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The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences

University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2


Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha
Rumah Zakat, Bandung, Indonesia;


One of child protection effort besides protection from violence, neglect, and abuse is how to ensure every rights
of the child is fulfilled well. But in fact, the poverty that also attached to the children is an obstacle to the
fulfillment of children's rights in accordance with what is listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
To cope with these situation, optimizing zakat is certainly one of the alternatives that can be used. Through the
optimization of zakat, the child can fulfill his rights in accordance with the contents of the Convention such as
the right to survival, the right to grow and develop, the right to protection, and the right to participate. The
research method used in this article is qualitative method with descriptive qualitative research type. Methods of
data collection used is by interview, observation, and documentation study. Based on the result of this research
indicate, until June 2017 through zakat optimization which has been done by Rumah Zakat has provided free
education access to 2,006 children, and 6,578 scholarships for children education throughout Indonesia. In
addition, through the optimization of zakat that have been done has successfully provided assistance to 15,303
child beneficiaries, through the health programs provided. The conclusion of this research is that the fulfillment
of children's rights that have been done through the optimization of zakat covers the fulfillment of the right of
child survival, children's right to grow and develop, and the right to get protection.

Keywords: Child, Right of The Child, Rights Fulfillment, Zakat

evelopment that is currently starting to focus on the importance of human development

D (people centered development), has hope that the investments has been made can have a
greater impact on the progress of a country. Changes in the development paradigm that occurs
today, requires the involvement of all aspects both the government, private, non-governmental
organizations, and the community itself. One element in society that is often overlooked and not fully
involved is children. In fact, if referring to Constitution No.35 of 2014 about Child Protection,
explicitly stated that "the child is the bud, the potential, and the younger generation of the nation's
ideals of the struggle of the nation, has a strategic role and has a special nature that ensures the
continuity of the existence of the nation and state in the future". Referring to the statement in the
constitusion, it is appropriate for the child to get the rights in accordance with what he needs,
including the right to participate as the perpetrator of development.
In order to facilitate all countries in the world, in 1989 the United Nations finally established a
convention related to how the child needed full protection, either in terms of fulfillment of basic
rights, or protection from forms of violence, neglect, and abuse called the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of The Child. Along with the signing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
in 1989, making all countries in the world must consider the rights of children in every development
process. The convention states four basic rights of children that must be met and guaranteed by the
state, that is:
1. The right to survival, which is the child's right to survive and the right to obtain the highest
standard of health and care;

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

2. Right to grow, which includes all rights to educate, and to obtain an adequate standard of
living for the physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development of children;
3. The right to protection, which includes protection from discrimination, acts of violence and
neglect for children without families and for refugee children;
4. The right to participate, including the rights to express opinions in all matters affecting the
Based on these rights, the state has an obligation to ensure and encourage all citizens to be
involved in fulfilling those rights. Given the child is the most important asset and become the next
generation for a nation. However, since the signing of the convention, still leaves many problems
where children's rights are ignored. In fact the gaps in the fulfillment of rights, and various forms of
violence against children are still growing. This is certainly a distressing condition and suggests that
there are still problems with child protection. Forms of violation of rights such as violence, abuse, and
exploitation are common in Indonesia. In detail the violence that is often experienced by children in
Indonesia is physical violence, psychological violence, sexual, and neglect. Head of Socialization of
Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Erlinda stated that in 2016 there are 1,000 cases of
violence against children, and 136 cases of violence occurred through social media (
This is, of course, still a situation contrary to the contents of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
and the Constitution No. 34 of 2014 about Amendments to the Child Protection Constitution No.23 of
2002. In addition to requiring the fulfillment of the right to protection, the fulfillment of the right to
survival, the right to grow and the right to participate is still a frequently neglected right, especially
for children poverty. Based on data released by Unicef in Cerita Dari Indonesia 2015, the number of
children in Indonesia reaches 84 million people or 1/3 of the total population in Indonesia. This is
certainly a huge amount and requires the involvement of all elements to ensure that children get what
they need. Based on the annual report of Unicef in 2016 raised several issues related to the fulfillment
of children's rights that is, as many as 2.3 million children aged 7-15 years in Indonesia not in school,
190,000 deaths of children aged less than 5 years each year, more than 33% of children get complete
immunization, 7% children aged 7-15 years to be child labor, and others.
Picture 1. Amount of School Dropouts by Education Level in 2016

Amount of School Dropouts by

Education Level in 2016



40,000 72,744

20,000 39,213 38,702 36,419


Source: Kemendikbud, 2016

In addition to data released by Unicef, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemedikbud,
2016) suggests that in the 2016-2017 academic year, there are 39.213 children dropping out of
elementary school, 38.702 drop out of junior high school, 36.419 out of school children at senior high
school level, and 72.744 children drop out of school at Vocational High School level. In fact
according to Wicaksono in Bahan Bacaan Awal Mengenal Hak-Hak Anak , states that government
agencies should think about how to provide education to all children. The education provided should
be accessible to all children, both in urban and isolated areas. Not only limited to access, but the
provision of education should also pay attention to quality in every area where education is provided
(Wicaksono, 2015, p.15). In terms of health, based on data released by Unicef in 2015 the toddler

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

mortality rate in Indonesia is at 27 deaths per 1,000 births. Although the figure fell significantly
compared to 1990 levels, it generally indicates that toddler mortality remains a threat to children in
Indonesia. From the data that has been mentioned earlier, illustrates that there are still many problems
related to efforts to fulfill the right to children. The non-fulfillment of the basic rights of children well,
especially for children experiencing poverty requires the involvement of parties other than the
government. The government's limitation in accommodating all efforts to fulfill children's rights is
one of the reasons why the involvement of non-governmental groups is needed. One source that can
be utilized to ensure the fulfillment of basic needs that must be owned by children is through the
optimization of zakat funds. Along with the development of the times, zakat today can not only be
used for charity activities, but can be used as a source of investment both for the muzakki and
mustahiq. According to Ali and Zaman (in Norvadewi, 2012, p.68) explains that the purpose of zakat
is: (1) raising the level of the poor; (2) help solve the problems of gharimin, ibn sabil and other
mustahiq; (4) eliminating the miserliness and tramp of property owners; (5) remove the envy and envy
(social jealousy) of the hearts of the poor; (6) bridging the gap between the rich and the poor in
society; (7) develop a sense of social responsibility in a person, especially those who own property;
(8) to educate man to discipline to fulfill his duties and surrender the rights of others to him; (9)
means of equal distribution of income to achieve social justice.
Rumah Zakat as one of the international philanthropic institutions would like to participate in
supporting efforts related to the protection and fulfillment of the right to the child. As a form of
support from the institution, Rumah Zakat designed several programs related to how the basic rights
of children from the asnaf categories can be fulfilled, and also get proper protection from various
forms of violence, neglect, and abuse. The services contained in the Senyum Sehat and Senyum Juara
program is the efforts of Rumah Zakat to help children from asnaf categories in Indonesia are able to
fulfill their rights maximally. This article aims to provide an overview of how the efforts to fulfill the
rights made by Rumah Zakat through the optimization of zakat funds.
Method and Approach
In this research, the approach used is qualitative approach. The research method used is qualitative
method with descriptive research type. Through these approaches and methods, researchers go
directly to the field and look for information in depth to get the required data. This approach aims to
try to describe a phenomenon of child rights fulfillment through zakat fund optimization.
Location and Time of Research
The location of this research was conducted in Bandung. Bandung was chosen based on the
consideration that Rumah Zakat and its distribution partners, Indonesia Juara Foundation, and Cita
Sehat Foundation established in this city so has its head office in this city. In addition, other
considerations are some units of the implemented services are also located in the city of Bandung. The
study itself lasted for two months, starting from August to September 2017.
Data Collection
The process of collecting data conducted in this study is through interviews and documentation
studies. This research uses purposive sampling method with five respondents. Interviews conducted to
the parties related to this research or commonly referred to as purposive sampling. The informants of
this study consisted of representatives from Rumah Zakat as the main institution of zakat management
and distribution, the Indonesia Juara Foundation (IJF) as partners of the education program, and Cita
Sehat Foundation (CSF) as the partners of the health program distribution. Meanwhile, documentary
study was conducted to study monthly reports provided by IJF and CSF as the distribution partners of
Rumah Zakat.
Analysis and Processing Data
The process of data processing and analysis is done through several stages. Sugiyono (2011, p.246)
states that data analysis in qualitative research carried out at the time of data collection takes place,
and after the completion of data collection in a particular period. Then Miles and Huberman (in

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

Sugiyono, p.246) suggests that activities in qualitative data analysis are done interactively and
continuously until complete, so that the data is saturated. Activities in data analysis are, data
reduction, display data, and conclussion drawing / verification.
Efforts made by Rumah Zakat in supporting the efforts of the fulfillment of children's rights for
children experiencing poverty, is done through optimizing zakat funds. Zakat funds collected will be
distributed through several clusters of programs owned by Rumah Zakat. Based on the data that has
been collected, from the four clusters of Rumah Zakat program there are two clusters of programs that
are closely related to efforts to fulfill the right of the children, there are Senyum Juara and enyum
Sehat clusters. In the Senyum Juara cluster, consists of programs related to the field of education.
While the Senyum Sehat cluster consists of programs related to services in the field of health.
Senyum Juara
Senyum Juara is one of the cluster programs owned by Rumah Zakat, and is engaged in education.
With the Senyum Juara program, Rumah Zakat is committed to improving the quality of education
covering the categories of beneficiaries: students, infrastructure and quality students in accordance
with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ensuring that all Indonesian children
complete free primary and secondary education, equitable and quality that lead to the impact of
relevant and effective learning. In this cluster, there are several programs that are given to potential
beneficiaries belonging to Mustahiq, that is Anak Juara Scholarship, Sekolah Juara Scholarship, and
Mobil Juara.
Anak Juara Scholarship Program is a program aimed at easing the cost of education so that
children begin level of Primary School until the college student can get support facilities to complete
compulsory education. The hope of the scholarship recipients is also able to continue education to a
higher level. In addition Rumah Zakat also facilitates foster children with coaching, which is designed
to accommodate children in obtaining formal education in schools and religious materials. The targets
of the program are Elementary School students, Junior High School, Senior High School, and
College. Meanwhile the Sekolah Juara Scholarship is a program aimed at the students of every
Sekolah Juara. Through this scholarship Anak Juara get all forms of school facilities for free from
educational facilities, quality learning, outing and all forms of other educational activities. By using
multiple intelligence approach, and the application of core value which is a program to form the
character of students, it is expected that the beneficiaries become students who are champion and
religious character.
And the last is Mobil Juara program. Mobil Juara Program is a media learning procurement
program in the form of a car vehicle designed for mobile and can bring an attractive nuance of
learning. Mobil Juara is accompanied by books, audio visuals, and computers connected to the
internet so as to accommodate children to learn by using more modern and attractive facilities. Until
now Rumah Zakat has 17 Sekolah Juara, ranging from elementary school (SD) to Vocational High
School (SMK), three Mobil Juara, four Early Childhood Education (PAUD) and Day Care facilities,
and six Laboratorium Juara. Based on data released in Empowerment Report 2016, until December
2016 there were 34,604 beneficiaries.
Senyum Sehat
Senyum Sehat is an improvement program of community health quality based on individual,
communal, community self-help. The programs in Senyum Sehat strive to increase public awareness
of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, thereby reducing the amount of illness experienced. So that
the services provided through the cluster of this program in addition to providing the intention of
health services, can be educational to raise awareness, knowledge, competence, and community
independence in maintaining health. The realization of the program in the form of Mass Circumcision,
Free Ambulance, Siaga Sehat, Bantuan Kesehatan, Kebun Gizi, Klinik Gratis, etc. This program also
actively cooperate with various agencies to cooperate, such as corporations and other related
institutions. Until 2016, Rumah Zakat has eight RBG Primary Clinics, 51 free ambulance, and 20

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

clinic cars. Based on data presented in the Empowerment Report 2016, by 2016 there are 821.620
beneficiaries, consisting of adults and children.
From the several programs in the Senyum Sehat itself, there are several programs that intersect
with the fulfillment of the rights of the child. Programs that intersect with the child rights fulfillment
may be curative or preventive. So in terms of the intensity of the fulfillment of rights, depending on
the circumstances and conditions of the needs of children who become beneficiaries of the program
Rumah Zakat. These programs are Siaga Posyandu, Siaga Gizi Balita, Immunization, Siaga Sehat,
Bantuan Kesehatan, Care for Teen, Jumantik Cilik, and others. Siaga Sehat Program is a program that
aims to meet one of the needs for public health services that have difficulties in reaching health care
facilities by bringing health teams to these areas and providing free health care services to the needs
of the community. Meanwhile, Siaga Posyandu is a series of programs implemented with the aim to
restore and improve function and performance of Posyandu to improve maternal and child health.
Types of activities undertaken in this program include: (1) Posyandu cadre training, (2) Posyandu
meeting, (3) Fulfillment of Posyandu facilities and infrastructure, (4) Posyandu operational assistance,
and (5) Mentoring of Posyandu activities.
Siaga Gizi Balita Program is a program that aims to improve the nutritional condition of children
who are on the red line. Through this program the expectation can decrease morbidity, and infant
mortality due to poor nutritional condition of children experiencing poverty. Bantuan Kesehatan
Program is a direct aid distribution program, which is funded to beneficiaries in cash to meet
healthcare needs. This program aims to alleviate the burden of the poor to meet their health needs. In
addition, there are several preventive health programs for children. Care for Teen and Jumantik Cilik
are programs that make children as perpetrators of educational efforts against fellow society. Through
the Care for Teen program children get education related to how to live a clean and healthy lifestyle
(PHBS), and also avoid behaviors that can harm themselves. And through this Jumantik Cilik or
Mosquito Monitoring Program, the children are invited to educate the community about the dangers
of Dengue Fever mosquitoes, and also inspect to ensure that there are no mosquito larvae in the
Fulfillment Children’s Rights Through Zakat Optimization
The vulnerabilty situation of the fulfillment rights for poor children in Indonesia, requires an
alternative source of funding aside from the government to ensure that every child is well-served. This
is certainly in line with the principle of non-discrimination that must be realized in every effort to
fulfill the right. One accessible source of finance to address the vulnerability of rights for poor
children is through the optimization of zakat funds. Through zakat, infaq, and alms, collected funds
can be distributed and managed to provide programs aimed at assisting children from the poor
category and asnaf in order to be able to fulfill their rights. Based on the results of interviews
conducted on Mr. Hermansyah, as Program Management Division Head, he revealed, "If you look at
some history, it turns out essentially zakat fund optimization has also been used to finance the war.
And if it is linked to the current situation we are managing zakat funds and distributed through
educational and health programs to combat ignorance, and protecting people from sickness ". So if
you look at these conditions, it can be said that the current zakat has a broader function and one of
them is to optimize it to protect the rights of children. Referring to the content of the Convention on
the Rights of the Child (CRC) promulgated by the United Nations, there are generally four groups of
child rights, that is the right to survival, the right to grow and develop, the right to protection, and the
right to participate in development. This section will illustrate how the efforts to fulfill the rights of
children through the optimization of zakat funds conducted by Rumah Zakat.
Fulfillment of Life Rights
One aspect of life that is closely related to survival is how someone should have good health-
maintaining skills, and when a person is exposed to a disease their should get proper health care.
Efforts to fulfill the right of life through zakat fund optimization are done through education and
health programs. Through an educational program, every child beneficiaries of the Sekolah Juara
Scholarship program gets free health check-up services, and Supplemental Feeding (PMT). It refers to
what was delivered by Sahidan as School Management Department Head of Indonesia Juara

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

Foundation, he said, "In Sekolah Juara every month there is name of Gizi Juara, every month we
cooperated with RBG Pratama Clinic to provide health check service for children". In addition to the
preventive, children in the scholarship program also get education from the school regarding how to
choose healthy snacks, the dangers of smoking, PHBS, through Care for Teens activities program.
While in the Anak Juara Scholarship program, the intensity of providing PMT service is less than in
the Sekolah Juara Scholarship program. This is because in Anak Juara Scholarship program, the
beneficiaries came from diverse schools, and the provision of services depends on the availability of
funds from donors. And if there is a need for children, then Indonesia Juara Foundation (IJF) as the
implementer will apply funds to Rumah Zakat to find adequate funding sources. For children
beneficiaries of the Anak Juara scholarship program, the type of assistance provided is not only in the
form of cash money. In addition to educational funding, beneficiaries of the program also receive
coaching, as well as school equipment. Although the funds provided are not large in number, the hope
that the assistance provided can ease the burden of education costs from each beneficiary, and provide
better education.
Programs related to the fulfillment of the right to survival are more often given to health
programs. Siaga Sehat, Khitanan, Siaga Gizi Balita, Immunization, Siaga Posyandu, and School
Health Unit programs (UKS) are programs that provide free health care for children, both in terms of
preventive and curative. In order to ensure that the child's survival rights are met, parents of children
also receive free pregnancy screening services, and receive education related to maternal and child
health. The Siaga Gizi Balita Program is an additional food supplement for children having nutritional
health conditions on the red line. Children will be given help until the nutritional health condition
increases. In the Siaga Posyandu program, parents, children, and Posyandu cadres are provided with
diverse services. The main purpose is how to increase the participation of mother and child to attend
Posyandu. By increasing the presence of mother and child, automatically condition of mother and
child health will be more controlled, and awake. Through the Posyandu, the mothers or parents of
children will be educated related to healthy lifestyle. For maternal and child health, besides being
provided through Posyandu, Rumah Zakat also provides free pregnancy and immunization check up
service through RBG Primary Clinic. In addition, efforts to fulfill the right of survival for children are
also provided through the Siaga Sehat and Bantuan Kesehatan program. The program aims to provide
assistance to children who are in an emergency, and require immediate medical treatment.
Fulfillment of Growing Rights
Fulfillment of the right to grow and develop must be one of the most important rights for children.
The child's growth period that will only be lived once by every child, should be maximized well by
the child through government, private, and of course the parents. Unicef, UN Global Impact and Save
The Children suggest that childhood is a typical growth period in which the physical, mental, and
emotional development of children has a permanent, positive or negative influence. Periods of growth
from birth to adulthood are crucial, as the child goes through rapid physical and psychological
development. Food shortages, clean water, care and affection can have a permanent effect on children
(2012, p.2). One of the efforts undertaken to fulfill the right to growth through the optimization of
zakat funds is to provide education assistance services, and provide decent health services for each
child belonging to the asnaf category. In an effort to fulfill this right, Rumah Zakat provides services
through Senyum Juara program and Senyum Sehat. Efforts to fulfill the right of growth and
development of children through the optimization of zakat funds in general are mostly done through
educational programs.
Through the Anak Juara Scholarship and Sekolah Juara Scholarship programs, vulnerable
children belonging to the asnaf category are given the opportunity to obtain a proper education
service. This is certainly not independent of the situation where the high number of dropouts caused
by children experiencing poverty. Wicaksono (2015) in his book suggests that education providers in
some cases, always prioritize for the children of the rich. As in the payment of school uniform money,
although for some families consider the cost is not a constraint, but there are also children from
families who have difficulty paying it. As a result services for children who can not pay uniforms so
different. Further impact, the attendance rate of students from poor families decreased (2015, p.19).

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

With the assurance of education for children who fall into the category of asnaf of course means also
guarantee the right of growth and development of children. Through the Sekolah Juara Scholarship
program, the school uses multiple intellegence approach so that children can develop according to
their potential. Through this approach, the child is not forced to be skilled in one subject or other skill.
However, the students will be mapped and developed according to their interests and potentials.
For children beneficiaries of the Anak Juara Scholarship program and other non-beneficiary
children, Rumah Zakat provides a Potential Child Development Center (P3A) program. According to
Mr. Uus as Scholarship Management Department Head Indonesia Juara Foundation revealed that,
"P3A is devoted to children who want to develop the potential. For example in Bandung P3A
angklung. We rent a place for children training facilities. Services has been provided for Anak Juara
and children around the P3A facilities ". Through this program, children beneficiaries of Anak Juara
Scholarship programs and children around P3A facilities have the opportunity to develop their
interests, talents, and potentials, so as to develop well. Children are given opportunities to develop
both in academics, arts, sports, religion, and others, in accordance with their potential. In terms of
health, the Siaga Posyandu program, free immunization, and supplementary feeding (PMT) can also
be said to be a service related to the fulfillment of the right to growth and development of children. To
get a good growth period, one of the efforts that need to be done is to make sure the child has
excellent health condition. And in order for the child to have a good health condition to support his or
her growth, parents need to be educated through the Posyandu to help parents understand the ways in
which to provide good health care for their children.
Fulfillment of Protection Rights
The high number of violence, neglect and abuse of children in Indonesia is still a big task for this
country. Whereas on the one hand, if it refers to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the
child is entitled to protection from acts of violence, neglect, abuse, and other violations. One of the
root causes of child protection abuses is the lack of parental knowledge of good parenting patterns,
poverty, and culture that assume that children are part of the second community after adults. As one of
the philanthropic institutions that referring Islamic values, Rumah Zakat certainly wants to be
involved in fulfilling child protection rights and ensure that children should be protected, and parents
need to be educated. Through zakat funds managed, Rumah Zakat strives to ensure that any program
designed for children, can guarantee the fulfillment the rights of children well.
Efforts to fulfill the right to protection in Rumah Zakat program are done through preventive
and curative efforts. Preventive efforts undertaken by Rumah Zakat is to provide parenting class for
parents of Sekolah Juara Scholarship program beneficiaries. Through parenting class services,
parents are educated on how to provide good parenting patterns for children, in order to avoid
violence, abuse, and neglect. In addition to the parenting class, one of the services provided in the
Sekolah Juara Scholarship program is a home visit from the school, to ensure that parenting patterns
against children do not contain violations of the rights of the child. If there is violence or violation of
the rights of the child by the parents, then the school will call the child's parents to intervene. Another
prevention step is, through the Sekolah Juara Scholarship program, there is a puberty class held for
6th graders up to junior high. This class aims to educate children to avoid bullying behavior.
In addition to beneficiary children, efforts to fulfill the right to protection are also provided for
children affected by natural disasters, as well as humanitarian disasters. Rumah Zakat provides
psychosocial facilitation services for children affected by disasters, and also builds non-formal
schools for children who have lost their citizenship rights to become refugees. This is what Melda
says as Healthcare Department Head of the Cita Sehat Foundation, which states that "When disaster
occurs, we pay attention not only to adults but also to the children. Usually the interventions are in the
form of trauma healing / psychosocial assistance, PMT, and medical examination. For the provision of
psychosocial assistance services, we cooperate with other institutions". Social assistance services to
victims of natural disasters provided by Rumah Zakat were given at the time of the eruption of Mount
Sinabung in Medan, humanitarian disasters of "boat people" experienced by Rohingya residents and
eventually settled in Aceh, and other disaster areas. In addition, currently Rumah Zakat is building a
non-formal education facility for the Rohingya‘s children refugee in Bangladesh. Absori (2011, p.25)

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

states that in post-disaster situations, an emergency life often causes parents to lose control of the care
and guidance of their children. This situation can threaten the mental, moral, and social development
of children, as well as placing children in positions of possible acts of exploitation, kidnapping,
violence, and trafficking. It shows that the protection carried out through the optimization of zakat
funds more to preventive efforts to prevent the occurrence of violations of children's rights, and
curative to handle the emergency situation experienced by children in disaster areas.
Fulfillment of Participating Rights
The right of children to participate development has been initiated since the beginning of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). However, there are still many obstacles both
structurally and culturally, causing the child's role in development only to be the object of
development itself. Whereas if referring to the Peraturan Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan
Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia Number 3, 2011, Article 1, Paragraph 2, the participation of
children is the involvement of children in the process of making decisions about everything related to
him and implemented on awareness, together so that the child can enjoy the results or benefit from the
decision. Rizki (2015, p.361) reveals that children's participation is really the foundation and stepping
stone that ensures that children are subjects of the same human rights so that it is not always the object
of a development process.
In relation to efforts to fulfill children's right to participate directly in development through the
optimization of zakat funds, there are only a few activities related to it. Efforts to fulfill the right of
participation are only implemented in Jumantik Cilik program, and social campaigns of the
beneficiaries of Rumah Zakat. Jumantik Cilik Program is a program that aims to educate the public,
and also check the houses in the community around the threat of dengue mosquitoes. This program
includes children as perpetrators of each activity. But unfortunately, until now the Jumantik Cilik
program only implemented in one of the areas built Rumah Zakat in Medan. The existence of the
Jumantik Cilik program actually becomes one of the representations that when children are involved
in a development program, they will be able to contribute in accordance with the ability and manner
of each. In addition, through the Care for Teen program also aims to invite children to avoid deviant
behavior, which at least of course give effect to the overall development. To ensure that the
beneficiaries of the scholarship program have a good role model, alumni of the scholarship
beneficiaries are also used as guides for their younger siblings. Mrs. Yuyun as an informant from
Indonesia Juara Foundation stated that, "Forms of participation from children who are still members,
they are prepared to build their younger siblings. And the member who is considered feasible then
will be appointed as a mentor so that the process of facilitation cadre will continue to run". This is
done as a form of involvement of children in development, by providing guidance for children to
grow into a superior person, and become a support for development in the future.
Based on the results of research and discussion that has been stated in the previous section, there are
some points that can be taken related to efforts to fulfill the rights of children through the optimization
of zakat. Here are the conclusions:
1. In general, based on research that has been done shows that through zakat optimization
conducted by Rumah Zakat can be an alternative efforts to fulfill the rights of children for
children who are poor, and fall into the category of asnaf.
2. Efforts to fulfill the right of survival for children through the optimization of zakat funds
conducted by Rumah Zakat are provided through Siaga Posyandu program, Siaga Gizi
Balita, free immunization, Maternal Free Service, and Pemberian Makanan Tambahan
(PMT). These services aim to ensure that children get good health care, in order to support
the child's survival. The intensity of service delivery for the Sekolah Juara Scholarship
beneficiaries is higher than the Anak Juara Scholarship beneficiaries. This is because the
beneficiaries of Sekolah Juara Scholarship are educated at Sekolah Juara which is directly
managed by Rumah Zakat, while the child beneficiaries of Anak Juara Scholarship are
educated in different schools, and depend on the availability of funds from donors.

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

3. Efforts to fulfill the right of growth and development through the optimization of zakat
funds are more dominant in education-related programs. Sekolah Juara Scholarship and
Anak Juara Scholarship Program seeks to provide a better quality of education for children
who belong to asnaf. Thus, with the help of scholarships given, the child can still get a
decent education regardless of the social and economic conditions of his family. In addition,
through the optimization of zakat funds conducted, Rumah Zakat also strives for each child
to develop in accordance with the interests and potentials they have. The multiple
intellegence approach in Sekolah Juara, Child Potential Development Center (P3A), is a real
manifestation of Rumah Zakat's effort to facilitate every poor child to stay in good growth.
In addition to education, efforts to fulfill the right to grow for children are also provided
through health programs. Through Siaga Posyandu program, both children and parents are
invited to participate more actively so that the health condition and growth time of children
can be monitored well, and the mothers get the knowledge of the proper parenting pattern
for the child's development.
4. Through the optimization of zakat conducted, efforts to fulfill the rights of children to obtain
protection are preventive and curative. In terms of prevention, a given program is to provide
Learning Support Unit (LSU), home visit, held a parenting class for parents of children
beneficiaries, and puberty class for children at least 6th grade on Sekolah Juara Scholarship
program. These programs aim to keep children protected from the various forms of violence,
abuse and abuse committed by those closest to them. Meanwhile, in terms of curative, the
form of child protection fulfillment efforts is done by providing psychosocial assistance
services for children victims of natural disasters and humanity. In addition, Rumah Zakat
also builds some non-formal education facilities for children affected by humanitarian
disasters to ensure that children's right to grow is protected.
5. Based on the research that has been presented, indicating that not many programs that aim to
meet the child's right to participation in the development directly. The programs created
through the optimization of zakat and related to the fulfillment of children's right to
participate are still on the way for children to participate in campaigning on child-friendly
development issues. Of the various programs that are implemented, only Jumantik Cilik
program illustrates that the child participates fully as a subject in development. But
unfortunately, this program can not be implemented in all areas built Rumah Zakat.

Based on the conclusions that have been put forward in the previous section, there are suggestions that
can be used as a consideration for the programs that have been implemented can contribute more to
the efforts to fulfill the rights of the child. Jumantik Cilik Program is a program that can be a role
model related to how children can participate as a subject in a development. Through this program the
child has the opportunity to educate the community, and be part of the potential reduction solution of
dengue fever outbreak. Seeing that potential it seems this program is ideal to be implemented in other
areas, since the outbreak of dengue fever is still common in all parts of Indonesia. To implement this
program in other assisted areas, there are several stages to realize the program. These stages are
socialization or workshop, assessment of social and cultural conditions in the target area, recruitment
of Jumantik cadres, and trial program. Stages assessment of social conditions became quite important
because each region has a different culture, so it sometimes requires a different approach from the
platform program that has been provided so that the program can be run, and can be accepted by the

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2


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Jakarta: Sekretariat Jenderal Pusat Data dan Statistik Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Norvadewi. 2012. Optimalisasi Peran Zakat dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan di Indonesia, Mazahib:
Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam, Vol. 10, No. 1, Juni 2012. Samarinda: IAIN Samarinda
Peraturan Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia Nomor 3
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Rizki, Devi Ayu. 2015. Pemenuhan Hak Partisipasi Anak Melalui Forum Anak dalam Implementasi
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Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta
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Other References


Aditya Rahmat Gunawan, S.Kesos: Aditya Rahmat Gunawan, S.Kesos was born in Bandung,
November 15, 1993. The author completed his bachelor degree education in Social
Welfare Sciences at Padjadjaran University in 2016. Until now the author has conducted
several studies under the title Model Resolusi Konflik Komunal Masyarakat Nelayan di
Pantai Utara Jawa Barat (2016, Enumerator), Profil Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM)
Sutera Alam di Kabupaten Garut (2016, Enumerator), dan Kebijakan Sosial Pengelolaan
Zakat dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Peran Komunikasi di Lingkungan Organisasi
Pengelola Zakat dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Jawa Barat (2014,
Enumerator). In addition, the authors also has produced an article with title Dukungan
Sosial Terhadap Atlet Paralympic Tunanetra Berprestasi di Kota Bandung.. Currently the
author works at Rumah Zakat, as Program Analyst.

The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2017
Toward Community, Environmental, and Sustainable Development
Aditya Rahmat Gunawan & Fajar Nugraha: Fulfillment Children‘s Right Through The Zakat Optimization
ISBN: 978-602-6309-44-2

Fajar Nugraha, S.IP: Fajar Nugraha, S.IP was born in Tasikmalaya, July 20, 1988. The writer
completed his Bachelor degree in Political Science at Muhammadiyah University of
Jakarta in 2012. The author has some experience in the field of research that is, Pengaruh
Pemikiran Ikhwanul Muslimin Terhadap Perilaku Politik PKS (2007), Kajian
Implementasi Program Kesehatan CSR P&G di Wilayah Karawang Jawa Barat (2015),
Dampak Program Pembinaan Golden Age Mobil Klinik TBG di Wilayah Jawa Barat
(2015), Kontribusi Lembaga Zakat Terhadap Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals
(2016), Dampak Program Rumah Zakat Terhadap Kemiskinan dan Kesejahteraan
Menggunakan Model CIBEST (2016). The author has also produced a scientific article
entitled Evaluasi Pengentasan Kemiskinan Pada Lembaga Zakat. Currently the authors
work at Rumah Zakat as Analyst and Development Department Head.


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