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From: Ben Santer <santer1@llnl.

To: David Douglass <>
Subject: Re: Your manuscript with Peter Thorne
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 14:01:26 -0700
Cc: Christy John <>, "Thorne, Peter"

Dr. Douglass:

I assume that you are referring to the Santer et al. paper which has
been submitted to the International Journal of Climatology (IJoc).
Despite your claims to the contrary, the Santer et al. IJoC paper is not
essential reading material in order to understand the arguments advanced
by Peter Thorne (in his "News and View" piece on the Allen and Sherwood
"Nature Geosciences" article).

I note that you did not have the professional courtesy to provide me
with any advance information about your 2007 IJoC paper, which was
basically a commentary on previously-published work by myself and my
colleagues. Neither I nor any of the authors of those
previously-published works (the 2005 Santer et al. Science paper and the
2006 Karl et al. CCSP Report) had the opportunity to review your 2007
IJoC paper prior to its publication - presumably because you
specifically requested that we should be excluded from consideration as
possible reviewers.

I see no conceivable reason why I should now send you an advance copy of
my IJoC paper. Collegiality is not a one-way street, Professor Douglass.


Dr. Ben Santer

David Douglass wrote:
> Dear Dr Santer
> In a recent paper by Peter Thorne in Nature Geoscience he references a
> paper that you and he (and others) have written.
> I can not understand some parts of the Thorne paper without reading the
> Santer/Thorne reference.
> Would you please send me a copy?
> Sincerely;
> David Douglass

Benjamin D. Santer
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop L-103
Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A.
Tel: (925) 422-2486
FAX: (925) 422-7675

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