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li dtoPC mess
++{Ao u i e Neu\s'/ By Rey E. Requejo, MJ
ct) Blancaflor, Joel E, Zurbano,
Macon Ramos-Araneta
and MaricelV. Cruz

.& i HIEF Justice

$ Lucas Bersamin on
"4. Mondav ordered
-Manila- an inventory oiall cases
involving the Philippine
iTUESDAY JULY 30, 2019
Charity Sweepstakes Office l

amid allegations that some

judges benefited from
comrption at the agency.

Bersamin issued the order after re-

ceiving reports that some courts were
quick to issue temporary restraining
orders or writs of injunction against the
PCSO to stop it from disciplining its
erring agents,
Judges and clerks of first and second
level cou axe required to submit sum-
maries ofthe status oftheirPCSO cases
since 2018, including information on
whcthcr TROs or injunctions were is-
sued. Nertpage

PAQ€ ,oc* ,"-

Administrator. Pinili claimed that wlits of siol, not Garma's, the senatq said. Co
5C... prcliminary iqiunction were issued tb Small
also though the president had said he will not hon-
hom Al Town Lotrery agents whose agreements with
sai9 Duterte had ordered the legal team ofthe or an-y court order,
Office ofthe President to review all contrscts *We still have to have oul courts to be the
Judges have unril Aug. 15 ro comply wiLh
PCSO had been terminated
Court Administrator Midas Marquez then
entered into by PCSO, srbiter of questions on constitutionality and
lhe order.
'Actually this is how it happened: The new executive aitions," he said.
On July 26, President Roddgo Duterte or-
issued lhe circular on Monday afterdiscussing
with Bersamin "serjous alJegations ofmassivi
general manager Garma reponed that she re- Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Zarcte on Mon_
dered rhe closure olall PCSO gaming operations corruplion involving small town lottery and
ally- needed.the Piesident's help because drc day ieid presidenf Durertet., order to itop
due !o "massive corruplion." By Sunday. police
relly found ir hard ro figbt rhe conuption in the gaming operations of the PCSO was ,t;nfair
other gaming frarchises issued by the PCSO, PCSO. andto srop the huge losses of0re agelcy and iuegai,"
had shurrcred more than 21.000 gamjng ourlet:. some of whicb have suppossdly reached rhe ..lf the corrupt people invqlved
inchrding 5.1E7 loflo srores; 13,120 sm-all rown courts," site added.
m the past tbw monrhs," Duterteb e$rwbile as- are presi_
sistant told reponers at rhe Senare on Monday. dent Duterte,s app6inties rhen he shouta
louery kio.ks; 2. I 04 Perf ahan ng Bayan ourlets; Marquez had also issued a memorandum have
l hrs rs.not the tirst time the Supreme Coutt sacked these officials and overhaul the said
and 472 Keno shops. tojudges of rhe Regional Trial Courr of Man- .
On Saturday, Prcsident Duterte said he has-acted on the conlroversy hounding the office. But what is happening now is thar he
would nol honor any,rrdcr liom the cou[s
dahyong City, somc of whose bronches have Pcso. , is.punishing euerytoa]yl inctriaing the peopie
delivered TROs and injunctions againsl -
In March, Court Adminisharor Midas Mar- wtio rely on- pCSb foihelp for deir mediial
thal. would stop the govemment's..desire'. Lo PCSO. -
investigate the "massive corrupriorr Lhat is er- Meanwhile, bver 300,00b wirrkers of rhe
quez lssued a memo calling on judges in the needs, Zarst! said.
isting in the PCSO." fL systern are in limbo following the sus-
Mandaluyong RegionalTlial Court to be ..The question
now is whowill benefit from
On Monday., ciling a soLrce
S circumspecr in ganting TROs and Wpts iD tbese unibaritable sweeD operarions?.,
close ro rhe Presidenr. reporled
pension ofthe PCSO's gaming operations.
Documetrls obrained by Manila StaDdard
cases involving PCSO franchises. The palace on Monddy s;id the president is
The Coun Adminisfiaror reminded judges thoroughly invisiilaffi cJ.iuJ actiuiries io
Dutelte to issue a new directive was a report sbo\aed rhat the SfL sysl.em alone.leneraled
thal allegedly corrupt officjcis and emplLr)ees
to.Iolow the requisrres in granring TROS and the PCSO and would identify rhe culprirs .in
a lotal of314,596 jobs for organic eiployees, WPls aller receiving a complaint ftom the
ofthe agency were fighiing a PCSO board de- duetime."
sales superviso and sales agents/represenla-
crsLon to reassign them to anotber sector. lives narioDwide" for the year2018,
PCSO chairman about a coun issuance fd- ,.Right no%
the president said he will in-
voflng a smatt town.lortery o_p_eralor whose yestigate it thorowhly. He will identify every_
read the rcporr on Thursday. July These workers-most of them_former col-
- _Durefl.e
25. prompling hirn Lo sunllron rcw
-pCSO agency agreement with rhe PCSO had already one," panelo sai( in a radio interview'
lectors oflhe illegal numbers gamc ,jueteng'.
general manageer lloyino CaIrna for.a nreet- which rhe STL w;s builL to c6mbat-:tcmpo-
been terminared fo! non-remiLtance of funds. Th" pulac" ,pokesrnun aiioialJtte pCSO
pre sident
ing the nexl day. tlre news websiLe said. Some rurily lost theirjobs as the gaming agency iris . A lawmaker, meanwhile, said the vyill iror resume operations untii the govem-
should have lbllowed due process before or- ment finiihes its irivestieation.
hours later. Malac.ulang aired hjs verbal order yet ro anoounce whal itplans for them.
stopping PCSO's ganling formats. Labor Assistant Secretary Betrjo Benavi-
dering the closure ofthe PCSO outlets, .[Ie said fiere js a graid
consprary betlvecn
'lhe report included documents $o\a Sfaktg P {Nq! fady Edirion, Caga}€n d€ the plales, participanslana gamlig rciporaions.
ing dez sajd io a press conference Monday that ^ Rep: Runts or-
that Remeliza Gabuyo, Assistant Ceneral MaF 90 loddquez said the.Pr€sidenth tn <itriiworUs. *r,jre is inassiie mrirpriin ard fie
ager o[rhe Branch Opcrar,ons Secor, rcsisred a
affQctedPCSO workers who are members of der was'loo drasric and rooimmediate." courls are invoh€d" panelo said
board decision ro ransfer her lo rhe oflice ofLhe
Lhe Social Security Sysrem could apply for
"Everytody a$ees ttrat what tlle prcsident panelo said th; prcsident did not make a
unemployment insurance under [epublic did.was laudable bg;auy. heh really_ fighting hasty decision in suspenAing pclOt gu-ing
Ceneral Maruger ofrJre Man,rgclneni Sector, lhe Acr lll99 orthe Social Security Act oi20l9
Rappler report addcd.
aga6t corruption. [But] I believe the Prcsident opercrions.
(Sce relaled story on A3). '
should have really given due process. esp€cially .,The presjdenl met wiLh officials and the
The leftet dated March 14, inlor lued PCSO Also, Senalor Christopher "Bort'' Go rerrealed with those who ahesdy luve a contracr." he said. new PCSO head belore he announced it, a few
chairman ot rhe board and lhen officer-in- u"5 PCSO gem"l manager Royina Carma who
}Ie added that polica power was not appli- hours-before..In fact, they were togethei at the
charge Anselmo Pinili lhtt CJbuyo's lransfer
cannot be enforced since slle had afpealed jt
sought Pruident Rodrigo DuHet help in curbing cable in thiscase, ' time." he said.
befbre the Civil Service Corrmission.
tle alJeged corrupdon in the dgency.
The Presidcnt made rlle announcement $op-
"The obligation ofcontracrs is always pro- paDelo was referring to
Royina Carma, for-
tected by the CoDstiturion.It can only be set mer Cebu City pptcjdireitor, who beiame
Iir another Rappler report, Pinili had also piry PCSO'S gaming operations two hours afi;r
raised concems over the oases in a Feb. 12
process," he
aslde through due proc€ss," said. pCSO's
PCSO's general rentrcif,o Alexan-
manaser replacing
seneral manager, Aleyen-
his meeting with Carma. accordilg to Go. Rodriguez said PCSO outlet franchise der Baluian who wus -tiiO 6v the-president
letter to the high court\ Office of the Cou The order was purely the President,s deci- owners may appeal through the courts, even overallegations ofcorruption.

\ 4aFtaLtile- ileno,r v

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