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Daily Processes and Tasks

Daily: CPD member Daily: WOL Daily: WOL reviews Daily: WOL determines Daily: WOL completes
uploads BWC randomly recording to ensure whether to give a BWC Video
recordings to selects one compliance with policy, members under review Review Report to at the BWC recording assess the need for an infraction or document findings
end of their shift. per tour of duty. training and tactical recommend counseling, and lists reviewed
improvements, ensure training, and/or recording in a BWC
close and effective policy review. Videos Viewed Report.
supervision, and ensure
assignment of an OEMC
number to the recording.
Monthly Processes and Tasks

Monthly: District executive officer Monthly: District commander

completes a Unit Report each month. reviews and approves the
The report includes a summary of monthly Unit Report and
members’ BWC activation activity, submits the report to the
a complied evaluation of BWC Video Inspections Division. District
Review Reports, all BWC Videos commander ensures that BWC
Viewed Reports, and all identified Videos Viewed Reports are
noncompliance issues with retained at the district.
corresponding corrective action.
Quarterly Processes and Tasks

Quarterly: Inspections Division Quarterly: The BWC Committee meets

compiles and analyzes all reports and reviews the Inspections Division’s
received from districts into a Quarterly Quarterly Report. The Committee ensures
Report for the BWC Committee. efficiency and compliance within
the BWC program, evaluates the
effectiveness of the program, and
makes recommendations to the
superintendent on program continuation,
expansion, modification, or termination.

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