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Good morning, I am Steven Gerard from Umbrella Company.

I came here today representing my company to negotiate about our offer in using our newest
technology in your oilrig company called TRIG. Previously we have demonstrated the work of our TRIG
technology and as you can see the use of TRIG will be able to double your number of production by
scattering the molecule substance of the oil into bigger form. Another benefit that you will get is you will
be able to reduce your production cost through the improvement of your production speed with
shorten working hour.

How about the security? How safe the use of this technology??

I guess you don’t have to be worry about the safety of this technology. We’ll guarantee the application
of TRIG is 100% safe and secure. TRIG has the ability to analyze the threat that might encounter during
the work and will give early warning to you. It also will able to do self repairing action for minor problem
in short time.

Your technology seems really promising but we don’t know yet whether this technology can be applied
to us or not. How if it is not working?

Well we have test TRIG in many kinds of oilrig technology and the result show that the technology works
for all kinds of oilrig. Before we came here we have observed about your company oilrig method that
using TOT technology and we found there is no problem for TRIG to be applied with your technology.

How can you be so sure about it?

We have sold TRIG to many company and some of them also have same operating technology like in
your company. One of them is Camel Troy holding that we believe as one of your business partner who
recently has raise the price of their share in stock market due to their success in increasing their number
of sales. I think this information is enough to erase your doubt about the work of this technology. Shall
we negotiate the contract now??

I guess the effectiveness of TRIG wasn’t a rumor. Before we discuss about the contract, I still have
another rumor to clarify about your company. We heard that your company involved in illegal activities
such as weapon selling in Middle East, is it true?

I definitely guarantee that information is wrong. That information was blown by our competitor to give
negative image about our company. Until now there is no prove that shown our company related with
any illegal activities and there is nothing you need to worry about. Our company is definitely clean. Is
that enough?

Alright, I won’t question about your company anymore. We will sign the contract now.

Alright, this is the contract. Please read it first and ask if there is anything you don’t understand about
the contact. Thank you very much; it’s very nice to do business with you.

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