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Identification of Linear Models for a Laboratory Helicopter

Conference Paper · January 2010

DOI: 10.1109/ICCEE.2009.44 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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2 authors, including:

Alireza Fatehi
Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology


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2009 Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering

Identification of linear models for a laboratory Helicopter

V. Nazarzehi A. Fatehi
Faculty of Marine Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Chabahar Maritime University K .N . Tossi University of Technology
Chabahar, Iran Tehran, Iran

Abstract--The CE 150 made by Humusoft is a laboratory dynamical model for this laboratory helicopter was
helicopter designed for studying system dynamics and control obtained[1]. Repeated computation of the obtained models,
engineering principles. This helicopter is nonlinear and the parameters of previous model was corrected [3]. Both of
unstable in vertical direction. In this paper a linear bank of these two models were obtained in the basis of first
models for modeling a vertical direction of helicopter has been principle. In this paper using the system identification
obtained, and model validation is discussed. technique the linear bank of model for laboratory helicopter
model in the vertical direction is obtained. In section 2 close
Key words-- closed loop identification , Linear identification of
nonlinear plant, Helicopter laboratory Model , Linear bank of
loop identification will be described and identification of
models plant in different operating points (vertical angles) and a
suitable identification signal and suitable structure for model
I. INTRODUCTION is going to be chosen. In part 3 with estimation of plant
In many controller design methods a mathematical model parameters the validation of close loop identification is
of plant is required in order to explain a dynamical behavior going to be reviewed. And finally in section 4 by design a
of plant and it can be used to design a controller. There are controller in the basis of identified model and its
two well known modeling approaches: Theoretical and implementation on this helicopter, model validation is
Experimental. The first method is known as the first discussed.
principle according to this technique The model can be II. LABORATORY HELICOPTER
obtained by mathematical equations which are based on CLOSED LOOP IDENTIFICATION
physical laws. In most cases the processes are so
complicated that we can not obtain a suitable model only
with physical observations and beside, it is not always
possible to do that. Thus in this case we obtain model by
using system identification techniques. System
identification is especially useful for modeling systems that
you cannot easily represent in terms of first principles or
known physical laws. The CE150 Helicopter Model is
designed for the theoretical study and practical investigation
of basic and advanced control engineering principles. This
includes system dynamics modeling, identification, and
various controllers design by classical and modern methods.
A system configuration for the CE150 follows from Figure
1. The model consists of a body carrying two DC motors
These motors drive the propellers. The body has two
degrees of freedom. The axes of the body rotation are
perpendicular as well as the axes of the motors. Both body
position angles, i.e. azimuth angle in horizontal and Figure 1. CE 150 Laboratory Helicopter
elevation angle in vertical plane are influenced by the System identification is especially useful for modeling
rotating propellers simultaneously. systems that you cannot easily represent in terms of first
The helicopter model is a multivariable dynamical system principles or known physical laws. In the identification of
(MIMO) but its motion can be limited in one direction plant there is no information required from the dynamic of
(SISO). The vertical channel of the helicopter is nonlinear plant and assuming a plant as Black box and doing a test on
and its dynamic change with variation of elevation angle. plant a suitable model for plant can be obtained. Laboratory
with writing the relation of torques equilibrations the helicopter in vertical direction is non stable and nonlinear
and its parameters are dependent on the operating point at

978-0-7695-3925-6/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE 295

DOI 10.1109/ICCEE.2009.44
different set points along the elevation axis its linear models following stages:
changes in one direction of angle to another. Therefore it
1- Experimental design and data acquisition
must be identified in closed loop and different operating
points. The identified model has validity in a small area 2-Choice model structure
around that set point. For identifying linear model for this
3- Estimation Model parameters
nonlinear system, firstly it should be stabilized in different
operating points (every 10 degree) and then using a proper 4-Model validation
identification signal and analyzing input and output data,
the model has been obtained. In closed loop identification III. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND
method a plant is identified in two ways: CHOICE THE MODEL STRUCTURE
The aim of the experimental design is to chose a suitable
1- Direct method signal. The success of the method depends on the input
signal selection as different signals give different results. In
2- Indirect method
practice for determination of the suitable amplitude and the
In direct method first the plant is stabilized at operating frequency ranges, a sinusoid signal with different
point and then exciting it with proper signal the system is amplitudes and frequency applied to the closed loop
identified with using the input/output data directly. But in plant. With regards to the amplitude and obtained frequency
indirect method after stabilizing system in closed loop, the range (f<10 Hz, +_ 5 Degree) the PRBS signal is being
closed loop system is identified by the closed loop used. Choosing a model structure is usually the first step
input/output data. And then using controller dynamic the towards its estimation [5]. There are various possibilities for
open loop model (system's model) is obtained. For structure state-space and polynomial forms such as ARX,
identifying this helicopter the indirect method has been ARMAX, OE, BJ etc. for this plant ARX and ARMAX has
used. First a controller for stabilizing plant in different been selected
region ( different vertical angle) was necessary. Trial and ARX : A( q ) y (t ) = B ( q )u (t − nk ) + e(t ) (1)
error a PID controller as stabilizer has been designed. After
designing the stabilizer PID the helicopter was stabilized in ARMAX : A( q ) y (t ) = B ( q )u (t − nk ) + C ( q )e(t ) (2)
different region (every 10 degree) and it has been identified
in close loop then using the PID dynamic and closed loop polynomials A, B, C, contain the time-shift operator q. u(t)
identified models a bank of linear model has been obtained. is the input, y(t) is the output and nk is the input delay that
characterizes the delay response time. na, nb and nc are
The general system identification process includes the model order, na for A, nb for B and nc for C,
Start −1 − na
A( q ) = 1 + a1q + ..............a na q (3)
knowledge −1 − nb
Design from model
B ( q ) = b0 + b1q + ..............bnb q (4)
−1 − nc
C ( q ) = 1 + c1q + .................c nc q (5)
Storing Data( input/output)

The two structures be compared and according to model

Choice model validation criteria , The model with ARMAX structure had
structure better performance than ARX. Results of residual analyze
and comparing actual and model output for 90 degree has
Choice parameter been shown in the figures 3,4
estimation method

Model validation

New data set


Yes End
Figure 3. comparing The Residual analyses ARX(…),ARMAX(---)

Figure2. Model Identification steps

Figure 4. comparing The outputs between actual model(continious line) and
Figure 3 shows that the residual curves for ARMAX
structure are inside the model confidence interval. And Figure7. Residual analyses for 90 degree
figure 4 shows that the ARMAX structure output has better
performance than ARX.
The model parameters are obtained by Least Squares
algorithm. The next stage after calculation of model
parameters is model validation. This helicopter's identified
models validated by two ways:
1. Residual analyze
2. Comparing the identified model and actual output
Figures 5to10 present the results of a model validation test
for three angles models (70, 90 ,110 degree)
Figure8. comparing actual output(----) and model output(…..)for
90 degree

Figure9. Residual analyses for 110 degree

Figure 5. Residual analyses for 70 degree

Figure10. comparing actual output(----) and model output(…..)for 110

Figure 6. comparing actual output(----) and model output(…..)for
70 degree

In residual analyze figures (5,7,9) , it has been shown that VI. MODEL VALIDATION WITH
the residual analyze plot are inside the model confidence IMPLEMENTATION
interval. Figures 6,8and 10 are about comparing the A suitable method for model validation is to design a
identified model and actual output. Comparing figures controller with using the identified models and
between actual model and identified model shows that the implementing the results. Therefore using identified models
output are approximately coincide each other. This mean for 70 and 90 degree, PID controller has been designed and
that identified models are validated. implemented on laboratory helicopter.
V. CALCULATION LINEAR MODELS In figure 12,13,14,15 the obtained simulation and
The identified models belong to closed loop system. Figure implementation results for 70,90 degree angles have been
11 present the closed loop system block diagram presented.


Figure11. close loop system block diagram

In figure 11 C is controller(stabilizer) and G is Helicopter
transfer function. H(closed loop identified model) can be Figure12. The simulation result for model belong to 70 degree
obtained according to:
= H (6)
1 + GC

Therefore Laboratory Helicopter open loop model is:

G = (7)
C (1 − H )
Figure13.The simulation result for model belong to 90 degree
Table 1 presents the linear bank of models for Laboratory
Table1.Linear bank of models
Elevation Linear model
60 121
S 4 + 6 .29 S 3 + 59 . 2 S 2 + 103 . 2 S + 64 .9

70 122
S + 6.2S + 53.6S 2 + 92S + 57.89
4 3

Figure14. The implementation result for model belong to 70

80 126 . 67
4 3
S + 6 . 92 S + 53 S 2 + 89 S + 55 . 26

90 107
S 4 + 7.49 S 3 + 47 .7 S 2 + 77 S + 46 .71

100 109
S + 9.63S + 50 .1S 2 + 76.4 S + 44
4 3

110 83 .27
S 4 + 8 . 21 S 3 + 40 . 1S 2 + 60 .39 S + 57 . 89

120 47
Figure15 the implementation result for model belong to 90
S 4 + 6.89S 3 + 28.6S 2 + 41.26S + 23.2
Figures 12-15 show that the identified models can present
Having H in each situation and C (the stabilizer PID), we controller which can control plant properly. Both of
can obtain The G belong that situation as shown in table (1).

simulation and implementation result assert a good
performance of identified models.

Without having any information from dynamical behavior,

nonlinear and unstable laboratory Helicopter has been
identified, then bank of linear models for modeling this
helicopter in vertical direction has been obtained. Validation
of identified models with design controllers and simulation
and implementation the results have been verified.
[1] Humusoft , “CE150 Helicopter Model User’s Guide”
[2] V.Nazarzehi, "Desigan and implementation of multiple modeling and
control approach for Twin Rotor Helicopter", M.Sc Thesis, K.N.T.
[2] R.B.Khosroshahi."Desigan and implementation of linear and
nonlinear control on Twin Rotor Helicopter", M.Sc Thesis, K.N.T.
University,Iran, 2001
[4] Humusoft , “Real Time Tool User’Guide”,1992
[5] L.Ljung, ”System identification theory for the
user”, PrenticeHall, 1992.
[6] L.Ljung, ”System identification toolbox for use'
[7] T. Soderstrom, ”system identification” Prentice


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