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The effects of addiction to mobile games on the students’ social relation

Greetings, everyone! We are the students from Grade 11 Locke at Jose Abad Santos Memorial
School. As part of our requirements for Practical Research 2, we will be conducting a
quantitative research to know more about how mobile gaming addiction could affect one’s
personality and social relations. We would like to invite you as a participant for our research.
Rest assured that all information gained from this survey will only be used for academic

Gaming Time/Frequency
1. Do you play games in your mobile phone?
_ Yes*
_ No

2. How much time do you usually spend on playing mobile games?

_ Less than an hour
_ 1-3 hours
_ 4-6 hours*
_ 7 hours or more

3. How often in a week?

_ Once a week
_ Twice a week
_ During weekends
_ Everyday*

4. I would like to spend more time playing mobile games if I have:

_ More friends playing with me
_ a lot of free time*
_ An urge to gain a higher ranking in a game*

5. Please specify your reasons to play mobile games

_ Kill time*
_ Stress relief
_ Social life (to play with friends)*
_ Escape reality

Gaming Genre
6. What is your preferred genre in playing mobile games?
_ Arcade*
_ Mind games
_ Sports*
_ Role Playing (RPG)*
_ Action*
_ Strategy*
_ Adventure
_ Educational
7. What game type do you usually prefer?
_ Single player
_ Multi player
_ Both*

8. With whom do you usually play with?

_ Family
_ Friends (real life)*
_ Friends (online)*
_ Strangers*

9. Do you gain friends from playing?

_ Yes*
_ No

10. If yes, do you meet up with them personally?

_ Yes*
_ No

Social Interaction
11. How often do you hangout with friends?
_ Often
_ Frequent*
_ Seldom

12. What platform do you prefer to communicate with?

_ Phone
_ Email
_ Social media*
_ Face to face*
_ Through games*

13. Do you prioritize playing mobile games over hanging out with your friends?
_ Yes
_ No*

14. Do you isolate yourself from others in order to concentrate in playing?

_ Yes*
_ No

15. Has anyone of the following ever called you an addict? (Check as many as you can)
_ Family
_ Friend
_ Strangers
_ None of the above*
16. Have you ever skipped events with family/ friends due to uncontrolled urges to play
mobile games?
_ Yes
_ No*

17. Have you ever had an argument with someone due to excessive playing of mobile
_ Yes
_ No*

SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, N – Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Agree

1. Do you think that mobile game can be a platform for XX
2. Do you think that the mobile game can affect the social life of XX
a user?
3. Do you think that excessive use of mobile games can XX
negatively affect the relationship of the user and his friends?
4. Do you think that excessive use of mobile games can XX
positively affect the socialization skills of the user?
5. In general, do you think that addiction to mobile games have XX
an effect on the social relations of the users?


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