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What is Known About the Forest… ............................................................... 5
SPACE ............................................................................................................. 5
THE OCEAN .................................................................................................... 5
GIANTS ........................................................................................................... 5
THE FOG ......................................................................................................... 5
DEMONS ......................................................................................................... 6
SPIRITS ........................................................................................................... 6
LOOKOUTS...................................................................................................... 6
SAINTS............................................................................................................ 6
DRAGONS ....................................................................................................... 6
ELVES ............................................................................................................. 6
DWARVES ....................................................................................................... 6
ABERDEEN...................................................................................................... 6
You’re lost in the woods. ................................................................................. 8
You’re Lost in the Woods… ......................................................................... 11
YOU FIND THE PARTY… ............................................................................... 11
PLOT HOOKS ................................................................................................ 14
UNIQUE NPC’S ............................................................................................. 20
WHO’S TRAVELING THE ROAD TODAY? ........................................................ 34
AND IF YOU NEED A COMPLICATION… (NEED 100) ....................................... 36
THE LOCAL MONSTER APPEARS AS A… ...................................................... 38
Villages ............................................................................................................ 40
VILLAGE NAMES .......................................................................................... 43
WHAT COULD HAPPEN IN THE VILLAGE?....................................................... 44
WHAT QUEST IS NEEDING DONE? .................................................................. 44
WHO ARE THE AUTHORITIES? ....................................................................... 45
WHO PUTS OUT THE FIRES? ........................................................................... 45
WHAT IS THE BANK? ..................................................................................... 46
HOW DO PEOPLE HEAL? ................................................................................ 46
WHO IS THE MIGHTIEST WARRIOR IN THE LAND? .......................................... 47
WHO IS THE MOST POWERFUL WIZARD IN THE LAND? ................................... 47
WHAT IS THE LOCAL LOST TREASURE? ......................................................... 48
NPC Generator .............................................................................................. 49
Tavern Generator .......................................................................................... 52
Wilderness ...................................................................................................... 57
KEEP GENERATOR ........................................................................................ 57
DUNGEON GENERATOR ................................................................................ 61
DRUID CIRCLE GENERATOR ......................................................................... 66
SPIRIT GENERATOR ...................................................................................... 68
LOOKOUT GENERATOR ................................................................................ 71
DEMON GENERATOR .................................................................................... 72
DRAGON GENERATOR .................................................................................. 75
BATTLEFIELD GENERATOR .......................................................................... 78
WAR MACHINE GENERATOR ........................................................................ 80
Encounters ..................................................................................................... 83
STACKING DICE METHOD ............................................................................ 83
WHAT IS ENCOUNTERED…........................................................................... 83
DISPOSITION TO THE PARTY… ..................................................................... 83
GIANT GENERATOR ...................................................................................... 84
SAINT GENERATORS..................................................................................... 85
PSYCHO BAND GENERATOR ......................................................................... 86
CULTIST GROUP GENERATOR ...................................................................... 87
DRUID HUNTERS GENERATOR ..................................................................... 88
UNDEAD WANDERERS GENERATOR ............................................................. 89
DRAGON MUTANT GENERATOR ................................................................... 90
ELEPHANT MEN GENERATOR ....................................................................... 91
Names ............................................................................................................. 92
Miscellaneous Stuff ....................................................................................... 94
BLOOD DRYAD............................................................................................. 94
BED GAUNT ................................................................................................. 96
BRUISER ....................................................................................................... 97
RIVAL ADVENTURING PARTIES .................................................................. 101

Inside the Giant’s Eye

In the center of the universe there is a forest.
In the center of the forest is a mystery.

What is Known About the Forest…
A map of the forest looks like a nebula exploding. Color and mess tangled into
life. The colossus and greenery creating webs with grizzled ancients and forgotten
history. You put a human in a nebula and they vanish. Unseen. Just an ant under
boiling water. Look at the map and read it: the tangles of cosmic dust are dirt paths,
the gaps of black are where no man has been, the stars are villages scattered so distant
from each other it takes a lifetime to travel from one to the other. Look at the map
and don’t panic when you get lost.

The Ocean
Stand at the edge of sand and look out into the ocean. It’s breathing waves roll
and tumble and push and pull, never breaking shape. The thick blue and black of the
water masks the eons of life below, keeping it a murky, lurking mystery. It’s alive. It
has a voice and it sounds like sand being pulled from under your feet. Sizzle of water
The forest canopy is this, only green and made of leaf and bark. A sage
parting of sky and ground. Beneath the canopy is an oceanic ecosystem where schools
of forest fish swim in the moss-fields etched into mystic trees, and green sharks swim
through the vines eating the bark barracudas and dying in sandy graves on the ground.
Gutted tree whales form swamps in their decaying fat. The jellyfish fields glow bright
with electric light, and rusty monuments make home for entire ecosystems hiding
inside of coral reefs.

Entire civilizations die out in the hilt of a giant's sword. Battles are waged in
their footprints. Their corpses are continents. Their eyes are moons. Out of their
orbicular sockets spill the milky space that holds everything in its cold yawn. We are
but a stretched version of their truth; a minuscule reflection of their form. They stride
the globe and we wait in a hole, too afraid to march out and face the Massive.
If an ant crawls on your arm you may stop and look at it for a moment before
flicking it off. That is our entire history. Crawling on the backs of beasts that have no
regard for us. All of humanities knowledge could fit in the palm of a giant's hand and
there would still be enough room for the giant to coddle its child and fight with a

The Fog
In the center of the forest is a mystery, and that mystery is words that the forest
speaks. They aren’t audible words, but they work their magic on you. They pull you
in down deer trails and over mountains. It is that thing that tells you to keep going. It
wants you to get to the center, to discover its secrets. And it hates when you give up.
When you retreat from the forest, when you make that decision to leave, you
will see the fog. It will spill into the trees from above and descend upon you. It wants
you to come further into the woods. There is something there, something so far in and
lost, and it wants to be found. It will separate you from allies, twist your returning
path into a labyrinth of dead ends and turn-arounds, and send horrors to force you

The is called the Demonwood by villagers. They are plenty and devious. They
are behind disasters, murders. All vileness and wickedness is conducted through them
and flows from them red with blood and black with bile.

Everything has a spirit, from the tiniest pebble to the grandest mountain, from
rain drops to the ocean. These spirits have power based on the amount of people who
worship them. The moon raises the dead when it is full, the ocean sings when it’s
ridden, and a family’s sword can slay a dragon.

The forest’s protectors. Elected by the shooting stars that land at their doorstep.
Every village has, or had a gang of Lookouts. They are recognized by their cloaks,
whose color denotes rank.

Paladins from the foreign city of Ogura, named after an emotion that their spirit
embodies, and one of the few organizations who make purposed trips into the forest.

They come from space.

All of them are cursed to stay in the woods. They are 16ft. tall and black and
white like twisted Tim Burton caricatures.

They come from the center of the earth and prefer to stay there. They are
obsessed with perfect lines and geometry.

A dark, modern metropolis at the edge of the Wood. Start point of the Only
Road that goes into the Wood, and home to the Psycho Squad, a group of mind paladin
who delve into dream and memory.

What is the purpose of this book? Ideally, it’ll sell you on a world. It’s a story
told through random tables. It’s ideas congregated to give your brain a spark. It’s 100
pages of oddities and generators.

I don’t know if any of this was successful.

I didn’t edit this book very well, or pay someone for art, or pay someone to
format it. I don’t have that kind of money. I just like to write and I think about DnD
all the time. If you’re one of those people who can do one of those jobs, who enjoys
doing one of those jobs and who also thinks about DnD all the time, then perhaps
you’ll see this and say “Damn, this would be awesome if only I had edited it” or
whatever. By all means please do. I don’t want this to be my book. It can be our book.

What follows is a poorly designed mad lib. It’s goal is to show you everything
in the book and allow you to pull and place your own ideas in their place. You can
make your own tables to generate things that fit in your world. Pull this entire book
apart and remake it for cities, or “normal” forests. Do anything and everything to it.

After that there are tables. Lots of tables. Each falling under some title or
location or creature. Have one of each die next to you and give each one a go. I
guarantee you’ll enjoy at least one of the things your dice make for you.

Wrapping the book up are just a few random things that I had written before for
a subreddit called “DnDBehindtheScreen”, which is a great community that I
contribute too as often as I can.

Email me at with all of your complaints and

improvements and whatever. I’m not selling this book because it’s not up to snuff in
terms of production. But maybe if I meet the right people we can repackage it, I can
write more, and we can have a product to be proud of.

At the end of it all, I’m looking at this book thinking “God damn, there’s so
much more I want to add, so much more that I want to change because I’ve figured
out so much more about my world,” so I hope you enjoy this look into my head. Go
read Zak Sabbath, False Machine, and Goblin Punch, because they are amazing
writers and creators and inspire me every day.

Good luck and don’t die,


You’re lost in the woods.
You find the party (doing something interesting), and the forest is (adjective) and
feels (climate). The weather is (weather descriptor) and it could (duration/omen). The
path they’re on is (location descriptor) and leads to (someplace or nowhere). If the
party asks around (roll a d12 and generate as necessary).

Something campaign worthy for the party to do is (roll d100 on plot hook table) and
some unique adventurers to run into (roll d100 on Adventurer table). (Someone fun)
is traveling the same road the party is on. And if you need a complication for the
journey (roll d20).

The local monster appears as a (color) (body-type) (animal) with (a unique physical
feature). It’s related in some way to (something powerful), can (do something fun)
and also (something crazy). It has (d8) HD with +(d8) to attack, and is currently
seeking (instinctual need).

This village is a (characterizing feature) located (exciting location) and has been
civilized since (event or time-period). It’s ruled by (d6 number of rulers) (vile
adjective) (creature or person) that strives for (megalomaniac goal) vilifies
(something ridiculous) and has made enemies with (a strong force). The name of the
village is (your friend’s father’s name).

(A call to adventure) could happen in the village. But there’s also (a quest needing
done). The local authorities are (powerful figure, bumbling band of goons) and
(someone underqualified probably) puts out the fires the party starts. The people in
town use (something they shouldn’t) as the bank, and when they are injured they treat
their wounds at (someplace they shouldn’t). The mightiest warrior in the land is a
(d8) level (martial class) with (a unique quirk). The most powerful wizard in the land
is a (d8) level (spellcaster) with (a unique quirk). And (an odd antique) is the local
lost treasure.

(Name of your first-grade teacher) is a (character flaw) (occupation). They want
(something basic), hate (something you hate), and would do anything (to get
something you want).

The (adjective) (noun) is the closest tavern. It’s run by (quirky group/individual). The
most popular drink is (something disgusting) and they have delicious (grandmother’s
favorite meal). It’s usually filed with (local villagers, or someone interesting) and if
you ask around you might (learn a rumor, die). While in the tavern (awkward
situation) happens.

The (provocative adjective) keep is located (somewhere dangerous). It’s ruled by a
(terrible adjective) (powerful being) so that they can (do some dastardly). It has (tall)
walls, (many) towers and (several) soldiers in each. The ruler has (plenty) of soldiers
in the keep, along with a (powerful hero), a (squad of creatures), and a (unique
artillery). The ruler has made enemies with (something that can cause trouble), and
when the party comes upon the keep it is (complicating the situation). (Something
dangerous) could happen while at the keep.

The nearby dungeon is a (badass structure) located (at a badass location) and can be
entered by (doing something insane) on (a special day). It was made by (something
ancient and forgotten) but is currently ruled by (something powerful and isolated) and
their (adjective)(small creature) minions, as a (use of dungeon). It has (a number) of
rooms, it’s most notable trap is (something from Indiana Jones), and you should watch
out for the (dangerous inhabitant). Rumor has it that (something your party wants) is
waiting to be claimed inside. (Something deadly) could happen while in the dungeon.

Druid Circles.
The signs of the druid circle are (something disgusting and horrifying). Their animal
of choice is (an apex predator). All circles have an archdruid and this one is level
(d12+8). These druids are known to (do something terrible to villagers). Their
numbers include (d12+8) youngling, women, and warriors.

The spirit appears to be made of (something artsy), and moves (strange adjective). It
was (something detrimental to you) right now. It likes to cast the spell (tricky spell)
and it’s a spirit of (object with important to the locals).

This Lookout gang has set up base in a (odd location) which gives them (odd benefit).
They have (d6) members led by a (specialized monster hunter) which gives them
(specialized monster hunter benefit). They get (d10) to hit, have (D12x4) hp, and are
currently hunting a (d20) HD creature.

(A sin) summons this (devilish adjective) demon. It appears (something mysterious)
and wants someone to (dastardly deed). Their sin is (seven deadly sin), but they can
also (strange magical effect). If you choose to help it (half-beneficial thing), but if
you refuse to help it (totally detrimental thing).

This (powerful adjective) dragon is the size of a (vehicle), makes its home (someplace
inconvenient for humans), and hunts a region diameter of (large number) miles. It has
(strange physical quirt), and breathes (unconventional element), but it can also
(powerful magical ability). It has (strange creature) minions, and its goal is to (greedy

This battlefield is located (memorable location) and is (state of battle). The battle was
fought between (three separate parties). (One of them) is currently winning, and they
are winning because (tragic turn of events). The weird thing about this battle is (odd

War Machines.
This War Machine resembles (mechanical thing) and it’s (vehicle sized). It has
(number of arms) and moves by (mechanical movement). It (way to pilot it). The
artificial intelligence inside is (state of A.I.) and its insanity makes it (quirk) and
(unstable adjective). The relationship between the AI and the War Machine is
(complicated relationship status) and the War Machine was initially designed (simple
task). It gets (d4) attacks per turn, has (d6) detachable parts with 1HD each, and they
(do something to aid the War Machine). It has (d10 + highest party level) HD,
(D12+8) AC, and a +(d20) to attack and damage.

You’re Lost in the Woods…
You find the party…
1. Resting after a tough fight with a monster
2. Resting after a run in with psychopaths
3. Amid a battle with a monster
4. Amid a fight with psychopaths
5. Psychos have a PC hostage, threaten to kill if not given gold
6. Running from something much bigger than them
7. Hiding from the dragon that just flew over
8. Hiding from people who want them dead
9. Hiding from a monster that killed a hireling
10. Waking up from a long rest
11. Packing up camp cause there's nothing around
12. Packing up camp cause THEY almost caught up
13. Setting up camp after a long day
14. Hunting for food because everyone is starving
15. On the trail of a monster
16. Realizing they are being hunted by a monster
17. Realizing they are being watched from afar
18. Caught between a rock and a hard place
19. Caught in a thunderstorm
20. Caught in a blizzard
21. Caught in a typhoon
22. Caught in a monsoon
23. Coming into a village in the early morning, bloody and hungry
24. Coming into a village in in the dead of night, bloody and hungry
25. Coming into a village at high noon, bloody and hungry
26. On horseback on the Only Road
27. Riding a carriage with strangers on the Only Road
28. Hitching a ride with a caravan on the Only Road
29. On horseback when pyschos attack
30. On a caravan besieged by monsters
31. On a caravan besieged by bandits
32. In the wreckage of a crashed caravan
33. In the smoldering ruins of a village
34. In the blasted wreckage of a keep
35. In the vine-eaten nest of a keep
36. At the precipice of a body-covered battlefield
37. At the edge of an ongoing battle
38. Staring at a mass of burning bodies on a battlefield
39. In the middle of a field as two armies prepare to clash
40. In an abandoned keep as the rain comes down outside
41. At the edge of a druid circle
42. Being watched by druids

43. At a fork in the road
44. Looking at a wanted poster with your face on it
45. Waking up with Psychos rummaging through your stuff
46. Waking up, upside down, hanging from a tree
47. In a chain gang, being led down the Only Road
48. In an Giant’s slave pit, being fed scraps
49. In an Orc fighting ring, fighting for freedom
50. In a wagon full of slaves
51. In a pie eating contest with a mimic
52. Looking at a map in a foreign language in a tavern
53. In a tavern having a pint
54. Sitting on a cliffside, listening to the waterfall
55. Lying in a field of sunflowers
56. Watching the full moon rise
57. In a 12ft tall wheat field, the sound of the farmer's shredder
58. Sleeping in an Inn as a wench steals your coin purse
59. Feeling the point of a crossbow bolt pressed to the back of their skulls
60. Playing cards with a dog, a rhino, a lizard, and a cheating hamster for a
huge pot
61. Way too close to a dragon's lair
62. Covering your eyes in the presence of a nymph
63. Facing trial in the center of an unjust town
64. In a Mexican standoff with a Saint, a Psycho, and an animated
65. Delivering food to a dilapidated orphanage
66. Being rewarded by ratfolk for a dirty deed
67. In a keep being sieged by psychos
68. In a keep attacked by a duo of dragons
69. With the Lookouts on a dangerous hunt
70. Stalked by an assassin who was paid handsomely to eliminate a PC
71. Being teased by a cruel Nymph
72. About to make a deal with a demon in exchange for too much gold
73. Being called as a witness to a ridiculous crime in a forsaken village
74. At a ghost party, dancing or being edgy
75. At the mercy of a dragon telling a long-winded, boring tale
76. With an old friend by the riverbank, enjoying the spoils from a recent
77. In the middle of a dungeon facing down a foe that could kill them, roll
78. In a field when the fire starts
79. At camp when arrows fly overhead, roll initiative
80. Inside the belly of a dead purple worm, trying to dig their way out
81. In a quaint tavern as a bar brawl breaks out
82. In a nice Inn when evil cultists bar the door from the outside and set it
83. In an ancient crypt, saying their words to a fallen comrade
84. At the center of town as several innocent men are about to be hung
85. Looking upon an active volcano ready to erupt
86. Coming across a sealed treasure chest sleeping in the road
87. Parting ways with a dear friend on the Sunbroke Coast
88. Leaving a village who treated the party like family
89. Leaving a village on horseback as the town guard makes chase
90. Polymorphed into cattle being herded by a crazy farmer
91. Coming upon the ruins of a teleport circle
92. At a crossroads with a demon as he tries to weasel his way out of a
93. Interrupting a trek with a bathroom break
94. Crawling out of a dungeon empty handed
95. In a circle of protection, waiting for something to come get them
96. Under the sagging roof of a burning bar, hiding from the rain
97. Enjoying a relaxing swim in a pond
98. Picnic on a grassy knoll
99. Dragging a hireling from the cellar of a once haunted Inn
00. Looking at the one thing they want the most…

Plot Hooks
1. The Rat King has moved into the sewers/caves/mines of a local town.
All rats follow his command. He sees through all rats. He can spread
disease, steal, murder, do whatever rats can do.
2. A Galactic Ranger has crashed down and needs help repairing their
ship/protecting their ship/taking care of a bounty.
3. Dragons seek Alderly Edge for a place to rest and for help. The ancient
elf is a friend to all dragon kind. Maybe a dragon is asking for your help
to find him, or maybe Alderly is seeking assistance in finding a resting
4. A cursed elf turns everything he touches into mud. He cannot die
because weapons and spells that touch him turn to mud. He wants to
die. Maybe he can only be killed as a god (lava, tossed into space, etc.).
5. A serial killer. Decapitation. The town wants you to investigate. It's the
Face Stealer, an enigmatic spirit that steals humanity through the
removal of one's head. Then attaches it to their own body. The more
they've collected, the more powerful they become.
6. Children have gone missing at night. It's the fault of a Bed Gaunt, a
being of shadows that craves affection. They say it's the spirit of all
beds never slept on. They like to dwell in wells that go too deep, ruins
that go unsearched, or the bar closet.
7. The Red Devil Slayer Brood is in town, or on tour, and they want to do
the Pub Crawl with you.
8. In a small cabin, an old-ass man sits in his chair calling for help. He
says there are tiny creatures under his fireplace and they keep stealing
all his magic rings he drops.
9. Famous dragon rider, Ouma Lewanoski, gave birth to a half-dragon.
The first of its kind. People want her dead. People want to talk to her.
People want to know what dragon and how? But she'll only talk to the
10. A doppelganger was discovered in the mayor's place. But everyone
agrees he's better than the old mayor. Family wants the mayor found,
but who else is a doppelganger? Where did they come from? Where
did the real ones go?
11. A family's house pet is really an arch druid. All the pets are druids.
They are secretly controlling the town into eliminating the nearby
druid circle. Maybe you're hired by them? Maybe the town brings you
in as mercenaries?
12. A normal well starts granting the wishes people make at it but only for
sweets, not for gold. A Fairie Dragon lives in the well and uses illusions
and polymorph to "grant" the wishes.
13. Several Hill Giants want their apples back from the Frost Giants. Pick a
side and beat some ass.
14. A druid circle believes the sun is dying. Take this special arrow and fire
it from the tallest peak in region. Hit the sun and save us all.
15. Atli, a hill giant, invited the party to his home for dinner and for a
quest. While at dinner he tries to poison them, ambush them, and take
all their gold. He's not too smart though and often lets his plans slip.
16. Several emaciated dwarves are looking for help hunting down
Andvari, the giant who is taking dwarven slaves. Andvari has a helm of
invisibility and several powerful rings.
17. A dragon lives in Astolat, a small, frigid town. Dragon slayers want her
dead. Adventurers want her treasure. But no one has been able to find
her. The town says there is no dragon, but really the dragon hides
among them as a human.
18. Mount Erith is a sacred resting place for dragons and rumor has it that
simply uncovering their tombs will resurrect them.
19. Village dominated by a cult of "good" who sacrifice a virgin every full
moon to appease a demon and protect their town from undead.
Stopping the ritual brings the fury of the demon down.
20. A powerful sword is petrified with its owner. Rumor has it that if he's
freed then he will grant his sword and his wealth to his savior.
Problem is, only a kiss from his true love who died 180 years ago will
free him.
21. Two armies clash at a pass where two Giants are playing chess, and
have been playing for thousands of years. They won't move until the
game is over and the armies are getting restless. The giant's last move
was 80 years ago.
22. It's a full moon and the town you're in needs help defending itself from
the undead.
23. A Paladin seeks you out because there's a dangerous mission. They
believe they've caught a killer that has been on the loose for
generations. To prove it through, they need you to go inside his head
and get a confession.
24. The demon Xylo is willing to grant a powerful weapon to anyone who
brings him the soul of a legendary beast (can be done multiple times).
25. You wake up with a part of a treasure map tattooed on your back. It
burns when gold is near. And clerics refuse to touch it with bare skin.
Animals are attracted to it but druids stay away.
26. Three hundred dead octopi wash up on the shore of a lake. Dead
marine life appears whenever the PCs go, no matter how far they are
from water. Then the dead rise as undead.
27. A dragon has recently been laid to rest and it's a race to the hoard.
Adventuring parties from a cross the realm are marching their way to
the lair, as well as other dragons, but the PCs believe they have a head
start. The dragon just wants more treasure and is still alive.
28. While staying in a small inn, a man suddenly breaks out in red boils
and dies. It's revealed that everyone has contracted the Crimson
Plague, including the PCs. They have only 3 days to discover or create a
29. A town is thrown into joyous chaos as a gold-spawning greed demon
wants affection and is willing to buy it.
30. A medusa who has been on vacation for a thousand years returns to
say that the village the PCs are in used to be her garden. She begins to
petrify people to remake her stone garden.
31. Avalon the nymph sees you as the perfect mate.
32. The party is tasked with getting a rogue Paladin from his prison safe
house to trial in the nearby village so he can be sentenced. He will do
anything to escape.
33. Town reports a falling star. It's a crashed UFO.
34. A powerful wizard is hosting his famous masquerade ball in town. All
the guests are polymorphed into monsters. There could be a real
monster here, or an assassination attempt, or just jolly good fun.
35. You hear rumor of a mystery dungeon in the cellar of a nearby Inn.
Many adventurers are going to claim their share. But in reality, it's just
a ploy from the inn keep to sell more beer.
36. Fog sweeps across the land, causing madness and amnesia. It's the
dying dragon up on the hill.
37. An entire village is made up of living spells made to look like real
people, created by a dream spirit that feeds off of a sleeping wizard's
dreams of the life he always wanted.
38. Rumors of an ancient artifact, the most powerful one ever, leads the
PCs to an evil, intelligent, dancing sword that can animate other
weapons to fight with it. The town it's in is forced to go along with the
sword's demands or they'll be killed.
39. A treant will aid the party in some way (gp, magic, info) but only if they
agree to be shrunk down to clear out an infestation of insects that
invaded his roots.
40. The party is invited to partake in a card tournament (poker, munchkin,
MTG) for huge cash prizes.
41. A grandmotherly, if slightly senile, NPC asks the party to rid her attic of
rats. The rats are in fact a group of thieves trying to open a magical
doorway left by the wizard that previously owned the home.
42. A dungeon delving tournament is held. The party is strapped with
revivifying stones which will reincarnate them at the beginning of the
dungeon. The party to collect the most gold will get to keep it and
claim the championship.
43. A colossus is wreaking havoc on the countryside and the party must
slow it down until the Champions arrive.
44. A ghostly bard wants help completing his Magnum Opus.
45. A cow murderer runs rampant through a quaint farming community,
threatening the arrival of the long forgotten (and made up) Night
Eater, a deity of immense power that will eat the sun. The farmers
offer a payment of 3 cows per party member.
46. A small theater troupe hires the party to protect their lead actor in his
satirical portrayal of a monarch. The Black Dot is after him so they'll
try to poison him, replace fake weapons with real ones, use magic to
control other actors, hide in the crowd, etc.

47. Guard 9 comes to the party for a special mission: Carceri prison break,
Hellstorm protection, Artifact bank heist, etc.
48. All the food in an inn is animated and sentient.
49. City lies up ahead, abandoned with no sort of history of human contact.
The city is in fact a group of animated objects, including the buildings.
50. All the townspeople in a village have contracted lycanthropy and
become were-moose at night. The alchemist upstream of the village's
water supply has been experimenting with dangerous chemicals to
turn his beloved pet moose, Alabaster, into a sentient best friend.
51. A bounty hunter is on the hunt for the party after some action they
have taken long ago.
52. A devil approaches the party and says that a demon under his care has
gone missing, which means they've possessed an innocent. The devil
will pay to get the demon back.
53. Earthquake!
54. The party is attacked in their rooms/camps by every object present,
including their own weapons and armor. A local NPC just discovered
they are a powerful wild mage. The nearby town is experiencing the
same occurrences.
55. An attractive person approaches one of the party members with an
invitation to a party nearby. It's a recruitment drive for the deity of
love/pleasure and it very hedonistic. This lasts 2 days. The party
member returns as a Seeker of the Faith.
56. A stoned giant eats all the livestock and collapses in the town. He
needs more food and won't leave without it.
57. It rains frogs. Tiny ones at first. But they get bigger and bigger until the
frog spirit himself arrives and expects a warm welcome.
58. Vortexes start to appear. Ants in a spiral pattern, graffiti on the wall, a
baby is born with moles in that shape. It foretells a great storm which
will devastate the land.
59. The party is approached by a bard who is writing a book about them.
He wants them to go into the book to finish it, but when they go in they
find themselves in the position of the monsters. They must pillage the
village and finish the book to escape.
60. Words start disappearing from books and scrolls. As they disappear,
people lose the ability to speak them. Within a day no one will be able
to speak. The only way to stop this from happening is to answer a
61. It's the party's day off. They can relax.
62. A Black Knight is going around pissing in wells, spreading disease. He
then poses as a cleric and offers his healing for pay, cleaning the town
out and moving on.
63. A huge dire wolf and its pack of vicious wolves have been haunting a
road that a caravan wants to travel through to open trade amongst two
villages. The dire wolf is a druid who wants the road to vanish.

64. A letter arrives to one of the PCs asking them to represent a princess in
a gladiator duel to the death. The princess addresses the PC by name
and acts as if they are great friends.
65. Psychos follow the insane words of Doldrum, a priest of Pellimore who
says he can see the future. He calls for things to burn and his people to
make it so.
66. The party is invited to take place on TPK, a game show that pits two
adventuring parties against each other. Winner gets gold and glory.
67. Azazael the demon requires sin to live. The village has a yearly ritual
that involves a goat, which is sacrificed to their gods, and a scapegoat,
in which a cleric confesses the town's sins. The scapegoat is then sent
out to the desert where Azazael eats it.
68. Dog King Buster is worshipped by a village. Only Driscal can interpret
Buster's barks. The village appears in peace but it's a vicious, savage
place. Bones of sacrifice are required to keep Buster happy.
69. To convict a thief, the judge needs to hear from the treasure he stole.
He hires the party to steal the treasure from its current source and
bring it to the trial.
70. A Cleric is brought back to life by a demon disguised as the Cleric’s
deity, and tells the Cleric that to remain alive he must make the town’s
wishes come true. The wishes don’t go bad, but that’s the problem.
People wish for strange stuff.
71. A village awakes with their hands made of gold. No one knows why,
but that doesn’t stop them from trying to sell them, steal others,
murder each other, etc.
72. A large pit opens under a town, threatening to swallow it whole.
Strange creatures fly from it at night, and those who venture down
into it come up with a sickness.
73. Every year a mad king stacks his buildings into a tower and challenges
all to climb to the top.
74. There’s a treasure chest that has no lock and can only be open after
falling 1,000 feet.
75. The largest Elephant men tribe is on the hunt for 213 lives after their
elder passed away.
76. The skeleton of a giant dragon lays across the forest, creating a
dangerous road almost two days long. Many say that unclaimed
treasure still resides inside.
77. Two villages posed against each other, each run by demons, each
wanting the other dead. They are willing to offer anything, gold,
wishes, whatever, to get someone to help.
78. There’s a group of dragon mutants raiding the country side to feed
their dragon lord.
79. A stoned dragon cannot stop eating.
80. Wizard Tournament in Battle City.
81. A collectible card game is sweeping across the region, discovered in
ancient tombs scattered in burial chambers. Rare cards are worth as
much as a keep.
82. A strange man has been going around villages asking farmers what
they would do for a million gold. That night the farmer does those
things, no matter how ridiculous.
83. Two dragons battle over a region to hunt in. There’s a village in their
84. A new drug from Aberdeen makes its way to Goblintown. Could be
85. It starts raining gold.
86. Dragon needs lucky party to go undercover in a corrupt town. The
goal: to find where it’s tithes are going.
87. Stampede.
88. The entire forest become carnivorous, trees, vines, grass, etc.
89. A band of gypsies rolls into a village and is offering you a chance to
explore the deepest depths of your own mind to discover something
about yourself.
90. A dangerous mountain path hides a legendary treasure. Seven knights
guard it and demand 1 on 1 combat with each before the treasure can
be taken.
91. The local village comes alive, beds, doors, houses, all of it.
92. A Black Angel from Aberdeen has come seeking atonement, and the
only way it can do that is to make the lives of everyone it helped
through ½ wishes and stolen souls, miserable.
93. A giant sits down in the middle of a village and eats anyone who is
outside. The giant is three stories tall.
94. Wild magic turns all food sentient and it’s tired of being subjugated to
human stomachs. They want to be fed to a Queen or they’ll revolt.
95. Two gangs in a nowhere town. They will hire the party to sway the
tides of the struggle.
96. There’s a cursed idol, no larger than a battle mini, and every day it
multiplies. This is exponential.
97. Dreams are coming to life in this small village. Nightmares too.
98. A sky-kingdom ran on magic took off thousands of years ago. It landed
the other day and all the people who lived on it have mysteriously
99. The Dark Star, one of the Five Stars, has been found and Those That
Sleep are coming to take it.
00. A fleet of Sky Pirates under the rule of a dreaded pirate queen have
landed in the Everwood for some reason. They are pillaging, raiding
keeps, and claiming slaves for an unspoken entity.

Unique NPC’s
01. Bugboy – Wears a big jacket and shorts. He’s super skinny, but he
appears like he has a beer-gut. But it’s just his bugs. His skin is
crawling with them. Wherever he goes, ants are found and the sound
of cicadas sing through the air. He can see through his bugs, fight with
his bugs, stuff like that. But he’s powerless on his own.
02. Aegir – A giantess, who doesn’t look like a giant, but a well-
proportioned tall person. She wears the robs of the magi, the staff of
the magi, spell storing ring, and seeks the rod of absorption. She’s
typically nice when it comes to gathering knowledge, but when it
comes to choosing between saving a life and getting a book, she’ll take
the book.
03. Dryad Sisters – Forest Dryad, Brick Dryad, Fire Dryad. They work
together and abhor violence. They share a telepathic bond and love
stealing. They secretly all want revenge on their mother for
abandoning them. She is the only woman they would kill.
04. The Sister – A warlock whose patron is her trinket, a birdcage with a
silent crow inside. Her powers are miniscule but she swears once she
unlocks the cage she’ll be powerful. She wears purple leather and has a
messy Mohawk. Her cloak is magical, coated with black, glossy,
pyramid spikes that give her a +1 AC. Her wand is a black dragon claw,
warped by lava. It’s a +1 wand and has 3 charges of acid splash.
05. Ataensic – The rogue druid from the circle of death. His left hand is a
skeletal hand, and the skin going up it is scarred by dagger cuts. He
finds it hard to abandoned his druidic ways and often stays just
outside off cities hunting food for the coffin on his back. It’s a mimic,
which he keeps chained to him. Only the skeletal hand can break the
06. Catherine – A living spell who is sentient and understands where she
came from. She’s normal and has a photographic memory, but has no
memories from childhood because she never had a childhood. She
knows the spells has been used before and wishes to rid the world of
the other Catherines so she can be real. She’s a mid-level paladin.
07. Desmond Drake – Merchant by day, who roams the countryside
peddling his goods. By night he dawns a mask and is a level 5 monk of
the four elements. He fights crime and is hunting the murderer of his
08. Alan – This teenage teifling girl has displacer beast tentacles around
her waist, a dragon tooth necklace, blink dog pelt clothes, a shield
carved from a buellete, medusa tentacle bracelet, battered platemail
armor, a bag of holding with more trophies, and her greatsword, which
rests on her shoulder or in the ground at all times. She’s a mid-level

fighter. Whenever she’s encountered on the road, her armor is off and
she is either cleaning herself, or fashioning a new trophy.
09. Lou – A skeleton. He loves to build things and (for the right price) will
fashion your sword with an “enchantment”. The enchantments are
one-time use gadgets that are wonky and don’t always work (roll on
the wild magic table).
10. Red – You always see red’s plane before him. He flies an old WWI by-
plane, fueled off of magic. He guns are wands that fire magic missiles.
50% chance his ship is partially destroyed and he needs help gathering
materials. He’s a nice guy and will buy anyone a drink. But he talks
about how cool he is any time he gets. Which is alright, he’s got cool
11. Hoot – The Grey Owl Assassin, banished from the Black Dot and
seeking vengeance. He believes that this sect is corrupt and needs
cleansed. He’s right, but he’s hard to believe. If he succeeds, he’ll offer
his helper a recommendation to the Black Dot, if they want it. He’s tall,
slender, and his wings are clipped. He fights with two hand axes of
12. Heavy Arms – A warforged knight of the Unending Wing. His mustache
is steel and magnificent. His rocket machine gun stays fixed on his
target. Accompanying him is his female, Halfling, mechanic who stays
hidden at all times, sniper at the ready, waiting for a sneak attack. She
disguises him as a rusty bot in order to get free lodging somewhere
and they rob the place blind. They want to do it to a King.
13. Radiowave – An female elf with a television helmet. The inside of it
shows the dreams of whoever she looks at. Her bio-mechanical dog
will eat anything metal when it is unleashed. It grows with every meal
until it takes a dump, at which point a diamond (worth in gold what it
weighed) comes out. She’ll fall in love with the first person who’s
dreaming of her.
14. Kenneth Doll – Arsonist. In the flames he sees god. Which god? Who
knows. In the flames he hears god. And only where flames burn is
there this god. Nocturnal in nature. Wears fake, black angel wings
when he burns.
15. Carlisle Edgar – Wears the skull of a Tyrannosaurus and 1/day can
blow into a whistle and summon 1d4 undead velociraptors. If asked
where he got these things, he will say “the same place I got this” and
show the cut up his torso that is sloppily stitched together. He’s a
revenant seeking the death of his party, whom abandoned him.
16. Conley Maleficent – Archmage who just set up his first
laboratory/tower. His best friend is Lucindavale Boxcar Dragster, a
Faierie Dragon who loves to cast polymorph. The Rod of Wonder (D60

edition) is his latest invention and he wants to try it out. Oh, also, his
tower is mobile, like Howl’s moving castle.
17. Adeyn Y Corph – Fabulous adventurer and urban legend. His arrival is
foretold by a Roc circling the town. When he rides in, flowers bloom
out of season and snow falls no matter the temperature. Wherever he
goes, he’s there to kill someone or something. He believes he’s an
avatar for a god of death.
18. Morgan le Fay – Evil sorceress, raised by fairies and taught the way of
wild magic. Her right hand, which she keeps locked in a cage, functions
as a rod of wonder (roll on the table of random magical effects from
Courtney Campbell). She knows she’s dangerous and often holds
wagons, buildings, towns hostage for a ransom, threatening to unlock
the cage. Her friend is a fairy named Avalon who gives victims
amnesia, sometimes to the point of them forgetting their own name.
19. Telex – A golem experiment gone wrong, Telex is made entirely of
candy and cookies. He looks normal, but after he takes damage in
combat he will eat a part of his shoulder and regain all his health. He’d
never let anyone else take a bite, but he might break a piece off and
offer it if you have proven yourself a true friend. All he’s looking for in
life is a place where he can sit outside and not get pecked at by the
20. Dream Queen – A female dream merchant from the shores of your last
nightmare. She’s real now, if you can believe it, and she’s selling your
memories (or at least your memories in dream form). She’s very
(insert your personality) and only wants (insert your goals). So if you
can that to her, maybe she’ll (insert your retirement plan) and leave
you alone.
21. The Lady Space Princess Magnifica – Beautiful with her purple hair
and tight black leather, holographic plates of space-armor cover vital
areas of her body, and shards of holographic space glass float around
her. On her head sets the crown of the Space Princess. It’s a simple
steel band with three large space-diamonds (one on the front, one on
each side). The space-glass is sentient and listens to the wearer of the
band through laser commands. The headband fires infrared lasers that
move the space-glass. She can stand on them and fly with them. They
can shatter and carve through targets and then reform. She can have
the laser reflect from a chunk of glass to blind target or do damage like
a disintegration spell. What does she want? Probably something cute
you have that goes with her ship.
22. Klaura Eddinborough – A knight from a poor family, daughter of the
baron of a poor village, Klaura has traveled off to find riches. Every bit
of gold she finds she sends back home. She sleeps outside of town or in
the alley behind the bar. She gives up all for the betterment of her

town. She’s a redhead with sunburnt skin and simple leather armor
with a matching, battered shield. Her blade looks like shit and has been
in her family for seventy generations, but a trained magical eye can see
that it’s a blade of dragon slaying. Not only that but the first one ever
crafted, making it the mother of all other dragon slaying blades.
Needless to say it is worth more gold than a king could muster. As a
sidekick, Klaura travels with a small light-fairy in a lantern. The fairy
can only speak sylvan (which Klaura cannot). It knows of the blade and
actually likes being kept in the lanters (it keeps her safe from the
dragon that is trying to scry her to find the sword).
23. Liza – Spell-sword extraordinaire. A prodigy in both blade-mastery
and in the sorcerous arts. Her icy blue hair is braided down her back
and won’t be cut until she is bested. She can beat any swordsman and
she can beat any spell caster. She’s tired of that. She’s looking for
someone to beat her at both at the same time. She’s been touched by
ice and her heart beats like the undead. Her rapier is imbued with
liquid cold, which freezes opponents blades. Her full-plate armor is
warded against fire and freezes any exposed body part that touches it.
She travels alone and is not afraid of anything, especially not stupid
adventurers like you.
24. Kutzigara Oglamaru – She’s a samurai with armor twice her size and a
blade so sharp its legend across the land. She’s recently been
resurrected by some unknown means and is looking for her master, an
ancient emperor that supposedly vanished with her ancient
civilization. But she knows he’s alive. Her blade would be broken if he
was dead.
25. Twirly & Claus – Twirly is a young girl, late teens, and she’s from a
family with means. But she left that all behind, she swears, though she
wears the best clothes and sleeps in the best inns, eats the best food,
keeps herself well kept. She left it behind because Claus, her Dire Tiger
animal companion (whom can speak) came to her one night saying he
was sent from the Great Stag himself. Twirly is meant for greatness, he
says. And now they travel. She sits on the fancy flying carpet that
hangs over his back, and he wears a snow cap (the kind with the
dangly fuzz balls) that allows him to resist fire damage. Secretly (or
maybe not so secretly) Claus is in love with Twirly and wasn’t sent by
the Great Stag, but banished by him. And Twirly gets gold sent from
her family every week.
26. Maya Drape – A black-haired raven of a woman, stark black armor and
blade. Her hawk sits upon her shoulder unless he’s scouter or sending
messages. She’s on the hunt and could always use help. What’s she on
the hunt for? Monsters. The biggest and baddest in the region. Why

does she do it? Because she’s good at it. There’s nothing special about
her other than the fact that she’s extremely lucky.
27. Zora Neale – A catfolk from a distant land, traveling with her dire
korgi. She’s a simple kitten. She likes to fish and she likes to defeat her
foes with honor and swiftness. She meditates on her death every
morning and believes herself to be ready for death at all moments. She
will go with you if you promise to set up camp near a pond or stream
each night and help her stable her korgi if you’re going into a dungeon.
If ever faced with true death, she will panic. She’s not ready.
28. Black Mask – An ex-druid who has become an assassin. She wears a
black, marauder’s mask, black leather armor, and a dark-grey leather
cloak. She wields a samurai sword and follows the insight granted to
her from her crow familiar. She’s looking to kill the elf in your party
and was payed a huge amount to follow through. She has no feelings
other than hatred, so unless you can make her hate someone else more
than that elf, she’s going to kill them.
29. Syphania – This arch-wizard, owner of the prestigious Dracar
University, is adorned in a sexy, black-leather attire that hug her
magically young form. She’s a very sweet and innocent figure who
rules with a quite brute force. Her staff, which is short handled with a
large, glowing hornet’s nest on the end. She has control over the
hornet’s in the hive (as many as d100 + 30 hornets) and they are all
infused with a magical poison which affects people with random, wild
magic effects.
30. Licorice – This samurai is dressed is a loose kimono and tight
undershirt. She is like a succubus, except she’s not a demon. She sleeps
with other warriors, essentially defeating them with her body. She
smokes a magical pipe that she is immune to. When the smoke from
the pipe is breathed it acts as a hallucinogenic. She likes to breath it
into the faces of her challengers and then, when they freak out, she
defeats them in combat and impregnates them with an idea. This idea
grows uncontrollably, leaving the warriors helpless in a wallowing
31. Darrion Bellbottom – This sentient undead, dressed in a troubadour’s
hat and matching revolutionary war regalia, wields a long-barreled
riffle. Single shot. Insta-kill. He speaks in a slow, drawing tone and is
seeking vengeance against the one who left him to die. If you help him
find this person (a dark elf with bronze eyes and a crown of thorns) he
will have you distract them while he sets up to shoot them from a
distance. Then he’ll owe you the remainder of his undead life.
32. Cosgown Maleficent – A saint from a powerful church. He’s dressed in
green, satin robes and wields an ancient spellbook that holds the
secrets to a devious cult. He is strictly Lawful Good and is hunting

down all the previous members of this cult. The cult is long extinct,
much like the Nazis, but there are still splinter cells and people who
“abandoned” the cult to save themselves. He is unrestrained when he
meets one of these people, and anyone who helps him in eliminating
these people will be seen as a holy person in his eyes.
33. The Bird Priest – Selling birds on the side of the road is a strange,
short, fat man, with big bug eyes and a white, ratty beard. He dons a
thin, red cloak and wears shitty, cloth clothes. He owns a bird of every
species and feeds them as a mother bird would feed her children. He
controls every bird, and even when he “sells one”, they steal all the
gold they can and return to him the next night. He’s trying to either sell
to the party or get them to free one of his birds that got imprisoned in
a magical cage.
34. Xyaren – Assassin. He’s an elongated orc with long hair, long beard,
and a bandolier full of shuriken. He has gauntlets of steel claws on, and
is otherwise naked. He rides the head of a decapitated demon. The
head is as large as a sedan, and has three open eyes that fire rays (like
a beholder). The head floats at twice the speed of normal human
walking. The head can also devour medium and smaller creatures
whole. His fee is 1,000,000gp per person, so whoever hired him to kill
the party meant business.
35. Elaine Blethsare – She’s a pikeman from the royal academy, looking to
find an adventuring party that will accept her less-than-stellar scores.
She’s very eager and well armed, but she’s very clumsy and not very
silent. She talks a lot and never has anything interesting to say. But
who knows, maybe, when the chips are down, she can pull out a clutch
victory for the party. Or she can just fall in a pit and be forgotten.
36. Thomlai – Graduate from the Altoris Hills Private Wizarding Academy.
Everyone knows of that place. It’s the one that was attacked by a
dragon. Body parts scattered as far as twenty miles from the slaughter.
Everyone suspected dead. Thomlai was marked by constantly burning
flesh up his back and eyes that drift back in time to that moment when
the beast lifted his girlfriend high into the air and squished her like
jelly between his fingers. Thomlai doesn’t want help fighting the
dragon. And he doesn’t want help looking for the dragon. Everyone
knows it rests on Altoris Hill inside the ruined academy. But he does
want help finding a spell. It’s ancient. Druidic. Said to require a human
sacrifice and a king’s head. Help him find it and he may let you tag
along to pilfer the ruins.
37. Marisha – An attractive girl trained by her mother in witchcraft. She
transforms into spiders as ofter as she can and wants more than
anything to be a drider. She seeks out drow cults and caverns in the
hopes of learning the secret ritual required by their matrons to

become driders priestesses. If met on the road she’ll be singing a tune
while digging the organs out of her last kill. She drinks blood, eats raw
flesh, and does disgusting witch things, but always has a chipper smile.
38. Suth Luu – Elven, which means she’s cursed. Things around her
disappear. They don’t die, they just cease to be seen or heard or felt or
remembered. She likes this. She goes to plces she does not like and she
lets them all vanish. She will never vanish. Her and her her tall, red
wizard hat will always exist and will always have someone to hate.
39. Coleanna – Summoner of books. Wielder of hooked staff of silver and
wood. Her boyish red hair is circled by a headband, and her fish-scale
armor gleams like a moving sea. Her books are educational or hungry,
depending on which part of book-space she pulls them from. 30%
chance of it being a mimic, 10% chance of it holding secrets no one
should know.
40. Rupert – Undead, skeleton voodoo priest. He has d12+d4 imp-sized
voodoo dolls that can take the form of any humanoid that Rupert sees,
conversates with, and wrongs him by starring too long into his empty
eye sockets. The voodoo dolls act as one might expect. Put them over
fire and the person burns. Put a dagger in their hand and make them
stab the voodoo doll of the king and well…fun ensues.
41. Mari – She’s skuzzy looking. Old makeup, dirty hair, skimpy clothes,
chipped nails. She’s a Hand Mage. With concentration, she can take
control over someone else’s hands by moving her own. Hands also
follow her. Severed ones in particular. She can have as many pairs of
hands as max level of the party. They can do anything that normal
hands can do. And they don’t look undead or anything, just like hands
that ends halfway through the forearm.
42. The Dove Knight – Cursed to live as long as there is a dove. He’s a
young lad who was raised from a stillbirth. He travels alone because
those he travels with are cursed to become one of his doves (anyone
sleeping in the same camp as the Dove Knight is attacked by a wight,
and is slain by this wight you become one of his doves. The doves are
made of light and hide as tattoos on the boy’s flesh. When he enters
combat they fly from his skin and circle above. Whenever he is slain, a
dove flies into his body and reconstructs it. And every time this
happens, he learns from his defeat, giving him a +1 to combat rolls.
43. Yule Hanger – A young girl who picked up her grandfather’s sword to
protect her family. Her grandfather rose as a spirit to protect her,
infusing his soul with the sword. She strikes with the force of a giat,
casts spells with the skill of a level 9 wizard, and sneaks with the talent
of a 5th level thief, as long as she is within the grasp of the greatsword.
When encountered, she will be fighting someone in a duel. If she wins

they have to join her band. She always wins. 4d8 people are in her
sted, 3 5th level fighter, and a druid.
44. Ezmerelda Bleed – A knight of the sands. She has promised to kill a PC
because of something they did in their past. She fights with scimitar
and hawk. She travels through song. Wherever a song is sang she can
sail on the notes. She plays an ocarina. The sound is too beautiful to
ignore. When in trouble she can play a song to make her hawk grow
three times as large. When she covers her face with her hood she
becomes invisible.
45. Dara Alahara – An imperialist without a cause. She needs people to
lead or a village smart enough to listen to her. She is not a fighter,
though she has a cursed blade on her back. She is not a lover, though
she draws many eyes. She is only a leader. If the party allows her to
travel, and humors her, whenever they reach the next village Dara will
take control within a day, a city will take a week. She doesn’t forget
those who help her.
46. Kasuguri Ayamani – Half-demon. Would-be-assassin. She is hunting
the demon who made her. Maybe your party is hunting him too. She
doesn’t have any weapons on her. What she does have are two daggers
tattooed to her wrists. One has her name, the other one is blank. When
she learns someone’s name she can ink it onto the blank dagger. If she
dies, whomever’s name is on that dagger dies as well. When the sun
rises the next day, she will too.
47. Blake Hyde – Female ranger, red hair, pale skin, dressed in black cloths
for the cold. Her Lookout squad was killed by a manticore. Winter is
dying around her in the forest and she sweats all day. She has a
crossbow with a few bolts left and she’s ready to die out there. She
carries trinkets from all of her fallen friends.
48. Princcess of the Red Tree – Tamara was left there as a child and grew
with the tree. She thrives as long as the tree thrives, and vice versa.
She has knighted a young druid who was banished from his circle. He
can transform into a wolf. She lives in the tree and he protects it.
49. Greek Green – Mercenary for hire. Gecko soldier, brown trenchcoat,
revolution-era musket. He’s quiet but and excellent hunter/tracker.
Precise shot. Deadly with his dagger.
50. Gengra Trim – Half-demon, ram horns, black hair, uncaring gaze. Her
father was a goat farmer. The goats (and her father) died as a side
effect of the half-demon thing. The goats rose as undead (another side
effect). They follow her. She is their Sheppard. She’s searching for a
way to bring her father back, but being around people tends to end
with them and their pets dying. Only the goats rise though. She has 2d8

51. Sybil – Half-demon, grey skin, small horns, imp-like tail, ninja. She
fights with kunai and a whip-dagger. With the taste of anyone’s blood
she can track them anywhere. When she find her target she bites them,
sucking their blood and taking their most prized skill. She likes to
bargain for favors, or just keep them for herself.
52. Glory Spille – Red cloaked with a tall red wizard hat rimmed with three
candles. His staff is made of melted wax with a ball of continually
burning blame in the center. His spirit dog (blue fur, skeletal face) has
a candle burning on its head. His magics are weak, but when he lights
a candle and places it on something that’s dead, it will animate as if it
had never died.
53. Icon Maylor – Black cloaked rogue wielding a diamond-bladed spear.
He’s bonded with a spirit monkey who helps him with thievery. He
refuses to kill and has yet to be caught. He’s trained with the monks
and it has given him insight.
54. Kip Dragoon – Old man plagued by an oni (dark spirit). He tried to
become a warlock at a young age but the thing that answered his call
had no magical power. It is a large, ogre-like creature made of shadows
and piercing yellow eyes. It follows Kip’s emotions to the extremes
(kills when angry, runs when scared, cries when upset, etc.)
55. Dooly Prim – The Reaping Witch. Wields a sickle and a staff, followed
by a gathering of skeletal knights. Slade gifted her the sickle, a magic
item that raises those it slays as skeletons. The skeletons are sentient,
they can speak, but they are dull and unintelligent. She’s like a off-beat
power ranger villain.
56. The Widower – Vanished wife of an Ancient King. She hasn’t aged a
day, still traveling in her untarnished widow’s dress with her black
veil. The forest has accepted her, taken her in. She is no different from
a tree, other than she can communicate. She wants to take you to the
same place she went so that you can join her forever, and she won’t be
the Widower anymore.
57. Empress Dame – Short white haired with amber dagger eyes. Her
military uniform is white and decorated in black and gold. She runs
Brick, a small army that moves from village to village, conscripting
soldiers to grow strong enough to take back the Keep her grandfather
lost years ago.
58. Kitsune – Fox spirit. Appears as a woman dressed in black, with silver
fox tail and ears, and large black, demon claws. She is a guide to
forgotten things for people who can pay the price. If she’s not cared for
(with chocolates or bits of knowledge) she will leave. Any she leaves
before completing their journey will be lost.
59. Duke of Wolf Tower – Leader of a wolf brigand, the Duke rules his little
section of the forest from atop the tower. He adds his opponents armor

to his by melting it and pouring it atop his shoulders. His maul is
spiked with the teeth of steel wolves, and his helmet is the skull of an
atomic dragon encased in silver. He lets his crimson hair trail down his
back to show how long he’s gone without a defeat.
60. Saint Regret – A tall, blonde-haired-blue-eyed man. The youngest saint
to have been crowned. He’s in the woods on a mission to rescue a
princess. He doesn’t much like her though and is only doing it because
her father paid handsomely. He’ll give up the gold if someone else
finds her. Anyone with 18 CHA or higher catches his eye. He has a keep
and is looking to be married soon.
61. Saint Fury – Blonde-haired-blue-eyed woman, tall, dull steel armor
with vibrant red cape. Self-proclaimed monster slayer and keeper of
secrets. She fights with a blade that can pierce any hide and stop any
heart. 3/day the sword can cast fly. It’s intelligent and communicates
telepathically with Fury.
62. Archdeacon Wisp – A black, shadowy spirit, with long cape that
constantly billows, and black fire hair that flows in all wind. Carries a
dandelion staff. Each white fuzz is a spell that he can cast (all random).
He can summon spirits, talk to spirits, and comes from the dream of a
party member. That is the only way he can enter our world.
63. Countess Lliamb – Half-demon, dragon slayer. Wields a bastard sword
made from melted warforged. Two large bat wings spread from her
back. She was hired by Castle and works with a team. She enjoys
killing, but refuses to take an innocent life. So when she kills dragons
her face is alive with a psychotic energy.
64. Jesse Pike – Drake rider for Castle. He’s incompetent with blade and
his drake doesn’t always listen. He was sent out on a quest to hunt
goblins, but all the goblins he’s run into have been civilized so he’s
ashamed to return home empty handed. He doesn’t know what to do.
65. Saint Jealousy, Envy, & Lackluster – Three siblings, raised to be Saints.
They went to the academy in Ogura on royal blood and family money.
They are tough in battle, but tougher in resources. Anything that exists
they can buy. Any person can be purchased, all ties can be broken.
Nothing is sacred. Cash rules everything around them. Just ask their
66. Saint Hysteria – Wielder of the Blue Flame, the sword of the First Saint,
Ghost of the World, Stampede of Castles, Fear Swallower. She wears a
blue cape, the sign of a Ghost, and is only sent upon the deadliest of
missions. The Blue Flame is a flametongue that can cut through the
chains of gods, the incorporeal priests, and everything in between.
She’s gone missing recently. Maybe the druids found her…
67. Sid Colbert – Son of a wealthy man from Aberdeen. Ran off to find
adventure. He was captured by Orcs and tortured for several years,

forced to work in the Mine that Leads Nowhere. He made friends with
a captured monk who taught him to accept his place. But he could not.
He escaped with a band of thieves and roamed the land with them
being a criminal. Now, after being left for dead, he doesn’t know who
to hate more, the orcs, the thieves, or himself.
68. Gut Splitter – Champion of the Ogura fighting pits, fled to the
Everwood for a real challenge. He’s a half-orc, living with the duality of
that. He wields a great axe in his left hand, a great sword in his right.
His mohawk has become shaggy, but his skills are razor sharp. He
wants nothing but a warrior’s death.
69. Mall Hale – Youngest graduate of Altoris Hill Arcane Academy. Her
spellbook is tattooed on her skin in magical ink. It is revealed under
the full moon and can only be read by undead eyes. She knows she’s
the best and talks a big game. She can back it up. Her black cat familiar
materializes from her shadow. There’s whispers that she’s done
terrible things to learn the things she’s done. And she’s always looking
to learn more.
70. Desperado – An elf that has fled the forest looking for a cure for his
curse. It’s warped him beyond measure. He’s only lived for 20 years,
but his one year out of the forest has aged him 700. He’s dying now,
and he holds onto his sandalwood revolvers with shaking hands. He
won’t miss. He’s not done yet. But he will be soon.
71. Mika Ayoona – Samurai of His Great Fervor, hunter of beasts
uncatchable. His Greatness has lost his pet parrot and she’s searching
for it. The parrot is an imp. She’s a quiet type. Untrusting. Shifting eyes.
She doesn’t understand the woods and doesn’t try. She lets it come and
go, must like her enemies.
72. Saint Relief – A new saint, fresh armor, several hirelings at her stead,
and a loyal drake gifted to her from a dear friend. She fights from its
back even though she hates to fight. She prefers diplomacy and her
mission requires it. She is searching for villages in the Everwood that
have the gold to fund roads to them. They are few and far between.
73. Saint Satisfaction – A magic knight, fresh from Ogura. She and her
body-length sword are in the Everwood to bring magic teachings to
small villages. She has several acolytes with her but they are all
terrified of the woods. Satisfaction’s doe eyes are not ready for the
horror that can happen within those trees.
74. Saint Horror – The Red Knight, Mercy Eater. His halberd is a controller
of tigers, and his black eyes can see even the most hidden of foes. He is
afraid of heights and so does not ride a drake. His red and gold armor
shines in the forest so that he cannot hide from his foes. He’s on a
mission to hunt Saint Anger and slay her for desertion.

75. Shanahara Grez – Walking of the wastes. She is a ranger and a
barbarian. She wields a broken helicopter blade as a sword and brips
the reins of two velociraptors that she can ride/use in combat. They
are excellent trackers and she is an excellent killer. She is often hired
as an assassin and always says a prayer before killing her target and
gives them a proper burial.
76. Kiwi – the Fireball wizard. She is a loose cannon that gets paid to go off
on areas where mass casualties are not only wanted, but expected. Orc
temples, goblin villages, dragon lairs. She keeps her dust-grey hat and
cloak billowing I the breeze as her explosive spheres of molten rock
explode down around her. She feels nothing but satisfaction.
77. Lair Bleth – Lookout Ranger, pikeman, green cloak of the Tree Spinner.
She has been put in charge of an old treehouse after the grizzled
ancients passed away. She’s only 16 and the rest of the Lookouts are
recruits, black cloaked and uncertain. Her Treehouse is one that
receives a lot of big monster traffic. She needs help but hates asking for
78. Tru Bakoo – Young leader of an Orphan-ran keep. Her brother and her
protect the abandoned children and seek to find and save others who
were abandoned. The siege towns and “rescue” the children residing
there. She believes its for their good, and her brother trains them to
fight and take up arms.
79. Sylvester Shmite – Half-elf, aristocrat. He’s a vampire, born and bitten
under a full moon as the undead rose to attack. He himself doesn’t
know this. But on the full moon he transforms into a beastial vampire
and must feast on the blood needed to survive for a whole year. This
usually ends with him leaving empty villages behind, believing himself
to be the only one to survive the undead horde.
80. Kari Brooke – Demon hunter from Ogura. She was a samurai for a
wealthy man before he was murdered by a demon in cold blood. She
fled the capital instead of committing seppuku, believing that her job
was not quite done. And it won’t be done until she finds the demon
who did it and beheads him. Until then, all the other demons will have
to do.
81. Captain Pit – Retired Saint called back to duty for a special mission. He
and his crew of mercenaries sailed his ship up a river into the
Everwood to see how far it would go. Things happened. Strange things.
Now he and his crew pillage and burn villages they come across. They
send letters back to Ogura smeared in blood. Dragon Knight Lance has
put a bounty on Pit himself.
82. Saint Suffer – An icy-blue haired knight, a Ghost. Her body is cold like
the dead, undetectable by any sort of heat vision. Her blade is so cold
that it shatters other blades on contact (natural 20). Anywhere she

goes the temperature drops several degrees. She is a crusader for
Suffering and visits villages in the Everwood to gather apostles and
spread the religion.
83. Kel – Drow ranger. He fled the dark side of the moon to hunt an atomic
dragon that crashed down into the Everwood. But finding something
in the Everwood is never as simple as it seems. Kel has been searching
for 15 years and has joined a Lookout group. He hunts with them.
84. Drear – Half Demon Elf, cursed with the presence of a dark spirit. Her
Oni never wanders far from her and reacts violently to even the most
harmless move. She lives in her village even though it’s been burned to
the ground in an attempt to kill her. She cannot burn, she cannot die,
she cannot leave.
85. Fae – Witch of the Fireflies. Everyone knows that fireflies are powerful
spirits. They are the promises broken, the secrets unkept. They exist in
two worlds at once and flutter with the light that slowly drips out of
them into nothing. Fae has learned to capture them, and as we all
know, to hold something is to wield it. Wherever she goes, awe-
inspiring feats of good and evil follow.
86. The Minotaur and his Bride – Prick and Bruise travel the Everwood
looking for a certain piece of treasure. If you find yourself seeking
mystical books, you might find them. The book they seek will unbind
them from their promise and allow them to live their own lives. As of
now, their fates are entwined. His blood is in her veins, and he is kept
alive by the red gem she welded to his forehead.
87. Dark Kindred – A child spirit, harbinger of premature death. The spirit
lurks wherever a child has died, looking for their lost and frightened
spirit to help guide them away to safety. If you see her look away. Only
speak to her if she has asked you to. And never, ever let her eyes meet
yours. There are things in those orbs that no mortal can bear.
88. Azinga – This white-haired spirit lurks where color has faded. She
brings with her color and with that color comes violence. She is a
volatile and unpredictable spirit. She likes to watch people fight over
petty things and she loves watching a village crumble under its own
jubilous hatred. Only a good fight to the death can clean a village of her
89. Kraken – Adventurer of the spirit world. Travels with her cosmic owl
and her death hound, her red robe grants her etherealness, her blade
cuts the most unhuman of foes. She is not a friend of spirits and they
aren’t a friend of her. But she is searching for one spirit that was taken
long ago. Her own. A demon stole it and cursed her with a life of unluck
and miasma. If she can find it and slay the demon, perhaps she can be

90. Gauntel – Excommunicated druid, despiser of all things convenient and
currently walking the path of suffering. At the end he hopes to find the
snow wolves that haunt the monastery. He hopes to defeat them and
enter the monastery. Once inside he will either find spiritual
enlightenment, or kill them all.
91. Patricia Whin = Knight of Who Cares. Mistress of Not Giving a Fuck.
Damsel that brings distress. Umbrella in the sun, pale skin painted
geisha white, kimono robe several sizes too large, her brother’s sword
(she’s “watching it for him, he’ll be back soon”) ornate in lilies and rose
pedals. She has jars of alchemical concoctions that she passes off as
potions, and a small spirit token that dotes after her. She doesn’t want
anything. Leave her alone.
92. Simon – Cleric of the Red Dragon Pellimore. Has undergone a
forbidden ritual to turn himself into a dragon. It worked, partially. He’s
human, but has scales of a dragon, claws of a dragon, a tail like a
dragon, and a pair of useless dragon wings. He cannot breath fire. He is
not a dragon born. But he is a terrifying site to behold. He says he can
turn others into dragons with the right ritual…
93. Naka – Spirit hunter, with her dog Okam (white Siberian with red
rituals painted on his fur). She travels the forest looking for the spirit
that stole her village from her. Sbe trades her spirit knowledge for
favors, which usually include gathering special materials, performing
spiritual rituals, or helping her take down an unruly spirit.
94. Thundar – Saint gone psycho. He wear black jeans, white shirt, black
leather jacket. His long black hair always falls over his eyes. He’s
grizzled and wields a machete. Castle wants him dead, but even though
he’s a psycho he doesn’t harm humans. He sprints through the forest
delivering his own tribunals for creatures and wrong-doers. The
innocent lose a hand. The guilty lose their heads.
95. Syban – A prince from Ogura. He can split himself into four identical
copies, each masters of their own weapon of choice (bow, spear,
sword, whip). They can travel apart from each other and Syban can
hear and see through all of them. His health is divided among them and
when one is slain, all other copies can feel it. He was banished from
96. Eyra Churn – Human ambassador to the Moon. Raised in Aberdeen,
she took a job as the Queen’s assistant for the sole reason of opening
communications with the Moon. After the Queen relented, Eyra
claimed her spot as emissary and makes weekly trips to the moon.
Why is she in the Everwood? Something brought her ship down and
she’s never been more afraid.
97. Theen Elyse – Queen of the Cursed Mock, Blind Prophet, Hearer of all
that crawl. One of the Theens of the cursed wood, Elyse is colorless

(black and white), fourteen feet tall, and an elf. Her curse has
manifested itself as a stable wormhole on her forehead.
98. Chandra Labar – Saint Joy, the Burning Smile. Blonde haired, red heavy
armor, welding goggles. On a dime she can ignite her hands and hair
into blazing fire. Her barbaric rage is magnified beyond normal
capabilities. Her job: deal with the orc tribes that are moving in from
the badlands. She prefers violence.
99. Stalker – Ranger of the Hidden Leaf, half-elf, and dragon hunter.
Stalker has been sent on a mission to track down a dragon that
ravaged a village under Lookout protection. He’s mute after a run in
with a revenant. He’s not looking for help tracking the dragon, but that
doesn’t mean he won’t accept it.
00. Gabriel – A girl who was stolen by spirits at birth and returned to her
parents after 10 years. She has eyes like space, and gazing into them
allows whatever is inside to gaze back. When she wants it to, the map
etched onto the skin of her face and neck can appear. She knows that it
leads to the spirit world. She doesn’t want anyone else to go there.

Who’s traveling the road today?

1. A man wearing too much jewelry, he wants that shiny thing you have
2. Refugees from a nearby village, they are thirsty
3. Blood covered horses without riders
4. Snake merchants with lots of stock
5. Merchant from Aberdeen peddling trading cards
6. Bee keeper and assistant, has wagons (plural) of bees and honey
7. Bard, wants your stories and will pay
8. Demon with a donkey, says its cursed
9. Psychos who have been dazzled by a strange riddle
10. Hundreds of children
11. Gypsies who don't want to tell your fortune, damnit
12. A couple on their honeymoon, they are blissfully unaware of where
they are
13. Zookeeper out of work and melancholic
14. People from your high school
15. Queen of a small village
16. Familiar looking to make a contract
17. Several heavily armored soldiers on the way to battle
18. Dragon slayers on the hunt
19. Cultists disguised as hapless villagers
20. Alcoholic
21. Royalty going hunting
22. Injured Lookouts chased from their hideout by vicous monster
23. Wizard that wants you to get rid of a strange ring
24. Caravan of fine art
25. Teenagers in pig masks stalking fat kid through woods
26. Gang of cripples, all seeking revenge
27. Lantern salesman, all lights are trapped spirits
28. Dream merchant, trades gold for the delivery of dreams
29. Adventurers with a fallen comrade
30. Your parents
31. Giant-riders and their mounts
32. A pack of sentient street cats hunting a were-rat ninja
33. Samurai who have committed seppuku and were risen from the dead
to serve
34. Several dead people in wheelchairs
35. Your father
36. Some children going trick ‘r’ treating
37. Two lovers going to the in-laws’
38. Grade-A Nerds
39. Several spider-women who want to mate
40. Dragon funeral procession
41. Parade of ancient royalty
42. A couple of jerks from high school
43. Wolves
44. Wagons full of zoo animals led by several drunk wizards
45. Farmers with moonshine and guns
46. Who would ruin this moment? That’s who’s there
47. Three mimics pretending to be humans
48. Several white-painted soldiers dragging themselves across the dirt
49. Guard at his post, trying not to seem so high
50. Soldiers from the losing side of a battle
51. Several sets of twins heading to an unnamed convention
52. Murderers
53. Bounty hunters looking for you
54. Guardians of a princess, venturing to a sacred place
55. A knight looking to make a promise
56. Wizard students looking for their professor
57. Spectral guardians warning of a great threat in a nearby tomb
58. Book salesman, but the books are from the 2017 best sellers list
59. Wagon-full of gold for local corrupt king
60. A coalition of freed princesses looking for revenge
61. Some beds filled with sleeping monsters
62. It’s you but better
63. A horror that leaves tainted ground in its wake
64. Lookouts with a fallen comrade
65. Knights hunting the questing beast
66. Dragon mutants who have been lobotomized
67. Rusty mine cart rails leading off into the woods
68. A saint with a very serious mission
69. War machine with a feisty A.I.
70. Knight infected with a blood dryad
71. Hundreds of peasants who have lost their town to a horror
72. Vampire hunters
73. Werewolves disguised as business men
74. A hunter of humans
75. Two druid children
76. Family of elk that may or may not be druid watchers
77. A dying druid, impaled by a large tusk
78. Songbird maiden
79. Wine maker/seller, isn’t drunk
80. A man who claims to be a god
81. Giant-hunting Lookouts
82. A man with the deck of many things
83. Treasure hunters with various treasure maps
84. Tattoo artist
85. A person misplaced by time
86. Vampires
87. Vigilante hero with mask and troubled past
88. Shackled prisoners who have escaped
89. People on the path of suffering
90. Servants to a dread lord
91. A prince from Ogura
92. A bearer of some unknowingly powerful artifact
93. A man with a key to a place you need to go
94. A man with a key to your family house
95. A family member who knows too much about you
96. Your child that you didn’t know you had
97. Doppelgangers
98. Militant woman with small standing army
99. A witch
100. Someone who says they can grant wishes

And if you need a complication… (need 100)

1. Someone walks in with a gun
2. Someone is taken hostage
3. A meteor splits the sky
4. Someone is a werewolf
5. Someone is being possessed
6. An animal is an unwillingly polymorphed villager
7. An animal is a druid spying
8. Someone has a contagious disease
9. A weapon previously thought to be normal is actually sentient
10. Nearest object is actually a mimic
11. Earthquake
12. Fire
13. Someone drops dead with a dagger in the back
14. Assassins
15. One hundred refugees wander in
16. Something is actually a treasure map
17. Something is actually a key to something great
18. a PC is actually a doppelganger
19. Goblins arrive to collect taxes
20. Someone reveals they are loyal to a dragon

The local monster appears as a…
1. Red 1. mechanical
2. Orange 2. human
3. Yellow 3. shadow
4. Green 4. centaur-like
5. Blue 5. mutated
6. Indigo 6. germinated
7. Violet 7. disease-ridden
8. Copper 8. gargantuan
9. Silver 9. twisted
10. Golden 10. misconfigured
11. Platinum 11. jumbled
12. White 12. draconic
13. Black 13. demonic
14. Brass 14. mystic
15. Bronze 15. dreamed up
16. Steel 16. spirit-like
17. Rorschach 17. forgotten
18. ever changing color 18. almost
19. Grey 19. ancient
20. Rainbow 20. broken

21. Ant 41. Toucan 1. Python 61. Dingo 81. Woodchuck

22. Badger 42. Sheep 2. Rabbit 62. Eagle 82. Woodpecker
23. Bat 43. Goat 3. Raccoon 63. Elk 83. Worm
24. Bear 44. Ram 4. Red Panda 64. Emu 84. Yellowjacket
25. Bee 45. Moose 5. Rhinoceros 65. Fly 85. Anaconda
26. Beetle 46. Oxen 6. Squirrel 66. Fox 86. Antelope
27. Bird 47. Camels 7. Tarantula 67. Frog 87. Armadilo
28. Bison 48. Gazelle 8. Tasm. Devil 68. Gecko 88. Baboon
29. Butterfly 49. bobcat 9. Tiger 69. Panda 89. Badger
30. Buzzard 50. ferret 10. Tit 70. Tortoise 90. Chimpanzee
31. Caterpillar 51. fox 11. Toad 71. Groundhog 91. Leopard
32. Centipede 52. giraffe 12. Turkey 72. Hawk 92. Rat
33. Chameleon 53. hippo 13. Turtle 73. Hedgehog 93. Crocodile
34. Chipmunk 54. jaguar 14. Viper 74. Kangaroo 94. Duck
35. Cicada 55. jackal 15. Vulture 75. Koala 95. Elephant
36. Cougar 56. hyena 16. Wasp 76. Ladybug 96. Hawk
37. Coyote 57. horse 17. Weasel 77. Mouse 97. Lion
38. Cricket 58. zebra 18. Wildcat 78. Newt 98. Monkey
39. Crow 59. dragonfly 19. Wolf 79. Owl 99. Orangutan
40. Deer 60. snail 20. Wombat 80. Possum 00. Pheasant

1. two heads
2. chimera heads
3. a pair of dragon wings
4. 8 additional spider legs
5. twice as many legs
6. empty eye sockets
7. out a body, just a floating head
8. a strange weapon in its hand
9. a burlap sack over its head
10. a magical aura around it
11. a cloud of mosquitos around it
12. a hornets nest for a head
13. a translucent body
14. a hangover
15. a horn two sizes larger than it should be
16. its organs on the outside
17. a necklace of human hands
18. backwards limbs
19. fairy in a jar
20. a dead language tattooed on it
It’s related to… Can…
1. Dragons 1. Spider climb
2. Giants 2. Blink
3. Magic experiments 3. Burrow
4. Spirits 4. Fly
5. Otherworldly beings 5. Ethereal
6. Demons 6. Attack twice as often
and also…
1. splits into copies It has (d8) HD
2. regenerates like a hydra
3. immune to physical damage
with + (d8) to
4. reflects magic
5. gains another attack
6. a grappling tail and is
7. lulling song
8. a twin currently
9. a chain that goes deep into the woods seeking…
10. magical runes that activate after a 1. Food
physical attack 2. To
11. mirrors whichever attack was just done procreate
to it 3. Shelter
12. eats gold to regain hp 4. Protection

This village is a(n)…
1. hovel plagued by rats
2. war-ravaged battlefield
3. abandoned monster lair
4. terrible monument
5. ruined keep
6. recently built hamlet
7. former ritual site
8. location still under construction
9. series of caves
10. wrecked castle
11. desecrated temple
12. sacred icon
13. harbor
14. abandoned mineshaft
15. forgotten Elven metropolis
16. ancient dwarven art project
17. dead dragon's resting site
18. once great technological feat
19. barely standing bridge
20. pillar of faith
Located… And has been civilized since…
1. in the thick of the forest 1. yesterday
2. in a thin patch of woods 2. great keep was destroyed
3. in a swamp 3. gangs fought terrible
4. on a grassy knoll battle
5. within a druid circle 4. space ship crashed
6. on a rocky hill 5. the last family moved in
7. within an abandoned city 6. the barbarians left
8. on the edge of a crater 7. the druids were eradicated
9. inside of a crater 8. the end of the last war
10. on the edge of a swamp 9. beginning of the last war
11. near a tundra 10. livestock stopped dying
12. on the steppes 11. the first trees grew
13. in a massive Wheatfield 12. several generations ago
14. within a great scar 13. a dragon died here
15. in a burned forest 14. Lookouts cleared the area
16. in a forest oasis 15. a Saint passed through
17. in a secluded glen 16. slavers set up camp here
18. on a holy site 17. a great hero settled down
19. on a druidic burial ground 18. a great hero was slain
20. in a thick tropical tangle 19. mythic item discovered
20. gold vein discovered
It’s ruled by…

1. Fascist 1. Kings
2. Feudalistic 2. Queens
3. Fat 3. Demons
4. Sociopathic 4. Cultists
5. Depressed 5. Witches
6. unrelenting 6. Animated pieces of furniture
7. hypocritical 7. sentient Animals
8. crippled 8. 12ft Trolls
9. milquetoast 9. blue Orcs
10. lying 10. tax-crazed goblins
11. justice-delivering 11. Children
12. monster-eating 12. self-proclaimed Emperors
13. kingdom-crushing 13. Wizards that saw the unknown
14. technology-obsessed 14. fractured Parliaments
15. neo-Nazi 15. Dragonkin
16. religiously-prophesized 16. intelligent Weapons
17. cannibalistic 17. doppelgangers
18. suicidal 18. Spheres
19. murdering 19. Monuments
20. sexually-confused 20. living Spells

That strives for…

1. unlimited gold
2. the darkest of magics
3. a book that holds the souls of gods
4. control over dragonkind
5. an army that can crush all others
6. personal love
7. spiritual enlightenment
8. the destruction of nature
9. technological advancement
10. a religious crusade
11. demonic appeasement
12. self-annihilation
13. other's submission
14. the secrets hidden inside the human brain
15. monster freedom
16. the resurrection of a loved one
17. revenge
18. death
19. contact with otherworldly beings
20. a contract with something more powerful than they

1. all magic users
2. all religions
3. their own kind
4. all humankind
5. metal wielders
6. liars
7. truth tellers
8. trade/communication
9. laziness
10. organized government
11. alcohol consumption
12. violence
13. the opposite sex
14. books
15. clothes
16. druids
17. sex
18. weakness
19. language
20. doing the wrong thing
And has made enemies with…
1. neighboring village
2. local goblin tribe
3. a demon worshipping knight
4. a Saint
5. a nearby dragon
6. a Lookout group
7. the neighboring druid circle
8. a traveling band of psychos
9. a broken army looking for refuge
10. vampires
11. werewolves on the Hunt
12. the rats under the village
13. a black knight
14. meandering magic-user
15. wise and sentient elephant
16. an adventuring party
17. the inhabitants of the nearby dungeon
18. some mystic patron
19. a priest to a nearly forgotten god
20. a local, powerful spirit

Village Names
1. Acton 35. Immingham 69. Ramsey
2. Alcester 36. Ivybridge 70. Reading
3. Aldeburgh 37. Jarrow 71. Redhill
4. Amble 38. Kempston 72. Ringwood
5. Bampton 39. Kesgrave 73. Sale
6. Barrow 40. King's Lynn 74. Sandwich
7. Basingstoke 41. Kington 75. Sawbridge
8. Beaconsfield 42. Knutsford 76. Seaford
9. Callington 43. Langport 77. Sevenoaks
10. Calne 44. Launceston 78. Swindon
11. Chatham 45. Leatherhead 79. Tadcaster
12. Cheadle 46. Leominster 80. Tadley
13. Dereham 47. Leyton 81. Thame
14. Doncaster 48. March 82. Tickhill
15. Dover 49. Mansfield 83. Torpoint
16. Driffield 50. Maldon 84. Uckfield
17. Easingwold 51. Marlow 85. Ulverston
18. Elland 52. Millom 86. Uppingham
19. Ellesmere 53. Nailsworth 87. Uxbridge
20. Erith 54. Nantwich 88. Ventnor
21. Fairford 55. Newbury 89. Verwood
22. Fakenham 56. Newcastle 90. Wadebridge
23. Folkestone 57. Newport 91. Wallasey
24. Frome 58. Oakengates 92. Ware
25. Garastang 59. Oldbury 93. Wem
26. Gateshead 60. Oldham 94. Wembley
27. Gillingham 61. Olney 95. Westbury
28. Grays 62. Orford 96. Woking
29. Hadleigh 63. Painswick 97. Woodbridge
30. Hailsham 64. Paington 98. Yarm
31. Halesowen 65. Pickering 99. Yate
32. Harrow 66. Plympton 00. Yeovil
33. Ilford 67. Queensborough
34. Ilkley 68. Radstock

What could happen in the village?
1. There's a witch-trial taking place in the center of town
2. Several "criminals" are being lowered into a well to drown with the
coming rain
3. The village elders gather every night in the basement of the tavern for
a fight club
4. the purge
5. It's visiting by gypsies in wagons selling strange wines and promising
anyone a glimpse of their future
6. A dragon comes to collect a tithe
7. Some homeless vagabond rides into town on a starved horse that has a
saddle adorned in diamonds, claiming to be King
8. The Levey breaks
9. A well appears in the center of town that was never there before
10. Rat assassins from the sewer hunt the party at night
11. A bandit mass is hired to route out the party by attacking the town
12. The village princess needs to be married
13. The party is mistook as tax collectors and are treated as such
14. Party members are both claimed as representatives in a trial by
15. Magic users in the party thought to be demons and are treated as such
16. Several psychos with a mounted ballista are holding a building hostage
17. Psychos are holding the town's magistrate hostage
18. All children go missing in the middle of the day
19. Cannibals try to serve dead villagers to party
20. Mercenaries with war dogs sniff out drugs

What quest is needing done?

1. Flocks of crows eating the crops at night, led by angry druid
2. Church crumbles overnight, caused by opposing church's ritual
3. Monster terrorizing trade route
4. Dragon tithe needs paid in paintings
5. Children claim that strange woman knocks on windows at night asking
to be let in
6. Apex predator wandered into area, disrupting wildlife
7. Water supply magically poisoned by local shaman upstream
8. Deer carcasses stuffed in well, no signs of druid problem
9. Rats in the basement, really wererat thief guild
10. Tunnel under village collapses
11. Mines infested with awoken war machines
12. Demon making bargains late at night at the crossroads in town
13. Strange spellcaster willing to teach children "magic tricks"
14. Goats are being snatched in the middle of the day by a large, flying

15. Shopkeepers are being shaken down by a strange hooded man with a
big stick
16. All the wine in the bar is discovered to be blood
17. Thirteen bodies float down the closest river. They went missing ten
years ago
18. A thief disguises herself as a cleric and dishes out "healing" for high
19. Bandits are set up in the church, desecrating ancient icons
20. Orcs have hostages in the barn

Who are the authorities?

1. Local town militia
2. Coalition of nearby villages
3. Old veterans with too many scars
4. Soldiers who have returned from the war
5. Mob-like gang
6. Church-group paladins
7. cultists
8. Wizards
9. the citizens have taken it upon themselves
10. ancient war machines
11. doppelgangers
12. secret society
13. bandits
14. sheriff and deputy
15. knights
16. town guard
17. living spells
18. the leaders
19. ancient spirits
20. vigilante justice

Who puts out the fires?

1-5. No one
6-10. Volunteer fireman
11-13. professional firemen
14. Local Authority
15. Extensive sprinkler system
16. A couple of kids with buckets of water
17. A wizard with create water
18. Water dryad
19. An ancient war machine
20. They just wait for rain

What is the bank?
1. Everyone carries their own gold
2. The mayor’s mattress
3. a big hole outside of town
4. an abandoned monster lair
5. in the old mines
6. a safe in head guild
7. a safe in the tavern
8. a simple house
9. a stone building
10. a stone building with security
11. a stone building with a secured safe
12. the nearest keep
13. in an abandoned dungeon
14. behind a painting in an innocuous house
15. inside a painting
16. the nearest dragon
17. inside the mind of a crazy wizard
18. a massive vault
19. in a modern credit union
20. art gallery, the paintings can be liquidated

How do people heal?

1. Over time, there's no healer
2. Over time, there's no healer
3. Over time, there's no healer
4. Over time, there's no healer
5. Over time, there's no healer
6. clumsy acolyte from Aberdeen
7. ancient cleric to an evil god
8. skeletal cleric to a nearly forgotten god
9. medical doctor set up in a tent
10. getting drunk at the tavern every night
11. popular church cleric
12. Lookouts berries smashed into jelly and sold at high prices
13. alchemy stolen from ancient druidic means
14. world class chef is popular in town after rough day
15. the brothel
16. demon succubus heals people in exchange for sex
17. saint who set up in the village
18. gypsies
19. Ogura priestess with strange rituals
20. They don't, lots of deaths

Who is the mightiest warrior in the land?
They are a D10th level
1. Ranger
2. Fighter
3. Barbarian
4. Knight
1. hunts humans for sport
2. allegedly killed a dragon once and wears dragon bone armor
3. is actually a demon in disguise
4. drinks the blood of the slain
5. survived both wars
6. wields an ancient weapon that speaks lies
7. has a large amount of wealth hidden away somewhere
8. has a small army that they use to leverage against villages
9. travels with several loyal, hungry war dogs
10. is alleged to fly
11. is a princess to a large plot of land
12. has friends in high places
13. is friends with your biggest enemy
14. is your older sister
15. knows your name and doesn't seem to like you
16. is your old flame
17. is your unrequited love from childhood
18. is kind of a creep who eyes you lustfully
19. likes to cross-dress in private
20. you think is your father but really doesn't know you

Who is the most powerful wizard in the land?

They are a D10th level
1. Witch
2. Sorcerer
3. Wizard
4. Shaman
1. is invested in his rock garden (because it stops spirits from possessing
the locals)
2. sends dreams to those he hates so that they may suffer
3. just had a baby delivered to him and is quite busy, thank you
4. has a book that he can't read but that keeps talking to him
5. is obsessed with constructing golems
6. likes to make homunculi
7. is perfecting the art of living spells
8. is stuck in an eternal slumber
9. dislikes mankind and strives to become a monster
10. is your sister-in-law
11. is your younger, well-liked brother
12. talks to much to the locals and makes them very uncomfortable
13. hides away in a ruined tower
14. seeks battlefields to gather souls
15. walks the local land in animal form
16. has made enemies with the local dragon
17. slept with your mother long ago
18. loves sending people on ridiculous quests
19. is an elf
20. makes spells out of children

What is the local lost treasure?

1. a painting done by an ancient culture
2. jewels of a dragon's hoard
3. the princesses lost tiara
4. the blade of an ancient female warrior
5. several thousand in gold that was stolen by bandits
6. a large jeweled egg that fell from the sky
7. the armor of an elven warrior
8. the princess
9. an ancient scroll holding a deadly spell
10. the spellbook of an ancient ancestor
11. silverware that sings in the moonlight
12. a hunk of moon rock that moans at night
13. a large tapestry that spells the doom of the elves
14. a cursed mirror that shows your mangled corpse
15. a snake that has been alive since giants roamed the earth
16. a family of parots that say the last words spoken by a fallen god
17. a love potion
18. a potion of youth
19. a sould gem with a powerful spirit inside
20. a history book filled with superstitions and lies

NPC Generator
1. Alden 35. Keaton 69. Sunniva
2. Alf 36. Kelsea 70. Tatum
3. Ashlee 37. Kimberlee 71. Tanner
4. Bailee 38. Kole 72. Thatcher
5. Batilda 39. Landon 73. Tucker
6. Benton 40. Lawley 74. Tyson
7. Byron 41. Leigh 75. Uesli
8. Camdyn 42. Lilla 76. Van
9. Carlton 43. Lindsee 77. Vance
10. Chelsea 44. Macee 78. Villads
11. Clay 45. Meadow 79. Wade
12. Dayna 46. Millard 80. Walker
13. Dwight 47. Milton 81. Wayne
14. Denver 48. Neil 82. Wesley
15. Drake 49. Nixon 83. Weston
16. Earline 50. Oakley 84. Willbrord
17. Easton 51. Oswin 85. Willis
18. Edgardo 52. Paxton 86. Wilson
19. Edith 53. Peyton 87. Winston
20. Fay 54. Princeton 88. Wynton
21. Ford 55. Ramsey 89. Adair
22. Freda 56. Raylee 90. Alf
23. Frank 57. Reid 91. Annalee
24. Gage 58. Remy 92. Ash
25. Gibson 59. Rowena 93. Brooks
26. Graysen 60. Rovena 94. Cenric
27. Graham 61. Rohesia 95. Ceolmund
28. Hadlee 62. Ryder 96. Eadberht
29. Haley 63. Rylee 97. Eadbard
30. Harlan 64. Saywer 98. Gladwyn
31. Huxley 65. Scarlet 99. Godric
32. Jagger 66. Sheldon 00. Godwine
33. Justice 67. Shelly
34. Karter 68. Sterling

Is a…
1. cautious 1. farmer
2. devilish 2. merchant
3. bitchy 3. apprentice armorer
4. dangerous 4. blacksmith
5. insane 5. guild member
6. pushy 6. acolyte
7. irritable 7. theif
8. irritating 8. guard
9. demanding 9. militia
10. cowardly 10. retired adventurer
11. spineless 11. bar dweller
12. lazy 12. hunter
13. energetic 13. ranger
14. lying 14. clergryman
15. monotone 15. stableboy
16. whispering 16. parent
17. wheezing 17. orphan wrangler
18. sickly 18. hero
19. creepy 19. carpenter
20. jovial 20. chef

They want…
1. respect
2. the upper hand
3. to feel safe
4. someone to listen
5. everyone to shut up
6. to get away
7. to take a break
8. sex
9. love
10. to not feel so empty
11. food
12. drugs
13. to listen to someone charismatic
14. to get home
15. to be at the bar
16. to get some sleep
17. a drink
18. a fight
19. to argue
20. to help

1. goblins
2. magic-users
3. their parents
4. adventurers
5. questions
6. people who don't listen
7. loud noises
8. pushy people
9. the idea of you
10. doing work
11. needing to think too hard
12. negotiating
13. stubborn people
14. ugly people
15. fat people
16. the opposite sex
17. your class
18. tedium
19. social pressure
20. being outside

And would do anything…

1. to get laid
2. to get revenge
3. to leave this village
4. to get in your good favor
5. to get you to go away
6. for some magic item
7. for a chance to be an adventurer
8. for some gold
9. for a lot of gold
10. for companionship
11. for true love
12. to indulge in their gluttony
13. to make themselves famous
14. to make themselves infamous
15. to make people respect them
16. to make their mother forgive them
17. to get on the good side of the local royalty
18. to escape the law
19. for a place to stay
20. for the opposite sex

Tavern Generator
The…is the closest tavern.
1. Belching 1. Dragon
2. Yawning 2. Portal
3. Creeping 3. Sinkhole
4. Slithering 4. Pit
5. Blistering 5. Grave
6. Winking 6. Widow
7. Collapsing 7. Sound
8. Flying 8. Vote
9. Deepest 9. Bottle
10. Ever-going 10. Cripple
11. Blowing 11. Goblin
12. Bloated 12. Curse
13. Birthing 13. Storm
14. Disgusting 14. Gap
15. Weeping 15. Bride
16. Writhing 16. Corpse
17. Molding 17. North
18. Killer 18. Winds
19. Illest 19. Queen
20. Best 20. Wound

It’s run by…

1. a dryad
2. an invisible servant
3. a ghost
4. a retired adventurer
5. mechanic butler
6. princess
7. family
8. an adventuring party
9. a dragon slayer
10. a Lookout group
11. a Saint
12. a crippled adventurer
13. three daughters
14. a giant
15. a wizard and his familiar
16. three generations of a family
17. a skeleton
18. a normal guy
19. a sentient animal

The most popular drink is…
1. the goblin sledgehammer
2. the deep dark depth
3. a shot of 1,000-year-old elvish blood
4. an hour's worth of time
5. liquid luck
6. unicorn blood with a vodka chaser
7. good ol moonshine made in the dwarven mines
8. distilled acidic rain
9. licking poison off a dagger
10. a liquified fireball
11. 3 shots of pure copper followed by a snakebite
12. French kissing a barmaid with a mouthful of combustible liquids
13. hanging upside down and being waterboarded by straight alcohol
14. the dragon's bile
15. the sewer kiss
16. the goblin crotch-punch
17. the fury of 1,000 dragons
18. the long fall down a gorge
19. motor oil
20. beer with a dissolving acid tab
And they have delicious…
1. ogre burgers
2. dragon dipping sauce
3. chips and salsa
4. tater tots
5. rice balls
6. sushi
7. deep dish pizza
8. lobsters that you must kill yourself
9. hibachi
10. fresh caught fish
11. snake noodles
12. troll steaks
13. three-tiered cupcakes
14. Neapolitan ice-cream
15. thick milkshakes
16. whale hash
17. hog stuffed with gorgon mash
18. chicken strips
19. deep friend pickles
20. pastries

It’s usually filled with…
1. the local villagers
2. the local villagers
3. the local villagers
4. the local villagers
5. the local villagers
6. the local villagers
7. the local villagers
8. the local villagers
9. the local villagers
10. the local villagers
11. the local villagers
12. kids
13. bandits
14. psychos
15. goblins
16. adventurers
17. old folk
18. gunslingers
19. monster hunters
20. gyspies
And if you ask around you might…
1. learn something about the village
2. learn something about the village
3. learn something about the village
4. learn something about the village
5. learn something about the village
6. learn something about the village
7. learn something about the village
8. learn something about the village
9. hear a rumor about the leader of the village
10. start a fight
11. meet an old friend
12. meet an old lover
13. meet a new lover
14. learn something about the local dungeon
15. hear something about the next village
16. learn some history about the town
17. hear about a bounty
18. find a cheap place to sleep tonight
19. hear about a deal on supplies
20. make a contact

What could happen in the tavern?
1. An old lover sits at the bar
2. Your parents have come to visit
3. Beer on tap 1/2 off (tavern is packed)
4. Adventurers are here and could steal PCs thunder
5. strange man in the corner is a living spell
6. Someone poisons your drink
8. man offers you five hundred gold to kill a kid sitting at a table with his
9. An arm gets cut off, 50/50 chance of authorities arriving
10. Dice game in the corner, minimum buy in of 1,000 silver
11. Undead outside bang on the doors, patrons freak
12. Live band
13. War machine spits out grease, drinking a flagon earns you free beer for
14. Pickpocket
15. Assassins
16. Patrons are all actively seeking to poison the PCs
17. Bar is run by nemesis of PC
18. Succubus/Incubus approaches most attractive PC
19. Someone tells the PCs their wagon/rooms are being robbed to lure
them into the open for an ambush
20. A powerful wizard sits at the bar with his familiar, scaring visitors

Bar Fight Rules
So there's a bar fight. Roll d20 to determine who is in front of you.
1. beleaguered old man
2. tough brawler from the mines
3. pregnant woman with a broken bottle
4. two kids who aim for the nuts
5. pretty girl with dagger in her purse
6. man who cowers then attacks when back is turned
7. barkeep with a battle axe
8. local town authority
9. teenagers who fight dirty
10. retired adventurer with magic item
11. adventurer looking for blood
12. veteran with war flash back
13. little girl delivering message to her mother
14. mother and her baby
15. pirate with a flintlock
16. mercenary with bar stool
17. Letcher trying to pickpocket
18. assassin using the opportunity to strike
19. drunk vomits on you
20. barbarian goes berserk

You deal with that. Roll again if you want to fight. Roll again if you want to
leave. If you tackle the challenge you get to leave. Keep rolling if you want to fight.
Authorities will arrive 2d4 rounds after the first fight (roll on village authority table
or make something up).

Keep Generator
The…Keep Is located…
1. animated 1. on a hill
2. mobile 2. on the edge of a mountain
3. flying 3. on the coast of the sea
4. fabulous 4. at the bottom of a lake
5. broken 5. on a cloud
6. beaten 6. in a wheat field
7. ruined 7. in the branches of a
8. battered massive tree
9. isolated 8. in the trunk of a fallen
10. forgotten elven tree
11. magical 9. in a painting
12. mystic 10. in the thick of the forest
13. magnificent 11. on an island
14. ancient 12. near a village
15. bloodied
It is ruled by a…
1. Facist 1. Queen
2. Fuedalistic 2. Demon
3. Fat 3. Cult
4. Sociopathic 4. Witch
5. Depressed 5. Giant
6. unrelenting 6. Castle representative
7. hypocritical 7. Castle Spectre
8. crippled 8. Child King
9. milquetoast 9. Castle Ghost
10. lying 10. Wizard
11. justice-delivering 11. Saint
12. monster-eating 12. Dragon
13. kingdom-crushing 13. Psychopath
14. technology-obsessed 14. Elf
15. neo-nazi 15. self-proclaimed god
16. religiously-prophesized 16. Avatar of a great power
17. cannibalistic 17. assassin
18. suicidal 18. doppelganger
19. murdering 19. human war veteran
20. sexually-confused 20. living Spell

So that they can…
1. build an army
2. conquer the local village
3. demand tithe from the local village
4. wage war with a nearby keep
5. kill a dragon
6. hide from a great enemy
7. show dominance over a sibling
8. use it as a base for future wars
9. make a pit stop for troops on the way
10. carve a swathe of blood through the forest
11. search for hidden magics
12. make contact with an otherworldly being
13. make up for a past mistake
14. gather enough treasure to make a difference in the next war
15. give it to their higher-up
16. fight a losing battle
17. hold the line against a great enemy
18. dig the deepest hole in the Everwood
19. make themselves feel important
20. impress their parents
The ruler has made enemies with…
1. the neighboring village
2. the local goblin tribe
3. a demon with enough power to take the keep
4. a Saint w/ a regiment
5. a nearby dragon and its cultists
6. a giant and its slaves
7. the neighboring druid circle
8. a traveling band of psychos
9. a broken army looking for refuge
10. a king from a walled city
11. a princess with a grudge
12. the rats under the keep
13. an assassin guild
14. a wizard with a powerful spellbook
15. dark elves from the dark side of the moon
16. a foreign army from Ogura
17. a dragon that hunts the region
18. slavers looking for fresh meat
19. the nearest village
20. the nearest keep

It has (d4)(d4)ft. high walls
With (d6+1) towers
With (d4) soldiers in each.
The ruler has (d4)(d4) soldiers in the keep
Along with a…, a…, and a…
1. cleric
2. knight
3. magic-user
4. shaman
5. pyromancer
6. princess

1. calvary
2. griffon squadron
3. drake rider
4. group of tigers
5. werewolf pack
6. wagon full of undead

1. trebuchet
2. ballista
3. mech
4. tank
5. rust monster
6. arch-mage
When the party comes upon the keep it is…
1. being attacked
2. under siege
3. celebrating a great victory
4. finishing off the last of a rival force
5. being infiltrated by the enemy
6. having a funeral for a great soldier
7. turning away a gypsy caravan at its door
8. dead quiet
9. suffering from a disease
10. receiving reinforcements
11. greeting a commander from far off
12. hiring mercenaries
13. mounting an assault on an enemy
14. going through its normal routine
15. switching guards
16. receiving tithes from a local village
17. being passed over by a hunting dragon
18. lowering the gatehouse door to let the patrol out
19. raising the gatehouse door to let the patrol in
20. feasting on prey from the latest hunt
What could happen at the keep?
1. Attack from the air by a giant riding a roc
2. Dragon hunting flies over
3. Reinforcements arrive consisting of a war legend and his band of
tactical fighters
4. Slash and burn technique, the keep is disposable
5. Another party is sneaking in at the same time as your party
6. Large band of mercenaries with siege weapons appears
7. Slaves are staging a revolt
8. Occupants were prepared for the party
9. Leader of the Keep has a powerful magic item
10. Thunderstorm obscures vision, draws out dangerous monsters from
the forest
11. Druids attack in the night, or send animal spies during the day
12. A spirit is trapped inside a jar somewhere in the keep
13. A demon is kept prisoner by the inhabitants
14. Inhabitants open a portal to the moon
15. Leader and top advisors escape through ancient elven teleportation
16. They release the hounds
17. The next rank above the leader stops by for an evaluation
18. All the inhabitants are werewolves
19. The party is invited into the keep where an ambush lies waiting
20. Biological warfare

Dungeon Generator
The nearby dungeon is a(n) 2. in someone's memory
1. ruined keep 3. in the ruins of a great
2. labyrinth elven society
3. tower 4. in a book
4. abandoned aqueduct 5. in a dead man's eyes
5. busted dam 6. in a crater
6. crashed alien craft 7. in an ant hill
7. crypt 8. under an inn
8. laboratory 9. in a forest graveyard
9. once great castle 10. on an island
10. desecrated temple 11. behind a waterfall
11. forgotten hospital 12. the trunk of the oldest tree
12. ransacked military fort 13. under a village
13. old man's house 14. in the ruins of an Elven
14. firepit city
15. cave 15. in the basement
16. proving grounds 16. the last place you slept
17. obstacle course 17. in your dreams
18. magical anomaly 18. in a swamp, sinking
19. destroyed school 19. on a cloud
20. collapsed law building 20. in a chasm
1. in a sinkhole
It was made by… 19. sentient animals
1. mad wizards 20. a race that has no written
2. an ancient god history
3. the cursed Elves but is currently ruled by…
4. cultist children 1. an archdruid
5. the Giants 2. a zealot
6. Those that Sleep 3. psychopaths
7. something that came 4. a dragon
down from space 5. a depressed wizard from
8. the Dwarves Aberdeen
9. former adventurers 6. a warlord from Ogura
10. rusty zealots 7. a Knight
11. snakemen 8. a demon
12. spirits 9. a vampire
13. a Saint 10. a fallen Saint
14. followers of the path of 11. a dark spirit
suffering 12. witches
15. those old monks 13. a cleric of the moon
16. a colossus 14. a family of dark elves
17. a human civilization 15. a child-king
18. a patron of great power 16. the local village
17. a lost military force 19. a lonely lich
18. a princess 20. a Giant
They have…minons…
1. hired 1. goblin
2. loyal 2. child
3. hungry 3. draconic
4. "friendly" 4. living spell
5. sleep-deprived 5. human
6. mercenary 6. druid
7. contractually-obliged 7. animal
8. mutated 8. dinosaur
9. enslaved 9. werewolf
10. mutated 10. snakemen
11. cursed 11. crabmen
12. mind controlled 12. undead
13. ancient 13. thrall
14. mechanized 14. psycho
15. drug-addicted 15. homonculi
16. contractually obliged 16. spellcaster
17. gelationous 17. rogue
18. intelligent 18. cultist
19. stupid 19. werewolf
20. silent 20. voodoo

The keep’s purpose is…

1. a war fortress
2. a diabolic manor
3. a magical testing ground
4. a hideout
5. a pit of self-pity
6. a breeding ground
7. one of many base of operations
8. headquarters
9. a ritual site for something diabolical
10. a pit stop
11. a storage shed
12. a restroom
13. a bank
14. a gravesite
15. a way to make money from adventurers
16. a vacation
17. a sign of status among the community
18. a drug den
19. a place to build an army
20. a prison

It has…rooms…
1. 5 rooms
2. 6 rooms
3. 7 rooms
4. 8 rooms
5. 9 rooms
6. 10 rooms
7. 11 rooms
8. 12 rooms
9. 13 rooms
10. 14 rooms
11. 15 rooms
12. 16 rooms
13. 16 rooms, and one is a deadly trap
14. 16 rooms, and two are deadly traps
15. 16 rooms, two are deadly traps, and one holds immense treasure
16. 16 rooms, two are deadly traps, and two hold immense treasure
17. 16 rooms, two are deadly traps, two hold immense treasure, and one
has a powerful monster
18. 16 rooms, two are deadly traps, two hold immense treasure, and one
powerful roaming monster
19. 16 rooms, two are deadly traps, two hold immense treasure, one
powerful roaming monster, and all the doors lock
20. 16 rooms, two are deadly traps, two hold immense treasure, one
powerful roaming monster, and a secret door
It’s most notable trap is…
1. the rolling boulder
2. the guillotine
3. the swinging axe
4. the murder hole
5. poisonous gas
6. oil and fire
7. trip-wire explosives
8. the shotgun above a doorway
9. the fake door that explodes
10. the magnetic wall
11. the flooding pathway
12. the pitfall
13. the nymph
14. the quicksand grave
15. the fake exit
16. the big fan
17. the anti-gravity orb
18. the orb of confusion
19. the polymorphing spire
20. the lightning rod

And you should watch out for the…
1. the sleeping dragon
2. the beholder statue
3. the gargoyles
4. the fall minx
5. the sphinx
6. the petrified purple worm
7. the rust monster
8. teleporting pads
9. the giant mech
10. doppelgangers
11. illusory walls
12. mimics
13. the rival adventuring party
14. copies of yourself
15. your shadow
16. that stray demon that wants to make a bargain
17. the reeducation chamber
18. mind control
19. an imprisoned mind flayer
20. creatures that want to pick you up and drop you
Rumor has it that…is inside waiting to be claimed.
1. the local village children
2. too much gold
3. a philosopher stone
4. a King's ransom
5. a bag of holding
6. your childhood hero
7. that item you really want
8. a wish
9. immense luck
10. a weapon to slay undead
11. a book of true names
12. spiritual enlightenment
13. unhatched dragon eggs
14. a sentient weapon
15. a deed to a keep
16. a man who can tattoo you with magical runes
17. a dragon's spell book
18. a magical 8-ball made by a genie
19. a potion that makes you invincible

What could happen while in the dungeon?
1. Rival adventuring party shows up
2. Imprisoned dryad wants safety
3. Secret door where there once was not
4. Cursed treasure in the form of a living being
5. Intelligent wandering monster with the ability to bargain
6. Flood
7. Ancient war machine springs to life
8. Hallway filled with flammable gas
9. Infested with intelligent rats
10. Fungus zombies grow from the mold on the walls
11. Everything is a mimic
12. The dungeon is alive, can be spoken to, angered, and is very petty
13. Spirits wage a secret war inside of the construct, taking sides is
14. The boss has as much hp as the party has gold in their possession
15. Treasure is in the tattoo of one of the monsters
16. Alternate versions of the party stalk the party, wanting to take their
17. d6 years have passed after the party leaves the dungeon
18. Something extinct is found to still exist in the dungeon
19. Dungeon is home to abandoned bastards from local village
20. Demon lies on bed, trapped by symbol stitched in blanket

Druid Circle Generator
The signs of the druid circle are…
1. see humans hanging from entrails in trees
2. see spirals carved in dead human flesh
3. see fire pits burning with stolen metal weapons/armor
4. see walls made of rotting domesticated animals
5. see animals laid out in spiral patterns
6. see ants spiraling like a hurricane
7. smell forest smoke
8. see squirrels watching from the trees
9. find Rats sneaking into your bags
10. are stalked by an apex predator
11. are pelted by dead birds from the trees
12. smell burning flesh
13. see savaged children left to dry on the main road
14. see animals bones picked clean by human teeth
15. experience strange weather
16. find dryads
17. notice intelligent animals
18. notice forest fires
19. see weapons made of bones and stone
20. find lost humans stripped of all clothes
Their animal of choice (for wildshape/summoning) is…
1. Silver Wolf
2. Black Panther
3. Giant Spider
4. Dire Vulture
5. Velociraptor
6. Anaconda
7. Saltwater Crocodile
8. Ogura Tiger
9. Electric Tree Eel
10. Tree Shark
11. Giant Eagle
12. Tree Squid
13. Giant Ants
14. Brown Bears
15. Flying Jellyfish
16. Giant Rats
17. Ogura Lion
18. Wyvern
19. Blood Pythons
20. Ocelot
All circles have an archdruid and this one is level…

These druids are known to…
1. slash and burn forests
2. sick locusts on crops
3. perform nightly raids
4. use rats to spy on villages
5. keep villages locked down with predators at night
6. lure domesticated animals into the forest
7. make farm animals attack owners
8. starve villagers
9. plague villages with insects
10. screw with the weather
11. shitting in the wells
12. eat the hearts of children
13. kill domesticated dogs
14. send wolves after soldiers
15. pelt the town with dead birds
16. perform kamikaze attacks
17. scalp villagers
18. smoke out villages
19. attack passing caravans
20. ride wild horses through the town
Their numbers include…
D12+8 younglings
D12+8 women
D12+8 warriors

Spirit Generator
The spirit appears to be made of…
1. Paper (2D)
2. Tin (hollow)
3. Light
4. Insects
5. balloons
6. black and white shapes
7. renaissance painting
8. space filled with stars
9. watercolor painting
10. origami
11. impressionistic painting
12. statue
13. an optical illusion
14. glitter
15. mirrors
16. a collage
17. butterflies
18. thin black lines
19. spray paint
20. rust
And moves…
1. as if photoshopped
2. like a glitchy 3D animation
3. as if swimming in water
4. like a dancer in space
5. by vibrating
6. by teleporting when no one is looking
7. by flying
8. by spinning like a top
9. by floating like a balloon
10. like a dust spec in your eye
11. in small hops
12. by jumping
13. on tip-toes
14. like a runway model
15. like smoke
16. like an avalanche
17. like a spider
18. like a snail
19. in the corner of your vision
20. very sexually

It wants…right now…
1. To see you bleed
2. to lead you to danger
3. Entertainment
4. Eat a human heart
5. give you a cryptic warning (50/50 it's true)
6. to ask you a riddle or polymorph you
7. your help killing some hoodlums that desecrated it
8. to give you something it stole (50/50 it's cursed)
9. to protect a shrine
10. to give you a quest (geas)
11. to lead you to safety
12. to give you a vision
13. to teach you a spell
14. to show you treasure
15. to make you leave
16. to protect you
17. to give you a boon
18. to imprison you
19. to make the local village pay
20. to leave
It likes to cast the spell…
1. light
2. confusion
3. invisibility
4. flight
5. paralysis
6. laughter
7. blindness
8. deafness
9. silence
10. polymorph
11. reverse gravity
12. lose your teeth
13. riddle me this
14. teleport
15. mass teleport
16. speak with dead
17. time stop
18. bone break
19. possession
20. dominate

And it’s a spirit of…
1. Trees 27. youth 66. love
2. A large rock 28. age 67. sex
3. a graveyard 29. time 68. betrayal
4. ruined keep 30. metal 69. murder
5. forgotten 31. nature 70. lies
civilization 32. dragons 71. half-truths
6. your old family 33. elk 72. hard work
heirloom 34. bears 73. sacrifice
7. your family's old 35. wolves 74. bruises
house 36. blood 75. scrapes
8. the crypt of an 37. gore 76. scars
arch druid 38. savagery 77. poison
9. war 39. blasphemy 78. lost souls
10. a knight's 40. fire 79. bargains
promise 41. water 80. what is and isn't
11. your god's temple 42. earth there
12. suffering 43. lightning 81. the dirty
13. rain 44. air 82. all things average
14. lies and 1/2 45. clouds 83. the observed
truths 46. sand 84. the things you
15. treasure and the 47. mountains can't see
pursuit of it 48. snow 85. perverts
16. an apex predator 49. ice 86. those who watch
with stag antlers 50. acid 87. rusty hell
17. the violence 51. rust 88. lanterns
between two 52. beauty 89. dark places
rivals 53. curses 90. convenience
18. a strong family 54. prisoners 91. danger
ancestry 55. sickness 92. knowledge
19. a nearly forgotten 56. disease 93. an ancient text
god 57. cripples 94. a broken
20. all those that 58. bastards monument
sleep 59. broken things 95. games
21. sun 60. hope 96. slavery
22. moon 61. forgotten things 97. indulgence
23. space 62. a book 98. comfort
24. stars 63. unspoken words 99. entertainment
25. gas 64. sweet smells 00. unbearable pain
26. death 65. passion

Lookout Generator
This lookout gang has set up in a…
1. Treehouse, which gives them a level nine leader
2. Repurposed monster lair, which gives them a monster-related magic
3. Bar basement, which gives them the villages support
4. Ruined keep, which gives them two additional members
They have…members…
Led by a…
1. Dragon Slayer, which gives them advantage against dragons
2. Tank, which gives them smite/detect evil
3. Healer, which gives them 1hp regeneration per turn
4. Pathfinder, which allows them to track anything
5. Stalker, which allows them all to sneak attack as a rogue
6. Giant Buster, which gives them advantage against giants
7. Banisher, which gives them advantage against undead
They get +…to hit
Have…x4 hit points
And are currently hunting a…HD creature

Demon Generator
…summons this…demon
1. Cursing 1. stoic
2. Murder 2. bipolar
3. Lies 3. burning
4. Stealing 4. shadowy
5. Vandalizing a temple 5. beautiful
6. Running away from responsibility 6. seductive
7. Thinking bad thoughts and not acting on 7. forgetful
them 8. lackadaisical
8. Sex 9. masochistic
9. Lust for something you can't have 10. sadistic
10. Greed 11. psychopathic
11. Envy for another person 12. pyromaniac
12. Laughing at another's failure 13. gibbering
13. Drinking too much 14. empty-headed
14. Eating the heart of another being 15. omnipotent
15. Sentencing an innocent to death 16. malevolent
16. Believing in hope 17. diseased
17. Abandoning your friends 18. crossdressing
18. Forgetting to write your mother 19. hungry
19. Desecrating a tomb 20. angry
20. Blasphemy
It appears…
1. as a goat
2. as a crow
3. as a plume of smoke
4. as a smoldering corpse
5. as your childhood friend
6. as the last thing you killed
7. as a black cat
8. as a man with goat horns
9. as a disembodied voice
10. as a tiny man in your pocket
11. only when your eyes are closes
12. as a portal writing with tentacles
13. as a ball of fire
14. inside of orbs and ovals (globes, puddles)
15. only in reflection
16. only in the corner of your eye
17. out of your shadow
18. by crawling from your mouth
19. by animated a nearby dead corpse
20. as writing in the dirt/in a book/ etc.

And wants someone to…
1. burn the local temple
2. desecrate a holy idol
3. spill blood on the ground in the shape of your mother
4. do a certain dance in the light of a waning moon
5. deliver a letter to a local royal
6. spit in the face of an only child
7. feed poison to an entire family
8. drop some blood in the town water source
9. prop the door to a shop open after its closed
10. set a signal fire a mile outside of town and tend to it until it goes out
11. split the head of a goat on a rock that has bathed in the sun
12. confess their sins
13. indulge in their sin
14. vandalize town center
15. dig up a body in a graveyard and leave it out
16. take care of an imp trapped inside of a bottle for six days
17. walk six hundred and sixty-six steps south and yell reficuL six times
18. leave the party, go away and never come back
19. help a witch give birth
20. eat this strange apple
Their sin is… But they can also…
1. Lust 1. Polymorph into giant bat
2. Gluttony 2. Polymorph into black goat
3. Greed 3. Polymorph into giant crow
4. Wrath 4. control all crows
5. Envy 5. levitate
6. Pride 6. travel through shadows
7. Apathetic 7. hypnotize with his eyes
8. Sadness 8. vomit rats
9. whisper lies that cannot be
discerned from truth
10. shrink/grow exponentially
11. possess the weak willed
12. read your thoughts
13. put people to sleep with
his breath
14. grant people 1/2 wishes
15. grant the dead 1/2 life
16. breathe mosquitos
17. breathe volcanic ash
18. manipulate anyone's voice
19. bleed poison
20. climb like a spider

If you choose to help it…
1. it will grant a 1/2 wish
2. it will give you a true name of anyone you choose
3. it will give teach you a demonic spell
4. it will show you where your greatest desire is
5. you will gain a vision of the future
6. you will gain a tattoo of the demon's face on your neck
7. the demon will owe you a favor
8. the demon will say nice things about you while backing away slowly
9. the demon will give you a familiar
10. it will pay you handsomely
11. it will thank you and vanish
12. it will ask you to do another thing for it
13. it will become powerful and it will not forget you
14. it will answer one question truthfully, and it knows a lot
15. it will give you some of its blood
16. it will tell you a secret that no one else knows (yet)
17. it will recommend you to other demons
18. it will locate one person/monster for you
19. it will take you one place you want to go (no return trip)
20. it will 1/2 bring back your childhood pet that passed away
But if you refuse to help it…
1. it will ask again, nicely
2. it will assume you meant "yes" and walk away
3. it will mark you and say "good luck"
4. it will leave and return in one year to kill you and everyone you love
5. it will curse your name
6. it will seek to learn your true name
7. it will turn you into a werewolf
8. it will try again later
9. it will follow you until you say yes
10. it will call you a silly name and vanish
11. it will pretend to not care then hire some thugs to beat you up
12. it will bestow it upon you as a geas
13. it will try to eat you
14. then you will pay a heavy price
15. then you will find yourself hunted
16. it will try to guilt you into it
17. it will make subtle threats to your family
18. it will burn down the next inn you stay in
19. it will age you tremendously, laugh, and then leave
20. it will turn you back into a child until you agree

Dragon Generator
This…dragon… Is the size of a…
1. ancient 1. large dog
2. bloodthirsty 2. horse
3. psychotic 3. car
4. lonely 4. minivan
5. playful 5. pickup-truck
6. haunted 6. bus
7. intelligent 7. double-decker bus
8. stealthy 8. semi-trailer
9. forgetful 9. single-story house
10. magical 10. barn
11. artificial 11. two-story house
12. cursed 12. mansion
13. cannibal
14. animalistic
15. spiritual
16. scarred
17. mutilated
18. horrifying
19. masochistic
20. charismatic
Makes its home…
1. in a volcano
2. in the mountain
3. in the hills
4. in a swamp
5. in a cave
6. in a sinkhole
7. in someone's dreams
8. in a town's guard tower
9. in a ruined keep
10. underneath a city
11. in a cloud
12. in the oldest tree
13. on an old battlefield
14. in a graveyard
15. in an abandoned Elven city
16. in a flooded ruin
17. in an enslaved town
18. in a painting
19. in a bank vault
20. in the Sunbroke Sea
And hunts a region diameter of…miles

It has… And breathes…
1. feathers instead of scales 1. fire
2. two heads 2. volcanic ash
3. nine tails 3. polymorphing gas
4. metal incased claws 4. high-pressured water
5. thousands of arrows dug 5. asthmatic fog
into its scales 6. sonic booms
6. snake-like scales 7. a rusting gas
7. two sets of wings 8. a paralytic goo
8. a snake-like body 9. sovereign glue
9. a metal jaw 10. confusion gas
10. a human face 11. combustible gas
11. porcupine-spiked scales 12. daggers
12. six legs 13. mutating plasma
13. eight legs 14. antigravity
14. a Chinese-dragon body 15. anitmagic
15. a missing limb 16. laughing gas
16. a blinded eye 17. flesh blistering heat
17. a severed tail 18. frost biting cold
18. large gems for scales 19. sentience into the
19. mirrors for scales insentient
20. chameleon scales 20. petrifying gas
But it can also…
1. burrow
2. become invisible
3. hypnotize with its eyes
4. cast geas 1/day
5. polymorph into a human
6. polymorph into an animal
7. take spells from others brains
8. become astral
9. suck in all the light in a mile radius
10. control the weather
11. use telekinesis
12. control undead
13. put people to sleep
14. control people's minds
15. teleport
16. inscribe sacred runes
17. bestow a curse 1/day
18. regenerate
19. reflect magic
20. absorb bludgeoning attacks and retaliate that damage

It has…minions…
1-13. No
14. goblin
15. cultist
16. dragon mutant
17. knight
18. undead
19. possessed
20. acolyte
And its goal is to…
1. collect all the gold
2. collect intelligent being
3. eat the brains of intelligent beings
4. collect famous artworks
5. create a famous artwork
6. eat humans
7. burn books
8. destroy temples
9. capture princesses
10. eat princesses
11. marry princesses
12. take the place of a king
13. live, hunt, fuck
14. eat until it bursts
15. torture people
16. hunt the greatest game
17. die a warrior's death
18. eat jewels
19. hear good stories
20. conquer a village

Battlefield Generator
This battlefield is located… And is…
1. in a grassy field 1. currently dying out
2. on a large hill 2. long since died out
3. in the depths of a mine 3. raging currently
4. in a tangled forest 4. several days old
5. in a sparse forest 5. from the last war
6. in a wheat field 6. being picked clean by
7. on the edge of a mountain scavengers
8. in an abandoned village 7. being feasted on by crows
9. on the banks of a river 8. just finishing
10. outside of a keep 9. taking a momentary pause
for rest
10. locked in a stalemate
The battle was fought between three parites (roll three times)
1. local village
2. knight's personal army
3. dragon
4. saint's army
5. demon's thralls
6. undead horde
7. militia
8. rag-tag group of soldiers
9. keep
10. cult
11. druid circle
12. band of pyschos
13. giant
14. military force from Ogura
15. religious crusade
16. ancient enemy
17. military Elven force
18. distant village
19. walled city
20. PC's hometown

…is currently winning…

1. First party
2. First party
3. Second party
4. Second party
5. Third party
6. Third party

And they are winning because…
1. of an ambush
2. they have a war machine
3. they have superior numbers
4. they were prepared
5. of an assassination
6. they are defending their home
7. they used chemical warfare
8. of shady tactics
9. of a deadly trap
10. they used the environment
11. they struck at night
12. they used the cover of a storm
13. trojan-horsed the enemy
14. they used advanced technology
15. if they didn't they'd be extinct
16. they were paid more
17. they had better equipment
18. they had a spirit on their side
19. they had a legendary spellcaster on their side
20. they had a legendary warrior on their side
The weird thing about this battle is...
1. It's fought one soldier at a time
2. It's fought with bare hands
3. All armor was stripped off and piled up
4. When you're tagged you must freeze and wait there till you die (or
5. It's a large game of capture the flag
6. It's a useless game of king of the hill
7. The entire battle hangs on a duel between the leaders
8. It's fought with war machines
9. It looks normal but something just feels off
10. No ranged weapons are allowed
11. There are no males
12. There are no adults
13. Everyone is too old to be a soldier
14. The third party works with the first
15. The third party works with the second
16. It was a naval battle (yes, on land)
17. Everyone is, or was, flying
18. The first party is blood related to the second and third
19. The first party belongs to the second or third
20. All three parties are deaf, blind, and dumb

War Machine Generator
This war machines resembles…
1. mortal man
2. an alien entity
3. an animal
4. a tank
5. a dragon
6. a printing press
7. a furnace
8. an engine
9. clockwork
10. an entanglement of smoking pipes
And it's… It has…
1. car-sized 1. 2 arms
2. the size of a mini-van 2. 4 arms
3. the size of a bus 3. 6 arms
4. the size of a train car 4. thousands of tentacled
5. house-sized arms
6. big enough to cover all 5. spider legs
four lanes of an interstate 6. no arms
And moves by…
1. crawling
2. slithering
3. walking
4. hopping
5. jumping
6. rolling
7. inching
8. contorting
1. is piloted by a single person
2. requires a team of people to pilot
3. pilots itself
4. is sentient and has animal intelligence
5. is sentient and is as smart as the average man
6. is sentient and is intelligent
The artificial intelligence inside is…
1. deactivated
2. dying from lack of energy
3. taking a nap
4. in nice condition but won’t turn on without a kiss
5. new and untarnished
6. asleep but can be awoken with lightning

And its insanity makes it… And…
1. psychotic 1. an amnesiac
2. a warlord 2. violent
3. paranoid 3. disapproving
4. mute 4. deaf
5. hyper intelligent 5. blind
6. brutish 6. confusing
7. angry 7. an alcoholic
8. melancholic 8. self-masochistic
9. jealous 9. untrusting
10. human 10. apathetic
11. hysteric 11. too sympathetic
12. manic 12. animalistic
13. narcoleptic 13. a liar
14. whiny 14. a kleptomaniac
15. a megalomaniac 15. truthful to a fault
16. charismatic 16. agoraphobic
17. confused 17. anxious all the time
18. see things that aren't there 18. agliophobia (afraid of
19. tragically comic pain)
20. judgmental 19. raging
20. supernaturally calm
The relationship between the AI and the War Machine is…
1. friendly
2. volatile
3. mutual
4. parasitic
5. loving
6. untrusting
7. hateful
8. diabolic
9. holy
10. mutually beneficial
11. spiteful
12. suicidal

And the War Machine was made…
1. to destroy
2. for the sole purpose of looking pretty
3. only to eat earth
4. to churn steel into gold
5. to be a living piece of art
6. to eat garbage and produce energy
7. to burn things
8. to eat the living
9. to protect a great place
10. as a pet for a great warrior
11. to test those on the path of suffering
12. to collect knowledge and destroy its source
13. to accumulate true names for a sinister purpose
14. to kill demons who overstep their bounds
15. to defend a village
16. to go as far into the Everwood as it can
17. to catalogue species and people
18. to battle in a glorious tournament
19. to create useful things in poor taste
20. to collect...things
D4 attacks per turn
D6 detachable parts with 1HD each
And they
1. regenerate each turn
2. hide and sneak attack
3. target creatures like hunter's mark
4. see all invisible things
5. shine blinding lights in targets eyes
6. create anti-life aura (like beholder eye)
7. race off to signal for help
8. repair the war machine, 1hp per part per turn
D10 + highest party level in HD
D12 + 8 AC
D20 bonus to attack and damage

Stacking Dice Method
When lost in the woods the party elects a leader. The leader will decide if there
is an encounter by stacking dice. They can choose the type of dice, though d6s are
standard. The amount of dice stacked is determined by several factors:
• +1 for every 12 hours of the journey
• +1 if the party is larger than 4 people
• +1 if anyone in the party is wearing heavy armor
• +1 if there are horses
• +1 if there are wagons
• +1 if it's daylight
• +1 if the players are stupid loud
• -1 if the party has a ranger
• -1 if the party has a druid
• -1 in heavy weather
• -1 if everyone whispers
The DM can determine any other conditions. The party leader stacks dice on the
beginning dice. There are three checks for daylight and three checks for nighttime.
The leader rolls a d20. Anything above 10 is success and a die is not stacked. 10 or
under is a failure and a die is added to the stack. When the stack falls and encounter
is rolled.
What is encountered… Who is aware of who…
1. No one is aware of anyone
1. Giant 2. They are aware of the
2. Saint party
3. Psycho Band 3. Both are aware of each
4. Cultist Group other
5. Druid Hunters 4. Party is aware of them
6. Undead Wanderers
7. Dragon-kin
8. Elephant Men

Disposition to the party…

1. Want to avoid the party
2. Need food/water
3. Need to pass through
4. Want someone in the party
5. Want to collect gold from the party
6. Want to kill the party

Giant Generator
Number of attacks per turn, plus one per party member
Number of HD, plus the level of your party
HD of pet
Number of dwarven slaves
Number of creatures the giant needs to eat before satisfied
Weird thing about the giant:
1. It's blue skin conducts electricity
2. It spits lightning
3. It has a rain cloud that follows around it that can be used as a fog cloud
4. It flies, arms and legs spread
5. It swims through the ground as if its water
6. It rides a nimbus cloud (like Goku)
7. It moves by teleporting in strikes of lightning
8. It can control water with ease
9. It lulls people to sleep with the sounds of the ocean
10. It can blow into a conch shell and summon d12 coral thrall
11. It has a dragon bone bow with lightning bolt arrows
12. It splits into 1hd copies of itself that are the size of humans
13. It can cast GIANT GROW on a target 1/day
14. It can cast SHRINK LIKE A MOUSE on a target 1/day
15. It can turn stone to sand
16. It can turn into sand
17. It can withstand major damage because it is made of sand
18. It can summon 1d6 mummies from any amount of sand nearby
19. It has a giant vulture mounted on its shoulder
20. It has an aura that turns all projectiles (including spells) into sand

Saint Generators
Number of HD, plus level of the party
Number of attacks per round
Number of 2HD guards
Level of cleric assigned to the Saint
HD of Saint’s mount
Special characteristic:
1. has a drake mount
2. achieved the rank of Ghost
3. achieved the rank of Specter
4. achieved the rank of Wraith
5. has an intelligent weapon
6. can cast fly twice per day
7. has a magic-reflecting shield
8. is a fifth level magic-user
9. is a fifth level cleric
10. is in control of a keep
11. is protecting a princess
12. wields a flametongue
13. has a halo of fire
14. has eyes that absorb light
15. can walk on water and snuff flames with the flick of a wrist
16. has made enemies with a powerful demon who wants to see them
17. has an aura of charm that can control a village
18. can teleport and set up teleport circles
19. summons a mythic beast when in dire straits
20. has an orb of domination

Psycho Band Generator
Number of psychos, plus one per party member
HD per psycho
Number of war dogs
HD of gang leader
Number of hostages they have
Psychotic tendency:
1. They fight with the bones of children
2. They wear radioactive face paint
3. Before battle they stab their chests with dragon teeth
4. They chain themselves to their dogs
5. They crawl on all fours
6. They appear like normal adventurers until the sun goes down
7. They wear dog skulls and have bone-piercings
8. They are all under twelve years old
9. They fight with rusty metal and explosives
10. They lather themselves in oil and light themselves on fire for battle
11. They take a mix of potions and drugs every morning
12. They don't breathe
13. They contort their bodies, giving them a bonus to AC
14. They don't bleed
15. They have full plate melted onto their skin, bonus to AC
16. Their leader breathes fire
17. They have a coffin full of gold (50/50 chance it's fools gold)
18. Their leader is a war dog
19. They pair up and sit on each other's shoulders for intimidation
20. They wear dog skins and are indistinguishable from dogs until they

Cultist Group Generator
HP of each cultist
Damage they do per attack
Level of spellcaster leader
HD of spellcaster
Strange thing:
1. They have an imp in a jar that tells the future
2. They have a book with the true-name of a demon in it
3. They have twisted goat horns
4. They have large bat wings
5. They have infiltrated the entirety of the nearby village
6. They only need one more sacrifice to summon a demon
7. They have a sentient, ritual dagger
8. They look like beggars and attack when your guard is down
9. They wear masks with the party's face on them
10. They are cannibals
11. They are all children
12. They have a ring of sin
Number of cultists, plus one per party member

Druid Hunters Generator
Number of druids, plus one per party member
HD of druids
Number of animals with them
Odds equal 1HD, evens equal 2HD per animal
Current goal:
1. burn all the metal
2. eat all domesticated animals
3. spill the organs of civilized man
4. paint themselves in your blood
5. sacrifice you to a great tree so it shall grow massive
6. burn the nearest village
7. burn your alive and watch you run around in agony
8. eat all magic users
9. cut out all the tongues
10. eat all language
11. burn all the books
12. smoke out the nearby village with a forest fire
Animal of choice:
1. lion 11. dire fox
2. Komodo dragon 12. dire ocelot
3. bear 13. dire Tasmanian devil
4. tiger 14. giant hawk
5. python 15. albatross
6. leopard 16. dire owl
7. crocodile 17. giant raven
8. wolf 18. giant vulture
9. cougar 19. dire falcon
10. dire honey badger 20. land shark

Undead Wanderers Generator
Undead per party member
HP per undead
People currently being attacked by undead
HP per person being attacked
Number of undead approaching from the distance
Interesting thing:
1. are skeletons and wield battle axes
2. are zombies and will rise again if head is not destroyed
3. are viking zombies with large beards and armor
4. are villagers that the party recognizes
5. are immune to magic
6. dance when they are turned
7. run
8. infect you with touch
9. ride horses and wield spears
10. crawl on the ground like spiders
11. leap through the trees like monkeys
12. are entirely silent
13. are undead dogs
14. fight with bows and blades
15. are gelatinous and immune to physical damage
16. are on fire
17. scalp their kills
18. eat their targets alive
19. try to drag their targets back to the grave
20. speak in riddles that strike people with fear until they can answer

Dragon Mutant Generator
Number of mutants, plus one per party member
HD of mutants
HD of giant lizard with mutants
HD of Dragon Knight leading them
HD that knight’s fire breath does
1. that they have a giant horn sprouts from forehead
2. that their right hand becomes a dragon claw
3. that a Dragon tail grows from chest
4. that partial bones of dragon wings grow from back
5. a malformed face with large forehead and bulging cat eyes
6. a giant, lopsided bottom jaw with gnarly dragon teeth
7. that smoke continuously plumes from nostrils, ears, and mouth
8. a crooked back with long, fat arms (walk on all fours)
9. a big, clumsy right leg is a diseased dragon leg
10. one big dragon eye that warps skull
11. a giant lizard tongue that can't fit in mouth
12. a Voldemort nose
13. that their rib cage opens backwards to make "wings"
14. that their bottom jaw falls off to make room for giant dragon teeth
15. that their spine tears through their back, creating bony spikes
16. that their guts are filled with combustible gas
17. that their face is smoldering and blackened, skin burnt
18. feathers growing out of skin
19. that their skin glows as if radiated
20. that they have scales that make them look like the Thing

Elephant Men Generator
Level of shaman with group
Bonus to melee damage
AC + 12
HD per elephant man
To-hit bonus
Size of the group. Any more than 8 and the difference creates a Matriarch of
equal HD, to hit bonus, and bonus damage (so a 20 would be a party of 8 with a
matriarch of 12HD, +12 to hit and damage)

D100 Villages NPCs Spirits Giants Demons Animals
1 Acton Alden Akihiko Ake Abhors Ant
2 Alcester Alf Akihiro Alvailda Abjure Badger
3 Aldeburgh Ashlee Akio Aslaugh Aborts Bat
4 Amble Bailee Akira Asmund Abused Bear
5 Bampton Batilda Atsushi Baako Babble Bee
6 Barrow Benton Daiki Bacchus Behowl Beetle
7 Basingstoke Byron Daisuke Baldrick Bomber Bird
8 Beaconsfield Camdyn Eiji Baledin Boohoo Bison
9 Callington Carlton Fumio Cadmael Cackle Butterfly
10 Calne Chelsea Goro Caedmon Cellar Buzzard
11 Chatham Clay Hachiro Calista Chapel Caterpillar
12 Cheadle Dayna Hajime Callisthenes Corpse Centipede
13 Dereham Dwight Haru Dabney Dahlia Chameleon
14 Doncaster Denver Hideaki Daffodil Dharma Chipmunk
15 Dover Drake Hiro Daewon Doomed Cicada
16 Driffield Earline Hiroaki Darshana Dyvour Cougar
17 Easingwold Easton Hisao Eadric Effigy Coyote
18 Elland Edgardo Hitoshi Eanraig Elicit Cricket
19 Ellesmere Edith Hotaka Edmonda Enfold Crow
20 Erith Fay Ichiro Efigenia Exhort Deer
21 Fairford Ford Isamu Fabrizio Facile Dingo
22 Fakenham Freda Isao Faddey Fervor Eagle
23 Folkestone Frank Iwao Faulkner Foliar Elk
24 Frome Gage Izanagi Faustina Fucked Emu
25 Garastang Gibson Jiro Gabriel Gagman Fly
26 Gateshead Graysen Jun Gaetano Gambit Fox
27 Gillingham Graham Juro Garland Ghauts Frog
28 Grays Hadlee Kaede Gemini Ghibli Gecko
29 Hadleigh Haley Katashi Hadassah Halves Giant Panda
30 Hailsham Harlan Katsu Hadwin Hubris Giant Tortoise
31 Halesowen Huxley Katsumi Hadrian Hoarse Groundhog
32 Harrow Jagger Kazuki Hamilton Horror Hawk
33 Ilford Justice Kei Iakopa Impale Hedgehog
34 Ilkley Karter Keiji Ianthe Infamy Kangaroo
35 Immingham Keaton Kenji Ibbie Intomb Koala
36 Ivybridge Kelsea Kenshin Ibrahim Iridic Ladybug
37 Jarrow Kimberlee Kenta Jaakko Ironic Mouse
38 Kempston Kole Kichiro Jacinto Jasmin Newt
39 Kesgrave Landon Kin Jakayla Jetsom Owl
40 King's Lynn Lawley Kioshi Jameson Joyous Possum
41 Kington Leigh Ko Kaapo Junker Python
42 Knutsford Lilla Koji Kakalina Killer Rabbit
43 Langport Lindsee Kuro Kamalei Klaxon Raccoon
44 Launceston Macee Kyo Kaneenawup Knifed Red Panda
45 Leatherhead Meadow Madoka Lachlan Kraken Rhinoceros

46 Leominster Millard Makoto Ladonna Lacier Squirrel
47 Leyton Milton Manabu Lafayette Legend Tarantula
48 March Neil Masa Lahahana Legion Tasmanian Devil
49 Mansfield Nixon Masaaki Maaike Lemons Tiger
50 Maldon Oakley Masahiro Maarav Madder Tit
51 Marlow Oswin Masaki Mahulena Magnet Toad
52 Millom Paxton Masanori Mahzun Malady Turkey
53 Nailsworth Peyton Masaru Nadezhda Median Turtle
54 Nantwich Princeton Masato Nanook Narrow Viper
55 Newbury Ramsey Masayoshi Natesa Nebula Vulture
56 Newcastle Raylee Masumi Nehemiah Nimrod Wasp
57 Newport Reid Nobuo Oakley Nympho Weasel
58 Oakengates Remy Nori Oberon Ocelot Wildcat
59 Oldbury Rowena Orochi Oceanus Oddity Wolf
60 Oldham Rovena Osamu Octavian Opaque Wombat
61 Olney Rohesia Raiden Pacifico Ovonic Woodchuck
62 Orford Ryder Rokuro Parthenia Palpus Woodpecker
63 Painswick Rylee Ryo Parviz Parade Worm
64 Paington Saywer Ryuu Pavel Pizazz Yellowjacket
65 Pickering Scarlet Saburo Qadir Poison Anaconda
66 Plympton Sheldon Satoru Qi Quakes Antelope
67 Queensborough Shelly Takashi Qiang Queens Armadilo
68 Radstock Sterling Takumi Qeshaun Qwerty Baboon
69 Ramsey Sunniva Taro Ra Quitch Badger
70 Reading Tatum Tetsuo Radcliff Rabbit Chimpanzee
71 Redhill Tanner Tomio Rasputin Reaver Leopard
72 Ringwood Thatcher Torvald Redding Redeye Rat
73 Sale Tucker Toshio Saburo Rouges Crocodile
74 Sandwich Tyson Tsuneo Sacagawea Sunken Duck
75 Sawbridge Uesli Tsutomu Sachihiro Savior Elephant
76 Seaford Van Yasuhiro Savannah Severe Hawk
77 Sevenoaks Vance Yasuo Taavetti Shrimp Lion
78 Swindon Villads Yoichi Tamiko Tanist Monkey
79 Tadcaster Wade Yori Tatsuya Thorns Orangutan
80 Tadley Walker Yoshi Tennyson Touche Pheasant
81 Thame Wayne Yuichi Udom Triune Toucan
82 Tickhill Wesley Yukio Uffe Umbral Sheep
83 Torpoint Weston Yutaka Ujarak Upshot Goat
84 Uckfield Willbrord Yuu Ukaleq Uranic Ram
85 Ulverston Willis Yuudai Vadik Ursine Moose
86 Uppingham Wilson Yukio Valdemar Vagile Oxen
87 Uxbridge Winston Yoichi Valencia Vacuum Camels
88 Ventnor Wynton Yori Valdez Vanish Gazelle
89 Verwood Adair Fumio Wadsworth Vespid bobcat
90 Wadebridge Alf Goro Waiola Vilify ferret
91 Wallasey Annalee Gorou Walentyna Walker fox
92 Ware Ash Hisoka Waldemar Wallow giraffe
93 Wem Brooks Hotaka Xander Warmth hippopotamus
94 Wembley Cenric Izanagi Xavier Willow jaguar
95 Westbury Ceolmund Jun Xenophanes Xylene jackal
96 Woking Eadberht Junichi Xerxes Xylose hyena
97 Woodbridge Eadbard Kaede Ya Yellow horse
98 Yarm Gladwyn Katsuo Yaeshawn Zephyr zebra
99 Yate Godric Katsuro Yaffa Zizith dragonfly
100 Yeovil Godwine Kazuhiko Yakira Zigzag snail
Miscellaneous Stuff
This is a place for all the things I want in this book but don’t quite fit into a

Blood Dryad
Also known as Red Women, Back Bitches, and Creeping Death. There was once
only one, and all other Blood Dryads can be traced back to this one. She was a druid
who loved a wolf, and so when she died the wolf ate her and her love kept her alive
inside of it. She could cure the wolf of its wounds, keep it warm in frigid climates,
protect it from age and disease. And when the wolf attacked a fellow wolf to the point
of it being bloodied, a part of the Blood Dryad went to the dying wolf and kept it alive
as well. And so it spread.

Anyone dropped to ½ health while fighting someone infected with a Blood

Dryad gets infected with their own Blood Dryad. Those infect have the following
1. Regain 1hp per round
2. After a week with you, when you die the Blood Dryad will bring you
back, but this is not without a price. Roll on the table below.
3. You are immune to disease, aging, poison, and any other blood related
4. The Blood Dryad will keep you fed and rested if you keep her happy.
No longer need to sleep/eat.
5. The Blood Dryad will drive away members of the opposite sex. If the
barkeep flirts with you, the Blood Dryad will burn the bar. If you share
camp with a lover, they will be killed in the night.
6. When you drop someone to ½ hp, they will be infected with a Blood
Dryad. Killing the host of one, kills the dryad too.
After forming a bond with her host, the Blood Dryad will use her power to bring
her host back from death or dismemberment. When this happens, there is a price:
1. Permanent scar, -1 to charisma, throbs when evil is near
2. Blood infection, flares up when demons are near, save vs. fear
3. Jealousy, Blood Dryad is clingy and will lash out at anyone you’re near
4. Thirst, must drink twice as much blood to keep the dryad happy
5. Favor, spill the blood of an innocent creature and bathe in it or be
6. Scene, your aura reads as evil, undead do not attack you, clerics are
repelled by you
Blood Dryad
HD 9
AC 10
Attack as weapon
Speed as host
INT 16

Bound – a Blood Dryad cannot venture far from her host. The most she can
move is reliant on the age fo the host. She can move (player’s age) feet away.

Aid – Blood Dryads can aid their host. They can do this x amount of times per
day, where x is the host’s level.
• Uses her body to block an attack, taking the damage
• Takes 2d6 of her own hp to give to her host
• Flanks an opponent, giving her host advantage and her a sneak attack
• Hugs her host imbuing him with life’s heat, making his blade a

Blood Dryads require blood to stay happy. Blood and affection. A cup of blood
must be drank every day. This can be any blood but your own. If you go more than a
day without drinking she will no longer heal you or keep you safe.

There are two known ways to get rid of a Blood Dryad:

1. Find one of the few people in the multiverse who are capable of doing
full-body blood transfusions. This fact can be learnt from reading an
ancient text in a vanished kingdom’s stolen library.
2. Dying before the first week is up…

Bed Gaunt
The spirit of a bed never slept in. These twisted entities lash out for affection by
kidnapping children and stealing them away into places rarely seen. Some places a
Bed Gaunt might lurk:
1. A well that goes too deep,
2. A cave that no bear sleeps,
3. The basement of a forgotten house,
4. Under the bed in a king’s palace,
5. In the tree that sits lower than the rest,
6. Abandoned escape tunnels under a city.

After kidnapping a child (or multiple children, Bed Gaunts love to take twins or
siblings) a Bed Gaunt will steal them away in their secret place and put them into an
eternal slumber. The more children that are under its spell, the more powerful it gets:
1. Pass through walls as ethereal,
2. Fly at normal speeds,
3. Telekinesis up to the combined weight of the sleeping children,
4. Invisibility,
5. Sneak attack as a 5th level thief,
6. Cast spells as a 5th level sorcerer.

Defeating a Bed Gaunt requires several things. First, the original bed that the
spirit comes from must be destroyed. Then the children broken from the spell. Then
the spirit destroyed. If a child still sleeps, or the bed still exists, the Bed Gaunt will
return after 1d4 days.

Bed Gaunt
HD 2x the # of children sleeping
AC 14
Immune to non-magical weapons, except fire
Cannot be frightened, charmed, poisoned, put to sleep, etc. It’s a spirit.
Attacks 2 claws (d6 each)

Sleep – can cast sleep on each target once, after they save they are immune until
the next day
Possession – the Bed Gaunt can take possession of any sleeping creature, they
get no save

Bed Gaunts like hostages, whether it be a possessed monarch, or a wagon-load

of children. It will do anything to avoid confrontation with a group larger than it.
When roleplaying as a Bed Gaunt answer all questions with different inflections of
“no” and tilt your head sideways like a dog that hears its name.

People visit a Bruiser when they feel ill. The Bruiser bruises them, cares for
them, and they often times feel better. Other times they visit for the care because they
feel lonely, but before there is care there must be a bruise. So the Bruiser bruises them
and cares for them, and they often feel better.

Bruises are artwork. They are a beautiful, natural thing. The healing process is
a form of internal catharsis and the colors and patterns this process creates is
something of a language. Much like Picaso can be read like a language, a bruise can
be interpreted and understood.

Bruisers are not artist as much as they are facilitators. Sure, the object they use
to hit with and the location they choose to hit has an effect on the bruise, but it's the
body that creates the shape and the texture.

No, Bruisers are more like art critics. They criticize the bruises they make, or
bruises that are brought to them, and in their criticism, they see things and feel
emotions, much like we might feel things or notice ideas inside of a movie screen, or
in the sounds of a song. Bruisers review your bruises and give you this information,
usually in a snooty manner, but not always.

If you need your future told, your fortune read, your leyline detected, or anything
of the semi-supernatural, you'll find yourself directed to a Bruiser. This will be a fun
experience if you're a masochist, and you're an adventurer so I assume you are.

If you don't like pain, then bite down on the belt the Bruise gives you and hope
the bruise has something nice to say.

Who is the local Bruiser?

1. Elderly woman with too many expensive furs
2. Girl far too young to be enjoying it this much
3. Man painted black and white with a black hood over face
4. Man-like war machine built of gears and motor belts
5. Spirit that posseses the body of your friend
6. Your mother
7. Skeleton wrapped in leather
8. Sexy woman who refers to you as girl
9. Fat, hairy man, wearing only a loincloth
10. Debonair man in fine-pressed suit who sighs at everything

Where do they do the bruising?
1. Basement of the tavern, only during sunlight
2. Empty crypt at the back of cemetery
3. Attic of their parents house
4. Center of town in front of large crowd
5. Personal wagon pulled by scantily clad men
6. Lake shore, only during a rain storm
7. They have a shop
8. On a balcony in the moonlight
9. In a dungeon, the sex-kind
10. Wherever you're comfortable

What do they bruise you with?

1. Nine-tailed whip Where do they leave the bruise?
2. Wooden hairbrush 1. Top of the thigh
3. Large wooden stiring spoon 2. Inner thigh
4. Homemade cane 3. Upper back
5. Professionally crafted brass 4. Back of thigh
knuckles 5. Back of upper arm
6. Rolling pin 6. Ass cheek
7. Decorative paddle w/drilled 7. Belly
holes 8. Chest
8. Bare hands 9. Calves
9. Metal studden belt 10. Cheek
10. Switch

What does the bruise look like?

1. Upside down puppy 11. Two flowers entangled
playing with a bone under trampling boot
2. Gruesome battlefield 12. Tea leaf burning in a house
caked in corpses fire
3. Confusing inkblots 13. Bile boiling in a grave
4. Two men strangling a 14. Flag waving over ruins
woman 15. Falling people
5. Childhood home 16. You as a baby
6. Lich 17. Famous painting
7. Dead dragon falling out of 18. Lighting reanimating a
sky homunculus
8. Storm clouds 19. Black glass over a hearth
9. Erupting volcano 20. Undead crawling out of
10. Dwarven technology in the your flesh
wrong hands

What is the interpretation

1. are in good favor
2. are distrustful
3. are moving towards the grave
4. are protecting something of yours
5. are clinging to your heel
6. have left you long ago
7. are looking for reasons to leave
8. want to come back to you but can't

Party member with the Will

1. Betray you
1. Strength 2. Fall in love with you
2. Dexterity 3. Die before you
3. Constitution 4. Aid in your death
4. Intelligence 5. Owe you a great death
5. Wisdom 6. Learn something about
6. Charisma yourself you wish they

And you'll soon be visited by with

1. Death 1. good news
2. Your mother 2. tragic news
3. Your sibling 3. a great and terrible curse
4. a dead friend 4. an incurable disease
5. Royalty 5. a secret you can't ignore
6. a Spirit 6. incalculable wealth
7. a Demon 7. a hint to your destiny
8. a powerful force 8. a push in the right

The bruise will heal in d6 days, which means

1. 1 day, you will outlive all of your friends
2. 2 days, you are destined to fuck a Queen
3. 3 days, you will one day sit on a throne before being usurped
4. 4 days, you will find something never found and be lost with it
5. 5 days, there is something inside of you that is worth more than your
6. 6 days, your child will kill you

The color of the bruise as it heals will tell you something as well
1. Black - You will face certain death nine times and die the last
2. Yellow - The next person you see will be the love of your life
3. Red - Your child has come back in time and is looking for you
4. Deep purple - Your destiny is in space
5. Black waning to yellow - A Demon has your true name and is waiting
to use it
6. Yellow with red splotches - The thing you have been looking for is
somewhere you have already been

Rival Adventuring Parties
First one mentioned is the leader. Level them according to your party.
Brother’s Sludge
Conway, the roguish dragonkin, wielding his brother’s sword and shield
with un-proficient clumsiness. Likes to talk a lot and often makes deals that sound
too good to be true (because they are). He’s survived with his devilish good looks and
unyielding luck. In truth, his armor allows him the Luck ability, allowing him to reroll
any roll 3/day. Plus his rogue levels, which come in handy when he flanks with his
Dramlin, human bruiser. Friend of Conway’s brother, he made an oath to
Conway to avenge the untimely death. Doesn’t get along well with Conway but likes
to kill. Blood feels good on his skin. Before battle he cuts his palms and rubs the
blood on his face, painting the emblem that’s on Conway’s shield.
Gnice (Agnice without the A) is the fiancé of Conway’s brother and current
lover of all things that bleed. Specifically, the things she makes bleed. Since her
fiancé’s death she’s dabbled in necromancy and has three skeletons/zombies tied to
her waist by hemp rope. One of them is her fiancé. He’s the one who constantly tries
to make out with her jugular.

Dire Stars
Lodlan, knight of the stars. Wielder of the headband of intellect and staff of
the cosmos. He threatens untimely cosmic demise if him or his party comes to harm.
The staff is intelligent and controls him. It’s true power is that if it’s broken, the
Efreeti inside of it is freed. As a knight, Lodlan can fight, but his threats usually work,
He is grateful if it doesn’t come to bloodshed, and will even exchange his headband
for safety.
Sammy, human paladin of the stars. Always caught without her armor and
always in sexually compromising positions. She acts shy and blushes and is very shy
about the whole thing. At least until the person who caught her lowers their guard.
Then she digs their guts out and uses them to speak to her warlock patron. She is the
one who gave the staff to Lodlan. She hopes to free the Efreeti and serve it.
Telouise, the intelligent and wise black cat assassin. A real black cat. She is
the first sign of Dire Stars, but most don’t notice her. She speaks with an elvish accent
and will kill anyone for Sammy or Lodlan, because of how nice they were to her when
they were children. She is very loyal and very antagonizing.

Black Bat Alliance

Brother Bridge, the half-orc thief, wearing a leather jacket and carrying a
switchblade knife. He is big but quick, strong but nimble, ugly but smart. Though he
likes to use his force to steal, he can pickpocket and stealth like no other. He wears a
fashionable, studded belt of giant strength and has half his levels in monk. Keeps
quiet until he knows something is not a threat.
Brother Cam, human sorcerer who casts spells through his spectral hand.
He’s not undead. His hand is just ghost-like. It can pass through walls, armor, skin,
anything, and spells cast from it get advantage to hit. If he shoves the hand into his
own body he can go spectral for 1d6 rounds. He likes to go inside people and take

them over until his rounds are up, when he pulls the skin away and it’s just him
Brother Jezwind, elven rogue and plunderer of dragons. He’s a new hire and
is leading BBA to their second dragon lair. They’ve spelunked one and came out fresh
and rich, and now they’re going back again. He will share his knowledge for a price
and he doesn’t take gold. He’s got plenty of that. Dawns the cloak of mountebanke,
which allows him to dimension door once a day.

Acute Satisfaction
Thom, former Psycho Squad paladin and enforcer turned adventurer. His
helmet allows him to read thoughts, detect alignment, and cast zone of truth 1/day.
His sidearm, a fully functioning colt .45, is loaded with delayed fireball rounds, which
deal no damage but stick to whatever is shot. The code word to make them detonate
is on the barrel of his gun. If someone reads it aloud, “Gumshoe”, everything goes up
in flame.
Haver, winter wolf from darkened hills. Follows Thom and obeys Thom.
Loves treats and rubs. Loves to bite and tear. Chews on the thigh bone of an orc killed
last night. Growls but never barks. Can easily stealth and can sniff out the most hidden
foes with its snout of true-smelling-seeing, which appears like a muzzle of silvered
Jonny, human child and paladin in training. Thom’s squire though Thom
doesn’t wear heavy armor anymore. Has two dancing swords and an animated shield.
His body is weak but his mind is strong. Has been reading from Thom’s old spellbook
and has picked up a few (psychic) spells.
Nanners, old woman. She takes care of the clothes, food, and general tidiness
of the group. Chose the name “Acute Satisfaction” and has stitched a banner and
crests for all member. She can cast cure light wounds 3/day, and heal 1/day. She also
has an amulet of planes and knowledge of Sigil, city of doors.


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