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Promoting Health in Elders

Geriatrics- branch of medicine concerned with prolonging life, delaying of onset of degenerative
aspects of aging and treating the diseases of the aged.

Gerontology- broader branch of science dealing with the psychological, sociological, economic,
physiological and medical aspects of aging.

Physiological changes

- Decrease in the efficiency of organs.

- Decrease in the number of functional capabilities of cells.
- Structural changes associated with collagen.

Cardiomegaly- more prone to aging women because of hormonal imbalances.

Nutrient Requirements

1. Energy

50-59 yrs decreased by 10%

60-69 yrs decreased by 20%
70 and up yrs decreased by 25%

2. Protein
3. Vitamis and minerals
4. Calcium, iron and vitamin C
5. Water and fiber


 Atrophy of salivary glands

 Loss of taste buds
 Loss of teeth, poor dentition, ill-fitting dentures
 Low stomach acid
 Increased high fat mass (turn fat into muscles)
 Decreased physical activity
 Loss neuromuscular coordination
 Constipation
 Disease states
 Difficulty in sleeping
 Arthritis
 Osteoporosis
 Emotional stress
 Boredom, Loneliness
 Loss of companionship
Nutrition and diseases

1. Diseases related to how one lives

a. Cardiovascular diseases
b. DM
c. Cancer

Causes and risk factors to LD

Chronic respiratory diseases
Other NCDs


Physical inactivity
Unhealthy diets
Harmful use of alcohol

Some cancers Atherosclerosis Stroke and heart attack

Obesity Hypertension

Gallbladder disease

Leading causes of death in the Philippines

BMI aging


Benefits of Exercise

- Assist weight control

- Improve blood circulation
- Muscle tone of heart and lungs
- Promote sound sleep
- Cope with stress
- Psychological well-being
- Improve self-esteem
- Helps to become motivated

What exercise is good for you?

1. Aerobic exercise
2. Physical fitness: at least 5x a week for at least 45-60min, maintenance: at least 3x a week
for at least 20-30min.

No smoking please! Smoking and Health

- Lung cancer
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Ischemic heart disease
- Hypertension
- Decreased in appetite

Harmful substances found in cigars

- Carbon Monoxide
- Nicotine
- Tar

Tips to quit smoking

- Decide on a date to stop!

- Throw away cigarette paraphernalia
- Watch for untoward signs
- Be physical active
- Observe diet
- Resist temptations
- Be accountable for actions
- Drink moderately
Effects of alcohol

- Central nervous system depressant

- Interferes with nutrient metabolism
- Affects hormones
- Ulcer formation (gastric lining, oesophagus)

Alcohol and Health

For men: no more than 2 drinks/day

For women: no more than 1 drink/day

One drink is equivalent to

- 1 ½ oz distilled drink
- 12 oz beer
- 5 oz wine

Reduce alcohol intake

- Reduce frequency
- Drink water in between
- Switch to low alcohol
- Add non-alcoholic mixers

Balanced Diet

Variety: contains a different kind of food.

Balance: provide foods in a number of types and in proportion to each other
Moderation: portion control

Enhance the diet

Guideline 1: Eat a variety of foods

Guideline 5: Eat more vegetables, fruits and root crops
Guideline 7: Consume milk, milk products or other calcium-rich foods such as small fish and
dark green leafy vegetables everyday

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