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I. Thomas Hobbes
- Abandoned to his uncle; Born in Westport near Malmesbury, England.
- Died at Derbyshire
- “Fear and I were born as twins”
- “I put for a general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of
power after power, that ceaseth only in death.”
- “Desire of ease, and sensual delight, dispose men to obey a common good.”
- “Desire if knowledge, and arts of peace, inclineth man to obbey a common power”
- “Fear of things invicible turns into the see of religion.”
- “Equality of ability, ariseth equality of hope in the attaining of our ends.”
- “To master the persons of all men he can, so long, till he see no other power great
enough to endanger him.”
- 3 causes of quarrels: Competition (gain), Diffidence (safety), Glory(reputation)
- “During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they
are in that condtion which is called war.” (war as notion of time)
- “The life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”
- On kings waging wars: “because they uphold thereby, the industry of their subjects;
there does not follow from it, that misery which accompanies the liberty of
particular men.”
- “Where there is no common power, there is no law: there no law, no injustice.”
- Laws of Nature: articles of peace. (incline men to peace: fear of death)
- “To use his power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature (life)”
- Liberty – absence of external impediments
- Law of Nature – man is forbidden to do that, which is destructive of his life.
- Jus and lex (right and law)
- “every man, ought to endeavor pece, as far as he has hope of obtaining it;”
- “transfer/renouncing right: either for good to himself or reciprocate right
transferred to himself.”
- COVENANT/PACT: keeping of promise (faith), failing (violation of faith)
- “men perform their covenants made: without which, covenants are in vain, but
empty words; and the right of all men to all things remain, we are still in the
condition of war.”
- Injustice  not performace of covenant.
- Moral philosophy : science of what is good and evil. (appetites and aversions)
- Means of peace: JGMEM
- “The greatest of human powers, is that which is compounded of th powers of the
most men, united by consent, in one person, natural, or civil, that has the use of all
their powers depending on his will; such is a power of a commonwealth.”
- “if there be no power erected, or not great enough for our security; every man will,
and may lawfully rely on his own strength and art, for caution against all other
- “everyone to own, and acknowledge himself to be the author of whatsoever he that
so beareth their person, shall act, or cause to be acted, in those things which concern
the common peace and safety.”
- “I authorize and give up my right of governing myself... and authorize all his actions
in like manner.”
- LEVIATHAN  mortal god  Sovereign
- Those who voted against it  susunod na lang
- It is injustice when the people depose him, they take from him that which is his own.
- Covenant with God  injustice
- “No man that has sovereign power can justly be put todeath, or otherwisw in any
manner by his subjects punished. For seeing every subject is author of the actions of
his sovereign: he punishes another for the actions committed by himself.”
- “In all places in the world, men should say the foundation of their houses on the
sand, it could not thence be inferred, that so it ought to be.”

II. John Locke


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