Sie sind auf Seite 1von 46

1\". I - { ;.. I,I fill",1 ".... hl,·... C;il!

Ti e ( 10' 0" 11,00

,,,, 2- 10 ),; .. (.,,1.1 1""",1 Hull",. 1.50
l\", :J- II"II.·d (;,,111 I'i .. (fnr IMdil") .75
,,,. 1--1t,,11 ... 1 C; ... 101 L"lwl lIullol1 .75
,,,. (0- 10 ),; •. C.ol.1 l.a "t'l Ih.,,,," 1.75
,'". 7- 10 ),;1. C; ... M 1.""O':llIullon 2.00
,,,, 8-
(; ....,
10 ),;t. (; ..101 Oi" ... ""d Sh"IU' Eml,le ...
.' iII ...1 Til' Slid" '1.00
1'0". 10 - - 10 k •. (; .. M Hi ... 12 .00
'n. 11 - 10 1<1. ' ;0'01 Ihrlll''! of 1I 0noO' 2.50
(5. 10, 15.20. :!5. 30. 35 . •10 .",1 ·15 Jean)
' n, 12 _ 10 k .. (; 0 '<1 E",Io I.,,,, : !l01l ... 1 (;01.1
13 , ''!r 100
Chain Til' CI._,. 4.50

'I". 13- {;<)101 "I"'l·tI A u :o;i li. ,," Pill (f"r 1.1I.1i.,0) .50


J. SeOI/ MillI., I. S.
1200 ..' iflc .. nlh 'il .. ;'\'. \\ . \l'.~ hinll'l"" 5, D. C.
• Rin ... fu .. nllhoed On I, In
12. If';'.
.!_ •. "!:. 10. 10';,. II, 11 "i.

Th .. ,,'''' .... ,uti.. I... •rifl ,... ... ""Ii ...1 .wly ...10.'" ,I. .. "'''''1'' ""' ...u,, Ion. b,."" , ..",;" 1',1. "r""'r,,"'y ;" "Io p,," "" "'DOl,.!'
"",/,,0', 1"."Didl·n' ".. ",;/1",,0''' ,rifl ",·. .. 11 i" ,I.,. ,,0'<11''' b.. iote """"""1".,...01. " " ." "/:" lOr '·XI'''.·•• i. 1""'''';'' "n .. /I
nn;"I.,. ,
Volume XLVII, 1'0. 6 Ju n e. EXECUTIVE OffiCERS
i-nt4lnmtiomr.i Premel1t
1200 16th St., N. W.,
Wubin~n 6, D, C.

I nt~ticmal S.erllta",
Fourlh AnllUlll BOl\IiIl~ TOlII'llallll' ul , 2
1200 16th St., N. W.,
W •• hington 6, D. C.
SUlIIlIllirizing Labor's "Score Iwe t", 3
90th Anni\'ersilry of Trunsu tlunti<- ( .lIl1le .. 5 l-n.t.rnationai Trea.urer
647 South Ave.,
Qu estions IIIHI Answf'I'S , , , , , .... 7 Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Editorials 8 Vi(,f1 Pr(':~ id"t\1a
FI ..! mnrle!.... . ,., .. JtlIlS lI ... vllltI""
New Eleetrkal Prndlll'l S 20 4 R_ 111dso:., 744 Outllf:tlOl An' .•
10 Wlncbor, Ont .. Canada
Steond Dlautct. .............. JOII:< J. RIDIIM',
\\ ith the Ladi" s. 12 !loom nt. I'a.k 8Q".... IUd, .. Iloo.l.on 'I, M....
Tllird Dlal.l ~t .....••• , .•... JOIIQ' II W. I.IOr.o:rr
~2 t.llie St .. Alba", I. N. Y.
Short Cirellits. I I t'oul1h D'-t.IoI ........... GoROOlt M. }'I. .MAS
Room 1001. I~ K HII St ..
Clnelnnal.l 2, Ohio
lAwai Lines .... 15 Fltth DlUrlct....... .... .G. X. n..... _
u. Chamber 01 Com_ Bid... AU.n,.. ., G...

Union .3-' Shih Dblrict. ................... M . J. Bon..

1411 Chle 0 ..... Ilkl ••• 20 N. Wacker Drl~t,
Chlcqo G, III

In Me moria m .. 10
!kftnth D'oolrkt ................ W. 1..
1101 Jo .... SL. ~ 111. Fort Worth 2. Tu ...
".G.... ..
•:llhth Dletrlel •..•••••..• WAI.t.ACII C. W.'UIU·
1'"",."'\10 .:WIrLr Old"., !U North Main,
1'. O. n,,~ 4S0. 1'00.".,110. Idaho
Ninth DJ. lrl r t. ••......•...•.. OIllMB II UUK
~IB Centr.1 Tower. San . ' •• "ct.eo S, Calli.

Tenth DJ.lrlu . . •.•.••. J. J. Dt:ffV
aao South Wei. SL. Roo... 100, Chi...., •. III
th Diouict.. ,.. I'... :.K Vt'. J ...
Uri C-lboton A~ .., !It. 1...... 10. MOo
T ..elhh Olo.lrlt"t... ••.•..•. W. II. 1'1I"f'rY
lUI lI .mllton N.tlon.llIonk Ill<l •. ,
ChaltanOOllo t. T .. nn.
TRtS MONTH Pfi!sident Tracy JOtJKNAL . . . . Last month. In the
takes !!tock of events on the Icj:ti~illtive Jonl~AI:1 joke clliumn, "Short Cir- Intern"ll .... n .. 1 ExHllthl" Coundl
front nnd roncludell that labor has cuits," we ran the flame juke twice, Cll .... a.. M. P"'ULII~Ii", Chi .........
SCOI'ed some victoriell, lIuffered BOrne thel'ehy provvking one reader to ask 4U7 C.. rlotrAv~., ChitaKO (I, 111.

dcfcut~. H is story ullpenrs on 11U1I'1l:-l.

FI .. t DI.lrl~~ .•••••..••••• I"OUlM P. M ...RnAIi"TI
if we l'enlly thouK"h t the Kag was thut liD Mo.nln .. lde Drl~, Trenton 8, N. J.
•.. Bowling apllClll"ll to be one or the good, NIlI)('. it WIIS I)U!'l'ly lin enor S«ond Dlotrkt . . . . • . . c ..... ~ E. C""I'&O:V
favorite pastimes or men of the . . • Testimony of Louis Sherman, 21 Sanfonl St., S"rln.n.kI a. )I ....
1. B. E. W. A story on the Orgllniza- I:enerlli lMun!ll!.l of the I. B. E. \\'., on Thin! Dlo.trl~l. (k.IVJa MYIIQ
III Ad ..... 51., To~o I, Ohio
tion's fourth IlnnU1i1 bowling tourna· th(> "'afro and 1I0ur Law i8 8um· .·ou"h DI.tmt.......... C... I.L G. !'l('"o~n
ment, held at St. Louis, is Oil page 2. mllri1..M on 1)llil'll ·1 .... Now that sum· 1ft: !It. Paul SL. 1J.11lmo .... 2, Md.
. .. ~inety yean ago the fint tran~­ mer's here, "With the Ludies" (page I'ifth DI.ttlct .H. II. Ii.OAOI
atlantic cable was laid. Some of the J~) offen 8Qmo timely sea""nal hinU 110 N. w.ra St.. Cblr..-o 8, III.
SIKtn D.. I.let. .C. R C... ItI..
histury attendant 'In thllt momentous (or work.saving nleasurea around the 61f OaIaeU St.. SII ...... ~oort. r.....
event is recounted in this issue of the huulII.'hold, s." ....,!.h Pt.lrlel .. .(''' ... R.''''' J . ~·nt:"It
$(78 lith SL, S.n F .. ndlOO 10, C.Ilf.


Elllhih OIII.I.t. .... "~.IT" COI·K",·./<
81 110m .. St.. St.. Lf(, Ont., C.nad.

r OST,MA IITF,H.S : Chan" of .dd.-- ......... on FOI"III lUll .t-hl be ... nl to Int .... n.llon.) Ilr-oth~rhood of .-:J ~trl .... l W .... h .... 1200 FIf\ .... ntll
SI ..... I. N. W.. W..hlnlton 6, D. C. j'ubllolho,d monlhlr .nd enl~""" .. ... maUe. U tM ~t oIIIcOI " W.... ln.ton. D. C.-Ac~'I.-d
for ",.Illnl U .~ial ..lao of I_la1ft' a. "m.-ld...t for In S«llnn 1101, Ad of o .."w. I, 11111, ... 11.0.1-, M,.., .. 2~. IHI. S . . .rlpllon p.I.,.,:
Un;~ State. and Canado, It ".... ''''. In .d,·onu. I'rln~ In U. S. A. Thl. JOI""U will not be !wid """,ft&lb~ f<H" vie .... e.rprftMd .".
.... rr.,.pond~nta. Tho 11 ... 1 (tf month .. e...l,.. dalL All "'P1 mlilt b.. In OUr ban'" 0" 0' ""0.-.
!.hie tl-.

" "
Bowling Tournament in St. Louis a Success

BIIII'lf'r'1J nllt-,-rd in the I. B. E. 1I':./ourOr (l1'ltlllIll.lyliuy tourllell alld

Ih('it wil"'" flit IlIqJ grtlhcr('ci il' tit,. dr/LillO ,""um "/ Iht lIold Slath.,.,
Lalli", 011 /Iv cr--lIil/O of Mardi 21. Nv:t yrar'. '''''rJl(lIllf'JlI will be hdd
ilt ChicagQ, witlt L. C 134 Ilcting aIJ hOlft. Th., St. /,0I1i8 eVf'lIt attr(l('/('d
fUl tcomv, 116 fiOllblc9 ami .215 Itillfl/rlt, curd Wall /rnurd fI hllye Illce('"
by al/ 11'11" at/cll(/cd. Chicago L. (1. },/.I,', team So , .! walked uD with
top hU/I<I ..II ill Urc tOlu'nul/H'ld.

By M. A. ";)lORRY" NEWMAN, ments were made for two ftoor shows Elischer, L. U. 6!17, Gary, Ind. (1!135);
Pre.. Seerclarl/. LAcal Filion!, at the banquet which followed. Thus E. Brown, L. U. 58, Detroit (1!l30).
St. u;mi6, .\10. all bowlers, regardless of their bowling
aehedulf!S, were able to enjoy one of IloubietJ
ONSENSUS was that the rourth the shows. A !I-piece orchestra 1,la),oo F. A. Schmidt and J ohn Lauber-
C annual I. B. E. W. bowling tourn.
ame nt. held March 27-28 in Rt~ l.ouiR,
for the .!Ihow! and the dancing that
tame in betwct'n. Frank W. JaC1.lbs,
sheimer, L. U. J, St. Louis (130Il:
Daniel Diamond and Jamcs J:~ast.cutt.
was a lucel'ssful event in every way. eleventh district vice president, and L. U. 58, Detroit (12!11) ; nun Koehel
Sixty-nine teams, 126 doubles nnd 215 Bob Meyers of Local I, lang IIOlos and Frank Uadloff, L. U. 58, Detroit
singles were entered, which mude ror that drew plenty of applause. (1285); George Bresnan and Harry
plenty ot kegling vVl!r UIO~ w~k~nd. Just for the rL·\:unl. we are publi:lh- Voss, L. U. I, St. Lnuill (l2R4); 8.
Team No.2 of L. U. 134, Chicago, ing the dinner menu with lhe thought Camin lind J. Goldberg, L. U. 3A.
stood at the head or the class when that, if there is any dispute in \lIter Cleveland (1281): Joe Paha and C.
th(' tournament wound up, with" very ycars liS to what the [lcms w('re. you Mantalto, L. U. J S~, Chicago ( 1281);
commendable 3310 score. M. Derus can thumb back through this ,TOL'HSAI. E. Zang und A. S.:hlange, I.. U. 6H
of L. U ..1!).I, Milwaukee, WIlS the nll- and settle the que~tion. The dinner and I (1253); Glenn lI agen nnd H.
events winller with a point seol'e of included fresh fruit cocklllil, breast Robbins, L. U . 1250, St. Louis (12f)2);
1965. At the hco.d of the douhles of rhirkcn a la Maryland, cllndied Joe McGuire and H. Schutten, L. U.
teams "rood our own F. A. Schmidt yams, fresh string beans, chef', ...Iad, 131. ('hicago (1250); George Keiper
and John Laubersheimer, with 1:101. pie and ice cream. coffee.. and Vince Renaud, L. U, 1256, S1.
Paul Buehrle of L. U. 6!17. Gllr}', Leading scores in the dift'('rent clas- Louis (12.&1) .
Indiana, rolled 7:!7 to head the single. sifications ot the tournament follow:
S in j:fII"S
entries. Highest single game was a
286 bowled by Tom Simenek of St. Tea m Scores Paul Buehrle, L. U. 6!l7. Gary, Ind.
(727); Orville Kelley, L. U. 31.
Louis. Tcam No.2, L, U. 131, Chicago
Smool hl~' Sh ow
('lcvclnnd (7Ui); John Bridtte~, I .. 11.
nUll (S310); Team No.5, L. U. 131. Chi-
cago (3H1!}) ; J. Livingston, L. U. 1. St.
58, Detroit (6!'!3) j C. Bowre8, L. U.
Credit must be given to the howling 6.&8. Hamilton, O. (689); Fre<1 TafT.
committee consisting of J oe ('heck, Louis (SI90); Legion Post 377, L. U,
L. U. 2, St. Louis (687): Ed Re<le--
J::lmer Luebbert. Art Mues. Ed Troy, 1, S1. Louia (3166); Team No. S, L. 1I.
meier, L. U. 1. S1. Loull (OR3): R.
Hoy Zell and Edgar Lorenten tor the 38, Cleveland (3152); Team No.1,
I... U. 13-1, Chicago (3114); Team No. Drake, L. U. 58, Detroit (680): J.
time nnd efTort they expender! to run Vedin, L. U. 618, Hamilton. O. (678);
the big show smoothly. Cr('dit, too, I, L. U. 36!l, Louisville (309-1); Frllnk
Adnm 1';lec.. L. U. l. S1. Louis (:10(11) ; F. Kinkoff, L. U. 38, Clev('land (G75) j
must go to the entertainment commit- J. Ringhofer, L. U. 38, Cleveland
tee for handling its work v('ry COM- Putter!l(ln ":mer~on-Comstock, L. U.
697. Gllry, Ind. (30R5 ); J. B. E. W.
(672); A. Mocker, L. U. I, St. Loui8
petently. The Brothers on this com- (fi72); ('harlc!\ McGinnill, L. U. 697,
mittee were Lou Biringer. Jo'rM Rlind, 1256, St. Louis (3065). Cary, Ind. (670): M. Keller. L_ U. I,
Leo Hennessey, Walter Lund, Hichard SL Louis (665): W. G('rke, L. U. 697,
~aes, John O'Shea, Gus Peters and ,\II-E"('nls Winners
Gar)" Ind. (655); J. P. Kovack, L. U.
Lester SchaetUer. M. D('ru!l. 1.. U. 494, MilWAukee 787, Windsor, Ontario, Can. (654\:
Refreshments were served from 10 (1!l65): L. Bauman. L. U. lSI. ('hie- E. Fch, L. U. 13~. Chicago (652):
a. m. to 6 p. m. in the Adam Room ago O!!4!!): Ch('ster Virga. J.. U. I, S. Rosenthal. L. U. 58, DctrOlt (651);
on the 17th noor of the TTotel Statler St. Louis (1916); J am('s Ellstcott, ('hester Virga, L. U. 1. St.. Loui8
in downtown St. Louis, and arrange- L. U. 58, Detroit (J!:1-12): }<'red (651).

Page Two The Electrical Workers·

Summarizing Labor's 'Score Sheet'
Look at Progress 1l1ade by nge, 'fhe fh'st was ,/udgl' Bell w(luld I1PJl(,fll the DCllv{' .. de('isioll
.\I(1o .. t,·s de('ision hoidilll; Ihnt S('t'- to the Iwxt higber Fedl'ral Court
Labo,. ill L egislative Field
liou :Jfll of Ill(> IIlW, forbidding ex- It i<., rt"n,,-;uring to I('nrn thal or,
as /lall 01 1948 Passes R e- p('lllhture of uuiun fund:. for po .. j:!:nnizl'd Ilibor cau look to till' Ft·"
veals C reditable V ie/ories liti('al J)m·po:.('!;, was an \lHI·ollsti .. Hili juui{'iury to uphold th(' 1'~lllh·
as 11' ell as Some Defeats tuliollul ab rid)"(ement of fn·"doin li"lwd p .. inciples (If lilt' l'uilt'ti
of Hlll'l'l'h, i'n'<"tiOlll of t he prl''''', and Stull'S t:on'lotitutioll nnd l'urb thl'
of fr('('dom of u"'-;f'mbl,\'. 'I'he S,'(" t'XU'UVlIgU llt legal inll'!'prt'lution ..
Ollt! WllS .111/lgor J. 1>'osll'r k~'m,'s' of ndI111ui1'Jtruti\'t.' ollil'('rs or li'cu-
d('('isioll, huullnl down ill 1)(,11""", ('rill lahUl' a{.:l'neies,

Ix A H'I'O lt Y ill the .J,mutln'

is;.;Ul' of Ihe Jm'H:S.\i. litlrd
holtlillg- thlll Itwa l (..'{)lIstrlll·tinll
proj'>I·t.'; uri' Utlt "ubj(>(.·t to Tart .. Inflation Rampant
·'!.JaWr books lit Congrt"';<:,'· I 11111,,1,,)" ,·uulr.. I... TIl(' ])('I1\'('r 1t'''1 The bt.'l·(Jlld item on IIIOOr's
wrote lit sOllle iClll.!lh of thl' prob- urn"l' IIft('r ,h(' 101'111 BuiJrli nJ! "wurk "hl'l·t" [01' t'on~r"l>S, etdling
it'lIIi'> that IlIbnr [Itl't'd in 1!l1~. 1 'I'rad(>!! ('Ollll,·i! posted uu ils "\lU- fur l·u .. b" 011 the hif,l'h ('o"t of living,
1i1,>(1 wulurt'd to Junk ahead 1o the fair lisl" Ih.' 1111111(' of a nOIl-ullinll has rec(,ivcd litt le 0" no IlI'tion, Llbt
is."\1(>~ in which l'ougress would 00 (,II'l'Irit'ul "" b"I'tlllI"'I\'! iug' fil'll!, Novembe r , Pr c" iUl'ut 'J'I'UllIltU
ill\'o!n'd llin'ing 11i(- year. TIl('~t· Wlwu til(' fil'lll's (>ll1plo,n's up, urged pa~,~llgl' of II 1t.'Il-poiut Huti-
is"ul'd IlIulll~'d so inrg'l' durin\.( the I)(>ur('d on 0. hII'll I f'nll"tl,w,tioll proj, iunnl illu 1)I'O~Tam. III mid-J\ pril.
lalll'r pllrt of J!IH that 110 \·r~..stlll ('1.'1. lil(' uuinn 1111'11 wlllk('ti ofT thl'
sp{'akillg' to the .,!.\mt· .. il'lln H{wil'I.\"
ball WEI" 1li'1.,th.l 10 make a r8irl~' joh. Til(' :\LHB 11lf'1l s"ught nil of Xe .... :ospnl><' .. Edilon;, he ngaiu
<I\'\'urul!' rurt';'II<;!. illjlllll'lit)ll rl~ail1"t tll(' BuiltHug" urg-l'd l'oIlJ!Te""ionul ptl".'iIIgl' of his
'J' rnd,,~ COUlH'il and its ntlililllt''', program, For 1111 the 1.l('tiOIl lil{'
Six Measures Listed N I ~HB IIl1l1r!W~'~ t,l;limt'1i Ihnt Ihr
P ..esid('nl got at tlil' time of hi!,
Wilh ouly half lht> fl'ar gout', it "\llIfnir li"I," lh(' pi{'k('1 int! nnd th(' orig-iunl sugg:f>Stions, hl' mig-lit !IS
is 11 lillll' (,IlI'lr fur 11Il:,-'om' 10 \Uk(' 1'('f(1l~nl to w(.rk with "s('ah~" Yio- w('111111\'(1 be{'u speuldllg' iulo II \'oid.
VII tIlt' Illllutlc of u prophet. for the lul,'d l h(' Hllli·bo?(·ntt sl'dious or 'i'Ill' buying po\\'('1' of the> dollal'
t'olllill~ six muntlls art' ('('rlnin to Ill(> 'I'nfl .. lI nrtl,..," Law. .JUtIt!f' {'()ntilHll's to lIt'I,lilll' III 1\11 ulnnninl-\'
Ix- a.<; \'rilll"lIl antll'H'IlI-fill{'d lis ,h(' SYIIlf'S, in ,h'n~'ill):!' th(' injuIIl'lioll. rflt{', ,\'orkin,:r r('nl IIlId l!l'IIUim'
!-oix lIlulIth .. WI' ha'·t' po,.....;;o11 Ihrtlt1~h. h('11i Ihnl ,,\"\'n tlmui!h til(' "unfai .. •• I UI"lbhiJl~ on th(' workinA' 1Illtl1, :\u
X(,H· .. llwll'''''. th(' '·for{>{'a.... t'· Ihnt fi!'m IHlr(·hu ...."1i som{' {'1('('lri(,lIi mn- mnll {'an be other UUIn p('<.;.';ill1islil'
I lllUlte in .Janun l·Y has 1I0t hl'l'll h'rinl~ frol11 (.ul"ide tll(' stnt('. th,..
ill looking a.t Ih(' grim pidnre ]In'-
t,hallS!(>d b~' any tll·'·I'lnpm(,lIl!; that di"puI(, "'u" Ilf'luulJ,\' "011(' of M'III('1I b~' spiraling {'(htS.
han' Iflkl'lI phil'" silw('. ]lur('ly 1( .... 111 NI11('(' .. n" and tlml "110
I telll 3 011 I he "wo!'k shcct, I I 1'11 11-
[1\ labor'li "work liilC'{,t" fOI' ('on· qllPstiol1 of il1ll'I"'1111" ('O!lHlH'r('''' iii
ing for mol'(' hOllSill)!, ul."o hns bl'('l1
j!r{'ss, I lisii'd ,ht' al·tions whi('h iu\'ol\'('I1." H I'IH'(,. h(' ~;nid, tI'(1
('il'('din·l." bolll('(1 up in ('ollcrC'ss.
l!thor Iihoultl urJ.!(, 011 ('om~r(' ........ '['llrt-lIarll",\' ,\<"1 could not b{' ill-
lI ou<;('s Ilr(' g'oiu,:r up bul 1l('lIrl~' 1111
1'1U'~ w('r(': rel)(,fll of ,h(' Taft ..
'·ok('(1. .Iull!!:!' !-;,\'mM al!;O n'j('d('(l
of Ih{,1Il an' Jxoyond th(' finlllll'ini
Hartll')' Lltw; "Urh" on the hi~h th(' ~LRB's /,llIim Ihnt th('r{' wnli
relldl of the a\,ernl!(' workiuf'\' man.
t'OS! of li\'ing: provision for more IInything' unlnwful in the postiUA'
Only a big- 10w.. ('0~t hOllsiuf,l' pro,
hOllsin~; pro\'ision for strong' "('nl
or nit "l1ufnir list." g ('nn soh-!' the hOllsin!!" ills Ihat
I'ollirnl: illlpro\"('IIll'1l1 of ,'(hu·n· Up to Supreme Court Mill b<>."..t Oil .. t'ountry Il('arly thrcc
liolllli ffl\·iliti('!;; fI strong rnlt' in yl'ars afle .. th(' war.
'1'111' (jll('slioll o[ ",Iw llll'r nnd, if
for('ig'1l flfTuir!;. I lnd"l' pnwf'rful pr('SSI1 I'(' from
so, If) II'hnt (''\ll'nl, lil t' 'l'nft,lIarl-
It i~ possib\(' HOW. at mitl,~'('a .. , 1(",· AI" appliNI 10 Ihe blliltliu)! und th(' r('fll "..,tntf> lobbyists. just nnd
to mak(' some n.....<.;('<;.<;ment of the {'(lII>.;lrll{'tioll indu<.,'ry will not h(' t'fjuitabh· rl'lIt (·ontrol" ar(' 1)1'ill).,(
pr')~I'('''''''' Ihat ims br('n madl' in d('tl'rlllin('d tinnily until Ih(' p, S. brok{,11 down. Tht, SOt II ('ollf!r,'s.'i
I'llrtlWrlllw{' of th('s(' adiolls whidl ~lIllr('m(' Cou .. t (\l'cicil's Ill(' issue. nnd till' r,..,i1 ('stlll(' lobbyisls 1111\'('
ha"c b{'\'11 clldorst'd by labor, It Wl)uld, IllI'r('[or(>. be b{'si for w(lrk('(1 linn ill nrlll If) put fl(ldi-
As to tht' I>rol>%1I1 for J'('1><'fli of Inhor, indt1str~.. nnd the public to ti()nnl strnin on th{' working man's
III{' Tnft,llartlC'y t,RW, 1 ~'lil"'c hn"(' Ihis (In""tion s{'tti('d b~' Ih(' ]lIx·k('\. A !ul!lf!,..nt ('nrlool1 from
thlll suh"luntini prOl!J'e~ looking ('0111'ls ns rnpidl,\' as po"sibl{' 10 Ih(' ~t. T~olli>.; P().~I,f);,~p(lfrh. rl'pro-
l ow<lnl th is ('1111 hilS b('('ll 1111111t'. ('1('111' up tilt' ('(1ITl'nt ('o n tro"t'rs.\' Ilu('('d in thf's(' pap;C's, !wts tll(' poillt
'['wo il1lpMtnni d('('isions by F('d· ulld IIl1c('rininl,v. At the liulf' this 1I('ros.'; \'('I',\' w{'\ 1.
"ral .lull!:!:,..!! hl\\'1' hnd th{' ('fT"t't of i .....~HI· nf Ih(' .JOI'Il"""L w;'nl 10 prl' ....... H('m ri. ('Rliinp; for iIllPM\'('<i ('dn,
knlll,kill!!; out "10111(' of th(' JlMps il wn<; nol known wbeli1('r Gf'ul'ral I'Rtionlll fll('iliti{'s. RPJlur(,lltl~' hn"!
holding lip the Tnft .. TTart1(',\' pack- (;nuu-;{' I D('nhnIU of the 1'-.tUUB (Colltin"~d on pilot' 3 1)

Journal for June. 1948 Paqe Three

Shcl·man Stalement
NLRB Decisiolls WOIl By I. B. E. W. On Wagc.Hom· Law
Following are results of recent which r ... ~eived all of the eight votes
elections conducted by t.hp 'lationllt Many hundreds of thousands of
caSL workers who have been receiving the
Labor Relations Board as they a!. W estIJllb"u~ Electric Corp., Hou-
(~l<'d the I. 8. E. W.;
protI!Ction of the Wage and Hour Law
!'tom, Tex. EIC!Ction held March 10 for the lut decade will have this 111"0-
R. C. A. Service Co" I nc., Camdl'n, pUI·sunnt to stipulntion. Certified tection taken uway from them if the
~. J. Election held A pril Ii PUtllU8Ut (tor IHuduction and maintl'tJulicc ,,111- Bull Bill (S. 2386) is enncted into
lu II tipu lation. Certified (ro,' em- ployI' including shipping and store- law, Louis Sherman, general counsel
l,r"~'I'('~ engaged in installation nnd rOOI1l ,·mploye!l); Local 716, I. B. of the I. B. E. W., suid in a lengthy
~ l'r\'i('t' work in connection with E. W•. \\ hich received 63 out of 122 ~tAll'ml'nt mR"" h"fore the ~rnltl('
televhdon rCC<"H'I"S, radio I'eccivers, valid ,·"tes cast; 58 votes for Committee on Labor and Public Wel-
rl'rord players a nd associated ap- U.A.W.-CIO; one for neither. fare in Washington on Allril 30.
flaratUI and antennas (or home Ulle The KentUcky Utilities Co.• Lexinlr- In~tead of rWucinJ,(' t he coverage
in luca 8{'rved by company's Arling- ttln, K),. BOllrd orl'll'r"l rompRny to o tre~ by the Wage an.) !lour Law,
ton, Va. shops): I. B. E. W., which bargain' collcctively, upon request, consideration should I .. · gh'en to ex-
r("C{>ived 19 out of 27 votes cut; 8 with Local Union 911). I. B. E. W., tending it, Mr. Sherln:).n told the com-
against. u e:occlusive reprellcntative ot procluc- mitU'e. Pl"incipal I)oint>l he mllde at
Cencral Electric Co., Atlanta, Ga. tion, Illuint ennnce and construction the heRI'ing wel'e a s f ollows:
Electlon held F ebrua ry 25 pUrilullnt employes in the Central Div. unit, nnd Till.) minimUIll wage 11I'011osed ill the
to stipulation. Certified ((or office nnd with I. B. E. W., as exciusive l'ep- Ball Bill is inadC<luate. It would estab-
clericni employes): Local 613, I. B. rescntnth-e of production, mainten- lish a 60-cent minimum wage which
1<.: . \\" which received all of the 13 Rnee and construction cmployes in could be reduced to 50 centa by indu&-
vute. cast. . the Western Div. unit; cease and try committee pro«dure. The provi-
International Harvester ('0.. Loui .. deflillt from in any manner interfering siuna in the bill increase
"ille, Ky. Election held February 26 with. r!'Straining, or roercinlr employes to 70 «nu may prove quite illuaory
punuant to stipulation. Certitled in their seJr-organi:mtionaJ righllJ; because Ilrocedural diffiCUlties place
(tor employes dassified u.s "Induction and post compliance notieell for 60 almost insuperable obstacles in the
Teehnicinn·'); Local 369, I. B. E. W., days. way of reaehing the 70-cent minimum
""ge level.
The 75-cent minimUIll wl1ge ul'gcd
cl'ating units, each with 10,000 kva by labor is a nlodest Ilropo!'111 which
Powet· Progt'am Sel capadty. CaoniliRS reservoir will cnn 00 put into effect ensily and with
hnve a water capacity of 50.000 acre safet)'. The direct cost of "liMing the
In Puerto Rico feet. Chief engineer of the project ill legal minimum to 75 cenllJ will be led
In Puerto Rico, where lack of Chell]1 Carl A. Bock, who hRS worked with than I per cent, according to figurell
power hps been a major drawhack til TVA lind other watf'r-t'(lntrnl oJ)("ra- ('ompilf'd by the AdministrRtor of th('
industrial growth, a great IlI"ogram of lions in the States. Wage and Hour Division.
hydl'O-elec:trlc power expansion is un- The IKlrtions of the Bull Bill which
further the objectives of the Wage and
der WR)'. By early 1949, upprox-
,mRlely ,100,000,00{) kilowatt hours fl. Local 6 Calls rOt, !lour Law arc vastly oul"eiglll.J Ill'
year will be available. th(' portions of the bill which frustrate
Chief unit in the system is the City·Owncd Powet' the aC(Omplishment of those objectives.
Caonlllas Dam, now being completed A resolution of Local No. fi, San
on the ('Ilonillas River in the moun- Francism, calling for immediate steps
tains halt way between Aredbo nnd by the city and county of San Fran- Tacoma City With
Ponce, lit a cost of $10,000,000. cisco toward acquiring II city-owned
The 18 existing power installntions, and operated el~tric distribution sys- Cheapesl Electt·icily
including those under construction, tem, has rI!Ceived the full SUppol·t of Of the 20,1 u. S. cities ot 50.000
tire helieved cnpll.ble of meeti ng Ilrell- A. F. of L. organited labor in that populRUon or more, Tacoma, WR!IIh.,
ent requiremenllJ but Antonio Lllchet.- city. San Francisco is now served hall the cheapest electricity. All o f
ti, executive director uf tho; \\' lIler by the Paclnc Ga!! and EI('drlc Com- January I, usen of 250 kilowntt-hours
netlflu~ Authority, estimatell that - pany, a prh-ate utility which has
in that city paid $3.20. A t the other
the demand will increase by 50.000,000 been criticized for not anticipating the end of the scale is Boston. where Ulj('rll
kilowattbour's a l·ear. On that b8!lia, severe power shortage in Northern paid $9.61 for the ume amount of
the authority is making preparations CaliforniR. clectrieity.
f(w an eventual capacity of 700,000,000 Labor's program calls ror the con-
ki](lIvatt hours a yea r by 1970. struction of a dam n nd two pOlVer The four next.-lowest chargeR fnr
Th(' power expan~ion P"ogl'Am 18 houses, a high voltllgll tl'ammiuion 21i0 kilowatt-hours w("'e mlldo in
I'Xllect('(1 to draw mally new inrlu9tl'ies line into San F rancisco, and R high Spoknl\e, Wash .. $4.3R: Lincoln. Nehl·.
from lhe United States. Pucrto mC() voltage Itep.down station and standby (publicly owned utility), $,1.·10: Glen-
previously was dependent largely on plant. dale, Calif. (publicly owned), $-1.50:
vii, Illuu~ht in from Trinidad at $2.25 "March uf events has again demon- TOpt'kR, KRn3., M.fl3.
tn $2.75 a barrel, for power. strated the need for more lSOurces of The !lix next-highest chargell for :!r,U
Caonillas Dam is n,ore than 230 electric power and the needs of the kilowatt·houn. were made in the Xl'w
fet't high. From the northern end or state and our city in the matter of England cities of LawrenCi!, Ma!llll"
the re8ervoir, II tunnel 8,500 feet long electrical energy hRve be('n amply $:I.:!:J; Lowell, Mall!!., $(1.16; Fall
i, being completed through the moun- dl'amatitcd in recent months," says niver. Mnss., and Provid ... nce, R. I.,
tRin, to give a 55O-foot drop to the Local O's resolution, which has been $8.85; and Malden, Ma!!II., $R.72.
power plant now being' (,([uipped ncnr adol,lM hy th(' San Franc1!1t'O '.aoor Lowest bill for 25 kilowRtt_houra
the head of Dos Bocas Lake. The ('ouncil, Building Trades Council und WIIS found at Lansing. Mich., 70
new power plant will have two gen- Metal Trades Council. eenllJ.

PaQ'G Four The Electri ca l Worke rs '

90lh Anniversary
of lhe
Transatlanlic Cable

S 0l.lE j,'(J'l'UHE histo r iuli. s(·,·k.

1IIg" to fix n dale Oll whi,-I, thf>
tcms would require about 2 .000
mill'S of cable.
cli;;tlluee and depth, the question
was then undetermined as to the
world d£'fiuitdy bccllmc (\ 1>1I111111'r 'I'hough the <;ubjt"'j llIal\t'r ('U'·- Jl(J!;''iibility of conveying electl'ic
1)lnl'{', might well select August ,"I. t'!'l'd by Gh;i>orn!' and Fit'lIll1l theil' (:lII'1'('Ut.s through stll'h a Icngth in
II.{';S, wht'll .\ItI('riCA and ElI£tlnlld lir..t UlCt'tillg is not n'j'onlcd, Field 1111 ullbrokl'lI f'irCliit. ami at II sPl'cti
lx'('alll(' Iillk('d [or the first tim{' h~' lIpparelltly <;pllrkl'u ill:-.I alii IUh'tllL,>ly !hnt would I'liable IlleSS<lgl'S 10 be
J;llbmtlrilli' ('atM. On that (lny, nn In the pr-oj('c·t and 1)I'~all \illlll~ lip pn:o..... t·d quif'kly (,Iloll~h ill :-,U(:/'('S,
.n'lI1"8 (I~n, t'dilorial writ('rs outdid pro!;p<'cti\·p iu\"p:-.toro;. 'I'W'I ,\l'ars l>iol1 10 be [·l'Il1l1lle ratiw'. , .
{'/I('h Oll1('r in ]l'ttillg' down tllfir Illtcr he yisitf'li En~lulld alld joil1('d Cabl e P ro blem
hair to dN>nib(' the \'ast implit'll' forl'CS with Bri!-!:hi und hi~ En:.!ll~h
lioll'l of til£' ('v('nt. ,\s (01' the projccted route of tIle
IL"-<;UI.'iat('s "with thc \·il'\\ and fur
\·lIbll.', soundiuj.\'ti takell b,v the Bril-
'I'hou~h the {,Ilbl(' w('nl dl' artt'r the purpose of forudll,C: Il 1'(1111)(111,\'
i.. !! amI (I. S. ult\'if's ..,howed lInH
only 20 tin.\':0, of operation ami II. for eslabli<:hing a working tele,
it would extcnd !I{·ro....~ a gently un-
lit'rrnflll{,lIt link was 1I0t lluHll' \1l1lil J! ra phie \'0111111 u11 it'lI I iOIl Iwt WI'I'II
dulating plate'ltll of )!rt'at breadth,
right yt'ars later, the "llginN>riul! Xl'wfoliDllJalld nnd Irl'l nncl. 10 h,'
\"flryill~ ill lI"plh frum 1,700 to
r"at of laying it Wll'i prop<'rly r.'· c'nll('d til(' _\tlantie Tt'!t'!!rIlph ('lItn-
~.-JOO fllthOln;,
~ard('d as one of the wondt-r-; IIf pany. " ,\ flf'r it Witt; dUlrtered, the com-
the age. 11<; short·lived opf'rntil!1I Bright, who bt't'IIJIlC f'1Ig-illl'l'r-in- IlIlIIy bl'IPIU makillg extl'llsi\'e ex-
did 1I0t diminish the 0\'81iolll( nu!! (·hie[ of the pro,it'd ulld wn" perimcnt.'! willi various types of
1H'(·lnim givrn its ('n~in('('I'" uml knight('d for Iii!> lullOl's, ill 1uuk ill:! l'lIble, flHully I>dctting one !'Ollsisl-
promoters. baek rears lalel' 011 th(' cm!illl'I'rillg' iug o[ "seven No. 22 copper wircs,
probleUls posed hy the projt'('t, insulated with threc eoatillVs of
The Promoters summed tht'lIl lip as follows: J!:ulta-per(·ha, shcath('u with ]8
Prominl'ul nmong lli(' A,ut!()- " .. \ 1)111·\ fl"olll till' l'n~il\{,t'I·ill!.! dim- slrllnd~. e!le,h (,Olltflilling 7 iron
.\nwri('1I1l Iwr!ronnlitie~ 1'0111\(>1'11'1\ '·l1ltit·~ ('utailc!1 by tid .. , , . "ast wir!'"." Thl' entire cabl('. manu·
with lilf' prnjl'(·t w('re f'hnrll'~
r.riRht, n yonn~ ED~\ish engineer,
Ilud (')'ru!<i W, Fi!'M, fill j\nl('ric'llll
11I('r('hRUt prin!'!' of tllr <In)', Firld
\nl~ R man of r!''!tir5:.'! rllcr!!,\' who,
II:lvill(!' 1I!'f'lIlllu\nINI n fOrlllllf' III
till' !I~(' I)f :1:i, wa~ in n ~11"('f'pliblf'
framl' of mind to dis!'u"-" Ihl' flub-
.ipd of n trltn~ntlltnti(' !'sblp whf'1I
hI' WitS introrillPNI in X('w York In
f'r,·d('rit· ~ Oi ...llIlrnr. nn EII!!'li"h
('nl!ineer, who hnd wOrk('d on Ihr
t'nrlirr, simpl!' r IIlHi('rlnkillg nf IIl,v.
ill2 n slIhmllrinf' ('nbl(' n('r()~" lh('
EIIl!lish (,hnlln('l.
At th(' time of their mc('ting, in
IR5-i, surfn('e Iclc~raph in Amcri('n
nlrendy cxtcnded from New York
10 Newfoundland, nnd in Brilain
from I.ondon 10 the wcstern shorf'O;
of Trcland, To link th(' two sy~- Payi110 out the cable on the NIAOARA

TournaI for June. 1948 Paqe Five

"/I •

faetured in England, Wa,<J pn....<;ell AIter losing 300 miles of eablc.

through n mixture of tar, pitch lind ten months passed before the At-
linseed oil. 1ts weight ill air wns lantic 'l'elegraph Company was ublc
one ton pCI' Ilnutical mile. Bright '" to undertake a second attempt.
nssoc.intes regarded this cable ll... 'l'his, too, resulted in a break and
a pnrngolL of stren~th and durahil· a further costly loss of cable, In-
ity, bllt Bright himself was &kepti- terest of the general public in the
,-.d. projeet began to wane.
13111 It till' British and Amcrican Success I
gO\·('I'Il!Ul·lllsC'ucouraged the proj- 'rhe tltit·d attempt was success·
('('I. Britaiu made u guul'llUtce of ful. On Ju ly 17, 1858, tho Aga·
£1<1,000 per nllnum during til(' 'IICllUlon und the Niaoara again
workiug of the cable and promilK'd headed out to sea, each ship carry-
\"CN)(!lli to assist in layin~ it. 'l'he ing approximately hall the length
l'. S. made no financial guarantee of the eahle. At the haU-way point
but did promise vessels. Ori,t.!'inal between Xew[ollndland and J re·
capitalization of the com puny WIlS land, the ships hove lu alill spliced
£350,000 (libout $1,750,000), raised the cable. 'rhe " If/Glllt III lIOn then
by se lling 350 ordim\l'Y shnt'C'8 or headed [01' ]1'CIIlUd; th(' Niagara
.£1.0()0 clIC'h. Ficld and J. W, Brett. for Newfoundland. The American
n workmllll's error in j·oIllJl,'n ..atllll'
an ]~llglishm81l, with 25 shares !Ship was the first to reach its dC!lti-
for it combined to Smll) till' stranll.
each. became the largest individual nation and the _l yall/tmnon arri\'ed
Lying 2,000 fathoms down, it could
stockholders. at port 8. few days later. On Au-
not be rl"triel"ed for ,-rIlIlPlim.:
gu~t 5, people on wtll !;idcs of the
Series of Failures equipment had not ~-l'I been d('·
Atlantic within range of daily
'Vhcll tho cable wal'! manu[ac- \'eloped. ('I'ot!a.\·,1\ thrcl'·sllip flcet.
newspapers were exclaiming nt tho
tured in the runaziugly short time owned by sub.'iidill l"i('>1 of the luter-
remul'kubh.' U\m~, III two of the
of four months, the optimism of nlltional 'J'elcpholle &. 'I'('I('.IL'rnpll
first messages l1ashed over the slen-
the inn"stors reached its peak. 'J'lten ('0., iustnntly locates and 1'l'llBirs
der link between the Old World
IIl(>re began a series of miAAiI· trouble sflOt~ in the world '8 sub·
ventures that would have cow-
lwd lItI: N'e\\, President Duchauan
marine cables. llighly-scnsiti\'e f!'al.
and Queen Yietorin e:tehanged
pletel:-' discouraged ordinary men, YBnometers determine the approxi.
but which on ly sn~('('eded iu spur- mat.e location of the brcak nnd as
ring on Ji'ield and Bright, who had the shi p nears the p01litioll, l'('sI8t-
In England, Dright wns knighted
the dl'iving compulsion of zealots at the uge of 26. Field, then 39,
anee as measured on the gah'anom-
received o\'ations wherever he went
dedicat('cl to n ('ause. I"ters iner('a8CS. Anchoring a buoy
and salvoes of artillery wero fired
In AUj!II"t, 18;;7. thc frigatr u\'('r the trouble spot, the ship
in his honor. A torchlight pro·
jYiaoara, lilc .-. R ~a\'r 's linc!;t steams oft a few miles in a direction
cession in New York caused the
l"('.ssel, uml the British TL~t.S. ..100- pl'rp<'Il(IiI'ulur to the path (If the
'I'own Hall to be set on fire.
I'IIcnl?lOn !Uliled from Yalent'ia, Ire- cuble nod drops a grapnel to the
But alter only a few days' oper-
land, bound fOl' Trinity Bay, New· oceau floor. Returning, the shi p
ation. the cubic's signals bc~an to
foundland. On tbe f01ll'th da~' ouf, drags the grapnel until the cubic is
diminish in strength In 20 dR.Yfl,
with more thun 300 miles of ('nhl(' picked UI). HcpuII'S on the cablt,
the line was dead. Wbile the exact
laid. a sudd('ll lur('h of thl" ~hip !1Ilt! II r£' nHlti£' ahmanl I h(' !'ih ip. )
cause was never determinNl, it was
the eon!'lenflllfl that use of induction
('Oils, yielding' about 2,000 volts. had
destroyed the insulation. FailnrE:
of the cable. however, did not
diminish the stature o[ l"ield nnd
Bright, who had demOllstrntcd thnt
it was only a matter of tillle before
pcrmanent success became llSSured.
TIlt'" feat of laying the cable in-
spired considerable litcrary output.
inclndill,l!' an eight-stanza poem by
an anonymous author in The Brit·
ish Workman. One of tho stanzas
follows :
rlclIce/orth tlte East alld W est are
By a nClI) link of lotJ6,
The U.S,S. N1AQARA (Continued on '{JfJU« 31)

Paqe Six The Electrical Workers'

" .')

,., " O,Ouestfons an"

d"Answers.., ..," .., "

" r • • • ., "
• " '1 • Il • ~ 0 0

Q. In a three-pltallJ ,ecoulitlry cir- Q. If the lIIultbn 1.78 apPflorl in a' that 500,000 AVA has 170 amp. cap-
cuit; 1.20, 230, !!!,o and .440, if we put
eack condllctor ill its OWIl indidduai
formllla, what tllPI!! dectriCal 'JI.t"". acity. Does the fourth wire (bare
wOldd it nftr to a~d whlf would it be neutral) reduce the capacity of the
condldt, the three conduit. becotlllJ ultl'd? other conductors to 80 per cent. thus
hot. But when WIJ put thfJ tilrf"lJ con- making my aervice capacity only 376
ductor. ill the .ame cond.lit tit. {"(m- A. It would reCer to a three-phase, amps? Also, is it permissible to con-
ll'Iit dolt not Det hot. J huttll ""bd 3 or 4-wire system with a halanrel nect a Ko. 6 n wire, rated at 50 amps,
many l~oplfJ in. the electrical field ",hfl. load. Ita use is seen from the follow-
but have lIever received a sa-ti./arto", ing diagram and calculation whether to a service switch rated at 30 amps?
star or ddta service: Of course, the switch will be fused
at 30 amps.
Cleve/an!l 6, Ohio. Eo-Load Voltage to Neutral F reehold, N. J.
Ee-Lond Voltage betw(len
A. By placing each conductor ot a lines or phases
three-phase sYltem separately in a A. NEG Pag(J "'1, Par. 4, datu
W-Watts delivered
tha' a neutrol Cdllductor which carrie.
conduit and with the three conduits
dOMe to each other, the field. around 1
Eo= v;t Ee &. Eo= 'V3
1 XvaV!
onlll thl!! 14l1balanced CIIrrflftt from.
each ronductor as the current. ftows other coJtductort, as in the ctue of
through the wires attempta to ac t up XEe.·.3Eo=3Ee normall" balanced circuits of threl!! or
u current flow in the conduit il.aell be- morl!! condUCWrt, "'all not bl!! counted
= is the angle relntionshill in dl!!termining current carrying cap-
cause the ('onduit ncb 811 1\ neutral
wiro of high resistance to the flow, v3 acities IU provid~d for in the preced-
thus cnusing heat. When the three
betwe<!n the voltages.
W = 3 ~~o I X Power Factor =
,,!g paragraph 4. Thereforc, 1/our
wires arc placed in the same conduit, four No. 600,000 AVJl will have itl
th~ fields "buck" each other and thus va EeJ X P.F. full rating of .70 amptlru. You mall
ca ncel their effect. .'. For 120/208 volt 3-phase, "-wire connect No. 6 R wire if you duire
system: to the 80 alll~" .witch.
Q. A diagraln of f~~der. htu b~elL W = 3 X 115V X I X P.F. or Va X
reqllc.tcd bll the local dectmal ilt- Q. Exactly what Is meant by the
208V X I X P.F. letters R W when used in reference to
.ptctor'. office. What .hould thi.
dioqram .how? The power factor is unity when the a type of R wire? Also, is there any
cUl'T{lnt is in phase with tho voltage limit to the number of bends allowed
A. "he diagram should ehow: (1) i.e., It d()(!s not lead or lag the volt- in BX on new work!
The number and size ot the conduits age due to capacitive or inductive
or fiber ducts for the power company'. load. R. n. Jo!>.'"£S,
IW!rvice cables. (2) The amperage South Pasadena, Calif.
and type of voltage and Ilhase for the Q. When mati on" controller .crt'e a A. The RIi' tllpe of wire meal"
meter service switch. (3) The main group of motore? moillure reti.tallt rubber covered wire
distribution panel with the schedu le A. See Article 430, section 4387: and it fllall be 1(.1ed in p/oce 01 uad
of the cut-cut switches or circuit
breakers and what feeder each switch a. U a number of motors drive sev- cover(Jd wire in w~t 10cation8 or palled
controls, as well as sizo of main eral parts of a single machine or piece in conduit underground, Article :110,
feeder. (4) 1.'he light and power of apparatus such as metal and wood- Section 8102 of NEG delJcribelJ tho
Ilnnels on each floor and the size of working machines, crnne!, hoists and meanillg of variO!la tllPeI of wire.
collduit and number and A.W.G. size similar apparatus.
Q. What per cent of voltage drop
of wire (or each feeder to these pan- b. U a group of molon is under the should be used in calculating power
chI. (5) If required, the EXIT and protection of one overc:urrent device and light feeder!
EMERGENCY light meter service as pennitted in paragraph <a> o f
switch with its separate light panel seetion 4343. A. Thl!! .~t! of the feeder cortdac-
is shown adjacent to the main meter tora 8hould bl!! allch that 110/toge drop
c. U a group of motors il located up to tho final diltn'bution point for
sen'ice switch, since ita power is
talliled from the line side of this
in a single room within sight from th(J load a.(Jom7mtrd by ,ectio7UI 2116
the controlle r locution, i.e., " distance a~d J2!t03 of N Be wilt ,wi be more
Awite h unless the power COlllpany oC 60 feet or less.
brinjrs in a separate service for the than 3 por cent for power load, anrl
EX IT switch. Q. NEe Page 331, Par. 4, states 1 peT cl!!nt for lighti)lg load.
that if there are more than three con-
Q. I II a wiring '1Idem u'hue 8- ductors in a raceway and iC the num- Q. Is type RB wire allowed to be
ph{J.t, .-wir~, !08-tolt with ltO-volt ber of wires is from Cour to lile, the used in flush or receased fixtures!
lighting i. TUed, would (I. !!O-t'olt conductor capacity is reduced to 80 A. ChaptttT 9, SeeHon 94105·f .tatea
motor on th" '1I.tem prodllcl!! ill per cent. Does this apply if the that reeelled /i%turta .hall be wirt!d
ratcd honepower and R.P.M. ' fourth wire is a bare neutral in a with. IT/pI!! AI" or At ji:rtllre wire. That
A, Yes, the motor would produce ita 3-phase 4-wire wye system? I have tIO .older ,hall b~ «.ltd ill the con.struc-
H.P, and R.P.M. though the full load four No. 500,000 AVA conductors in lion of th. fixture box i, al.o a good
current will now be increased by 6o/'~, a 3%-ineh service pipe (neutral con- (J0718truction point to bear ;11. mind.
volta ductor bare) which is permitted by Therefore, '(.Ie wire nuta or prellure
=~" volls the code. Table 1, chapter 10, states emmector. for joiniJlg wir",.

Journal for June, 1948 PaQe Seven

~ J
by J. SCOTT MILNE, Edi,or

turns the wheels at super-secret Oak Bidge, nnd dur-

A dequate Wirillg in ... the war it also sen-cd many otber vital installa-
.F ive yeal'S ago the St;llc uf Washington, by gover- ti;ns. Despite its outstanding record., there nrc thO!«'
1I0,'S proclamation, set asiu{' all Eleettieal Safety iu Congress who would, at this critical lime, curb and
Week. This year's observance, which extended [rom restrain the activities of the authority. The men at-
April 25 Lo MIIJ 1, l'eceiycd cU8 tOlllllr~' support from tempting to promote the~ curbs are those who have
lhe Electric Club of Washington, composl'd of persous fought TVA throughout its history. Little can be
{'onllected with the electrical industry. i\[cmlX'rs of said of thcir foresight, which is apparently nil when
Ollr 0\\ 11 Local 4G nre well represented and highly it comes to visualizing the country'!! power require·
rt'garded among this group. ments. 'rheir hindsight, too, is singularly dim. ~Iany
Electrical Safety Week stresses the importance o[ sincere advocates or the free enterprise system, in their
adequate wiring as a mCltsurc to reduce fire hazards. studies of tIle 'I'V A's role in onr economy, had their
'J'he national fire loss in 1947 has been estimated at honest doubts about its efficacy. But when they saw
*()V2,83.3,OOO, !lnd the second lending ciluse is attrib- that 'r v A aecomplisbed a job that it alone could
utl'd to dl'fC'rtivc wiring and abuse ~iv(,11 to appli- accomplish, they came arollnd to the view that its role
ances. Over-loaded ci rcuits, unlluthorized wiriu!! in- was vitnl. As much cannot be said for the Congres-
stallations, the use of substnnc1nrc1 wiring and equip- sional spokesmen for the private power interests who,
ment. fuscs, cords and Ilpplinnccs, contribute to the willy-nilly, Tmrslll': tlwir course- of r('('kles-; obstruc-
destruction of life and property, tionism.
'I'hc hUg'e backlog of eleetl'ienl appliances so
urgently lleeded and which malluf[lcturers 1'11'11 tnovill~
rapidly into trade channels, finds lllllny inadequntely No HOllsillg Shortage?
wired homes unable to use them because of lack of
rllpacity. Like the queen ,vho, when informed ber subjects
had 110 bread, said. "Let them eat cake," the remark
"An illndr1lu8tely wirrd hOIll(' can be likened to
a I)(!rson on n st rict diet who can only gaze upon food of the rcul estate lobbyist to the efreet that there is no
h(l cannot NI.!." says Capt. Stephcn E. SUllisio, of the housing shortage is also likely to pass into history as
Reattle Firc Department, and state cbairman , Blec- a supreme example of callous stupilljty-.
tricnl StU'cty Week "It is the largest educational 'fhc record in nearly aU areas shows UHl.t the need
jllb eyer to face the elect rical industry as well as or- for housing is increasing instead of diminishing. Tn
g'nnizations interested in safety_" Ncw York City, for example, nearl~' 91,000 IlJlJllica-
The captain has hit the nail on the head. And if tions have been filed in the past five mont1ls for low-
one state I'an Ru('('Pssiully impress its citizens Ilnnually rent apartments. Applications are still ponring in
with the importance of electrical wety, therc is eyery at the New York City nousing Authority at the rate
J.!ood reason in the world for making Electrical Safety of morc than 10,000 a month. Seventy-fom per cent
Wrek fl nation-wide observance_ are trom veterans ,'Vbo nre in aente need of homes.
An analysiA of the present living arrangements of
the 9].000 applicants showed the following:
Power Requirem ents Vets Non·vets
President Truman has met with three advisers and l]olel ...... ". _......... , ... _.. . 337 140
nsked them to make an estimate of the extra eleetrie Roomin~ house or furnished apart-
powrr nrl'('S'inry to meet defense needs of the United ments ....................... . 12,867 3.959
States. One of the facts that came out of the con- ApartmelltJl ......... , .......... . 17,515 18,328
ferrnre i" that the Tennessee Valley Authority is not ~baring with parents and in-laws .. . 28,361 3,467
the limitless source of power that the general public Rhnring with others .............. . 4,850 1.757
Other ................ · .. ····,·· . 3,435 77::1
believes it to be. Gordon Clapp, chairman of the TVA.
says he is deeply concerned about the power situation
TotaL .................... , 67,365 23,424
in the valley. Power ronsumpt ion there is now
higher than at any time during the war. 'l'hese figures comprise their own pungent euitorial
As is well known, power genornted by the TVA on the need for honsing. Ijittle need be added to

P age EiQbt The Ele c tri c al Workers'

them, except to multiply thelll a i.bousand.fold to gl!t uave purchased lit much lower prices under bonest
a picture of the housing situation nationally. labeling, the food budget again sutTers, e"cn though
Though there is 11 boum in home construction, it is the misbranded p rodut'i is wholesome."
a boom in which ouly the comparatively well·lO·do can The report adds tllIIt tllE'se vioilltiuns are not cou·
participatc. It call 11180 be said that many of these doned by iegitimnll' busilll'''S, .. which fiuds in them au
new hOl1se.~, selling for high prices, will be millstones abortive attempt to ulilll'rmiue hone!>t merchnndise.
around their owners' necks [or the rest of their lives. The won.t ofTemlent un' often fly·by·night concerns
Congressional passage of the Tart-Ellender. Wagner usi ng tYl)ieal bootleg t.actics to distribute "iolati,·('
Bill off('f"S Ule only way out of the housing dilemma in mer('ilundise.... "
which miUions flOd themselves. It wiU take consistent
.\nother re"ealing thing about the report is that the
jlublic pressurc on the Senate Banking and Currency
boys in the phony medicine racket continue to thri,'e
Committee, however, to gct the bill released from its
on hnman gullibility. i\1ore eonservati"ely, the report
present pigeonhole. 'J'he effective way to apply this
phrases it ItS fol lows: "Misrep resentation of medicines
pressure is to urge your congressman to get the bill
relellsed by the committee. as panaeeus fo r scrious disense conditious wns more
- - -- blatant in the old days, but tile practice has not been
romplet.elyabandoned. 'l'ho credulous pur.:haser now
se ldom fi uds a serious diseilSC he is seeking to enre
MOllopoly Still Here lisl('(1 op('nly Oil the bottlc label. Those who llersist in
.Monopoly, which :.onh· innucent citizens think has sclliug their nostrums by means of misleading claims
been on the wane since the days of Teddy Roosevelt lIa,'e resorted to circulars, frequently added to th('
Olnd the Sherman Anti-'l'rust Act, is still "ery much paekage only after it haS reached the dealers' shcl"e~,
with us. In fnct, judging by the records of the De· and to ontl misrcpre!;entations of the elltlltive proprl"
pnrtment of .Iustiee, monopoly is now more entrenched ties of the eompoulld."
and morc powerful than it ever was in the Ilays of By imposing heavy flues on the purveyors of adu l·
"']'. U." terated food, the Food and Drug Administration has
In the roster of the 1,132 corporations now und('r pre,·ented these racketeers from gaining entrenched
indietnl<'nt I)n dlllrg-('~ of violating the anti·tru::.t positions in the food industry. It has been less sue·
law's are names whieh g'elt('rally enjoy good reputt' cesSful in dealing with the selll'rs of misbranded medi·
among the U. S. public. Of course, these firms should "ines who are in a gam(' RS old as the history of
not be jud!!:ed guilty before they arc convicted . .And Illnukiml.
as it stands, there is Htlle likclihood that more than
n f('w of th('m will be convicted. This is not becau;;r
tlil' .Jw~tice Deparlment lacks material on which to
haM' suit~; it ii{ b('caus(' it larks personneL Onc of the
mol'it, vital slIl').:irnl .iob~ thllt could be done to OUI'
e('(HLomy- thllt of ('"posing and Jayin:; bare the 1'('111
extent til whit·1t lUollopoly (· ... II·ads it;; toll from a ll ~,f
tis-is st.\'mird brNllIS(' the anti·trust division of thr
.]ustie(' J)epartJllrllt i8 denied funds to ulHl('rlllke til('

Adulterated Food .. ........,,- ..

~ ~..;

The tlllllual r('port of the li'ood and Drug Adminis·

tration has some pC I·tillrllt things to sny nbout adlll·
teroted food . .\ftrr l i"tin~ scorrS of rase!'! that werr
~ . ~., .....

-- ..
,.....'-_w...__-... -...~
lllletlrthed during J91i, tht' ndmillistrlltion observes .
.. Unfol'lunately for thc wl'lfare of the consuming pub. ~ -
lie. the incentive to perpetrate economic cbents is
strong(''>t wh('n food is in shOrt supply and prices are
high. While sueh ,-iolntions are motivated by a desire
to profit i11('gally at the r"pense of the purchaser.
the~ jll'netiel's frequf'lItiy damage more than hi!;
pocketbook. High prires nrr n scvere strain on thl'
food budgets of a largo(' portion of the population.
Wh('n food moncy i8 sprnt for waler, as is the case
whrll butt('r i8 ,,('low the Irgal fat ('ont('nt or fruit
bneragl's nrt' r1('fi('i('nt in fruit. the vi('tims arc de·
. . . . . .,':.

prived of e!t<;elltinl nutritive clement.s. When they pa~'
?:!!~ CIII'JOI!. ......,..,.""" '''-_ ~....w- ...., ...... ~_
prevailing prices lor gell1lill(, foods and receive imi· trr'.,;iS).~ ......-- ., __ a.~ ~ Iw:.,..(
tations or substnndard products which they could

Journal fot June. 1948 Paqe Nine

l1eltJ {Iect,.iclll P,.cductJ
Low Vohnge l\1 C U!! III' I' III CIII.s This potentiometer haa two ranges,
0-60 to 0-6 millivolts, either of which ~,
!\'Iude 011 l'ol e ntiolll Clc r may be selected by means of a switch

,-. .,,. -
,Ii "\
A new portable potentiometer (or on the panel. The voltage to be meas-
precise measurements of vcry low ured is read on two dials, with each .f '
voltages has been announced by the step on the first dial being 0.2 milli-
Mrtpr and Instrument Oivision or the volt, snd esch divi.ion on the second
General Electric Company. dial, 0.001 millivolt.
The potentiometer is designed for
checki ng tcnlperature-measurement ltii~
inlltrument8 and tor the testing of
rotating machinel, ovens, furnaces,
oil.burners, steam-driven equipment,
Life of W ll'm-io lt' l L U III))
lncrcasetl by 2,000 HOIlt's
A 100 per cent i ncrease in the
~ ' _~J . ~.oJ
and air-conditioning units. The in- rated life of the W[...79;1 S1Priiamp
Ilr umcnt was designed originally tor ultraviolet lamp-from 2,000 to 4,000
meuuring the low voltages of ther- hount--is announced by Westinghouse I'-('W'muli turbine hili ratillg' from
momuple outputs in testin&, steam tur- Lamp Division, Bloomfield, N. J. 10 to aoo liP. speeds from 1000 to
bines manufactured al C. E. This impruvo.:IlIt!lll ill life perform- ]~fJO RPM wit"- mtduutieal driflfl.
The equipment of the potentiometer I ance i.s due principally to modifica-
which is eontained in a duuble, tions in the electrode design, improved A new balanced valve design II used
fabric_covered luggage cue, includes manufacturing techniques and more for the governing valve and the com-
the galvanometer, standard cell. work- thorough quality control supervision. bined trip_throttle valve. With this
As a result, the ultraviolet output design less force is re<Juired to op-
throughout aervice li(e is better than erate the valves, and a given size valve
ever 88 the drop ofT due to aml eRn handle largor steam flows. These
solarization is no greater at the end valves are combined in one assembly.
of 4,000 hours than it was at 2,000 Maintenance of the new small t ur-
houn.. This means that the cost of bine is made easier by the accessibility
the protection pruvh.leJ by Ole WL-79-1 or Individual componentl such as the
Sterilamp ultraviolet lamp has been oil cooler, 011 pump, and steam and oil
halved. strai ners. The great majority of
parts are interchangeable on all Type
DP frallle siU'll. Spare parts kits,
Sm all l\Icclmlli cnl-Dr i\'e with parts applicable to these stand-
Turbin e Put on l\lurket Rrd turbinell, are available.
A new small mechanlcal-drive tur-
bine, designated as Type OP. with New S huckproof Ins trulU e nt s
ratings ranging from 10 to 1200 hp
and with speeds from 1000 to 5000 SCI'"'' Swit chhotu'd Uses
rpm, has been announced by General A new line of long-scale switchboard
Electric's Turbine Divisions. inlltruments employing bearings with
Designed on the basis of a survey II pring-mounted jewels which work to
of hundreds of turbine users, the Typ" protect. the pivotll I'\'.. n IIntit'f {'{)ntii-
DP is available in three single-stagt! tions of abnormal IIhock or abuse has
Operator (It eontrlll, 0/ G-E portable (rame sizes with a 16-inch, ~Z:O-inch. been announced by General Electric'lI
potentiometer. GalllaMI'Ittter shown and 25-inch wheel. Embodying such Meter and Instrument Divisions.
a.t uppr ufl. r~a lu~s of hug.., turbines as hydraulic ThO! new Type AD-Ui (a-c) and
governing (or wider speed range and On·15 (d-c) instruments are designed
ing batteriel and rheostats for adjust- more accurate control . and pressure for g~ neral switchboard use by electric
ing the current through the potentio- oili ng of bearings to insure positive utilities nnd large industries.
meter cirCU It. lubrication, it can be applied a s a The new instrumen ts have scales
The galvanometer, which is not drive for pumps, compressors, (ans. 7.1 inches long spanning 250 degrees
built in, il furnished with Il built-in blowers, and similar equipment. about the center. To facilitate corre-
transformer 10 the galvanometer lamp The nr-w oil-rell!.YMI gnvP.rning sys- lation of the numerals with the proper
may be ol~rated from liS-volt, R'C tem gives superior performance OVt!r scale divisions, numbered major di-
lupply lines, but if field conditions dic- pre v i 0 u s mechanical governors. visio ns arc accented. All legends.
tate, the transtormefll may be readily Range of speed adjustment has been such all "n-c Amperes" etc., are lo-
disconnected and the lamp operated increased to 30 pcr cent ; speed regula- cated bc-:low the center or the scale
Irom four No. Ii dry celli. In addi- tion has been reduced to 6 per cent. and thul are never partially covered
tion, a convenient system of keys is ]\fore parts are enclosed, and the gov- by the pointer. All scale numerai!l
provided to enable readings to be erning system is completely encased al'e horitontally placed to faci litate
taken rapidly and all contacts nre en- in an oil atmosphere, thereby eliminat- readingl.
closed to prevent wear due to dust ing rusting problems on stand by The new hearing construction I)er.
and dirt conditions. service. mits hard ulle without harm to the

PaQ'e Ten Th e El ec tr ic al W o rk e rs '

pivot&. If, due to shoek, the prea.ure 3,16 inch in length and diameter, New Conl,'ol Centralizes
of the pivot on the jewel Is appreciably requires 1 'AI volts, and runs with high
higher than normal, the jewel merely efficiency at a speed of 7,OOU revolu· OPCI'I.II iOIl of I\IOlors
r~des into the setew. Before the tions per minute. A new motor control ccnter which
jewel hits bottom, the shoulder on the This midget is the most dimi nutive makes poulble controlling any number
end of the sha.rt strikea the top of the of a series of sub-miniature direct of moton rated up to :!lIO hp at 410
jewel serew and takea the shock, thus current electric moton invented by volt.. from one central location, has
protecting the jewel and pivoL J. V. and J. E. G. Eurich, brothcrs, been announced by the Control Divi-
The insll'Ull1entl CD n be easily dis- ot Lancashire, England. The motora
assembled for inspection or repair. bear the name, "Electrotor ," and will
Moving elements can be withdrawn be manufactured and sold el(clu ~i vely
from the mechanism without disturb- in America by the United States In-
ing the control spri ngs or the jewel- strument Corporation. =¥
ing. This men ns that the assemblies The Electrotor, according to United
can be removed a nd replaced without States Instrument engineers, was
noticeable change in the seale di.tri- made pouible by the Eurich brothers'
bution, resulting in reduced main- invention of a new type armature,
tenance cosLs and often eliminating called the "gap-ring armature." Built
the need for rccalibration and rellair. on completely unorUlodox lines, the
The mounting dimensioll8 and gen- motor is unlike any other motor ever
eral case l izc has not bc<!n changt!d. produced and is not merely a small
Types AB-I5 lind OB-15 are ml!cltani- scale version of a convenlional moWr.
cally interchanR'eable with older Types The world'. smallest motor was not
AB-13 and OB-13. engineered as a practical unit, it was
The new 10ng-scllle line, designed to explained, but to demonstrate Elec-
meet the basic requirelnents of Navy trotor size possibilities_ It has three
specificationl. retainl many featUres larger brothers, however, on which
found in present G-E switchboard in- American volume production will lOOn
struments: one per cent of full-sc.alc begin.
accuracy, anti-Ilarnllax Icale. non-
glare glallS, thorough shielding from
stray fields. external zero adjuster. New Luminou s-Tllll f'
(when required), high overload char- Tran sformer l\larkcleu
acteristiC!!, and good performance un- A new luminous-tube hanger-type
der conditions of varying ambient transformer has been announced by Control ctllirr 1t'illt frontal COllncc-
temperature. tioll. ",ak ... crull'al opt'ration of any
- - - the Specialty Transformer and Hal- lI1tmbrr (Jf rnolo,.. IIO.IJiblt. Ftahrrtd
art' dothrtlJi" rlllliact. alld bUilt-in
Ullortlwc!o:\. Motor Snit! to tirtuil brraktr•.
Bf' thf' Wm'ld\i Smu llf'!'1
The world's Imallelt electric motor aions or the General Electric Com-
-0 pygmy I)ower plant 110 tiny that pany. Theso control centel's arc
a half-doten Ot comfortably In a lady's designed 10 that all connections can
ihimble--wall drmonstrated r6eently be made from the front, thus permit-
by enginl-ers of the United State. In- li nR' the centers to be lined up against
strument Coq)oration, at Summit, the wull or in back-to-back fa~hion to
N. J. conserve splice.
Weighing le~1 than a gram, the Theile new control centers consist
<'k'Ctrical Lilliputian mCMurc~ a mere of sl.andard ltarter units which are
slid into vertic:al, eabinet..type sections
ill "building block" fashion. The acc-
tions arc !1O inches high, 20 inehes
wide, and 12 inches deep. The starters
are furnished in five different sius.
Each startcr is a complete, fully-
enclOBed unit which can be arranged
.\lfW luminOIllH!tb6 tra,,,,former for within the vertieal sections to suit the
ill(loor inJtallation i. half .iz,
wtight of cOl1ven.tional tllpe"
and requirements ot the user.
Power connections to the starters
are made hy "clothespin" contacts
which grasp vertieal busses in the
last Sales Divisions of the General rear of the sections when the starters
i';lectric Company. are slid into place. Control intercon-
The new unit, which is for indoor nections to other motors and control
installation, is approximately half the are made through a special wiring

aite and half the weight of conven- trough, with a removable cover. which
tional hanger-type units. A special runs the length of the section. All
mounting braeket makes it equally wiring can bo done from the front
adaptable to wall or pendant mount.. without distu rbing the starters.
mg. Each Itarter has a built-in circuit
It is available in six ratinglJ, from breaker for Ihort-circuit protection.
World'. '1II(ll/clt dec/ric motor N,·dgh. 5,000 volts, 18 rna, to !I,OOO volll, 18 These breakers are interlocked 80 that
Ie .. than t\ um"~ IUHl will fit 111. a ma, with either secondar y cable leads the doon of the aeetions cannot be
lally', thimble. or secondary eleell'ode recelltaciel. opened whon the power is on.

Journal for lune. 1948 Pag'e Eleven

In the Good Old Summertime
"Sunlnlertime nnd the Iivin' is cn~y" Since we're speaking of getting out here's a recipe you might try. It'a
or ot i(!{l$t it ought to be lor nil of us in the sun, you'll want c1otholl to got culled "Wacky Cake" and when you·yO
hnl'dwo I'king housewives who've been out in the sun in. Why not make road th(> directions you'll know why.
slnving nway at the daily chorea nil yours and your daughtera' Illay But it really is quite good and the
winter. This i8 nn invitntion for nil ciothea--li!horts, aun back drclIlDCS, etc. wonderrul part about this cake is, that
you "workers' wivos" to start laking They are very easy to make, and cut it is mixed and baked in a jiffy in a
lhingll caay nnd get out and enjoy fro nl cool seersucker, you won't eYen ,ill/110 pan. No bowls to wash, no
Bummer just as much as you poll8ibly have to iron them. Just now the tins to grease. It's cake-baking in its
can. pnttem departments are {ull of de- simplest and most painless furn!.
The children nre home from aehool, signs for little boys' and girls' lIun-
suits. A friend of mine has just fin- WACKY CAKE
daylight--sBving time i8 in effect in
mOlt placel, 10 plan now (or the whole ished an adorable sunsuit and bonnet 11~ cups flour
family to take advantage of that won- for her 2-year-()ld daughter. It. took I cup sugar
derlul Bummer lun. Get out and bask her two hours and cost 65 cents. The 3 tablespoons cocoa
in it and atore up plenty of Vitamin D baby looks just darling in the com- t.S, teaspoon salt
against next winter's cold, blualt'ry pleted outfit. teaspoon sodA
daYI. Sift these ingredienta into an un-
Thar's Gold greased pan. Make three depressions.
About Your House
And aJ)eali;inl: of sewing, you really Into one put 1 tbsp. vinegar. Into
Firat oft'--3bout the house. You can save a lot of money this way. second put one cup of cold water. Into
want it elenn and cool as pouible, I Simple summer dressea which eOllt so third put 5 tbsps. melted butter. Stir
know, but try to keep it that way with much in the stores can be made for a well. Bake at 350 degrees until it
the I('R8t po~ible effort. TnkP. up song with very little real effort. An- Ihrinb from sides-about 40 min-
your winter ruga and down your other friend of mine got a remnant of utes.
winter drapes and store them away. black rayon jersey on sale the other Icing
This makes a house cooler just to look day. She made herself a plain dren 1 square melted chocolate
at. It you have slip covers, good! with n low, round neck and full skirt. 3 tbsp. melted butter
They're n wonderful aid to a cool. The only trimming on tho dren is a 'h lb. 4·X sugar
attractive house. Then put away some gold belt which ahe purchased at the 3 tbsp. cream
or those favorite knickknacks that 10-eent store for 29 cents. With 1 tlJp. vnnilln
have to be dusted daily and all your this frock she is wearing a pair or flat-
brass candlcsticks and your silver heeled gold evening slippers that s he'll Mix w(>l1 and spread on top or cake
trays, elc., that have to be cleaned and had for years but they are jUst like leaving it in the llano
polished conlinu(llly. Get rid of as the ones they arc showing in all the
many of your daily chores as you can stores {or street and beach wear this
110 you will have more free time to summer. This young womlln looka
vacation. like a page right out of Vogue and
her husband beams with pride cvcry
time he looks at her, 110 .mart and
pretty in a creation that COlt him
exactly $1.69. So therc'lI an idea for
you and that old pair of gold evening
slippers that you just nc"er used
enough to wear out. (Wonder what
I did with thow old (fOld wedllies o{
mine! Mmmmm.)
I know if you're going to take things
easy you '1tOn't want to spend much
time fixing fancy desserts, baking
cakCll and the like. Frcsh fruit, Ice
cream and store-boughten cookies will
hAve toO lIuffir.e. Howover, It your "l,
ramil y should get especially hungry I,
ror homemade cake and you should
just weaken enough tIl ma ke them OrlC, "
Pa~e Twelve The Electrical Worken '
In spite ot warm wl'Alher, vllrlltinn
problema Ilnd other complications at-
tendant to the "good old summertime," "
many of our Iluxiliaril!'l are continu·
ing to me('t. and are tarrying on their
union activitiea .a energetically as
Rere is an Recount or the lx!autiCul
installation cl'rcmony conducted by "
the Ladies' Auxiliary 01 L. U. No. 108. Accent on S limmer
L. U. No. 108. Some of yo ur friend s fortunate ( I ) Square and round needle flower
enough to have lovely ya r ds, may be holders which come in mnny sizes.
Tampa. Fla. having garden pa r'ties this aummer. (2) Modeling clay for securing
The Ladies' Auxi liary of Local No. It you have a garden, too, why not be holders to containers.
108 held a very lovely nnd Impressive different and organize gn.rrlflnillU (3) Florists wire for twining stems
installation service in the auditorium parties among your friends. Plan
of the Union Hall Thurlday evening, these parties with a number of your and blossoms together for particular
March 25, 1948. effects.
friends and schedule one or two a
The auditorium and aLage were deco- week. Each perllOn brings to the party (4) Crump\f.'fl chicken wire (2.inch
rated with Ilalma, potted planta and slips or seedlings of hill or her favorite mesh). This makes a fine holder for
cut flowcMI. As a centTal decoration f10weTll or whatever grows best in his both short and lon,-stemmed flowers.
stood a tree beaTing candle. repre- yard or he has most of. Each guest Bring out your old bottles, jam
senting the auxiliary. plants his offering and helps the host holden, odd pieces of glassware and
and hostess with their general garden- ehina, bean pots, pewter, brass and
Mrs. Frank Barrl, president of the
Letter Carriers' Auxill8l'Y. and Mre. ing work. The host and hosten or- copper. There is no end to the inter-
Curtis Kicklighter, "ice president, ranize and supervise the collective esting delisns you can create, anr!
were invited to officiate at the Installa- gardening effort, serve plenty of cold there Is no mistake about it, flowers
tion. Mrs. C. W. Billet at the piano drinks and sandwiches and present tasterully arranged, give your rooms
played a program of 110ft musie themselves promptly at the next a Uft. You can bring the fragrance,
throughout the eeremony. gardening party with trowel and po- the b r ightnesa and beauty of summer
ten tial floral offering in hand. right indoors.
All put I)residents attending were
honored with the retiring omeen;. Hose Frolics The secret ot beautiful flower ar-
Each was given a Ii,hted candle and In the same vein, for you folks who l'lIngcments il not in the kind of
was escorted to the tree, the eandles have yards, are hose parties for the flowers you select but in what you do
denoting their office. As each incom- small fry. Breathes there a mother with them. A f ew simple blouoms
ing oftieer was presented by Mrs. in a ll this land who owns both a back ca n orten be used to create a more
Kicklighter to the Installing offieer , or f ront yard and a hose, who hasn't Interesting and beautiful effect than
she was given the duties of her office heard the plaintive plea, "Mother, can dozens of the florist's most gorgeous
lind then lighted the candle ot the tree. we put on our bathing suits and get find ex penalve blooms.
Mrs. N. ,J. Drake was elected to under the hose'!" Organiz" hOI"
serve a s president for the coming parties in your neighborhood. Today Iced Drinks
year. She will be Ilssisted by Mrs. all the child ren on the block eome to One seeret of n cool summer is to
George Govereau, vice presidenl; Mr9. your house and frolic in the carefree se r ve plenty of cold drinks. Iced tea
F. C. Trimpie, secreUlry; Mrs. G. spray of your old garden hose. To- is an old favorite with everybody. It
Frank Thompson, treasurer. All ofti- morrow your children go with the will be even more weleome served with
<:ers present were given rorsages, others to Smith's and Wednesday it'a fnncy iee eubes made by filling your
carrying out the blue and gold theme Betty Jonos' turn to have the hose irfl trllyll with wllter and placing in
of the auxiliar~'. part)'-and so on through the week. each seetion a mara.schi no cherry, a
The husbnnds or the auxiliary nlem- Result: you know where your children strawberry, piece or lemon, pineapple,
bers joined their "oj"es in the audi- are. They are having good clton IU , sprig of mint, etc.
ence to witnul the Installation, stter pervised fun and your house and lawn
)'our dled-in-the-wool colfee addicts
which the auxiliary retired to the get water-logged once a week 0"/1/. will love you rOl'ever if you serve iced
social room. coffee prepared thus:
Bring Summer Indoors
The social room was beautirully Make strong cofree and freeze it in
If you're going to simplify house-
decorated with burning candlell and your rerrigerator tray. Place severa l
hold tasks and have more timo to do
lovely floral decorations carrying out of these coffee cubes in a glags and
the things you want to do this s um-
the blue and gold theme. An em- mer, can I harp back to a favorite pour over them: cream nnd freshly
bos[}Cd cako bearing aix cnndles for hobby of mine, flower arranging! ","de hot coITee.
the !lix yearll or the au xiliary organ- There are so many lovely Bummer Children nnd cocoa lovers will en-
iution, was served with lee crum by flowers available and there is no end joy Iced chocolate. Make chocolate in
Mr!l. W. J. Biossfleld and Mrs. Wai- to beautiful combinations you can try. the usual way and chill it Serve it
ter Lightsey, hostesses for the evening. Some equipment every "flower a r · over erushed ice and top it with
MRS. JOliN F. WII.US, P. S. ranger" finds most helpful are: whipped r.ream or ice cream.

Journal for Iunu , 1948 Paqe Thirteen

S unny (7) So uthern C. lifornia Plain &n'an l
("neal E s lille ror Sale")
n e rode hi, trnetor In th ... aun of "'all,
('",pired dN' to k"olO/edlit 11111/ III,. nle plo"" share IInalJping In Ihe brittle
/tllllt:r, mor, ,IIfHl no ,.e(lr, (JIIO, fell lor ~~.
reol t.t(l'~ ./lfrrh *" Cali/or nil,l. "'hclI o ,~ DU ll r ose from Btubble dry anti starrcd
I. ,ri,l 'lirnl j,uI1/ (,lIi"UIIO; IUld 10ll/"1I II"
{or rain , ,
dltd in 1/'!1U It, ,till ~ud n('l'tr lror"r"
10/1I':,IIcr ,IIf! cit,. lot. he thONgllllle 1I0NI1~' An d r...11 upon bi B face, bl, lIb/ rl , hi' bool&.
10,"' pwc, in SOlltltf!r" ()"li/or"ia. lure
tltrte .. ilu 0.1 ."der 'lo t J'uri{io Orc" .. The .weat of toil mllde ril·...... In tbe dirt,
or 0" '0"'. otlter "/,,nd lIillil Clllot" ,~" Dlaek bettlell dodged ben ... fttb hili erunch·
Sif!rru Modre J/ollnlai.... 01 COllr,,, /~f'
/ol/ooci"l1 'i"e. do "01 lIi~ ,"" trNI' pi,..
'Nrc i" Ittll. Wllile !Colllnll .p '11"(lrr.
rtdocood ,, ~lc. g"d pic!:;,,' ,lit'er, Clrolllld
ROII/ltf'rll (',,/i/orllill 40
1 h"d grl,bltt',l a Itw
OliO, I l('i,II
or IIcreage 0'
ing wheeJ.,
n ere rode no cllmor that till' elly dweller

In eolor moria.' bright, dee.!!\'inC I'ffla.

,\ tired man working for hla dIll y breau,
I~at ,i",e a/ a hundred bNck. f .... " "Ut'. III l'ft he i8 beam alld girdcr of (; od'lI plan,
III('''}I i ,a/(lIIcc, '~", ... ,...pell' IIINI 1/ ... 'I'he Ma~ter cho ..... the @imple, humble fol k,
'11",,('/1: ;11/0 0. mllcll or more Ihl"l li e 10l'ed nobody aa li e 10"l'd the work·
$100.000. flu I. IJrother. ",IIelll da}l' II"" ing Ulan.
/HJrlla;II' jlllt nOIe oi .. 'I.") D. A , lIt)ou:R.
1•. t No. 1300.
O r all thl' 8harh within the ,tate will) • •
make the ~t look pal", ('''Olllmit me to tb~
ma~ter ,borh wilh rl'al l'~IIHe for MIl',
Tile l·jekel·~nlin eJ
ther offer barcaiu city lou wbich hld(' III' D e pllcn hill J,IOOIt witb dl'lermined trf'ad,
far O"'a)" a radio wave wou ld find II Unarmed, di!play of IJOlte,.. his only
wUJrh to reneh thcm in a doy, The luek- .hieltl :
~rt come (rom IIIOIlY stall'S 10 ,ruh II "hllr Alert, to proteet hi ll dally bread.
(l:aln deal" while wlesmen My-" th ut·,. A nliant I!Qldit r in illduulr),', field.
nOt a !Juy, It N'1I11t is a 81('111: you cer Severest wintry glllee, IInow IIl1d IIIl!tt
lalnly ore (ortunate to bny 011 Ihe 'gro und WiU not imped, hi, preclou, cbore:
ll oor,' tou'll be mighty .lWrry ve ry Il0011 Torrenlial dow npour, 8Umm('r's 8()() rehln,
you didn't ,nib !lOme more." And II() hent
!t'l bee" ro r 00 yellrS in th is old sonny (1) '''111 IIpur him on, lI[s goal to ac<ll'l!.
atllle, lind anlf'll,l1Ieu ~till are sure to lUI)'
"you nearly tame too late: I 11"11 yoo It A ",pllrk of hOlle h;nitea Ill. fY"
yOn J)8811 thin bu)' for such II little kale. No Profit With fire of enduranCf'. rome ""hnt will:
you'll rue tbe dl,. yOU faill'd 10 SDalch Coroner: "And wbal were )'our bu. " 'ith iICOrD aDd eontempt bl, heart ddlu
11I0re IllId al th ia ,reat lillie." lie failll 10 hand', lUI "" ords?" The "seab" who aeeb hia Job to fill.
laU you thai IIOme lOla Ollet' aold 'bout ont'(> New Widow: " D e tiJ:lid : ' [ don't see A.nd " Ictory .day I, lIure to arrll'e
('ach rePr, that bUyers couldn'l find Ibl'm how they nlHke II. llrofit out or thlll IItufr Wi th richest rewllrds he', el'er kn own:
whl'n Ibey time 10 prol'e th('m ell'ar: tilt')' III a dollar and a IjtUl rt('r a quarL'" U i. cllerished caUIlt! I. lure to ,url'il'e,
eouldn't C('I a litl(' 10 Ihl' lots Ihry • • • lIe'lI reap the fruit iii, (allh haa IiOwn!
('Qultl,,'t find while Ihe aall'lllJlnu hI" WO K Son"y b Sale And the rodent'a cl'iI d('('(l, of greed
l'l_c where rooking more !lIIpa or thl'ir kin,1, To ce rtain doom lite due to ICld!
Ro nll' IIharks hnd oue gruntl rueke! wilh The heftd of the houae Will relullnll' n A B it 0' Luck.
bllll'print, or dl'l:II!rt plo ts !Ill c ri~~·('rf)~~!'fl neWll II"per urticle ,'ery carefully. \vh ... n AliI': Gl i CK.
,,' Itb Ilnl'll and IIUle ahapell 10 llIark 'ho~,' he finl,hed, he remarked 10 hi. wife: I... II, No.3.
clly lOlL I r I had donll:h I 'd buy a fiehl "00 you kno w, tlear. 1 tblnk Ihere',
aomethlng in .... hat thill article .. y_

Ind build a mhehty jalJ and fill it r"n of l'oor Choiee
wily .. harh with REL\ L I~STATI~ FOil that lhe c1evernf!&l of tbe father nrlen
S Al ••,. provu a stumhling block 10 the lIOn," Afiked whnt he thought of the two
TIl' llK'l'soLDI!. I. 0" D i, wile lIea1'\"(1 a ,Jgh of relief. candidates for the t'lec:tion, an cnU,btelled
Forlnerl,. of I .. l ' , Xo. li:i. " "'('II, thank good"","," abe laid. "our ,'oter replied: " Well, when I look at
little Jobnny will ne ... tr hne anrthlng them I'm thankful only one of tbem
• • • to fall o"er," can 1('1 deeted."
S IOI11Iin __ O ut • • • • • •
Good 'I'urgel$ Ve"leance
Ci ly Hook : " Our '"" IItove explodt'fl
lind blew mothl'r and fathcr out of tlu~ Se rl;l'allt (on riDe tlllIge) : "'I'bl, ne"' An old ,torr, but n good olle:
houle togethl'r." hu llet will I»f'netrale 1I(,lIr ly two l eet of A man ""ho had been blurll by It dOli
Coun try n ook: "That', Il'rrible," IIO Ud wood, 110 I'I!membe.r to keep your foulld thllt hi' woulld8 didn't heftl lind
C ity Rook : " Yeah, but it made mother heads down," COll8u1ted a doctor. The IIbYllieinn,
rery happy," • • • IIlarmed by the "Ilpellrnnce of the wound,
had the dog caught Bnd unmlned. The
Country !look: "Made her happ)'1"
Cily n ook: "Yep-tbat ....118 the artt 0 .. WronJ Side doC had rahil'll. AI It .....11. 100 Ilite to
(il'e the man a !lerum, tbe doctor told
time lhey'd left borne lo~th ... r in ~ J ohnnie (to ne .... villitor) : "So ;roll
are vandma, a re you?" blm be would bal'e to die of hydrollbobla,
• • • Gl"andml: " Yet!, Johnnie, I'm your Tbe poor man III.t down at a desk and
beglln writing, The pbyalclan .ought to
gnllldDlO on you r {atber', lIide."
li e l..ald an E,g Johnn[e: "'Veil, you're o n the .... rong comfort him.
IIlde. You'll find tbllt ouC" "Perhaps it w ill DOt be 10 bad," be
A member of the Ladil'll' A id Soci... t.,r
In n lima II town went to the b~nk to • • • Mid. " You needn ' t make your .....iIl now,"
''I'm not making my ,,·m," n!1I1l...J the
dl'pOsit, 1111 she lold the banker, " lIOme MOII"Y SaH~(1
IIld money." man. "I'm writing out Il Ult of IK'Opie
Ephra im, sto rekeepe r In II 'lllall "er· I'm goIng to bite,"
lln ror tmm leiy, tbe bankl'r thought .he mon t lown, wall ,re(lled by II neighbor • • •
IUIld "egl:: money," and replied: " ltemllrk· wbo co nllOled him on the 10811 of 110m\!
Ible Isn't It, bow well the old bV11i are of hla m... rehandillt! d uring a 1Irf', "Did We ll· Placed Sllrca~1ll
doing thelle dIIr-?" YOll 10M: much~" a~ked tbe {rltnd, "SUrf' the li'l pri~ of the dinner la
Tben he cou ldn't undl'rfHand why tbe ";"Oot too much," came tbe laeonie two dollars," aid the walt('r blandlr to
womsn gllthtred liP bl'r pn8.'lbook and rep\y, " "d just Illarked moat of my the new ear Mlesmlltt. " btlt tbe lIowen
burrled from the bank ! ~toclc do""n 25 per cen t." on tbe table bring It to $3.7G."

Page Fourteen The Electrical Workers'

Nashville Site of State
Electrical W orkers' Meet
WORR E n s A SS O C I ,\T I ON.-TbO'
spring cour.. rence of the Tenneuee Stah"
Eleetri~al Worbl1l ASIIOCia tioll wu hf'ld
in the ADd",,,, Ja~bon llotel. Sa~h ..ille.
April 4t11. To /lII)' L. U. No. 1:..·9 wu II
royal hOllt ill to PUt it mildly.
Our prine:iplll spenktr was I nlt'rull'
tionll1 ~retary J. Sc:oU Milne ,..ho
brou,bt lhe membel1!J a ",II m.....,' on NEWS FROM THE lOCALS
Ihe part our Broth('rhood and our memb('r-
bUlihip mUllt pia,. In the coming moutb than in ally city WI' ha\"l~ hnd so far. lillllOU5 good ltanding ran 25 yean, or
and YMrs. Ill' told U$ In Illain wonu. We hope thO' l1lemt.ers of oth.. r local.(l mo",. Two members rould Dot attend.
se"eral IhingR lbout our Ilof'n~ion ,,1:1n will turn OUt b!'lIer fur " ur meelinp. tlrother liHue made the presentation to
Ind whllt we must eJ:pe<'l if \I'e bell it The benefits are great I:UIIlL"11"fl1 10 the Ihe I:! who "'.('1"(' pteo;ent. The,. were C.
going. WI' nil hnve work to lin Inll dorl. Come and ~e<' f<lr ,-ou",ell·('<I. J. lIInun!<l'lI, J .•\. Hogle, Dnel Wrighl,
mor(' of liS hot! better tnke Imrt in th" Other I. O. B rolhl'TS pr"~enl were \'ice John Hl'dd, i'ir.. W. J. Pullman, W. n.
work if WI' all t'xpect to IlnrtidpntO' in Pre!!ident W. R. Pelly. IIl'prcsenlntil"l's Uo~. J I ,. TTI"· i~. John Hedd, Jr., ll, C.
Ihe b",wfil.l<. Th .. rl' WOIt n ,·.. ry i'lOd T. U. P ayne, Al Wrilthl !Iud C. W. I'ott~, O. C. Willis, R. f,'. Brown and L.
nltendnllt'l' '!nd lhe nrothf'1"S of I.. 11. Darkins. ~\ n outstllnding fellture of ~~. Gupton.
12!) tunwd Out in 5:"iIlIlJ 111111111('r. tilis meeting wns the pN:'~entntion of ·W . E. Jacobs, of the O.R.D., who is
l'h~1"i' WIlli II Inrgl'r proloorli./lL of th(' :?5--year membenlhip buuons, by L. U. tbe Itate lnbor commissioner. told us
ll1f'mt)l'n<hi ll of I•. l" . 1:!!1 ill Illll'ndnnc(' <1.29. 10 14 of its members whose eon· how be help«! orgall~ Ihe fint eleelriclI.l
l~al in these parts all a member of tile
K nights of Labor. Brother Ja~ob.!l staled
lhn TenneL....e baa wiped ODL child labor
Meea" g 0/ Tellll csee Elect rical Workp I's and home workahOIIS- The last legisla-
tIlre did gh·e the workers $Orne benefibl
including amendmenLe to the fire mar·
shari code, calling for better atate dec-
tri~al inapection, Thill ill something the
Illllloc:inlion hH~ ~n working for during
theM I,ut 10 Jenl"!!.
Ahl", tbe SlIme line, Wilson Waters.
I( member of J~. U. 429 who has just
rl'<:l'nl1r been allpointed County Elee-
trienl in~ IJeCtor l<Jr Da,·id!l<)11 Connty.
lIl ade 1\ .short talk.
I.. ee fillnder@, Ilresident of the ""shville
T nHIl'S lind Labor Council. ou tl ined the
progrl'lJ$ of the labor monmeut here lind
H~sllred us that the l 'olitlenl f:du('tltion
l!omm;tt~e ill \"err nct;'-c lI"d showing
r('llullll in regi~lrntions and 11011 tnx p>ly.
Congl"i'b!!tIllllI Estes Keflluver sat dO\\"11
to dillne r with U8 111111 ~DOke for II few
minutes 011 the Inbor eituntion in t.:Oll-
grellll DOW lind what it wny be. U i~
ll inl",l"f'ar record i. 100 per cent f(IT Inbo:lr
and TV.\ .
Bcn J.'aucett. editor of Ihe Xtulorille
7'radfl. alld J.Albor '\·~W3. look the IJiclllre!l
accom])tlllying this IItory and called our
I(tt('ntion 10 the ballot being takeD by the
Afo'L on the Taft·llartle.1 Law.
Alter discu8IIing tbe bandling of the
coming International Conl"ention in
llemphis OD the Millllissippi. we seleeted
Suites at meetinu JohnaoD Cit,. as the neIL city to enter·
olTntne..eeState lain tbe alllOCilltion in September.
Electrical Work- Cn.aal.&8 J. M.aI:SSELJ...
1'''' A •• oeia.t io"". S.,..,.dar/l.
Upper Il'lt, 11'. B.
Dos., pre.ident 01
• • •
a.ssociation; upper Development of California
right, J. O. Boyd Power by People Urqed
Ilnd Ted P. Loltis,
arrangulu!nts JO INT E..~ECVTI\,E COXFEREXCE
~ormllittell lor L.
0'" NOHT II Elt:'lr.' CAL IFOR:'Ir.'1J\ ELEC-
U. '~9 seeond
row, lelt, J. Scott
. TRICAL WORKERS.-At our ",gular
iluarterl,. meetiug held in Monterey on
AI)ril 10, In-ls, the following resolution
M i Ifill, .eCTlltarv wall adopted with the reqUe!!t that s cop)'
olthe/.B.E. IV.; be Ilubllshed in our official J OUIISAL:
center, .peak6rs WIU'.fI.l;.\8 the S tate o! California is
inbll'; right, IV. t(Xluy confronted wtih II serious flOwer
B. Petty; bottom row, the Jf! Brothers who ,·eceived 25-year mcmbership pin. "horlogc: and
Irom, J. Scott Alilne. Johnson City will be -next cOllc/av6 lIitll. Wnl:luO:A8 Ibill 11O\\·er IIbortage ia cana·

Jo u rnal for June, 1948 Page Fifteen

Ing illdu.trrl'~ I~ lOhut dOWII part time, is a Wett Pointer lind fouCht from tbe ResponaibUity of Office
thereby t1lrowlll,r m.ny men out of work, :-;ol'lDllndy beacbbud lerotl Europe to Not to Be Taken liOhUy
lind i. all"e<'tlng lhl' e"l'ryotlay life of all the jUnclUrl' Wilh th" Rugians. Ue
""identa of thi••tllte; .nd drips with ser"ice ribbonll Ind df'('Or.· L. U. M. I)ETIlOIT, MI C IL- W ith the
Wnltlll:At if thlt .IWIIlion aboulll eon- tioos lind doesn't lit .11 look like Ibe month of June come tbe bienDI.I elec-
tinue for Illy I~nelh of timl'. It will lleri- canoons of B Roo." tion. in our local. As on aU other o«a·
OU.ll[,. I1I1'('('t n,ril'ullu", and will .top 11011. when the individual eitlU'-P iB asked
In spite o f thlt tb",. IIt1! lIiIl tr,.ln,.
olbt'r iudu'tri" from I~.lin, pl.nt. In Tile lour CougrCllllmen nlm('<1 I I mtm· to take IUlrt i'l I:overnment by ex~rciling
Ibill eomlllullity; IIIHI ber. of tbis subcommittee nr": n el)re- hi. mo" jlf('CloUII IIOSIe.ion, whieh il bill
sentatio'C Clare Holtmln of ~Ucbl,nn. right to c1100ee bll rellrl'tlentlltil'e8, WE
\\'IU:llY.... lf thi .. l'rllieal liLUlttioll I,a.
Represenlll.til'e ~~orresl A. Uarnl'Sll of UHG I~ YOU '1'0 COMEl OU'1' AND
1!'l'I!Il "rousht about to a IlIrKe UI~nt by VO'J'K
.he P llciflc Gila nnd Electrie Compan1, Indinna. Rel)resentati"e Wiliter II. Jud(\
of MilillellOlll. and n~prt8entatil'e Wlnt It II m)' ellrnest lind mncerl' ronvic·
'\hieb hall continuully 01111Ol'Ct1 .nd delayed lion that the Ilrl'Hent adminilltrlltion hall
the ~'ederlli GOl'ernm~nt in IIJI Shalltn Smith of Kan$IlI,
t,('rl'ell you conlCientlollllly and CIIllnbl,:
Power lind trnn.mlSllon linu Ilroje<:t, One o f the ~tnkmelllll to whicb thl')' ami It may well .tI\ml on ill reeord,
which \\'ould brln, .buudant chellp power take exeeption. again quotinl from thl! It III lito a mlllll't of 1~l'IIOnal pride
tu tile 1INIlle of (·lI1lfornll.. : 1'hl'refort be it nel\"llpaper il. "";ml'lo,.t11 join union. for me to ba\'e I~n Ill18QCillted in An
/{('.oll'ttl, 'I'hlll WI', UI(' Nurthern Cali-
fornl ••Ioinl "~lfl'ClIliI-t BOIIrdf of Elec·
becalllle in nnionB tbey bavl! more
ltreDgtb tban any of tbem
The eommlttee did not
eIe<:UlII'I' capacity with th_ men of the
.dmlnlBtrntion of Loclll Union ml. amon,
trical Workl'l'!!. I" r('Kulllr mtetinJ. I'e'- whom 1 CAn 5IIf..,l,. MY Ihtre exists an
(tUelIt Ih.., Califorllill !:ttatl' ,.'ooenltlon of think a l!ettion dealing with nilu_ in aun08phere of mutual reapeet lind under-
l ... bor to Iln'llILre allli 11I,,'e Introduced into unions was "~lrong enou!;h." SUllpole BlandlnJ which hH, gua ranteed the memo
lhe C/llifornin I.t'Jilllntnr(> o r the U, S. you do lIOlUe thinking, too, bCl'Rblp tbe IInClit reilltions with the in-
Congre,.. Ihe n('eCM;ary l..,gi~lntlon wbich Those of you tbat are still inclined dustry and the be,t of oonditlonll lo r Ollr
will "riug IIlxlllt Ihe dHCloplIll'ut nntl to belie"e that tbe T a ft· lJ tlrlll'Y Act ill. wiremelJ.
d illtr lbuliulI of lhe water Hnd power re "Labor's Bill of Righla" should. if 10U An1 CAndidale for offic:f! in such an
8OUrcl'l o f thia IIlDte In lhe inter~SIJl of reId ansthing ucept ti,e I!POrtl"g new •• Important loenl D8 ouu should well nnd er·
the IK'Op l1:- of the Itate and not prl,'ste be becoming somewh/lt enlightened /II to ~II,,)(I th nt Much re~llOn8ibilit)' can ne"I"r
monOllOly; nnd be It further iUl iniquity, wben )'OU read lind hellr be tak~n lightly. By the enme token, the
HfI.()'vcd, Thllt n CO il,!' of lhlll resolutton of the man, injunctiol18 againll labor \'oter Iho\lld come thoroughly informed
he publi~hed in our olllcln i J OURNAL tlnd orgnnizations, most of tb~m oiltnined by nnd prepared 10 nnswer to himllClf, hil
a COpy fie'" 10 lhe Southern tlnd Cl!nlrn l employers without too mu eh trouble or
red tape,
family, and hia brother member for the
J oint Eltecuth'e BOllrdll of "~lectricll.l wiadom of hi" _election •.
Worker., 'l'hill writer bas no ptlrtlcular 10"e for To \'Ole for a psi jllil OOeAU&e he \B a
Rllbmlltl"d by: John L . J..ewis or for his wlY of doln, pII, or for a haU-fellow-we1 l·met jUllt be--
LocAl. USIOl'l GOO, I. Il ~l. w.
business.. We know he Is not weil CIIU8e you like 10 be humored, ill, 11'''
tbougbt of by many membera of organind lnll'l:"l, not the bett po8!'Iible
una Crol'e Stffi't.
'aboI', hut how many of ulf know any' TY,'0 ytar. 19o I wrote: "Let u. eDtt-r
Oakland. c;.lif. thing about hia- opposite for tbe Opl:'ra' the votine bootb wiW a confident attitude
Urolhcr AmOll l"~ll'y 1"11 pre""nt. Ind tOI'1l. Mr. El:.ra Vlln U orn! One readlo and a C()mplele honesty of purpoet.; and
Plf;de a pr~ntalion of a beautiful .croll or heaM! liltle about him, especllll, no may I'ach of nl eme.rge with In inward
to George Kimball, Tbe !!Croll "'II from eritielsm. It ill therefore aurpriling "",d feelin, of triumllh over haviog done WI'
tbe o.urornia State AMOdation of "~I~ refresbing wben a eona\!.r1'ltive new,- l'er1 finHt thing which our individual
trical Worktr. to ~Ir. George Kimball. paper. The Nell! York lltJrllld TribMnt. eonlCiencel b"'e dl'Clded." 'I'hoee WOniB
chief electrical iUllperlor for tbt State editoriftli~ IS follows: "Let UI admit are the belll ) ean write today.
of Qalifornlll, who will retire Ibortl,.. tblll Mr. Vlln B orn. lind the opera tort Good luck to you; and good Sovernment
nOI)ing you CIIn erowd our rl'llOlution behind him. may be within their rhthlJl for I..oc:II1 Union 58!
in thl .100KNAI. aud, congrlltulutlng )'OU In throwing" tbb eleveoth bou r monkey
wrench into lhe mllchlnery (lhe luit LOONARD SMITH, 1'. S,
on the ~ Illendid job being don e with our
omeill l ,' OU IINAI., I remnin, to upset the pension IIgrecment lhat
ended the ~Irike). nut It comell with
• • •
.1. A, (;IOI'ANI:;'I, Donver Local Observes 50th
Setrelu r/l' 7'retl' IIrer, poor grnce from one who during the
months of contrO I'ersy over mineu' pen- Anniversary of Founding
• • • sions, has made not one conBlrllcl il'e
prOllOMI to settle tbe IlIIIue, who ha. I... U. 68. OENVER.. COLO.-On Thurs-
Army '. Discussion of Labor contenled himl!('U throughout with n dllY c.'tnlns. April leith, Local Union No.
Found No More Than Fair negath'e oppo!l ition to the IlrollO ... ls of es celrhrnted the 50Ih IInnil'ersnty of its
othera. Tbe whole sitUAtion would be> (oundinll', It Willi. howel'er, on March 24,
L. U. 3. NE \\' "onl(. N , Y, -In In elfort improl'ed were be to re~i," In rlVOr of 1808 thllt H ehart"r was granted to the
to Ji~e the Orothtr member. an IURight n. trustee ..... bo. bowever 101111 to the ,lrul\&:lInit "roull of men who .... ere imbued
Into lIOlDe ot the 111.'1'1011' method" UM'<I interests of the operator.. Ihowed 80mI' with the Idell of blinding togetber for
by lIOme of Ihe member. of Cangrea to litnlle of rooperation." economit' ndl"anc:f!ment and aecurity. Our
di.credil orJllnbed libor we live YOll I The moral! Ched: everytbinl you local nniOD bill weathered man1 Yelll'l.
rhum~ of an Irtiel!' In II 101:111111.'11' I'llper, hear or read that is dero,Btive to TallOT 100<1 nd blld, and bns (tOwn from a hand
It AIII~lIrl Wat the U. S. Army h .. or a Isbor official, before you .~pt It ful of Dlen to ilJl llrelltnt !rt.rength. Our
an educationnl prolrllm for trooll~ whieh u truth. orraDhauion ill proof thllt In1 group of
Includl'l "talka" on I'ftrioul ~ubjeclJl, One FREUERI CK '-, Elen, P. S.
citlzenl ,rouped 10l;ether for the benefit
of th_, "Arm~d For1ll'l T~lk z.:!O" dMII of themflell'f.'8' and their communit, will
with orlanlled labor In tile U,!i.A. Ill'- • • • untler 100<1 lelldenhip, contioue to lain
Itr~ngth In all retlpectll. economlca1l1.
U\l!le thlll "1/llk" gi"I'B Inbor credit for
118 lI«omllll~hmentl and dOl'lIn't em· Spring-field Member Killed mornll1 lind lIOCially. TIi Btory reeortl8
Ilhnllire the ahortooming~ enl)ugh, four In Fall From a StaQino Ihat growth of beneficial movements 18
Conlr_men, membe" of a lubeommit· thl! result of need and tbe grllllplnl of tho
t~ nnd 1111 from thl! Mld!lll' "'tilt, lire I... U. 1. S PRINGFIELI). MASS,-I hlll-e ollllOrtunlty to satiafy tbat need,
trying to pnll'e it .ub1'!'rtio'e nnd to lbe IIIld duty to report the lou of Bro ther Brother Jack Fi.htr wn!l banquet
)In''.·tnt the Arm, froiD hUlUing IIny fu- Rllph Streeter, who came to hi. untimtiy chairmnn Iud 0"1.'1' 800 member.. tbelr
tllre "to lilt" th"t are eomlrlimenlnr1 to I'nd through a rllil from. Blalinr while wl1'es or lAdy friend~. C()ntraclol'1l. dealer.
111001'. nt work. It ill a 10l1li thllt III deeply felt and frlendJl Intimately BlIIOCialed with
'J'bl'y "Will hllve a tough job pinning by thl' loea.!. ~ince moat of u. eitber the ele<:trlcalindulliry were pretent. Tb"
Il dilllor"lt, chIrp on the man !'elIllOn-
worked for or with Brotber Streeter tabll'l wl're beautifully dt:eorated wlUI
,dble for th_ "talka" for, to quote from at one time o r Bnother. T..ot'III No. 7 Ilolden colo!'l'd Rowers and with lightll
the newlipaPf'r "Tbe 'l'roop I nformation mourns the palllling of II good Drolh tr dimmed. loldell ('IndlH were lighted, A
and Eduelltion Oh'lllon I. headed by nnd a fine man. filiI' dhlfll'r wall III'rl'ed, \\'bich l'Very ont
llrigadler G tn~r/ll 0, '1'. IAnhlm. who I . S. GORDQl'I. P . S. ~l'('med to enjoy.

PaQe Sixteen The El ec tri ca l Workers'

Brotbu C. O. Koxon, • memlX'r of
L. U. Ko. 6S for 40 ytan.•~ted .s 10.~t­ Colden Jubilee Banquet oj Local 68, Denver
mailer. lie brle", re"le~ed tbe growtb
of our loct.l. lie then introdu~ Ihe
followln, people, all of wbom epoke
brieO,., ~n,ratulatln, U8 on Ont ooth
annive ..... rT; tile H onorary W. Lee
Knoul, Go\'ernor of Colonldo; IIi, Uonor.
Mayor Quigg Newton, DenHr; Inter-
nutiooal "ice l~re.ident Wallace C,
Wtlght; Bert. W . Stile., f)resident of
Hock, Maunlaln Chapler. N.E.C.A.
Brother Noxon then introdutttl our
International l'reeillent Dan W. Trac,
who ell<:lke 1I0t lou&, but well. me talk
wu In'llirinr and left a distinct cballeule
for each of UI 10 do bls pltrt to tbe best
of hia abll1l},. "The I.B.E.W .... uh l
Mr. Traer. "ba. rome a long 111m) WftT.
It h.. bud to fI,ht, It kuow! bow to
fighl; It 11'111 eoutrnue to fight l" f'ur-
ther; "Communlam muat 1I0t and will
nOl be aUowed to gnin It foot bold iu onr
orgalli&lliioll. We know how to t!l'al
wilh eommulliam aud we IlrOllOse to do
juat that!" More; "Every 01110 muat
Ilrot('(!t himself by the power of Ihe
ballOI. It JI ellllential tbllt nil exereiee
Ihl. right IB free Amerieant, if we arl'
to remnln fr~, TO HEG ISTER A N D
TO V01'F.l." J . Olyde Williams. our
genl.1 buainel8 mllnager. wu uut ID'
troduced /IIld tlrHented a be.utlfully Thi. pictur~ Ilwws part 0/ /I!e 0/ mOTI! th(ln 800 who attended the Golden
turUl'd glll'f'1 to our Local UniGn P rCli
lif'lIt Jnek ~'iMlu'r, 1'hi~ envel wna turDl'd Jubilc~ banquet. .4t speaker" table were D, IV. Trocu, pre.ident 0/ the 1. B.
hy \'!(>t I'",~id~nt l l yron Bllil~}'. th .. E. IV.; lVaUice C. Wright, tigltlh di.trict vice r1rt'llident; Lee KROIU, govenlOr
WOGd or whl~h WIlS tak~n from the Gld 0/ ColoTado; Quigg Newto)!. 1714l1or 0/ Dt'JltleT; Bert W. Stile., pre.ident 0/
couIOt1 court bou~. now lorn down for RockU Moff.Jttain c/tapter, N. 8. C. A.
mlln1 yelll"ll..
TOo condudt tbe eHning. O\'er lin bour', publiC:lD aln"enti"n, .nd ('harlr. J, Inl:' .11 the \11'.1' up tbe hilla, which weN!
f'nttrtalomtnt wal provided which "'"~ 1J00aD, bead of tbe I'(lUnty d('ll'ptiQII I" MUll fatmll. and tall buildin~, the elti-
Ihorou,hl, tnjoyed. Card trlcb, Imila- I('n. ,reeted hiB pn!dictiontl with derillion.
the I)('moc:ralic ron"t'ution, urgl"d the
101"1, tumblel"l .nd nule daule were ". people to aupport their partkular IlIlrtr hut he 111'111 eleeted mayor.
1)lealing Ibat one Ind all likes! to ~ by reference to their fOn!ign pollett'll. Whftber llr. Bald\ll'io WB~ n!aU, f ....
inl'ill'd to Iht next ootb allDh·e .... ry! lIi..-lllt'd or ""BI onb m.king Il pOlili~al
Neither ant' mt'ntioned labor in IIny \11'11,1',
Brothetll Clart'nee Trlcbka and lbron Ind jU1l1 blrl']Y ml'nlionl'd our dOlm{'MII(' Ir~h. hi. prmietlonl hll'-e not ani, eome
Bnilf'Y lHrl' dire~tlr r".llOn8ible for tilt luto I;('illl. th('y hllve been uceeded.
fine dinner mu~ie aud entertainment. problema.
:ll r. l\I ('Nelt contends, 11.11/1 J (llIotl" In or lin I'1:Ilimllt('t1 22:;.000 t!eOlll!! in
RAi81l'd by the other memlX'ra of t hp pllrt. ....'or !l('urly 10 yelll'3 .\mHi'·11ll eeo- Sy r.CUBe. 1I7.000 of them work for weekly
Com miIlN". ~tnnley Curtner, reeordlnl:' nomic llUd soeinl 8Yijleme hn.·1' b('NI wlIges,
~e~retnry Imd Glen IT Gilbert, tiullllclnl lI,unCij IUlve beell nntl still nre b~lng
~hocked und jurred by thr (~>n~tllnt tum
8e~retnry conl r lbuted their bit by tur hullt in nil direetions nnd t hi", in t'(lm-
IlCriug Wit h. nnd ottempl@ ((I (:h1ll1"1". th~
"ishlng nnd l'heckl"g nnmf'~ nnd n(hlru~ell furnllll11entnl6 of our Republl('nn rorm or t)nri"',n with the price Of lumber t()(ln),
IIIId l18.8i~tinlt wherm'er rm~/lible. government. There is no sen!W of dlrl'{'!lolt nllrl In .1825 when Syrncu8e WU/l n Yillllg~.
'l' h111 .hort aeeouut of nn OUl8tnnding or I)f' rma nence In our fot('ign IlfI'RIMI." !'iue I(l mber nt the sawmill sold for $4
eelebrnlion cannot be c103ed wlthollt Mr. !loglln con ten~ und I 'Inote III II... tlloulIKnd teet Rnd hemlock for :!2.r.o
gi.-Jnll' eredi! whl're erl"llit is due. Firat. part, "nepubli~lIns 611)' th~y should bP jl('r lhou~and feet.
10 the m~mbpr8hll) for their COOIle-r.liOIl entru~led wilh conlrol or tilt' ~O\l'rnment
nnd IIlillflOrl; IIeCOnd, to 1111 otben wbo Tall hulldiDp we have, and there I~
ut thll time because P t('>Iirlt'ul 'I'rllmlln'~ ~llll a I.~k 10 office eillct'. and we
contributed 80 willingly to tbe auCCUll POlieles hll"p failt'll.
of the t"eninl: and lilt 10 the Goldtu indUlltr;11 buildinp ro\'ering nst 111'1'1111,
Annivtl'Mr, ("Ommittl"f"; C. n. No!:on, "But In ,,1(,,\11' or the fact Ihllt Ht'IIUbli, \II'llh up.oaioD atill going OD.
I'hlllnn.n. (~, f~. Trl('hk., Jilek J,'illbt'r. I'Ins conlrolling Congrel8 Ila\,t' he<'n Thia, of ("Oun;e, aU adde up to l.bor
!-(Ianl('~' Curtu"r. llyron Bailt'1. J. C. forced b)' AmeriC:ln public opinion lind thl" I'II!)('('I.Uy in the buildinl: trade .nd utili·
Willl.m~ and (:IN) n Gilbert. dl('lalH of their own ht'lrU; Ind min"" 10 lie. of wbieb we of tbe I. U. E. W. are a
(:II':'\' n. (lIlUDlT. F. ~ MUllllOrt the major Trumsn pooli('le~. that I.arl. The qUf'!!tion is bow long will thia
aT'l"uml'ut i6 fuon}'. hold up1 Will polilies chauge the .!Iitu.
• • • " I think the opinion il quit I' l:('n""BI1.I- Illion'l
Articles by Politicos hi'ld thnt If w'" could ret foreh:n 1'l'11I1it)1l~ We remt'mhtr th6t the 'l'aft·llnrtII"Y
(,n n ..nliafactory hasill-whll'h ot NHlfll(' I.nw waf! pall!;t'tl hy. Congre8B elecled by
O f Both Parties Cited m~an" eh~king the Id\'nnf"(' of RUl<llinn u majorltT 1'011" and fnllure to vOII'. Will
I ,. U. 'D, Sl ' RA CUSK N. 1'. -HeJlll'mber ,'f,)mmUnillm. tlnll! allllnring I:eut'rntion" of there be olbera elected whG will pnu evt'n
the old bnr room Bi'1(~ thnt uJte(1 to hnnlll' 11t'1t('f'--()ur dome"tle prohll'm~ roult! ht' more rCltrictil'e labor lnw~ by your \'ott'
onr the mlrral'!! lonll' agG1 Tb('~ i~ on~ Ironed out without too mueh diftienlty." or fnilu", to "01<'1
thllt r reml'mht'r eapeeiaUy. It WIIB; ~)·racuR. Wb06e l00th ~irtbday we Uti' Some nf our memben will \'ote til('
"~inee man In man Is t;O unjust. we do r-elrbrlltin.r this yeur. Willi II .-t'rT Iml)!)r- IItr.lllht purly ticket because they IlwII,1I
nOl know whom we maT tru81:.." Innt IIOJitieal center in New York StilI", hnvt', but there Is an old Chinese proverh
ThIll II'(M'!I for polltiCfl too. in our 1odI1. Ilf'e.UI'f'" of IIJI eeutral inealion Bnd Betlft' whleh II lrue. "The dl"ad Ind tooliah
"tntl' nnd nlltlf)nlll IIl1'llin. Our Wf'On,: IIOIHlelBn!'!. It tin'''' other politlel.ntI Bnd nl"Vf'r chlln!:e their opiniou."
mtt' or failurt' to vote. mean, bnrd8hip IlOlltlclll eon"('nlionl as if by 111111(11",1(' The A. J;'. of J,. baa eslablillhed Labor'e
10 1101' II'l)rklu/C man. belie\'e it or not. po"'fr. r.e.~ue tor Politieal Education. It ill
Our 1'/)1(' may me~n workinlt' for wnrra. When lillr"e}, Bllld1\·io. Syraeu....·" fir~1 urjl"nt tI.nt "on make rull n/le of, .nd
or r~llef. If thert' II relief. mllytJr mnd", hili "hnng;n!: IlInle,," ~lloI'f'('h IIlpport Ihl" for yonr good and lile ;:ood
In two Ilrllele~. Oharl('s A. l\l('Nett. in ... h5l'h h.. p1't"tlicled a cit)' of fOO.OOO of all ot ilL
heud of Ihn eonnl1 deleJ:lltlon to Ille Re- POI/u latlon. wIde alreels. fiDe huml'S Ifllrl FilM KINO, P. S.

l o urnal lor lune . 19U Paqe Seventeen

WaQe Increases and More Ilenna Wl'fi! thrown out io 1032, lor tb.
fnture of American labor political a('tion
Sick Leave W on at Portland
L. U. Publicalio l1s will lirobahir be determined by those who
do UlOH to nchil'n l<:eean in the Jlrt!:ltlll
L. U. 12:;, I'Olt TL.. \XD. OI(EG .- I~t We k now that ma ny of OUf local campaign.. Wl' I'I1n ('Orne Ollt of thl'
me Imrodllct our nt,., a8lliaUIllt bu~ln_
agenl, rat O 'Connor.. De 'I all old"llmer unioDS publish 10('11.1 neWSPAperll. We HUS 1'1«lion 1I~ a mu('h more uuitM!
III'()llIld tllea(! pnrtR. would likc to know whkh local. gel tit('to"'] rort"t' with the organiqtlooa l
oul publications and we would alao atruetn rt that is readily denJoped InlO
CoutracL negolillliolla nr~ Ilrogn' ....1,,!; n permnl"'"li), eqll1hli~hed Inhor (lOlit,
lIud 8011111 bn'"11 been COUll/leloo. In "dIll .. like to sec copies. Locals are requested
il'nl I'nrly.
lion 10 "'lIge Inerensea IlOme iml/ro,'ed to write the International Secretary 1'·illllll),. before ending Ihis letter, I
""Irki,,!:" conditiona were oblJlill('(i, III" and give him information on their \\ililt to t'Omment on the P ul hnnn orenn·
I'~II~('(I I<il'k I"n,'e wns 0111' o( the U1011t publi('ations. iutlon c1ri l'e, We in Delrolt, witb lhe
in11)</l'ln' l! clulII,ee In working oondiTion•. fine CIIIIlle rotiOIl of Internntlonal O rg.1I
And ~Ilpnkl!l' ,,( siek 1.'a"I', we IUl\'e ber '1', II nlllll('y, welt<lme aJi the " ulhunn
been fi(blinlr ("I' im llro'l'ed t<ludiliol18 rol' Hon conlisting of l'e pre~\'l1tutilu '.Illll Eleetri('1l1 Workl'l'I ililo J.o~al Union 200.
YI'III'lII lIud IltJYi Ihnt we are mnking head .. tbe rank lind file . We're looking nh 10 man)' yta ... of
way kt Il~ Ilf)lke oUl"lM'lve8 10 a\'old lin), Wben the eall ('Om.... don't forll't nl utual 'lIIIisllIlI(,{,.
IlI.oUIlO:l ..l Ihia I,r;\ilell:~. Our;,,:: m~lI:otia· rou r volunlary ('Ontrlbutlon to Lnhor'. W, J" l lfGIlAl.t, " !-1
liolll IIl11l1ngemf'nt bas nlwn}"s mrtintnlnw
t!lat ,I(,k h'l'e ('Ould 1I0t be 1'.lllalld"lI
Lengue lor Polilicn l 1~III('lItion. • • •
.' . r , J'AllI,,£II, 1', H.
du" 10 llit IlIcl'eaaed ('()ijt I.oroughl nllOul
1/1 Ihe nbu>!4! thllt moSL cel'll1inl,. wOIIIII
• • • Re peal of Taft. Hartley Act
.ceompll1l1 .neb ex lillusion, [,(ot u~ IIT"Il" P
Essential to Labor Advance
Labor·Manageme nt Relations
t o them by kee l1inl" eick lellnl to 11 min L , U, 2 11. A'I' LA lI." I'W t,;I'I' Y, N. J, -
Imum, Ihll t Iheir (enu nre unfounded, Seen Heading for a Clash
I.nbo l' is in Ihe awit('h(!ll. (111)' I'ellelll
The ne,olinted wnge in('l'e".Ra hnvl' L, U. 2(1.;, IlI':TROl'r , MIC II ,- lt aKnln of tho 'l'a{t ,Ullrtlcy Act, or lit tho vcr,.
not met wilh 100 pe r cent IIlItillfnctiOIl flln. 11 110n me to nct n. lhe 1)1'('$11 8('C' len~t II<!rious modificat ion, enn IIS1ll1re
nmong the lI1eUlherlhip, Man1 nrc of retilty for the loclIl.. DllI"erelil fl'<llll Ilrol; rcq in tbe t'Ominr rell l'l ror Ol'gll n.
the deHn!t(' OI)iniOIl thnt they nre I)(lt lll'Ost of the eontrihlltol'll 1 read, I let a 1~l'(1 labor,
.umel~n t to lUeet the increued or ('erlllin plclI~ure out of tb e OI)I)() rluuil) It 1'1 my honp~t hl'l le( Ihnt. AnyonI'
\i\'lns, but there doe. not "PI)f'nr to Iw to UI)rt!III my impre!lllion of l)rohI1'1I1 ~ ronne('ted with tbe Inoor mo\'ement Ihnt
lIIu('b that ~lIn be doue nooul it. WI'III'<' which we, ns El«tri<'lll Workefl, tl1~'·. "011'8 fol' nny Congrt'lllllllllll 01' Senntol'
bein! bronght fllce to faet with th~ rsrl The beet newl 10 npl> in the IHlllt'U who ~1I1)\lOrted t.hi~ un,American and
that the Taft .. liafl le,. law is makin;: it· for a 1011(. 10Ilt: tiwe Wft8 ChI' tl'l)Iltl ulI .. Conllitutlooal piece of lell'ialatioo 18
self felt, the non«)~rntin, crntla on tbt rali, not ulling but giving aw.a1 hia blrtb .
Thi~ law baa beton in e!feet 80me lillll' toad!! b.ave decided to demand a "o-bonr rlcht to the mon un~rupulous bUn('h
tlm~ now and our bUlintsll a,enll! hA.", ....eek and other working lruprovementl lrom both parties that evel' band..d to-
lold II" froln lillie to time of II!II lub . whicll may bring UI more clOIII'\.r In !lnl' .ether 10 talre aw.a), the american wa7
ju,ntln, tWeel on labor but uide from with the ltandaf'lb of otber m"miltl'l of or lile from the workin;- people,
Ihi • • do an)' or ua individuall1 know our B rotherhood.. I am con'l'inI:'M Ibll ODe of the '1100101'11, Sen.aIOI' Tafl,
anylhin, of till! daDUlging clall~~ and tbe industry will reaiat thill demllnd wltb claim! in the presll that it prol'idea meaoll
11ave ,.,'I! made an)' elfort to find out' I aU the fort'e at itl dial_I. We !OWlI thllt it poaible for I.bol' UniOD!
date Ny that tbe pel'ttnlace II '''1'1'7 prove we are detel'llliul'(1 to ad".ant'!' 10 drive eommunist. from their ran ....
"mall. B ut .10 we hAl'e an OPlIOrtunil7 to tbe ecoOuoDli(' polition of rnllrontl elt(' . Nothing il further from the trUl ll, The
find out unleq WI! uert ollrlll!lI,t!I n litt]t Irklll work~ra to .g.aln plll('l.' lhtln in only prol'iaio n for ulluillion rrom memo
on rellearehl "('Idom do nn7 of tht tile lelldeMlhi p of Am('ri('nn laool', II po~1 lttTllhlp provided hy the bill ia non·pny,
objl'cUo nlibl o pn l'ts or the 111,., al)llI'lIr tivil whid, IlIi./1 the fi!lip~t of ludu~tr)' nll~nt of duel!. Most of ou r memben
In Jlrint or 011 the rndio but thOM' Phrl" lIud the ndrnirntion o! the lallOr 1II01"{" relllize Ihnt I.his provision IIlftkea it
which mllllnl:"l'ment decides nrc help ful ment, llrncti('nlly impouible to hnl'e discipline
to u. nre ,,~n II l1d heard relullirl y, The whole picture of lnOOrmnnllge· lInd{'r thi~ ('OndlliOll, HUr<'ly w()rking
"' !lnugement hQ8 cauaed to hi tllkell nWll t t(JhttlOIlB It ttlll1 <Jlly mOl'ln, towlI.r!l urrllr r 'he JCI1I(', rlllllu!; un jnl'~, etc., nre
II to . Mlled 11011 of utillt7 workera which II ,llIIrp clnah nnd II i8 more IllRlI likely (UI' mo re 8erious 0ll"e118e8 thnn 1I0n' t,ny ..
they rluirn Indlellte. the gC ller(li opiniOIl thnt the abow-down wlil ('Ome in n g()\,. mellt of !Ints.. Perhllpll It wOllhl he well
Ihnt the In ... Ihou ]d not hnl'l' hel:'11 pluJtf'{I, (' r nmen t ('O ntrolled in<lnstry where the It Ihia pro\'ision WIlS fo r~d on 110litieal
~.'l II,,, "' 1. il,lon~ ""pte_d on the 10
workers CIIU be ealil7 mrUll'uvl'red Into Ofll'.alllzntions whidl lire lurely union •.
Ilrovlalol1a of Ihe law indicnle a majorlt)' a MIlOt whl'l'e tbey can be nCt'useli of anti· H ow .... ould Mr, TaCt like this 1)rf)l'illloll
for alJpmv.a1 of these Ilrovi~iOIl".. W hat ro"ernment policie. when th"y pUMlU' '1)111If'(! to political uniona, Ihat Ill, no
In('Oo ..l.. tl'n('jMl, If the "'orlr!'''''' pollffl Ihl'ir "program lo r adnlnCl'lIIl'nt." Inllttf'r if II Republican dub mtmber
had bMn Ihoroulhl)' informJ!f1 on thu!' The Taft, n anle, Act Ind til, "ttov· 8pollllOI'I ~mOCTata or Communlaa-he
Ilrovlllioul I ,.,"on<ll'r if the poll woold ('I'nment by illjun~tioll" now l>elntt used l'(Iuld not bI' expelled from the t(~puhiican
h"ve liet'n Ihe ume, If thia poll la oJl:lIinllt the Mine WOl'k~n la lin uaml/'" Ol'lnnl:u.tion or 8111 IIction taken aplnat
unbi.tted Ind troe. whi('h it doubtful. of tbe "iciou.a ch.arflell'r of tbe pr'elW'nl him lIa long a. he p.aid hla dUtil, Thla
an intl"llaive edu('ntional !lro.rram should IIl.1li·lllOOr policy of both th(O indu~lrllll~ll! lind other thinl!. t1lat hllve ('(Im~ to th~
be InlltitUled 111111 ('Onlllnntly kept befort' lind their le~iatotive lukiH, IIUeuliuu uf til", puLlic Wilks it 1I1'lIear
the membtl'lhip to inform them 00 all Ihllt Mr, T.alt is ('itber gross17 h:norllnt
The A, F. of L. h.. hl'lun IIII' 10llr
Ibe dlll'!'rl.'nt ff'ntul'ell of Ihe IlIw 110 that light that i. necessal'1 to I'ttU1'1l tn illi of Ihe ('Ontenta of th" hill 01'. lla('hi,,'el ..
the, will know why it ia a blld nnd members the llOliticnl right. whll'h Ih~1 lIan IlOliticinn,
df'totruetiYI! lnbor h\w . mu.t bn"e to use th('ir or~l1nll.l'(1 OUel' more let no union man IIlve lillY
SomHime ngo it Willi my privlll'l:O tn stre ngtb for thei r own protettlon, J..allOr'a lell:!,llIIol' who &nppol't('d Ib i8 blJl nnd I~
aUend II. mffting of lhe \\'a lhillitton 81111e Eduelltionlll nud P olitical fA-lIgue mUll IItill ror it, II vote eyen if It mt'nn~ not
EII.'cldcnl 'Vol'kl'u AtsOci.alion and a be built to IIllch tremendoua Ilro llOI'IIoM \'oting fol' the offiC4! in \'oll"oo .t nil.
mOlt Intt'l'ftlin, meeting it proved to thlt it will be ahle to Ill'lke a majo r The ,tate all!lOClatJon he", la putting
~, 'I'hil II.lIlMK'iation, a, Olher similar blow IIgainllt the enemi~ of Inbo r. W e Oll n bnng .. up ('lIm l'aigD ag.ainat th Olle who
ulIO('iation8, II oomPOled of nu~in_ do not now h.ave the t ime o r thP g....... fll"o l' the .a('t, H owe'l'el' in I!OlDe sectlona
Mllnageu lind " genUi of Ihl.' nrloll' root foundntion to do more in the ('Omlnr lhla might not be enough 10 o"8('t t he
1. n. E, ". union!! In thl.' IIlnt .. .and eledion. We must do all we can know, ,.l'lIr, of political elfort here,
l're.atl'(1 110 Ibal Ihey Il"el 100ttber in, that before we halt Ollr mareh Into Several paper. nud m.,u;inl.'l have
JX'riodl('all,. 10 dl!l('ullll thpll' Willmon the poJiti('ll1 arena we will _ n totlll tried 10 mIke it look as il the lI('t h••
Ilroblem., It il m1 thollghl thllt IIddl· \'ietol'y fo r l.abor, l.abor merit.. All far .at T enn _ theN!
tion.1 lnt.. rl'~ t in union alflliu C(1l1ld I _nt to ('hallr.nge Ihl! wi8h"" otfta and III no merit o r re.a80n for the lIet except
he crealed ir more reJlr_ntath'l'lI rrom the po!It.. e.let'tion-dOllClltel'll to get Into Ibe th e pUl'pose for wbi~h It wna foiated
tbe rank lind iiiI' ('Quid nttend thele fight to m.ake the Inhol' ballotl the ullOn the Amet ieon J}t'Ople, namel7 "' a
mfflin,.. Hetttr yet wou ld he II.n n!Jll(lclll.' greate8t pollti~nl awinl Bl nC4! the n " l)ub .... edle to drive the Am worker back

Pa;. Eiqhteen The Elect r ical W o r kers'

10 lhe peon 'Ulre; allO to ruin oYer hllf bad 80me good jobs st raightened OUI by ~,-ml).ll.tbl" • .-., extended but tJlOIIt of
I Cl':nlury 1)( dC-'tlopll'lent In lab<lr moyCl- our l'eraat,le blllllne... nlllDBlu, lbrry ever10ne of UI "'bo knew the Ilarent•.
menUl. In our own, (lOlIIibl,. ruin of the \ \·llIiams. wbo 1.1' ever alld anon on his " l ay the lillie one ft'Il:t now and fO~\'er
Ilf:"n&ion Illan, allprf'ntice eel,ulI, eu:. toea. Hack your bualne ... II18nnler and In 1)('11('('.
There i, ouly (tile I'"eclual way for J'our officera 10 the be.t of )"ur ahllity. I bellefe I IIUIII ring olr for lids lime
labor to .Iww lUI t('S("u tluellt of tbe bill 'l'bey really do all the,. CIlII for your and.o till nUt time, I shall sa}"' au revoir.
and that ill I\t lhe 1>oIla 011 generlll elee- benefit lind mine. Don't for~et that at 2128 NEWS [J I)OlS"D
lion day. IIny lime! A nd w hile we lire on the J.;. ) 1. ScHM ITT, P. S. e,,('ry nl('mh('r /0:\'1 hill family lind
Iwo Immediote rril'nd~ 10 \'ole for the
subje<:t of office-til. l...oeal 212 will hold
ils biennial electiou tI,l. yellr 011 the
• • •
h'llslator no matter fr(lm whieh I)arty. IUllt Monw.,r in JUlie. Hemtmbo">r, I·oting Increase of 12 Va c in EHect
who favo~ N'f)eal or at least modifica- for your re:!llI"Cti"e choIce III your .olemn O n All Jobs at York. Pa.
tion of Ihe TaCt-lIonley La ..· and or,ln- lIuty u a member of In orlanigtiou u
iz.-d labor'~ f1robltm will be uefinltely on bi, anll as line I t our Inlernationa l L. t '. 2.29, Yon *" I',\ .-Ui to ,-ou alld
ita way 10 Nlr~tlon .Ill the nut _Ion Urotherhood of ..-hicll our Loeal :!.l2 b.. all frllo. wire jerkens. The aecompaDY-
of Conlrroo • been a member for long and f.lthful ing I)[cture ".II' taken at the lIite of tbe
M OIIt IIf our Ilroblem. no ..' due to the yeans. National G,-p_um I.. ime C...., Y<>rk. I'a .
Tnftlillrtll"'- AI'I Or(' IIf"/"<)m[ng ((In- And now lora couple ot notel ot lOme 'I'hl" ocea ..lon . . . the iuatalh'ltion of the
lhl('ntiHI nmltl'r for dirttt word of new little arril'a'" at Ihll hOlurtl of our mDet mod('rn 1-"().lon l)I'r hOllr rock
mouth d[.I('u!<>oiolls IImong Ihe memberthlp, \'ariolll memben. truaher. Th_ ,ood lookiug card and
al 10 tht Itt'st methods of IIOlutioll, due OltO lind H08lltne naye. 1)<~'8nle proud clesrnnf'e men lire all from Lo<-uIt"_"J. York.
chleHy 10 the \'orllln~ of Irglll o\llnloOIl purellUl on .M arch 16, WI~ when Mrs. CX("('llling l...ou Simon of r~. U. 28, HIIIII-
09 to jUlt whllt I, mellnt or inl(,l1d~ hy Iluyes gOI'e birth 10 n U lb. 10% oz. ooy more (Ulreme rIght) aer"ing 08 job
the different fl(!CtiOIlS of thl' nct. ullmed Cheste r A lnn ll Ayes. iJ olJe he RUI1{'r[lIleudNlt for U . E. Crook IIml Co.
'l 'berefore [t Is rcutlily seen how im- IHnkell Ill' good II'lll cll.tchcr .UI his Jnr .• Bult[morc, Md.
portn n t lhe Heml-lIllllunl prog rell8 meet- po,. !:Ii ncll MII,- ] ~t, nil jobll ure PU}'\u/l"
Ings hn"e become ul1d ohiO how Imllor- '!'he olher I'illi! f rom the .tork was to un hwrenlM! or J2Yl centa ller hour. ,\flu
tnnt w~1I nuendNI loenl ul1iou meet[nllll -'Ir. !lnd Mrs. Clu),lon We[senoorll with drh'ing Joe J.'iuk to work for olle week
nre, if the couse i, 10 survive. II 7 lb. G oz. girl mUlled Cnrol J ean, who l...ou Wet1.e1 bought n '44 Pontillc. !-\nld
Ilrril'ed in thia world 011 April 2:;. John lJuler: "WIly didn't lie wu[t
Thill" be.-.,aOOutl are a Jinl(' .low but nnolber .... tek snd buy a new car'('
Collgrotulatioll~ tn both of theat! fine
thanka to tile cooperation of atijaCl"nl lJa,lnJ finally C()lIl"'inced m)"SI"lf thai
local. mOlt of the membe ... a.-., Ct'Ulu, ,-oung couilies nnd mll~ Ihl"l r lillie angelll
hll.e a long healthy litr. Alld oh res, .-prinll' Is .Il tile way round that eorl1er,
lime in. 1 laid my lone "'oolens awa,. in moth·
Atlant[e City I, lookin, for .. ud to • we muS! nh.o cu"l:ratlllall' -'Ir. and Ml1I..
!:"OlNllM'/lI'''I1: b<mrd"'alk 111111 \)(oaehee Ilfain Milton Wei~nborll wh" b('eame the ball. and rm reallT feeling quite JIm·
Ill"Oud I;rand"arenUl of 'h\' In~t menlioned bered IIp. BUI how could you feel any
in flue ,hal)('. 'I'he local ilor'Ol! .-.cin, dltrel1!nt while deanin; a bouae nnd di,-
track OJ}fnR .\uguU 10 with a ,trnl,ht babr. .Millon ill one of lhe tll>t of mem-
UeI1J who make rou I,r"ml 1(1 bt 0 mem- glnl a "arden all at the !Same lime.
bet of Local 212. 11 \' wn. one of the What "'e I"ll"ctrJc.\ans need il 0 ("\aUJl(!
J mll"t dose 110W hOI)inll! Ihlll thLl
lint men YOllr wrill'r workNI for .l1d In our contrlct to give U~ better "Work-
eommllnitlltlon stira 1111 IIQml! mllre reetn!- ing eondJUon. Ilnd proteet Ollr rlghta
ment a,oin"t the worst Iliece of IIntl-labor I <.'":In . ..-('11 rl'm('lIlh.'r how fnir .HI<I
lIQ.uare l l ilt nlwQllI ... all. TholJe lire the At home. With a little coneideration I'm
1tglsllliiou ~\'I"r I)llllhetl on II 1J('()I)ie lillY' BUre thl, Illeo eno Ue del·eloped. Let',
,,·he re In thl' world wilh the IlOM[ble flOe tmditio"!! your )'ollnl:" UlNnhers mu~t
('"lIeeption of UU lllia or nazl·dmn[l1l1led earty on. Hcmember when you have II hl"lIr from you.
young Cellow Willi you trl'ltt him 1111 yOIl STJ:IV.U.T nOLTZ.P.iCD. P . S.
IWlrt>! of EUr(lIIe. Don' t for;et thl' Mme
t,.\W'R 1110111.or Ihe .ame tY(le of 1 ~lllla· want to be trented or would IlkI' 10 hll""
yonr lIOn lrented.
• ••
lion no mUtn where they happtu 10 Ihl".
nt:llllt:RT STICKEL I' . f.oI. Now one of those Ihilli' thnt nre nOI Toledo Locals H osts for
pleaunt to wrile lloout. but wbleb are
• • • a part of life. Uua[l1t1111 Mnna.ler Uorr,- Ohio Confere nce Meeting
Williltill8 and bit wile J.~mma, 100t their 1.. U. 2 1:i, 'J' OL"~ UO . O.-.&s wnl ~
Extends Thanks to St. Louia little glllnddau,hter Barbara Jeall (Bub- llOrtl'd in Ihe laRt iIlBU~, LoCIIIs 8, 2m,
For Bowllnq Arranqome nls bles) Macke wbl'n the little girl raUed aud 1076 were ho~ts to the Ohio Con-
10 tnlly from n lou8i l (1)f'r8lion. IIlIrbnrB (('rrl1ce, J. D. E. W .. on April 3-4.
L , V_ 212, OISClNNNrl, OIllO- II'lnt Jeon Wall the 111l1l~hter (It lI nrry And t'relf(ln t wer(' Gordon Frel"mll.l1, "ice-
ot nit I wl~h to thnnk YOII, the oftlcen lind Wilda llllcke. ( Il llrr,- MAcke is Mrs. l)relldel1l. J.'ourlh Di~tricl, nud mftll,.
rommitl~e memben o[ St. Loull Lotai Williumll' son.) Not on ly my pPrl\Onl1l oth~r Itlpmbcu IIf the Internntionnl &tntr
No. J for your genuine hOlpltallty aud
fin e treatment necorded thl! \'nr[oull vllllt·
[ng locnl, who pllrtieil)eted In lhe bowl1tll:"
tournll1nent held iu St. T..ou[. In IntI"
Canl 011.(1 Clearan ce Men 01 Locol 229, Y orlf, Pa.
Mllrch. Inllch and el'ery memb('r ot
I.ornl 212- thot is lhe IlOwlprs and
rooter&--fJlatl'd the trip amI I'i~il to ~t.
J..oui R will lou, Ue remembered by all.
I am .orr7 that I\In~ at home p.-.,ventl'd
my ,oin,. };'·I"ryone bOI_ tbt bowlin!:"
tOllrnamtUI nut year at Chlull'o will I>f'
"ery .... ell attended.
[Jere at home In Cindnnati, ..... e Ire
at tbla present writinll' II!tUlll1l our
Amer[can Fl'dernlion of Lllbor IIOftball
len,u! I"I"lIdy for another -eallOn. JJy the
time ,rOil nrothers here In the QUN-n
City rN"I"I"e your June i","e of tht
WOIIKr1! our {('11m will be 1)luyil1l1 nn,1
try[n!:" 10 win that coveled Clip. No"-
to do thl l, nrothe r member1J, they nted
lind deJlf'rve real rootef3 to live them
I:ood moral nud \'oe/ll aupporl . ~ com~
on down to DN-r C reek No, ri on the
fll'hC(lu l('d nll:hUl lind givt your bal!
11111yers who are your own local members
your lIupporl. A, to work In Cincinnati. Brothers 0/ the loe-al who worked on. insto.llation o.t Ihe National GtiPsum Lim'
"'e hlll'lI .ome nlN job, rolllnll and hal·" COJ1tpallll. York. Thtll ill.talled l~O_ton per ho u r rock crusher.

Jo u r nal fo r Jun e . 19 48 Paqe Nineteen

plUa llle dele"a'" of III tbe Ohio 10000 I, J, ort"r ; It 18 time 1.0 ,,·ake up. Tbe old in; Jll'Oll le down. Uitler ill lau,bing
affiliated with the conrel'f'n~. The ClOD' ooWltries fought and murdeHd. and now .,mewbere, Illughlng beeaulle he
ference met In th~ 110tel Seeor Ind WII .aa..sinaled in tbe Dame of emlli ... anll ino,,·, thl'l will fail a. mi.erahly 1.11 be
eDtertained with I blnquet and ib.Dft t~ glory thereof. did. 'fbey ba .., already failed. TIII'Y
on Saturday e.-enln". BelJ:ium c:ollected rubber Ind h·orl die b.rd.
U",in_ DlMt!np .... e... held on bot h drenclled in humIn hlood In Altiell. Under tbe 'l'rulRln ~. we Pf'n-
Saturdal Ind Sundal with Pl'f:llident ooUand oppressed lind I'n~lued malMtl t1errutlte tilt ell!etioDI In the old toun·
Jobn IIriedeubau"h of Dlllton, OWo In to Ktl We wellth of Indoueala. l,'rnlll"(! 11'1"". l 'uMr the llllrshall Plan ....1' .re
the chiliI'. The weleomin, Ilddre83 WII~ rommitted atrocities ill Indo-Ch ina for goln, to willer the tops. Pendergllst
.civen hy Ollver Myers. Toledo'a member the SIlme reason. Englaud rllped South came II ('ropper In Kan8ll1 City IIlId iu
of W~ l utematlonlll fo~ :recttlh'e Counc1J. Africa; introduced OlliuDI to China nnd Gr«"<."e. Walerlnc the toll "'DB a diftma l
All wall nuurn l lit thl, time of tbe yenr compelled the Chinest.' to buy It. It ketlt txl)(,rilllem bere, dUrill1l' the depreuion.
llrul f'()1l,ltll'riru; tbe 11",lII"ut 8itul1ti on. IlIdi~ down by OPllres8ion nnd nll8ll.inll· J,'jlteell hundred million IJeOpie could
IJOlhiCII. both ,tll te alltl lI.llonal, were tion; hanging Mohnmmed!!u!! wilh rol_ Ullt! the help Ind ,uidanCt' we IIboo ld
Ilrint'iplIl .ubjt"cll for dileu_ion. Loenl that had been greased with llrd. 10 tbllt otrn them 118 olle fn!t" 11t011I~ to another:
Jlrobl"DL~ throu,bout the .tate were al5(l the wrelche. died Impure tHribl!!! death. and we bolh eoolJ o. .'v",,· \'T"~fh,'roU!&.
tlill(:u~,,"1 /Iud Ihe eonfercnft .djourned aceording to M08lem relil;iou. dogma. Let u, not re80n ,,, nolrllCt'; thllt
on SundllY afternoon. Thl! Toledo loeal! In IOli. General O'Dwyer butt:brred will Iud Ila onl,. to 1,,·r(l1tion. There
aiueerely bfllli" tbe d~legltl'l hlld .D en· two thousand Hind Ull who bad plhere<1 art only two counlriNI left loday. T ....·o
JOYllbll.· villi! 10 Toll'do. in Ihe mountains for religioul fetltifili~. lloopif'a with mnny OOIlJUlon traill, two
At IlreRnt the ienportln t buain_ of Why? Il e !;Itid tbal tbe e.rowd WII! too giant':
Loeal ::! 15 I, the ne,olilHioD of WI! con· peacefol nnd migllt bllve laughed It hi. AlIJeriCII in illl Ilrime; HUlISili jUllt
tract with Tbe T oledo Edh,on Co. I~reli. porposell'Sll display 01 nrmed force.. eomlng OUI (If childhood.
dent SU'llh('u ,t.IPorte haa Dftmcd the The g('nprnl !IiNI II few yl'lIm ngn In " waf Ilf'lwI'{'n Ih{lflt' 111''' will lie In~t
l ollowln, Drotherl to ,erIe with him London, still a bigbly I'ftlpettN mftn, 1\ b), both. Wheu we .top throwing atoml1.
011 tbe committee. Olll·er M.I·t'n. Vinftnt glorious empire boil!lH. IIrtm_ and other things lit eacll oth ... r
Wlftt. Fred lJrnWhl, Don Mngley. enr l 'l'be ~mpire waa the grenten el·er nnd IIlId lhe Ihontlnl: di ea down, tllOIIe of us
Adam s. Leo Unn.. lind Julius fA!der· English union men, in their maN meet- who are ntill here \l'lJI know tllere was
011111. '1'hey will he IIlIIi~te<l b)' Brother ings, reDUlrked bilterly; "'rhe BUD oever nothing to fljOht for. The _lllrit oC tht'
Jllme. Knight or the l ut('tllllliol1nl StalL !leta 011 the British Empir .... but tbere Mahntmll will emile and tIIIl': "Der Tng
Aloll i with tile contrnet hualneq llie nre slums in London. ill Lh·crpool and will coml'! no more."
local hn8 IH!k~1 tll~ N.I..Il.lI. to couduct Iu Glasgow. There n~ IIlums In Ediu Bitler In hi' CIlI·ern will laugh lOll);
II uuion . hOll ell'l·tlol1. 'rbis III to be burgh where the SUII never ri Bea." find loud. knowIng be bila succeeded. It
bt"ld on I'IIl1y Oth lind 10th. Uy lhe nut Yea, s lllm8 flO "lIlIt and 01 II kInd .0 1I·1lI not lIIeall the end of civili~1.tion. It
I.ue we wltl ba'·e the r8ul~ to report. abject thllt only the pen of Jaek IAn don will only mean the t"nd 01 Europe lind
With ftn eye to the future Drother could describe tbem. rit'! did tbat In Iii!! Amerlo:lI. The peo"lt' of Gandbi will
(jl'Ol1Ie ilo,en II a very bUly man tbese book. '~be People of tbt'! Abyu." ('Arrl on t'ivlilutioll wltbout our belp.
daya. D e b.. lII"en appointed Grand Tbe o ld eoUlltri('3 bad tbeir day. There if they mUIt.
Manb.l for J-'O<.'.I ::!.J:i In tbe Labor Day Will mucb qu.r~ling and war o,'t"r tbe RE~E L.o\lU11!2T. P. S.
Plrade. Geol'Je .. Id tblt if tbia year di"illion of the loot. Tbe big abota rot
the local donn't bllve thr beat Ilarade the loot; the people fought lb, Win. o 0 0
.nd party It ....on't be '-.u~ he didn't Periodically, Germ any declAred "~r
do hia hht. We believe bim and kno.... Tal" hu come and .tarted a g",at wlr Enthusiasm Essential Fodor
that with bi, .plrlt and leadersblp and for the lioo·, &bare of tbe "'lIg. Gel' For Vidory at the Polls
a liule «IOperalion from thr I'I'8t o f tbe maDr loat everY attemPt.
Brothel1l our Ilart of tbe parade will be In Indill. a little man elad In a loin I.. U. !U3. WIL:\IINGTON, Ol'; I...- ; \ t
a ,rInd I neee.. doth. a liull! man, ay-mbo l or gentlt"ne.. Ihe time of thi .....' rilin', we tee too little
PAUL Sallllt"D., P. S- gathered , great throng of hi. peoplt'! euthuslnam 10 ....·.rda the political needll
00 0 and without firing I ahot or throwing o f labor.
n .tooe. demolished dl tbe ~mpir~l. "'rom WIUi~m Green lind Urother
Has No Reqrels That Days The little mftn gftve up hla life for the ~'rIlCl down througb yoor 101:0 1 omeen..
cause. His spirit livtS. B is I " irlt lelld8 we arl'! urlled to cael lIlIide petty ditrer-
Of Emplres Are Fadlnq Ibe mnrcb of 0111' and 0111.' halt billion ene('~ lIud l)rOlllotl'! Inbor'lI friemlll in our

I•. U. :109. I~A ST s'r. LO UIS. ILL.-'fhe !leo])le, n mllrcb to fNledom, to indepen· le&j"I"lur ... ~.
VHY lOuod. I"'l it's not
daYII of emphe. are Pllit. l'hl'lnk God dence.
for that-God ~nd Mllh'tma Gllndbi. The li'rtnch. tile Dutch. the l"lngllsh YonI' eommlltees for polilienl edUCII'
Tbat ern mUlt ha'·e been nl'Ce&8l1 ry 10 lind other empu-e. ftre drlnr hard. In· tion lire busy canvauing the voting hnbite
thtl tIl'oluUon or IHllnlllllty or It would IIplred by tbe dogmu of Bitler Ind IIrmrd of memben, reporting faeta on the Hoor
not hue come to pI.. The nl,btmare with Amerit:1LO gUDS. the,. Ire .tiJI shoot· lind ceU!n.c In lhe ne ....llpapen. whe~
po_lble. O. K., but U's not t"lIOugh.
We lire reaoh·ed to make IU~ we are
ru:i'tered aud then vote fo r labor tbia
XorfmiH'r. EJ:ftilent. but still not
'J'hla la II job for e'·ery man who Cilr-
ri~ a ticket. Let'8 shol\' enlhUlillBIIl.
Tllik it 1111 to other cn(tllmt"l1 on Ihe
Job. to fri~nds, relltiv('3 IIId 1!<."O<.'iatet!.
Xo olle man or n thoulIBnd ("all do the
job. It I" oou-yoors nnd 1lIiUf. l'bi B
la yOll r chftnce to do IOmetblng (or or·
s:ani1:ed IlIbor. rOIL who blve cllra, offer

- ---.,,' tlJem Ind yoof!;t'lf 10 your c:ommittt"l'. on

regl,truiOIl dny.. 'iou who do 1I0t hnl'e
(,us. tie in .... ith 80IDeDne wbu hall II CAr.
You can do a lot of good.
Some will .. y-"What'll tbe 1Ut1"

Otbers. wlll uy_·· 1t can't be done:'
Dut It can be donr. b40eaUM it mUll boP

----/ EJ
-:-- -'
Or,lIni1:ed Inllor Ind their (ilmllil'~

" 1li4 Fatiter is an Electrical Worker!' -- COm ]lrillt! nearl), one-half of Ame ri ca',
00 million \'Otert. your voice heard.
1fi1~ i, Inbor'lI yell I' to regi~ler lIud 'mlf.
RAY WAU.'!!. P . ~.

POQe Twenty The Electri cal Workers '

Union Folk in Wesl Vlrqlnla C IO, lud R. U. Brotherbood. .... ere COII-
Optimistic on Primaries ' Illeuoul by their .bsenee except tht
L. U, 31., II UNTISG'I'ON, W EST "A.
New Hickey IUDe N'jlrt'aC'nlalil'e (who mUlIt hafe fell
I'ery lonely) who had no place: el~ to
-Old mlln rh'("f hils n<lW ealM'C) down to A new hickey haa been developed 100 aut! 8ho wed up al the AUi:u,ts. meet·
its normlll IItllge, after IIweliing UII 10 Gl by the Boas Bender Company, oC illg. The lixI,.·fou r dollar questio n on
feet, or 11 feet on.!r Hood .tll;e. Our Southington, Conn. It i, guaranteed thi, one WU, who Wil l he? Wo rd reaehed
tity is fully llrotl'Cted by II 72·foot lIiMII] not to slip and will bend a (ull 90' l'ortlallt.l just prior to the oonvention
"'1111 oud no t.lomu;e ,,'U t.lone. but mucb tbllt Ihe boy. froiD nDrtbetll Maine were
dOIDa,e Wid rel)ol'led in IOOme of our elbow without ,hifti ng the h ickey. It
bean a lifetime guarantee against coming to l'orUand to put Tift lIerose,
neigl,ooting coollnunilie, "'<Irk I'ro· EI'ldelllly the,. ralltd to beliere that
II"telj,;ed in tbe u!'uo] mllnner ht'n' In breakage. ~la"~n wa. the number-oo~ man in mOlt
lIuntin gton, but the J](I(.,j t'lfeete<1 lOme I' rt'!;idf'ntill deeJ.iona in Mline, .monr
of our boy..... ho do not lin' iu tbt cit)·. HellubliCllolI. Somebody'll been living
Tbe union 'lien .nd ~'omfn of tbi .. 8OID('bod,. tbe wronll" numbers..
communil)" lire t'Onlliderllbly ~1II)f'(j UI' !'Ita_II Is rerarded III II Ilroll"reSllil'e
'Her the ('(Imin, primllry ('Jutlon. Mil,. 11 liberal amon, the IICPllhlielllls of Maine
A list of 1111 cindidlites fOI'orin, un[ou Nud it lookl mighty like the 0111 guard
J~bor i~ i){>ing Jlrell~N'(J for the beuelit COlIll(!rvnlil'eI and rl'lIctionnries lire due
o( orgnnh..... d hlhor. Alo1 It Ie to 1)(' f<lr \Wme more Hllr llrises.
,·ccol:lli1.... d nil u hdJOr holJduy by our W!Jllt mnkea Tall fW UIlJlOPUlll r with
IO(.'"J lind el'cry I'trotl ill belnt;: IJUt forth 1\11I!IIC ? Of courlW we eJ:pe<:l llIoor to
10 I:<'t JOO IJoer cent turnout ut the pOlh!. When you ge t used to using this OPI}()Se him not only beCIlUse he hehled
Our I()('ul fCl'J. tJIIII .hll 10!ill ot tlme from hickey ),ou will uppreeiate gettillg the wrltl' lhe sJnfll llIbor Inw bllt his nch'i~
work 011 I)rimllry dill will be more than right bend at the d~ited 1)Olnt. lI alr- !Cnd .Iulemeutl Oil other mutters hllve
COmllClI!lIlted fo r on electioll dny, by inch 8m,s C{)nduit-bcnding hickeys sell II dlsturbiu&" e!fect: his dtv<llion 10
IIJnci1l1l" on the ballot for tl.le ,enerlll 11I01~llonllm wben th~ world Willi tbrellt-
eJection8, men who lire for UII 100 pf'r for $2.60 each: ~ho ~-ineh ror $3.
The loyout of a amall pipe job (01- I'nl'd II, I1 ltler; hIs insil;ten<:e that the
low. the aame rules laid down tor big roUNle! of the Ullltl'd Stllies $011111 be
I mel 110 I . U. El. W. ~'orker In one to lilt tlcllt beblnd illl ocenns and let
of OUt city .holJ~ II few dllY' aro Ind conduit in "Precision and Conduit fllll('iaUI triumph. A portion of tbe record
pre~nted him Willi II urd hellflng th ... Bending," by Juan 801ls. This book !"I'1·l'nl. on AllrlJ II. HHO, thllt Senut<lr
IIl1me of II 1111111 fn\'o rlible 10 OtlClnlted
is still available (or $1.50 at 2051 East 'J'nfl 181,1 '" 11m OiliJOled to Selective
labor lIud IIBked thi" mUll 1<1 I'ote for my 47th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Juan BanI Serl'iec! be<:aufle In my <lpini<ln no nece!t-
Clindidnle. '1'0 illY lIuqlriee, he IlIld that ,lIy nl8l.11 requiring sueh drll$tie lI<:>tion,"
this l)Ilrll('ulnr t'nndhilite lI'nl not on and Harty Uoas, who ill distributor or
the new hiekey, are both membera of Jo'(' brullry 10. I!Hl: '· It III aim llly
hill pllrty /ljil(' of the fen~. I uke-d blm to IUPPDbl' theN! is lillY danger
(<lr lhe lIalU(" of bill mil" on hi' pllrlJ' the I. 8. E. W.
uf In lttack 011 Ihe l'llited Stllies by
tieket and ,'tbu Ibllt mlln ...... fllnJr· Japall."
nble to labor. II I' ~aid be did IIOt kno ....
lind thllt the only tbln, he did kno ... J·ebruar,. ~. 11)..11 ; "Ao invuiOIl of
ill tht immroiate vieinlt,. t>f ('''''IH''r. alld lhe Uo[ttd Stale. by tl.e Genlllln Army
Inl8 thllt he ,,'a, on bi. plrt,. platlorm.
1... 0 Illtle dlllll!!, Ihl' ('lIrlt'll Ind IJ.o) ad<:>n. i. II. flmalti(' 118 would be an illl'uion
lie later told me that be not roinr: I'!Otimllled at Ibrff til four rl'lIr1' work,
to vote ~ince: be bad not ~ci.tered .nd of German,. by an Amerit'lln Army. lind
alltl a Ilart oC t!le IlIrge MllIIIOurl \'al1l'1 l. IInlikely to be undertllk<:>n,"
be remarked lIull hi' 1'011' ,..ould nOI I'roje4!t.
mean .nythin,; any ... ay. lIince no mlltter Aueullt I, J!)··U: "My ollinion is thll!
, ,.... el!'Cto:>il, tilt',. were III crookt. TIlerI' lire 111"1\ t"'<I, IIn,1 ltOOn to be the litllllliotl t,l'IIlIY lQ(lks inlilliteiy SlIfer.
'Phe8e tbought" rnther got ulldf'r 111)' ,kin ti, ref', Illtge hou~in): I)roj('(:u. III',hl~" I ('Ilnnot undt'r~lIInd lhe MIIlclDent thllt
lind 1 let go ,..Ith both bnrrelR. J chided theS(', in tbe ] 2 eountiu which we pro- the .Ilulition I~ more perilous lodny thllll
him for !lot kU<lwlng thu nl Jonr III men I('(t. there ure II Inrge mlmlx>r of IOCI! 1 II yellr ago."
~hOII', eaeh in demnnd for good wlrl'men,
kept tbut IIUitude lI,ul olljectioullhle men ~('llt. 22, J!).I1: "'I'here ill IIIlleh le~1I
,..ere elected. they .hould blnm~ uo one 1'I!1H"Cllllly those who wouM Uke to mllke dAugH to Ihls couutry thnn thl're wns
but IhemllC!ln'~. lhein 1\ pt'rn,"lI~nt 1mr.ltlon. 1\\"11 '1'1IM1 n~o." \\'1'11. we 1111 rrmemher
H ere wu II mlln cnrrylnll" n union Wo' I"('nlly cun II~(' win'ml'n In tbi. ""lItl Il lIrbor.
ellnl. ~n.ioylng the fruit a or the efforla 1111rt of tbe W elIL lIeffide. lot. of work . Not being lillie 10 aeuse the world
of li~le8II. «'III hOlleal·to-goo(]n('ll!l union w~ olrer red lilhln!: lind buntinll" .. lin
,Ituatloll ~elllHor Thrt I'oll'd aeuillln
~ddo:>il incl.'lIl],'I'.
men. And he w.. refutinJ: to put forth COn8erlplion, lend-Iell$(', tbe trllosfer of
the "ery amllll effort to rt'J:i~ter IIl1d vote So paek thOM WIIIloli' and atllrt bud- 50 destroyers to Grellt nriUlin; l'llted in
(or Ihe \'Hy cause which eUllbleti him 10 ing Wat. "Wbere men Ire nltD, lind we IOU IIK ainst utenllion of the drllft;
IIIH'e good wagel and working cOlldltionl. !rUff' need 'em." a,lIlM! allowing Am erk'lltl Ihi l>' to enter
It proluobly ~('f'IDI hll"h. but peMJOnall), 0.0\\'1': Wt!l11 MMI", 1'. ~. c... nbnt WnI'M. \VII I'IInnot f<lr the !IIlfety
I wonld fllvor a clnu&e in our 10000al con-
stitution r('(luirinl: olle to tt'gllller nnd • • • "f Amerit'li trust "lH:h s mlln in Ih~ Whill'
Ii ousl'.
"()I~ before he collid IJunilfy for ml'mber- lie voted against jOining the United
Taft's EHon in Maine
:\1111011' (one of IJelen Senator~). ne
Our loeal i~ IlhulIIllI&" in lI.Ia1 to hne Seen Less Than Successful 10t('(1 Irainlt tbe Britiab Loon and the
II r!"l'al Cet·tOll"ether 10 honor m('mllert rllnllnnltlnn or J]enry Stimson III Sec:-
I ~ 1.:. 3,'\,1, l ' OUTLA.!'o' I>. i\n~.· I i ~t('ult'1I1I
wbo hllve bee.n affilillted .... ilh ~I 317 .,·tary nf War beealllto!'. III be said, Stim·
i·rrorts of SenlllOr 0"'1'11 HN>wliler 10 whl
for five ,.ura or more. Tbe!lC! pt'tIIOU' .upport for Selilltor R obert A. Tllft (onl' ...... 11 .rill IIIl interventionist.
will N'Ceive bonorar,. medal.. Some In· Thl. I. tbe !RIme mlln ... ho told Illl
ternation.1 Office:rt ate Invited .nd we of the autlwl'II of tbe .Iav~ lall(Jr Taft·
H artley 1",,,'1 fallrd mi "l'Ilhly ~t Ihl' tn eat I"", to lo ..'er the cost of
lite in hopea tbat they ... iIl be .ble to at- ... ho 11111() told UII Ihllt prices ....ould 1:0
tend. Uepublican Conl'entlOIl of lllh" in Pori
lind when he " i rtU IIII~' fllllw to ... iu IIn1 rlown a~ lOOn "' Ilriee control" ...ert'
J . E. 8)1tTII, P. ~. IIftw. l~rlcea nre IItm going "1' and we
IIrjlpurt from the 1:1 delecllte~ to th"
• • • IIllionll l oonnntlOIi. Tdt'~ dowllflll1 In 1<1'1' elltinc lese beellU"ll ~'e ('"nnot nrrord
IllI' Ilrlce-R. \Ve lire wearing lelia bec:1I1l8ll
.'h.ine comIl\Nl("~d o n hi, "i$11 to 1II111ne
Want to See the W est? willi ~cnntor Br!'wM1!'r, whl'n IIIOOr IJrj(·~. of ('Iotlling nre heyoncl r~lIcb for
Wyominq Needs Wiremen lumllhl'd him. II I" must hll I'~ frlt like !Ill' III'erllll"e mlln to properly clothe lind
Ihe brlde-to·he wllo Willi left wlIUlng lit r~ed hi' family. Maille dtizen8 !Ire won.
I~. U. :122, (lAS I'E I{, W YO. In Olrr hlftt Ibe eh\lreh when II('bo:>i]nled llIfi'tlnu with ,I<:> rinr ,..hy Sellltior Btf'W6te r i8 IIU il-
IIrtic1e we Introduced ouraelytl. Thill i\llIine llibor at Portllnd, AUl\' lIud portinr IIlch I enndldnte for tbe PrelIi-
montb we ... ilI "artllllly OOl'er the nll- IIl1nror fnlled to tnnl('r[IIII~I'. nOI beCIIll!le dl'ne:r. Certalnl,. the citizells of Maine
m~rou. job8 In our territor,.. Taft and Ure Wflter wtre nOI I)re~nl but nr,· nnt In aeeord.
There are four IlIrle refineril'll, three becauee tf'praentntiv .... of Ihe A. ~'. of I... n . ~1. n ow!!:, Pruid<!nt.

Journal for June. IU8 Paqe Twenty-one

Canadian Employel'1l Hire Tf>Slim mliol 1.0 [oll;sville Local
Economist to Square Them
I... u. 353. TOIlO!"TO. ONT/\ Il IO. CM~'.
AD,\ .-80me of tbe Building T.-.dH lin!
tl:1M!riencinK II bi! of troublt! COIlI'UlCilll:
tbeir emlllo,·e,.. that Wblilltnlt.1 in(:n!"e"
llbould ~ I! rll nttd thl. ,.eRr, .. tbe Build·
1'''' £ l[(;lul.uI;e, whicb I, the e m))lo,'crli
unjo,~ a nd rt'll l"6ellhl tbe e mploye ... " ' lIu
hire the ,,,njor il), of buildin, Irllde union
D.e mlJt", III Ibe dilttrict, ure ngreed
limo n!: rh " JU~" IH'~ 10 • limit OH~ r whicb
they w i ll ""I J.:". in thl! WII)' ot wage In-
creasell lI,i,. ) .·"r. 'I'lw B"nrll Itf (."\I'rtUlr..
'I'hl' emlllo) {' r~ \\o'ut HI Ihe Unh'erslty
of Tororrto n' HI hir.'11 n il ~'OlIomI8t to of h.,,~li l· Crll'pl'11 Chihlrl'lI 1I\1~pillll
drU lI' III' II 8d of liI:un'~ showilll whnt p'·\· ~I · III .. thi .. h'~lillltl"illl In
the increllu in the coa t of Ii l""Iux h,,~ \",eu
!Lud wbal iUl'r,,"Bel in wngu IlRve \.Ieeu "IEU~ATIO\ \I. luuyrllUtlHH.Hl OF EJ.I~(;nut : \ L \"\ OIU\Ens
gained IIlnee luaU. 1'h(' )'I'nr 100:) wU
chOll('u lIeCltu. c UrI' OQrnlnlon lIureau of
1.0<' \I . ' n.
Stati.tica hoe user! Ihot yMr for COrnl)nr· in rl ''''';!lIiliun IIf 111I'ir illh·'·I·.. t. l",r,..1I1111 "ffnrl
ing COllt of Ih' ing inereUeli lind .tIlU' . the
l'I.l~ t of lil"ln, now IItanda GO tIer C(!nt
111111 1I11II1t.. llI"lIrll'tl ""PIIl)!"1 of tltt,
0 100\"0:' whnt it Willi iu )031). '1'I.ill WII8 11('"'l'illl!''' IIe-li,ili.· ...
Ihl' in[ortuntrn n gilen 10 tlrfl f'.n'llIo,.erft
b,. the ('(:<J ' HJlllht. n nd a ll fnr al Clln be
I('an,ed tlrn t I,.. nil Ihl' Informlltlon he did
gil'e tbem. 'fhe \·n1I,],,)"t ... I hpuld know
whttbu thtir Dloney wu wt ll IpMt or
nOI. but thil la me illforlUlition I, pub·
li~bed I~riodlcally. nnd call be bad for The KOllair Crippled Ch.ildrclt l/o.pital at JoJuui.v ille , KII. , aU'" (l Tdcd this I croll
tbt Ilri~ of a lIeWflpalK'r. to L. U. No. 369 lor it. g,UIUOItl aid in. the fight on. poliomyelitis.
1I0wel'er tile emplo)"e'" hnl'e lI,reed
IIIUon, thelliselvl"II to offer the e milloyes the,. would not even bot.ber to lend rei" lhe,. hDl'e done Dothing. That ill I mi~·
wnge!! e(jui\'nl('nt to GO I)('r cent luor!! tblill re&entntlvea tQ thl, U1Cf1tlug. lind It . tatement though, all they bll'l'l' floodl'(l
IWO ,nIH. IllulI a further 16 I){'f C('nt ee-emed tlUlt the Qn" that thousht the,. u.e clt,r of Toronto with immigrants mOil
inerelille over i!l30 wlI.gel to wm lK'nlj8le 1'01i1t1 110 heW'r b,. 11I1n, II. III"n ... WI'I"t! of wh"m ~I'f'm to hp f'1f'rlririllnl\. hut hnl'l'
for allY eoat of Ih'm; rnefell ~1'1i III the agnlnst nlly COOIlt'rsth'e nctlon, while tbe dOlle uothing llboul reliel'ing tJ.e bou@ing
nut 12 mon tlrll, milking a lotll1 of I.iS Il-er olles who might beneOt mOlt ~·tre nntur· Ihortnge, which hili been very aeute for
C('llt ,bol'e the 1000 11'1'1'1 of wage!!. 'l'h1. 1111,. all for it. An,.wI,. nothill, ClIme eevernl 1UMl lind whieb the,. promised to
IInJotlnllJ to freeiling our !lving Ilnlldnrd.'l of it alld now It _m, that thoae whQ reetif,. during the lut eleetion cnmpaign,
at the 1009 lel'fl which "'UI 1\ dllt"'e"",un were willing to coopernte bllve made lind the,. blll'e !IOld mQre liquor nnd \.leer
lear and ltr nOl II. ver,. ,000 yellr from IIIIti.s1actor,. lleulemtllts with their em· [or the diltilleMl and breweMl thlln WI!!
labor', .. iewpoint to tak~ .. lin f'Xample ployertr. and the ontl who declllled to takl' ("I'er thou,bt poIIIible. So it ill bardl,.
.of de!!lrable lI .. in, IItnndllrdll. fOOpenltj,"e action 1Irt' hnvlng dlffieulti tl to III,. the,. have done nothing. I
~evenll tralle!! Inl\'e IIlrel!.dy bet-u reo lind lire now wllntln, to know wllllt thl' know thi .. I, going to irk our we.lth,.
~lvlng wa, ... equl\'alenl to 65 lM!r «nt Qthe r trad" will do to help them lleule ConlM!"uil'e me mbers of the local union
more thlln their 1030 wace!J, and the,. their dilllUtti. when the,. read this. hut it h, not written
hlile not betn ol!"eN:'d lilly Increalt', while It I. not reallOnable to I ~k a trllde with the Intention of influencing anyone
otllel'll hnl'e I.M'!I:!n (llrered only n few Cl'lIllJ, tl".l 1""1 ~lUt'\1 ill! \lWI1 In",LI"" uu"id~'tl. to ~ule "K_intll !.he Co"""-rv"li~,,~ (o r fur
while IItill othe... hitI'll been offered wage 10 t'Ome out on ,trike to IUllport a unde thtm), a. l am well aware thllt tbill will
ineN'lI~lI lhu nre IIlItlafl .. tory to thenl that pre'lousi:r refnll'tl 10 take cooperll- not be lielifllred to our members uutll
and have ICCC'ptt'd the~e otrertr. The til'e aetion. All trndtl fire lI,rl'ffi. how. after JUnfl 7, and h,. that time the e lee-
Urickhl)"ers hue lllik!'d for II OO'N'nl In· ev(' r. nOt to work on nn)" job whtre non lioll will be. over and Mr. Drew will be.
Ctf!II&e alld hlll"I': bN'n otrl'r('11 oul,. l'.i tl'nUr, union trlde~men IIrt broulht ill to reo free to 11('11 more liquQr and beer nnd to
and it III tl:llI'Cted tht,. will be goin, out lliaet .trikin, uniOIl men. nor will the, further hi, 11]lIn8 for becoming the leader
on st.rike 011 MIlY 1 whtn their ngrte- work on nny joh wherl' loekouts nre In· of the Federnl ConSCtl"lti,e P art,., 110
mCllt te rminate.. The I'ln.terertr hlll'e lItlUJlt.d "1 the rmllin,.f'r~ n"ainlll alll 1l11"1"f' 1.11 nn rPIl80n for 11If' lIfol"f'm~nlionM
allked for n 2O-cellt IncrenlM' and ha ..e lH'en pnrticnlllr traue. The Hulldlng '[TadI'II wtllltllY Call1le rl'lIt;l'e membl'rtr of the
tltreN:'d nothing, lind have l)o('I'n on IItrlke Coullcll hIlS decided to h[r~ the ter,.lee, local union to be offended.
~ illet April 1. The lAJlher/l liked 20 of an I'J:I}('rt on I'tonomy to ~how wh,. W. },'ARQunAR. P. S.
cenl, and hnl'e hel'n otrered no Incren&e
IIl1d IInl'e been on .trlke ,inee April ~1.
the building lrlldl'l nrt' j\l'tifl~d in liNk·
ing for lu~"'ntlnl Inl'N'nllt... bn Nl'd ulX)n • • •
These I trik", rna,. Inn Indefinitely nl tbe rising coat or living. The illelt of
both l idl'8 fff'm tQ be delermintd 1101 to Ihal I, 10 counterllct tht' dnhn, mnde by
Louisville Local Wages
gl\'e In. lIud it will e \"l:onluaU)" IItre('t other the emplo,.e ... bued on nd,·i..1' II"lven to Successful War on Pollo
Irnlll'"!!. 110 that we ex~t 10 hltl'" .111 oul· tbem b,. tbe I'I'Onomlu tlley lured. lind It
f){.wQrk list for a ",hilI'. IOmethin, thnt ill not the IntentJOII (If Ihe OfJnlll~1 L. (1. :«19. LODlSVll.LE. KY.-We of
~'e have IIOt hatl for .e'·erlll ,.ears. Iradtl to r~e IIvln, Itandllrdl 10 any LQ<o.I Union No. 369 have IIlwaya read
There a", IIOme wbQ believe thtre .tandnnls att In pre,lou lI l'ell~, but to Tile Eu:<.mu(LU. WOXKDB' JQ U.leAL
ehoul<l be n ,enerllt nrikl! in umpalh,. Impl'O'e the li'in, ' lllndaro. O)f merubeu with ,enuiu. interest. and !mow it is •
with tbese t ...dea who lire in difficult ie~. whenel'er (lOIIIible. Ind thllt III why we IIOUf"Ce Qf pride to the membe ... of our
but there II little chanCfl of thllt. J,"drl,. Ire orgllnlud'. IIlId not to tit' our ""Ilea craft. Not onl,. does it gl,e them news
this ,.ear tbe Uundlnl Tradea Q)uneil 10 flCUI'f"Jl set b,. I ,o'ernment bureau. of other locala lind other members. bnt
clllltd II lI(lf"I'illl lJummonl'(l mN'tln~ to who.. fi,um Ir, \I_uIII,. h. ad 00 iIIT1I tbe anltl ... lire sUmnlatin, and teud to
discuu the potISiblllty of aettinl!; ware exl8te.nCfl le'ell. keep the membenhip informed Qf whllt
in~a_ for IImlilltl'd tradea lIud t,klng All wu &'f;ne rall,. upeeted the Con· II golug on In our particulllr world.
joint Iction in ntlotluln, tbeae incM'1I11e.1 II('rvatil'e go'ernment or Ontlrlo I, ,oing Thill orglnlzation hll8 recenU,. had II
and witb the idea of nil trade. lIup(l()rling to hn'", ao el«lion and the oate i, Itt I·cr,. fine tribute paid to itll membership
eleh olber in these demnndl. Th e meet· for June 7. 1048, and It Is II lm QlOOt ~rtaln whleh we believe will be of inte rest to
In, turned out 11.1 be II fl OII, 11,1 IIOme of that the Con&erl'ltl .. u will '0 bllek In, a ll r . 8. E. ,v. members. For a number
the lrndell wert 110 little interested th at probabl,. Itro nge r tbnn eve r. el'~n t hough of yllllrs we blll'e given lupport. both

Paqe Twenty.two The Electrical Workers '

pe~nd and Jl.u.auc.lal, 10 Ihe K.,.. iF
Crippled Child~D U 06pltal. Naturally
M'I", word!!
IJrt:ll@nt It the ",",-Inl .nd hnvhu:
to "'lLbout unloll men. Till'
in, ,II lneal tltlu, Including the City
Lellrue I nd the CII ic Lellcue lou rna -
we Ilue IU I)poned all "orlbwhile uu_, delellltf'l And their win'" ,.,·ert well "L ment..
aud Inddentalll I . lIould like w .. y tertalned by tb~ ~ECA altd tbe oallll" IAt'. r~member tbat • leading iodu.·
that I know of no groupe wbo hnle eon 1. n. E. W.; thtt wert! glo"i n, In tb~Ir trlalL8t recently said th o t "LIlbor hi" 80
tributed 10 conlillttnlly nod l!I~neroU!~ll I)roi~ of Ihl' hO~llitnJltr thty recel\'('(I. lief' cenl of the votl'l but only 20 lle r cent
ns those of orgn ni~ed labor. "",,·e'·('f. Al fKI MM<. JIM" _\ . '·ur'."l oud ?li ra. E. C. of tbe br.lnll." Let'a enough 01 ua go to
the Ip lendid 6ght wbich hfl" Uc.fon waged Vickel'l li re" winuin l!( number.. reeeh·jug tbe poll, ond vote R IG U T , o nd 8ei! if we
Dgninal In fantile IIDmIY Ri, np llI!.l~d to UI In"'tling Ironll oa prill'l. enn'l ral$(" tbol :!O per !!ellt brain deal al
Iln rtieuln riy Rnd we dl'dded 80mI' timl' o. W. Benlhan, Jr., ehllirlllan Bf I•. U. leu t a lIule.
'!lO thlll we would, 110 to lpeflk, "Idollt '" 300'. Cact-findlng wall', pOlle,-, nntl r-m·
thi" 6;ht 08 ou r o"n. I bellI"'!' I elln C. RnEBc ~'ilI1TII, P. !'l.
tnl ct llt!gotiAtin, co mmltt 1",1 hia <"<,m
e.y thllt lilerally hUndr'l!d, of bOllrtl bnvf' mllte. aN! baro at work t ryiag to Iwt our • • •
be<tn donlHed by our ml'm~t'I to Ih in. boj. mo~ mOlley. ~ler a lot of haro work
Il'tHts of the KOIlIlr T1n.pital. At Chr;"t :lIld rtvel'1lll\a., IIIey ~IJI;nt"d • contnlct Waterbury Now Neqotiating
mn time doten~ of t:'1f1:'triclalla ,1,,1" their whereio onr <'On~trul'lion mfn I:\'t $2.12Y.! For Thill Year's Contract
Sundan 10 dM'Qrating Iml be.utifyln!:" now and on J ul.v 1. h la LO II(' r.laet! to
tbe bOf'pilnl ,rounde. Thi. ho~pltal hM $2.25. Sub~"'l'll'ntl,· 1\ll'y found WIt I... LT. 120, \\'AT ..: IWlIt\ , COSs'-.h<
n yearly Ilil'nic whlcb dra .... IN!mendoul 1I0u"ton and (;flll""IIU L IJ. \oJ. 'V, 10<'11, we iIn'·r alL'{'ad,. UIIf'Ut>i1 IIcgotiati'JIIS fllt
"" Ilpo rt from tbi, {'(Immunlly. Our mt:'n hn d ,igned the t'<lIIlru('lore up fo r $2.:t71~ . thi. rear'a ('<lIItrul, we nre 1I0W ill till"
work jndefn t;f:nbl, hefo rn thle e"ent und neuthnll ond hill commiltte ore 1:"0In", to mldRt Or 111'1111111;" (IOW IL to &01\'e lile vitnl
uuring it. T heile nre onlt "ll('clfle In- Goh·tIlton to m~t wl!h thei r I. lJ, I~. W . tH~UI'~ ('On rron ling "". We hope for a
Stllnce5. Throughout the yeor we nrt EX~\ltlve Bourd ~1!lY 7 ntHI find ont how hOP I)Y !IOlutioll (18 the hea,·y toil re:;:t" with
n\'nilnbl~ nt nny time Our hell) il nl'edcd. Ihey did lluud Iry to work 0111 II denl fo r Ollr e mluent Jellder~, I~r(l nk Scully lind
R ecently becou/Ie of lhe jnterl'et W ~ o little clo~er cOOPl'r"UoLl I\lul tnf"rnln tlou lo' l·unk O' B ricn: lluked with the I'/forts of
IU1"e l ok~'n in tide hO~ll l tlll over a Ilulod uchanglng wi th othcr I . II. I~. W . local. Ollr I llternnlionpi UCl'resentnti,'e Wolt
of timc. Locol Union No. :UIIl re~,.i\"pd a K enell t' k.
dlntioll whi{'h WI'8 alngulorly gratlfyln!!, within a l00-mlle rnd ilL~.
A. J . Steven" T" H. :;!}O', r~rdhll: WI! ure lud("('(1 1)lc8ll(lntly surprised to
to u~, nil it III only one of two IUch nOle thnt the JOl:IIN,L,I_ is coming OUl
honou "'bkh han" lwen be!<towflil In Ihi. wcretllry "ud pre~id~nl of thl' Port Ar·
thur Cen trll l Tradn UIH) I.OOr ('ouIld l, quite I'arlt, l'lpei!III!ll "II com llllred with
~mmunitr. It W8!J p~ .... ntO"(I II) U~ at a 101111' montha paBlo
!?Cent "",ulnr met'l;ng by Ihp I't{"Oldtnt I, blLro at work ou bOlh tb('''I' job~, alllO
(If th~ KOAAir lIotpltal A~"'>('iall"n who on our lALbor', P olitil'nl an" ~:duClltlonll\ Our mo.t recent sick list tells us thai
IJaid ~inrtN! tribute 10 Iht work thl~ IIK'III IA'lIgue. ll rotilt'f1 E. Eilldon, U . Shaekley, J .
union hn done. Wt Irt! fl:trtmrly PI·... Lul IIII ILI, II . I~meroux, L. '\Iulltn, H
Willillm P. ,,"oack Dnd hi~ commiuN' lI ale lind Ted Schrotder have t-n lum.
of thill ditrllnclion and felt <olher mem nN! workinl: on a new A('I ..f by· I..... for
llf'u of our crlLft would enjoy knowing nobbin!!:" with the doctor. Oh YCf<. "Out('h"
L. U. 300 and report 1;(1011 IIrOJl;I'tftII. Jal'k Kunk el I, alllO to he included, f1S well IL!
o f It through the WMREII. Taylor, chairman or tbe fLuditinr <'Ommlt·
We llhou ld .IIJO ilkI'll thl' lime to ~nd our 1'l'\'Rldelll Wliit Wright. We lire
warm I:rN"tinl:!l to the thouuml, of mem- t!'t', rrlKl rtll hll comrnill!'e found 300" wl~hing thl'm 1111 II 1Lp('fllr reco,'ery. H ill
IJ('rs who workl'd !LO mngnillN'nll,. on wnr boob iu good condition ~nd In balnn~e for Hrlliwh lOIlt bill lather n few weeke !1gB.
production in thl, jll r i~l1ictlon- hrlllinR ule fi rst quarter with Ill. II. mnck, L. U. we . ndly N!llLte. lie bad rounded OlLt 0
to pile lip the ilnprenive L'{'co rd Inbor 3l)()', new bu'lne~1I mllnager kl't'pl ng Ic nglhy and u&Cful life. B ill and hi~
mnde in furni~hinll' IIrma for OlLr flghl thing, ILhip.bape. E. B. Blilek r('port~, fnmily "a"e our d~pellt ~ympnthr.
ognin~t tOla litnrilLnillm. ":-':0 commenta for publlCILtlon nt thl~ We lik e your " I. B. E. W . MCLl at
1] . n . n lTDSOJ'. n. M. lim... " J . A. "Pt(!W~" lI olJ'polllr If'U .. Work." K et"1l Ihem coming. " -e also 1I0h'
tbllt the eminent iodolltrilliet, Robert MI'·
• • • Ull Ihat ou r L . U. ~I!)() 11)()II!1Ored women'l
bo •• ling ItIm II in oallu bowling In the ChHnry, I. a,ain In the new!!. K eell him
It W asn't the Wirlnq That nat/onlll 10\Lnmment of the Women'e In· C'Omi ng, 100. lI a'·r 1I0t had the time ret
ternntionol Uowlinl; ('unl;rl'lll, nflt r wln- 10 dl,e.t tile fnmon' wrltcn!l of J.oaII
Was Defective, Bul- - f~illtl, but aRllu", you that within n short
~Ilnce of time will I'lldeft\'or to do 90.
L. u. 300, I'OUT t\U1' II UIt. 'l' EX . -
AI~ l t_HT ~' . I)oUO IITY, P . !;.
13rothpr .J/)(' A. \'{'rret, el{'l'(rieal IIL-
lipector for the city, I:ot It Ilhonp ('n il from A /t e(lt F";(lllrl • • •
n Indy who r{'tlOrled ahe hnd j U6t mO'·1lI1 The Wh ite Manufacturing Com·
into n ncw I,ouse, nnd thought th~ wlrillg pany, 3802 Poe Strcet, Dallal 4, Tex., Arkansa s Local Gives
wall ddeclil'c Du d buruing Ill) In tb~ attic.
and would h~ hurry ont, J oe rUlihed oul calls this new tool the "electridan's Prizes at BinQo Party
and found th~ Indy hnd unplull'l:l'd h~r real friend." Manufactured by th e I~. ( I. 'I :lR, ":L o OltA OO, ARli.-nll'i
r~frigeratn r and othcr 1L1l 1)llou ~ Ilnl! ~h .. Dallas firm , th e tool is the L . G. W . any(lnl' eL'l'r b('ord of LoclIl Uni"u ~o,
lIhowed him into the pllnt ry whcre a lorlCe 130'! If not, thie is an Inlroduction to 0
nmOUnl ,,{ light wn~ coming in tbroul:lI locil unloIL that i, coming UII in thi~
the ceiling wall Iln lJ(' r. J oe got up In tb. "·orld. It ia ouly 10 years old but onr
attic and found Ibr IlOLlree of light wa " "",ident, ll rolher Eun-ille Bakl'r II))!I
the lun "ILiuing throulb a bl, hole in Ih .. "lhtt ollltc.'ra nt'@ on Ihl' beam and hrinr;-
co rnice. Tlte lady lI~ked Jot' nnt 10 .... r- inr; Ibill local ulli"n into lb. lim ..lighl.
anr-thing a!>out it "bfcau.e bl'r huaband I. Tbut att 10 cbarterffi mtlnben!l and .t
an ele<'trician," ., Joe 1!l'Q'1 lucntioning PI'H('III 106 ml'milf't!I.
IIny nllrnl"ll-.. Angle Locknut PlierS, which will On Mart'h 27 the local II've a bing"
I.. U. 300', t~I8UN!r, J~. C. '·lck~ra. tighten loek n ulll and bushings in IIflrty wltb memben and eligihle members
who II III"" II ,'Ice pN!,id'nt in tht! Tuo"
switch boJCes, outlet boJCea, utility h,,·lled. Our Internationll l .-i« pl'f!rt-i-
~tote J>'('(lerntlon of Ele<'triclil Worker~.
WIlS eall('(\ to Dalln, for n m~ting of I)()JCes, panel boxes and junction boxes, M il tor the J2th Oi Rlrict, Brother W. B.
I'etly, ond InternlLtional UeprCl!('nlotive.
Ihe "Ice Ilrc~idcLlIt o f IIIe f~defotlon. The IlS9uring a permanent grou nding eyll· ~1. C. M('(:ann . 110 I'e "('ry good talks for
m~ting Wol concu rrent with Ihl' NECA- tern. It will remove lLharp edgea and Ihe good of tile membera a nd eligib le
I.n. ~;. W. IInnuAlmN"Unj::. JOI' A. YerN't,
burrs from the ineide o r oulllide endlL Hl~ml)l!l'1I. Afterwards nil enjoyed refresb·
K 8. Block ond E. E. Davia wert" i1t"It"· menu and ICI'eral nice elcctrical RI'-
gntc!! to the IlItter mrtting lind 1111 re- of conduit or steel tUbe_ It will cut
IllinnCtl weN! ginn u bingo gi(t~.
ported n constructh'e and ILmlCllblt buill, wire and sk in rubber-covered wire
At p.--JlI. the work III l!'lackelling 1111
neSll _iOIl. TiLer elljoJ'~1 1Iftlng Dan without damage to the wire. The Iiat 8n(1 will be for a lew mouths.
TrRCy, Rcott Milne and f.AL WllOn Wim - price for the "Electrician', Real
berly ( rom I he I. 0., nud N!pented to nil '1'lIla I, enou,1I Impo,lnc upon thl'
Friend" ill $3.85. membtnhlp by a new IlrtSll 8eert!tnry.
TrlLl'y'. N'mnrk. About the Oall.. banker
lind a 0011111 utility <'Ompauy mOllaller A. A. GORLlY, J K., P. S.

l ournal for lune , 1948 PaQe Twenty-three

UUlity Unemen Win S1.83 a 1)011' and goinl: 1.0 the pollll to ,'ole eIIn We Ire iayiuI!: 1111111' for a sr.nd and
.,.. gh'ea ill the Mml' .... ordl "I.lf.pretl!nl lala CK'CIaion to hanor ou r Ulfmberll for
At San Diogo. CalUornJa lioll," tLeir &enicu to Ood. man amI country
1.. U. ·lIm. St\l'~ nIfo; Cl O. (lAL I"~.-Local LnJ. BE..,,"80lC, P. S. IIndn Ihe banner of Loeal Union 600.
Union 'Ina If'ltled the wllre IIgfftment fOT • • • We are lolng to honor members of
Ih~ ,ftlltl' mf' mbe)""llhiD lind Ol'e r, b1
tbl.' ~11I1)loy" of tbe San Dlf'p 0111 and Memphis Sela Bulldlnq PennJt
ml'<:lric Comllan)" Inal month aftn IIr_nllnl to thl!m memberahlp button ••
illg the final IIUllitli of IIrbitrnllon. T he Record in 1947 With 11.351 for Ihl.'lr yeai'll of 8I' nice to the t rade
IInd~r the Brotherhood banner. Urothen
lIew IK"QI~ for journeymen linemen I. now 1.. u. 4.... 1\lE:'oIl' III S, 'fESN.-.\II)
$1 ~ for thf' 11111111 and $2.25 for lhe with 1I'·e 1ears of unlnterrUllted member·
Wa) )"ou luok at it. " .."cpl Un' Ulone1, tht .hill will receive fh'e·year lapel button.,
meu worklnll 011 out8lt1e COnllrucllon. AI working man hli!! 1IIl\·ed. M~II1I)hi' hlul
the preaenl tim~ we lire hll\';lIg I little 10 yel!'l will reffivl' 8. 10-year hutton,
the biggefit yen in ita hillloT1 in 1\)1,. "lid on up thl latlder until lbe oldesl
t1itlil'Ult, in a,J"ffinr on I bona lIcIe report- There are I pllck of bank 6gures al'lIi1
inl:" place .chf'dule for our cre"" 00 eon· Brotber in tbl 100·1l 1 ia 110 honored,
abl, 10 prol'e Ihi&. All 1 lut.d Ihl'1 be Thia 0«11111011 "ill be eelebrated on
Iltrlletion work. Our d'orta In a ..oidinc a lon~ to the I;~r)", departmenl .tOff. fie.
to..1 b"x ,hop hI' Itruck II 'nar but it III :-;atunla, 011;:111. ~Iay l'ilb, at the Admiral
Here it IOmethinl!: we lire I'itall, lnt('r- !-Iemmel B 6tfl. liobile'" lellding bOlllelr,·.
11~1f>,"" to 1liiy ,Iont the mcmber1l work el>ted in. An all·time r~rd wall llel for
illg in Ihill juri II I<'ilon arl.' not Colng tv The due !'Iatunl1l1 nigbt ....u taken 10
buildinj: in the Cily of Ml'lUph;' in J9H, at c:ommotlllle the marine brsnch of tb"
lIit Idl)" by alltl IIUnw Ih .. condition 10 gel witll lbe illSullnce of 11,lml huildlng per
out of control or b('~'ond 1I.'IIIllmllle rcaftOn . \()(,III which lias II nighl ahi f t at the loenl
mits. More lban 4.000 of th('i§oI! wert' ~hlll)'nrd~.
Our Ilrea('lIt wlIKe IIC reellll.'nt on COli homes for G. 1.'11. 100 nllllrtl11enll. 'j'hl'r", F:n('h Illembe r I! allowed two gue!ts and
nlll.'l jOhN "X lllr"M ~OOIl wh .. l1 we ex· were 6eOreB of fnctoriell lind Wllrchoult'l. hlm!lf'lf '1 'hl' rl'n Mn for the limit on
I)('(:t to go Into negolllltiolil for II lIew We ha ve kellt 1111 of the work well III Ille affoir (II tbnt lb~ membcr~hill i~ aD
II'colc for the ensu ing yCllt, 1 11111 hU1IPl' hand , with n bit of overtime. Inrge 1111(1 UlIlt apn cing i8 110 limited for
to IIny Ollr Inbo r mannl(CnWnl rl'lnlIOIl- Thill tloes not iudicnte we are in wnnt ..ueh a gnlherl1lg thnt lOme metbod of
~hl l) III fl1lrly helilthy lind 1111 efJn'rnctor~ of more hell). 1I0r that tbere i~ 1111 alUlrt- IIccomrnodliti ng the crowd Illul to hI.'
lire IIH,I-IIiK Into the Nlillona\ Ellec:trlcal lu""l ", .. il .. bl". workl'd out. Alld the limit of two gueslll
Ul.'nfHl F'uutl. For tbe edifiCfltion ot thOlle BrothetIJ Ind himaeU pe r ml!'mber wns nceeptetl b1
wh o ba ..e been lI .... ay for u ..... hlll.'. mll1 T
'1'he locnl la hu",11I11( with netlvl11 lheSl' thl' committee "' the method 10 u~e. The
Ilnyll. Our nnnulil pnrty I. lhf evenlllC:hed- .tale that the utility OOYI have a commltlee II fU1 IIO rry thllt Ihi, bad
nled. I.. H . l.H!('kl.'r la ('halrman of thl' also the N.tional Battery ill .ffili.t.... 10 bt tlOTII~. But Illere wa, IIl)lh18C elae
r"mmittee and bil (rllow member1l of the .... ilh tbe I. B. E. W. tht1 could do under the cil't'"tlmlltllnC'e$.
K!:t!'CUli\'f: Doan! are ...i,tlng blm .. the Some '" ..... e have. cood aehool under There will be II banquet to IlIrt olr
~Ian~ of the commlt~.
Ihe guidance of Brothel'll F. F. Wa lk er, the entertainment, enmaxed b1 the pre·
The [",tli"",' Au .. i1i.r, ;OJ blvloC II ..-en" Guy Gatti, and E, R. Grunnct of Little
RoclI: , Ark.. J. R. DAZEY, I\ S. Hntlng o f the button!. Time will be ""
friendl, geHocetbu once a month undl'r
Ihe guidance of Ita prealdent, )(rs. J . II • • • limited thllt IIIIch thing! a. !Ileuers will
be ellrlalltd to II minimum, .bicb I feel
Lail1g. The monlhly d ance and bo:r 8()('ial Good Fellowship Marks will be to tbe uliaflction o f 1111. A. you
gh'l'!I oll r membel'1l from nil grouill 9
Annual Bowling ToumIes
know In II 'lltherin,!;' or el~c t1'iclana, they
chnnce to meet 1I0d let leqllllinted. like thl'ir fun , and Ii~tening t6 8peethe~
The local II IfI)OnflOrinlf two bowllnlt' 1.. U. 49-1 . l'!IU~\\,AU1{EE, WI S.- II IBn't II parI of it. Thllt i, IIOmethlng thll'
tellm, In the Fetleraltd Trlldel Uowlill g bcoomea my duty IllI well III II II]euure tan he Pllt 011' until more !oll!'mn o«IIlIloll!O,
rA'a",e thl. )"tllr W , 0, r.IIM1, linl' ro r~ to eomm~nt on tbe bowling tourliliment, Dan('\ng will be on the prol!:1'lI m.
DlID. III tb! ehllrman of the CrollP awl held in SL Loui! on March 27 lind 28, It ill 110 It:ldom thlt we "males" in"ite
will ci ..e Ibe bora .cmethin, 10 llioot al We, of Local Union No. 494 .lInt 10 ou r IlIditIJ to pa rl ake o f ou r hOilpilality,
al Carl ha, I preuy Cood UUa,e hiln- tbank J..ocll\ Union No, 1 for a job .C'11 Ihllt we lire ,oin~ 1111 out, to make thi~
IItlf. dnnf'. O«Aslon one thf'y will enjoy and lonl:
Pre,ident Walt n aywud. V ice P N!!'i· I t Willi our pril'ilelle 10 Icain m~1 rfmembC'r. AI< I hn"e IIIIltl, we often
dent Charlel llnrtielt, Treuurer BLII mcmbel"l from loeala all over thl' couotry, ner;l~ct the " fn lrer" IC.J: when we lay
n e rr ln(er, and Seeretarr D owl nI L lkell who in our o pinion disllillyed good fel · IllnM for II liltle gl.'t·to~tber-a1 wl.YII
nre lbe offil'i'nI of J.nea l Union No. 4{1.i. lowship lind I!portllmllnahip. These an think In, o f our own convenience Ind I'll'
Our nlllll1l'1111 MQllRger On J ewell. lillY' nual tournaments bring 1111 clo~er lind I('rtninml.'nt. Bu t thi s time we are going
our linllncln l r ellO rt ,hOWl thl, to be thl.' !:ive U8 n chnnce to excbltnge view, 011 10 ahow Ollr hener Belf. nnd elldl und
belt yen r the 101.'111 hn evcr hatl which our common pro blems, e.'e ry member III going to be II eommil-
I1l11kell 11 11 n11 Qllite proud of our officeI'!!. This IInnnn! tournnment waa ,tartell 1('0 of 6nl.'. to lie to It tllllt every Invite-d
U the """,v"r uf people calling lit th t fou r years ago, when only 81. T.ou11 IInll I:-\lC~t , Ima th " lim" uf I,,:r life. A nd
office to rI~gl" lcr for the com iliC election M II ....uukee pll rticipated , Hnd each 10CIII with t ha f'OOperntlon of nil, it will be !I
nnll the enthUJIlum I how n amOll1t' the ~et up the teams that bowled ill Ihelr g41a auce_.
memllt'ra II IIn1 Indication, we ! hoilid re8pec:tive cities. Th e ac<l re. were relayed Our Cllut Jlllt II n ot yet complf'lc,
hnve lUI o-nrwhtlm lng turn·out nl th~ b1 wire. The nut tournament ....a. helll thereforo t callnot eomment on It until
pollil Ihil yell r. R e,ilter nnd vote ill in Milwnukee, wbere man1 cities were a fmure dllte.
Ihe wateh""ord at all Ollr m('f'tilll;ll alld represented. Tbe following year Detroit We anticipate e.:rtending Ollr invita·
il I. II:'rallf,ln( to note In tht J OI·X:fAl. wnll the boat. lind thia yellr, !'II. l...oul .. ti6nl to In~lude our lneal eontrnctOr1l.
Ihat tbe hme C'ntbUlililm la bC'inl: ~hO""n The number of klI"ab- thlll will bowl in and tbl'.ir lAdles. be tbe1 wil'etI or Iweet·
in loetlll tbrou,hollt tbe nalion_ ('hieago, 1 am ~rtain, will amlSf an of hC'art~, 10 come I lonC Ind help us enjoy
Pl"f':llident TrIC7'1 views on " llow RtllC'
1~J:il\lItlon AtI'Kta r.allor" .hlluld ~ Ii
".In dOfJinll". we lipln Wlllt 10 thInk
Ihll ~lfb"'ti()n .nd al80 out--of·to'W'n
.lIperinlendenlll, _ lImon~ ,uo at thl, time,
hint to all o f UI on the \lntlOrlnnC1' lIf "~ra nk Ja ooblo. Iht' I nt('rll.1innal Vi('f' .111 bf' IIsked 10 join In tbe fun, and an1
I/loor'/I reprnentltlon at 11If' 1>o1l~ Ihill P re:eoident f{Of the 11th ni~tri('t, and hla othtr ,ue~1I that tbe committee ~eea Ht to
ytllr IIml ('l'l'r1 f' 1 ~tlon, C'RtM'I'llIlIy thn«i> !<lat!' of untiring and d iligent workeno In('llide.
Ihnl nll'Ht Ollr 10C'1l 1 ,0I'ernID('ut. for a aplend id time, lind we hope that Tile memi>er1l of thill committee nre:
Tht realOn for worklnll:' ('nr(' fu l1y Oil !!Ometime in lbe fut urf', we will have th. RrotheMl n O. Dll'rltin, (,halrl11l1n; Elmer
opportunity to l'f'Cip r()(:IIIC'. ~lo,'er o f the mnrlne brRnch o f tIle locn l ;
R I!NRT B088 11Alln, 1'. S, nnd t he IIndenligued,
P J:KCT fl, J Oll:f80N, P . !'I.
Co rr('('tioll • • • • • •
Banquet Plonned. in MobUe
In the April leue of the JOURNAL Montreal Local Elects
we publilhed a picturo of an Flit radio To Honor the Old Timers
tower erected by members or L. U. I~. u. 00ii. i" onfLE. ALI\.-JIII<t II Utt ll.' ConvenUon Delegates
18, Los Angeles. The tower il '150 nOle from II I~al thllt h ae fdom men· I.., II. !;6 t. "to~TREt\L. QUE BEC.
feet high, not '15 feet, as published. 1ionl.'\1 in YOllr pages, So I mUIII n.k YOII CANA nA.-lt mlly aeem 8trance to 80 mI'
10 gh'e U! a IImllll portion for . little ot ),011 memher1l, who tllke time to relld
IIf'\''' from do ..... n t hi. wa1. th iM column, how tbe ltemB are IIOme wbnt

PaQe Twenty-four The Electrical W o rkers '

IUt, 10 a line or two of explanation
would be III order, These writlllg.. mua! Baltimore BrOlli er Has Political Pen
be in headtIUar!('I'I, WoahingtOll, D, C"
Ly Moy Jat 10 linll you can rend Lh~1Il
Ilrourul J une 15th_ix weeks ill IIdvllllce,
~ pleaae dOIl't be too quiek to t'Uuti('mn
Lhesl! writings, fo r It i8 IUlrd to try nnd
foreflt'(! Illttffi'lting il .. m~ almon two
month .. In ad,'anet',
U,. tht' time tbla letw i .. retld, Ibi~
klftl will bave f]cet~ iu del~.tu to
our I nt~natlona] Conl'ention. I I.lIkt
thi. OJ' llOrlllnity 10 nppenl to a]] tbe
melnlwrt, to ,u l'llOrt whoe"er are elected
o~ your n>p~I)I.livl'll. 111'11) liI('m by
eupplylr,,:: them with ,ood constru<:th'e
ideas nnd .u,re"llon~, so 118 not hal'e them
go 10 eOlll'tntionl rellrel!enting the htrgtat
rnilrontlloen l in ClIIuuln wilh nothing bnt
their own ilH!i"idunl Ideas, for a!tH nil.
they Art rellresellting tbi, localAlld there-
fort, .bouM be undtr im!!ruc:tion.. from
this 10CIl1. So ltl'l help them.
A 1IK1l1l.1 apllf'nl. and a mou ainetrt'
npl)('al (rom lin Intlividual member. to Thtao polititai cartoon. aro from tho pon 0/ Irwin Carl SchQltz, of Local
all mtrnhl'", of Ihll loeal. Plelille take Union f8, Baltimoro .
.II mort inlet'f'llied and aetil'e pllrt in
Ihe nll'ni,.,. of your loeal. for aa you all
know, the world anti evell more 110, thl' h" mll5t be rel,lnced ",ilh 11 mnll of mOtl'
labor rnnk~, or/' In a turmoil. tlte world
Influence of Military Men
libernl \'ie\\'8. We refer '0 the inCUln
o"('r. Th('rt lire all tile l'nriOIUJ 8ub· benl, Congreumnn Allen of the 7t h 0 1,· In Was hington Decried
venin ('ll'n'l'rltli In the Iliho r ranka, Irl<'t. All ~eetion, of labor lire united
}'ifth Co]umni!!t., ("ommllni1<ls, Ddeatill&, b.. hind hia OlttlOnent, Dr. Brell Gallll,ber, I •. l -." t 1 ,,\Utl'Q V "~ HQl·E. No MF.X . -
Alarmi.tll. i'lli.'. All hlll'e thtlr o\l'n wo,. II man with a prol:'rf!I!Iio'e hackcround ~illee laborin, men fllrni~h the I:'rtalrr
of ...orkln!! 10 oblllin tbeir object. One who il II]edged to the nili'll of the Taft· ot the "blood, , ... tat. lind lea""
wily of h('IIIIn]l: thr'n to su~. la by lI 11rlley J.IIW. In the 61h D;.lrkt Ihl' and monty to CIIrry 011 Ihe wano, Ihe,.
]'our own IIl('k of intpl'("Il. Th~y mnke illcumbeu!, ('onj:re8l!IDOIi Gcor,.:1' 1'. ~l illl'r, Ihonld be tboroughly nlnrm~ nt tht
" "in~l'I' "lI'ort to Ilut their enl\ 01'1' 1', /III. a 100 I)('r <'ellt record on all IIIbor ('ncroachment of the military innu~net
eo we mUll! make 11 "incere dort 11180. to II/td llrogretllli\'e measures comln, btfort' In Wa.hlnglon. Militar,. bltn nrf 1)I'lng
h~ln k~,l our own liberty. !{o pleafle Congre611 and he IIhou]d be reeleeled. appolnt~ to nearl,. all Importllnl l)(lI!i-
wake nl) meml)('l'>I, I)('fore it i~ too late, A. this b wriuen, the dendline for tionll In our go,·erument. Tht,. IIOt only
for n~"er he ~urJlriaed. if you find IIOmt rl'l(illlrlltion lIeCl rll und lnbor in Ihis aren act as utlvif!('l'8 in mnkiug our foreign
(In,l'. )'<1\\ nre in thA ~O\ll) 100. lutll carried on n line eampnlll'n for regly- po licy, but they also Prllctit,L\ly hnl'"
'Ve bavt 11 ('trlaln elemtnt In Ollr lrntlon, J..ocal No. G95 IIhouhl be proud of colltrol ot Ihe offiee of Defense :;IN'retnr,.
]11(',,1, Ihat, to my "'lIy of tblnkin,. II! ~'orrl'ltal. They are '1Ilnlng tnllrt'ly too
It. pitt in the earupail:'l1 lind our Leeis
(1I'Illorllblr. for I hut blld lin ullerltnce 11I11 .. t Committee d~rl'es tbe tbonkl of much intluellce with tht prl'll8 II.,d radio
Ihi" 1111.111 "'ffk lit a certain meetinJ' all lIIemhens for ila faithful lel'1'ice. for Ihe rood of Ibt <'Ullnlr,..
(fIOmt mMllbl',.,. will rteall whal lIIet'tin, Nenrly el'('r)·thin, we ate or hl'ur thaI
\ Trfrr to 1 wllpn I '1'1'11" nry lIlueh in The reeenl eleelion in the UronJ: dilltrlet
." X"w York where Leo JU('IIQn, hllcked Ie RgitatilJg for lInother wllr I~ Iluol('{1
Ih .. minority. Afttt the meetin!: I II!Jk~ from .orne admir,,1 or I!~neral. Th~1Ie
n rn~ml"'r II qUHlion. Afler hI' rom- by lIenry Wllllac::e and the P rogrelllive
I'lirty, waa tll'<:IOO by a 8wet'I,ing ml.lor lIIen know liltle of d111iomaey, r'f)m-
IIIl'l)t\"l\ <Ill my bfllnl'ior at the uid Ilromi8l!, or the art of negotiation Ihlngs
meelin&" hi~ rt'ply to my lIue"tion w,,~, it,Y, I, of 1I1II'<:ial s.ignificnlll!e In th~
110lltlcal picture lIS it IIppear, toda,.. we mU8t nil elo whether illlllvldu~]~ or
hI' WII" In 'he ICroo\'(' nnd hI' "l)tl'(l wilh nation8 in oreler 10 be (llit aile] 10 1(11.'1
lhl' nllJjority. There;6 n very unp]ellMllt !aacHon polled lili.!) I,er e(,lll of nil I'ote~
"u~l lIud the Delllocratic eandidate 3] !llong 10ll'tther. T he Ir)lillillg or cnill tllr)'
l1ame to rqll memb"r" who are nrrnld 'n~u i~ in di!!Ciplillt nnd forCf'. 'I'bey
to Ilf any olher _y, thall witb the mlljnr "fOr «nl "'hill' the Relmh lienn cnndidate
It,.. I l\I1y, IIny ont who callll hilt'''I'lf IlOlled only 3.6 per celli. The di8trlel in I\('('m 10 !)(' 10 flu~1c('{1 with 1·;l'Ior,. and
a mlln, "and up and be count~. It ,.on ... hl('h the clf'Ctioli ...q held hall a larK'1' fnthu"iaaUc lI'itb their recenl atlnin·
nrt' rijl;hl other. wi11 It"rn from YOII, if hlbor I'olt and both the A. II'. of L. lind menU! tbat they want !O 1(0 on to 1:l'fnH'r
you IIhould he wron~, then l~t the Olhl'n the C.I.O. ('IIrrle<l on II spirited ellllll)algn heighta. Their demnnd. III)(In Ih" gOI'·
show yOIl whtre ~'OU lire WroDg, fnr It i_ Oil I)('half of the Democral, .ret Ihe labor Haml'llt for more Ind more mont,. are
by our mifttak" Ihat ....1' lea.rn. Ro com~ 'ole "'fnt Rlmo~t solid for the Walll1e8- falilutie IIlId Be unrellllOnahle 1111 the
(In mrmhera and lake an activ~ l!art in t)ll('k('{l CIlndldall'. Thill di~trld h.. bMon ".leulll' Iht)' have for wnntillt; it. IIINtory
YOUR union. n OtUl()('rfttie stronghold for ytara snd ~howll that wben a COUnlry fall!! into
AllAin Ihe monthly meetill&' ot thi~ 'be defellt ot the Demoe rll.t's ellndidnt4l Ihe hllndl or its militari!" it il 11I'1II1 ~d
IQrnl IA thr ~('('o)l{l ']'uesdny or eacll "'116 II major one for lhem, I II tblll for Irouble.
monlh. .'10811! The board hn. t('com- I'rl'Ritl~lItinl ell'clion yellr, lhe re8ult of
blrmll'd ~ ... .-rn I'('nll inerell8\". as of April ,hi, tlcelion has n 81)('einl menning, Aecordin!:, to our KYlltem of 1:1)\'ernl)l~n'
~th Whllt ft brt'IIk tbe1 think Ihl',. II"" :O;in('f' the de"h of lI'ranklin 0, HOOR"fl!, Ihe mlllt.ary is IIUllj)03td to Illk~ orcil'rB
~iving lt~. Tb('y are asking thllt "I' Iht Oemoerule pnrty bat lIlffidily decn1ed from Ih~ (,"'ilian authorit;..... Wh"11 Iht
rnak(' a M('rifjt'l' to help malnbln eMlI- until it I, no longer the part,. of the military ,ell into Ihe poIIitioa of makil1J;
-omit' gtllhlllty and relard inhtion. AI'(' l'fflple. TaliI' note of the Wall Slrfft Ihe orden, WI' are Jl'~lting enlirrly 100
WI' honoN'd llf'eaUIIf' 'We are l'1Iilrollci nllpOintmenta to the Cahinet h,. Pmi· dose to tIle kind of diCllllntship we RrI'
wnri;l'l'I? ,lrnl Trumsn lind tbe mllny mllit.ary 111)- ",lllOlllnl' In otber counttir~.
E. J. O'DoRE.RT'f. p, ~. ]Ioinlmenlll to ke,. ('il'ilian poIitions,
Until the time cmu" when lh~ ..orld
• • • It tilt Oemoerfttie pllrt,. dOf'I not hlll'e
11M ill euudid"te for P resident II man with
i8 sufficielltl,. ci\'ili~ed to ha'-e n world
Ihe lenderBhip nud " i8ion of our Illte Iribllnlll, world rourl lind world poll('~
Wallace Candidacy Viewed fo rrl', nnd t he t hr~ltt of Wl\r j~ II thl""
l'r('~id~nl 1l00Bcve1t. it will ):0 down 10
As a Threat to Truman ('ruRhin): dl'fellt. The Otmoerlll11 IIIUllt of ,)list dark age!!, it will ~ wl_p to d"
1... U_ 1'09$, O,\ K I .I\ !Ii'D, CI\LJI>'.--'I'bl' ... 1110 hal''' a prognlm of real pro,.:reaa for \\bat~,'er II necessary for our prOll!('llon .
I'rimnr,. ... 1~lion in ClIlifornill h, In June. Ihe people or tht' mnjor part of the Inoor "lit 1I0th;1I1' to comllnre 10 Ih .. bllllon~
Tn Alnm Counly we &a .... II ('onRt_- '01" wl11 gn 10 Henry Wallaee. now hein,; !pent.
mM' ..... ho 1'01('{1 tor Ihe Taft-H nrtle,. Ln.: J. n. SPA:fGI.r:R, P. S. J,IoI:l':S Mt:llIlIt'U:JJI, 1', ~.

Journal for Jun e, 1948 Paq& Twenty-five

Atlanta Local Keeps Pace There'lI be plent,. of job. br tb. time ERP FiQhtB Commies Abroad,
With Growth in That Area peacha lind watermelonl II rl' ril~.
T-H EncouraQeB 'Em Here
If rou I!l"er see tbill In i,r int, rou '11'111
I~. U. 613, /\TIM\~T'\, GA.- Wben our knol\' 1 hll" en't been co",igned to the I... IT. 661, NEW Yom{. N. Y.-Six
genial Preflidenl. n .. M . CUI'fr. ILn- glue faelory. ~ext time I'll see 110'11'
nounet'll my a lll~lnlloent oa 1'rt"!S See- billion doll .... ia 10 be apent in Europe
tbe plow pull& in nllw ground. l'II a1 tv Ilr", ""t Lbe "Iread of eommunlam.
rt'tllr)' ot I.oelll UnIon ~o. 1113. do"'u bete !Urn a furrow in politics or report ()n Thl •• It I~ hOIJ.e<.1. wHl pre"ent Cte in-
III AthUltn, It Will wltb -ODIC ml,gil'lo"" our "old folk s llllny" wbich la planned I'rease of the number of <.:o'lllUunilill a III
tbnt 1 neeelJted. Kow. alter hn"iog read for the ntll r fu tu!"1l. 1-;lIropenn. 'l'bll ml'lI.nre bfLI bee .. palllltd
.\1, 1, of Loc.-al Line. in the IIHe.t lnue Prru 8«rr'ur/l by the United !-ilaLn Conl!:reo::J. Ame n
ot the J ovJ\!'(",,,, I'm more ronl'lnced lind 110 kick. llany of we memben of
Ihan el'l'e Ihal he hu bitdu,' d IllO-dollar • • • Ih(' \lame ('nitf'(1 ~tlLl" Conp:retIIII I'otfll
mule 10 Il '''''o-ho~ plol\'. 110w did
an tbolll" floe rt'llOrte ... lind editorial Takes Very Dim View of In rlll'Or of and C.llllOtd 10 be IJoIlILIIed a
III'" tiC.i CUl-d to hlUlltnDt: labor. Thi~
... rite ... Cd into the t'leclrlu l "uaio_ Slate of the Nation III"" dl'lI led to labor the rlcht of free
III.e~.-II. free IJretoIi, peaceful ~mbl.~
Since 613 hlill bNon out 0' the oeW'll for L. U. 6:i1. CIiESTElt. I'/\ .- It will lJl' (th nt part hili already IJf'en JtQo<:ked
lOme time, I'll ju,t tllObten up the traeea well for lht eommon mlln IIn<l ","omnl\ lUt .. It ~ketl hilt b) ..... ,rl d('(';~ionl.
kind or l'aRy like nnd ... bmlt II rell' Iteml who "'111 "ote In tbl' r"rlhC\JLIlintt t'le.: The 1.1 .... dl'niea 1<1 1,,1.,r t he right to
of ,ent'rn l Informnllon. tiona to give serioul thought lind roll - tI ~ k I)a)" worthy or il ~ hit" tuul many
We lutl'e ilC('ll rnllhl Croll'1I1 ~inee pre- liderlltion all to who r;.hnll rceei"e thl'lr olher fundamental RIlII inaliCllllhle Amer-
II'lIr )l'l\rll, k('(']1iull' JUice with ludustril\l su pport. i('on riKhta IIUUflULll'l'ti hr the ConlU t u-
t'):1l011910n In the e r ent",f Alltlnt l! IIren. l u Ihe world of cimOI ezlall ng aUlt1l tI"n n nd Ihe JIlIi of H IKht~.
Our 700 cOI)~lrul'1.!O!t me u ttltd (;00 munu- lhe enrly dny s of HiUer nml lIIu ij80llnl. 'l'lt ey dou't wnnl !tn iJtcn.·As~ of I~ uro­
fncturlulI" nnd ~hop ,,'o rkera h(l(l tnll em- we at home hnve lost sight of tl1l' cbuotie pl'un eom rule,; bu t they .eem content to
pl OY lIIl'nt Inst )'(·Of. 'I'he JOIS IJroll rRID 61ate of affairs ezilning in our own roun- ,'rl'ltlT' co mrn i('~ Anl('rielln. \\' ho tire lhe~.'
promlael to be jU8t aa Cood {'o ulrll cts try. Wh ether we have reu!it...,t1 III) ur (JonljfUSmen lind Eknlltorll who Toted for
blll'e b('('n nefotilited with morl' than uot. tbe [llet N!main~ t hnt our ~nomlc '1' 11 1 Uelllemhet tbem with the M Dle
30 contraClO.... ael'I'1l manuf.etuting ElI"uetUN! hili! ,:otten I(l out of Jine. Iht\t Int('n llity lind "I' iI'idlt)"" 1111 you \\'ould It
plantl a nd abOi'll lIud eight nMn Ilgo it bf-1I1'S little resemblance to anrtbing IIIIIClll'. LIse the 1'lIceine of pre..-entiOIl 011
eomPllnle8. Our brln~h loeal nt Rome e<luitabl'!. them on election d.y. nelilter or you
il oyeroomln, lOme toufl:h opl)Olillon in clln't ,'Otf': you cannot eXl'reIII rour
nortb Georrll. A 2().~nt InCr"l"ftlll'! n8cbt~riD'. blad!: marketinJ:". gr.y
brou,bt our journeymen lCale up to $2.00 mark,!ung and iii other dCllpil'll.ble 11"
lut ,.ear. teml of doiug business under tbe tab le, J . C. 'rooMn-, I'. S.
A pa rllgrapb mentioning {)u r I'er,. able baH! replleed bonest,. and lair dell ling :
in maoy eue.. greed a1ld m i~tt' IJretK'nta­
• • •
{)fficera abould be 1'118,.. J' resident Caner SprlnQtield Meetinqs Are
bu ()ne of IbOie anllque unlou eurd.., tion '!"1l the merchant ond mllnufuture ...
dllllnjt ",ay back. lie', a d,nllmie glll'fl chid 6toek in trude. "All the freighl Reported Well Attended
pounder. In Jl rolhcr E. W. Collier. WI' ",Ill beRr." baa bo:t.-uu'e tbe motto of man1
hll ' " II bualneS/J manalCet born for the mllnufa<:tuN!n and shopkeepel1l. I~. U. 660, s rU.INGI-' U·;U). 01110-
Job. lie "'o~ nominated without opposi- Ilello eVl'rybotly I Yel). we are Itill on thl'
I n general. ou r present lawmllkera and inN II lind fet' l we ",ill continue to be thert'.
tion lut Jun e for hi, th ird cou.eeutive law enforeers lin not enn doing II rootl
lerm. II I. crl'fll U llre"-'M'II in II fl'''' word9 e,'cn It It I. toucb \:"oinlr in many MlIICII
job of runniog around in <:trdea. Wt' due to lM'~era l forml of legiailnion In Ihe
tbe 111m. and pu rJlOftl of !Iulonl~m; ",\ lun'e {aiJed milll"flLbly in 1111 our illler-
fair daY'1 pa1 for an hont'l1. day', ,,·otk." pl<:ture. Our meetings ate being we.1l IIt-
nationa l undertaking1l, and we hal'e flliled If'nth'd . ... hlch II I'err im[J{)rllnl.
H e n'«ntb at-qulred AIL u~i.tant bu~i­ miserably in k('('pin, ou r houllfl In o rder
nea manager, "Smlliu," Hob Shlldil:, I 11m Hili eojoying the pll'uure of It
here lit bome. T o a ,reat ed,wl. tl.t' [raelure bed in the City 1I0~pital bert',
.... b{) alme to 0 11 from up R noII'III, way. re<:ord of profiteering. brlbf-rJ' lind
Bob juat grinn ed hlmlll'!lf into lbllt job. but we boya keep me we.1l infonned
chicanery durin, Ihe war il II ,reat blllt about l'Ol1(1itlona on the ouu.ide. I 11m
Brother H enry Bllrbf-r. ou r fiullnclal OD our history; tb e ,tatemaan and dip·
secretar1. haa IIlIother of tholl' mOflll- . Iow ly ituIJro"htg lind .ill«'l"('l,- willi, Ibal
lomat haye heen repla eed by tbe ettrl)(Ot· IIny OthH brother, IInyll'herc who mlty
grown ('n rd.. IJ ~ a l",",., wond~n. \\'hlll' \)ngr:er and court jester.
wriliug thORI' $:1.00 recelpt a why WI' be Inld uil, Is IlI IfO hnprol'lng nnd will
enn't plly a whole Qunrter', d ue! out of The COlt of lil'i nr: itt 60 rar out or Ilnl' Il0011 be bllek In t he hlltne811 IIgain.
Ijo)Jlle or Ihnt {)"erlirno money. lind ~II"P thllt cI'en the middle daaa find It IJllrd ).'It'lIltl note--Uu aiuess nnnng er "Dig"
him from write r'. crllmlJ. Urol1ler Wnlt to m('('t tbeir obligntions. T he ("'I'fllg" Jim WiJl1nma. reportll nn hc~ ..... i,e UIIUI-
Ri(' bnrdllOn u8unlly mnk ('ll the BrotbrfS wage earner cannot IIfford n c<:elJ/lilie~, let bl'r of reQue8t. to r plllCt'ment in tit is
rl')Jl'nt their motioua on Ihe floor 10 he Rlone lIuy fo rm or luxury. terri torJ·. It II /I. l itt le I'ntly for him to
I'II.n 11"'" ,Iwm In the mlnntl'! ('() rreetl,.- definitely e~thnnte the lIuml){'r of men
IdlII'8 IIrll Illlssed thllt take from tht n~eded. No doubt en'rYOIl' wel<:om" tlltI
II "pry ('<)!n lM- le nt rt't-urtliuK m""..,tur)". ...orker~ mllny hllrd·earnfll benefi t".
Brothe", C. E . Latham. I'llul 1"10 ....1'11. <:omlng or Iprinr and the ullual bu~tle of
fought for down tbrougb tbt YI'III11. A Increalk'll IIctil'ity. All of our memlll' ....
II . J. lI c~JuJlin .. M. T. Stepbena, A. G. IIof'rntch of the pen in Wubington brintt'l
H endrich. lind W. S. Guffin, C'Omp r lllfl II'" bUlly• • lthoUlb protofl('<:tll of matf'-
hardship lIud mi!\Cry to thousandl and rilll 1IIIIpii nt 1Irt' I'er, uncertain. J am
Ibat grouP. who. wltb 110 ramun_ration. lbou8llnds throughout lire nation.
ISmail tbanb. and conlidl'rable undetlE'r1'e<1 flUz-t, we all hope tbla rondition will
t"Uping, ,il'l'! tbl'!lr tlmf!. Ihoucb'-- and J ust how-Ion, the above eondition, eon· fmpro\·t'.
t'ner;ll'lt aa Ez~ulil'e Uoerd mf!m~n. linue. dependl! on jUlt how lonl" tire R emf'mbf- r. enr),ouf'. tbilt ill elf'ttioll
Hrorh"r n T , Dumnrl, ...lll.IInt bu!iutllJ American "'(lrkl'r 1I110""a tbem to con- '·car. Rf'li.stt'r and "ote ror men ,.'bfOm
mllnllge r. la 1I0hl):" • wondco.rful job for tinue. Tbere ill onf' a ure way of C'O r- )'ou knoW' 1Iz-t, in Iynl ll.lth)' witb our
the mllnurlletllring ami relJlllr Ihopll. re<:tiug our legislative lind la w enfol"'Ce- caulle lind not mf'l"~J,. for job'lJeekel1l
n roliler W . O. Torbett II Clillollilln of ment ilia. That one lure wa,. III fo r the who, nfter election. reverse thl'lr IJre-
0111' flllllnees find II", I'nough " 'III' nond~ workers to bllnd together l1li o ne In a t'lt'ction I)rom llle~ Hnd 1<'11 UB down the
ataclwd ItWtl )' 10 wl'ulhl'r IIny alarm Ibe dl'termined effort to r id public offiCI'll o r rlll'r. It ill t he duty or e,·ety member
nl'pu"lIelln~ elln blow ou r W1l1. "r ro f~II' croo kl, reactiouariCII. misfit. and Olll)O r to '1I 1)I)Ort the loell l union officei'll. pllr-
1101'11" Ed J!,ft:'Geltee IInll N. 1"1 . NII'II('II tnniata, regard less of their IlOlI tl<:a l affilia· IICll iorly Ihe blllhll'lIlI mllnoj:'er. 11 18 job
lire runnlnll: our "~tt'rnnl' AI)I)rl'nllc-e tionll. I~ no 11"11 of tOSI'II 10011)'. Ile iI, wh en
lebool In rell! eolll't;llItt' IIt11t'. on the Job, fI Inrget from mllny dtrec tion ~
,,-~ '1'1' II{)rry we Clln't hll'lIe IIOme of
If th e workers eXpe(!t to r~l'il'e a bir ~nd from unseen tot'll. 110 gil'e these men
),011 boolne ra to work w llh UI while th~ deal in the politlC/lI arena. Ihl'Y will )'(Iur whole .upPOrt. I( ),ou do not.
dog",ood and ualeall lit(' In bloom. j\ never receil'e it by wi6hful Ihinking or tlll'll mflny or thei r l'II'OfUl will be in
rood mnll1 of III IIt11'e bit till'! bench for eXpt!(!ting. It I'II.n only be IIl!!'(lmpliJlhed I'lin. J hope thia little ..... arninl" will
• bort period. due 10 110 1I111('1I bnll wl'Hhfr by II united front III the 1)01111. l'1IU81' you to IItIH a nd .ct.
holding the hlr Job, In Ihe ,round. J . A. l)oUO IIKRTT. 1'. R. UNCUD WA,.T. P. S.

PaQe Twenty-six The Electrical Workers '

Columbus Brother Retires Intenwtiollal Officer Visits CwwL Zone
After Faithful Service
I •. L. 683. COl. u:m ms. 0 111 Mter
lO(,me "·I'II·dl'l>efl·t'(1 eritieism and riooln,
fur not ba'lng OODlriuuU'ti tu tbi. pale
for lel'en] mouths, here we lire I,ll in.
Fl· ..·• It nul' of our melulNor~ arl' om
of work. and it would seem tlll'rt· WIll
be vlenty or work for IIOme limr t"
Brother ,John 'f hornto n who hilS 8t'rved
L. U, ass 110 ]ong and faithfully. bas
tllken out withdrawal aud retirement.
Jad,·. leal'1l of experience, uDt1ri~ de ..O'
tion tu b'a dutiell u preside'lt .und
01-1 I. II ~nl of whicl1 1111 mill could
be I.roud. iii. letivitiell will lit lIOrt'b
1111-', but ...-e aU bOlle lbllt .... ben III'
call find It flOIJ3ible he will nttend I
1'lUl regular nomiuntiOIl and elecliull of
ollleerl will SOOIL eonfront UII, and It il
hoped thot eoth nud every UJt'n1uer will.
lin! of Ill, nttend the meetingl at which
Ihl' e nomlnatlonl and elec:tiOlla .re bt'ld.
\'ote for liK»le candidates "'holM! UI)fri·
I'llee and reeonla make them .... orthy.
UNit In mind these job. are not aor~
.wl l·el·ehalr .uilnments and tb~ who G. X. Barker (third Irom 1~/t), 'IIiC6 ~Iident 01 elu Filth. Didrict, with.
Mil cbosen lIlust be willing to li(,vott' B rothera of Canlll Z01t6 locall 0" oceaailln 0/ hil vilit th~re. Left tll right:
a lot or theIr time to do the jolt for J. J. TobiJI, chairman ll/ u:ecutivc board, l~. U. 677; Walter Wagner, financial
you ami do It rigbt. Vote lor that tnll' I~eretartl, L. {'. 677; Mr. Barker; C. 1'. VO--IIGieIOtl, prelident, L. U. 677;
and IIOt for i!IOlIle Brother whonl you A. Saariell. L. P. 397; IV. N. Ne.,/cr, mmnbe-r 0/ uecutiue board, L. U. 677:
know 811 • jolly good feUo ..·. I "booR"
I).' or jUllL bec:aUile be ia Il('y mall or
H. Darb". L. U. 677.
00... for IOnlt' contractor. I~, U. 6::, GATlX, (; .\ N"i\I~ ZONE. " 'c who Ii,·e lind work on the ]'nllnll1ll
Try 10 N'lIlI'mber thi 8 ia your o rgnnl· I'AX AMA. -J'·or the IC('On,1 time lIinee Canlll hnve bel!n both illtere~ll'd aud roll
!.IItlon. Don't ju~! tnke it for grnntt'tl. thla lneu[ lin 1011 hn~ bl'l'lI In exi~tenCt!, cerned. with, abnll we fillY an I'pitlt'nllc (If
Get behind II, re"d your Conatltutlou u ll d we have bnd all Ollilortu nity to be host to UtlWlpal)oCr nrt ldea that deal with the In
lly-Lnw i nnd nhhle by them till it hnrta. n n l nteruntionul I'lce president of the ternatlonll1l1.lltion of the P anutnll CnulI1.
Also rend your "'ORKEI/.. You 11'111 fin d I nternationul Brothe rhood of gleetrital 'fhis IneJ:llluinable bug·boul!e {nhle i~
It Illtl' re"llllg 1"ld edueational. Workers. I n llnrch o f thl ~ yellr n rolhu qllite old, bUI Willi rtlvi,·td in 1&10, In
It I. tilt' hOlle of this l)(IOr scribe that 0, X. Bnrker. of the -F ifth Di.. trict. a)lcn t J-egilom, Itsly. AI)IIIIN'nliy it 11'''~ "",rl
thll letter will be pllbli 8h~ before tht' 10 daya in the Canal Zonf'. Hoth local of shulhfd. until 10-to wben it wna rniMfI
nominationl in Jllnt, II I fff] lbll Ilt'-r- union. on Ihe 11l1unn. put furlh tbf'h' Ipln In En,l.nd. Thl'n in I1H7 we !'f'a<i
I.a,.. "What I Ilove \!Ilid will reach more btlt errort to 6l, to bim tbeir luob- of il beln, J)ro~ from lJ otoM"'·. parI«
(If thl' IlX'ol mtmberIJ tbrough lhl. 1)O,t Ifml th8t Ire mo~l oolllpll':l:. II I' Will of Europe, Ind · a. hlle III. JUllf'. I nli.
than would I.It' r.ouible at nny Ollt' or ,boWIl wbllt octullily ha lllwll M 110 fllr a l from Ollr own (:ity of PbiJlldelphia [t lUll'
tilt' regular meetinp.. Lhf' ol)f rlllioll of the 1'lIn n",n ('nnlll ia loren "dI'OCAled.
I lIanl to take 110'8 O]lportunlll to tit· oonC('rned, (Uld definitely not s lwWII 110m!! Whell yon read thla IIOrt of tlll ug In Ih,'
tend my npllr('('intlon to tbe stalT of Ihe of our dt'fl'n&e mell9Urea. t::rt('h nlHl t'1'~ ry ne1l'Spnl)oC1'8 over a IlCriod of rellrl aboU!
WOIII(t'\I tor their cooperution while I lI1eUlbl' r of thl! J. n. K W. on the Cnnni IIOmething whleh you nl'tunlly liI'e on.
1I"\'e bl!en 0 11 lhi~ [>. S. job, and I hO!)f my :-'.011(' will evenllmlly. we hUI)e, l11'Ofit hI work 011. nlld know Ihe detnilll of, yOIl
"UI·CI·~ ..... r will tlo belle r. IIOIne IIIllnnl'r by bit IUlving- I){'('u 011 the iJ.I:oRln to wondu just what could be th.·
Jo;. I·'. "PAI'I'Y" \\'Y.LKr.S. 1'. H. hthnHIII. fOllndation for aueb tileoril'll. );'or an,.
• • • We wi~h 10 UI)N!1I3 our IIPI)!'f'('iution U. S. cLtl~n who II fllmiliar with thl'
to the IlItf'rn.tlonal Oftk~ for IUII'illg ~1I'f'r­ op('raUon of the Panallla Cannl. or I~
Valentine Day party at eilll"d its authori t,. in 8endint: Hrother ('Inl)loyed hf're. it III. I .m 11Ir('. utterb
Bay City Was Big AHair IIJ1.rke r to the hthml1~ nnd, In Ih~ futllN! imjloMible to agree with, or anbecribe to
we h011l' that Brotht'r O. A. HUrrOws, [II In1 manner. lIueb II ridiculoU8 pro-
I.. v. tl9!!, !lA-\' CITY, lUlClI.-AltbolllCh our Government .~mplo)·'" He l,rl".enta- poaa!.
not lht' olllt'ial sc.ribe for I •. U. 002. til·e. will be Mnt to the Clnal ZOllf'. In
wid wri~r hili! laken the task upon blm- l numueh •• Brother Bnrku hu bf't.n
Ollr opinion unll!8ll nrother Uurro'll"l ill hel't'•• nd can diJllc:lI1111 the Cnnal luteJII
/l('U IIntil our ablt' local pN'Sident ('all lW.'lIt here, hf' will ntVf'r be in I ~ition
indllce 1I011I('(Ine to "ct officiaill. The In· gtDlIy "WIth ,-011. If and when you _ him.
to N'1)!'Hf'ut 1111 in 8n t'ffieif'lIt mttnner. uk him what he thiDks of lueh n Ilro·
\'('ntil·t 10 write this artiele .... 18 tbt lIuf' to tht tact, that only b,. making per-
, 'all'lIllnt' ])8 Y parly that wal gh'en bl IJOsnl. J am lure he will tell yon thlt.
lIOual OOIlInt'1IJ here call lie ~lUe fnmillar lhe Unllf'd Rtnlea shnll and will {'(Introl
J•. tT. Hf12 for h" membe". their wive" with our ItI!I·up.
or ' "'e('thl'nr t8 nnd alw the t'1ec:tricnl the [>nnll nul. Canlll. nnd neH r in un)' IIlnn
~ 1 11!. Hn rker al'eO'lIllRnieti Mr. Burker ner will ~nbl!C ribe to Ihe intcrnntiOllnli·
t'Olltral'tor~ ol)oCrnting union ~hO III. nnd on hl ~ rl'ccut ViKit nnd we found hl'r 10
11I1'11l',[ gurqlA. A nd il wus n purty-all znlloll of 11Ich on Iml)(/rtnnt wntnwny.
b(' most plen8llllt olld eoul:rlliul. nnd \\'ht'n tilnl hila betn ref~rred to for yen" nl one
for free-no tic:kelll to bny-no colJec· It Nlllll'lI to light""";ng tril)ll aliI" rnn relilly
of Ollr flMlt IInl'll of defen!!('.
Inkl' II. We Ire thankful .. he III on tht'
Thf' 10000tion "Woe well selectPd. tht' 1.0(' rMd 10 rHO,'fry from her r~nt i1\nt'M. C. T. SWE.AB.l.",(GE~, O. M.
rbllttllu. ju t on the ouul.kirl", 011 • m.ln
bltr:h .... 1. An attendlnee of lbout :lOn Homl'lI lod hll orc:bmm for tht bllmllltt
Il"".·t U_ II I:ood ~hllnee to ah.kt hlln(IB one. It Will dt'lic:ioul Ind "'"118 tnjoyM
hy an. The oommiuee blld tbelr Kbedulf' IIml the wire jf'rktn hall that (0110""1"(1.
with Bl'Olbf'n .... e h.d not _" for IIOmt And from whf're I \!Ill il looked .11. If
I\ml'. 'rwo lar!:1' punch bo1l'iJI (well "'ell-plnnned lIIl in no lime we were III
.plked) wt'N! ou IllIml to' dlel'r 1111. 1111 Il 'I'nll'<l at our table~, be8utifnlly deeorlltt'd e"eryhotll' dnnCfll.
with HoweTH. nnd we re B~rv('(1 n full'CQu rflll During one of the int~rmiu[on8 n
IHI lu,f"r., til!' 1"""IIl~I--1)n~ for IILI' Indlea numher o f fine !lri~es were lI:il'en awny.
ulUl 0111' for thll gente. \\'hO(',·t' r mix!'!\ hlllHlul't dinner Ihllt wOllld do jUlltke
to thl' finest Freueh chef. The rouale These prltl'll were do nlted b,. thl! eOl)-
"II thiN conOOl'tion ot choice lifluon 1I1l1[ trlletol'S nn(1 {•. U. 092 nnd Included
jul«8 nted Inke a baa lI('at tor no wna furnil hed by lhe well· known Ellrl

Paqe Twenty-seven
Journal for Iune. 1948
,uch &,ood "alu" aa mi:"nut~... radio., n.tional Oftiee. lie ,al'e us t.neClUra,e
broiler., ~leclrlc clock.. lronll, ete. Our Brother Joseph A. SchllUnQ' m~lnt .. well ., warnf'd lUI _,.inSl !?,!It-
busineN mlln'ger, "'rtd ~illlchky .cted Claimed by Heart Dlseau in, our I.urel •.
• s ciHf·a",anr or the prizes and in- Brother Barker. ou r I ntern.tion.1 "iee
jK"l.ed a lot of ...,it and good humor into L. V. 8'1, GA Ul' AND IIAMl'll OSU,
INU.- .!.pln I... U. 607 mnat .. y • prl.'llident h.n,II,·,1 the cbairmanshlp in
the proecu. Frtd Is .. good an enter- bl, ususl I\'ood manner.
tainer as he •• a bus,neea mana,er. pd fare",·tU tv ont of Ita "'~III~"'. J OII-
el,h A. I Pappy) Schllllnlt wat t.ken by Sel'eral Olher I111ernlU01l.l1 office"
!WIDe of the out-of·townera an,1 mem- "'ere lhe~ along with representaU". of
bera of l •. U. Clll2 who ('lime conliderahle death IIhee a lo ng IJoeriod of "ulferln,
indueed by our old en~m,.. be.rt dlsullt'. the N. E. C. A_
dilt.once to IIllend were: Cal Chureb Progrell!l wal the theme of ever),
If p i~ no\\· feM of all 1)8ln ,lId worry
nnd hi. wife from Grnyling, J im lJorlln Slll'nJce r and, of courlll', eneh relll't'lJl'nt·
and wife from Alpena, Mra. J ohn Collin~ lind 1 1J('line Is enjoyll1g thllt "Jle.~
th.t lIurpll.~eth n il underat.mllng." nth·e collid 8l'e from (he reporta wbether
from AhJoena, George Wed ick and wife We deepl)' Jilym llathLse with hi. wife their locnl union in IIte p with the
from '1'owns. otbe .... \Ve le.rned .Iso !\DOlt. of the thiDg!!
Tbe committe.} .. Lv arnlUget.l tbls al- .nd 80n in thtlr I()r row .ud our chMtel
must 'gllin bf' drnllM.l in 1II0urnlllg in thllt we can do to let 111 ~Ie ll aud 1;0
bir cert.inly d~rvea Iota of eredit (or fl·Spec.t to him. forward inslellli of .lil!l,illg bllck. In
mnklng till' IlIrty luch • IUccesa. RU8!i other worda I,rofit by Ihe CXlll'riellce of
Turner ,..,,,. chai rman. IUIIIlsted by lIarold Our bo""Jera the l'i,lt to the SI-
Loul. contl'flt aud Iithough they did our Drotber i()e8ls.
(Pee \\' ~) Lnnl\'. Ken Shook, Oia~Dce not return .a chnml,iOI1' they did put 0"" vf Ihe I:reatest .d",nla,es o( wi.a
Bonham And IInrry Cbafln_ The com- or <in my opinion) of .n,. luch meetln!:
lip • fight and we nra 1111 proud
mittee!. in turn. 'Pllreci.ted the oUl.8l11nd- of them for it. il the renewillg of old lrlenllahips and
inC help ,h'en tbem by the businl'llll man· The fine hospitnllty Ihown by L . n, 1 making /lOme IIN'I' OnP". In this "'."}' we
Rcer. (owllrd our gnn, wn s grenU)· apllrecialed lind Ollt /I01OClllilll:' nbout jU6t bo ... bii:
Enough about our Ilarty--eve ryone "'ent Bud we hope lllllt IIOma dlly we ellIl have tbe I. D. E. W. 1M nud whnt n Slllall
home /IIPllY. the oP I)Ort\lnh,. of re('i l'rocnling. IlIIrt of it we liN'.
So mnn,. olltllde" hnl'e worked In A fine augle of Ihi, howling tOUfna- 'l 'he 1·lIIue of renew in!: Ihe old COlltlIC'"
thi, jurl,dlctlon durin&, tl.e pa'!t two ment was the OIlPortnnity of me('tinJl' n and making new (\I'M for 01l"'e!l'!"S nnd
yeart that J·OU may be interellted in lot of regulnr gl1111 from T,. U. 1 nnd the local nnion~ Wt repre""nted ju~t
neurin!!" whnt goell on htre and what lhe olher 10('0111. I bclIcI'e these yearly couldn't be 1,'1j!llllated. There i8 n 101
IIOme of the bOYI are doing or hAve done. contests orc a mo~t \'I.luabll' aWnir for of difference in writing a letter to .M r.
Leo La Doucer who CIlIl the Mercy Ihit reuon olollG. They make "' renli2e Willinm A. J onea !lsking for Informll-
U O'll llfll job fo r the 1)lIst two years is that 1111 T. n. 1-1. W. mel! nre l)reUy Lion nnd in "bnking hands nnd s.a,.i ng
tflking n much·needed rest and hilS ,one much Qlike nil o"er the Unlt... d Stale. " lIello Bill," Y01l cannot beat that per-
into re tirement. lie la doingllOme bhin, lind Cnnnllll lind 8 good lot of ,uYll. /IIOnal cont.ct. l believe we will be ahle
on the ,Ide. John Patteraon, who w•• W e hId Ih, 1)1.... u1'8 of reMl- 10 profit by Ollr experit'nce both no .... and
steward for 1.t'O. I. now running thl! in, B rother Duncan "DulIl}," Iluaell. io yea ... to come. We lurely hope to
O.r Cit,. .bol'fl. job wltb Clarence who .ttended Ollr loc.1 meetin, Allril 12. meet Brother and tbe Olher fellow,
Bonh.m '" his .te,..·.nl. Jimmy is"itlChk,. Ill' and tbe AIrs. spt'nt • short villit I.ere. .,lIin in the future.
~ma to he wfll·adallted to the prHi-
(lI'nt'a (' and Is dolnc I lood job.
lIe is now. member of J.. n. II of Loa J ORN V. D.u.r:r. 1'. S.
• • •
Angeles., Calif. 1 ran C't'rtalnly lilY th.t
Meetlnp OIJoerlte on IChedule Ind in an wben he joined L. U_ ]1. they cot •
onlerly manner. "union min" .lId th.t covers. lot of
faclcson Local Elects Three
From the C(\1\1·eraatlon picked up from (erritor,.. Deleqales 10 Memphis
tbl! helpeel Ule allprt'litice scbool I. Our Twenty-flxe Ye.r Club No.1 of
tUck in, ill lood shape. When you get 1.. U. 8M. JACKSON, TE!I.'N.-Dere It
the I. n. JoJ. W . held. ml'('lillg alld 1)01 is pren time 110 I rut'!J!l I'd better
Inw dlnCramR, int(lrest I. whipped UI). iuek pnrly Wetlnretloy evenil1,. April 14. let you know whnt', new with L. U. 835.
The QU{'ltion now, II who Bets the dock "'1':11, the old 1)OIitica i pot is boiling 011 our ml!t'tin, nitbt. lhe 16tb o! A nril,
bac.k to make cla..:s laat longt'r. IIl:ain. J lldgill!: b), ~ the "'i&eOusin I·ote. we I'oted to Ital'e ou r election on June
Cal Church and 'r. Walters aUended lIear~t 1,"8 ~h'eu Oenernl MncArthur the
thl.' opcnlng or the Geo rge ll'ilher Whole- 18 wilh the l)Ollll Olll'n from 8 a. 10.
well-known H eA ... t "kiM of denth." until {} p. m. in order to gil'e nil the
Mle l-jleclrl Cl Slillply Co.. or Sor;:I",.,w. memberll in nnd out or town n chonee
The,e WILl IIknty to cnt nlld drilll. lind Seem, Ihnt the worst thlni tiull eon
they an", Iota o r the IICW gndgel.8 com- happen 10 n Cllndldnle iu thia country i, 10 I'ote. We hRI'e cl~tion. only every
il1g 011 Ihe market to have tho " Lord of San Simon" hestow two yent' and would l ike to ~ee! cvery
hia benediction UI)OII him and hi, goose membcr cut /I. vote.
IJrotlwr H arry Ohlllin or the Dow job i ~ cooked. Too b.d thllt thia had to We elected OUllnellll Monnger Ed
1".ed out double ('Igllro at the 11I9t lIappt'n to a DI.n of M.cArthur'l great Nicholll. Pl't.8ldent C. F. TJ.oone .n(1
ml'ttinl". Ue III a "ery proud father or l'lI:ocutive ability .ud Iionor. Jimmy ~.IIIy .1 delegoto to the I nter-
twin..-boy and Cirl. Walter Pawlocil: ill national Convention to be beld in Mem·
I l)atient III the Stllll! TubeJ"CulOllia SlInl- Vernon SeIlIl"H. lIOn of Brother ~~Nlnk
Seli,er. ill agllln II. ted to play center on phill, Tenn., tbe Oth .nd lOtb of Augullt.
l.rium fit On110rll. " I('h A IpUpr fir Du,Ineu M. n.rer PAl Nichol. hu beeD
card to him once In II. while ...ould 10 II. the Ill iooi. Onlveraity l~.m (his ye'r.
Be will IIOOn become I benf'dict like tbe doin, • cood job try in, to keeJi the men
10l1g way to cbeer him up. De hu two pl.Cfd . . . work has been a lillie
fine IOn, hoth I('.rnlng the trade in L. U. rest of liS. Qonr;ratulatlona!
II . B. FUTWELL, P . S . for the few wl'('ka. That'l nil for
The ~1~rlclIl contr.ctor on tbe Dow • • • Ibia timt!. SIl'!! you IIOOn.
J . W. GOOIIl'I'III". P. S.
M ldlnnd job will Il000 be throwing fln-
other nice fl.h fry fo r the loc.l. Jerry Reports on Proqress Meetinq • • •
Ily der II the new .teward on the Con- Held at Baton Rouqe, La. Lake Charles Local Busy
Rumer'S l'o"'er Job. Kerm 'l'rapII, one
of the foremen on the Conlumef1l joh L . U. : :\:1, PASOAGOULA, l\IISS.-Due Durinq State Fed. MeetinQ'
does not intend to get whistle-bit if we to the illness or our 1I1111n_ 'cent, L . U. 881, I~AIi"'''; C I1ARI~ES, 1..A.-
hnll"e another depl'l!llllon. De Illso ope.r- Brother Eo C. Miller, tbe writer hilS jun 1.oc:AI ~o. 861 WU "ery bn,y prepnring
.tt'!! II. " ery uea t corner 1!;1'IX.'t'f). h.... hlld the oppo rtunity of IIttendlng the for the Rtate Federation of T...... bor Con-
remodeled and haR Il nice apllrtment for Eighth District prorresa meetinr at B"ton ""ntion held In Lake Chflrll'~, J••.• on
hlmaelf and one to reot Ind b.a t"e- Uouge. La. I t w. . . gre.t SUCCHII in April 4. 5 find O. Dele.rlltt'll eltcted to
nmlX'd bl. Itore witb modern equip- every W1l1. 1 know of no better w.y reprt'!l('nl Local Union SOl were Brothers
mcnt. to inform thc local l1nlon~ of jUlt what Jollt'ph lIid,lgo, Ttd Stitalejn. F..Jtli..
Clyde Short, our linand.l secretary, is goin, on .nd the problems of other Dlli,ll'. GeorJ:e Rh·cIII'. Geof']:"e Minton
b.. "ntered Ihe pOlitical field. De ilJ local unlona .nd how they an! !lOtTing and Yernon Vau ghn. Tht mt.mbers .1110
doil1j( a gt)Od job In trying to get !\Dme thl'll! problems. cooperAti'd In providing room and lie-
~ men down thrre whf'1'f' thp}' mak,. Brotber WA~. our pft'!lident. and I ('Ommodlltlon~ for Ih .. dpl"/f~tf'8 wbo i'8m('
tbe la ..... enjoyed mceUn, Brother Tracy. ou r In- from all o"<'e r the State of T..ou i8iQnn.
r,£O:.",,,o n. W"'I.TJl:R8. tern.tionnl PN'Sidel1t. for the fi ...t time On March 26 and 21. TIrothe r. Ted
Acting 1'. S. nnd listening to him r('j)I)rt ou the Inter i'llildein nnd A. A. J,l'ninnc repn"lIt'l1t('(i

Pa~ e Twe nty-eiQ'ht The Electric a l Workeu'

lA)(-aJ Uuion SOl ., !.be f.'itlh OI~lrltt
CooI'enlion of the I. U. El. W, held at Prese"ti"g Pin 10 Oldest Member 0/ L. U. 869
Halon lIouge, La.
Congratulntloo/l to Brot b .. r Bill )<'onrl1l't
",'1'0 hae rec-ently bel!n 11)looilllf'd to the
I'o~ition ol field I"f l)/'uelltlltin, UOl"fau
<of '\Plll"fllth,'1'1 in the Unltl'd StUN
1};',>:lrtll\('nt of LaOOr. We Wi8b you lue·
CI'.'-" in your "ew Joh, UrothH f.'(,urnet
J~ t\'('Oroing secretury of Loclll l1nion
A code dIU, for membe,.. of Luclll
Union 8m I~ being 111!1d at tbe Lak~
Clulfl" 'I'radl' Sehoul, IlIltruC!or ror tbl!
e!alll! il our I)r('tident, Uroth ... r Joeepb
IJidlllgo. CIII""et ar ... h('ld euh TburadllY
nigbt at 7 p, m.
The bod wellll,('r conditionl In Ihla
IIrl'll bnl'l! beld UI' work on 1('I'I!rni 111''''
1)lollta estimated at ",Ieral million dol·
l:ora, QUill' II few of the membe ... IIl't'n'l
letting Ih(' w('tlther worry them, they
nre using the slnek time to get th('lr
fishing IIl(.'kle rcudy for the ,luu\) d('Cl)'
~" Dslliul; IIC'\ ~o n . Tilero nre fiMh lule8
10 be told, loo!
Ii'or hl~llIn('(', ill IJI ~t yenr'" 'l'lIrllVOn
Hodeo, Jlrother George 1Ii1-ette WU8 win- H. JO"('I. y,.ulIy.',t JIIemher of l~, U. 869, I raquoi' Falll, Ontario, Canada.
Iler of lit'llt IIrise. Brother r•. N. ,\dl m~ 1);'111;119 gnid buttOll oJ(. J. Ii. C"rMe, ofdl'at Jllllmbcr 0/ the 10~aL with!5 1Iear.
took ge('t)nd Ilrize nnd ollr "liu]e'" bUlli- cOlrlil'u01U1 gOfld IItflltding. Charter "If'mbcra in baekgrol"ld, l~/t to right, are:
De!III manager, Brother Ted Sdllllem, took
L. CO'9rol'l', S. Martill, n, Loch, p, R~dmotld (prl'lidl'llf), J. Smith and G.
tigbtb pri&(' IlIId 0111' of Ollr ]nc.1 con·
Ira('IO~ took nintb 1,la('('. II. Wolf, ont'
'If nur ]oc.l conll1lctorll ...... ..,'00 • pri&(,.
Brother G, X. l1orktr, I nt('rnalional vit'\' tenlion of I'I'C'ry lIIililY ""orkl'r In Ihe f<or IIII0lhl'r }"('Ir. On April 23 lIallOla
1'N'Sident of Ihe ~'iftb Oi trkt. Clln I'oucb country al I IwIiC'I'1' thlt It Iho""1 Ihal ''''tt' COUUIf'fl and m~mbel1l of l.ot'lll laG.
for tbe I'"raeil,. or Ille>Oe fh,b lain. II .. I ;:001'1 strong union I~ nl'<"f'1o..arr. nli, ,oll'd in fll"or of tbe cvut11lct ,,~ prl:"
\isiled Ollr local IlIit rail, iliadI' 1111 I fine I. 8 ~tl'On" IrtUment for InllOr'l ..aliIII'. IIl'nled 10 them willi 317 I'oting '"Yeij"
Inlk nnd Ih~n went fi"bing. Wf' .re look· If Ihllt ;:roup of 1Uf'1l workin;: for Wf'"1 a/HI lfo,!) 1"0ling "No." Tht' roUllt of all
ing forwnro to another \'I~it from him f'rn Union hnll " l;ootI ,tront: luhor orgnlll- of th(' 10ClI1. ,'oting showtt1 2.272 in favor
!luring next Iil5iLing '~I\IlOU. utlon. thill incifif'nt wou!!' not hn\'1! 0('. nnd ~ a~llinll the contract 1111 pre·
H mny be of Illur~'t (0 IJ(Ime of our curred. We, of I,. U. 1:~~, Bre fortunnte ~.'nll'(l , Under Ihe new eontrnct a rni~e
Brothers throughout Ihe eoulllr,. Ihlt thf' in bnving II I:ood solid organlZlltion lind or Oil.! l>t r Cf'nt of lhe maximum of I'ul'b
King .\Jnekerel .eQlion IItnrte abollt J une n ~lJltr of good oflie"'", 10 run It. 1 nm for t'lll~~ifil'llioll WJl.II kin'" to nil ~ml.lflYl'l!
nud eDtI. in &;>ptember. 'I'he TarpOOn labor'a cnllse fim. lut .ud alway •. ..tYeeth·" Allril 1. l!HR. Tbi~ will ner-
1l0dl'O ill held in J uly nr Aus-u~t. ,\ bout 1I'!:,'!;TER;o.' LVION ",'f1$Jrt \" Df}:/.l all'l' llround 10 ('('UUl (l('r hour for nil I'm·
!I)U to :.'00 boItl. with nnt Ie ... than Iif!l"en ON '1'01' OJ.' prnf: IlloJf'!<. AI", pay tlnYI will be e\·try
li~herllleu ill f'oeh u.!IIdl), IlIIrli('iIOfttl' in otilt'r F'rida,. inIJtl'ad of on Ibe 151h nud
"The insel»tr.ble I'Ompllnhlllahlp of In~t dn,. of f'oC'h month. n'!<1lC'etil·el,..
Ihe rodl.'O. Chnrlea L, ~Iey, GI:l Yf'nr'(Jld "'"tero
K II. ~)IITII. I' ~_ 'l'hl' lIf'M'i~ man', clallse WIIS dnllliled be·
l'lIion IinC'man, nnd hiM wif!'. ~IMI. ~Inry "111111' II hlld bet'n erenli,,;: nil unfnir
• • • Carr ~('('It'y, C'ndf'd )'C'~lel1"IY whell h~
died ntoll II pole while hili wire 11'118
nllltlition "a I't'gnrd, II('niority. Wondf'r
If Ihl' Ilroppin" of thi~ clnllt«' will l'N"nte
Pioneer Ontario Member ~f'OII'1I In n lrllck !lenrhy,
~OIne dl8~U8!lion in the futurr n8 to
" I ll, 1I1Id!len denth In lhl8 mnnner wall
Honored at Mealinq not nne:rpedtd. lI e 11'1111 a dlnbHlc nnd
whf'llwr till' {1.I.'8 " Bm of Highta" i~
I~. U. 869. IIW(t UO IS FM.LS, 01'\· hnd often ilutrered IlttllCkt at work. I.'or lil"f'd " I' to "" N'l;nrds f('('mplo),tnC'lit wilh
likr work. IUly HI,,1 ~enioril,I'.
TAIHO, CASt\lM, - 1 Bm ellcioainll' ft
pl!otng rnph of II \"\!ry ".eelu] o.ccn~inn for
:''<1 JC'nrs it hut! heen "'TN. !ieele)"" CIIS'
T ilt' ('oUlpnny hAS ngr('~d 10 Illik to the
10m' 10 AecOmpany her hu~bund on nil
l..oclll No. 801l. Il'O(luol. }I'nll•. Thi" will
IIf' 'If luter~~l to lome of Ihe lUlU melll'
"~he II'n8 n lll'o)'s pl't'jlllrl'd to ,Ive him
un!on''11 pen810n <'Ommitt~ in N'ga ..d to
"!IIII1I;NI I't'qul'~l('d by the unions in the
\}('n of Loc.1 SOO who bnle drif\('(i far inRulin injl'Ctionl ami f(lr the III.t {I'll' ('(,II1I,"ny'lI 1I1'I.'81'nt llenai(lo plnll. If the
nu!l wilie, nnd who will kllOw IIOme of ~('OMl hnd bel!n call1!d ulKln to ,11'1' him f:uI"'l'ntl' ('ourt ,.u"taio~ thf' ruling of thl'
til .. melObeMl. It ]!'n~t Ihfft daily when he ,nlle~ XII/lou.1 I.oIIOOr nelntion~ Ronrd Ihat
attach, I~"~i(ln~ a~ part of ""a!:\'!! and a~ to ~
It r;-how, thf' firlll lIud oldl'!rl mC'mlM'r
n~llllIO'd al "m'b IInd!'r th!' Tah-llnrtle,.
(of Local Xo. ~ to gn 011 1I('0llioll from "l'etlterdlly'l Ittal'lr It 1):30 I, m.
Hill If lite unionll I'fqIlMil iI, IIIf'f(' proh-
~I Xo. &ro, Hroth('r J. G, Curry. bI:'- O«lIrred in the Lallrel 11 i11 ~llon of
illl: 111'(':!If'IIted with a Z,,.e.r memllt'rllbi" ~_UCIII, Workmen In the 1'1110(' 1'..... '11'
.bl, will be • lar!:10 nllm!lt'r of unionl
l'I'f)uMlinlt" tbi. on eIlliration of th('ir
;:o]d billion by the yonnf[0'1I1 membf'r or .knew somethint: wu wronlt' when the,. (lft'!'l'nt eonll'llet. Tt I, 1't'.1Iy 8t11ln;:1' in
l.neal Xo. 800. UrotbH II. Jones. ,:Innc-ed III) and all' ~~ll'y IlulOl> O1'e r Ihill democl'll('y of 011 ... thaI imhl~triali8U1
1'be Ql.'Cfllion took Illa« after our ~;: on bil Rafely belt. T ...o of thl! crew n~ n whole arlO lI!:nin"'t niding in JlMtffl'
1l1ar lII{'I.'tin,. '1'h~ I.holo ..... tl\k~n by cnrril'd him down,
Brother 11 . JknlOll of Twin Fnll~. Iltl' "Olbl'r ,,·ork ..... IIngged an F.rle rllll· in, workmen In their old IIj:C' ngaln~t
1"-'"'i'T "lalll, wlwrf' Irllfluoil. FlIlI~ !:r18 road trni" nnd took bim to the Wt~l Ik)\"I'rty oud need. Why is it I hC'II Ihnl
pllrt of the IlOwer. lI udson ll OIlI)ltnl. Keurny, wher\! he II'na lOll mnnng(,lI1ent men of "nrioull firms
n. A. l..oC1ue. n, S. pronoullrtd dead, lIill Mulh rllded 4:1 r~f'iH' ~u('h IILrll'e Ilt'n~ionl~ h it be·
('nUIle thf'Y hlln'n't ~'n nble to lny nny·
• • • yt'IIU' of service with WC',If'TIl Ulllon."
JO~r.I·1I h M O[..... COIll.IN. P. S. thiILg uldl' on tbtir ml'/I;:er ""llIries for
Story Cited to Show Why • • • thl'ir old nl:e1 Atl'n't the!te the snme
m.. u that nrf' shouting '"Fight ('ommuli'
Strong Unions Necessary Chlcaqo Siqns Contract l~ln "? A re Ihey fi;:hling Communism (Or
L. U. 13.'\8. P ATEUSON, N. " .-We With Commonwealth Edlson nrt' Ih .. y fight!n!: 8O('inl .. eforma thnt nre
would like to bnl'e tbe enC]OIIed article ,~. U. l:ltl1. C III Ct\G O. 11 .1•. - .\ I'onlrnel fir hn\'e takfn 1)laee ill prnf'lienllr el'l'rr
in Ihe nell i.6llue of the J OUIIN ... t,. I think b<'lween /lIHHnfed 10f'ftl. nnd Ih~ Com' nntlo!! thl'l)uKhout th(' world' ' 1lC' n,IO I'
Ihi, ~rticle should be broulbt to tbe at· 1l1Onwf'alth F.di/lOn ("I)m]llln), [, 11118111'1'(1 lion of II '"lil'e nud let li\"l''' looliey would

Journal lor Jun e. 1948 Pag'e Twenty-nine

do more to prt"'enl till"!(' "oeial rt' (orm, Elerlri(' Co., or Xew.rk, X. J .• lbe con· jtbtl'3. Nter our first COIll'('nt!on It
from tllklnr Illnce lhlln the poliey being slrll<'l ;OIl tirm. tbe 01111111:'''1 Con"trUl'lion ~'ri~CO, our ml':wberB lire f'1I1er t.O be
ellrrled out at Ilrt'~ent by ou r Ind nstrllll' (.'on) .. tbe loeution, ('{'(inrh\Lr~t, "hI. Mr. rellrellCllled in Memphi, in A Ulu.t.
IlL!, SidlirY Ifund .lld :\Ir. Chllrlea: Pl'duh:oru, "Lllbor bRa II dale in '48" i, takIng
JOSO'II J, OIlHI,.(lIIT. P . R IlUp~rinlentll'nts: Mr. Albert M<:(~lear. In root !rtrt. "special regilltrstion dlly b••
• • • thlr~l' of Ihe pO .... er; Mr, 'l1lf'OOore
G. lIAttlle i&!. in dla ..e ot Ihe 11,111111,
betn IlIUlount"t'<! for botb the eit,. anti
COI.ll1ty. 1 110pe that eve..,. _mber, bls
BiQ News in Baltimore Is csn,. I]ere i. a IliclUre taken on Ibe Job .... ife aDd I;'bildn'n of votlnC a,e .111 go to
ConQfesaional Elections b,. ye !lC!rilJe. Reeogniu IIn,.one1 I f 1I'lt. the poll. in November .nd eureise that
Ihf' n [" II nlUll(! them hom Itft to rl"hl ri,ht wbleh Wi! atill have.
I~. U. 1383, U.\ LTDIORE. 1'IID.-1I0....tly Mllnuinc: Charlf!ll C. :\1 ""11,,... jllb !olul,et1.ioDII for inf'rt1Ise in due. wut
Hrolbenl, "h'I.lbli):III" Sears i. at it Olle<' ~ I l' w.rd: Albert W. lltClellf. (' la ud Nen, bl'Ou,ht III) at the IlIlIt meeting.
mo"" .... ith 1\ nOlebook of jOlt!",.. baek. 1'lI lmH~e O. Cann""n, John I~, WRln· A new penaion pl.n W.1l ~n l:ge.ted to
of cm'(.'lol)/!lI. lien full of ink, rMlio 011 wril!br, Willillm S_ Coon!')" ,\ I"H1 J-'- the' bll ~ineu mllnn;rr IrUI ll,il will be
with IIOrI, 1IOOIIlIng musie: I elln .:(In(,"('n· ].'o rd , AlldN!'" \ V. ('onn ... II}·. I·'rllncl, J. t.krn 1111 nt II Inter dillf'.
Irale now while I'm writing Ihil re lKlrL ~tung, Wnlter A. liobb8, HnrnlOud O. Alldrey, tbe girl ill our ollieI'. w... nt lind
To IIll1rt wi!Il, let', akill the Curti. liohman, ChnrJr!J I'l'ddicord, 'l'hl'l.lllorc O. got ht'l"seU mnrried. We ecrlllinly wit"
Jlu,. tllrd t!w< mouth, lince the Ollly ,\JitltlieiM. ~'r(J"1 r()"' : G. \\'. 1\l1l1er, her happiueII8.
gr('lI! ntli"itiI'1 ril;hl now con8i~t in the Oe(lrll'e W. l.... nsiJJ. Chnrlell V. Dryer. The mOl her of Cllri :\liICht11. our buti·
irou "hOll 1I111klllg bu un, II few 80 footertl. Albert h 1I!1fller. Jr .. "~dwllrd W. W!'i(\· nw mnnaCl'r. pa!llled a ..... ,. a .hort time
lind I'Rintel'!< lI!t1!igned 10 IlIIinting .n of mlln nnd J llmt"O K I"ritike,.. Your, Iflily nco. Our Ilympath,., Carl.
Ille bulldlllg•. Could it be thllt tlH~ re..on WU lOO bUill' lit lbe eaml'rII to f;:tt 011 Ibi, KSYNETlI E. Gt:RDF.8, P. S.
",'Il,. tllf' F\'d('rai workera pay rallM! fell For the ben(!th of th~ BrolhHIt
through for the 1ard, ia thut It i. going
who would like to h.,·e II ropy of th ... •••
h) he ":\Iolh,bulled?" lIow llbout II picture till.'y cnn "'rite to :\iIH I'nrk
nllBhu"bt to light u p the Illg('Onhole where lieif;:hlll A,'e .. or phone llO· !Ut):!, I, 1',1\
"UnrelIable" New EnQland
II", hill i~? uMblc to contllet )'on. So now m1 deak Weather Caus os Work Slump
Tht' hi" new, right uow II the coming
l'll't'tion for ('ongrUllmen Ami Repre~entll'
i. den red IIlItil the neilt lellO'f. !'io Ions.
Runr-Ii ~.:"IUI, 1'. S.
IJ • u. 151 -J, UANSON, MASS.- Now thnt
Ihe Inowdriftll of. very hllrd winter Ilrt
ti"f'a, then fo r our own loell.\ electIon
ntralr coming orr in II meeting or two. So
• • • mnkln, wily for'n gr n..... and Ihe
Willow. lind pOplortl .re pUll in g out liule
we .... iII "lIrt our nomin.tin, rirht now Nine Per Cent Waqe Increase !;olden bn'athera IJefore tn l rn~ting their
and tbat ia lIone 100 ('arl,.. I wiah and
bOIJoe for the ,0()(1 of the 10C'1I1 union and Won by Local 1439, SI. Louis IIrt'('ioul lIilo·er·green Il'.n·, to tbla un·
rt'li.ble New Engl.nd w""lIht'r. we lire
the 1 0 th.1 tht ntw 1'1('1 of omr't1"1 lIftf't I •. (1 , 1139, s·r. LOlli S, "O.-\nnth" "orr) iUi: ,.boul tl'e f"II ;IIIo: "IT ,,[ .. urI.
Wf',. IIrt In_tailed will tarry on .a the job completed-that ill. tile I'Onlrll~t and and thf' m.ny memJrtora wh o .rt 1.ld
formf'r oftlt'trs pf'rfor1U1'd weIr dutil'll. Jf ".I:'C nerotiationll. The ntgotlatin.c: rolll' olf.
Ihf',. do the,. .... ill mllke the lIIf'mhf'rllhill mitl~ again diu. lood job. Our "'''I:H
Our Mnrch m~ting was well alteml"",
ft'tl pl'l'lud of itlf'lf. ,\ nothtr major item Ilr~ illeteued !) lM;'r cellt III of April I, nnd Wf' discussed nmendml'nlll 10 Ollr
confronting 1111 I, plckh'Ii: del('gMtlJ to go I UIS. A new prOI}()Sed IIlck It'll \ e wu I'Ontrllct whicb must IJe read,. by :\Iny 1.
to the I. IJ. K " '. Con.-enlion in AlIJ:'u~t. IIIrneti down by tht 1<)('111, hnl ...e rf!- Gcorge Sayee ia Ihe onl1 member or tbt
We mu~t <'-heck mtmbertl who {'Iln QlIlIlify. tnined "'bllt wc h.d. TIle Irt()IJO'lN] Itil'k ntlotintinc committee who did not IIfrve
One naturall,. mut be in good .. anding I(>n,e g."f' • 20-ye.r f'1U1)lo,.e 120 tllI"~ III1~t yl'lIt. FIf' IJIkl'll Ihf' I'IIIIM' (If Ellrl
and havt plld up dues, by 11.11 meanl!. to 1,1U1 100 hal! d.y3. but 110 pn,. fur Ihf'
l1amnlond. !'r.. who declined to lieI'Ve.
be tlhllblt 1 will tf)' to let YOII know liMIt two darB. Our old Biek 1f'1I"r for On Mond.:r. Mllreb 29. ","e "Oled 1I0t
in Ihe II(,X{ i.uf' of the fortunate Broth· II 2O-rear employe ia 40 d.,.. ht>cinlllnc to a~pt the terma otrertd 0111" com-
('I'ft wbo .... 111 be elected to roo with the tint dllY. mittee and Ibe,. will meet the mllnalt-
Noll' for our "FIII~ltIi,t..1 ~~III.I",,,," ... ith Tltl·..., i~ " 1",...·,. Ilrugram vf nf''''· «In· ment IIl:'aln in • few da,. •.
Ihe ldnd perm i_ion of Brothf'r Gf'Orge .truetion ,oing on· within our c:ompllll",
We bad a !lKret bIlllol IlIken on
I~. Copwtll, p r1'88 !lKN!Ulr,' of T.oenl l'n· Of eoUr1ll! II lot of thill la ;\vrn OUl lo
:\llIreh 2G, in compliance with the Tdt·
1011 28. Your lleribe hili I.Ieen IIlIlhorliled I'Qntrlletors. I llIrlley r.JRW. T he (juelltJon Will![,
\0 wrltl' II few IIII!'G nhOllt II 1l"'ell Job com· The ellrly date of tJlIl com'Nrllon thll
~~nr cllught Il~ off' llnll('. WI"l1 hll"e to wllethf'r n new employe IIlIould, ufter au
I.leted by It awell gnuJ:' of f(,]low wnrk('rM. '1lIya, be required to join Iht unIon
'l' hl' ,'I~I'lril'nl "'olllru('\nr wnll 11w .11l~hIlJ~ l"lv~ n I<l)1'('inl m('elillJ; It) elei't o u r rl~le·
The vote WIIS "yell," 120: "no." G.
Some of the ennmel·room glrla hll,'e
IR't'1I jll'l"ing in lbtl IIB11t!Ulbl,. tl~lI.rl·
t'njoyillg the ~ ulI s h;" e lit, llaltimol'e IIItnt.
Dot Hem haa tliteO,'ert'd that b,. con·
tinuoll,. nibbling on \'IlriOlla kinds of
eough drops ~he mny flvoid ,lippin" InlO
"'Iernity. Well. we think tibe could c1011f'
the window atlu .iring out.
Annie Richard bsd II birtbday on
]',I/lT... h 2ft Wf' 1111 llol'lp. IIhf' will hllvf'
!lllIny more hllllPY Olll!ll.
Bill DlI.rsch should have kno .... n better
Ihan 10 hllve hill birtbdny on April 1.
Diek S.yee \.IeI;'ame thf' d.ddy of •
haby Jirl on thl': last day of Marcb.
Eftle Townes returned to ..-ork after
lin iIInf!'l!l. Avia Pieree ia aheent bet-auae
of It ,trained bac:k.
li'tllow members of Loeal No. Hili, let'lt
do • relll hrotherly letiou. Let', take
Ull a .:(Iliection lind blty IhOl'e lugE"
hf'Brltd losertl n Cadillae, In whleh to
ridl' 10 the poorhouse.
.\Ieuntlme we mustn't get dl&coll rnged.
El"rrybody can't be. on top. !'lome ot ua
• • nm~t hold lhe lop guy up. A lid hI': haa
renched the peak lind there', no .... here
.r"r him to go f'Xet'pt d.,wn, Mllyhe you'll
iJou/(cd fl.I though. IIpring had COlltjj to BaltimOTjj when. thill pictuTe of Broth&T' h(' on top next. 1"I"/ld,. for the next movt.
0/ Local No. f8 $Call taken. Brother Sear. 0/ L. U. 1388 forwarded thi. picture. Y.,..RnA M. r .A!'t'f., P. S.

PaQe Thlrly The Electrical Workers '

'Scot'e Shee t' rOt· Linking the OM Marked !net'ease in
Lahot' SlIlllnuwized World to the New Utilities Revenues
(CQntinued from paIl~ 3) (Conti/cued from. "IXl11' 8) EIC!etTic operating revenues of the
Ana as to NoaA ', a,.k th, ,., COlilt iargt'r prh· electric utili-
good prospects at this writin~, Cor ties in the United States amounted to
S. 472, whieb would provide $:100,- The olit,t-bearitl9 tWv" $3,689,591,000 in 1947 compared to
000,000 or
Federal aid 10 the state., So doth. the aceall tdcl/rapil, $3,292,696,000 in 1946, according to
COr education pUrposes, has already
This marvel of our day, figures releaaed recently by the Fed-
passed in the Senate and stands a Give hopeflll prfJmise tltat til., /im6 eral Power Commission. The increa!!'!
Of war s!tall ebb away . . , . was largely offset by increased com-
good ehll.llce of passing in thl' bined operating expenses, taxes and
House. This bill would provid(> ']'he lluthor's hope tbat a shrink- depreciation charges which totaled
grants-in.aid to aU 48 states. with ing world would begin to spell onc $2,925,829,000 in 19-17 as against $2,-
world !:>CelUs II little naive to us lIOW. 629,009,000 in 19-16.
larger SUIlI'; goillg to the le~.,
:.\lor\l reservedly, the Londoll Oper ating revenues of natural gas
wealthy "ull('~. One of its effects companies reporti ng to t.he Commis-
would be 10 tend to equalize tllC :J.'imes remnrked that, "si nce the sion amounted to $663,3i8,000 in 1947,
educational opportunities among discovcry of Columbus, nothing bns a n inereasc of 16.1 per cent over the
the sta\.(>s, whi('h is all to the good. been donc in /luy degrec compar- $571,115,000 reeeivcd in 1946.
a ble to the vnst enlnc'gl'lllent wb ieh
As to it('m G, ('al1in~ for a stront!'
hIlS thus bcen giwll to thc sphcre
American role in foreign affairs.
of humau ndivity."
the U. S. hns be('11 committed to
New attempts to IllY impro\'cd
Power Seen Ct'ucial
such a role COt many months. Tt is
n role tbat ll'uly ('nils for rcal vision CtIblc wcre delayed by th{' Civil Factot· in the ERr
and stat(,<:JllIIll'!:hip of a high order. War, but. on July 23, Itl6,j, tbe
Beca use induen-ial expansion of the'iy, the spectacle »r('- Great Bas/ern, largcst ship of the countries benefiting from the Eur-
day and thc only one allont rallable opean Recovery Program (ER P ) can
Sl'ulcd b~' til(> h('ads of onr arm('d
of carrying the 20,000 tOilS of cablc onl y proceed as last as the s upply
forc('<;-whi('h nre r(>!!poll'lible for of power permits, BOme observers see
ncccssary to link NewfoundlalHl to
impl(,IlH'nting our forcign affnir!!' tho $300,000,000 allotted to power
I reland, set forth on her first
role-has not bccn cdifying. Mnn;" expan.sion in Europe as the crucial
cnblc-Iaying nssignmcnt. With factor In the success of the whole
of the gcncrnls and ndmirals seem about 1,200 miles Inid, the payin,C!- program. Tho $300,000,000 is in-
lIIorr ('oJ1('eru{'d with pN'ser\'ing out genr ou the stern slu1dl'nly cluded in tho $5,300,000,000 allotted
t1lrir own j)1'!'rojZativr!i nnd privi- fai lcd and t hc ('nble wns sc\'err(\. to ER P for ita first year of. operation.
legrs tliun thry do in earrying out It was n moment Ihnt truly tried Under tho program, half a billion
th{' !illirit of til{' IInifi('lllion bill. dollars' worth of generating equip-
tli(' souls of thc ('u,C!inecrs Ilboanl. ment is scheduled to be shipped to
'I'h(' Ch'i!illll heads of th{' ArIll~" A ycnr Intc r. with ne'w cilble nnd the sixteen nations and western Ger-
Na,-y and .\ ir Fon'c also oftcn improvcd apparatus for its hnn- many in the next five years.
scem to bc at logge rheads on vitlll d ling. t he Orc-at Eastern Ilgnin Tho question has been raised in
issues. Am{'rica is committed 10 n pi\iled for 'rrinity Buy, Ncwfound- !lOme circles as to whether this
poliry of containing: communism (Ill laud. 1t succ£''>Sful1y completcd its qua ntity of electrical equipment can
be shipped to EUrope without. hinder-
dozens of frnnl'l. J\ m('rh'n is iIl- \'oyng-£' in two wcekf; lind from that ing tho U. S. $6,000,000,000 power-
S('r\'ed wht'n these inl('r-sl'r\'i('l' day to this America unu F.urop(' expansion program. A writer in the
squabble!'! bN'f)me the cau"r of IUl- havc r('mained liukcd undcr watCI'. New York Time.s says: "Some utility
In pn~ing, it IIlny be noted that til£' analysts have gone 110 far as to SA}"
tiona], nnd illt('rnntiounl. (,OIllIllI'Ilt. that it will be ten years or more betore
~ummin!! up labor'.;; "wMk
first cffort of the Greal I:.'a.~tl nl wn.'t
we can hope to furnish Europe with
sheet" for ('ollt.:"r('<;'1, UI('I1, the not. n totnl IQ>.:;. (lrnIlPliuJ,! ,:!car gener ating equipment. They contend
was de\'eloprd whieh f;lIt'('eell('d ill that their argument for domestic
S('ore lx_nrt! shows projZJ"('<;!'I in til('
n'eo\'erin~ the 1.200 mil{''! I)f Io:oot attention first is not purely !!'!Ifish:
fi~ht to rl'p('nl the Taft Harll(';" rather, they say, we can help Europe
c'abl('. 'rhe layin~ o[ it WI\.'! SIH'·
Law. pro,:!"r{"'i in the fight til (''(t('lld ccssfully completcd and it I)('l'!llIl(" only after we ha,'O met our o".-n
educationnl fUl'iliti{'s, and prou:r(' ...." power demands.."
the seeond transatlantic eablc.
in the progrnm to gil-e Am('ri('n n Of all the countries whose general-
With its early trinls and ('rrol"! in~ equipment was damaged by war
stroll!! role ill for{'i21l IltTllirs. On o\'cr. rablr-Iaying becam{' Il mor(' or action, Italy fared the worst. Hydro
the debit 'lid,' 1UU!;;t bP plac'NI thl' 1(''18 routine lIlaUc>r. 'roday. ahout lIOurces were utilized for about 94
lost NIll'I{'S of curbing the hil.(h I'I~t 400,000 nalllieallllil('~ of eable link per eent of the power gcnerated prior
of Ii\"int!. grtting nn ad('(luntc all contincnt!!. Ther{' havc 1><>('n to World War II. As the oceupying
hOllsiut! prOjZrnlll ('nn{'tcd. nnd IOIl~er. more 1Il1l ...."iw c'abl(''t laid
Germans ret.reated up the peninsula,
lhoy wrecked many generating sta-
nll\illt('nnn('r of 'II rong rent (,Ollt rol. ~incc thc one of 1ftiR, bllt none has
tions and t.ransmission lines. The
That gives u<; a bnlling avcragc of inspired the f{'('l ings of awe and Netherlands also suffered heavily,
.GOO _ cx{'(>l1 r nt fo r a bn;;ebll il wondcr occasion('d by the first slcn- sUltaininr a power break-dov.-n of
p laycr but not good I'nonl!h for der strand which linked Ameriea abo ut 80 per cent due to Germany's
labor 's SCO I'C shcet. Ilnd E n gla n d. attacks on the genera ti ng stations.

Journal for June. 1948 Page Thlrly-on8

tho speed, throtUe lIt:uing, ~wer
New 'C~lall~dess' CluLch, Employing a demands, etc. It!! long life and . Implo
~lagncllC FJeld, Has Many Applications conltruetion also recommend it lor
thill usc.
Other Uses
NEW MAGN ~;T J C fluid dutch,
A controlled by small amounts of
el.cctric. pUlVe r and characterized by
The newly disco vered effect i. ap·
plied to clutch operation in the tol-
lowing manner: When the space be-
However, Rabinow and his as-
sociates at the Bureau o[ Standards
~Igh elhcJ~ ncy, s mooth operation, long twccn two parallel magnetic plates is belicve thaL the main field in which
life, and IU nlpticily o r construction has filled with finely divided magnetic the new dutch will find extensive ap-
been invented by Jacob Ilabinow of particles such as iron dust, and a plication il in connection with 8eI"'lO
the National Bureau ot Standards. magnetic field is establish<."d !>etwecn mechanilm&---which can be de.fmed in
The novelty of the dutch i. based on the two plates, the magnet ic l)artidtlS general as instruments that translate
the diKOvcry by Mr. Habinow that form chains which bind the two 1)late!! electronic "information" into approp"-
the frictional forces between solid together as tightly as if they were riate changes in pUl'1!ly mechanical
surfaees and certain types of fluid held together with strong spring equillment. Such devie6 a re now used
media can be controlled by tho applica- clamps. for power lteering of large truckl,
tion of magnetic fields. tan k s, steamships and aircraft.
Vi bration Elimina ted Power brakes utilizing servo mechan-
The simplest magnetic fluid dutch il\m/J are being extensively used in
is Ill/ up or 8 ctcmcntll- n driving Olleration of the clutch is chal'ac-
heavy duty trucks and in some expen·
shaft with a plate nl its end, n dl'ivcn tel'ized by extrcme smoothness and /JIve l)aSHC!nger automobiles, They
shaft and 1)ll1to, nnd literally millions a bsence of "chatter." In the ord ina ry
are al80 used in printing p resses,
of fine iron pnrtie:lcs, suspended in oil . dry-f riction clutch there is usually
power machinery, for the control of
packed between the inner surfaces ot " large difference between the mag-
radar antennas, gun direction control,
tho two plates. Other than these nitude of static and kinetic frictional
forces. This effect gives rise to a na- in range finden, and in high-llpeed
particles in oil. there are no connec- electronic: computen.
tions between the driving and driven tural tendency to "chatter" somewhat
elements or the system. like the vibration of a violin s tring Another fie1d of applic:ation ill in
when a bow is drawn across it.. In the automatic control of machinery
the magnetic fluid dutch, the locking where Ilervo mechanisms are not in-
force is practically constant, and the volved, Illl in drilling and tapping op-
bond bety,'een the two plates is a func- erations and for overload devices.
tion of the gradual incl'1!ase of mag- The new clutch has already aroused
netic field, electrically controlled. Be- considerable interellt on the part or
cause the relation between the ameunt government a nd industrial offieialll
of magnetization a nd the bond be- who have inspected test models.
tween the plates is linear, and in- Patent applications ror the new in-
dependent of speed, there il no point vention have been filed and the in-
at which the clutch suddenly tightens venter has assigned all patent rights
up to produce a jerk. A nother factor to the U, S. Government.
is that when the dutch is fully (!fl-
gaged. and the load applied is not
greater than that for whic=h it ill
designed, slippage is completely elim·
inated, affording a mechanism that ill
100 per cent efficient. Smoothnen
and efficiency are also characterillti('
or similar electro-magnetic brakes.

Application to Autos
A major advantage of the mllgnelie
I\uiq clutch-in addition to simplicity
or construction. smoothness and ease
of CQntrol, and 100 per cent efficienc)'
when 10000ked-is that wear is prac-
tically non-existent. Allor the work-
ing surfaces are bathed in oil and
such small amounts of wear as might
occur would simply add to th(' supply
of iron particles.
Perhaps the most obvious applica-
tion of the magnetic nuid clutch il tor
automobiles. The feature which
Jlarticularly adapts the new clutch for
usc in cars is its easy controllability,
which makes it attractive for service
In. all e~perfmrnt at the National in automatic transmiSllion Iystems
Ollreau 01 Standard., Jacob Rabinow where permanently engaged gear A mO/flwtic fi'lid con.i.ling 01 jine
(right), inventor, and Loui. Schuman. trains are clutched in and out for i,'ol& powder and oil lorml th. heart
drvc/opment rllginecr. IItpport thll non_s.hirt operation. Sin c e the 01 th. mognetic Ii'lid clutch. lVh.f!1I
weight 01 Patricia llickol.. (J 17 amount!! of electrical power required oded ttPOIl bll a Bmall permanent
poutld.) through. « two-iJlch. .quare to control the magnetic fluid clutch magnet tha.t lJOrtion 01 the mixl'lr"
IJlate im"'t'r.ed in magnetic lim'd are s.mall, it is a simple matte r to ill th" magnetic field "30Iidifit'll" a.nd
mtergi:ed blf an olectromagnet. interl ock the electrical circuits with adhere' to the magnet.

PaQe Tblrty·two Th e Electrical Workers·

Ju nllury 13, L918, 10 A JU"il 12, L91H, 1rll'lus i, c

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Il a),mond Flelch!'r. L. l '. No. 880
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William R, Kn .. .,
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Meh'in J . Da,·is. L. U. No. 309
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h i,i. .. J J .... ~ 18. /9fJ Cha rlotte Krnn) , L. U. No. 1031
l .. uiMeJ N"" . ...b ... I . "~/I
U l.e-onan.l n )\0 .... 1.0~I.QO Euge ne Brune tt r. I.. U. No. 35J
•I n. <5")
A".II. t: . 'lIIon
lll1rold JI. 1(lalla.
(·h"rl.. U ... ·hard
I.n~o 00
SOl' II)
1.0011 00
I"",.~. S~"U"'''" 1'. '9., JO!~e ph ('on l l', 1... U. No. 1238
I"'II."J 0.,,,1>n 11. 19 4 /1
Willi.", IIt .. mp( 1.100 no John Busche!. L. U. No. 501 Jame14 lIe lme14. I.. U. No. 1219
.:..1•• y 1.0110 M h;,'.,~J 0 ......... ' I. n il. i .. t.. U. N". /I/I~
1'". U6H
() (1) Waller A I'",lth I.OM 1"1 1.. ;'iM .J M ., ,. "42
1 II. (I'I) (1"0'.' C IAolwl"
o ('h"d... p .... ly '7~ 00 Ca rlO. Carls on , I... U. No. 50 1 l\I l' rrill L. 1I01lalld. I.. U. No. 1219
I(\(UH IIpnr, J Wo"I ...·.,,"th
Jo .... ph )' Olmbl
U'II0 00
h , i, .., • • If .. , .. " lJ. ' ' ' '
I~ i" ",~. D ......."" 29. J'),
V... no. C. w.l<~n.·ld 1.00001 Edwin 1'. Murphr / L. U. No. r;;,o K C. l\Icii. I.. U. No. 1219
al I .. II. (lh.ldo" I.ono.oo 1""jM~. O~ •• ,..b~, 12. " .,
CI, •• I... J. 11,·" .. ",,,, I ...IIMN o,,~ 2tl, 1J ~ 7

Eatl It. It .... h
Charlie L.
!.loyd ):
JOhn A
I), lIall
."'110 ,'mOtt
Uenjamin H. IlroYl·n. L. U. No. 613

II . D. Eth rid ge, L. U. No. 613

1 .. ,'i....tiI If,.., • • IJ~/I
Earl 1I1t",·kins. L U. No. 13;;9
l .. i"M~t/ Ou~ ... h , )0. " 44

Cha rles H. Oaw80n. L. U. No. 1198

317 ltaymon.1
H.rold C
l.nOI' 00
h,,,.,.J J .. ". ' Il. "4' I "".., ..J M",." I ll, 19J'

J . A. Sehil1ing. )•. LT. No. 697 Geo rlfe C. J)ctrick, J... U. No. 15 15
AI(tI" !'Ii'"",U,.", Sll.H
, .... " .. T".lln I.U\lO O~ l " i"M,J .4 , ,,118, " ~ I. ' " L . U. N ... " J""i"ut/ F~6 . ...., 18, /9 4 '
Vrod"rit"k M,.,\I.lnn'
);1",.·. A l 'lo-k"u
s"n 00 ===
IIl1b~r. I, T\i ... l~ 1.00') no
:"in",.. '\1'0000
'" II ..... ,. C MH'. Jr 17' 00 ' .. 1 .
Ellgineers Needed for

Ha,.mond ~. FI",'II.. r 1.000.00 EUlleno M n .... t
Ui I I, ,t ... rt W 1I0nnl.1 un 00 f;(!,,'n,<I (; \·o~.·la",n~
12" .:'''''' C' M~II ... 1.01'" 00 I." (131) Joh" P. (Hobelh'lI 1.00GII~ Nuclear Power Projects
I 0, (II)

('h.I.IOI'h~r O''''r.'
c II tl<'''''I~r
('" ...1•.,. \\'1' .... 1•• ,
1.000 DO
1.0.000 ....." ,
I." U)
J.m .... P.
Ch ...... J
("harl,. A
William A.
I.O~O to
1.0$0 . .
Increasing use o r electricit y may
result in an a ddi t ion of 40,000,000

John (I 111".1" ......1 1.00110
WaIU. II T" .. n .... ".1 10101
~ 1 .,~ln (lha ..
Fin'. " l'h ..rn
.: .......11 I. Til. k ...
JOO 00

R ..I.lld C K,I .....,.
}'I .. yd S )Jill .... .
1011 01
kilowatts of Installed calmcity in the
United Statell in 10 years and 200.-
1.00010 Jam. . . .' IOln,,_n
" 0:11 E ~ ItW ...
I . . .' (h""I~, ... "
1.000 10
1:1 ) l lIrd......
Anlhon,. 8
K .......
I.' O.
Q 000,0(}() kilowatts in 30 year.;, A. C.
I II 16M) S"la F So.. tt ..., . 1:5 ••
'.1 0 Monteith, director of education at the
I 1I (U) J"I,n IIr, 1._" ."
WIIII.m ...
.""d.,,) , " oe
I. "
W"-'IItinghl)u~e. told the M.dwest Power
I,. ('U)
T"o,ua" II , ... ,U>~ ..
Walt'. 1...... 1.
U~ Th..."lo ... \\ 1.1"'"
Conference at Chicago.

IlIj Hot<.1"t (' L ... l>k.

Ita) ...... ,,1 A.·,. ,
11&) m'd C ..... I.olI~ ...
It lAo Lon ..
1. .... 080 '"
I tl.F1"I
Thom_ F.
('.. ,~rt ...
Tho .. J>oO
This expanllion would call for a
greally increased n umber of power
,•• II.. rn,.n ....b."
I."'" I (0 1:80)
tth .. nnan c
L )J.h~.
K"h~I .. ,. 1.00."
I."'" engineers to handle the problem of
AIb.1"t ... t>rta
TII"",a. I' ).' '''''n
I ........
1. ... 0 , .
'(OIIUI II.n. 1I01m...
I (l n:5) W B J~II ••• •
1 $UOI generating and distributing the added
J'_I,h n 1(a".. 1
Cha",.. W
lta".h I. Ifl ...... '~'
<I.,,,,,, .•,, 1."0'0
1 .• no o.
I 100 O'

1('0 (341)
Juan ,. numa"
F K !lvt'Id... h
1,010 ••
power, he said. Speaking of the de-
velopment of nuclear energy, he said:
Ed..-anl L. .101, :>;ull)
"on. 1,0. . . .
F... h ....1 _·I~r I.~"'OI
:11 )I'll., Ed,,'n P. 11"tI'II)' ioU'" "Therr is a tendency to infer that
11011.".1 F. 1.0'0 eo ,It O.
, ,"'rl". S (">1"11
I II (3)


(·hul ... II
0..., •• , , .. rl II 0 ....1
I"h .... I",

J"",, ...n
I ..... D'
I.oo .. n
u.n 00 ...
lIarry •• I'khon
t..... J
Tony U"",
I ......
1 ' .. 01
phyaici8t.a and chemists will be able to
handle all phases of this projcct. But

.:~ .0
actually there will be a real neceuity
, .. ,,'" 1<1 II. COOl< ~I'O 00 I:~ 11 •• \'t"y I_II !SOU
'''''u J fla"I~ 1.011000 ror power enginccr.; who have suffi-
M William 1.0, .. " ISoU
1I .. ,lol"h Ifl"n' ...... I.ooe 00 Jam .. H. "",·1.,..,,,
" 11000

". J ..... ,!.h (' I ... a"

'·a,,1 p,,, k
( .... ·"r II lI"n,lr"'k~
15000 ....
I () lUI)
( ..... a. H .-'<1,1 ...
)1 W. W""'
B"" ""nl.·"
cient knowledge of l'·ower generation
and distribution tech niq ue, to weigh

11000 the va rious factors involved in the prG-
J ... n... l\, I.O~6 00 1101","1 Ilak,..
7H JO.··lIh 8. T"",,·,. ",
T .... mlln A 1!1I1~r
'··.. nl< II .. ,·.· ..,·.,
o 0 .... "1 F Uu""
)lorr'. 1I0""',b,',.
M duetio n of power by nuclear ene rgy if
this is evcr to b-ecome a c()1n pctitor to
10. (181) I"ra"k I)"~I. I.OQO.OO t he pre8ent &OU I'ce8 of ene rgy."

Paqe Forty Th e Electrical Workers'

Mr. Micawber was only half- right!
Simply not spending more than you 2 . If yo u' r e in business, o r a
M R.toMICAWBER'S financial advice
young David Copperfield is make isn't enough. Every family fanner, or in a profession, and t.he
jusUy famous. must. have a cushion of snvings to Payroll S.wings Plan is not avail-
fall back on ... lind to provide fo r able t.o yo u, t.hen sign up at. your
Translated into United Slates bank fo r t.he Bond -A- Month P la n .
their future security.
currency, ilrunssomet.hing like this:
U. S. 8.wings Bonds ofTer one of Each helps you build a nest. egg
"Annual income. /U'O thousond the best ways imaginable to build of absolutely &'lfe, IO(Y;' govern-
dollars; annual exp enditure. savings. mcnt.-backed U. S. Savings Bonds.
nineteen hundred and ninety- Two convenient, automatic plans And t.hese bonds make more moncy
nine dollars; result, happiness. make the systematic purchase of for you while yo u save. For after
Annual income, two thousand Savings Bonds bot.h su re and o nl y ten years, t.hey pay you back
dollars; annual expenditure, trouble-free: $400 forevcry $300 you pulin lhem.
tll:O thousand and one dollars; I. l( yo u work for wages or salary, J oi n the Plan you're eligible for
result, misery." join Pay roll Savings-t.he only today! As Mr. Micawbcr would say:
Mr. Mic..1wbcr was only half-right.! inst.allment.-buying p lan. "Result, security!"


® ,~
Co,,""",''' by mo"",i.. i" ~I~ro"""
with the M agazine Publishers of Amcrico aspublic senice.
---- <::::::::::::::--~
Anybody can pass the huck. Even stupid people can master the
art ... and frequently do . . . with a liuJe practice.
The tough crick lies in knowing when nol to do it ... in knowing
when the buck will boomerang and lay you low.
Jc's easy to pass the buck on eJeccion day, (or instance. There lrc
plenty of willing hands to grab it.
Those hands belong to people who profit from high prices and rents
without ceilings .. . people to whom "the good old da ys" mean the days
when labor was kept at heel, to be exploited and oppressed.
Such people want you CO pass the voting huck (0 [hem.
They want to tOSS it hack at you with such (orce it will knock right
out from under you all the things you take for geamed . . . three meals a
day, a comfortable home, reasonable job security, an education for your
children, your right to self-expression.
These things are less secure today (han they were twO years ago.
You've noticed that, haven't you? And do you know why? Because
you or people like you passed the buck instead of voting!
Get smart-don'c pass the buck this year. Bear [he boomerang by
voting . . . and get your friends and fellow-workers to do likewise.



No. I-GoM l~iII.', 1 E",I11.,,,, Gil! Tic CIa"-I' 81.00
No. 2- 101.1. (, ..I.I 1.11 1••.1 lb .... " 1.;;0
fl. ...
~- noll .. ,1 CoM l'il1 ( I., .. In,li,-._)

t--Hull,..1 Cul,1 1.:,1'.-1 liullm,

fl.o. (_10 1<1. CnM 1."""1 lIullo ll 1.75

No. 7- 101.1. Cnl,l l..aI,el lIull .. "
8 - 10 1<1. ( :nl,1 Db", ... ,,1 Sh"I'C E",hlem
(;,,"1 FiII",j Tie Sli.le

Nu. 10· - 10 1.1. (: .. 1,1 /ling 10.30
Nu. 11 - 10 1. 1. (: .. 1,1 lI:u l/l:<' or Ihonor . 2.50
MET,\!. L,\ltELS ( 5. 10. 15. 21) "".1 25 J'eaN!}
.3 ('..r 100 No. 12- 10 1.1 . C"I.I ..:"' .. , •. "" itoll ..,1 GoM
CI",i .. Ti., Cla·I' 1.30
fl.". 13-r: .. 1,11'1"".. 1 .\,,,.iIi"r~ I'i" ( rnr La.lie·) .50
Addre~~ All Orders i'o. I t-C .. I,I Fill ... 1 \\lOr \ "I .. rnn·~ !J .. llo" 1.75
i'o. I;; · -II .. " . ~ 10 kl. e"", Hinll: 18.00
J"'''' ln" n .. ' ·.' nl C. O. D.
• lI in' r"rn;.." .... "'oIy in
1200 Fifh't' lIlh SI .• '.W. l~, 1~'

Th,· (11.0"" "rtidl'. ,,·i// III' ... ,I,./il'll ,wi,. orh "" III/' ''''',IP' IIl/lOUII' /",,, /""'11 " ' mit/.'d. l.r"j"rn/./y '" r/,,,,,k IIr mOil",.
0"''''. 1.. ~"Oiri,'", ,,'mill .... rl' ,..i// 'f'~" I' ill Ih" OTller b.·intl: "" TI'''''l!IrI;;'·''. """'''Ill'''' "XI""" is lore,,,,;d "" 1,1/
"r/icll'~ . All /'Uf'$ " ". i,u/"d,'d in "'I' "/JOr"./isl"d ,Jri.-es.
• •

T here's on c IOO-proof way t o gua rd your door
against Ihis fellow's visit.
There's wolf poison in every U. S. Savings Bond
you buy. Therc'sswect security, too-for your home,
you r family and yourself.
U. S. Sa,"ings Bonds are 100 % guaranteed by
Uncle Sam. They pay you S4 for every $3 you put
in, after 10 years.
Think of this profitable saving in terms of future
comforts and luxuries. Think of the advantages it
will mean for your children as they grow up.
Think. THI NK. TI-HNK.
Then start saving right away-today! Start saving
olltomofically this sure, convenient way. I r you work
for wages or salary, enroll in the Payroll Savings
Plan-the ollly installment buying plan.
If you' re not eligible for this plan-if you're in
business but nOlan a payroll -ask your bank about
the equally practical Bond·A·Month Plan .
REMnmER - U. S. Suings Bonds are poison
to ,,'oh'es!

Automatic, sa"ing is Sore saving- U.S. Sa"ings Bonds

COII/ribuled by t!Ji$ magaZille ill co-operation witl, the M aga:ille Publishers oJ Allwrira os a public sen/ce.

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