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Admission Notice for International Degree Student

Name Yudha Eri Saputra Nationality Indonesia

Date of Birth (Y/M/D) 1991/7/3 Gender Male
Department Graduate Institute of Data Science
TMU Scholarship TMU International Student Scholarship B (College scholarship not included. If you are
offered one, please wait for a notice by the college you applied.)
Scholarship Offer  NT$ 12000 monthly allowance and tuition waiver
 Students must pay for books, insurance, accommodation, living expenses or any
other fees required
 Scholarship duration: September 2018 to July 2019 (You must meet the annual
renewal requirements to maintain TMU scholarship during your study)
Note: The scholarship will be valid after you enroll at TMU.
Congratulations on your success in securing admission to and this scholarship for study at Taipei Medical
University. Please keep this admission notice to bring when you register for classes and read it carefully,
as the following information is very important.

1. A diploma and a copy of transcripts that bear the original official stamp from your most recent school
representing your highest academic achievement, along with your financial proof (US$4,000 or
equivalent amount), must be verified by the Taiwan Representative Office nearest you. Please scan the
verified copies of these documents and upload the files on the online application system no later than
30th June, 2018 (GMT+8). Then we can process your scholarship and issue you the official
Enrollment Notification.
2. Registration must be completed in person once you arrive in Taiwan. Please provide the following
(A) Passport and this Admission Notice
(B) Verified diploma and transcripts and financial proof (documents with proof of approval by Taiwan
Representative Office or Embassy).
(C) A photocopy of all documents mentioned above.
3. Students must present proof of six months’ overseas medical insurance coverage (must be verified by
the Taiwan Representative Office) or purchase insurance (NT 3,000) at the time of registration.
4. According to Ministry of Education, the admission list shall be sent for checking against Taiwan
Household Registration. The admission of those students who are confirmed to have ever had
Household Registration in Taiwan will be cancelled immediately.

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