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Lesson Plan


Name: - School: -
Year Level / Age Range: Foundation Date: 14/6/18
No. of Students:19 Estimated Duration of Activity: 45 mins
Location: classroom


TOPIC: Positional maths

- For students to develop their
understanding of positional language and
to use it in different contexts and


- For students to have an understanding
of different positional words and their
- For students to be able to use this
language in different contexts.
- For students to be able to apply this
positional language in the classroom and
outside in the yard.

- Prepare laptop
-Prepare smartboard
- Download new songs
- Prepare ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt book
- Maps
- Positional activities
- Floor map

- Smartboard
- ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’
- Maps
- Floor map
- Positional activities
- Paper
- Glue
- Scissors
Lesson Plan

What materials
will be used?

- I will begin this lesson on the floor and communicate with the students about what we did on -Laptop
in our previous lesson and the positional language that we looked at in the previous lesson and
in our songs. - Smartboard

- I will then play the positional language game with my mentor’s dice. We will stand in a circle - ‘We’re going on
and roll the dice and demonstrate the positional word that we roll on the dice, this will give me a Bear Hunt’
an understanding of students’ knowledge so far.
- Maps
- I will then read the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ again with the students and we will
discuss the positional language that is used in the story. We will discuss where the bear hunt - Floor map
leads to and what happened in the story.
- Positional
- I will then explain to the class that they need to complete at least one activity around the room, activities
completing a bear hunt map. There is also positional language activities around the room that
you can play with a partner, such as memory games and bear hunt story mapping activities. - Paper

- I will be taking small groups to complete a bear hunt map and speak with them about the map - Glue
and assess them on the positional language we have learnt throughout the unit.
- Scissors
Lesson Plan

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