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Ultimate Strength of Tubular Joints

R. B. Pan, SPE-AIME, Exxon Production Research Co.

F. B. Plummer, Exxon Production Research CO.
J. G. Kuang, SPE-AIME,EssoExproU.K.

The sizing of tubular joints for ultimate strength is an element model would have to include nonlinear material
important step in the design of offshore platforms. This behavior, a fracture criterion, and, possibly, nonlinear
process is performed once platform members have been geometric terms to account for local buckling. Thus,
designed to withstand operational and severe environ- for the short term, the' empirical approach seems most
mental loading conditions. Even though nominal mem- practical.
ber stresses may be at reasonable levels, the complex This paper presents a new set of joint-strength equa-
behavior of tubular intersections can result in high- tions that are helpful for platform design. The expres-
stress amplification that can lead to failure. In many sions are based on more data and cover more joint config-
cases, the walls of joint cans must be thickened or urations than present procedures. The formulas are
member diameters must be increased to provide adequate presented along with some comparisons of the new pre-
strength. dictions with those of current methods. An example
The procedure for designing tubular joints must be problem is also given to illustrate how the equations are
simple and should lend itself to automation to handle the used in joint design.
large number of joints in most platforms. Considerable
computer output must be screened to determine max- Tubular-Joint Failure Behavior
imum applied loads at each joint. Predicted joint strength Part of the problem in analytically predicting tubular-
must be calculated for each member intersection and joint strength is that many competing failure modes are
compared with the applied loads. Joints with deficient possible in even the simplest of joints. Thus, it is help-
capacity are then sized again. ful for designers to have some insight into failure
At present, empirical expressions represent the state of mechanisms to produce both safe and efficient designs.
the art for predicting the ultimate strength of tubular In the following sections we review a number of potential
joints. They are based on axially loaded laboratory joint failure modes for simple T-, X-, and K-joints to point out
tests. Very little ultimate-strength data exist for bending trends in joint behavior and important design considera-
or combined axial and bending loads. Consequently, tions. For purposes of this discussion, the chord and
bending and combined loading effects are usually ac- branch members are as defined in Fig. 1 (Type 1). The
counted for in an heuristic manner. Analytical methods chord generally has a large diameter and larger wall
have not been successful because of the geometric, com- thickness than the branches. The branch members are
putational, and analytical complexities involved. The coped and welded to the chord wall to form the joint.
finite-element method probably could be applied but
would be too costly, time-consuming, and complicated T- and X-Joint Failure Modes
for practical joint design. To be acceptable, a finite- Fig. I summarizes a number of possible failure types

Tubular-joint ultimate-strength equations that are helpful for offshore platform design are
presented. The formulas are based on datafrom 346 joint tests. They are easy to use and cover
more joint configurations than do present design formulas.

APRIL, 1977 449

that can occur in unreinforced T- and X-joints. Types 1 capacity. Load Type 4 is still another possible failure that
through 5 illustrate tensile failures and Type 6 shows a could occur in T-joints, particularly when the chord
compressive failure. The tensile failures are character- member has a long, unsupportyd length. It is caused by
ized by a fracture or parting of the material and may be bending compressive stresses in the chord wall and is not
either ductile or brittle. The presence of small notches or really a true joint failure.
flaws increases the likelihood of tensile failures. When The final tensile failure (Type 5) shown in Fig. 1 is
the stress intensity factor at the root of a notch exceeds the basically a metallurgical problem that becomes more
fracture toughness of the material, 1 a crack can propa- critical as wall thicknesses increase beyond 1 to 2 in.
gate in an unstable manner. Compressive failures, on the Lamellar tearing generally occurs adjacent to welds
other hand, nearly always are accompanied by large because of large local temperature strains and possible
plastic deformation and a local collapse of the chord wall. planes of weakness in the chord wall (caused by impur-
Failure Type 1 in Fig. 1 illustrates the elongation of the ities that are elongated in the plate-rolling process).
branch member. This model develops the full strength of These failures generally occur shortly after fabrication
a branch and is a very ductile failure. Fracturing, if it and can be detected by inspection and then repaired.
occurs, will be near the intersection weld toe where This type' of failure points out the need for more strin-
stresses are increased locally and defects are more likely gent requirements for the steel that is to be used in tubu-
to occur. Failure Type 2 is similar to Type 1 except that lar platform joints. Specifications should include X-ray
the fracture occurs in the weld metal. Welds should be inspection of the plate and fracture toughness require-
designed to avoid this type of failure and develop the full ments, particularly in the through-thickness direction.
design load of the member. In Failure Type 3 there is Failure Type 6 illustrates a compressive failure of a
usually large plastic deformation of the chord wall ac- T-joint. It is characterized by a local buckling or collapse
companied, in the latter stages, by fracturing of the chord of the chord wall in the vicinity of the branch inter-
wall at the weld toe. Most of the tension loading data for section. * The value of ultimate load is generally less for
T- and X-joints considered in this paper are for this type compressive-type loading than for tensile loading on the
of failure. Joint designs must avoid this failure mode *For compressive loading it is assumed that buckling of the member has been
since both the branch and the chord lose load carrying prevented in the over-all member design.


o !

b, --------'"'
•· d
r--- A




L.::..- A




Fig. 1-Some possible failure modes for simple, axially loaded, tubular T- and X-joints.


Fig. 2A- Typical K-joint failure, ASTM A 537 Grade B steel. Fig. 28-Typical K-joint failure, ASTM A 36 steel.

same T- or X-joint (see Figs. 5 and 6). Consequently, branch loading. Joint strength strongly depends on this
the compressive loading generally governs in design. factor, so that increasing the diameter of a branch
member or flaring a branch diameter near a joint is often
K-Joint Failure Modes an effective strengthening approach.
A fairly large number of tubular K-joints has been tested The intersection angle, 8, can be viewed as affecting
to failure with one branch loaded in tension and the other joint strength in two ways. First, a sin8 term is used to
in compression. The typical failure* will resemble that resolve the axial load into a component that is perpen-
shown in Fig. 2A (previously reported by Reber2 ). The dicular to the axis of the chord member. The second
compression branch produced large plastic deformation effect is a measure of how the axial joint load tends to
of the chord wall. A fracture was initiated in the chord increase in-plane stresses in the chord. This in-plane
wall at the point of maximum tensile stress at the weld toe effect is oflesser importance and was only included in the
of the tension branch. The chord wall was fabricated from K-joint equations of this paper.
ASTM A 537 Grade B steel. Fig. 2B shows a companion The parameter glD applies only to the K-joint case. It
specimen in which the chord wall was fabricated from tends to be a measure of some additional strengthening
ASTM A 36 steel. Even though the maximum branch that occurs as the branches of a K-joint are moved closer
loads for this member were only slightly less, the member together. Above glD values of about 0.2 the failure load
failed in a brittle manner with only slight plastic deforma- appears to be independent of g/D. However, as the
tion around the compressive branch. This again under- branches come closer and eventually overlap, a marked
lines the need for fabricating joint cans from material strengthening is noticed (see Fig. 3).
with good fracture toughness. Ultimate Strength Correlations
Geometric Parameters and Tubular-Joint Experimental data obtained from 214 K-joint (Table 1)
Failure Behavior and 132 T-, Y·, and X-joint load tests (Table 2) are used
as the basis for this correlation. Ultimate strength is
Empirical equations predicting tubular-joint strength
assumed to depend on the yield strength,** (jy, of the
generally correlate the ultimate load with a number of
chord wall and the geometric parameters discussed in
dimensionless ratios. It is important to know how ca-
the previous section. The form of the expression is
pacity depends on these parameters so that joints can be
resized efficiently during design. The geometric parame- P u = (j yT 2 fl(dID) f2(TID) f3 (8) figlD) (1)
ters considered in this paper are the following:
Each dimensionless function, Iv 12' 13, and 14, is taken
TID = ratio of the chord-wall thickness to its outer to have an independent influence on joint strength and,
diameter. thus, can be evaluated separately while holding the others
diD = ratio of the outer diameter of the branch to the constant. This approach extends the work of Washio
outer diameter of the chord. et aI. 3 and Gibstein 4 by considering new configurations
8 = like intersecting angle between the axis of a and incorporating additional data.
given branch and the axis of the chord.
glD = ratio of the gap (clear space distance between K-Joint Formula
the intersections of two branches with the Washio et al. 3 found that for K-joints the ultimate
chord wall) and the outer diameter of the strength, P u' can be written as
chord. This ratio applies only to K-joints.
The parameter TID gives a measure of the radial stiff-
P u sin8 = (j yT2 YRIT (1 +6.52dID)
ness of the chord wall. This parameter has a reasonably (1-0.26 cos 2 8)ligID) , (2)
strong effect on joint strength over s~me ranges and, where R=D/2 is the outside chord radius. To determine
thus, thickening of the chord wall can be effective in the influence of the gap ratio parameter, g ID, it is as-
improving joint strength.
The ratio diD is a measure of the concentration of the "The yield strength is the average of (Tu determined in directions parallel and perpen-
dicular to the direction of rolling. If this information is not available, the nominal yield
'Failure modes similar to Types 1, 2, and 5 can also occur in K-joints. strength should be used.

APRIL, 1977 451

C/) 5
0 P + = .8 0yT2 y'lUT (1+6.52 diD) (1-.26 COS2 E»/SIN e
~ I
CD !:
C 3
I j
::>Ln •
CL u) II A

~1 ( t .. · ,
PUK-:= OyT'- y'lUT (1+6.52 d/DII1-.26 COS' (3){1.0544-1.59 g/Dl/SIN
O~----!..;;-----A;:-_---J=-~~_ _~_--.J:--_-L_ _...L.._--.J_ _-L_ _..L_--l_ _.-J
....> -.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
o 9/D
Fig. 3-lnfluence of the gap ratio parameter, 9 10, on the ultimate strength of tubular K-joints.

sumed that tion in overlapping joints and the possible importance of

branch-member parameters.
P u sinO = figlD)
The K-joint ultimate-strength formula and a handy
O"y T 2 YRIT (1 +6.25 dID)(l-O.26 cos 2 0)
formula for calculating the gap, g, are summarized in
= a o+a 1(gID), (3) Fig. 4.
and that the coefficients ao and a 1 can be determined from
Formulas for T-, Y·, and X-Joints
the available test data. These data are plotted in Fig. 3
along with a lower-bound curve. The expression for the The same approach was used to develop ultimate-
function fiflD) is strength equations for T- and Y-joints. 'Fig. 5 shows the
rather good correlation of strength with the parameter
0.8 0.16 ~ glD < 0.7 diD. A similar correlation for X-joints also is given in
figlD) = Fig. 6. It should be noted that X-joints are strengthened
11.0544 - 1.59 (gID) - 0.5 < glD ~ 0.16 considerably as diD approaches unity .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) The formulas for these joints are summarized in Fig. 7.
For values of glD higher than about 0.16, figlD) is Safety Factor
independent of giD. The data in this range are distributed
nearly normally and the lower-bound line roughly cor- It is important to note that no safety factor is implicit in
responds to the 95-percent confidence level. For glD this formulation other than that the formulas are lower
below 0.16, considerable strengthening occurs as the bounds to available data and represent a rather remote
branches become closer together and eventually overlap. ' possibility of failure. The designer must use his judg-
In this range the data are not distributed normally and the ment in assigning additional safety factors.
scatter suggests that possibly other parameters should be Comparison With Existing Procedures
involved in the correlation. We are continuing to study
this problem and are hopeful that recent analytical ad- These formulas, which represent lower bounds to avail-
vances will shed new light on the behavior of overlapping
joints. A finite-element model developed by Leick and
Potvin 5 will provide some insight into the stress distribu- 10

\ "SMU

P = 0y T2 v'R7'i'(1 + 6.52d/0)(1- .26COS20)

{.81.05-1.59010 }ISIN e FOR { .16 .. 0/0<.7
-.5< 0/0< .16
WHERE 0=(2.. +f)(COT01+COT02)-...!..(~+~)
2 2 SIN0 SIN0 1 2 Pu = a OyT2 VD7Tld/D)/SIN e
.3 :--~---'--..L..-'---J-L-JL.!::-L..L-L....L-LJ
.1 d/D.5 1
fig. 4-0veriapping and nonoveriapping K-joint
Ultimate-strength formulas. Fig. 5-Ultimate strength of tubular T- and V-joints.


0 d T (T
I/ HI H, Pm,'
Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/sq mm) (degrees) (degrees) 9/ 0 (tons)
A2-1 133 83 4 35 60 60 0.465 12.
A2-2 133 83 4 35 60 60 0.465 9.7
A2-3 133 83 4 35 60 60 0.465 11.2
81-1 133 54 4 35 60 60 -0.18 21.7
81-2 133 54 4 35 60 60 -0.18 21.7
81-3 133 54 4 35 60 60 -0.18 21.7
1 165.2 76.3 1.6 35.5 45 90 0.0605 4.91
2 165.2 76.3 2.3 29.4 45 90 0,0605 6.17
3 165.2 60.5 2.3 34.5 45 90 0.0605 6.07
4 165.2 48.6 2.3 34.7 45 90 0,0605 5.97
5 165.2 76.3 2.3 30.0 45 90 0.0605 7.98
6 165.2 76.3 3.2 32.0 45 90 0.0605 13.92
7 165.2 76.3 4.5 35.5 45 90 0.0605 28.80
8 165.2 76.3 6.0 28.3 45 90 0.0605 35.7
9 165.2 76.3 6.0 28.7 45 90 0.0605 32.4
10 165.2 76.3 1.6 36.5 90 45 0.0605 4.01
11 165.2 76.3 2.3 34.6 90 45 0.0605 7.65
12 165.2 60.5 2.3 34,9 90 45 0.0605 5.78
13 165.2 48.6 2.3 27.5 90 45 0.0605 4.76
14 165.2 76.3 2.3 29.1 90 45 0,0605 5.44
15 165.2 76.3 3.2 26.8 90 45 0.0605 10.97
16 165.2 76.3 6.0 36.7 90 45 0,0605 27.5
17 508 76.3 6.0 29.8 90 45 00605 24.2
Washio et al. 3
1 101.6 27.7 3.29 41.8 60 60 0 6.9
2 101.6 27.7 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.1 6,77
3 101.6 27.7 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.2 7.24
4 101.6 27.7 3.16 40.9 60 60 0.2 5.65
5 101.6 27,7 3.16 40.9 60 60 0,2 5,85
6 101.6 27.7 3.29 41.8 60 60 0,3 7.08
7 101.6 34.0 3.29 37.0 60 60 0 8.80
8 101,6 34.0 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.1 9.04
9 101.6 34.0 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.2 8.30
10 101.6 34.0 3.29 40.9 60 60 0.2 6.70
11 101.6 34.0 3,29 40.9 60 60 0.2 6.95
12 101.6 34.0 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.3 7.03
13 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0 13.50
14 101.6 48.6 3.29 41,8 60 60 0 14,30
15 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.~ 60 60 0 11.30
16 101,6 48,6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0 12.30
17 101.6 48.6 3,29 41.8 60 60 0.05 13.30
18 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.05 13.40
19 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.05 13.10
20 101,6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.10 11.9
21 101,6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0,10 11.10
22 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.10 11.30
23 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.10 11.50
24 101.6 48,6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.15 11.30
25 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0,15 11.30
26 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.15 11.60
27 101,6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.20 9.80
28 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.20 9,80
29 101.6 48.b 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.20 9.80
30 101.6 48.6 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.20 8.80
31 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.25 8.80
32 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.25 8,80
33 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.25 8.80
34 101.6 48.6 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.30 7.45
35 101.6 60.5 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.00 12.90
36 101.6 60.5 3.29 41.8 60 60 010 12.25
37 101.6 60.5 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.20 9.35
38 101.6 60,5 3.16 40.9 60 60 0.20 10.60
39 101.6 60.5 3.16 40.9 60 60 0.20 10.10
40 101.6 60.5 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.30 8.73
41 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 30 60 0.20 13.20
42 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 30 60 0.20 12.50
43 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 30 60 0.20 12.10
44 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 45 60 0.20 10.1
45 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 45 60 0.20 10.5
46 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 45 60 0.20 10.3
47 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.20 9.8
48 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.20 9.8
49 101.6 48.6 3.29 41.8 60 60 0.20 9.8
50 101.6 48.6 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.20 8.0
51 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 75 60 0.20 7.9
52 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 75 60 0.20 7.9

APRIL, 1977 453

TABLE 1-Cont'd.
0 d T ITo /II O2 P ma ,
Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/sq mm) (degrees) (degrees) g/O (tons)
53 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 75 60 0.20 8.9
54 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 90 60 0.20 7.9
55 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 90 60 0.20 8.5
56 101.6 48.6 3.16 40.9 90 60 0.20 8.1
57 89.1 42.7 3.33 43.3 60 60 0.20 9.28
58 89.1 42.7 3.33 43.3 60 60 0.20 9.60
59 89.1 42.7 3.33 43.3 60 60 0.20 9.50
60 89.1 42.7 4.02 39.7 60 60 0.20 9.30
61 89.1 42.7 4.02 39.7 60 60 0,20 9.15
62 89.1 42.7 4.02 39.7 60 60 0.20 11.85
63 101.6 48.6 4.18 42.8 60 60 0.20 14.0
64 101.6 48.6 4,11 44.7 60 60 0.20 14.75
65 101.6 48.6 4.11 44.7 60 60 0.20 14.90
66 101.6 76.3 3.16 40.9 60 60 0.20 13.80
67 101.6 76.3 3.16 40.9 60 60 0.20 12.90
68 101.6 76.3 3.10 37.0 60 60 0.20 11.20
7 508 219 12.7 50.4 45 45 0.39 192
8 508 219 12.7 50.4 45 45 0.39 192
9 508 324 12.7 50.4 45 45 0,098 298
10 508 324 12.7 50.4 45 45 0.098 314
11 508 324 12.7 28.1 45 45 0.098 203
12 508 324 12.7 28.1 45 45 0.098 215
Kurobane '3'4
1 101.6 42.7 3.25 40.4 60 60 0.206 8.16
2 101.6 42.7 3.43 40.4 60 60 0,216 7.78
3 101.6 42.7 3.44 40.4 60 60 0.197 9.40
4 101.6 42.7 3.26 40.4 60 90 0.197 7.99
9-1 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.558 6.17
9-2 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0,558 6.67
9-3 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.558 6.87
9-4 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.558 7.00
9-5 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.558 7.00
10-1 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.558 6.50
10-2 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.558 6.77
10-3 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.558 5.69
10-4 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.558 6,70
10-5 60,5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0,558 6.67
12-1 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.205 7.00
12-2 60.5 34,0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.205 7.25
12-3 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0,205 7.17
12-4 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0,205 7.50
12-5 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.205 7.67
13-1 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.205 7,33
13-2 60,5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0,205 7,90
13-3 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0,205 7.00
13-4 60.5 34,0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.205 7,00
13-5 60.5 34.0 2,65 41.1 45 45 0.205 7.27
17-1 60.5 34,0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0,148 10,16
17-2 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.148 9.50
17-3 60.5 34.0 2,65 41.1 45 45 0,148 9.50
17-4 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0.148 10,00
17-5 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 0.148 10.50
18-1 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 0,148 8,75
18-2 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 ·0.148 8.60
18"3 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 -0.148 8.26
18-4 60.5 34.0 2.65 41.1 45 45 - 0.148 8.25
18-5 60.5 34.0 2.65 41,1 45 45 - 0,148 8.27
24-1 60,7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.355 7.73
24-2 60,7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.355 8.50
24-3 60.7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.355 7.73
25-1 60,7 42,9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.0004 9.27
25-2 60.7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.0004 9,07
25-3 60.7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.0004 9.20
26-1 60,7 42,9 2.68 46.4 45 45 ·0.354 10.27
26-2 60.7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.354 10.40
26-3 60.7 42.9 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.354 10.67
27-1 60,7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.722 6.20
27-2 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.722 6,07
27-3 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.722 6.33
28-1 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.367 6.06
28-2 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.367 6.40
28-3 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.367 6.20
29-1 60.7 27,2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0,012 8.33
29-2 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.012 8.47


TABLE 1-Cont'd
0 d T uy II, 11 2 Pm~\
Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/sq mm) (degrees) (degrees) g/O (tons)
-- -- --
29-3 60.7 27.2 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.012 8.50
37-1 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.188 7.34
37-2 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.188 8.25
37-3 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.188 8.04
38-1 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.561 7.67
38-2 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.561 7.33
38-3 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.561 6.40
39-1 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.207 9.07
39-2 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.207 9.00
39-3 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.207 8.86
40-1 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.145 9.60
40-2 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.145 10.87
40-3 60.7 34.0 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.145 10.70
41-1 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.216 9.28
41-2 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.216 9.45
41-3 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.216 9.30
42-1 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.136 11.35
42-2 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.136 11.00
42-3 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.136 11.32
43-1 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.49 11.65
43-2 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.49 12.50
43-3 60.7 48.8 2.68 46.4 45 45 0.49 12.62
11-1 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.558 7.47
11-2 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.558 7.50
11-3 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.558 8.00
11-4 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45' 45 0.558 7.50
11-5 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.558 7.47
14-1 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.205 7.97
14-2 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.205 8,00
14-3 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.205 8.20
14-4 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.205 8.00
14-5 60.5 34.0 3.3 42.4 45 45 0.205 8.25
II-CK-40-0.4 165.07 76.3 4.65 49.5 90 45 0 19.8
II-CK-40-0.6 165.07 114.3 4.65 49.5 90 45 0 38.2
II-CK-70-0.4 316.8 139.8 4.4 42.0 90 45 0 29.0
II-CK-70-0.6 316.8 165.2 4.4 42.0 90 45 0 44.0
II-TK-40-0.6 164,5 114.3 4.7 50.0 45 45 0.06 48.5
Zimmermann '6
1 419 168.3 10.0 34.7 60 60 0.114 61.4
2 419 168,3 10.0 34.7 60 60 0. 1 14 61.8
3 419 168.3 10.0 34.7 60 60 0.114 60.2
5 419 168,3 10.0 24.4 60 60 0.114 487
1 219 194 9.0 21.0 45 45 018 34
2 219 194 9.0 21.0 45 45 0.18 26
3 219 194 9.0 21.0 45 45 0.18 15
Kurokawa et al. 18
SK-93 267.9 101.4 9.0 37.4 90 45 0.42 40
SK-6 269.4 102 5.9 38.9 90 45 0.42 33.9
SK-5 267.1 101.8 5.0 33.5 90 45 0.42 21.9
SK-4 266.1 101.7 3.9 40.1 90 45 0.42 12

0 d T tT" II, Ii, P

Specimen (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (degrees) (degrees) g/O (kips)
Bouwkamp ' 92 1
1 12.75 6.625 0.25 42 90 45 0.123 137
2 12.75 6.625 0.25 42 90 45 -0.127 209
3 12.75 6.625 0.25 42 90 45 - 0.377 277
11-2 6.625 4.5 0.312 45.3 90 45 - 0.319 194.5
11-3 6.625 2.375 0.219 45 90 45 0.067 56.6
11-4 6.625 3.5 0.219 46.7 90 45 -0.137 134.4
11-6 8.625 3.5 0.219 46.5 90 45 0.01 56.6
11-7 8.625 4.5 0.219 45.2 90 45 -0.129 130.8
11-8 8.625 5.5625 0.219 45.1 90 45 -0.278 162.6
11-9 10.75 3.5 0.188 47.6 90 45 0.107 31.8
11-10 10,75 4.5 0.188 44.4 90 45 - 0.005 49.5
11-11 10.75 5.5625 0.188 45.2 90 45 - 0.129 120.2
11-12 10.75 6.625 0.188 46.7 90 45 -0.146 152
11-14 8.625 3.5 0.219 46.6 90 45 '-0.166 123.7
11-15 10.75 3.5 0.188 46.1 90 45 -0.143 127.3
11-16 10.75 4.5 0.188 46.1 90 45 - 0.181 123.7
11-17 10.75 5.5625 0188 45.1 90 45 --0.301 162.6
1-10 6.625 2.375 0.280 42.0 90 45 0.067 60.0

APRIL, 1977 455

T-Joint, Compression 0 d T (T'l Pm"
0 d T" (T'l P m• x Specimen (in.) (in.) (in,) (ksi) (kips)
Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (ton/sq cm) (tons) T-8 12.750 0.250 42 44
Kanatani 22 T-9 12.750 4.000 0.250 42 56
C-A 1 139.8 139.8 6.5 3.29 44.8 T-10 12.750 10.750 0.250 42 95
C-A2 139.8 114.3 6.5 3.29 34.1 T-11 12.750 12,750 0.250 42 110
C-A3 139.8 101.6 6.5 3.29 29.4
C-A4 139.8 76.3 6.5 3.29 20.8 X-Joint, Compression
C-A5 139.8 48.6 6.5 3.29 13.3
0 d T (T"
CoB 1 139.8 139.8 6.5 3.5 56.8
Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (ton/sq cm) (tons)
C-B2 139.8 101.6 6.5 3.5 33
C-B3 139.8 89.1 6.5 3.5 28 JISC15
CoB 4 139.8 48.6 6.5 3.5 15.3 1-CS-40-0.2 165.2 42.7 4.7 4.9 7.4
C-B5 139.8 42.7 6.5 3.90 13.7 1-CS-40-0.4 165.2 76.3 4.7 4.9 10.4
C-B6 139.8 34.0 6.5 4.0 12.0 1-CS-40-0.6 165.2 114.3 4.7 4.9 14.0
CoD 1 139.8 139.8 4.5 4.09 37.0 1-CS-40-1 .0 165.2 165.2 4.7 ~.9 33.0
C-D2 139.8 114.3 4.5 4.09 25.8 1-CS-70-0.2 318.5 60.5 4.4 4.3 5.0
C-D3 139.8 101.6 4.5 4.09 22.5 1-CS-70-0.4 318.5 139.8 4.4 4.3 8.33
C-D4 139.8 76.3 4.5 4.09 16.3 1-CS-70-0.'6 318.5 165.2 4.5 4.2 9.6
C-D5 139.8 48.6 4,5 4.09 10.42 1-CS-70-1.0 318.5 318.5 4,5 4.2 31.5
C-C 1 114.3 114.3 4,0 4.34 25,7 1-CS-100-0.2 457.2 89.1 4.8 4.0 5.5
C-C2 114.3 89.1 4.0 4.36 16.8 1-CS-100-0.4 457.2 165.2 4.8 4.0 8.2
C-C3 114.3 76.3 4.0 4.30 14.0
4.0 4.43 11.0 Kanatani 22
C-C4 114.3 60.5
CG-1 139.8 139.8 6.5 3.29 45
C-C5 114.3 34.0 4.0 4.30 7.0
A-D 165.2 76,3 7,0 3.46 21.9 CG-2 139.8 114.3 6.5 3.29 25
A-E 60,5 7,0 3.46 20.7 CG-3 139.8 101.6 6.5 3.29 20.1
B-D 76.3 6.4 3,07 21.5 CG-4 139.8 76.3 6.5 3.29 15.8
B-E 139.8 60.5 6.4 3.07 16.9 CG-5 139.8 48.6 6,5 3.29 11.7
D-E 76.3 60.5 4.0 3,75 11,5
0 d T (T" p",."
JISe 15 Specimen (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (kips)
1-CB-40-0.2 164.5 42,7 4.7 4.5 8.6 EPR-6 '2 0.406 42. 275
8.625 8.625
1-CB-40-0.4 164.5 76,3 4.7 4,5 11.9
1-CB-70-0.2 319.5 60.5 4.5 4,2 6.0 0 d T (T,{ P",,,,
1-CB-70-0.4 319.5 139.8 4.5 4.2 10.4 Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/sq mm) (tons)
1-CB-100-0.2 455.7 89,1 4.9 4.0 6.5 4
1-CB-100-0.4 455.7 1652 4,9 4.0 10.0
1 190,1 48.3 4.69 32.0 4.8
0 d T IT,/
2 193.7 48.3 6.5 34.0 9.8
3 193,7 48.3 9.39 29.0 17.8
Specimen (in.)
~ ~ (ksi) (kips)
4 188.9 101,6 4.65 32.0 7.8
Noel et a/. 23 5 193.7 101.6 6.50 34,0 15.5
1 8.625 5.563 0.250 41,0 62 6 193.7 101.6 9.30 29.0 28.5
2 12,75 5.563 0.250 410 38 7 190.0 159.0 4.56 32.0 128
3 12.75 5563 0,250 410 43
8 193.7 159.0 6.5 34.0 230
4 12.75 5.563 0.250 41.0 39 460
9 193.7 159.0 9.35 29.0
Andrian et al,"4
Sammet 'O
1 8,625 4.500 0.188 36.0 20 A2-1 159 5 35 9.6
2 8.625 4,500 0.281 36.0 56 A2-2 159 83 5 35 9,3
3 8.625 4500 0.406 36,0 100
4 12.75 4.500 0.250 36.0 42 X-Joint. Tension
5 1275 4.500 0.375 36.0 67 0 d T (T" P,,,,,,
6 1275 4.500 0500 36.0 112 Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/sq m~ (tons)
7 18.00 4.500 0.297 36,0 45
8 18.00 4.500 0.375 36.0 60 Popov"
9 18.00 4,500 0,5 36.0 104 A-1 219 88 5 60 26
A-2 219 88 5 60 26.4
T-Joint, Tension B-1 219 114 5 60 32.2
0 d T B-2 219 114 5 60 31
(T ,/
Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) (ton/sq em) (tons) B-3 219 114 5 60 37.4
B-4 219 114 5 60 35.2
Kanalani 22
C-1 219 133 5 60 38.4
A-E 165.2 76,3 70 3.45 33.0 C-2 219 133 5 60 40.4
A-E 1652 60.5 7.0 3.46 30.0 0-1 219 168 5 60 63
B-D 139.8 76.3 6.4 3.06 30.5 0-2 219 168 5 60 62
B-E 139.8 60,5 6.4 3,05 26.5 0-3 219 168 5 60 70.6
CoD 114,3 76.3 4.5 4.69 26,0
C-E 114.3 60.5 4.5 475 23.3 Sammet'O
D-E 76.3 60,5 4,0 4.13 19.2 A2-3 159 83 5 35 16.2
A2-4 159 83 5 35 18,2
Noel et al. 23
1 323.9 60.3 6.35 2.95 1996 Novikov et al. 2'
2 323.9 101,6 6.35 2.95 25.40 1 139 89 4.5 41.6 18
3 323.9 273.0 6.35 2.95 43.09 2 139 89 4.5 41.6 22
4 323.9 323.9 6.35 2.95 49.90 3-60 139 89 4.5 41.6 34,5
4-30 139 89 4.5 41.6 44
JISC's 5-30 139 89 4.5 41.6 435
1-T-40-0.2 164 42.7 4.7 4.5 19.7 6-30 139 89 4.5 41.6 30.75
1-T-40-0.4 164 76.3 4.7 4.5 25.5
1-T-70-0.2 320.4 605 4.5 4.23 22.5 Gibstein 4
1-T-70-0.4 320.4 139.8 4.5 4.23 35.7 10 193.7 48.3 6.67 34 16.9
1-T-100-0.2 455.7 891 4.9 4.0 30.4 11 193.7 101.6 6.59 34 24.8
1-T-100-0.4 455.7 165.2 4,9 4.0 31.4 12 193.7 159. 6.65 34 42.
0 d T IT ,/ P 1l1il \ 1-TS-40-0, 2 164.5 42.7 4.7 48. 15.6
8pecimen (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (kips) 1-T8-40-0.4 165.6 76.3 4.6 48. 22.0
Noel et al. 23 1-T8-40-0.6 165.6 114.3 4.6 48. 31.7
T-1 12.750 2.875 0.500 42 102 1-TS-40-1.0 165.6 165.2 4.6 48. 78.1
T-2 12.750 2.875 0.250 42 56 1-TS-70-0,2 321.2 60.5 4.4 45. 14.6
T-3 16.000 3.500 0.250 42 54 1-TS-70-0.4 321.2 139.8 4.4 45. 18.3
T-4 12.750 5.563 0.250 42 82 1-TS-70-0.6 321.2 165.2 4.4 43. 19.3
T-5 8.625 5.563 0.250 42 105 1-TS-70-1.0 321.2 318.5 4.4 43. 96.0
T-6 12.750 5.563 0.250 42 70 1-TS-100-0.2 455.7 89.1 4.9 41. 16.2
T-7 12.750 5.563 0.250 42 82 1-TS-1 00-0.4 4557 165.2 4.9 41. 20.1


OMPRESSION TENSION able data, are compared with accepted design rules, such
100 x - JOINT • JISC as those of the American Petroleum Institute 6 and"Det
Pux = e .. DnV
80 0 yTZld/D)m ISIN
norske Veritas. 7 No safety factors are included for the
• POPOV purpose of tl)is comparison.
• SAMMET The K-joint comparisons are illustrated in Figs. 8 and
+ NOVIKOV 9. Without safety factors, both API and Det norske Ver-
= 30
itas formulas tend to overestimate joint strength. The 1.8
Ci) 1->

m = 3.42 API safety factor would produce safe but, in many cases,
)( I;)
very conservative designs. The same comment generally
80 = 22.75 ..
applies to the Det norske Veritas equations when the
10 safety factors of 1.5 for environmental loads and 2.0 for
operational loads are applied.
The T- and Y-joint comparisons are shown in Figs. 10
5 and 11. For some practical ranges of parameters it can be
seen that both API and Det norske Veritas predictions
.1 .5
may fall above the lower bound to available strength data .
dID Finally, Fig. 12 compares the new X-joint formula
Fig. 6-Ultimate strength of tubular X-joint. with the equivalent Det norske Veritas formula. The Det

19 ~ DIT ~ 93

.19 ~ diD ~ 1

Pu = 11.5 a y T 2 V D/T(d/D)/SIN e .19 ~ diD ~ 1


.19 ~ diD ~.8

= 30 ay T 2 (d/D)·64 ISIN e .8 ~ diD ~ 1

.19~ diD ~.8

.8 ~ diD ~ 1
300 ~ e ~ 90 0


Fig. 7-Ultimate strength of tubular T·, Y·, and X-joints.

APRIL, 1977 457

norske Veritas expression tends slightly to overestimate Calculated Minimum Load
joint strength but the factors of safety would make it Design Load, Criteria,
conservative. Member Pu (kips) 0.4 0"y A (kips)
These comparisons show that the existing design for- A 904 789
mulas are generally safe if used with the recommended B 50 441
safety factors. A possible exception is for the Y-joint
comparisons (Figs. 10 and 11), which overestimate The second column in this table is a minimum-load crite-
lower-bound joint strength for some ranges ofthe plotted rion. Lightly loaded member intersections are generally
parameters. On the other hand, it should be poip.ted out designed to withstand some fraction of a load that would
that there are parameter ranges over which current for- cause the member to yield (here, 40 percent of the yield
mulas are very conservative. Additional research i~ load is used). Axial loads of 904 kips for Member A and
needed to further clarify these conclusions by duly con- 441 kips for Member B will be used to size the chord
sidering service conditions and the interaction of ulti- wall.
mate strength and fatigue. The gap, g, between branches can be calculated from
the expression given in Fig. 4. For an assumed eccentric-
Example Problem ity,!==O, the gap is +2.05 in. The ultimate load formula
Parameters for an example design calculation are given in shown in Fig. 4 can be rewritten in terms of the required
Fig. 13. All members are fabricated from material of chord-wall thickness, T.
36-ksi yield strength, and the dimensions shown in the T= [ P sinO
figure are those required to withstand the environmental O"y VR(1 + 6.52 d/D)(1-0.26 cos 2 0)
and operational load conditions. The next step is to assure

~ .59 glD) J
that the joint also can withstand these same design loads.
First, the computer output is screened to determine the X (1.05 _ 2/3 (5)
maximum applied loads. These are shown in the follow-
ing table. For an applied load of 904 kips on Member A, the

diD> .6 OR e < 90°

diD"';; .6
2r----------------------. « >-
:::l 1
e = 45° >- D.
9/0> .16


Fi~. 1O-Comparisonof API rule with T- and Y-joint
API S.F. 1.8 NOT INCLUDeD ultimate-strength formula (for compressive loading).

o ~ ~ ~ m 00
FI'g. a-Comparison of API rule with nonoverlapping K-joint
ultimate-strength formula. 1.5

'.5 >c:
'? >-
>- :::l
:::l D.



.. L4- - - - - - J .5 o ~

Fig. 9-Comparison of Det norske Veritas rule with Fig. 11-Comparison of Det norske Veritas rule with T- and
nonover1apping K-joint ultimate-strength formula. V-joint ultimate-strength formula.


required chord-wall thickness is 0.986 in. For an applied needed to relate low-cycle fatigue behavior to ultimate
load of 441 kips on Member B, the required chord-wall strength predictions.
thickness is 0.787 in. Based on these calculations, a
designer probably would specify a I-in. joint can at this Acknowledgments
joint. We wish to thank the management of Exxon Production
Research Co. for supporting this work, and the Exxon
Concluding Remarks Co., U. S.A., Platform Design Group for information on
The problem of developing procedures to predict the large-scale joint tests. Thanks also go to J. E. Brown and
strength of tubular joints is a complicated and difficult J, B. Wardell for their comments and insights into design
task. Thus, current methods are based on empirical for- procedures.
mulas that are correlated with laboratory test data. The
new design formulas presented here are simple to use and
I. Tetelman, A. S. and McEvily, A. J.: Fracture ofStructural Mate-
extend the current methods to new joint types. They rials, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York (1967).
predict a lower bound for existing data but contain no 2. Reber, J. R., Jr.: "Ultimate Strength Design of Tubular Joints,"
implicit safety factor. Comparisons show that existing paper OTC 1664 presented at the Fourth Annual Offshore Tech-
formulas with recommended safety factors applied are nology Conference, Houston, May 1-3, 1972.
3. Washio, K., Togo, T. and Mitsui, Y.: "Experimental Study on
generally safe but may be very conservative for some
Local Failure of Chords in Tubular Truss Joints (I)," Technology
ranges of parameters. Reports, Osaka U. (Oct. 1968) 559-581.
A consolidation of available data on which the correla- 4. Gibstein, M. B.: "Static Strength of Tubular Joints," Report No.
tions are based is published to stimulate future research. 73-86-C, Det norske Veritas (May IS, 1973).
There are a number of facets of ultimate tubular-joint 5. Leick, R. D. and Potvin, A. B.: "Automated Mesh Generation for
strength that, in our opinion, require additional work. Tubular Joint Stress Analysis," paper presented at Second Na-
tional Symposium on Computerized Structural Analysis and De-
1. The most pressing needs are in the area of ultimate sign, George Washington U., Washington, March 29-31,1976.
strength for in-plane and out-of-plane moment loadings, 6. "API Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Con-
or for combined axial and bending loadings. There are structing Fixed Offshore Platforms," API-RP2A, API (1974).
little available data to cover these cases for even the 7. "Rules for the Design, Construction, and Inspection of Fixed
Offshore Structures," Det norske Veritas (1974).
simplest joints.
8. Pan, R. B. and Plummer, F. B.: "A Fracture Mechanics Approach
2. Formulas for ultimate axial capacity of overlapping to Nonoverlapping Tubular K-Joint Fatigue Life Prediction,"
joints require additional work. New analytical methods J. Pet. Tech. (April 1977) ; Trans., AIME, 263.
may provide the needed insight. 9. Wold, G. and Kristoffersen, T.: "Development of Method for
3. Procedures to calculate the ultimate strength of Measuring Susceptibility of Steel Plate to Lamellar Tearing,"
paper OTC 1915 presented at the Fifth Annual Offshore Technol-
joints with internal ring stiffeners should b.e developed. ogy Conference, Houston, April30-May 2, 1973.
4. Analytical procedures in general are not presently 10. Sammet, H.: "Die festigkeit Knotenblechloser rohrvesbindungen
well structured to solve tubular-joint ultimate strength im stahlbau," Schweisstechnik, Zeitschrift fu aIle Gebiete der
problems. Additional basic research on analytical Schweiss, Schneid und Lottechnik (1963) 481-485.
methods and fracture criteria is required to make any II. Nakajima, T~: "Experimental Study on the Strength of Thin Wall
Welded TubularJoints, " Doc. XV-312-71, International Institute
subs tantial progress. of Welding, London ( 1971).
5. The interrelation between fracture and fatigue be- 12. "Experimental Determination of the Ultimate Strength of Tubular
havior of tubular joints is a fruitful area for research. Late Joints," Exxon Production Research Co., Houston (Sept. 1971).
in the fatigue life of a joint, cracks may occur that could 13. Kurobane, Y. and Makino, Y.: "Low-Cycle Fatigue Research on
Tubular K-Joints," Doc. XV-291-70, International Institute of
reduce its capacity below that predicted by present Welding, London (1970).
methods. Recently developed stress-intensity factors 8 14. Kurobane, Y.: "Welded Truss Joints of Tubular Structural Mem-
for fatigue-life prediction may shed some light on this bers," Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto U.,
matter, but they are limited in that they do not include Japan. (Dec. 1964) 12, No.1.
nonlinear material response. Additional work is also



9 )(
)( ::>
::> a..


OL-_L----'_--i._-..L_--'-_---l.-_-'-_~ _ __'___'
o .5
54" ¢ x 0.75" W.T.
Fig. 12-Comparison of Oet norske Veritas rule with X-joint
ultimate-strength formula (for compressive loading). Fig. 13-Example problem.

APRIL, 1977 459

15. "Study on Tubular Joints Used for Marine Structure," (in Stresses in Welded T-Joints," Technical Report P550-3, U. of
Japanese) The Society of Steel Construction of Japan (March Texas, Austin (March 1965).
1972). 24. Andrian, L. E., Sewell, K. A., and Womack, W. R.: "Partial
16. Zimmennann, W.: "Tests on Panel Point Type Joints for Large Investigation of Directly Loaded Pipe T-Joints," Southern
Diameter Tubes," Otto Graf Institute, Stuttgart College of Tech- Methodist U., Dallas (1958).
nology, Stuttgart (Sept. 1965). 25. Beale, L. A. and Toprac, A. A.: "Analysis ofIn-PlaneT, Yand X
17. Novikov, V. I. Kovtunenko: "Assemblies in Which Two Tubular Welded Tubular Connections," Bull., Welding Research Council
Members Meet With No Gusset," Automatic Welding (1968) No. (Oct. 1967).
2,26-29. 26. Toprac, A. A., Natarajan, M., Erzurumlu, H., and Kanoo,
18. Kurokawa, K. Nakajima, T., Shimarizu, M., and Koshihara, T.: A. L. J.: "Research in Tubular Joints: Static and Fatigue Loads,"
"Research on Fatigue Strength of Thin Wall Welded Tubular paper OTC 1062 presented at the First Annual Offshore Tech-
Joints," (in Japanese) Summary of Technical papers of Annual nologyConference, Houston, May 18-21, 1969.
Meeting of AU, Japan (1972). 27. Popov, V. S.: "Research Into the Strength of the Joints Between
19. Bouwkamp, J. G.: "Research on Tubular Connections in Struc- the Lattice Members and Chords in Tubular Welded Structures,"
tural Work," Bull. No. 71, Welding Research Council (Aug. Aut. Svarkea (1972) No.3, 30-31.
1961). 28. Navikov, V. I., Koutunenko, V. A., and Paton, E. 0.: "Direct
20. Bouwkamp, J. G .: "Behavior of Tubular Truss Joints Under Static Joining .of Tubular Section Components," Automatic Welding
Loads ~ Phase I," U. of Califomia, Los Angeles (July 1965). (1959) 61-68. JPT
21. Bouwkamp, J. G.: "Behavior of Tubular Truss Joints Under Static
Loads~ Phase II," U. of California, Los Angeles (Jan. 1968). Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office March 10,
22. Kanatani, H.: "Experimental Study on Welded Tubular Connec- 1976. Paper accepted for publication Oct. 19, 1976. Revised manuscript received Jan.
17, 1977. Paper (SPE 6257, OTC 2644) was first presented at the Eighth Annual
tions," Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe U., Kobe, Offshore Technology Conference, held in Houston, May 3-6,1976. ©Copyright 1977
Japan (1966) 14, No. 12. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
23. Noel, J. S., Beale, L. A., and Toprac, A. A.: "An Investigation of This paperwll be included inthe 1977 Transactions volume.


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