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vesten PSDET COMING vid pay Rall No, iMT¢Gaed, .of Question Paper: 6§19 U gue Paper Code + 12321102 re Paper : jeofthe * Constitutionatism G : ‘wonalism Government and Demaerac in tndia geotthe Courses a, Mons) P ‘litical Science ‘Choice Based Credit! ‘System Part-l eset jpion:3 Hours Maximum Marks 75, (Write your Roll No Your Roll No, on the top inmedately on recip ofthis question paper) (RIES Fae ee Fe tts we ane aan fey, » wte + Answers may be written either in English or in Hindis used throughout the paper. but the same medium should be goat : A Ta SH silt ar feet fet Hu i aie, ater wh sat wre ue a et arfee ‘Attempt any Four questions. Alll questions carry equal marks. fara on wet $ ar fa | wit wei & ce am EI |. Discuss the philosophy of the Indian Constitution with reference to the Preamble. vere & del HF onta ators & i at fee aAfrE PTO. (2) 610 How do the Fundamental Right enunciated inthe Constitation of Inia protct thee from encroachments by the Indian State ? : sreiea a afrfan ster strane fr are write am rr fan a ante at gen ae = 7 The funetioning ofthe nian Parliament has significantly changed since 1989. Do you agree» Give reasons for your answer wncia dae ait arin 1999 8 yer ey A aca Te Fo aT a ae @ 2 aR an Fo anh § arm df “uss change in the role of the Indian Prime Minister under coalition governments, vedo wea S de Ho sncta waa shit at yn F ge ves at fate wife 1 How does the 42nd (Constitution) Amendment Act redefine the role of the President of India ? Discuss. 47a (diferent) Baier afer 3 oredta wegota at afta a fine wa yadfontie frm & ? facet aif oes the Supreme Court of India encroach upon the realms of the Executive and the Legislature through judicial activism. Discuss, an =afear afer art anda water rarer @rtofe wa fant S after dai 1 afer at tI @ 7 fader aif | Critically examine the major areas of tension ini Centre-State relations in India. ona 4 dgane dadh vga at aa an acters whem wife! (3 y write short notes on any hwo of the following : a) Public Interest Litigation ) 74th (Constitution) Amendment Act oO Parliamentary Committees @ Right to Freedom of Religion. resign 8 ford ve aa Feet FRA + (a) sated airaat 74a (afar) gates tet tata ae

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