
was divided into 4 zones . Each zone consists of 8 motes and
one cluster head. Total of 44 motes were deployed at a Since the motes were in grid like structure, we used
quadrangle area in the institute campus. Of these 44 motes, 32 Weighted centroid algorithm for detecting the position of
were anchor / beacon motes, 7 mobile motes , 4 cluster heads mobile motes . Weights are assigned dynamically based for
and one base station/gateway. The motes were deployed in received signal strength index.
dense patches. The mobile motes transmit their data through We used internal hardware of the mote i.e. CC2420 and
cluster heads to the base station. The base station is acquired raw values of RSSI.
responsible for transmitting sensor data from the network to Closer the mobile mote to anchor mote , the higher is the
the remote systems. The network developed was hybrid in received signal strength and higher the weight is assigned.
nature with both proactive and reactive data gathering Highly accurate values were received using this approach and
The low-power image sensor is an wireless autonomous the tracked positions of mobile motes were highly accurate.
monitoring system that is based on a low-cost image sensor.
Placed in a single trap, the wireless sensor periodically
captures images of the trap contents and sends them remotely
to a control station. Sent images are then used for
determination of the number of pests found at each trap. Based
on insect population number, a farmer can plan when to start
with crop protection and in which field areas.

Fig. 2 A view of actual deployment on the field



Time synchronization is done in hierarchical manner. The

base station acts as root node and initiates the time
synchronization process by sending a sync packets to cluster
heads. The cluster heads in turn send to anchor motes. Anchor
motes send the sync packet to mobile motes. Mobile motes
then calculate the RSSI values and integrate with localization


Mobile motes after calculating its position and then selects a

cluster head within its zone dynamically and sends its data to
that cluster head. Cluster head aggregates the data and sends to
the base station. Fig 3. User Interface

The mentioned network was successfully deployed and
A set of addresses were reserved for anchor motes , mobile
tested using telosb motes. We had taken care of low energy
motes and cluster heads. Each anchor mote was assigned the
address based on its geographic position and x and y co- constraints while selecting protocols and minimized the
ordinates. Cluster heads were assigned address as per the zone transmission and reception by data gathering. Data is gathered
only when a change in position of mobile mote is detected.
number. Rest of the address were assigned to mobile motes
We faced major challenge while integrating time
synchronization with location. We gained practical experience
of developing WSN application real time on field.

Base station after receiving the data sends it to the serial

port. A web application was developed using Django
framework for receiving that serial data and is stored in
database. A graphical interface displayed each mobile mote
along with its id , x , y , zone and event time. A provision was
made to enter mote id for query a particular mobile mote. A
query message is sent from base station to cluster heads and
from cluster head to anchor motes. Anchor motes will
broadcast messages to mobile motes. Mobile motes calculate
RSSI values and finds its latest position and sends it back to
cluster head and base station. Base station system acts as a
webserver and sends the data to remote clients provided both
server and clients are connected to same network.

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