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To make the basic calculations for the design of heating elements, the follouring formulas,
known as Ohm's Law, are essent'ial:

1. Volts = Amperes X Ohms E=I XR

2.Watts=VoltsXAmperes W=EXI
3.Watts=(Amperes)zXOhms W=12XR


Length of one turn of wire = n(O.itside coi'l diameter - wire diameter)

Number of turns of wire per inch of coil = 1


Length of wire in 1" of closed coil = n{tut"id, bil ?ir. - Wir" Diil
lli re Di a.

Resistance per
inch of closed coil =
n(O.D.- Wire Dia.) (Fesistance /Ft. of Wire)
12(l+ti re Dia.)

Length of coil =
Total Resistance of CoiT
Resistance per Inch of Closed bi I


Length of hil Resistance X l(ire Dia.

co'ii .262 l@t I O.D.- Wtre Dia.)(Resistance / Ft. of lfire Used)


RIBBOII = Alils /&. MIL FT.

If calculations are done for ribbon wire, a correction.factor of .94 or .83 must be used
depend'ing on the ratio of width to thickness. The higher the width to thickness ratid the
lourer the correction factor.



OIIMS/SO. MIL FT. = O|{,iS/CIR. MIL FT. X .7854


Suppose a coil is to be designed to fit a ceramic hot plate spiral

hle know that:
1. We want an 8o0-watt element
2. The groove is 30" long and *" wide.
3. The element is to operate on 115 volts.
4. To insure the best possibte life, we will use NICffircilE 80.

To find total cold coil resistance:

Table I shorys that for NIO-|ROi4E 8O we need 15.44 ohms in the coil and the recommended
wire gauges are #18 to #22.

To select coil diameter and rire gauge:

The heavier the wire selected the lcuver will be the final operating temperature of the
element itself, but the wattage input will determine the heat delivered.
For the present element let us select #2O gauge wire. Looking in Table II we find the
resistance pelinch of close rvould coil for 7/32" dia. (thus a'llouving 1/32" clearance
in the i" groove) #2O gauge. This resistance is .967 ohms per inch.
Length of coi I and stretch factor:
h/e novy kno,w that we need a total coil resistance of 15.44 ohms and a resistance per
inch of .967 ohms thus 15.44/.967 ='16" of closed coil. This rrculd mean a stretch
factor of 30/15 or 2:1. A stretched coil should be 1.5 to 4 times its closed length
for good des'ign,

Other calculations on this coil might be:

Estimated wi re temperature:
Can be found in Table III.
lVe are using #20 gauge wire and can calculate that the current will be:
- lt/ 8OO
Looking across the table we find the coil temperature jn air will be about 1300" F.
l{hen surrounded by the ceramic this temperature ulould probably be about 2OO' F. higher
or about 1500' F.
t{atts per square i nch of eI ement surf ace:
fie method used to test the soundness of an element design is a check on the porver
dens'ity per square inch of radiant surface. This'is done in the folloring manner:
Our element is to be constructed of *2O gauge wire ( .032" dia. ) with a total resistance
of 15.44 ohms. From Tab'le V we find that .032" NIClfrOf4E 8O has a resistance of .6347
ohms per foot. Thus the total length of wire Total ohns
ohns per Foot of lrlire
7 = 15.44 = 24.4 feet of wire
The surface area of the element 'is:
Surface area = n(wire dia.) (length of wire in inches)
or = (3.14) (.032) (24.4) (12)
= 29.4 square inches
The power density is thus = w?,1!?
=27.2 watts per square inch
Area= fPO,
For safe design the watts dens'ity on an open helical coil should not exceed 35 watts
per square inch when the element is operated in still a'ir. Naturally, if the coil is
to be used to heat a rapidly nroving air stream, the power density may be safely
increased. Conversely, if the coil is to be imbedded in a refractory mater'ial, the
pol'rer density must be decreased to prevent overheating of the element.

Number of coils per pound of wire:

Using *20 gauge w'ire with 15,44 ohms per co'il, frorn Table V we find that there are
.6347 ohms per foot of w'ire, thus

ohns per tuund .g!!ns/Fr l:yo

= LBS. =
.6347 X 1000
= 216.4
per 1000 ff. 2,933

1 pound of wire = ?!6"1

= 14 cpi ls


Suppose a ribbon wound mica element is to be designed for a singie piece toaster.
Irle know that:
1. We want 5OO watts.
2. The element w'i11 operate on 115 volts.
3. The m'ica sheet has space for 10 feet of ribbon. Again we w'ill use NICHROi4E 80.
To find the cold ribbon resistance:
Table I shours that for NICHROi4E 8O we need 24.704 ohms of cold resistance.
As we need 10' of ribbon this means a resistance per foot of 4# = 2.470.

To estimate ribbon size:

From the ribbon resistance for NICHRO}4E 80 in Table IV we find that 1/16 X .0O4 r'ibbon
has a resistance of 2.458 ohms per foot which should work very well and wrap easily on
the mica form.
To make an approximate check on the soundness of our element des'ign e\we should
calculate the watts density per square inch of element surface.
Orr rjbbon is 120'inches'long, 1/16 inch wide and .0O4" th'ick. Therefore, the total
surface area is:
120X.062X2 =15.O
12OX.004X1 = .96
Total surface area = 15.96 square inches
The watts density is thus:
Jg = 31 .4 watts per inch.
1 5.9b
For approximate design calculations the folloving table gives the range of watts per
square inch for various types of elements:

Elenent Tvpe Range of Watts Per &uare Inch

Furnace Strip. 6 to 20
Toaster Elements. 2O to 40
Flat Irons (Ribbon E'lements) 30 to 6O

It should be pointed out that the matter of watts per square inch is a factor which
varies considerably due to design characteristicsof the unit. In general, the better
a means'is prov'ided for heat conduction from the element the h'igher is the safe limit
of porer density. This is espec'ia'l'ly true for electric irons where, due to close
contact, the sole plate can be considered the radiating surface.

Size and Approximate Cold Resistances of Various Alloys for Comnon wattages
Wattss ats olEs at 75 Degreea OtEa at 75 Degreea A.n.G. SrZBS I{atsts at
oIEEting 110-120 220-240 220-210 otEnting
TeqEEtreE volt:g volt'E
11O-12O llolt's a1o-12O \Iolts 22O-21O ],olLa TeqEntuea
3.5 I I4.10 472 4 o Max.zb--5uMrn. Max.29-33Min. 100
150 42.347 329.38 7 4.7 32 3 1 4.93 26--30 29--33 'l 50

200 61.761 247.O4 5 9.050 tJo.ta 25--29 2A--32 200

250 49.409 197 .64 47.240 88.96
24--24 I/--5| 250
300 41 .174 'I 64.69 .Jv ,lb6 157.46 24--28 27-31 300
350 16 33. /+Z I 5+.9 / zo--JU
400 30.8 8',] 1 23.52 1 8.10
1 lL-za 25--29 400
450 27.445 10s.80 26.244 104.98 20--24 23--27 450
500 24.704 98.817 23.620 94.479 20--24 aa al 500
22.45A 89.832 21 .472 85.889 1 9--23 22-26 550
OUU ZU.CUO U5.J+? IY-O6J /v / 5U 22--26 OUU
650 19.004 /o.u to 18.1 70 72.679 9-23 22-26 650
700 17 .644 74.544 16,871 67.446 8--?2 700
750 I6.468 65.874 15.745 62.982 z l--za 750
800 15.440 6 t.766 14.7 62 5 9.05 5 a--22 21--25 800
65U 4 tt6 IC.UY+ a3.a / / /--lt 20--24 850
900 13.7 24 54.497 13.1 22 52.487 7 --21 20--24 900
'r 3.002 5 2.O09 12.431 49.7 26 7 --21 20--24 950
I 000 I t.53 / 49.409 1 1.810 47.240 o-- tu 1 S--23 '1000
I 050 11.764 47.O55 1 1 .247 44.949 6--20 19,-23 i o50
O0 ++.Y I O tv./c/ 4t.J+O o--zu 9--23
150 10.741 42.964 10.270 41 .O7A a--22 150
200 1 0.2936 41.174 9.8418 39.367 5--19 8--22 200
254 9.8817 39.527 9.4479 37 .7 92 4--14 7--21 250
300 9.501 6 38.00 6 9. O845 36.338 4--14 7 --21 300
v_t 3/ 6 6U 55.yyz 6-- l0 350
400 8.8229 36.292 8.435 6 34.743 3--1 / 6-- l0 400
450 8.51 88 34.O7 5 8.1449 32.579 2--1 6 5-- 450
500 8.2347 32.938 7.8732 31 .493 2,-1 6 500
r000 6.1 76 1 5.9050 l3 a II 0--14 3-- 7 000
ISUU 4.940 9 19.i64 4. /?40 I8.496 IJ 2- 6
3000 4.1 174 16.469 3.9366 15 .746 a--1 2 1. 5 000


Ohns Per Inch of Closed Helix

SIZES 3/1 s/s r/2 3/8 L/4 7 /32 3 /t6 s/12 Lle 3 /32 L/L6 t /a2 SIZES
4 .446 JO3 263 .toI 21 10 1 4
.638 523 408 174 149 .120 5
6 .895 7aE .415 215 .175 .1 35 6
7 1.32 1 08 851 5la .266 .208 150 7
18 t.50 .u9 I 4 .392 .JUV 18
19 2.14 1.69 t.z3 .77 9 .665 .551 .434 .324 19
20 3.a7 2.42 1.7A 1.13 .967 .805 .644 .442 20
3. / Z
21 3.5 8 2.63 1.68 1.45 .971 . / 33 .496 21
22 4.98 3.67 1.50 t-u5 1.70 1.37 1.05 .7 19 22
IJ 7.O2 5.18 2 88 t.Yo I b1 l.u3 23
24 4.69 3.41 2.74 2.14 1.50 .865 24
25 6.87 5.94 5.02 4.1 0 3- I / 2.25


Ihese datsa trawe bea cq>il-ed ao a aid to the umufactweE of helical rcile ad atrry ttre apprcxiute
rcnt in amqnres required to heat, the coils in open air tso ftre indicated teqrcEtreg uder the @naitions
llo. Di-a. Teu*r. 4oooF . 500 eoo 1000 L2(J0 1400 1500 ].aoo
ACIG Inchee Teq).2o4oF. 316 12't 534 619 76(J 471 9e2 Teqr- 1093oP

16 o51 3 .44 5.51 7.61 9.41 12.L0 LS.25 1A.56 22.L1 25-90
L7 o45 3.06 4.74 6.54 s.12 10.30 L2 -77 15.24 14.13 21. OO
1S o40 2.51 3.93 5 .41 6. 93 a .,13 10 . r11 L2.14 141 . 53 15. 70
u9 036 2 -20 3.16 4.74 6.14 7.53 9.25 11. 05 L2.94 44.91
20 032 1- 53 2.64 3.72 1.41 5. 01 7.41 4.96 10 .54 t2.20
2L o2a5 1 .35 2.L9 3. 09 4. 03 5. 01 6 -23 7.52 e. a9 10-30
22 0253 L.a7 1.e2 2.14 3.15 3.441 4.93 5.13 7.12 a. a1
2A o226 L.02 1.60 2.L9 2.AL 3 .43 4.32 5 .24 6 "29 7.3'l
21 .o2tJ .991 1.52 2.OS 2.59 3.13 3.42 4.55 5 .30 5.07
25 o7.79 - 459 1-31 t.77 2 -24 2.7t 3.32 3_95 4 -61 s -29
26 0159 645 1. Oa 1.50 1- 93 2.37 2 -e7 3_f9 3 -92 4.47
27 ot42 5S3 .896 L.22 1.54 t.a7 2.24 2.70 3. O5 3.50
2A ot25 410 .663 .993 t.22 1.51 t.a7 2.26 2.56 3. 09
29 o113 324 .538 .712 .965 1.19 1.53 1.85 2.24 2 -6t
30 . o10 277 _144 .531 .422 L. 02 7.-32 L.64 1-90 2.34
DaLa based on rciling on a arbor .128' diileter ad etretched to tvice the cloge rcmd-Iengths-

In Ohms per Foot at 58o F. (20' C.)

Are Inches L 161 t 132 3 161 | /L6 1132 r/8 1/L6 t/4
2S 0L79 .5]456 4850 3233 2425 L520 1140
26 o159 1.o92 .7279 5459 3640 2729 LTLL L283
27 aL12 L.223 .4150 6113 ll075 3056 1915 L437
2g oa26 1 .378 .9185 6890 !1593 3445 2159 1519
29 o113 1.536 1.o2/{ 7543 5L22 3A41 2107 1805
30 - o10 4.172 t.736 t -L57 .8681 5747 1110 2720 2(J10
31 oog9 3.90f 1.951 1 .301 .9757 6505 4A7e 3057 2293
32 . o08 1.340 2.170 1.117 1. Oas 7231 6L115 3400 2550
33 oo71 4.492 2.1146 1.631 t.223 8154 6926 3a32 2474
34 oo53 5.511 2.755 1 .437 1.374 9Lg1l 7AO1 1317 3237
l5 oo55 6 -202 3 .101 2 -067 1.550 t.L1a .9779 4A5A 3543
35 . oos 6.915 3 .172 2.37,5 L.736 1.311 .9431 544(J 40ao
37 OO.l5 7.715 3.854 2.572 1.929 7../156 L.O92 6()ll]l 4533
3A . oo4 a-58a 1.317. 2.494 2 -45e 1. 639 t.229 SAOO 5100
39 o035 9.921 1.960 3-307 2.eog 1-473 l -1.l1 7't'tL 5A2e
AF'G UlAtlE I tsi{ UHI{S/ T(IJ I Lt u. f,EIt FEE I/EX AT"G UIAHE I EX t tt{D/ r\ar I LDD, TElt FEEI PEH
g LZtJ U.l1ZU TD. UU tL. ta o Lto uL'tu1 av, o5 zu, La
9 LL1 05194 35 .49 27.40 I 114 o2263 39.38 25.39
10 702 05488 29.2L 34.23 10 LOZ o2826 31.53 3L.72
11 091 08151 23.25 13.01 11 091 03550 25.09 39.86
L2 081 .1429 18. {2 51.29 L2 081 Ott481 19.88 50.30
IJ utz LSUZ L{. fo 116. b5 IJ uta uabt4 J.5 IL oJ, o?
14 054 15,18 11. 50 85.95 1l 06t 07178 L2.1L 80. 58
15 o57 2074 I .123 109.6 15 057 09049 9.845 101.5
16 o51 2595 7 .304 136.9 16 051 .1130 7 .881 L26.9
L7 O,l5 3333 5.686 175.9 11 o45 . L152 5.136 153.0
ro . U4U . lZLt {. /tyJ zzz.b IE . UIU IUJ / {,6+U ZUO.J
19 . o35 .5208 3.639 271.6 19 .036 2270 3.927 251.6
20 .o32 " 6592 2.fJ75 347 .8 20 .o32 2871 3. 103 322.3
2L .02E5 .8310 2.281 434, { 2L .0285 3519 2.15L {05.3
22 .0253 1.055 L .797 555.5 22 . o253 4557 1.940 515.5
t5 v 440 L. J11 1. {Je o, / . + ZJ ttz 4b .3 /fb J. 3{6 o{o. u
21 0201 1.571 i. 134 E81.8 24 0201 .1 277 L.221 817.O
aa aL79 2. L0? .4997 1,111. 25 0179 .9L75 .9709 1, 030,
26 0159 2.570 .7099 1,413 , 25 0159 1. 153 .7660 1,305.
27 oL12 3 ,348 .3662 t,?66 27 oL12 1.458 .5110 1,637.
ZE ur zb 1. ZaL .t{3E t,4+J ao UIZb 1,6t2 /t63{ z UOI
,o 0113 5. 286 3585 2,789 29 0113 2.302 3869 2,585
30 .010 6.750 2808 3,551 30 .010 2.910 3030 3,330
31 0089 8. 523 2224 I ,196 31 0089 3.?22 2400 1,L67
32 0080 10. 55 L'|97 5,565 32 o080 /t. 59,1 1939 5,157
5J UU/]. LJ J' I {IO t ruo1. JJ UU'1 f. UJJ ,LAat 5,549,
31 0063 77 00 111,1 8,917 , 3{ 0063 7. ,t0g . L203 8.313.
35 0056 2r 52 0E805 11,350 35 0056 9.3'15 09503 10,520
36 oo50 00 07020 1,1, 250 35 0050 11.76 o7575 13 200
31 o045 33 33 05685 17,590 37 OO,l5 L4 .52 05136 15 300
JU . UU4U 1t .tv UU*YJ 4t , tav J6 UUltU Ll,.JT u{d{E zu r bJU
39 .0035 55. 10 03440 29,07O 39 0035 24. O0 o37L2 26,94O
ilo .0031 10 .21 02698 37,050 {0 0031 30.50 o2912 34,3,10
41 .00275 89 .29 02121 '17 ,08o
11 40275 38.88 02292 43,530
12 .00250 108. 0 01755 55,980 12 00250 '17. 04 o1894 52 ,800


Ah,G UIAI{E I ET{ Lri$,lu/ t-uu I LEU. I-EH rEE I l',Ell AWG UIAitT I ETl utrr{5/ ruu r LEU. TEH rEEI tEX
U LZ6 UJYb / {b, vJ 21, J1 6 L ttt UUJObZ llY,JI lU. 16
9 114 05001 37.22 26.87 9 114 o04517 39 .17 25.53
10 LO2 06 248 29.80 33 .56 10 102 005757 31.35 31.89
,.1 091 07849 23.72 .$2.15 11 091 oo7245 25.05 39. 90
72 081 0990? 18.79 53 .2? L2 081 009145 L9.17 50. 57
LJ gtz .r-233 ]'t,63 5t 51 vt4 UII9 / If . oz o{, ul
1t 054 1588 11. 73 85. 25 14 064 01465 12.35 81.00
15 057 20ao 9.305 10?. 5 15 057 01847 9. 788 102. 1
16 051 2199 7. {50 L31 .2 16 051 o2307 ? .835 12? .7
L7 045 3209 5.800 t72.1 L'I 045 02963 6. 100 163.9
lo . U{U .*v0z { DUJ ZLtJ z t-t, , u{u UJ /fU 1.422 lUt,l
19 . 036 .5015 3.7L2 259 I 19 .035 04530 3.905 255. 0
20 .032 .631'l 2.933 340 9 20 .032 05859 3. 085 321. L
2L . o285 .8002 2.326 129.9 2L . o285 o?387 2.130 411. 4
22 .0253 1.017 1.833 545.5 22 . o253 0937 1 1.945 513.6
z3 ulto L,272 I.{OJ OEJ, f ZJ uzzb Lr /5 I, fJY bav. 5
21 0201 1.609 L. LN1 864.3 21 0201 1485 L.zLA 821.0
25 01?9 2.O29 .9L77 1,090 25 oL79 LA73 .9555 1,035 . 0
26 o159 2.57L .721L 1,381 25 0159 2373 .76L9 1,313. 0
21 oL12 3.228 .5775 L,732 o712 2976 .5075 1 .645 .0
46 ut zo +.uvu {9+ z, Lrt zo ULZO 3tt6 I 785 t,utv,u
29 0113 5.090 3657' 2,734 29 0113 4699 3785 2,512.0
3o .010 6.500 2E61 3 ,192 30 .010 5000 3014 3,318.0
31 ooE9 6. 206 2269 4,1O7 31 0089 7575 2387 {, 189. 0
32 o080 10.16 1833 5,456 32 o080 9375 L929 5.185.0
JJ IJVtL LZ.t . r+tt o,raa. JJ vurr I ].vu . rSlv b, SlrJ , u
34 0063 13.37 .1137 8, ?95, 34 o053 1. 511 .1196 8,36,1. 0
35 0056 20.72 08982 11, 130 35 0056 1.913 09{51 10, 580. 0
36 0050 26. 00 0?160 13,970 35 0050 2.400 0753{ L3,27O.O
37 oo{5 32. 09 05EO0 L't,210 37 0045 2.963 06100 16,400.0
5U . UUIU 1U,b4 UIDf OJ 1L t AtV J6 . UUltU J. u16ZZ zu, ttll.,
'3U 27,LLO
39 .0035 53.06 03509 28,500 39 .0035 4.898 03589
40 . 0031 67 .63 o2752 36,3,10 40 .0031 6 .243 o2893 3,1,570
41 .oo275 85.98 02156 16,L7O 17 .00275 ?. 934 0228L ,l3 r 8i[0
12 . oo250 104. 00 01790 55,870 12 .00250 9.600 01885 53.050
Showing approximate amperes necessary to produce a given t.emperature.
Applying only to straight wires stretched horizontally in free air.
No. Dia. feqr.4OOoF 500 800 1000 1200 1400 1500 1800 20000 P-
B-& S- Inches te@-2O,1oe 316 127 534 61l9 76.J 471 952 10930 C-
1 100 75 1 0 r04.00 134.0 169.0 210.0 257 -0 309.0 363.0 +I I .U
2 258 62 81 87 .45 172 .4 L42.1 1-75 -5 215 .9 2s9.5 304.9 3s0.3
3 229 CA
54 73 .53 94.33 119.4 148.5 181.4 277.9 256 -0 zY4-2
4 204 43 94 .82
61- 19.a5 100.4 724.8 752.4 183.0 215 .0 247 .2
5 t82 36 75 51.98 66.47 84.36 104.9 a2B.O 752.7 180.5 207 -6
6 1 62 30 '7 4 4 3 aa
55 72 70 91 BB .16 107.5 729.0 151 .'7 774 -3
1 L44 1tr 7t 36 75 46 75 59 60 74.12 90.3s 108 .3 127.4 745.4
B 128 27 50 30 90 39 23 50 10 62.30 75.90 91.00 107.0 723 .0
9 La4 i8 00 25 90 33 )a A' r-0 52 .40 64.24 76.80 90 .20 104.0
10 702 15 +3 03 2B 15 35 OJ 44.30 54.39 55 - 08 75.40 88.00
11 0 91 13.23 78.'72 23 .89 30 16 37 54 6 07 55.15 64.70 74 4
11.34 15.91 aa aa 46.73
72 081 53 31 77 39 03 54. B0 53 01
13 i1') 9.73 13.53 L7 .2L 2a b1 26 B9 33 05 39.50 46.47 53 31
L4 064 B .34 10.50 74.59 r-B 30 22 76 2B 01 33 .56 39.31 45 11
15 057 7 .75 9 -78 72 -38 15 50 19 26 IJ 28 -44 33-30 38
t6 051 6.13 8.31 10.50 t-3.11 15.30 20.10 24 10 28.20 32.30
a7 045 5.31 7 .78 9.13 11.30 13 .90 16.90 20 30 23 .50 27.00
1B 040 4 .66 6 .26 7 .90 9 .75 11.95 14 .51 L7 5t 20.48 23.08
19 036 4.09 5 .46 6.84 8.41 10.30 72 .45 t4 87 L7 .18 79.73
20 n 7.) 3 .58 4 -77 5 .92 7 .25 8.85 10.69 L2 72 15.43 ].5.87
2L 0285 3.14 4.L6 5.13 6 .26 7 .63 9.a7 10. BB 13.40 14.40
22 0253 2 -76 3 .63 4 .44 5.40 5.s6 t -d / 9.31 11.53 72.33
23 4226 2 .42 3.16 3 .84 4 .67 5.6s 6.76 7 .97 10.09 10.54
.A 020 2.12 z- to 3.32 4.01 4.86 s.80 h.a2 8.75 9.01
25 077 9 1.84 2 .42 2 .90 3 .44 4.15 4 .97 s.85 6 .96 7 -72
26 015 9 1.58 2 .09 3 .00 3.61 4.31 s.06 5 .97 5.63
27 0l-42 L -37 1.80 2.79 2.b2 3 .14 3 .73 4 .37 5 .72 s.69
2B 0726 1.18 1 .55 1.90 3.23 3.77 4.39 4. BB
-o 0 113 1 .02 1.34 1.55 r .99 2 .37 2 .80 3.25 3.75 4 .79
30 010 -b t5 1- 15 1.43 7.74 2 .06 2 .43 2 .81 3 .22 3.s9
31 0089 154 1 .00 L.24 1.51 7.'79 2 .14 z.+z 1 1a 3.09
32 .008 650 860 r- - 08 1.32 1 .55 I.82 2-09 2 -37 2 .55
33 0071 560 150 .940 1.13 1.34 1.55 1.80 2 .04 2.25
34 0063 493 6s8 .820 .97 B 1.15 1 .34 1.54 7.74 1.93
35 00s6 434 577 .7 a5 - 845 1.01 1.15 r-32 1, .49 t .66
36 .00s 382 s06 623 732 872 9 98 1.IJ 1. 2 7 L .42
37 0045 337 444 543 533 755 850 .Y IU 1.09 L.2L
3B .004 295 390 474 548 554 747 .831 .931 1.04
39 003s 261 342 413 474 567 638 .7t2 .7 96 .8BB
40 0031 230 300 350 410 491- 550 .510 .580 .7 60

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